
Original Investigation Autoimmune, Atopic, and Mental Health Comorbid Conditions Associated With in the United States

Kathie P. Huang, MD; Samyukta Mullangi, BS; Ye Guo, MS; Abrar A. Qureshi, MD, MPH

Invited Commentary OBJECTIVE To evaluate the prevalence of comorbid conditions among patients with alopecia page 794 areata (AA) seen at tertiary care hospitals in Boston, Massachusetts, during an 11-year period. CME Quiz at and DESIGN Retrospective cross-sectional study. CME Questions page 891

SETTING Tertiary care hospitals in Boston, including Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital.

PARTICIPANTS We identified 3568 individuals with AA seen in the Partners health care system in Boston between January 1, 2000, and January 1, 2011. We performed comprehensive searches of the Research Patient Data Repository using International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision code 704.01. We randomly selected 350 patients and manually reviewed their medical records to train and validate a novel artificial intelligence program. This program then used natural language processing to review free-text medical records and confirm a diagnosis of AA. To confirm the algorithm, we manually reviewed a subset of records and found 93.9% validity.

MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES The prevalence of comorbid conditions was assessed.

RESULTS Common comorbid conditions included autoimmune diagnoses (thyroid disease in 14.6%, diabetes mellitus in 11.1%, inflammatory bowel disease in 2.0%, systemic erythematosus in 4.3%, in 3.9%, and psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis in 6.3%), atopy (allergic , , and/or eczema in 38.2% and contact and other eczema in 35.9%), and mental health problems (depression or anxiety in 25.5%). We also found high prevalences of hyperlipidemia (24.5%), hypertension (21.9%), and gastroesophageal reflux disease (17.3%). This profile was different from that seen in a comparison psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis group.

CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE We found a high prevalence of comorbid conditions among individuals with AA presenting to academic medical centers in Boston. Physicians caring for patients with AA should consider screening for comorbid conditions.

Author Affiliations: Clinical Research Program, Department of , Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts (Huang, Guo, Qureshi); Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts (Huang, Mullangi, Guo, Qureshi). Corresponding Author: Abrar A. Qureshi, MD, MPH, Department of Dermatology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, 41 Avenue Louis Pasteur, Boston, MA JAMA Dermatol. 2013;149(7):789-794. doi:10.1001/jamadermatol.2013.3049 02115 ([email protected] Published online May 22, 2013. .edu).


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lopecia areata (AA) is an that pre- from more than 1.8 million patients, mainly from Brigham and sents with nonscarring hair loss from some or all hair- Women’s Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital. The A bearing areas of the body, typically the scalp. Its re- collected information included demographics, diagnoses, ported prevalence in the United States is in the 0.1% to 0.2% medications, pathology reports, and the complete longitudi- range, but it can be as high as 0.7% to 3.8% in dermatology nal medical record notes. patients.1,2 It has a tremendous effect on patients’ quality