DIRECTORY.J OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. 2]05 Law Clerk to VilJitoTl of County Lunatic Asylum at - John Chief Inspector, Ribble Watershed -Edwani Halliwell, F.I.C., 2 Stanle,. Croftlln, .VI anchBRter place, Preston Clprk d: Steward to County Lunatic Adylum at Prestwich-R. T. Cursitor of the County-Alfred T. Davies. J.P., Board of Education, Redman, Pre.twich Welsh Department. Whitehall, London IS W ~uperinte7l.lUnt of the County Lunatie .Asylum at Rawhill- Joseph Go"ernors of Hi. Majesty's Prisons: LaneaRter CaBtle - Geor~e J. VT1~gleRworth,M.D•• Rllinhlli Amold; Prcston-W. Eo Burkinshaw; Strangeways, ­ Lall! Ulerk to Visitors of County Lunatie Asylum at Rainhill-Thomas Cdpt. C. Haynl's; Walton-John Dillon G",rller, St. Helens Clerk ,I: Steward to County Lunatic Asylum at Rainhill-J. Gornlill, Coroners-Blackburn District, Henry John Robinson, Blackburn; Rflinh1l1 Lancaster District. N. Holden, Lancaster: Preston District, John Superintendent of the Count]! Lunatie Asylum at Whittingham­ Parker, Preston; District, Frederick Nassau Molesworth. J. F. Gemmel, M.B., C.M. Whittingham, Preston Rochdale; Bury District, S. F. Butcher; SRolford District. John F. Law Cleric to Visitors of County l.utultic A.'y/urn at Whittillgham­ Price, 314 Temple chambers. Brazennose street. ){anchester; West Orm~kirk; I.eonard Cotman, PreBton Derby District, Samuel Brighouse, Liberty & Manor of Furness, Frederick Willi~m Poole, Ulverston; Manor of Walton-Ie­ d; Cled' Steward to Gounty Lunatic Asylum at Whittingham-W. ~ N. BaldWill, Whittingham Dale, Hobert Ascruft; Manor of Prescot, :Frederick Smith, Pn,,;cot SU]J"rilltendeflt of In.: UOunty Lunatic ..ti,'ylurn at Winwiclc-Alexander Manor of Hale, Henry Greenall, Warrington Simnson, M.D. Winwick County Analyst-\Valter C. WilliamR, B.SC. 36 Dansie st. Liverpool Low Cleric 10 Vi6itors 0/ County Lunatic Asylum at Winwick-J. S. Di.enct Agricultl£ral AIUll!Jst-Walter C. WiIliams B.SC. 36 Danilie­ Francornb, MancheBter st. Liverpool Gle,-/; ,I: 8tel/;ard to Counlv Lutullic Asylum at Win·wiclc-Henry Rllis. Bridge Mast,...,· &: SllrtleyoT-William Compton Ha!I, M.LC.E. (County Winwick Bridgemaster), County offices, Preston; William H. Schofield. Director Lanca6liire Inebriale Re/ormatMlI, La7VJho, near Blaclcburn­ A.M.I.C. E. (Couuty Surveyor), Pre.ton, .ABsistant County Surveyor. ]<'r>lnk A. Gill, M.D., C.Y. Langho L. D. Thompson, Pre;;ton Superintendent of Sea Fisheries-J. Travis JenkinR, D.Se., ph.D. 16 District Sl£1'veyors of Main RolUis-Blackburn &: Leyland Hundreds. Walton's parade. Preston H. Swirl', Liverpool rd. Pellwortham, Preston; North & South Chief Inspector, Mersey and Irwell Walershed-Hugh Stowl'll, .l.K. Lonsdale &. Amoundcrncss Hundreds, Peter Scholefield, 49 Regent st. Inst. C. E. 44 !HoRley st. Manchester Lanca.<;ter; West Derby Hundred, Willjam Nuttall, 2R Cr~by rd. Chemi"al ..tidvi&er, Mersey and Irwell Watllr&hed-Fmnk Scudder, F.I.C. Birkdale. SouttIport: Hundred, Thomas West Burnett Genl, 44 :Moslev st. Manchester 24 Clarendon crescent, Eccles, MancheBter


CHAIIDIAX OF THE QUARTEH SESSIONS, Joseph Maglmll Yates, K.C. Buglawton Hall, Congleton, .

Agnew ~ir G~or~e WilIiam, bart. M.A., :\I.P. Rougham Hall, Bury St. Gow Peter Graham, Bank HOURe, Whitefield Edmunds Greenh.dgh Andrew, Walifield, Whitefield Agnew William LOC'kett. Fairhope, Eccles, Manchester Greellbalgh Handel, 155 Rochdale rd. Bury Ain8worth Colonel Richard Henry, SmithillB hall, Bolton Greg Ernest Wllliam, Korclifi'e Hall, Handforth, Cheshire Aitken Tbomas, Bodelwyduan castle, HhnddJan, N. Wales Grundy, "ide Beardoe-Grundy A1Ien \Valker. Holly Bank. Whitefield, Manchester Urundy Alfred, 12 Bury New rd. Bolton Allen Walker, jnn. Woo<181