A Abegg, Richard, 99, 103 Abraumsalze, 13 Absorption Towers
Index1 A Allgemeine Osterreichische Abegg, Richard, 99, 103 Bodenkreditanstalt, 287 Abraumsalze, 13 Allied Chemical & Dye Corporation, 204, Absorption towers, for nitric acid, 57, 60, 66, 214–216, 274, 276, 277, 296, 298– 121, 194, 217 299, 383 Acade´mie des Sciences, 247 Allievi, Lorenzo, 229 Acetic acid, 51 Allmand, Arthur John, 217 Acetone, 145 Alloys, 52, 219, 261, 321, 322 Acetylene, 20, 50, 51, 75, 134, 169 acid-resistant, 152 under pressure, 355, 375 chrome-nickel-tungsten (BTG), 246 Acheson, Edward Goodrich, 49 chrome-nickel-tungsten (HR-1T), 246 Acidic soils, 47, 359 chromium, 261 Actien-Gesellschaft für Anilin-Fabrikation molybdenum, 261 (AGFA), 63, 94 nickel, 261 Adams, Edward Dean, 71 stainless steel, 47 Address to the Agriculturalists of Great Britain Alnarp, Sweden, 24 (Liebig), 10 Alumina, 33, 49 Adler, Rene´, 207, 211 Aluminium, 49, 52, 175, 191, 304 Adriatic cruise, 295 Aluminium carbide, 32 Adulteration, 159 Aluminium-Industriegesellschaft Neuhausen, 67 Aerial bombs, 144 Aluminium nitride, 32, 33 Agricultural Chemistry Association of Aluminothermic (thermite) reaction, 34 Scotland, 24 Ålvik, Norway, 78 Agricultural experiment stations, 24–25 AlzChem (company), 358, 359 Air Liquide. See Socie´te´ L’Air Liquide Amalgamated Phosphate Company, 82 Air Nitrates Corporation, 183 Amatol, 142 Aktiengesellschaft für Stickstoffdünger, 86, 153 American Association of Official Agricultural Alabama Power Company, 79 Chemists, 24 Alby, Sweden, 78, 139, 193 American Chemical Industry: A History Alby United Carbide Factories, Ltd, 77, 193 (Haynes), 79 Alizarin, 93–94, 374 American Chemical Society, 181, 296 Allen, E. M., 296 American Cyanamid Company, 47, 79–83, Allgemeine Elektrizita¨ts-Gesellschaft (AEG), 182–183, 252, 259, 275, 277, 293, 296, 50, 136 302, 304, 316, 358, 368.
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