of For comparison, we evaluated the same comorbid condi- life, but characterization of the patients affected by it has been tions in the Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Follow-up Study limited. (PAFS) cohort, comprising patients in the RPDR who were Hypotheses regarding the pathogenesis of AA include a evaluated at Brigham and Women’s Hospital or Massachu- lymphocyte-mediated inflammation that suggests an under- setts General Hospital in Boston between January 1, 2005, and lying autoimmune etiology, an association with HLA class II October 31, 2012, and who consented to be followed up pro- antigen alleles, and contribution from environmental factors spectively. Diagnosis of psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis was ob- such as hormonal fluctuation, infectious agents, vaccina- tained initially by ICD-9 code 696.1 or 696.0. tions, and stress.1,3-18 Common treatment modalities include intralesional steroids and topical immunosuppresants.13,19-23 Ascertainment of Results Alopecia areata has been reported to be associated with After using ICD-9 codes to select 3568 patients with a diagno- multiple comorbid conditions, including vitiligo, lupus ery- sis of AA from a centralized clinical data registry, we used an thematosus, psoriasis, atopy, thyroid disease, and mental artificial intelligence program, the Automated Retrieval Con- health problems.1,3,5,12,13,24-31 Most of these studies are lim- sole (ARC), which performed natural language processing and ited by small population size, homogeneous populations, or machine learning technology to review free-text medical rec- patient self-reported data. In this study, we used a novel al- ords and select for the diagnosis of AA (Figure). We randomly gorithm to collate data on disease associations in a large ret- selected 350 patients, manually reviewed all their medical rec- rospective patient cohort, allowing us to comprehensively ords, and used all the records to train ARC to generate a vali- evaluate the comorbid conditions among all individuals with dation model using the following criteria: mention of AA in the AA seen at tertiary care hospitals in Boston, Massachusetts, history of present illness or medical history; presence of clini- during an 11-year period. cally diagnostic features of AA in the medical record, such as rapid patchy hair loss; and detailing of treatment for AA in the assessment and plan. We then randomly selected another 40 Methods patients to validate this model and found 93.9% validity. Af- ter applying this model in the 3568-patient set, ARC identi- Study Population fied 2115 patients with AA. Comorbid conditions, such as obe- After Institutional Human Research Committee approval, we sity (body mass index [calculated as weight in kilograms identified 3568 individuals with AA seen between January 1, divided by height in meters squared], ≥30), hypertension, hy- 2000, and January 1, 2011, performing comprehensive searches perlipidemia, thyroid disease, eczema, , psoriasis, sys- of the Research Patient Data Repository (RPDR) for Interna- temic lupus erythematosus, and depression, were docu- tional Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD-9) code mented in patients’ electronic records by a health care 704.01. The RPDR is an institutional review board–approved professional at Brigham and Women’s Hospital or Massachu- centralized clinical data registry that combines information setts General Hospital. Laboratory results were also available

