150+ Methods Listed -- US Gov Surveillance / Big Brother

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150+ Methods Listed -- US Gov Surveillance / Big Brother 150+ methods listed -- US Gov Surveillance / Big Brother NewsFollowUp.com search Obama pictorial index sitemap home Privacy, Domestic Surveillance UPDATED News for the 99% ...................................Refresh F5...archive home 50th Anniversary of JFK assassination "Event of a Lifetime" at the Fess Parker Double Tree Inn. JFKSantaBarbara. NFU MOST ACTIVE PA Warrantless Surveillance of American Journalists, Go to Alphabetic list authorized by Bush ... FIRSTFRUITS Academic Freedom "As part of its case, the EFF said Conference Electronic Frontier Foundation Trapwire it obtained documents from a former AT&T technician showing that the Obama Death List NSA is capable of monitoring all communications on AT&T's network FBI Facial Recognition and Identification Rothschild Timeline ..." more Initiative Bush / Clinton Body Count What is Amdocs / Narus connection to Hayden / Bush / NSA phone records database? = go to NFU page py Types of Surveillance Advanced Research and Development Activity Facial Recognition Facebook, Israel, Jewish co. Operations Security (AR 580-1) Office TIA replacement. FDIC Bank Transaction Surveillance Police Departments tracking protesters, NSA Administrative subpoena p.2 Federal ID Patriot Act, database compilation on 'terrorists' and Amdocs, Israel Telecom Immunity FEMA secret databases, Main Core civilians Apple, Iphone, Android Google and Anti-Big Firstfruits media wiretap surveillance Perfect Citizen domestic surveillance, NSA Brother Surveillance Patent FISC Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court wmr Pinwale wiretap American citizens appliance surveillance remotely turn on cameras FISA Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act PreCrime surveillance, body language Army, spying on blogs Five Eyes NSA, GCHQ, CSE, GCSB, and DSD Printer Tracking dots and below Automobile, Black Boxes, NTSB Fusion Centers, Entersect PROMIS, Inslaw, FEMA, Main Core Automatic License Plate Recognition, Garden plot antiwar group surveillance Q-Group NSA, harassing informers Avatar Identity Program, DHS Geographic Information Systems GIS Real ID Federal ID Behavior Recognition, DARPA GPS, Location Technology Red Light Cameras Blog Tracking FBI GROUNDBREAKER Eagle Alliance, outsourcing, Restroom taping Biosurveillance, Biowatch, Biometrics NSA RFID Tech product tags, wireless transmissions Biometric cataloging Google Road Sensors CALEA Communications Assistance for Law HART / HURT aerial surveillance Satellites, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency. Enforcement Act Highlander , Operation Highlander NSA wiretaps on Search engines CAPPS, CAPPS II, Secure Flight, color coding airline Americans abroad. Speed Traps passengers Infragard Infrastructure security Squad car scanners to database Carnivore, DCS 1000, EtherPeek Information Processing Techniques Office DARPA Sneak and Peak search warrant Cell Phone, wiretapping, mic remote activation Insurance Inspection, satellite Stoplight Cameras Cell-Site Tracking Warantless Israel, Amdocs Stellar Wind illegal NSA surveillance program Census bureau more Israel , ... Amdocs US Telephone Billing Systems Streetlight cameras Clipper Chip NSA Israel Art Students, 9/11 and more SWIFT, Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial CODIS, collect DNA every federal arrest Israel, Mossad Telecommunication Covert U.S. intelligence operation to steal personal ISP surveillance, profit Telecommunications Co's data, TIA wmr wmr Garden Plot Liberty Alliance Project Televison sets, cable tv COFEE Computer Online Forensic Evidence Main Core database of American Citizens TIA Total Information and Awareness Office Extractor MATRIX Multistate Anti-Terrorism Information Synchronization, Knowledge Management and Controlled Drug Users, DEA Exchange Intelligence Fusion Schwarzenegger Credit Card / Personal Information Databases Microsoft, IE Explorer, cookies, surf tracking, SSL Talon Cubic Corporation Bots, Spies Television, HDTV DARPA Defense Advanced Research Project Agency, Mobile Backscatter Vans Terahertz Spectroscopy IPTO, BICA, LifeLog, Forester, Virat, RSTA Multiprogram Research Facility TIDE, Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment" or Data mining for profit, Acxiom and Epsilon Murdoch, Rupert phone hacking, Israel, Rebecca "TIDE" and "Railhead." Deep Packet Inspection Brooks Trailblazer / NSA DHS DHS monitoring keywords NAIS National Animal Identification System TRAPWIRE suspicious pattern, face recognition http://www.newsfollowup.com/dom_spy_agncy2.htm[5/28/2014 5:47:55 PM] 150+ methods listed -- US Gov Surveillance / Big Brother Digital TV, Interactive Narus / Amdocs / Boeing links, ISP, Semantic Traffic more DNA Databases, insurance cherry picking Analysis Universities selling student personal data to credit