INF/42/Rev.2 2 October 1961 GENERAL Distr

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INF/42/Rev.2 2 October 1961 GENERAL Distr international Atomic Energy Agency GC(V)/INF/42/Rev.2 2 October 1961 GENERAL Distr. General Conference ENGLISH ONLY Fifth Regular Session DELEGATIONS Information received by 29 September 1961 CONTENTS Pages I. Composition A. Member States 2-30 B. Non-member States 31 C. United Nations and specialized agencies 33 - 34 D. Inter-governmental organizations 35 E. Non-governmental organizations having 37 - 39 consultative status with the Agency II. Addressee A. States 41 - 45 B. Organizations 47 - 48 Requests for changes in subsequent editions of this list should be addressed to the Protocol Office in -writing. * Wife in Vienna ** Daughter in Vienna 61-5130 GC(v)/1IJF/42/Rev.2 page 2 I. COMPOSITION A, MEMBER STATES AFGHANISTAN Dolegato% Dr. Abdul Chaffar KAKAR Dean of the Faculty of Science, University of Kabul\ President, Atomic Energy Commission Alternatess Mr. A, Rahman IBADI Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Kabul Mr. Abdul K. WARDAKEE Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Kabul ALBANIA Delegates H.E. Gugo PAZE Ambassador Alternates: Mr. Mehmet 9AKA Mr. Aleko SEETI ARGENTINA Delegates H.E. Rear-Admiral Oscar A. QUIHILLALT* Ambassadori Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission| Governor from Argentina on the Board, of Governors Alternates; H.E. Adolf0 B. ESTEVEZ* Ambassador to Austria; Resident Representative to the Agency Professor Mario BANCORA Director, Atomic Energy Commission Advisers; Mr. Adolfo RAWSON* Counsellor, the Embassy in Austria! Alternate to the Resident Representative Mr. Carlos 0. KELLER* Secretary, the Embassy in Austria^ Alternate to the Resident Representative GC(v)/INF/42/Rev,2 page 3 AUSTRALIA Delegates Mr. Allan Douglas McKNTGHT C.B.E.* Executive Commissioners Atomic Energy Commission°9 Governor from Australia on the Board of Governors and Chairman of the Board Alternates? Mr. Henry Douglas MITE Charge d!Affaires ad interim, the Embassy in Dublin Mr. Andrew David THOMAS Liaison Officer, Atomic Energy Commission, London? Alterna-fce to the Governor Secretarys Miss Margaret POLSOTT AUSTRIA Delegates H.E. Dr. Walter WODAK* Minister Plenipotentiary, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alternatess Professor Harms THIRRING* Member of Parliament Mr. Richard POLACZEK* Senior Counsellor, Federal Chancellory Advisers; Dr. Franz BERGER* Counsellor, Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Mr. Rudolph FURST* Director? Federal Ministry of Communications and Power'' Dr. Gordian GUDEHUS* Counsellor of Legation, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr. Michael HIGATSBERGER* Managing Director, Osterreichische Studiengesellschaft fur Atomenergie Ges.m.b.H. Professor Gustav ORTNER* Head of the Atomic Energy Institute of the Austrian Universities Mr. Rudolph RENNER* Senior Counsellor, Federal Ministry of Commerce and Reconstruction Dr. Karl SCHINDL*. Director, Federal Ministry of Social Administration Dr. Borthold STEIMEMER* Counsellor, Federal Chancellory Secretary to Dr. Franz SCEMID* the Deloga- Attache, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs tions GC(v)/1WP/42/Rev.2 page 4 BELGIUM Delegate: Professor Jacques ERRERA Commissioner for Atomic Energys, Governor from Belgium on the Board of Governors and Resident Representative to the Agency Alternates Mr. Victor BERNARD* Counsellor, the Embassy in Austria?, Alternate to the Resident Representative Secretaries to Miss Simone HERPELS the Delegations Head of Bureau, Atomic Energy Commission Mr. Georges ENGLEBERT The Embassy in Austria BRAZIL Delogate? Professor Marcolo Damy DE SOUZA SANTOS* Chairman, Nuclear Energy Commissions Governor from Brazil on the Board of Governors Alternates! Professor Luiz CINTRA DO PRADO*' Director, Atomic Energy Institute, Sao Pauloj Alternate to the Governor Mr. Helio P. S. BITTENCOURT* Resident Representative to the Agency and Alternate to the Governor Advisors: Mr. Geraldo Heraclito DE LIMA Second Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Luiz Orland CARONI GELIO Third Secretary, the Embassy in Austria BULGARIA Delegates Professor Gueorgui NADJAKOV* Member of the Academy of Sciencess, Vice-President of the Board for the Utilization of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes, Council of Ministers?, Director, Institute of Physics and Atomic Energy5- Governor from Bulgaria on the Board of Governors and Vice-Chairman of the Board Alternates H.E. Ivan DASKALOV* Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Austria? Resident Representative to the Agency 00(v)/DTP/42/Rev.2 page 5 BULGARIA (continued) Advisers j Mr. G. DOBREV First Secretary of Legation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. BoriSlav KONSTANTBTOV* First Secretary, Legation in Austria Secretaries to Mr. K. MANOLOV the Delegations Mr. Vonko DIMITROV The Legation, in Austria BURMA Delegates H.E. U PE KIN* Ambassador to the United Arab Republic