Figure. Automated Retrieval Console (ARC) Training Algorithm

RPDR data

Randomly select 20 patients and import into ARC. Use their clinical notes as reference set A.

Import 20 more randomly ARC uses natural language selected patients and add their Is the F measure of B Yes Apply model B to whole processing on reference set A clinical notes into reference significantly better than RPDR data set. to generate model A. set A to create reference set B. the F measure of A? Run ARC to generate model B.


Generate final set. Model A Model B

RPDR indicates Research Patient Data Repository.

790 JAMA Dermatology July 2013 Volume 149, Number 7

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Table 1. Demographic Characteristics of 2115 Patients Table 2. Summary of Comorbid Conditions

Characteristic Value Prevalence, No. (%)a Sex, No. (%) AA Group PAFS Group Comorbid Condition (n = 2115) (n = 402) Female 1304 (61.7) Atopy (, 808 (38.2) 112 (27.9) Male 811 (38.3) asthma, and/or eczema) Race, No. (%) and other 759 (35.9) 155 (38.6) eczema White 1052 (49.7) Mental health problems 539 (25.5) 131 (32.6) Hispanic 485 (22.9) (depression or anxiety) Black 249 (11.8) Hyperlipidemia 518 (24.5) 131 (32.6) Asian 122 (5.8) Hypertension 463 (21.9) 178 (44.3) Native American 2 (0.1) Anemia 415 (19.6) 98 (24.4) Multiracial 1 (0.05) Gastroesophageal reflux 365 (17.3) 28 (7.0) Other 204 (9.6) disease Thyroid disease 309 (14.6) 62 (15.4) Age, mean, y 42 Diabetes mellitus 234 (11.1) 52 (13.0) Inflammatory bowel disease 42 (2.0) 11 (2.7) in the electronic medical record system, and we extracted data Systemic lupus 92 (4.3) 21 (5.2) erythematosus results for thyroid peroxidase antibody, antinuclear anti- Rheumatoid arthritis 83 (3.9) 130 (32.3) body, free thyroxine, thyrotropin, and rheumatoid factor. Vitiligo 59 (2.8) 7 (1.7) For the PAFS group, diagnoses were initially identified by Psoriasis and psoriatic 133 (6.3) … screening for ICD-9 code and then confirmed by the study co- arthritis ordinator through manual review of the medical records. The Abbreviations: AA, alopecia areata; PAFS, Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis cohort included 416 patients, with complete data in 402. Co- Follow-up Study. morbid conditions for these patients were documented in the a Pearson χ2 test revealed significant differences in the associated comorbid patients’ electronic records by health care professionals at their conditions between the AA and PAFS groups (χ2 =448.8;P < .001). respective hospitals. Descriptive statistics were performed with Stata soft- with a mean age of 56 years (range, 21-90 years); 305 patients ware, version 11 (StataCorp). (75.9%) were white, 25 (6.2%) Hispanic, 18 (4.5%) black, 7 (1.7%) Asian, and 1 (0.2%) Native American, with no ethnicity re- corded in 44 patients (10.9%). Several comorbid conditions had Results similar prevalences in the 2 cohorts, with some notable dif- ferences in the PAFS cohort, including atopy (allergic rhinitis, In our study population of 2115 patients with AA (Table 1), 61.7% asthma, and/or eczema) (27.9%), rheumatoid arthritis (32.3%), were women. Approximately half were white (49.7%), with His- and hypertension (44.3%). Analysis with Pearson χ2 test re- panics the next largest group (22.9%). The mean age in the AA vealed significant differences in the associated comorbid con- population was 42 years. ditions between patients with AA and the PAFS cohort The most common comorbid conditions in these patients (χ2 = 448.8; P < .001). are shown in Table 2. The prevalence of atopy (including al- lergic rhinitis, asthma, and/or eczema) was high at 38.2%, as was the prevalence of contact dermatitis and other eczema at Discussion 35.9%. The prevalences of hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and gastroesophageal reflux disease were 24.5%, 21.9%, and 17.3%, Our descriptive study aimed to characterize the comorbid con- respectively. Twenty-five percent of the population had a docu- ditions associated with AA in the Boston patient population mented history of mental health problems, including depres- seen at the Partners institutions during an 11-year period. The sion or anxiety. Anemia was also common, affecting 19.6%. Pre- ARC program, which harnessed properties of artificial intelli- viously reported associations with autoimmune diseases were gence and systematic natural language processing, allowed us also seen, including thyroid disease (14.6%), diabetes melli- to select a group of 2115 patients with AA. These patients were tus (11.1%), inflammatory bowel disease (2.0%), systemic lu- initially screened on the basis of their ICD-9 codes, and their pus erythematosus (4.3%), rheumatoid arthritis (3.9%), viti- diagnosis was confirmed by using our innovative program, ligo (2.8%), and psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis (6.3%). which created a model based on manual review of records. Of the 107 patients who underwent antinuclear anti- In our study, significant comorbid conditions were iden- body testing, 100 (93.5%) had a positive result (Table 3), and tified in a large percentage of patients with established diag- 142 (10.9%) of 1302 patients tested had abnormal thyrotro- noses of AA in the population screened at the Partners hospi- pin levels. tals. Many of these associations confirmed findings of multiple For comparison, the same comorbid conditions were evalu- previous studies, but levels of association between AA and ated in the PAFS cohort (Table 2). Of the 402 patients in that some comorbid conditions were slightly different than previ- cohort, 204 (50.7%) were male and 198 (49.3%) were female, ously reported. Many of the prior studies were performed in JAMA Dermatology July 2013 Volume 149, Number 7 791

