Susan Albert | 285 pages | 31 Dec 1998 | Penguin Putnam Inc | 9780425159415 | English | New York, United States Rueful Death PDF Book

All gets settled surprisingly in the end. After several "heavier" books, I was ready for something light. And when one of the older nuns dies, fingers start pointing. But just for the experience. More Details This was a good book. China is the best! Teresa's, the monastic retreat where Maggie once served. Along the way, she finds that there is more going on than the fires. Susan Wittig Albert. Rueful Death. When she arrives, China is asked to solve a series of small fires. Everything is big in Texas Susan Wittig Albert. The ending was far too easy to guess, plus there was a romantic complication that seemed extremely out-of-place, unusual for Albert. Dilly of a Death. Instead of the quiet contemplation she was expecting, China finds herself pulled into a conflict over the future of the property between the original group of nuns who grow garlic and the nuns transferre This is the 5th book in the China Bayles series. In search of respite, China takes off to St. What made it so interesting for me was that it took place in a monastery. On to the next book in the series. Rueful Death Writer

After several "heavier" books, I was ready for something light. There were, naturally several things going on - but with so many new characters it was harder to figure things out and keep track of wh Rueful Death was definitely not my favorite in the China Bayles series, in fact it's my least favorite, so far. It literally took me less than 3 days. They have the followers, leaders, overachievers, dreamers, and the complacents. Read it Forward Read it first. Albert's overall view of religion and the organized church is very negative, at least in this series, and that tends to make the book a darker read than it should be. Contains spoilers plot hints. This focused mainly on the mysteries. I'm looking forward to the next book in the seri Herbal shop owner China Bayles feels the walls are closing in on her so she goes with her friend on a retreat to Saint Theresa's Monastery. In search of peace and quirt, a little reflection and downtime, China goes on retreat to St. Read more Sep 24, Vanetra Malone rated it liked it. Rueful Death was definitely not my favorite in the China Bayles series, in fact it's my least favorite, so far. You can check out the recipes at the back of most of the books, at Thyme for Tea or in one of the monthly Tea Parties. In this book, China goes off to a retreat in an abbey, for some relaxation. Good fun mystery with a relatable Texas setting. China Bayles is the fictional protagonist of a popular and critically acclaimed series written by educator Susan Wittig Albert , formerly a writer of the series, . Refresh and try again. I was also a bit annoyed by the introduction of an ex-boyfriend of China's. Halloween Books for Kids. Elizabeth J. The romantic subplot was downright tacky AND clunky. Rueful Death Reviews

Unfortunately, things aren't as Her friend, Maggie, who operates a very popular local restaurant is a former member of the order. But her peace is short-lived as the Mother Superior asks her to investigate some suspicious incidents going on at the convent and eventually into catching a killer. Susan Wittig Albert. Start your review of Rueful Death China Bayles, 5. Books by Susan Wittig Albert. Then there's the poison pen letters accusing several of the sisters of various sins and demanding penance. The Darling Dahlias and the Cucumber Tree. Sign in. What made it so interesting for me was that it took place in a monastery. She publishes under her own imprint. On to the next book in the series. Jul 23, Michelle rated it really liked it Shelves: cozy-mystery. China feels the need for some time away, and so goes on a personal retreat to a Texas monastery where the nuns raise a special kind of Dec 30, Bonnijean Marley rated it really liked it. Little does she know that things will not be as restful as she would like. Alas, the dreams of solitude and meditation soon fall by the wayside. No trivia or quizzes yet. Quotes from Rueful Death. Edited Out. Categories : Fictional amateur detectives Novel series by main character Crime novel series. Discussion questions for Rueful Death Warning! But just for the experience. Read and see what she uncovers. All gets settled surprisingly in the end. Related Articles. Is her relationship with McQuaid coming to an end in favor of this old love? Rue In Roman times, rue was used as an eyewash to cleanse the sight, and included in amulets to protect from contagious illness. Sep 01, Sara Jane rated it really liked it. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The writing was not bad, and the overall story was okay but this one was not my cup of tea. Before she knows it, China is investigating despite her plan to relax and recharge. They have the followers, leaders, overachievers, dreamers, and the complacents. It was involved but I pretty much figured out what was going on as far as the money end of the situation was concerned. Love Lies Bleeding. Here Today, Gone Tamale. Another solid mystery from Wittig Albert. Readers also enjoyed. Despite a series of mistakes, China eventually solves the mysteries and comes to some conclusions about her life and future, learning a little about grace in the process. A quiet week at a country retreat, ah, bliss! If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. I enjoy the China Bayles series and Ms.

Rueful Death Read Online

There were, naturally several things going on - but with so many new characters it was harder to figure things out and keep track of wh Rueful Death was definitely not my favorite in the China Bayles series, in fact it's my least favorite, so far. She seems a bit rusty. A former professor of English and a university administrator and vice president, she is the New York Times bestselling… More about Susan Wittig Albert. Lavender Lies. Love Lies Bleeding. Books by Susan Wittig Albert. Now, China's quest for a replenished spirit takes second place to a more earthbound pursuit: catching a killer. Parnell Hall. Showing Along with her friend, Maggie, China is going on a retreat at St. Aug 29, Lora Templeton rated it liked it Shelves: crime-and-mystery. Along with her best friend, Ruby Wilcox , owner of a New Age shop next door, China solves murders using deductive reasoning, legal skills, and expertise based on her knowledge of herbs, which always figure in the titles and poisons used. See all books by Susan Wittig Albert. China's dreams of a peaceful holiday are shattered before she even arrives at the monastery, however, when she learns that someone within its walls has been setting fires and sending poisonous letters to its members. There' s also a political battle between two factions in the sisterhood, and at least one suspicious death among the elderly nuns. It literally took me less than 3 days. Become a Member Start earning points for buying books! The philosophies espoused by several of the nuns bothered me, also. A legacy left to the order has spawned rivaling opinions about the monastery's future and created a deep breach within its walls. The nuns all grapple with a range of emotions, coupled with the politics of "close living" that the re inside the sacred world of the monastery this was a real treat to see what goes on behind the scenes in a nunnery. The book was a bit of a slog for a while but improved toward the end. Somebody seems to be trying to scare China off by shooting at her. What a delight! This is the 5th book in the China Bayles series. Discussion questions for Rueful Death Warning! The back cover says China Bayles is "totally a woman of the nineties. And when one of the older nuns dies, fingers start pointing. Looking for More Great Reads? Enlarge cover. The mystery itself was quite good. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. It was a bit hard to keep all the nuns straight, but the book was predicated on politics within religion--no surprise, of course. Now, China's quest for a replenished spirit takes second place to a more earthbound pursuit: catching a killer Having survived a whirlwind holiday season, China Bayles finds herself growing more unhappy with her life as a shop owner and with her personal relationship with her significant other, McQuaid. More filters. Is her relationship with McQuaid coming to an end in favor of this old love? When she arrives, China is asked to solve a series of small fires. Categories : Fictional amateur detectives Novel series by main character Crime novel series. I found myself skipping ahead when I can to paragraphs that went into too much detail about herbs and clothing. But her quest for a replenished spirit soon takes second place to a more earthbound pursuit: catching a killer. Susan Wittig Albert. Christmas was crazy at her shop, she worked on a full out perfect Christmas which was successful, but Susan Wittig Albert. China needs a break. Mar 18, Janet rated it liked it. Add garlic, herbs, and cayenne to taste. When she gets there, The Mother abbess asks her to help with some disturbing incidents. Sort order.