Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 10-3-1995 The BG News October 3, 1995 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News October 3, 1995" (1995). BG News (Student Newspaper). 5894. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. "Celebrating 75 years of Excellence // 1920 Inside the News Opinion otQtC • Voinovich honors nation's past time RoarkLittlefield looks at Nation • Detroit newspaper strike turns violent America's fascination with horror. SpOftS • Men's tennis tops Notre Dame NEWS Page 2 Tuesday, October 3,1995 Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 85, Issue 21 Ribeau visits Mine! White House ..■'■ ■ pleased that he has taken a posi- 1 Jay Young tion in support of student finan- *fe The BC News cial aid, which I feel is vital to the future of higher education." In a discussion of two presi- Following the ceremony, which *" " VI dents at the White House, Uni- included a performance by a &< 2 ■ 4f*& versity President Sidney Ribeau local quartet, Ribeau had a short was given an opportunity Friday discussion about the fine arts to support higher education and with the first lady. student aid. "We talked a little bit about the Ribeau signifigance of having the quar- ; .*-'"' 1 % E 1 visted the tet in residence in Bowling White House to Green, and she felt it was very : : w attend the pre- important to create every option sentation of the available to students," Ribeau W , ^1 KiflkllN "*' ^ buHlfr l^ ~ J Presidential said. "I assured her that was our Medal of Free- mission at Bowling Green State dom. Following University." r/:*'iB*L-2LWm.. tJol the ceremony Ribeau said the White House Ribeau spoke visit was a worthwhile experi- with the Presi- Rlbeau ence. dent and first lady Hillary Rod- "It was a very good experience ham Clinton. and I think it is encouraging to v ^M""'--,,- » £mr />»&n£kk9 "»J\ Mi HE "5a»_3 "It was my first opportunity to see the president and first lady meet him. The only issue I raised still take time to acknowledge Y , was about student financial aid citizens of the U.S. who have * * and the current Congressional made contributions to the United 1 TJWT\ ^^^EWWSt "'" - "^¥S ..• '...'-« y^V. •> !J.': ,->V- -Mr VI ■ * ?P l^P^^l P^Sfll BJK^-V ■ * "ifv4■ "''"r-"^t>'iMijni discussion of that," Ribeau said. States," Ribeau said. "He was very supportive of the The Presidential Medal of ■#»&*'' &■ *Vi ^^fel» '^JWffyTpUnJJi^L TfnrsntfiR^KLMfyjdttH idea of maintaining maximum Freedom is the highest honor - ^ >7 aid with the least penalty or add- given to civilians in the United ed cost to students." States. This year's recipients in- Clinton has opposed federal clude: Peggy Charren, Joan Ganz student aid cuts being proposed Cooney, William Coleman Jr., by the Republican Congress. John Franklin, Leon Higgin- Ribeau said he thanked Clinton botham, Frank Johnson, C. for his support. Everett Koop, Gaylord Nelson, Beth Mtfttra/Tkc BGN«Wi "He is committed to standing Walter Reuther, James Rouse, The Alpha Gamma Delta sorority plays flag football against Al- | ice arena. Flag football Is Alpha Gamma Delta's philanthropy. by the students on this issue," William Velasquez and Lou Was- pha Phi on Saturday afternoon at the intramural fields beside the Ribeau said. "I felt very, very serman. Jury shocks courtroom, nation Pope expected; Linda Deutsch Verdict reached after four hours night. The Associated Press Ito said he was delaying read- nation tightens ing the verdicts to give all attor- LOS ANGELES - Refusing to of deliberation in Simpson trial neys time to return to court for meet O.J. Simpson's gaze, 12 jur- the climactic moment. Jurors airport safety ors filed back into the courtroom "Yes," the jury forewoman airport on the night of two mur- nodded and smiled understand- Monday to confirm they had said. ders. ing^. reached verdicts after less than There were gasps in the hu- Ito, who had sent jurors from "Ladies and gentlemen, have The Associated Press seat assignments. four hours, a stunningly swift re- shed courtroom. the courtroom after the reading, your last pleasant evening," he They also were asked at both solution to a sensational murder Lawyers on both sides seemed seemed startled when three loud told them, suggesting they use WASHINGTON - Airports na- the baggage check-in and seat case that took more than eight almost dazed by the speed of the buzzes sounded in the courtroom, the time to pack their belongings. tionwide are stepping up precau- assignment check-in if anyone months to present. verdict. signaling jurors had reached