The implementation of services’ local experiences partnAberuzr zo

ABRUZZO REGION: Mountain The “Sangritana” railway line runs parallel to the Fondovalle Sangro and connects the line with that going to Community of “Medio Sangro” Castel di Sangro, Naples, Carpinone, Sulmona, and Rome.

The towns included in the Mountain Community are the follow - The main public transport between the various communes in ing: Borrello, Civitaluparella, Fallo, Gamberale, Montenerodomo, the area and important destinations is provided by the Pizzoferrato, Quadri, Roio del Sangro, Rosello. Sangritana railway line and other rail and road transport by the following local companies which guarantee public transport The total surface area of the Mountain Community is 157.73 exclusively on the main routes going towards the Adriatic and km 2, equal to 6.10% of the territory of Chieti province, with a towards Molise. population density of 36.38 people per km 2, which is signifi - Individual communes and the Mountain Community are cantly lower than the provincial average of 148 inhabitants per equipped with their own means and integrate these services km 2. with school transport. For about five years, the Mountain Community has managed the transport of students attending Most of the 5,738 population in the Community, 70.08%, is res - schools in Quadri and Borrello and contributes towards the cost ident in the section at an altitude of between 500 and 1,000 of season tickets for students attending schools in Casoli, metres above sea-level, and the remaining 29.92% in the area and Castel di Sangro. between 1,000 and 1,500 metres altitude, and is located not only in urban centres but also in small nuclei and individual homes throughout the area.

The orography of the Mountain Community area is affected by aspects connected to the presence of precipitous torrents and the part of the Sangro river with the greatest difference in level, which characterises the territory in question.

Tourism offers the possibility to develop the local economy. We have identified two fields of interest: the first is undoubtedly archaeological tourism, and the second environmental tourism. As regards the economic aspect of the Community, trade, cook - ing and catering registered the highest number of people involved.

Industrialisation is very low in the area and confirm the low level of industrialisation among the residents in the Mountain Community.

Even primary activities (agriculture and zootechnics) have become less significant in the economy of the towns in the Medio Sangro area since the 1950s, a profound transformation coinciding with the phenomenon of emigration. One important aspect of agriculture is the production of truffle products, which the Medio Sangro area is very rich in and sup - plies the domestic market with fresh products and processed and preserved products.

From an infrastructures viewpoint, lthe main road route is the Fondo Valle Sangro, which connects the A14 Pescara-- Bologna motorway to the East and the A1 Rome-Naples motor - Community Mountain of “Medio Sangro – Zone R” way to the West.

The main connection between the nine urban centres in the nine Communes and the F.V. Sangro is the SP100, which can be subdi - vided into two sections: on the right-hand side of the Sangro river, it connects Quadri, Borrello, Rosello and Roio del Sangro; on the left-hand side of the river Sangro, it connects Quadri, Pizzoferrato, Gamberale, Montenerodomo, Civitaluperella and Fallo. On completion of the network described, there qill also be con - nections to the small centres and nuclei in the area.

90 ) Twist / Report partnAberuzrzo

MS 2.4 e MS 2.5 - Analytical representation of the area Territory and road network under testing

Socio demographic characterization Survey of the ordinary TPL services currently offered

Twist / Report 91 ) partnAberuzrzo

Local Diagram: AREAS SERVED





1. Development of the distance covered 2. Development of demand

1. distances in kilometres by fixed timetable services, from 1/07/2006 to 30/04/2007= 57,584 Km; Type of demand 3. distances in kilometres by on-call services, from 1/07/2006 to 30/04/2007 = 17.257 Km.

2. passengers transported by fixed timetable services, from 1/07/2006 to 30/04/2007= 15.521; passengers transported by on-call services, from 1/07/2006 to 30/04/2007 = 3.194.

3. number of requests received for on-call services from 1/08/2006 to 28/02/2007= 807; number of requests satisfied for on-call services from 1/08/2006 to 28/02/2007 = 3.194.

92 ) Twist / Report partnMearcrhe

The Region ates upstream to the traditional resources due to their role in the operational cycle of the system management. experience The dispatch center can be away from the main office of the trans - portation company that manages the service, has specific personnel to cover the reservation (a toll free number is available to the cus - tomers) and booking of the requests, uses specialized software to manage the full operating cycle. The collected data are processed by the dispatch center and are made available via internet to the drivers directly on board of the buses and to the main company office. The connection via internet allows to send these data to the server and the software will take care of publishing them . The on board hardware (MDT) is, in effect, a computer that can access these available data related the service and visualize them in a clear and useful way for the driver. This demand responsive transportation system can satisfy the needs of the users proving a service that is closer to its requests, covering areas that the traditional service do not and cannot cover. The demand responsive transportation system realizes the sustain - able mobility that in this context is fully achieved.

