
SpaceX Mission WP42 Basic SS

Target Sequence *become ACTIONS - see below for additional instructions. go to


*launch ACTIONS - see below for additional instructions. name

* ACTIONS - see below for additional instructions. *raise money ACTIONS - see below for additional instructions. *train ACTIONS - see below for additional instructions.





*professional PEOPLE - see below for additional instructions. ready




*Cape Canaveral, PLACES – see below for additional instructions.


*Kennedy Space PLACES – see below for additional instructions. Center *kids PEOPLE - see below for additional instructions. *mission GROUPS - see below for additional instructions. people

*Resilience GROUPS - see below for additional instructions. space

* GROUPS - see below for additional instructions. *SpaceX GROUPS - see below for additional instructions.

Instructions: *Some words may not be part of the default WordPower file. The words indicated with an * above may not be in your file. You may want to add words to the person’s vocabulary. These are suggested categories to add words and align with default organization of WordPower.

Consider categories (i.e., PEOPLE, GROUPS, ACTIONS, etc.) for adding words. One option to include the following words:

People – Consider programming this word on the first page or subcategories under PEOPLE i.e., jobs

Groups - GROUPS have multiple subcategories that allow for similar words to be added

Actions - Verbs can be easily added in the A-Z section with matching first letters.

Describe - Adjectives can be easily added in the A-Z section with matching first letters.

Places - PLACES has a few pages and subcategories such as Geography, Stores, Restaurants to add words.

Time - TIME has two pages to program time related words.

Social - Social phrases can be added to this section within current pages or creating new pages.

© 2019 PRC-Saltillo. Non-commercial reprint rights for clinical or personal use granted with inclusion of copyright notice. Commercial use prohibited; may not be used for resale. Contact PRC-Saltillo for questions regarding permissible uses. Copyright © 2019 SymbolStix, LLC. All rights reserved. Used with permission. The library of character/logo symbols contained in this software is included free of charge, may be used solely for communication purposes and may not be sold, copied, or otherwise exploited for any type of profit or distribution. News-2-You®, Copyright 2019, n2y, LLC. All rights reserved. Used with permission.