HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES-Thursday, May 22, 1969 the House Met at 12 O'clock Noon

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HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES-Thursday, May 22, 1969 the House Met at 12 O'clock Noon May 22, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 13447 States on the 20th of January, 1969, black Finch, now Secretary of Health, Education for administration in the Department of voters throughout the nation resignedly as­ and Welfare but then lieutenant governor of Health, Education and Welfare, marked sumed a "wait and see" attitude. Since less California and one of Mr. Nixon's closest Mr. Nixon's first breakthrough to a na­ than ten per cent of the Negro vote had gone advisors. In an interview with United Press tionally known black leader. And Farmer's to Nixon, blacks were pessimistic about the International, Finch said that the Nixon ad­ statement about his acceptance should give attitude the White House would take toward ministration could bring "a new kind of can­ other black leaders thought if they should the black man. dor and realism" to the drive for racial equal­ also be approached for meaningful appoint­ Knowing that they had asked for, and got, ity because the administration owes no polit­ ments. Admitting that some might have rewards for electing the late John Fitzgerald ical debts to the ''black establishment." Finch reason to protest some things that he might Kennedy and supporting his succesor, Lyn­ said that the administration would design do, he added, "But there also is a great need don B. Johnson, they feared that President practical programs to give both black and for some people to get on the inside and try Nixon, owing them nothing politically, would white youths "the same chance at the start­ to have some influence." slow down the progress of the black ma.n and, ing line" and th.81t guaranteeing Negroes equal Nixon early made history by appointing perhaps, even turn back the pages of civil opportuni.ties with whites is "chiefly a mat­ California's James Johnson as the first black rights, particularly in desegregation of ter of education." Finch also said that minor­ man ever to serve as a U.S. Civil Service Southern schools. ity militants would have very little influence commissioner. Johnson is a Republican from Accustomed to the extremely partisan, on the Nixon administration. "I find," said California and formerly served as director of dog-eat-dog politics of most local scenes, Finch, "that many of these so-called mili­ the State Dept. of Veterans Affairs under blacks expected punishment. Some of the tants have a very narrow constituency. I Gov. Ronald Reagan. But Farmer earned his more militant blacks, many of whom had hope that our programs can be geared to the first Republican support when he ran for urged Negroes to stay away from the polls, responsible members of these minority com­ Congress in Brooklyn on the liberal ticket hoped for indications on punishment. They munities." with Republican backing and lost to Demo­ know that a federal slow down on civil rights Shortly after Mr. Finch's UPI interview and crat Shirley Chisholm. will help solidify blacks on a more mllitant a week before the Inauguration, Mr. Nixon Nixon has appointed two assistant sec­ basis. invited six black leaders to meet with him retaries in the Department of Housing and FORWARD TOGETHER in New York City. They were SCLC President Urban Development, Samuel C. Jackson and Early in his inaugural address, President Ralph Abernathy, Ebony Publisher John H. Samuel J. Simmons. Both meaningful ap­ Nixon talked about the proud achievements Johnson, Afro-American Publisher John pointments, that of Jackson has been given of this nation in the "second third of this Murphy, National Baptist Convention Vice special weight because it has been indicated century." He talked about the enormous President Rev. Sandy Ray, black Elks Grand that he actually has the status of an Under strides in science and industry and agricul­ Exalted Ruler Hobson Reynolds and Black Secretary-Number 2 man in the Depart­ ture. And then he said, "We have given free­ Power Conference Chairman Dr. Nathan ment. dom new reach, we have begun to make its Wright. To these men, Mr. Nixon pledged Nixon seems determined, at least in num­ prom.ise real for black as well as for white." that he would endeavor to surpass the ef­ ber, to surpass President Johnson in the ap­ Later in the address he talked again of the forts of his predecessors to improve the eco­ pointment of blacks to Washington jobs. In freedom of the black man as he emphasized nomic and social conditions of black Ameri­ cans. He said that this meeting was the first the White House, two black aides, Robert J. his inaugural theme of "Forward Together." Browne and Michael Monroe, can look around "No man," he said, "can be fully free while of many meetings in which he hoped to de­ velop communication between his Adminis­ at seven or eight black secretaries where his neighbor is not. To go forward at all ls during the Johnson administration there to go forward together. tration and black Americans. He said he was were only one or two. President Nixon has "This means black and white together, as seeking advice from black leaders to give him "direction, advice and criticism" in af­ also urged his cabinet to employ as many one nation, not two. The laws have caught Negroes as possible. up with our conscience. What remains is to fairs that affect black citizens. Declaring that give life to what is in the law: to insure at he wanted to broaden the base of Presidential LET'S GIVE HIM A CHANCE last that as all are born equal in dignity appointments to put qualified blacks in re­ James Farmer might just be right when before God, all are born equal in dignity be­ sponsible positions serving the needs of all he says that black men need more influence fore man." Americans, Nixon hinted at meaningful ap­ from the inside. And black men who turn The words were a promise of progress in pointments to come. down meaningful and desirable appoint­ mvll rights and equa.llty. But such was to be THE GREAT DISTRUST ments merely from fear of being labeled t·xpected in an inaugural address. "Uncle Toms" could be doing their own peo­ Despite all President NiXon has had to say ple a great disservice. National Urban League STRAWS IN THE WIND on racial problems during his meetings with Director Whitney Young recently said: "More The true ability of a President cannot be various black leaders both before and after his inauguration, black people seemed to Negroes should be encouraged to accept jobs assessed in a few months. Even at the end of in the Nixon Administration ... It is to the a four year term, a President might still be have assumed an air of watchful distrust. benefit of every Negro in this country that of unproved qUJallty. Looking back in history, The depth of this distrust became apparent to Mr. Nixon when he began seeking quali­ we are ably represented." one can only now see in perspective such The black man has been handicapped in Presidents as Herbert Hoover, Franklin Del­ fied Negroes for Presidential appointments. In several instances, his spokesmen were re­ the past because he did not have men "on ano Roosevelt, and Harry S. Truman. Dwight the inside" in government. Now that he does D. Eisenhower, John Fitzgerald Kennedy and buffed by Negroes who would have been will­ ing to accept the appointment but turned have that opportunity, he should take every Lyndon B. Johnson served too recently to be advantage of it. The very presence of a black judged at this time. But early in a President's down the offers only becaus<; they did not want to be labeled "Uncle Tom" by other, man in an office or on a committee helps t.erm of office, there straws in the wind keep the white majority from forgetting us. that let one know what bent he is likely to more mmtant blacks. take on certain issues. One hint as to Presi­ The most highly publicized appointment So far as serving under President Nixon ls dent Nixon's handling of racial issues came to date, that of James Farmer, former concerned, let's face it. He's the only Presi­ even before Mr. Nixon was sworn in. And it national director of the Congress of Racial dent we have-Let's give him a chance to not from Mr. Nixon but from Robert H. Equality (CORE), to assistant secretary prove himself. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Thursday, May 22, 1969 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. them under the dome of this Capitol, RESIGNATION AS A MEMBER OF The Chaplain, Rev. Edward G. Latch, that in all good will Thy kingdom may THE CANADA-UNITED STATES D.D., offered the fallowing prayer: go forward and Thy will be done on INTERPARLIAMENTARY GROUP Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, the earth. The SPEAKER laid before the House things which God hath prepared for Make real in our hearts the spirit of the following resignation from the Can­ them that love Him.-1 Corinthians 2: 9. Thy love; strengthen us by Thy power; ada-United States Interparllamentary Almighty and everlasting God, from draw us closer to Thee and, in so doing, Group: whom all thoughts of truth and love pro­ bind us together in a firm and a faithful MAY 21, 1969. ceed; kindle in our hearts and in the bond of unity, through Jesus Christ our Hon. JOHN w. McCORMACK, Lord. Amen. Speaker of the House, hearts of all men a real love for the House of .Representatives, truth and a deep concern for peace.
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