The area

The area of the Comunità Montane Alte Valli del Potenza e dell’Esino, Camerino and Monti Azzurri has been selected as exper - imentation area for the implementation for the TWIST (Transport With a Social Target) project. This area is well representative of the road system and conditions of the mountain part of the Marche Region. The project started with an analysis of the mobility demand and existing offer in the area of interest in order to define a demand responsive transportation system can be transferred to all areas with similar internal characteristics and low level of demand, in confirmation of the strong social aspect of the local public trans - portation system. On the basis of the information gathered, an evaluation of the actual level of service has been performed with the objective of widening the offer and increase efficiency and efficacy. It is evident that the morphology of the region does not allow the definition of a good level of public transportation system, making the use of private cars the preferred way of travelling. From an eco - nomical point of view, this project has the role of resource opti - mizer. The level of service is unchanged and no lines have been eliminated but they have been integrated. This integration required to analyze the various alternatives to the existing service. In addition to the introduction of a flexible service for the final users and the companies, the TWIST project represented an oppor - tunity of escaping from traditional way of providing service and thinking in an innovative way. This innovation is the synthesis of various activities already carried out in previous original projects. In planning and providing a demand responsive service a new actor plays a role of coordination of the resources already present in the local transportation companies (buses, drivers, depots, offices) : the technology. Various technological resources are nec - essary for a correct functioning of the system. These resource oper - The dispatch center

Twist / Report 93 ) partnMearcrhe

MS 2.4 e MS 2.5 – Analytical representation of the area

Socio demographic characterization

1. 3.

1. Index of aging

2. Index of male precentage

3. Index of inhabitant density


94 ) Twist / Report partnMearcrhe

DRT graph network

Results of the implementation

1. Development of the distance covered 2. Development of demand

1. distances in kilometres by fixed timetable services, from 3. Type of demand 1/07/2006 to 30/04/2007= 57,584 Km; distances in kilometres by on-call services, from 1/07/2006 to 30/04/2007 = 17.257 Km.

2. passengers transported by fixed timetable services, from 1/07/2006 to 30/04/2007= 15.521; passengers transported by on-call services, from 1/07/2006 to 30/04/2007 = 3.194.

3. number of requests received for on-call services from 1/08/2006 to 28/02/2007= 807; number of requests satisfied for on-call services from 1/08/2006 to 28/02/2007 = 3.194.

Twist / Report 95 ) partnMeolir se

TWIST PROJECT in Molise Another peculiar aspect is the communication strategy that was used to accomplish the target: next to a very simple and direct The local implementation of the experimental on-call transport communication system made available for all the users (through system in Molise started off on September 18th 2006 and con - leaflets and headline boards), a communication was made cluded positively this past February 28th on the regions made up ready, as to a way to say “trustworthy”, dedicated specifically to of ten Towns within the “Crater” area. elderly people, represented by people wherein they usually had The involved Towns from the project were Bonefro, relationships with and wherein doctors, pharmacists and parish Casacalenda, Colletorto, Larino, Montelongo, Montorio dei priests certainly trusted in it. Frentani, Provvidenti, Rotello, San Giuliano di Puglia, Santa It shall also be pointed out that the on-call experimental service Croce di Magliano, therein with a total area of 568 square kilo - was mainly used by women and elderly people with a weekly metres and a total number of residents equal to 27,663 units. average of 22 users for a total of 521 users and a total of 20,783 The area wherein the experimentation was carried out complied kilometres covered by the minibuses. perfectly with the type of region that was interested by the As a conclusion, the TWIST Project on the Molise Region has pro - project, as it is a low mobility level mountain area and was vided the basis for the creation of a new type of transport road affected by the seismic activity of October 31st and November service with respect to the traditional regular bus service. 1st 2002 that further weaken the socio-economical condition of The integration of the "on-call” service with the traditional the region. service can bring forward good results, not only in suburban The service provided during the experimentation phase was as fol - areas that have a type of region similar to those stated above, low: From Monday to Saturday some convenient and comfortable but also in urban areas that are not serviced by traditional minibuses put into service by two local transport Companies accom - means of transportation. panied the elderly people of the "Seismic Crater” area at the hospi - tal complex of Larino during relatives visit hours (12:30) looking after them at the exit for the return way. During the first phase of the experimentation the project focused specially on elderly people as they were the ones that for the most part lived in a difficult possibility of using a means of transportation and that due to a great deal of free-time avail - able in addition to a great sense of obligation, needed it to visit their own love ones. During the recovery phase of the experimentation, after the break in January due to technical reasons and given the grow - ing number of requests registered by the Call Centre operators, it was decided to extend the service, convenient and compatible with visit hours and to people of all ages. A distinguishing aspect of the service offered was the chance to book up to approximately 10 minutes before the departure, this thanks to an efficient software that made it possible to bring into contact the personnel in charge of the answering the phones with the minibus drivers, who then arranged the routes to meet the requests that were sent each time.

