Holinshed’s Chronicles contain many references to sources which do not occur in the list of authors that forms part of the preliminaries. What follows is as complete a list as I have been able to make of those other writers who are named in the text and its margins as having been drawn upon in the compilation of the Chronicles, together with identifications of them and, where these are named or easily found, of their works. Personal names are presented as they occur in the text, in alphabetical sequence and in indirect order, precedence being given to surnames or toponymics. Thus Peter of Ickham occurs under `I’, not under `P’. It is hardly necessary to add that in so enormous a text there are certain to be names and writings which I have overlooked or misidentified – any assistance in detecting error or filling gaps will be gratefully received. Please send comments to the project team via [email protected]

18 September 2008 Henry Summerson


Nicholas Adams, 1/196 – Nicholas Adams (described as a lawyer, presumably the man of that name recorded as attending the Middle Temple 1525x1551), An epitome of the the Sovereigntie of Scotlande (1548).

Aelianus, 1/57 – Aelian (c. 165-c. 235 AD), probably De historia animalium, 1562>.

Henricus Cornelius Agrippa, 1/331 (`ad aulicum quendam’) – Henricus Cornelius Agrippa (1486-1535), scientist and occultist.

Albert the great, 1/396 – Albertus Magnus (d. 1280), theologian and schoolman.

Dionysius Alexandrinus, De situ orbis, 1/371 – Dionysius Periegetes, geographer (fl. ? 2nd century AD), De situ orbis 1477>, English translation 1572.

Alexander de Alexandro, 1/193 – Alessandro Alessandri (d. 1523), jurist and humanist, author of Dies geniales, 1522>.

Cornelius of Amsterdam, 1/396 – most likely Cornelius (1535-1578), scientist; Cornelius Crocus (c. 1500-1549), humanist, is also a possibility.

Antoninus, 1/319, 322 – probably the Itinerarium provinciarum, commissioned by the emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Caracalla (188-217), 1518>. ODNB entry, under Lucius .


Appianus, 1/23 – Appian (fl. 2nd century AD), historian of the Roman empire, 1472>, English translation 1578.

Thomas Aquinas, 6/19 – (1225-1274), theologian, probably Summa theologiae, first printed complete at Basel, 1485.

`a booke penned by Henry Archer, one of the gard to...the earle of Leicester’ [describing the earl’s expedition to the Low Countries, 1586]: recorded as attending Leicester’s funeral in 1588, otherwise unidentified.

Archilochus, In epithet. temp., 1/429 – Epitetum Archiloci de temporibus, 1510, a suppositious work published with writings by the equally spurious Berosus and others.

Wilden Arguis, 1/8: unidentified.

`The gests written by Ariost the Italian in his booke intituled `Orlando furioso...’, 1/540 – Ludovico Ariosto (1474-1533), poet, Orlando Furioso, first published complete in 1532.

Aristotle de magia, 1/34 – (384-322 BC), philosopher and scientist. This is presumably a spurious work, as is `his’ De mundo, 1/9. This is obviously not the case with the `politicks’, 1/50 – Politica, ?1469>. The text on vipers, 1/383, may be part of the Historia animalium.

Arrhianus, 1/20 – Arrian (c. 86-160 AD), historian, De rebus gestis Alexandri Regis, 1508>.

Athanasius `his second apologie’ and letter to the emperor Jovian, 1/534 – Athanasius (d. 373), bishop of Alexandria, probably cited from his Opera, e.g. Basel, 4 vols., 1556.

Atheneus, 1/22 – Athenaeus of Naucratis (fl. c. 200 AD), antiquary, Deipnosophistarum, 1524>.