a As they filed out, Simpson rose tions against terrorist attacks to else had handled their baggage Their decision shocked the "Surprise doesnt begin to de- verdict. He was entertaining a again and watched grim-faced as the highest ievel since the Per- and if they packed it themselves. courtroom and a nation already cribe my feelings. I am stunned group of visitors in the court- the jurors left. When it was time sian Gulf War. No specific busy debating how many weeks at the speed," defense attorney room when the word came but for him to return to jail, he threats were cited, but one FBI the jurors might be out. Superior Carl Douglas said. quickly summoned lawyers and dropped his pen on the defense official said today: "We're plan- "Based on several Court Judge Lance Ito said the Prosecutor Christopher Dar- convened court with only a few table and left the room with a ning for the worst." current and future verdicts would be read Tuesday den, asked if he could believe the reporters present. somber expression. Transportation Secretary Fed- erico Pena Issued the order Sun- atlOa.rn.PDT. rapid end to deliberations, said, The jury forewoman also ap- No members of Simpson's fam- events, more security As the 10 women and two men "I think I have to believe it. It's peared a bit rattled. Asked for ily or the families of victims Ni- day - the same day a group of measures are now of the jury filed into court at 2:55 happening. Nothing shocks me the verdict forms, she said she cole Brown Simpson and Ronald militant Muslims were found guilty in a New York terrorism p.m., Simpson stood and stared at anymore." had signed them, placed them in Goldman were In court. warranted." trial. "Based on several current them. None looked his way. The announcement came after an envelope, sealed it and left It was one of the fastest verdict jurors asked for and heard a them in the deliberation room. decisions in memory for such a and future events, more security The judge then announced the Federico Pena startling news. He said his court brief repetition of testimony Ito sent her to fetch the enve- long, high-profile trial, indicating measures are now warranted," clerk told him that the panel had from a limousine driver that con- lope, which was then placed in that once the sequestered jury Pena said. Transportation Secretary Security was noticeably tighter made its decision. cerned the time when Simpson the hands of a court bailiff and "Is that correct?" he asked. was picked up for a ride to the stored for safekeeping over- See JURY, page three. at the White House, with pedes- trians blocked from Pennsyl- At Newark International Air- vania Avenue. port, where Pope John Paul II "We always review the securi- will arrive Wednesday for a five- ty environment both for U.S. in- day U.S. visit, no changes in se- End of road work envisioned stallations abroad and U.S. curity were visible this morning. government facilities here at But security there has been at a home when the environment heightened state since Aug. 13, City officials forecast completion of Thurstin Avenue construction suggests it's smart to do that," when federal officials warned that Islamic radicals might have crossings on Pike and Derby presidential spokesman Mike day," Blair said. "The paving will which was added to the project. been planning a car bombing at Amy Johnson streets may soon be closed, McCurry said. The BG News then begin late next week." Construction began Monday He said the Middle East peace Kennedy Airport In New York. which would make them dead There is a possibility that morning and should be com- signing at the White House, as ends, City Attorney Mike Marsh A Transportation Department Joint construction on Thurstin Thurstin Avenue will be opened pleted Thursday. well as the New York verdict and "The stone covering the trench said. official said the new alert was re- Avenue and its Ridge Street while the sidewalks are being other events, "legitimately cause lated to several sensitive events intersection continues to disrupt completed, Blair said. was causing pot holes," Blair the United States to look at the The Public Utility Commission — the terrorism convictions, the traffic, but city officials said A meeting with the Ohio De- said. "We met with Parking Ser- status of Its security." vices, University Capital Plan- of Ohio filed a petition to close signing of the Mideast treaty last road work will be completed this partment of Transportation will The stepped up security week, the pope's visit and the month take place Thursday at 1 p.m.
