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PEA ISLAND NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE Dare County, North Carolina COMPREHENSIVE CONSERVATION PLAN PEA ISLAND NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE Dare County, North Carolina U.S. Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service Southeast Region Atlanta, Georgia 30345 September 2006 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION A. COMPREHENSIVE CONSERVATION PLAN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................1 I. BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................................................1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................1 Purpose And Need For The Plan .................................................................................................2 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service ......................................................................................................3 National Wildlife Refuge System ..................................................................................................3 Legal Policy Context.....................................................................................................................4 National Conservation Plans and Initiatives .................................................................................5 Relationship To State Partners.....................................................................................................5 II. REFUGE OVERVIEW........................................................................................................................7 Introduction...................................................................................................................................7 Location...............................................................................................................................7 Establishment......................................................................................................................7 Importance ..........................................................................................................................7 Refuge History and Purposes.......................................................................................................7 History.................................................................................................................................7 Purpose...............................................................................................................................9 Special Designations ....................................................................................................................9 Ecosystem Context.....................................................................................................................10 Regional Conservation Plans and Initiatives ..............................................................................10 Ecological Threats and Problems...............................................................................................12 Habitat Loss and Fragmentation .......................................................................................12 Alterations To Hydrology...................................................................................................14 Siltation Of Aquatic Ecosystems .......................................................................................14 Proliferation Of Invasive Aquatic Plants ............................................................................15 Conservation Priorities ......................................................................................................15 Challenges ........................................................................................................................16 Physical Environment .................................................................................................................16 Climate ..............................................................................................................................16 Geology.............................................................................................................................17 Minerals.............................................................................................................................20 Soils ..................................................................................................................................20 Hydrology ..........................................................................................................................20 Water Quality ....................................................................................................................22 Air Quality..........................................................................................................................23 Visual Resources ..............................................................................................................23 Biological Environment ...............................................................................................................23 Habitats.............................................................................................................................23 Wildlife...............................................................................................................................29 Insects and Diseases........................................................................................................31 Exotic Organisms ..............................................................................................................31 Threatened and Endangered Species ..............................................................................31 Table of Contents i Cultural Resources.....................................................................................................................32 Socioeconomic Conditions and Land Use..................................................................................32 History Of Dare County.....................................................................................................33 Land Use in Dare County..................................................................................................34 Demographics in Dare County..........................................................................................35 Employment in Dare County.............................................................................................36 Outdoor Recreation ..........................................................................................................36 Outdoor Recreation Economics........................................................................................38 Tourism.............................................................................................................................39 Transportation...................................................................................................................39 Cultural Environment ........................................................................................................40 Refuge Administration and Management...................................................................................40 Land Protection and Conservation ...................................................................................40 Visitor Services .................................................................................................................40 Personnel, Operations, and Maintenance.........................................................................44 Refuge Infrastructure ........................................................................................................44 III. PLAN DEVELOPMENT ..................................................................................................................49 Public Involvement and The Planning Process..........................................................................49 Summary of Issues, Concerns, and Opportunities.....................................................................49 Hydrology..........................................................................................................................50 Fish and Wildlife Populations............................................................................................50 Habitat Management.........................................................................................................51 Visitor Services (Public Use).............................................................................................52 Resource Protection .........................................................................................................52 General Administration .....................................................................................................53 IV. MANAGEMENT DIRECTION.........................................................................................................55 Introduction ................................................................................................................................55 Vision .........................................................................................................................................55 Goals..........................................................................................................................................56
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