TWICE A WEEK The United States Department of Agriculture recommends that Americans consume seafood twice a week. Florida seafood is one of the leanest sources of protein and is packed with nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids that are important for heart health.

DID YOU KNOW? SHOPPING, PREPARING FLORIDA STEAMED serves 4 AND STORING Seafood includes fish, such • 2 dozen littleneck clams in as salmon, tuna and tilapia, When purchasing fresh fish, the shell and , such as look for firm, shiny flesh that • 1 cup dry sherry shrimp, crab and . bounces back when touched. • 1/2 cup green onions, Most seafood can be The scales should be intact and chopped cooked in less than 15 there should be no “fishy” odor. • 2 teaspoons garlic, chopped minutes! Store seafood in their original • 2 teaspoons fresh ginger, chopped Some shellfish, such as wrapper. If you are not cooking clams and oysters, are it within two days, wrap the 1. Wash clams thoroughly under good sources of iron, zinc, seafood tightly and store in the cold running water and set aside. magnesium, copper, iodine freezer. 2. Place all ingredients except clams in a and other trace minerals. large saucepan. Using spices or herbs, such 3. Simmer on medium heat for 3 minutes; as dill, chili powder, paprika, COOKING TIPS add clams and cover. cumin and lemon can add Always cook fish thoroughly. 4. Simmer until clams open; remove clams lots of flavor to seafood When fish is done, the flesh will to a large bowl. without adding salt. be opaque and flake easily with 5. Simmer remaining liquid until it is a fork. WELLNESS TIP reduced to 3/4 cup. The flesh of shrimp and 6. Pour liquid over clams and serve. lobsters will become pearly and Find a balance. Balancing opaque when done. Recipe provided by Chef Justin Timineri, C.E.C., your food intake with your , and shells Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services activity level will help you will open after cooking. Discard Calories: 140; Total Fat: 1 g; Saturated Fat: 0 g; better maintain and manage Total Carbohydrates: 6 g; Protein: 15 g; Sodium: 690 mg any that do not open. your weight.

CHOOSE MYPLATE! Make at least half your plate fruits and vegetables. Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) dairy. Make at least half your grains whole grains. Go lean with protein.

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