a pan 31 o The most popular singles andt-acks. acc Jrding to R &B Hp Hop radio aL 1iemeimpressions meas.Ired by Nielsen Broadcast Data Systems and sales data from subset Are FMB/Hip-Hop stras compiled by Nielsen Sourdscan Greates GsnerSales and Greatest Gainer; Airplay are awarded respectively for the largest retail sales and arptEy ricreases or the chart. See 3ha is Legend br r Iles and explanations. r 2007, VNU Business Media. Inc and Nielsen SoundScan. Inc. All rights est Ned ARRA" MONRONEI l' SALES DATA COMPILED BY Nielsen Nielsen aroactsst r-a J SOUn4SCHn 3- E TITLE Artist ER) PRODUCER (SONGWRITER) IMPRINT / PROMOTION en it Elisabeth Withers IRREPLACEABLE B BE WITH YOU 1 1 1 T.GAD (T e BLUE NOTE VIRGIN ir Sw1CAIE.BIVCMFSJE -0 (S9STHJI gALES1LS13iKíBi.TEi6wMAGEKE1 CAEMORNIDRPEFFZ) Oi GAD.E.WITHERS) Clara ®LISTEN Beyonce PROMISE 2 2 2 THE UNDERDOGS B KNOWLES IB KNOWLES.H. KRIEGERS CUILER,A PREVER) Co MUSIC WORLD COLUMBIA P0L0W DA DON (C. PHARRIS.J CAMERON.J JONES E. WILLIAMS) 00 LAFACE ZOMBA er Jay -Z YOU Lloyd Featuring Lil' Wayne ki 30 SOMETHING ROC JAMIDJMG a DR. EIRE C CARTED : - D PARKER) -A- FELLADEF 3 BIG REESE. JASPER (M SINCLAIR,J CAMERON. D CARTER.9 KEMP) 0 THE INC /UNIVERSAL MOTOWN IS ' 0 available only ME WHAT YOU GOT Jay -Z ! 3 I WANNA LOVE YOU Akon Featuring Snoop Dogg SHOW 4 4 3 JUST BLAZE (SC CARTE LER.0 RIDENHOUR.J BOXLEVM.MCEWAN) 0 ROC -A- FELLADEF JAMIDJMG A THIAM E AM,C BROADUSI Q KONVICT %UPFRONT /SRC,UNIVERSAL MOTOWN on 12 -inch Gerald Levert WE FLY HIGH Jim Jones IN MY SONGS 6C 5 G.LEVERT,E NICHOLAS (G LEVERT.E LEVERT,SR.,E t NICHOLAS) ATLANTII' Z.
Tuesday, December 24, 2019 The Commercial Review Portland, Indiana 47371 $1 New rules OK’d, moratorium over By ROSE SKELLY the commissioners, also with several set-backs in the access driveways’ setback from that right Monday with a unani - The Commercial Review announced that 2020 will be his proposed ordinance, which property lines to 50 feet from 300 mous vote to adopt the updated With a new ordinance in last year in office, as he will not includes regulations for both feet. ordinance with the reduced set - place, the moratorium on con - be running for reelection. wind and solar farms. They sug - Plan commission members backs in place for both wind and struction of wind farms in Jay There has been a moratorium gested scaling back the wind disagreed with the amendments solar farms. County has officially been lifted. on wind farm construction turbine setback of 1,640 feet to to the wind farm setbacks with a Commissioner Chad Aker Jay County Commissioners since summer 2018, with local 1,500 feet from residential 3-2 vote on Dec. 12. They did not noted that the ordinance con - voted Monday to approve the officials taking the time and the dwellings of non-participating take issue with the solar farm tained compromises from both updated wind farm ordinance, public’s input to update its ordi - landowners. They also recom - changes. sides of the wind farm debate. overruling disagreement from nance. A final version was sub - mended reducing setbacks for According to state statute, the “It’s been a give and take, so Jay County Plan Commission mitted by plan commission to solar farms, including changing commissioners have the final there’s things in here that both about setbacks.