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a prevalence of 14.6% for thyroid disease among our patients. Table 3. Investigation of Laboratory Values of Patient Population Although we could not delineate the breakdown of hypothy- Marker Patients, No. (%) roidism and hyperthyroidism and other nonautoimmune Thyroid peroxidase antibody (n = causes of thyroid disease, we were able to extract laboratory 206) data in many of these patients. Among patients whose thyro- Positive 72 (35.0) tropin levels were measured, 10% had elevated levels, sug- Negative 134 (65.0) gesting hypothyroidism, and 1% had decreased levels, sug- Antinuclear antibody (n = 107) gesting hyperthyroidism. It has also been suggested that the Positive 100 (93.5) presence of thyroid autoantibodies has no clinical correlation Negative 7 (6.5) with AA severity.4 Of the 206 patients with laboratory data for Free thyroxine (n = 331) thyroid peroxidase antibodies, 35.0% had positive results. This Elevated 21 (6.3) rate is higher than expected, but these tests were performed Normal 302 (91.2) only in a subset of patients when clinically indicated, which Decreased 8 (2.4) might cause selection bias. Further prospective studies with Thyrotropin (n = 1302) a control population are needed to evaluate the true preva- Elevated 130 (10.0) lence of positive autoimmune thyroid markers. Moreover, Normal 1160 (89.1) 93.5% of patients tested had positive antinuclear antibody re- Decreased 12 (0.9) sults, although this data point may also reflect selection bias. Rheumatoid factor (n = 224) Further studies using a control group would be necessary to Positive 25 (11.2) evaluate whether this finding is significant. Negative 199 (88.8) Our results are consistent with previous findings of an increased prevalence of other immune-mediated diseases in patients with AA. We showed very high associations with smaller patient populations or homogeneous cohorts. The Na- atopy (including allergic rhinitis, asthma, and/or eczema) at tional Alopecia Areata Registry is a centralized database of pa- 38.2% and contact dermatitis (and other eczema) at 35.9%. tients with AA, from which valuable insights into disease as- Comorbid association with atopic disease has been reported sociations have emerged.3,24,25,32 Our database differs in that previously in a severe form of AA,30,34 and findings of we used medical records to collate patient data from a com- molecular studies suggested that this effect is driven by the prehensive sweep of patients seen in the major hospitals of Bos- presence of filaggrin mutations affecting the integrity of the ton, an approach that can avoid confounding data from self- epidermal barrier.35 Barahmani et al3 submitted compelling reported history. evidence from the National Alopeica Areata Registry to sug- For comparison, we also obtained the prevalences in the gest that atopy or autoimmune disease is associated with PAFS group for the comorbid conditions found in the AA group. increased risk for AA. Our study therefore corroborates these Both groups were treated at the same medical institutions. One prior findings. benefit of using the PAFS group for comparison is that the co- We found high psychiatric comorbidity among our pa- morbidity profile for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis has been tients with AA at 25.5%; this category included depression and defined. Psoriasis is also an autoimmune T-cell–mediated dis- anxiety, consistent with findings of previous studies that sur- ease that has been found to be associated with other medical veyed the most common psychiatric disorders in adult pa- comorbid conditions, including obesity, metabolic syn- tientswithAA.36 The prevalence of mental health problems drome, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disease, psychi- among adult dermatology patients has previously been char- atric illness, malignant neoplasms, and chronic obstructive pul- acterized; Bashir et al37 reported a 34.11% prevalence of de- monary disease.26-29 pression among 114 men with dermatologic disorders in Paki- There were some notable differences between the 2 groups, stan. Ghanizadeh38 reported a depression rate of 78% among including significantly increased prevalences of atopy, viti- children with AA. In fact, the evidence for the role of stress in ligo, and gastroesophageal reflux disease in the AA group. The precipitating or augmenting this disorder has triggered de- PAFS group had higher prevalences of hyperlipidemia, hyper- bates about whether AA should be considered a psychoso- tension, anemia, and rheumatoid arthritis. Both groups had matic disorder.39 Ruiz-Doblado et al40 found a 66% preva- substantial prevalences of mental health problems, thyroid dis- lence of psychiatric comorbidity among 32 patients with ease, and diabetes. Because psoriasis and AA are distinct con- AA—mostly adjustment disorders, generalized anxiety disor- ditions, we expected differences in the comorbidity profiles ders, and depressive episodes. Although these authors dem- between these 2 groups. onstrated that overall adaptation to AA was satisfactory, show- We found a high prevalence of autoimmune diseases in our ing few repercussions in family or social life, work, or sexual AA cohort compared with previous studies (Table 3). For ex- adjustment, they recommended that treating depression or ample, we found that 4.3% of our patients with AA also had a anxiety would improve patients’ adaptation to the disease and, diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus compared with importantly, their dermatologic prognoses. This highlights the 0.6% in a previous report by Goh et al.30 Thyroid autoimmu- importance of addressing mental health problems in patients nity has been described elsewhere as the main association for with AA because they may be interrelated and their treat- AA, ranging in prevalence between 8% and 28%.1,33 We found ment can enhance patient care.

