Thank you for stepping forward instead of sitting on your hands. Thank you for speaking up instead of being silent. Thank you for fighting and not giving up. We do this because we believe in personal freedom, personal responsibility, private property, free markets, and non-aggression. The first step in any campaign is to look at what you want to accomplish with your campaign and then tailor your tactics to accomplish that goal. Are you looking to provide voters with a Libertarian choice on the ballot? Perhaps you want to educate voters on what Libertarians are and what our solutions look like? Or is your goal to win the election? Those are three very different goals with very different commitment levels. This workbook was written primarily for those who want to win their election and are willing to put in the time and effort required to do so. If that’s you, this workbook walks you through what you need to do to run a campaign as a Libertarian and speaks to the specific challenges Libertarian candidates face. This is a work in progress and relies on feedback, tips, and ideas from candidates after they complete their run. We'll update it each year. You may want to print only the workbook and not print the appendix to save on ink. Good luck! Cara Schulz
[email protected] This workbook was updated December 2018 and is licensed under Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike - CC BY-NC-SA This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this work non-commercially, as long as they attribute and license their new creations under the identical terms.