360 Degrees of Lloyd It ") and Nelly ( "Lose Control ")
IT SECOND SPIN DANCEHALL DAZE ON THE MOVE KEEP ON ROCKIN' THE THICKE OF moving UNKLE updates Show sponsors uneasy Three acts to watch in The Offspring enjoys New single for R &B star `X- Files' theme over lyric content Now Hear This top 10 debut quickly ance at New York's Knitting Factory. The performance chris- tened the Music to Go concert series sponsored by the club and mobile company Mozes. Billed as a "360- degree mobile concert experience," the campaign gave members of mobile fan club Lloyd's Mob the chance to obtain mobile tickets by calling the singer's Mozes voice line. Paper tickets weren't issued. Instead, the first 300 at the door with mobile tickets gained entry to the club. Tied in were additional incentives like fans being able to send text -to- screen messaging, an in -venue mobile contest (the best message wins a trip for two to Atlanta to hang with Lloyd) and the aforemen- tioned mobisodes wherein the concert is made available for viewing via mobile phone. "The mobisode acts as a souvenir to all those who attended the show plus a sneak peek for the mobile fan club members who didn't see him live," Mozes director of business develop- ment Patricia Dao says. "His high- energy performance and rabid fan base were key to creating the interactive fan -to- artist mobile experience we were looking for." Preceding this was Lloyd's Memorial Day weekend perform- ance in Las Vegas, where interactive online concert company DeepRockDrive, in tandem with Pepsi, launched its global free concert series.
Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern The George-Anne Student Media 2-25-2000 The George-Anne Georgia Southern University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Georgia Southern University, "The George-Anne" (2000). The George-Anne. 1640. This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Media at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in The George-Anne by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact ■H^MH ^^^^H^^H f a u J i h fi : 0 The Official Student Newspaper of Georgia Southern University ;.-,.•:. er' has it all: drops two to humor, wit and Alabama seriousness Charles Harper Webb gives us Eagles lose both games on poetry that is both poignant and the road 12-4 and 9-3 beautiful. during the week. Page 4 Page 6 Vol. 72 No. 61 Friday, February 25, 2000 Want to m Investors aren't the only ones who on it By Kathy Bourassa Don'tThe product was only available to people who Staff Writer agreed to sell the balls. For a little over a hundred their money. Valentine points out As you sort your mail an envelope catches your dollars, investors received two laundry balls, adver- banks have collapsed in the U.S. attention. There is no return address but the postmark tising pamphlets, and an explanation of the "pay- abroad, leaving customers hold- indicates that it originated from another state.
Average Dally dreolatlofi The Weather r*r the Mtwta at MaMh. Itea Foraras* or O. a. 9,042 VaHaMa eloadiaeaa, MU ooM toidglit; partly el Women*8 and Misses* e a( tfta A ailt day BMfBiag, HgM al Fashions More of flrwIatlBna ^ aarriaa la Regular and Half ,Size Manche$ter-^A City of Vittago Charm V -■ ................................ *9“^* I ' Glorious Than VOL. LXV~ NO. 165 (Claaaiaad AdvartialBg aa Page IS) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 194«. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CffNIB DRESSES, \ Ever A profusion of styles in Prints snd Solid Colors, In President at Roosevelt Dedication Crepes. Spun Rayons and Jerseys. They have all Peace Committee the details in styling that you have seen in all the I Spain Offers to What a truly beau . pre-views of this Spring’s smart dresses. tiful Easte/l And to aptly carry out the Unable to Settle theme are these Council Probe magrnihcent Easter $8-30 ensembles you’ll en Manchuria Crisis joy wearing in the Perennial Parade of „^;jMore Clothes Of Poland’s Charges new fashions. 1 M^Slor InSMonths Draft ‘Holiday’ Would Give Members Guardedly Of Strife-Torn Area Seen Certain Study Invitation to De* Because of Impotency \ lh*ive Forcing Reds Part termine by Inspectioit Wbetber German Sci^ / j t Bowles Sure Shortage Peiping, April 13.—(/P)— O f Assets enlists Engaged in Lieut. Gen. Alvan C. Gillem, Of Inexpensive Gar Stand Change ......... j Atomic Research; Nd Jr., disclosed today that the ments Will Be, Eased; Sino-American Peace com Immediate Decision on Record Not Creditable Reluctant House Lead France Fails to Oh~ \ mittee of three, with substi Acceptance Probable tutes having replaced all orig ers Indicate Willing tain Support in Com»\ inal members, is powerless to Washington, April IS— (S>) — ness to Along to mission Considering i Stabilization Director Chester New York, April 13.— (ff!) act in the Manchurian crisis.
