Curriculum Vitae

Dmitri A. Trifonow

Personal information

Born 7 August 1989 in Veliky Novgorod

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E-mail [email protected]


Since 2016 Higher School of Economics (), postgraduate student

Programme: Industrial economics Research subject: The impact of political affiliations on the outcomes and mechanisms of corporate governance

2007 – 2009 Petrovsky Collage (Saint Petersburg), the qualification of interpreter for professional communications

Major: English language Diploma work: “Cost accounting”

2006 – 2011 Yaroslav-The-Wise Novgorod State University (Veliky Novgorod), the degree of specialist

Programme: Economics and management at business enterprises Diploma work: “The financial performance of Gasenergoservice ltd.”


2011 Trifonow, Dmitri (2011). Korporativnoe upravlenie v Rossii: stanovlenie, sostoyanie, perspektivy [Corporate governance in : establishing, current state, prospects] (in Russian). Konkurentnye preimuschestva natsionalnoy ekonomiki v usloviyah modernizatsii: sbornik statei nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsiis mezhdunarodnym uchastiem:90 –94

2012 Trifonow, Dmitri (2012). Kachestvo korporativnogo upravleniya i ego otsenka [Quality of corporate governance and its evaluation] (in Russian). Ekonomicheskie kontepty 21 veka: ot teorii k praktike: sbornik statei nauchno prakticheskoy konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem: 13 – 19

Participation in academic conferences and workshops

2016 Hanken annual PhD workshop in corporate governance for PhD students

Venue: Helsinki, Finland Organizer: Hanken School of Economics Role: reporter

2015 GSOM Emerging markets conference - 2015 Venue: Saint Petersburg Organizer: Graduate School of Management, Saint Petersburg State University Role: participant

2014 Hanken annual PhD workshop in corporate governance for PhD students

Venue: Helsinki, Finland Organizer: Hanken School of Economics Role: reporter

2014 Moscow Economic Forum 2014 Venue: Moscow, Russia Organizers: Viktor Sadovnichy, the director of Moscow State University; Ruslan Greenberg, the director of Institute for Economics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Konstantin Babkin, the president of the industrial union “New Commonwealth” and others Role: reporter

2012 Economic concepts of the 21st century: from theory towards practice, the international workshop Venue: Veliky Novgorod, Russia Organizer: Novgorod State University Role: reporter 2011 Competitive advantages of the Russian economy in the conditions of globalization, the international workshop Venue: Veliky Novgorod, Russia 2 Organizer: Novgorod State University Role: reporter

2010 Strategic planning in the regions and cities of Russia, IX All-Russian Forum Venue: Saint Petersburg, Russia Organizers: of Russia, Ministry for Finance of Russia, Ministry for Regional Development of Russia, Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, Saint Petersburg City Administration, Centre for Strategic Research, ICSER Leontief Centre Role: participant

Practical experience

Since 2017 Senior consultant at Soft Portal Project ltd. (Moscow) Responsibilities: developing of operational strategies and tactics, counselling on diverse issues of budgeting, the Russian Accounting Standards (RAS), financial accounting, consolidated statements.

2016 - 2017 Business analyst at First BIT ltd. (Moscow - Saint Petersburg) Responsibilities: project management, counselling on the issues of financial accounting and tax accounting, programming, developing of accounting software.

2013 – 2014 Programmer-consultant at Infotex ltd. (Moscow) Responsibilities: counselling on the issues of financial accounting and tax accounting, programming, developing of accounting software.

2013 Junior Researcher at the Research Centre of Novgorod State University (Veliky Novgorod) Responsibilities: data gathering an systemizing, making reports.

2012 Programmer-consultant at Consulting Service ltd. (Veliky Novgorod) Responsibilities: a broad range of responsibilities in the field of implementation and maintaining of ERP software; counselling in the sphere of accounting.

2012 Junior Researcher at the Research Centre of Novgorod State University

3 (Veliky Novgorod) Responsibilities: data gathering, data systematization, building a report.

2011 – 2012 Programmer-consultant at Platan Consulting ltd. (Veliky Novgorod) Responsibilities: a broad range of responsibilities in the field of implementation and maintaining of ERP software; consulting in the sphere of accounting.

Language skills

Language Written Oral Russian Mother tongue Mother tongue English Fluent Fluent German Elementary Elementary

Research summary

K e y w o r d s : corporate governance, political economy, political connections, political affiliations, politicization

The problem of political affiliations in business environment looked like something surprising when it had been observed in the American economy by the first time by A.Krueger in 1976. However, multiple empirical evidences all over the world later showed that politicization is quite a common phenomenon, diffused worldwide. As M.Faccio showed in 2006 in her research embracing 42 countries, 3% of corporations whose share is 8% of stock market capitalization, have large shareholders, executives and board members who were ministers and parliament members in past, or were closely related to those. Simultaneously, the effects and roles of political affiliations differ substantially among economies, showing that political connections provide broader opportunities in economies with high role of governmental involvement, weak legal systems and underdeveloped price mechanisms, turning into means of economic rent extraction. In this sense, Russia and China represent natural experiments, providing perfect conditions for the problem to manifest. Having a substantial body of research devoted to the problem of politicization in China, we are almost deprived of any Russian evidences. Accounting for the fact that the leading Economic studies are now devoted to developing economies and emerging markets, I am intended to fill the revealed research gap, and to open new facets of the problem of politicization by the Russian example.