Locomotives Designed and Built at Horwich, with Some Results
JULY 1909. LOCOMOTIVES DESIGNED AND BUILT AT HORWICH, WITH SOME RESULTS. - BY MR. GEORGE HUGHES, Member, CHIEF MECHANICALENGINEER, LAKCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRERAILWAY, HORWICH. Before discussing the desigu and performance of locomotives, the critic must have some knowledge of the railway upon which they run, and the nature of the work they perform. Particulars will be found by referring to the Appendices (pages 598-620), and the subjoined diagram Fig. 1 (page 5621, and statement, which give the power and weight of the various locomotives operating this traffic. The Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company possess 1,517 locomotives, 1,052 of which have been constructed at Horwich, and there are about 1,100 engines in steam daily, varying, of course, according to the demands of the traffic. When the works at Horwich were opened, the company had 1,000 engines, namely, 353 passenger, and 647 goods. There were 29 different types of passenger-engines, and 26 types of goods- engines. Realizing the great importance of having as few classes as possible, Mr. Aspinall, then Chief Mechanical Engineer, resolved to reduce the number, and to introduce standardization, and, wherever possible, interchangeabilit) . This policy, no doubt, from Downloaded from pme.sagepub.com at Purdue University Libraries on June 9, 2016 562 HORWICH LOCOMOTIVES. JULY 1909. Figt. IbS < 200.000 f80.000 160.000 14aooo .s0 120.000 h 100,000 6 80.000 60.000 40.000 2q 000 > Datum 20.000 t 30.000 % E 60.000 ' 80.000 Downloaded from pme.sagepub.com at Purdue University Libraries on June 9, 2016 JULY 1909.
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