Tuesday, December 22, 2015 YOUR NEWSPAPER • Drawer B, Court Square Station, Dublin, Georgia 31040 • 272-5522 Volume 101, No. 291, Pub. No. 161860 $1 SThehooting sus Courierpect’s mother wants Heraldhim to turn self in Department for the aggravat- playing dice that morning. been playing dice. ing to witnesses, Wilson took ed assault of Akeem Jamal Later, officers responded to The witness said Wilson $500 from the scene. Mother urges other witnesses to step Woodard, 27. The incident Fairview Park Hospital got mad and pulled a gun. Wilson's mother said happened on North Washing- about a victim with a gun- Woodard tried to run away that's not what happened. up and tell what they saw happen ton Street around 1:10 a.m. shot wound. According to while Wilson fired several She claims the whole situa- By PAYTON TOWNS III nesses who know what hap- Dec. 8. Chief Wayne Cain, a witness shots. He then pointed the tion was "more like self-de- Th e mother of a 21-year- pened to come forward and "Paul is not a bad kid," his to the incident met police in gun at another person, who fense." old Dublin man, who alleged- tell the truth. mother said. "He is well man- the parking lot of the hospi- was trying to pick up the "I need the witnesses to ly shot another man while Paul Wilson's mother is on nered. He just got caught up tal. The witness said they money. come forward," she said.
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2011 BUSINESS NEWS Celtic Creations offers Hilltop Garden Club wild jewelry and more. about turkeys. See page 3 See page 2 “But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ VOLUME 109 • NUMBER 93 ESTABLISHED 1882 Jesus.” — Ephesians 2:4-6 CA among Tornado state’s ‘elite’ rips through academies By Adam Prestridge Publisher The hard work of the faculty and staff Bunker Hill at Columbia Academy has paid off once again earning the school recognition as one of the “elite” private schools among the Mississippi Association of Independent Schools. Headmaster Baxter White was informed earlier this week that the school had earned accreditation from the Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS) and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). “Accreditation represents verification that an institution provides a quality edu- cational opportunity for its students and patrons,” White said. “During the accred- itation process, an independent commit- tee visits the school, normally for three or four days, to assure that all reports are accurate. “ See ‘Elite’ Page 10 Event aimed to promote ‘diversity’ By Mark Rogers Managing Editor After a successful debut last year, the Heal the Land Ministry will host a unity Top, Tri-Community firefighters prepare to saw up one of the many trees blocking Grice Road early Wednesday morning. Above, praise service on Sunday, Nov.
Gary Bedingfield’s Baseball Volume 3, Issue 21 in Wartime Baseball June 2009 in Wartime 65th Anniversary of D-Day elcome to the 21st issue of the Baseball in Wartime e- NORMANDY LANDINGS newsletter - a special edition commemorating the 65th Wanniversary of the D-Day Normandy People of western Europe! A landing was made this Landings. morning on the coast of France by troops of the allied Baseball’s contribution to D-Day has never before been explored in any detail and I felt it expeditionary force, This landing is part of the concerted was time this oversight was corrected. By the start of the 1944 season, around 340 major United Nations’ plan for the liberation of Europe, made in league players were in military service, plus more than 3,000 from the minors, and with conjunction with your great Russian allies. Although the the vast manpower shortage, just 10 minor initial assault may not have been made in your own country, leagues were in operation. Every branch of the service had an abundance of former the hour of liberation is approaching. ballplayers helping to fill their ranks and many were in Britain as part of the pre- invasion preparations. General Eisenhower June 6, 1944 Among them was major leaguer Larry French, and minor leaguers Yogi Berra, Lefty Brewer, Syl Sturges, Elmer Wright, Morrie Martin, Hal Cisgen, John Fessler, Lloyd Rice, John McNicholas, Joe Marco and Frank Labuda. Five of them would be dead before the end of the month. The following page provide an historical account of D-Day interwoven with biographical details of ballplayers who were there.