96 ) Twist / Report partnMeolir se

MS 2.4 e MS 2.5 – Analytical representation of the area

Bonefro, Casacalenda, Colletorto, Larino (centro principale), Montelongo, Montorio dei Frentani, Provvidenti, Rotello, S. Giuliano di Puglia, S. Croce di Magliano, Ururi.

1. 3.

1. Index of aging 17,90%

2. Index of male precentage 34%

3. Index of inhabitant density 8,90%


Twist / Report 97 ) partnMeolir se

Results of the implementation

Route 1: S.Croce di Magliano, Montelongo, Montorio dei Frentani, Larino ON-CALL TRANSPORT SERVICE: Bonefro, Provvidenti, Casacalenda, Ururi, Larino

Route 2: Colletorto, San Giuliano di Puglia, Larino ON-CALL TRANSPORT SERVICE: S.Croce di Magliano, Rotello, Montorio dei Frentani, Ururi.

1. Development of the distance covered 3. Type of demand

1. distances in kilometres by fixed timetable services 2. Development of demand distances in kilometres by on-call services,

2. passengers transported by fixed timetable services passengers transported by on-call services,

3. number of requests received for on-call services number of requests satisfied for on-call services

98 ) Twist / Report partnePugrlia

Puglia Region: The Northern The pilot phase ended with good results, confirming the zone back warding, the limited of internal mobility demand and Dauno Apennine highlighting the deficit of ordinary local public transport network and the service ineffective received by the final users. As such, could be interesting take into consideration the possi - According to the aims that lead to draft and develop the TWIST bility to replace some ordinary lines, not interested by the project in different areas, the Puglia Region identified the outliers, with an integrated system of transport on demand. Dauno Sub-Apennine Mountain Community, as the appropriate In this way, the public transport efficiency and effective level area where monitor the effects of the local public transport on could rise, reducing the costs to sustain the ordinary lines with demand. no users. According the altimetry classification, the regional territory is 20% mountain and 80% hill. The analysis of the collected data highlighted the high economical complexity of it territory, the lack of local services and the bad infrastructural situation. Depending on this situation, the TWIST project testing was aimed to improve the public services reachability for residents and family, with a special attention to the elderly persons, anyway socially underprivileged. The vastness territory and the low run duration time, call for the organization of the transport on demand in “off-line” modality, with the option to book the stop within the evening before. In these circumstances it was unnecessary the exchange of infor - mation between the bus driver and the call-center operator. The user contact on the phone the call-center operative station, specifying his request. The call-centre operator verify if the user’s request is available, arranging an appointment to answer his request. The testing phase starting on 11 of September 2006 in Puglia Region, and ended on 6 April 2007, for a total of 144 working days. The testing phase was characterized by a good level of transport demand, that during the month of October come to an average of 16 passengers for day. During the month of October, the number of passengers for each request raised. These kind of requests were linked to reach the Castelnuovo watering place, where different groups of peo - ple go for thermal treatments. In the other months, the main destination was the Lucera hospital. Moreover, more than the 65% were male persons.

