Scaling Memory: Reparation Displacement and the Case of BC
Scaling Memory: Reparation Displacement and the Case of BC MATT JAMES University of Victoria In British Columbia, people tend to view history as something that happened last weekend.... Happily, it doesn’t matter here who your ancestors were or who did what to whom 300 years ago. Lisa Hobbs Birnie ~1996! Racist injustices have played a central role in shaping British Columbia; it could hardly be otherwise in a white-dominated settler society built on an ongoing history of Indigenous dispossession and 75 initial years of official racism against Asians. Yet despite the spread of an “age of apol- ogy” ~Gibney et al., 2008!, characterized in many locales by a growing introspection over patterns of historic injustice, considerations of repara- tion still seem marginal in BC, an anomaly to which this article responds. Charting the contours of an amnesiac culture of memory, the follow- ing pages argue that BC’s aloofness from the age of apology reflects a phenomenon I call “reparation displacement.” While some recalcitrant communities resist calls to repair injustice by denying responsibility or claiming no injustice has occurred, reparation displacement works more subtly, redirecting understandings of responsibility instead. In the BC case, reparation displacement is intertwined with the politics of federalism; issues of racist injustice in BC have been conceived almost exclusively— not only by officials but often by redress activists themselves—as mat- ters of federal rather than provincial shame. While more informed debates about Canadian belonging have followed federal apologies for wrongs inflicted on various groups, including Japanese Canadians, Chinese Cana- dians and Indigenous peoples ~James, 2006: 243–45!, BC is a different Acknowledgments: The author would like to thank Caroline Andrew, Alan Cairns, Avigail Eisenberg, Steve Dupré, Chris Kukucha, Daniel Woods, and the two CJPS reviewers for helpful comments on earlier drafts.
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