An introduction to pseudo-differential operators Jean-Marc Bouclet1 Universit´ede Toulouse 3 Institut de Math´ematiquesde Toulouse
[email protected] 2 Contents 1 Background on analysis on manifolds 7 2 The Weyl law: statement of the problem 13 3 Pseudodifferential calculus 19 3.1 The Fourier transform . 19 3.2 Definition of pseudo-differential operators . 21 3.3 Symbolic calculus . 24 3.4 Proofs . 27 4 Some tools of spectral theory 41 4.1 Hilbert-Schmidt operators . 41 4.2 Trace class operators . 44 4.3 Functional calculus via the Helffer-Sj¨ostrandformula . 50 5 L2 bounds for pseudo-differential operators 55 5.1 L2 estimates . 55 5.2 Hilbert-Schmidt estimates . 60 5.3 Trace class estimates . 61 6 Elliptic parametrix and applications 65 n 6.1 Parametrix on R ................................ 65 6.2 Localization of the parametrix . 71 7 Proof of the Weyl law 75 7.1 The resolvent of the Laplacian on a compact manifold . 75 7.2 Diagonalization of ∆g .............................. 78 7.3 Proof of the Weyl law . 81 A Proof of the Peetre Theorem 85 3 4 CONTENTS Introduction The spirit of these notes is to use the famous Weyl law (on the asymptotic distribution of eigenvalues of the Laplace operator on a compact manifold) as a case study to introduce and illustrate one of the many applications of the pseudo-differential calculus. The material presented here corresponds to a 24 hours course taught in Toulouse in 2012 and 2013. We introduce all tools required to give a complete proof of the Weyl law, mainly the semiclassical pseudo-differential calculus, and then of course prove it! The price to pay is that we avoid presenting many classical concepts or results which are not necessary for our purpose (such as Borel summations, principal symbols, invariance by diffeomorphism or the G˚ardinginequality).