Twist / Report 99 ) partnePugrlia

MS 2.4 and MS 2.5 – analytical reconnaissance Area of Implementation

SITA LINES: 1 annual + 1 seasonal

F.d.G LINES: annual + 3 seasonal

Linee di trasporto pubblico esistenti

Socio-demographic characterization

Population Northern Sub Appennino Territory Northern Sub Appennino Dauno Mountains Dauno Mountains

Residenti 22.713 Superficie territoriale 675,95 Km 2 Variazione Popolazione Altitudine Media della 1991 - 2001 -11,95% Popolazione 544,47 m Indice di Invecchiamento 205,4% Dispersione Insediativa 4,8% Densità Abitativa 33,6% Altitudine Media del Tasso di Disoccupazione 18,1% Territorio 549,74 m Indice di Florence 0,06 Indice di terziarizzazione Economica 0,86 Transports Northern Sub Appennino Dauno Mountains

Mobilità Sistematica Giornaliera 7.256 Indice di Mobilità Sistematica Giornaliera 31,9% Passeggeri del TPL 1.023 Indice di Utilizzazione del TPL 0,6 Indice di Gradimento del TPL 4,5 Percorrenza Autolinee per Abitante 22,98

100 ) Twist / Report partnePugrlia

Results of the implementation

Transport on demand service area of implementation the with both flexible schedules and routes

1. Development of the distance covered 2. Development of demand

1. Mean or daily distances covered by RTD service (from 11/09/2006 Type of demand 3. to 06/04/2007). Global distance covered in the period of experi - mentation = 13.612 Km.

2. Numero di utenti serviti in una settimana. Numero totale di passeggeri trasportati dal 11/09/2006 al 06/04/2007 = 1.131.

3. Andamento del numero di utenti trasportati per ciascuna richiesta pervenuta al call-center. Numero totale delle richieste pervenute nel periodo di sperimentazione = 625.

Twist / Report 101 ) partnObeerhavr el

TWIST Pilot Project Oberhavel, Germany

The district of Oberhavel is located north of Berlin and covers an area of 1,796.75 kmÇ. About 50% of the area can be classi - fied as a nature reserve and protected landscape heritage. The total population is about 200,000 inhabitants with an average population density of 111 inhabitants per kmÇ. Industry in the Oberhavel district is of little relevance, with the highest con - cetration of industrial buildings found in an outlying area. In the Region of Oberhavel 40% of the workers are employed in the industrial sector, 24% in the services sector and 12% in public administration. Only 4% still work in agriculture. Given the concentration of economic activities in the southern out - skirts and the primarily rural nature of the north of Oberhavel, there is a noteworthy difference between the unemployment rates in the north and the south. Tourism is increasing, mainly DRT Vehicle in Oberhavel Area in the rural zone of the region, a recreational area near Berlin. Like many other European and German regions, the Oberhavel Implementation area has to solve serious problems involving the financing of public transport services. This requires more flexible and cost efficient operating solutions designed to maintain and expand the current level of service with an explicit social target. TWIST prevents a shortening of the routes and a reduction of rides. TWIST activities in the Oberhavel Area are meant to provide access to mobility to people without private cars, as well as older people, com - muters and minors, during periods and in regions charac - terised by low demand. A passenger census taken in three dif - ferent periods made possible an analysis of transport demands and the identification of low demand areas. Only trips which were identified as economically critical in a prior evaluation process were analysed. The demand structure analysis shows the traffic on each route within the existing public transport system. This makes it pos - sible to distinguish different implementation areas within the Oberhavel area and to find adequate alternatives to the cur - rent operating models. Of note was the finding that the intro - duction of more flexible, cost-efficient forms of operation is necessary in the early morning, late afternoon and evening operating hours for all periods such as school vacations and holiday times, weekends and public holidays.

DRT Booking, Controlling and Evaluation

102 ) Twist / Report partnObeerhavr el

MS 2.4 and MS 2.5 – Socio Demographic Data Analysis

TWIST Implementation Area – Infrastructure. Oberhavel is equipped with a 47 km motorway network, 316 km of federal road and 174 km of local and state roads. The transport company Oberhavel Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH (OVG) serves all the bus lines within the district. The passenger train system consists of peripheral trains in the suburban areas (every twenty minutes) and two express trains on the commuter line (RE-Regional Express), which cross the Oberhavel district from North to South. In addition five commuter train lines (RB – RegionalBahn) serve the area. Only the principal line offers a constant service between 6.00 in the morning and 8.00 at night. Reduced solutions are used to guarantee school transport. At the weekend, during the holidays and during the night, the bus service is heavily reduced to the principal routes.

Population Density. Source: General Census of Population Development State of Brandenburg, 2003. The district of Oberhavel shows clear differences in the field of the popula - tion and settlement structure. The northern part of the district is characteri - zed by an economical and demographical decrease but also with a high attractiveness especially for tourism. In the southern part of the Oberhavel suburbanization processes from the metropolitan region of Berlin lead to a dense population and a high demand of commuter connections to and from Berlin.