Lloyd You mp3, flac, wma DOWNLOAD LINKS (Clickable) Genre: Hip hop Album: You Country: UK Released: 2007 Style: RnB/Swing MP3 version RAR size: 1789 mb FLAC version RAR size: 1817 mb WMA version RAR size: 1808 mb Rating: 4.6 Votes: 948 Other Formats: MP1 AUD VQF MOD RA MP2 APE Tracklist A1 –Lloyd Featuring Lil Wayne You (Album Version) A2 –Lloyd Featuring Andre 3000 And Nas I Want You Remix B1 –Lloyd Featuring Lil Wayne You (Instrumental) B2 –Lloyd Drop It On The One (Album Version) Credits Producer – Big Reese, Jasper Barcode and Other Identifiers Barcode: 6 02517 34408 2 Other versions Category Artist Title (Format) Label Category Country Year Lloyd Lloyd Featuring Lil Universal 1734409 Featuring Lil Wayne - You (CD, 1734409 UK 2007 Records Wayne Single) Lloyd feat. Lil Lloyd feat. Lil Universal UNIR 21753-2 Wayne - You (CD, UNIR 21753-2 US 2006 Wayne Records Single, Promo) Lloyd feat. Lil Lloyd feat. Lil Universal UNIR 21753-1 UNIR 21753-1 US 2006 Wayne Wayne - You (12") Records You (CD, Single, Universal LLOYDCDPR01 Lloyd LLOYDCDPR01 Europe 2006 Promo) Island Records You (Official Remix) Universal none Lloyd (CDr, Single, Motown none US 2006 Promo) Records Group Related Music albums to You by Lloyd Shock 'N' Out Featuring Lloyd Brown & Tippa Irie - Baby Mother Lloyd Turner - Eminem - You Don't Know Andrew Lloyd Webber, Various - The Andrew Lloyd Webber Collection Cher Lloyd - With Ur Love Lloyd feat. Lil Wayne - You Lil Wayne - Mrs. Officer Ian Lloyd - Ian Lloyd Birdman Featuring Lil Wayne - Pop Bottles Lil Wayne Feat. T-Pain - Got Money.
Music 18068 songs, 47.6 days, 99.18 GB Name Time Album Artist A. F. U. (Naturally Wired) 4:31 Ou812 Van Halen A.B.C. 3:52 Coolin' At The Playground Ya' Know! Another Bad Creation ABC 2:56 The Ultimate Collection The Jackson 5 Abi Gezundt (A Bee Gezindt) 2:48 The King Of Hi-De-Ho 1934-1937 Cab Calloway Abigail Beecher 2:25 The EP Collection Freddy Cannon Abilene 2:15 Billboard Top Country Hits - 1963 George Hamilton IV About You (Feat. Will.I.Am and Nina Sim... 4:05 The Breakthrough Mary J. Blige Above the Rim 3:38 Hootie Mack Bell Biv DeVoe Abracadabra 3:39 Now That's What I Call The 80s Steve Miller Abracadabra 5:06 Steve Miller Band Abscretions 7:03 Music, Inc. Big Band Music Inc. Absolutely Nothing's Changed 3:43 Twenty Four Seven Tina Turner AC 3e 7:1010000 Days Tool Acapulco 1922 2:42 Definitive Hits Herb Alpert Accidentally In Love 3:09 Shrek 2 Counting Crows Accidently On Purpose 2:23 Best of Vol. 1: Hardcore Honky George Jones According To You (Top 40 Edit) 3:20 Promo Only Mainstream Radio December Orianthi Ace in the Hole 2:35 50 Number Ones Disc 1 George Strait Ace in the Hole 5:44 One Trick Pony Paul Simon Ace Of Hearts 3:06 Here In The Real World Alan Jackson Achilles Last Stand 10:23 Boxed Set [Disc 3] Led Zeppelin Achilles Last Stand 10:23 Boxed Set [Disc 3] Led Zeppelin Aching, Breaking, Heart 2:49 Best of Vol.
