The Gazette May 1959
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Langston University Digital Commons @ Langston University LU Gazette, 1950-1959 LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) 5-1959 The aG zette May 1959 Langston University Follow this and additional works at: archives_gazette_newspaper_19501959 Recommended Citation Langston University, "The aG zette May 1959" (1959). LU Gazette, 1950-1959. Book 26. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) at Digital Commons @ Langston University. It has been accepted for inclusion in LU Gazette, 1950-1959 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Langston University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Langston University Gazette VOLUMt EIGHT LANGSTON UNIVERSITY, LANGSTON, OKLAHOMA, MAY^ 1959’ NUMBER FOUR Senior Receives Srad Fellowship Lafayette McKinney, a senior in Business Administration fro m Chickasha, Oklahoma received a Fellowship frf'in the University of Detroit to do graduate work in the field of Business Administration. Mr. .\IcKinney has also received an digibility rating for Federal Serv ice Employment. During his four years at Langston University he has maintained better Seniors to Hear Left to Right: Lafayette McKinney, ceuneilman-at-lerge; Aurelius Clayton, junior clati representative; Nancy Abram, frashman class representative; Emily Walton, freshman class representative; Earl Perry, president; Harold Washington, senior class representative: Verlean Anderson Asfaw, secretary; James Perry, vice president; &loria Bruce Palmer McCarty, sophomore class representative; Miss Majorie L. Pierce, sponsor. Business Administration Coinnicnccniciu Kxcrcisc at Lang Norma Ballard, Tulsa. Sadler Junior High 800 NHA'ers Doll ston L'nivcrsity will lie hckl in the (Jladys Colbert, Tulsa. I. W . Young Auditorium, May 24 Opal Combs, Clearview. Principal to Speak Up Auditorium at 2:00 p. m. R W r \ ’ news ciircctor, Odie Mae Hopkins, Oklahoma Bruic Palmer, one ot the outstand City. At Awards Day Over 800 N H A’ers, parents, prin ing newsmen in the state, will lu- Emmett Jackson, Bartlesville. cipals and visitors spent a day here commencement s[x’aker for Lang- 1 lerman McKinney, Chickasha. Mr. Emery Jennings, principal of last month. The occasion was the ston University, May 24. Sadler Junior High School, Musko Lafayette, McKinley, Chickasha. 1959 State Rally of New Homemak LAFAYETTE McKINNEY Mr. Palmer’s first professional job gee, will be the guest speaker on William Richardson, Oklahoma ers of America representing 30! Senior Receives Graduate Fellowship was with the Oklahoma City Times. C'ity. Awards Day at Langston University, chapters and iioo members. The His next advancement was to the Walter Slaughter, Oklahoma City. May 17, at 7:30 p. m. He is a gradu Rally is held each year as a round than a "B" average. Since matricu ate of Langston University, and he lation he has appeared in the 1957- Associated Press in .\hnneapolis (for Business Education up highlight of the year's education whom he covered Prcsi>-.ent Roose F'uneta Bowler, Boley. received his M.S. degree from Okla al development program in the state 58 edition of Who's Who among velt's famous drought tour in 1936.) Norma J. Harmon, Oklahoma homa State University. high school. students in American universities Then, hack in Oklahoma, he became City. Recently he was appointed to the The theme was “New Homemak- and Colleyes; was initiated into Al Sunday editor of the Oklahoman. Mable Holloway, Okemah. Oklahoma Pardon and Parole Board. ;Crs W'ith a Purpose." Miss Lenoul- pha Kappa Mu Honor Society and From 1951 to 195?, he served as LaVeria Jackson, Sand Springs. Awards Day is sponsored by the , iah Gandy, State Advisor for the vs-as named “Ninth District Scholar, press attache wiiti the United States Verline Long, Ada. Faculty Women’s Council. The New Homemakers of American an 1958-59” of the Omega Psi Phi Fra Inlormation Agency in Ceylon. Emma Norman, Austin, Texas. council feels that progress has been nounced that the rally was made ternity, Inc. His outstanding work as Big 9 Margaret Petit, Preston. made in improving scholarship at possible by the w’ork of hundreds He has also been an active mem News Director incluiles a series of \'ersadell Thompson, Oklahoma Langston University. Awards will of girls, homemaking teachers and ber of the Business Club and is now , be given to forty-seven students vN’ho salutes to 22 outstanding Oklahoma City. Home Economics Supervisory staff. a member of the newly established Cities and an unending list of spe Rose M. \'arner, Tatums. ! achieved a B average or above. They About 100 girls from 28 Oklahc- chapter of Future Business Leaders are: James Abram, Senior, Ardmore; cial reports on topics of