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We also found associations with conditions such as hyper- tion of the study is that it was retrospective. However, the true lipidemia, hypertension, and gastroesophageal reflux disease, prevalence of associations in AA may be underestimated with which may be attributable to both the nature of our screen and the use of case records alone. Physicians caring for patients with our much larger than average sample size and heterogeneous pa- AA should be aware of the associated comorbid conditions, es- tient population. One could speculate that these associations are pecially autoimmune-related disease, atopic diathesis, and men- related to steroid use in the treatment of AA, but without a con- tal health problems, so that we can screen for them when clini- trol group, the significance of the associations is unknown. cally indicated. Future studies should include a control group Our study benefits from a large heterogeneous population to evaluate the significance of these associations. Further stud- seen over a long period and the multiple tiers of scrutiny used ies can also help elucidate the sequence of development for these in patient selection, which included both the artificial intelli- comorbid conditions, and it would be clinically relevant to see gence program and manual record review. The major limita- whether any of them might precipitate alopecia.

ARTICLE INFORMATION 7. GuSQ,RosAM,vonStedingkLV,ThyressonN, 23. Shapiro J. Dermatologic therapy: alopecia Accepted for Publication: November 22, 2012. Wasserman J. subpopulations and their areata update. Dermatol Ther. 2011;24(3):301. functions in vitro: a study in patients with alopecia 24. Duvic M, Norris D, Christiano A, Hordinsky M, Published Online: May 22, 2013. areata and alopecia universalis. Int Arch Appl doi:10.1001/jamadermatol.2013.3049. Price V. Alopecia areata registry: an overview. Immunol. 1981;66(2):208-217. J Investig Dermatol Symp Proc. 2003;8(2):219-221. Author Contributions: All authors had full access 8. Hann SK, Koo SW, Kim JB, Park YK. Detection of 25. Rodriguez TA, Fernandes KE, Dresser KL, Duvic to all the data in the study and take responsibility antibodies to human melanoma cells in vitiligo and for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the M; National Alopecia Areata Registry. Concordance alopecia areata by Western blot analysis. rate of alopecia areata in identical twins supports data analysis. Dr Huang and Ms Mullangi J Dermatol. 1996;23(2):100-103. contributed equally to the manuscript. both genetic and environmental factors. J Am Acad Study concept and design: Huang, Mullangi. 9. Hordinsky M, Ericson M. : Dermatol. 2010;62(3):525-527. Acquisition of data: Huang, Mullangi, Guo. alopecia areata. J Investig Dermatol Symp Proc. 26. Kim N, Thrash B, Menter A. Comorbidities in Analysis and interpretation of data: All authors. 2004;9(1):73-78. psoriasis patients. Semin Cutan Med Surg. Drafting of the manuscript: All authors. 10. Kalish RS. Clues from alopecia areata on the 2010;29(1):10-15. Critical revision of the manuscript for important role of neuropeptides in the initiation of 27. Gottlieb AB, Dann F. Comorbidities in patients intellectual content: Huang, Mullangi, Qureshi. autoimmunity. J Invest Dermatol. 2007;127(6): with psoriasis. Am J Med. 2009;122(12): Statistical analysis: Huang, Mullangi, Qureshi. 1289-1291. 1150.e1-1150.e9. Administrative, technical, or material support: 11. Kalish RS, Gilhar A. Alopecia areata: 28. Dominguez PL, Han J, Li T, Ascherio A, Qureshi Huang, Guo. autoimmunity—the evidence is compelling. Study supervision: Huang, Qureshi. AA. Depression and the risk of psoriasis in US J Investig Dermatol Symp Proc. 2003;8(2):164-167. women [published online October 3, 2012]. JEur Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Qureshi reported 12. Katsinelos P, Kountouras J, Paroutoglou G, Acad Dermatol Venereol. doi:10.1111/j.1468- serving as a consultant for Abbott, the Centers for Zavos C. Alopecia areata, primary sclerosing 3083.2012.04703.x. Disease Control and Prevention, Novartis, and cholangitis, and ulcerative colitis: autoimmunity Janssen, and receiving a grant from Amgen for an 29. Li W, Han J, Hu FB, Curhan GC, Qureshi AA. and apoptosis as common links? Dig Dis Sci. 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Invited Commentary PRACTICE GAPS Alopecia Areata and Comorbid Conditions Antonella Tosti, MD

