Warm-up for 09.29.11 What was the importance of the ? A. It ended the threat of war from Native Americans B. It demonstrated to the strength of the British militia C. It resulted in GA’s gaining new lands on which to settle D. It was the beginning of a safe southern frontier for the British

Warm-up for 09.29.11 Please read “The Spanish Invasion” on pg. 124 and answer the following question:

What was the importance of the Battle of Bloody Marsh?

A. It ended the threat of war from Native Americans B. It demonstrated to the strength of the British militia C. It resulted in GA’s gaining new lands on which to settle D. It was the beginning of a safe southern frontier for the British AC

Warm-up for 09.29.11

Please read “The Spanish Invasion” on pg. 124 and answer the following question:

What was the importance of the Battle of Bloody Marsh?

ANSWER: It was the beginning of a safe southern frontier for the British

 The conflict between the Spanish and English over the land between South Carolina and lasted for nearly 20 years, but once formal hostilities began in 1739—only six years after Georgia's founding—the survival of the colony hung in the balance.

 The Battle of Bloody Marsh was apart of a larger conflict called the War of Jenkins’ Ear.  Who? Spanish and British  When? 1739-1748  Causes? (#5)  Disputed land claims  Shipping on the high seas was frequently interrupted from acts of piracy by both sides.  (#4) On one particular incident a Spanish privateer severed British captain Robert Jenkins's ear in 1731 as punishment for raiding Spanish ships.

 “Carry this home to the King, your master, whom, if he were present, I would serve in like fashion”  (#4) Jenkins presented the ear to Parliament, and the outraged English public demanded retribution. We want  Throughout the 1730s, diplomatic revenge! attempts at peace were made, but they only served to increase the animosity that led to war in late 1739.

 General made several passes into Florida in January 1740 “I am quite ready, despite my prim and proper  Seized two Spanish forts appearance, to lay an  Fort Picolata and Fort San Francisco de Pupo, almighty butt-whooping  Began a strike against the fort at St. down on our Spanish foes!” Augustine in May 1740. It was a failure!  Oglethorpe wanted to seize the fort before Spanish supplies or reinforcements could arrive, but problems with multiple commanders and diverse forces resulted in disorganization, spoiling his advantage of surprise.  Oglethorpe settled for a traditional siege of the fort but failed to coordinate his land and naval forces.  By early July he discontinued the attack, retreated to Fort Frederica, and waited for a Spanish invasion.  This event was the only Spanish attempt to invade Georgia during the War of Jenkins' Ear  It resulted in a significant English victory (#12), and marked the beginning of a safe, southern frontier in GA!  General James Oglethorpe redeemed his reputation from his defeat at St. Augustine, FL two yrs. earlier and the positive psychological effects upon his troops, settlers, other colonists, and the English populace rallied them to preserve Georgia.

“I am quite ready, despite my prim and proper appearance, for BLOODY REVENGE!”  Don Manuel de Montiano, governor of St. Augustine, led an invasion of Georgia in mid-June 1742 with 4,500-5,000 soldiers.  Weather hampered their progress by sea, and Oglethorpe learned of their impending arrival; he prepared the defenses of St. Simons Island accordingly.  He established a fort on the island, on a high bluff overlooking the Frederica River, to protect Darien and Savannah from a Spanish invasion.  Oglethorpe’s forces included a mixture of rangers, British regulars, Southeastern Indians, and local citizens, but his total forces numbered less than a thousand men.  The Spanish landed on the southern tip of the island during the afternoon and evening of July 5 and used the nearby Fort St. Simons as their headquarters during the campaign.

 Early on the morning of Wednesday, July 7, several Spanish scouts advanced northward toward Fort Frederica to assess the landscape and plan their attack. They met a body of English rangers at approximately nine o'clock, and the two units exchanged shots.  Oglethorpe learned of the engagement, mounted a horse, and galloped to the scene, followed by reinforcements.  He charged directly into the Spanish line, which scattered when the additional forces arrived. Oglethorpe posted a detachment to defend his position and returned to Frederica to prevent another Spanish landing on the northern coast and to recruit more men.

 During mid-afternoon of the same day, the Spanish sent more troops into the region, and the English forces fired upon them from behind the heavy cover of brush in the surrounding marshes.  This ambush, coupled with mass confusion within the smoke-filled swamp, resulted in another Spanish defeat despite Oglethorpe's absence.  This second engagement earned its name the Battle of Bloody Marsh from its location rather than from the number of casualties, which were minimal, especially on the English side (about fifty men, mostly Spanish, were killed).  The Spanish left the island on July 13.

 The brave stand by Oglethorpe's men restored their confidence because the Spanish no longer seemed indestructible.  Conversely, the morale of the Spanish suffered greatly, resulting in retreat and a reluctance to undertake future campaigns into the region.  Oglethorpe's daring actions and use of effective tactics reestablished his military leadership. On an imperial level, citizens throughout the colonies and in the homeland rejoiced at the repulse of the Spanish invasion of British North America.  This decisive English victory represented the last major Spanish offensive into Georgia