July 2008 Note: To submit an article for the newsletter, send an email to: Coming Events, July-August Kingsport Fun Fest Moonlight Hike Calling all TEHCC Members – Help make the Tennessee Appalachian Trail License Plate a Reality! Help Wanted: Membership Coordinator Reminder to Potential Eastman Chemical Company Retirees TEHCC Welcomes New Members Scheduled Hiking, Paddling, and Trail Maintenance Opportunities For the Record, Activity and Trip Reports A.T. Maintenance Reports COMING EVENTS July-August Leader Jul 10-14 Konnarock Crew: Roan Maintenance Joe DeLoach 423-753-7263 Highlands Relocation Jul 12-13 Mount Leconte Lodge, B/3/B Steve Falling 423-239-5502 Smokies July 12 Nolichucky River Cleanup Worthwhile Ed 423-247-7795 Montgomery Jul 17 Fun Fest Moonlight Hike Rating Steve Falling 423-239-5502 Jul 18-19 Backpack - AT: Big AA/2/B Tim Schaefer 423-229-6244 Pine/Walnut Mountain area Jul 19 Beginners Canoe and Kayak Ed 423-247-7795 Trip Montgomery July Konnarock Crew: Roan Maintenance Joe DeLoach 423-753-7263 24-28 Highlands Relocation July 26 Damascus Crawl (NEW C/4D Jake Mitchell 423-963-8654 DATE) Jul Konnarock Crew: Unaka Mt. Maintenance Joe DeLoach 423-753-7263 31-Aug 4 Relocation Aug 8-9 AT: Carvers Gap to Iron Mt. AA/2/A Jake Mitchell 423-963-8654 Gap Aug TEHCC Lunch 'n Learn: Informative Tim Schaefer 423-229-6244 11(Mon) Backpacking gear demonstration Aug 23 Nolichucky Gorge 1st Timers Randy 423-245-9821 Trip VanDerAa Aug 23 Carver's Gap Wild Berry C/4/C Tim Schaefer 423-229-6244 Picking Hike For more information, see: TEHCC Schedule.
Cau S141 CITY CAB Ihaatunfhifr Iw Uputuq Slfrauj Truman To
■■>■■ •• r • V ■ •• y ' ..-A,;-* . } T r " THURSDA'l^/Annt; ll, 1 9 i t A vm ga Doily (Mrralatlon The Weother jManrifgiatgr jjogttinfl Vet ttr Mooth af Man*. 194$ Forecast of U. H. Wopthor Bwaoa church in Waterbury to 11 STUFFED TOYS 9 , 0 4 2 Ploir and coatlaaed cool toolght In the concluding aerlea of pho Electrical Repairs FOOD SALE / IIV W s^a>>- .Maoibar at tha Aodlt IHAatunFHIFr Iw uPutuQ SlFraUJ aad Saturday. tographa, of Mancheater children Musical Units the present organleatlon. la Velonr aad Leatbsv. » LECLERC A. DAVIDSON Boaaa at OnolBtlaas which appeared In ycaterday a Some of Mr. Burwell’a records! SAT., APRIL 13, 10 A. M (Waahabla) H ei^d, Grace and Beverly Ann are amaiing and interesting. In FUNERAL HOME LiceUeed Electrician / Manche$ter~^A City of Village Charm ’ ) Tuttle are daughters of Mr. and n »* A»«ric»n Getting ,,the 21 years of the existence of, 2.3 (Nutn Street 39 Riverside Drive HALE’S STORE ARTHUR DRUG STORES Mra. Burton Tuttle, instead of Mr. I the Mendelssohn Chorus it has hold » t»lie*r«*l at the Telephone 2-1667 848 MAIN ST. TEL. 88W (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE rURE^E CENTSl l^ e at el«ht Tuttle’s brother Gordon and wife I given approximately 900 concerts P h on e 6269 yOL. LXV„ NO. 164 (ClaaalBed Advertising oa Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, APRIL 12,1946 lU-lit. The corpe le 1" ®‘ aa stated. Beethovens tinil Men- which Included work in New Eng- Sumpeter* and anyone d u rin g to I land,.