
ST 430/514 Introduction to Regression / for Management and the Social Sciences II

When a regression model is fitted to series , the residuals often violate the standard assumptions by being correlated.

Because one residual is correlated with another in the same series, we refer to auto-correlation.

Notation, emphasizing the autocorrelated nature of the residuals:

Yt = E(Yt |xt ) + Rt

= β0 + β1xt,1 + β2xt,2 + ··· + βk xt,k + Rt .

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The correlation of Rt with Rt−1 is called a lagged correlation, specifically the lag 1 correlation.

More generally, the correlation of Rt with Rt−m is the lag m correlation, m > 0.

Autocorrelation is usually strongest for small lags and decays to zero for large lags.

Autocorrelation depends on the lag m, but often does not depend on t.

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When the correlation of Rt with Rt−m does not depend on t, and in addition:

the E(Rt ) is constant;

the var(Rt ) is constant; the residuals are said to be stationary.

Regression residuals have zero expected value, hence constant expected value, if the model is correctly specified.

They also have constant variance, perhaps after the data have been transformed appropriately, or if weighted has been used.

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The graph of corr(Rt , Rt−m) against lag m is the correlogram, or auto-correlation (ACF).

For the SALES35 example: sales <- read.table("Text/Exercises&Examples/SALES35.txt", header = TRUE) l <- lm(SALES ~ T, sales) acf(residuals(l))

The ACF is usually plotted including the lag 0 correlation, which is of course exactly 1.

The blue lines indicate significance at α = .05.

4 / 1 Time series Autocorrelation ST 430/514 Introduction to Regression Analysis/Statistics for Management and the Social Sciences II Modeling Autocorrelation

Sometimes the ACF appears to decay exponentially:

ACF(m) ≈ φm, m ≥ 0, −1 < φ < 1.

The 1st order , AR(1), has this property; if

Rt = φRt−1 + t , where t has constant variance and is uncorrelated with t−m for all m > 0, then m corr(Rt , Rt−m) = φ , m > 0.

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General autoregressive model, AR(p):

Rt = φ1Rt−1 + φ2Rt−2 + ··· + φpRt−p + t .

ACF decays exponentially, but not exactly as φm for any φ.

Moving models, MA(q):

Rt = t + θ1t−1 + θ2t−2 + ··· + θqt−q.

ACF is zero for lag m > q.

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Combined ARMA(p, q) model:

Rt = φ1Rt−1 + φ2Rt−2 + ··· + φpRt−p

+ t + θ1t−1 + θ2t−2 + ··· + θqt−q.

ACF again decays exponentially, but not exactly as φm for any φ.

7 / 1 Time series Autocorrelation ST 430/514 Introduction to Regression Analysis/Statistics for Management and the Social Sciences II Regression with Autocorrelated Errors

To fit the regression model

Yt = E(Yt |xt ) + Rt we must specify both the regression part

E(Yt |xt ) = β0 + β1xt,1 + β2xt,2 + ··· + βk xt,k and a model for the autocorrelation of Rt , say ARMA(p, q) for specified p and q.

Time series software fits both submodels simultaneously.

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In SAS: proc autoreg can handle AR(p) errors, but not ARMA(p, q) for q > 0. proc arima can handle ARMA(p, q).

In , try AR(1) errors: ar1 <- arima(sales$SALES, order = c(1, 0, 0), xreg = sales$T) print(ar1) tsdiag(ar1)

The ARMA(p, q) model is specified by order = c(p, 0, q).

The middle part of the order is d, for differencing.

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Note that φˆ, the ar1 coefficient, is significantly different from zero.

Note that the trend (coefficient of T) is similar to the original regression: 4.2959 versus 4.2956.

Its reported is higher: 0.1760 versus 0.1069.

The original, smaller, standard error is not credible, because it was calculated on the assumption that the residuals are not correlated.

The new standard error recognizes autocorrelation, and is more credible, but is still calculated on an assumption: that the residuals are AR(1).

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Which model to use? ACF of sales residuals decays something like an exponential, but is also not significantly different from zero for m > 1, so it could be MA(1). ma1 <- arima(sales$SALES, order = c(0, 0, 1), xreg = sales$T) print(ma1) tsdiag(ma1)

ˆ θ1, the ma1 coefficient, is also significantly different from zero.

But AIC is higher than for AR(1), so AR(1) is preferred.

11 / 1 Time series Autocorrelation ST 430/514 Introduction to Regression Analysis/Statistics for Management and the Social Sciences II Be systematic; use BIC to find a good model:

P <- Q <- 0:3 BICtable <- matrix(NA, length(P), length(Q)) dimnames(BICtable) <- list(paste("p:", P), paste("q:", Q)) for (p in P) for (q in Q) { apq <- arima(sales$SALES, order = c(p, 0, q), xreg = sales$T) BICtable[p+1, q+1] <- AIC(apq, k = log(nrow(sales))) } BICtable

As usual, use k = log(nrow(...)) to get BIC instead of AIC.

As in stepwise regression, minimizing AIC tends to overfit.

AR(1) gives the minimum BIC out of these choices.

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Forecasting with(sales, plot(T, SALES, xlim = c(0, 40), ylim = c(0, 200))) ar1Fit <- coefficients(ar1)["intercept"] + coefficients(ar1)["sales$T"] * sales$T lines(sales$T, ar1Fit, lty = 2) newTimes <- 36:40 p <- predict(ar1, n.ahead = length(newTimes), newxreg = newTimes) pCL <- p$se * qnorm(.975) matlines(newTimes, p$pred + cbind(0, -pCL, pCL), col = c("red", "blue", "blue"), lty = c(2, 3, 3))

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