card Drones, Balloons National Applications Organization co's. Drug Testing National Cyber Security Division, HSARPA wmr USDA Satellite farm surveillance DSL Service USSID 18 NSA William Binney, FISA 2012 Echelon NSA National Security Agency US-VISIT fingerprinting foreign visitors Einstein cyber-security intrusion detection system National Security letter Utah, Camp Williams data mining Electronic Passports NCTC National Counter Terrorism Center Utilities monitoring, Appliance surveillance Email Surveillance, Google NGI Next Generation Identification, facial recognition Video Analysis and Content Extraction Email Blocking, DHS, FBI NSA Administrative subpoena NSA Voice Grid Nation, VoiceGrid speech recognition Entersect, Certifion, LocatePlus, Multilateration NIST and NSA integration White House Executive Order 12333 internal surveillance Northcom, Northern Command Wifi see through walls capabilities of the NSA, CIA, and FBI wmr National ID Card, drivers license X-ray, airports EZPass, toll road systems tracking, surveillance, yes Open BSD FBI backdoor, operating system FBI tracking devices Related topics: Internet 'War on Terrorism' Communications Fear Boycotts page 1 2 3 PROGRESSIVE REFERENCE CONSERVATIVE 1%* ACLU safe and free 3-eye imagery consultants, info Senator Daniel Akaka (D-Hawaii). Choicepoint and BBC George W Bush personally stopped an inquiry Acxiom companies are data aggregators. Nuala into a controversial programme to monitor the phone O'Connor Kelly is head of privacy for Dept of calls and e-mails of Americans, a top official has said. Homeland Security. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said internal Alternet, Patriot II, details, search, government investigators wanted to look at the role justice surveillance, spying department lawyers had played in drafting the video programme ArsTechnica Big Brother on a budget: How Internet Ron Paul names neocons video surveillance got so cheap ... Many governments have ---------------------- invested heavily in packet inspection and related Thought Crime legislation: hr1955.info Albright College, Patriot Act technologies, which allow them to build a picture of what passes through their networks and what comes CERT Coordination Center net security, info, response Arlington Institute, John Peterson, Dave Snowden, in from beyond their borders. Cnet Tech News First, search Carnivore ASP Solutions, internet monitoring and surveillance, Center for Democracy and Technology, domestic CICenter Counterintelligence, NGO, UK Basis Technology, Asian, Middle East, EU intelligence gathering from unstructured text, spying watch CNN, Technology Booz Allen Hamilton, major intelligence contractor, Center for a Legitimate Government Earthdata sea first fruit, monitor journalists, Commercial Alert, protecting children from corporate Earthdata International satellite images company BrightPlanet, search Sioux Falls, data mining, works predation FAS Project on Government Security with Lockheed Martin, Factiva, Cryptorights.org human rights for security workers. Freedom of Information Act SF Carnivore, Cato also known as DCS1000, Etherpeek Global Security Foundation Intelligence Resource Disinfo New Surveillance Camera Can Search 36 Chartered Institute of Marketing, UK, info resource History of the Internet Million Faces For Matches Per Second for marketing / sales. Service, News. Jurist University of Pittsburg, School of Law, Primary Dissenter / FireDogLake Federal Judge’s Injunction sources. Global perspective Finds NDAA Is Worse Than Material Support Law LawFare Echelon Watch discuss civil liberty threats Legal News Search search Electronic Privacy Information Center lawsuits, FBI, FOI LexisNexis online legal, news and business info services Electronic Frontier Foundation working to protect civil and free speech LexisOne The Resource for Small Law Firms. EndoftheAmericanDream 14 Incredibly Creepy Mountbatten Centre for International Studies Surveillance Technologies That Big Brother Will Be National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug FEMA Using To Spy On You Information NCADI, info on alcohol, tobacco, and Concentration Camp, Beech Grove, EFF Is Your Printer Spying on YOu illicit drugs Indiana YouTube EFF List of Printers Which Do or Do Not Display National Cyber Security Alliance se Tracking Dots, search terms: yellow tracking dots, National Security Archive George Washington U. govt printer models, output, Machine Identification Code security research, FOI Technology Project, forensic watermarking, dithering Newsbits technews http://www.newsfollowup.com/dom_spy_agncy2.htm[5/28/2014 5:47:55 PM] 150+ methods listed -- US Gov Surveillance / Big Brother technique, blue light, microscope, Brother, Canon, Open Society Institute Internet policy, independent Dell, Epson, Hewlett-Packard, Fuji, Xerox, IBM, media, human rights Konica / Minolta, Kyocera, Lanier,
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