Aging of Population. Number of people over 61 in relation to the total population. Source: General Census of Population Development State of Brandenburg, 2003. The number of elderly people shows a very high share especially in the weak structured northern part of the district of Oberhavel. The movements in the suburbanization belt around Berlin effect a population growth as well as a younger population than in the northern Oberhavel. The Oberhavel can be described as fully motorized. The average motoriza - tion is higher that in Berlin with only around 330 private cars per 1000 inha - bitants. Most parts of the Oberhavel have a private car index of more than 460 cars per 1000 inhabitants. Result of this state of the art is a high competition between the different transport modes but especially between individual car transport and public transport.

Twist / Report 103 ) partnObeerhavr el

Results of the Experimentation

104 ) Twist / Report partnIoaennirna

KTEL of Ioannina – ght modifications and/or further work during the summer of 2007. Most citizens using the DRT service in mountainous villa - Implementation Area and Rational ges are elderly .Transportation needs regard mainly healthcare and school. If the schedule is convenient, passengers prefer to use the DRT service rather than drive their cars. Routes inside the Prefecture are not cost-effective, with an ave - rage of 5 passengers per route, KTEL coverage is based on social needs. The service shows a certain growth trend, especially for covering the demand for transport of unsupervised packages/parcels.

By adopting TWIST model, KTEL managed to maintain its social role by offering service of reasonable quality, at the same time minimizing costs for inefficient lines.

The area selected for the implementation of the TWIST project is the Prefecture of Ioannina, which covers over 50% of Epirus Region and is the third largest prefecture in Greece. This territory, among the most disadvantaged in Europe, fully meets the principal objectives of the project in which KTEL is participating, with the aim of promoting public transport and increasing social assistance in the entire area.

KTEL initiated implementation by adjusting its transport system to the area of the user pool. In September 2006 new pick-up points were introduced and presented to the public, in order to satisfy the need for access to other means of long-distance tran - sport. New routes have been established and, although only available during certain hours, they cover an area that, until now, was rarely served.

The stops covered by the DRT service include the villages of Konitsa and Metsovo, as well as small villages within the prefec - ture. Konitsa and Metsovo are two of the most important villa - ges in the mountainous area of the Ioannina Prefecture. Each one plays a significant economic and social role for dozens of surrounding villages. KTEL has carried out local transportation studies showing increased demand for local lines from isolated villages in the greater municipal territory of the town of Ioannina. The experimentation period started on September 2007 and ended on February 2007, as far as the TWIST project is concerned. The lines continue operations and there may be sli -

Twist / Report 105 ) partnIoaennirna

MS 2.4 e MS 2.5 – Detailed analysis Area of Implementation

Socio-demographic characterization and transport offering and demand

Territorial Indicators Population Indicators

Surface Area ~ 5.000 m 2 Residents 170.239 Average Altitude 520 m Population Variation 6,57% Average Altitude of Inhabited areas 510 m Rate of Ageing ~ 20% Unemployment 14,4 %

Transportation Indicators Technical and Service Network

Road Infrastructures /100.000 res. 1.300 km No. of LPT Passengers 12.000 Territory Infrastructure 0,24 LPT Utilisation n 0/km 1,84 Av. Cost of LPT Service 1,38 Use of LPT 6,47% Bus lines operations per inh. (km/n 0) 13,74

106 ) Twist / Report partnIoaennirna

Implementation results

Sep 2006 Oct 2006 Nov 2006 Dec 2006 Jan 2007 Feb 2007 FIXED TIMETABLE SERVICES Operational Days fixed service Mon-Fri (school) 10 22 21 16 17 20 Mon-Fri (vacation) 11 15 6 Saturday 54 4544 Sunday 45 4544

Passengers fixed service total per month 97 129 124 96 107 132 Mon-Fri (school) 40 102 108 84 87 118 Mon-Fri (vacation) 35 29 Saturday 15 11 94 76 Sunday 7 16 76 48 Ø per day 3,23 4,16 4,13 3,10 3,45 4,71

Offered killometers fixed service total per month 59,5 65,5 69 53 59 73 Mon-Fri (school) 21 49 52,5 35,5 35,5 56,5 Mon-Fri (vacation) 28 3,5 7 Saturday 77 7777 Sunday 3,5 9,5 9,5 7 9,5 9,5 Ø per day 1,98 2,11 2,30 1,71 1,90 2,61