current, vit Elementary Education , homa communities took part in the of America; a member of the Lang al interest to Oklahoman‘S Carrying Leo Hopson, Tulsa. Nancy Abram, Freshman, Ardmore; I State Rally program done in cos ston University Marching and Con services beyond the televisior. series, Bertha Trout, Langston. Verlean Anderson, Sophomore, tume. The program was titled, cert Band for four years. Guthrie; William Anderson, Fresh he made personal reports to civic, English “Steps to Happy Home Life,” writ church and club groups explaining Venora Ware, Meridian. man, Muskogee; Teodros Asfaw, ten by Mary Gray Thompson of in detail EurofX'an social, economic Industrial Arts Senior, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Oklahoma City and directed by Guesf Speaker and political conditions. Leo Townsell, Red Bird. David Blakley, Junior, St. Joseph, Lenouliah Gandy. Pa mer has toured Japan and the Mathematics Missouri; Roselma Bradley, Fresh Splashed in the foremat were re at Zefa Vespers United States military installation in Clarence Adair man, Okla. City; Howard Brewer, marks by Dr. G. L. Harrison, Presi the Toyko area; tactical Air Com Phoebe Hall, Muskogee. Junior, Okla. City; Robert Buckner, dent, Langston University; Mrs. S. Beta Phi Zeta and Lambda Alpha mand bases in the areas of North Richard Nealy, Oklahoma City. Sophomore, Okla. City; Howard G. Washington, director of Home Chapters of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Caver, Sophomore, Chickasha; Thel Africa and Euiope. M usic Economics, Langston University and Inc. presented their CJrand Basileus, ma Clark, Freshman, Hugo; Opal The graduation roll in the differ Herbert Hagler, Lawton. greetings by Martha Harris, Mc Dr. Deborah Cannon Partridge, of Combs, Senior, Clearview; Irabell ent fields as follows: Joe Hillmon, Frederick. Alester, National President of New Cranford, New Jersey at Vesper Cotton, Senior, Langston; Sherman Services, Sunday, May 3, 1959 at Agriculture Shirley Owens, Tulsa. Homemakers of America and Ther- Craven, Sophomore, Geary; Walter Teodras Asfau, Addis Ababa, Juanita Pierson, Tulsa. era Marie Alberta, past State Presi 7:30 p. m. in the I. W'. Young Au Dansby, Senior, Mounds; Minnie Ethiopia. Maurice Spears, Oklahoma City. dent, New Homemakers of America. ditorium, Langston University. English, Freshman, Tulsa; Barbara G. Calvin C renshaw, Slick. Gerald Tilford, McAlester. Dean Leroy Moore’s talk was She has served as Head of the Foster, Freshman, Langston; Ray Walter Dansby, Mounds. Billy Wiley, Tulsa. “Looking Forward.” In his address Department of Education at Tuske Physical Education ford Harrington, Senior Muskogee; Floyd Fisher, Boswell. Dean Moore told the packed house gee Institute, (Alabama), as a Visit Charles Smith, Oklahoma City. Evelyn Hathorn, Freshman, Guth Weldon Miles, Boswell. of N HA girls that the training they ing Professor at New York Uni Sociology rie; Vernon Hickerson, Freshman. Rudolph Tomlin, Roley. were receiving now was preparing versity antJ University of Illinois; as A rt Morris Atkinson, Langston. Muskogee; Lawrence Horn, Sopho them to be homemakers and good lecturer, University of Michigan, and Irabell Cotton, Langston. Cassell Lawson, Oklahoma City. more, Eufaula; Andrea Johnson, Continued on Page Two Teachers College, Columbia Univer- Wallace Owens, Muskogee. Elijah Warren, Tulsa. Senior, Ardmore; city. On various CKcasions she has Biology Social Science Gladys Johnson, Special, Ardmore; Janies B. Abram, Ardmore. Otis McCray, Tulsa. Ray Jones, Junior, Tulsa; Herman Facuify Briefs W illiam Aldridge, Paris, Texas. Alexander Springs, Tulsa. McKinney, Senior, Chickasha; La John W. Gaffney attended the Harold Washington, Oklahoma Ckorge W. Deckard, Oklahoma fayette McKinney, Senior, Chicka Twentieth Annual Meeting of the City. City. sha; Odell Nathaniel, Freshman, American Association of College Andrea Johnson Freeman, Ard Social Studies Continued on Page Six Business Officers held at Tuskegee Julia Seward, Oklahoma City more. Institute, Tuskegee, Alabama. Geraldine Tilford, McAlester. Carl McMullen, Okmulgee. Graduate Speaks to Dean and Mrs. Leory Moore at Odney B. Sneed, Oklahoma City. Technical Agriculture tended the Mississippi V^alley Dean’s Thomas Brackeen, Muskogee. Harold Toliver, Checotah Alpha Kappa Mu meeting. University of A.rkansas, Clifford Wallace, Okmulgee. Rayford Harrington, Muskogee. Newly elected officers of Alpha I'ayetteville, Arkansas. Chi Chapter of Alpha Kappa Mu Mr. Achille C. Hebert is listed for the 1959-60 school year are: among Who’s Who in Engineering, President, Ahtur Wallace; Vice- Eighth Edition, 1959. President, Howard Brewer; Secre- Continued on Page Six tary-Treasurer, Arnold Quarles; Reporter, Arthur Stevens. Langsto n University