(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,976,804 B2 Jantsch Et Al

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,976,804 B2 Jantsch Et Al US00797.6804B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,976,804 B2 Jantsch et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 12, 2011 (54) METHOD FOR THE DECOMPOSITION OF 4,157.316 A 6/1979 Thompson et al. NO IN THE OSTWALD PROCESS 4,172,047 A * 10/1979 Gandhi et al. ................ 502,332 2 4,183,829 A * 1/1980 Adachi et al. ...... ... 502/.328 4,233,189 A * 1 1/1980 Gandhi et al. ..... ... SO2,325 (75) Inventors: Uwe Jantsch, Freigericht (DE): 4,316,822 A * 2/1982 Fujitani et al. ..... ... 502,304 Jonathan Lund, Kelkheim (DE); Marek 4,367,162 A * 1/1983 Fujitani et al. ... SO2,178 Gorywoda, Hof (DE); Marcus Kraus, 4,440,874. A * 4/1984 Thompson . ... SO2/327 Bruchköbel (DE) 4,476,246 A * 10, 1984 Kim et al. ..................... 502,304 4,536,482 A 8, 1985 Carcia 4.675,308 A * 6/1987 Wan et al. ..................... 502,304 (73) Assignee: W.C. Heraeus GmbH, Hanau (DE) 4,678,770 A * 7/1987 Wan et al. ..................... 502,304 4,795,733. A 1/1989 De Thomas (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 4,868,149 A 9, 1989 Bricker patent is extended or adjusted under 35 4,904,633. A * 2/1990 Ohata et al. ................... 502,304 U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. 4,910, 180 A * 3/1990 Berndt et al. ................. 502,304 5,102,851 A 4, 1992 Eri et al. 5,108,978 A * 4/1992 Durand et al. ................ 502,304 (21) Appl. No.: 12/351,257 5,116,800 A * 5/1992 Williamson et al. .......... 502,303 5,177,041 A 1/1993 Horiuchi et al. (22) Filed: Jan. 9, 2009 5.439,865 A 8, 1995 Abe et al. 5,459,119 A 10, 1995 Abe et al. (65) Prior Publication Data 5,478,549 A 12/1995 Koch 5,591,771 A 1/1997 Markonius US 2009/O13OO1 O A1 May 21, 2009 5,597,772 A * 1/1997 McCabe et al. .............. 502,332 5,612,009 A 3, 1997 Fetzer et al. 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Nguyen 502/261, 302,303,304,326, 327, 332, 333, (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Norris McLaughlin & 502/339, 349,350,355, 415, 439; 422/177, Marcus PA 422/180 See application file for complete search history. (57) ABSTRACT (56) References Cited A catalystCatalVSt forOr the ddeCOmoS1t1On position ofO NO underunderth the COnd1t1OnSditi of the Ostwald process, comprising a carrier and a coating U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS made of rhodium, rhodium/palladium or rhodium oxide 3,840,471 A 10, 1974 Acres applied thereto, ensures to yield NO with a particularly low 3,914,376 A * 10/1975 Barker ...... ... 423,213.5 content of laughing gas as the first process product. 3,951,860 A * 4, 1976 Acres et al. ................... 5O2/2O7 4,117,082 A * 9/1978 Matsuyama .................. 423,247 7 Claims, No Drawings US 7,976,804 B2 Page 2 U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 2003,0162656 A1 8, 2003 Wu et al. 2003. 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WO WOOOf 51715 9, 2000 7,011,801 B2 * 3/2006 Van Den Brink et al. 423/239.2 WO WO 2004/OO3949 1, 2004 7,041.263 B2 * 5/2006 Sung .......................... 423,239.1 WO WO2004OO3949 1, 2004 2002/0172642 A1 11/2002 Dindi et al. WO WO 2004/0967O2 11, 2004 2003.01.03886 A1 6, 2003 Dou 2003/0124046 A1 7/2003 Gorywoda et al. * cited by examiner US 7,976,804 B2 1. 2 METHOD FOR THE DECOMPOSITION OF ment also mentions Ru and Iras catalysts. These metals, in NO IN THE OSTWALD PROCESS turn, do not have any effect in the Ostwald process. JP 6142517 A1 describes catalysts with alpha-Al-O as This application is a division of application Ser. No. carrier material, which comprise Rh or Ru and at least one of 11/053,708 filed Feb. 8, 2005, now abandoned. 5 the oxides of Ti, Zror Nb. The fact that Ru is not suited for the The subject of the invention is a catalyst for the decompo Ostwald process applies here as well. Furthermore, titanium sition of NO that results as a by product from the catalytic and niobium oxides are not suitable either. oxidation of ammonia according to the Ostwald process. According to JP 2002253967 A1, Ru or Pd on SiO, or Al-O are also used to destroy laughing gas that is excessive BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 10 as anesthetic gas. Appropriate reactors are steel pipes which are packed with Al2O grains that are coated with noble metal The catalytic oxidation of ammonia for the production of and are operated at 150 to 550° C. (JP 55031463 A1). Here as nitric acid is known (as Ostwald process). The oxidation of well, the requirements are different in that both Ru and Pd do ammonia for large-size production of NO as the first product not have any effect in the Ostwald process and SiO, is chemi 15 cally unstable under the conditions of the Ostwald process.JP of the process is achieved on, for example, PtRh or PtRhPd 06182203 relates to fluoride-containing carriers for noble alloy catalysts at a high temperature (usually 800 to 950° C.). metal catalysts. Said alloy catalysts are piled up in the reactor in several layers According to DE 4020914A1, ammonia undergoes com one upon the other, usually in the form of knitted or woven bustion almost without any formation of laughing gas if it is gauzes.
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