DRT SERVICES Passengers DRT 97 129 124 96 107 132 DRT Requests 21 27 26 20 23 28 Satisfied 21 27 26 20 23 28 Performed KM DRT 84 115 110 85 95 117

Offered KM Passengers DRT Offered KM fixed service Performed KM DTR

DTR Requests

Twist / Report 107 ) associated parAtsconli Peicenr o

The TWIST experience in the took place; this campaign gave information about the new serv - ice and provided information on how to use it. Province of Specifically, the following publications were put into effect: 1) an informative letter was sent to all the residents of the involved Towns; 2) billposting and notices and headline boards that pro - vided information about the service; 3) informative pages on the Towns’ and Province’s websites; 4) article publications on the local newspapers; 5) inserts in the TPL timetable booklet 2007 that was issued by the Provincial Administration. The results of the six-month service experimentation, neverthe - less with a great number of calls made to the toll-free number of the operative centre, requesting information on the new trans - portation service; the actual bookings were quite poor. The fig - ures show only 22 service requests and only 188.8 km covered; these are numbers that should consider the TWIST experience as an unsuccessful project. Nevertheless, the results of the experi - mentation from Ascoli don’t seem to harm the goodness of this initiative, which had good results in other regions. Thus, early remarks, without any exhaustive pretensions can actually impli - cate errors in an evaluation made earlier in the process of the above mentioned experience. For example, the poor considera - tion of the distinctiveness of the selected region with some Towns that do not belong to the involved medical health-care area, the total number of residents which is rather small and the choice made to offer the service only during the time slot in the Already in 2003, the Provincial Administration of Ascoli Piceno off-peak morning hours. was thinking about setting up an on-call transportation system as an experiment. In fact with the approval of the Basin Plan there were areas with a weak demand that were identified and wherein there was a need to adjust the transportation services offered with reference to the minimum services required and based on the demand analysis, the mobility service offered and the infrastructure. Comuni POP 2005 Thus the Provincial Administration joined the TWIST Project as a “Watcher", thus experimenting a real on-call transportation service and sharing the trends, instruments and results. Comunanza 3.176 The experimentation service area was selected under the regions Force 1.565 of the surrounding towns, Località di Ponte Maglio di Santa Vittoria in Matenano and Comunanza wherein health centres Montalto delle Marche 2.326 are located and assist the involved towns. Montedinove 266 The service, which concerns the border region between the two areas AP1 and AP2 and between the Province of Ascoli Piceno 525 and the Province of , were assigned to the two transport companies, START s.p.a and STEAT s.p.a., each one to service the 449 respective areas. 929 During the experimentation phase, the service was implemented to the morning time slot between 8:00 – 12:30 on the week days Rotella 994 and without providing any type of service in the afternoon time Santa Vittoria in Matenano 1.496 slot between 14:30 – 18:00. The service was based on a central operating system assigned to 414 receive bookings up to a day before the request of the route, therefore made to efficiently dispense the connections and to Total 12.440 make arrangements for small schedule changes whenever neces - sary. The above stated companies provided an autobus with 19 seats each to service the booking made. There was also a suitable information campaign made to the people of the involved regions wherein the experimentation

108 ) Twist / Report associated parAtscnoli Peicenr o

MS 2.4 e MS 2.5 – Data Analysis

settlement system


1. administrative boundaries

2. road network

3. Anthropical asset. Population density

2. 3.

Twist / Report 109 ) partAscnoli Peicerno associato Implementation Results

On-call service results up to 31.03.2007:

a. Number of requests made by users: 22

b. Number of requests fulfilled: 22

c. Kilometers covered: 188,8 km


110 ) Twist / Report FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THE NEWSLETTER: Regione Marche - P. F. Trasporto Pubblico Locale Dott.ssa Simona Rampioni via Tiziano, 44 - 60100 Tel.: +39.071.8063226 - Fax: +39.071.8063013 [email protected] -

FOR INFORMATION ON THE PROJECT: Technical secretariat: Metron srl Dott.ssa Maria Grazia Di Ascenzo Via Italia - Ermes Center - 64023 - Mosciano S.A. (TE) Tel.: +39 085 8089025 - Fax: +39 085 8072643 [email protected] -

Technical assistance: Proger/Eurofocus spa Via Po, 99 - 66020 San Giovanni Teatino (CH) Tel.: +39.085.44411 - Fax: +39.085.4441230 [email protected] -