BYELORUSSIAN SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC Delegates Mr. Nikolai A. B0RISEV1CH Candidate in Physical Mathematics? Deputy Director of the Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences Alternates! Mr. Anatoly N. SHELDOV Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the European Offioe of the United Nations Mr. Evgeny A. ZHIKHAREV Candidate in Technical Sciences?. Head of Isotopes Laboratory, Academy of Sciences Advi ser % Mr. Valentin N. FISENKO Third Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Interpreters Mr. Vadim I. LUKYANOVICH Ministry of Foreign Affairs Secretary to Mrs. Anna M. KUKAREKINA the Delegations Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs CAMBODIA (will not be represented) GC(v)/INF/42/R page 6 CANADA Delegates H.B. Max Hirsch 1BRSH0F, Q.C.* Ambassadors. Permanent Representative to the European Office of the United Nations? Governor from Canada on the Board of Governors Alternatoss Mr. J. L. GRAY President, Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. Mr. Klaus GOLDSCHLAG* Charge d'Affaires ad interim, the Embassy in Austria? Alternate to the Governor Advisor ss Mr. J. W. GREENWOOD Scientific Adviser, Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. Miss Dorothy BUR1ASH Political Adviser, Department of External Affairs Mr. L. J. Y/ILDER Second Secretary, the Embassy in Greece^ Political Adviser and Secretary to the Delegation Secretaries? Mrs. Jay T. PERRY Mr. M. H. LAPOINTE CEYLON Dolegates H.E. B. P. PERERA,' C.M.G., O.B.E.* Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany^ Governor from Ceylon on the Board of Governors CHILE Delegates H.Eo Edmundo FUENZALIDA* Ambassador to Austria? Resident Representative to the Agency Alternates Mr. Hugo LEA-PLAZA* Secretary of Embassy?, Alternate to the Resident Representative CHINA Delegates Dr. Shih-mou LEE Doputy Minister of Education^ Member, Atomic Energy Council Altcrnatess H.E. Dr. James Tsune-chi YU Ambassador to Italy GC(v)/INF/42/Rev.2 page 7 CHINA (continued) Alternates; Dr. Kun-hou LIH Memberj Atomic Energy Council Mr. Tse-koei CHEN Counsellor? the Embassy in Belgium Advisor: Dr. WU Pin Second Secretary, the Embassy in Prance COLOMBIA Dolegates Dr. Tulio A. MARULANDA E. Executive Director, Nuclear Energy Institute Alternates Dr. Mario URIBE URIBE '* Minister Counsellor, the Legation in Austria^ Resident Representative to the Agency CUBA Delegate? H.E. Fernando GAINZA GONZALEZ* Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary CZECHOSLOVAK SOCIALIST REPUBLIC Delegate; Mr. Vaclav OUZKY President, State Committee for Technical Developments; Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission Alternates: H.E. Dr. Karel PETRZELKA Head of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs? Resident Representative to the Agency Mr. Josef FUKSA Secretary, Atomic Energy Commission Mr. Miroslav NACVALAC Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Mr. Jaroslav HAM* Alternate to the Resident Representative Dr. Augustin SEVCIK Head of Atomic Energy Administration, Ministry of Fuel and Power GC(v)/INF/42/R par.o 8 CZECHOSLOVAK SOCIALIST REPUBLIC (continued) Al tomato ss Mr. Jaromir STRNAD Deputy chief, Economic Section of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Otakar SVARC State Planning Commission Advisors? Mr. VSroslav SOBEK* Permanent Mission to the Agency Mr. Svatopluk B3i!LA8EK* Permanent Mission to the Agency Mr. Stanislav MYSLIL* Permanent Mission to the Agency Secretary to Dr. Jan BEIES the Delegations Ministry of Foreign Affairs DENMARK Delegates Mr. Kans Henrik KOCH Pormanent Under-Socretary of Statej Chairman of the Executive Committee, Atomic Energy- Commission Alternatess H.E. SigvaldA. KRISTENSEN*. Ambassador to Austria? Resident Representative to the Agency Mr. Chr. L. THOMSEN Head of Secretariat,-Atomic Energy Commission Mr. Flemming JTJUL^ Research Establishment at Riss Mr. Ole BIERRIFG* First Secretary, the Embassy in Austria Alternate to the Rosident Representative Mr. J. MANDRUP-CHRISTENSEN Secretary, Atomic Energy Commission DOMINICAN REPUBLIC GC(v)/INF/42/Rev.2 page 9 Mr. Gaston Fernandez BORRERO* Consul General in Vienna Mr. Srich LIMA* EL SALVADOR E.E. Juan CONTRERAS CHAVEZ* Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Austria? Resident Representative to the Agency and Alternate to the Governor ETHIOPIA Mr. Ato Hailemelekct AMAH FINLAND Professor Erkki LAURILA Chairman, Atomic Energy Commissions Governor from Finland on the Board of Governors Mr. Algar v. EEIROTH Assistant Director of Political Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs% Alternate _ the Governor Mr. Ilfcfca MlKIPENTTI Hea'd of Bureau5 Ministry of Trade and Industry H.E. Otsc WARTIOVAARA* Ambassador to Austria? Resident Representative to the Agency Mr..'Paavo RANTANEN* Attache, the Embassy in Austria? Alternate to the Resident Representative FRANCE Mr. Pierre COUTURE Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission Dr. Bortrand
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