FR Book Data
Local Government Units Number of Number of Number of Number of Office Code registers used pages families citizens QARKU BERAT Lumas 007 33 2,403 1,842 6,714 Poshnje 009 39 2,797 2,226 9,678 Roshnik 010 22 953 4,057 Sinje 011 24 2,116 1,326 5,488 Terpan 012 26 2,241 750 3,201 Vertop 014 30 2,587 1,929 7,621 Cukalat 015 20 1,040 1,028 4,218 Kozare 018 31 2,667 1,779 7,723 Perondi 019 49 3,933 2,661 9,849 Corovode 021 54 7,680 2,111 7,305 Polican 022 48 4,531 2,639 8,663 Bogove 023 19 1,464 631 2,124 Cepan 024 17 1,970 393 1,734 Gjerbes 025 23 3,672 460 1,742 Leshnje 026 14 1,343 181 768 Potom 027 20 1,189 1,189 1,323 Qender 028 37 2,932 1,306 5,496 Vendreshe 029 24 1,315 486 1,707 Zhepe 030 21 3,232 388 1,503 QARKU DIBER Arras 033 13 1,277 1,384 5,102 Fushe Cidhen 034 16 1,200 1,018 4,029 Fushe Muhur 035 14 1,281 981 3,488 Kala e Dodes 036 760 3,340 Kastriot 037 29 2,390 1,784 7,852 Lure 038 10 630 630 2,453 Luzni 039 17 1,389 843 3,705 Melan 041 24 1,268 1,156 4,553 Qender Tomin 042 37 3,459 2,176 9,240 Selishte 043 13 1,104 592 2,450 Sllove 044 824 3,435 Zall Dardhe 045 19 1,260 392 1,561 Zall Rec 046 13 1,201 346 1,449 Klos 049 760 3,340 Derjan 050 14 1,401 467 1,791 Gurre 051 1,029 4,448 Baz 052 17 1,354 751 3,273 Komsi 053 27 5,521 Lis 054 24 2,119 1,231 5,045 Macukull 055 14 1,373 678 2,495 Rukaj 056 23 1,633 1,014 4,418 Suc 057 18 1,382 819 3,461 Ulez 058 15 1,116 582 2,294 Xiber 059 19 921 923 4,169 Bulqize 061 28 2,622 1,832 7,154 Gjorice 062 12 1,123 1,188 5,616 Klenje (trebisht) 063 22 1,024 1,248 7,158 Martanesh 064 32 3,070 748 3,477 Ostren 065 23 1,985 1,153 4,390 Shupenze 066 12 1,852 1,910 7,413 Zerqan 067 13 1,119 1,442 5,202 Fushe Bulqize 068 19 1,452 1,063 3,842 QARKU DURRES Gjepalaj 078 20 1,337 1,382 5,818 Ishem 079 37 2,421 1,790 7,938 Maminas 081 18 1,464 1,491 6,719 F.
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