Comorbidity is an emerging issue in dermatology, with increas- gered by a stressful event, and there is evidence that AA has a ing evidence that common dermatological diseases, such as considerable effect on quality of life, being much more debili- psoriasis, can be associated with systemic conditions that se- tating than its inherent clinical severity. Shared care of pa- verely affect patients’ health and even their life expectancy. tients with a psychiatrist is highly recommended. The study reported by Huang and coworkers1 in this issue The third and most important practice gap for physicians shows that alopecia areata (AA) is commonly associated with is establishing the costs and benefits of ordering extensive labo- autoimmune diseases, , and psychiatric prob- ratory and diagnostic tests to screen patients with AA for pos- lems. This is not new information; most of these associations sible associated autoimmune diseases. Such screening will not have been well known for more only significantly increase health care costs for these pa- than 50 years. In 1963, Muller and tients but will also increase anxiety in a patient population al- Related article page 789 Winkelmann2 published in this ready characterized by anxious-depressive traits. journal a retrospective study of 736 patients with AA seen at To close this gap, we need to estimate the effect of these the Mayo Clinic from 1945 to 1954. Comparing the results of comorbid conditions on the health and health care costs of pa- the 2 studies, we see the same comorbid conditions reported, tients with AA. Patients with AA are usually in good physical even if the prevalence is considerably higher in the current health, and, to my knowledge, there are no data suggesting that study for most conditions, as follows: atopy, 11% for Muller and they have increased risk of serious diseases or reduced life ex- Winkelmann2 vs 38.2% for Huang et al1; psychiatric disor- pectancy. We have no evidence now suggesting that rou- ders, 18% vs 25.5%; thyroid diseases, 8% vs 14.6%; diabetes tinely screening patients with AA for associated disease will mellitus, 2% vs 11.1%; vitiligo, 4% vs 2.8%; collagen diseases, prevent or reduce morbidity. 2% vs 8.2%; and ulcerative colitis, less than 1% vs 6.3% for in- A recent population study in Taiwan3 evaluated comor- flammatory bowel disorders. bid conditions in 4334 patients with AA using medical diag- The first practice gap is the need to understand whether nostic codes. Stratification of comorbid conditions by age this increase is real or just linked to advances in diagnostic groups showed that disease association and tests to order may methods or differences in the study population and meth- depend on the patient’s age: for example, screening for thy- ods. For some conditions, the increase is probably real; for in- roid diseases is not useful in children and is useful only in pa- stance, there is strong evidence that the prevalence of atopy tients older than 20 years. If these data are confirmed by simi- is increasing. lar large studies in different populations, physicians will have The second practice gap is the need for dermatologists to enough information to select a few specific tests instead of a include in their review of systems for AA questions about au- large unselected panel. toimmune disorders, mood or depression, and bowel symp- Evaluating the effects of comorbid conditions on the health toms. The association of AA with psychiatric disorders is very care costs of AA will require a specific study, as has recently well known; most patients report that the disease was trig- been done for psoriasis.

ARTICLE INFORMATION Published Online: May 22, 2013. 2. Muller SA, Winkelmann RK. Alopecia areata an Author Affiliation: Department of Dermatology & doi: 10.1001/jamadermatol.2013.360. evaluation of 736 patients. Arch Dermatol. 1963;88: Cutaneous Surgery, Miller School of Medicine, Conflict of Interest Disclosures: None reported. 290-297. University of Miami, Miami, Florida. 1. Huang KP, Mullangi S, Guo Y, Qureshi AA. 3. Chu SY, Chen YJ, Tseng WC, et al. Comorbidity Corresponding Author: Dr Tosti, Department of Autoimmune, atopic, and mental health comorbid profiles among patients with alopecia areata: Dermatology & Cutaneous Surgery, Miller School of conditions associated with alopecia areata in the the importance of onset age, a nationwide Medicine, University of Miami, 1600 10th Ave NW, United States [published online May 22, 2013]. population-based study. J Am Acad Dermatol. RMSB, Room 2023-A, Miami, FL 33136 (atosti JAMA Dermatol. 2013;149(7):789-794. 2011;65(5):949-956.

794 JAMA Dermatology July 2013 Volume 149, Number 7

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