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By $1,000 Per Year • j More Than ',000 Fammes Read Th. ross,e Grosse Pointe News Ho",_ oj lh. News ews Every Thursd~y 99 KereJlnaJ TV. 2.SIHIO Complete, News Coverage .of All the Pointes Sc Per COpy Entltred a•. Second Clau Matter VOLUMEI4-NO •.9 13.00Per Y•., GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, FEBRUARY 26, 1953 It the Post OHlee at Detroit, NJeh. Fully Paid, Circulation ~ Rotarians Get, (nto Little league Baseball HEADLIXI~S Municipal Judge's Will ~onv~rt 0/ the . Two SItes In . "'EEK Pay Raised in Park 'The Village' As Compiled by the Grosse Poi1l/e •News Maire School Tennis Courts and Library Property Wili Thursday, February 19 By $1,000 Per Year Help Solve Problem A SPECIAL CITIZENS STUDY COMMISSION asserted that at Another shot in the arm has I~ast 10 per cent fould be slashed Legality of Candidate Fred J. Potvin, Opposing Justice C. been taken tm.vards the curing frOl11 mUitary manpower, money of the complex parking prolr and materials witholft impairing Joseph Belanger, Being Investigated the combat strength of the Armed by City Clerk lem of the City of Gross. Forces. The group estimated that Pointe. The Board of Educa,;. such a cut would permit elimi- has offered the hypodermic nation of 500,000 civilian and The Park council approved a raise of $1,000 per year in that promises one more step military jobs, at a saving of five the salary of the municipal justice of the peace, at a meeting towards complete recovery billion dollars a year to the tax- held Monday, February 23. The raise will become effective from an insidious disease. payers. immediately, as permitted by a special provision in .the city Superintendent of. S c h 0 0 1s .. - . cnarter. ~"-------------- James Bushong, with the blessing SECRETARY OF STATE Dul- les said the State Department' is A clause in the charter state~ R b · K ell of the official board, has met that no raises, in salary should a I S with representatives of the city stH! eyeing a possible naval be. grante<:i to' public officials to negotiate a lease for two pieces blockade of Red China ;slong with other measures to halt the flow within 150 days before an elec. D A it of school property which can be tion, but under a special limita. converted into more off-street of important military goods to og .er tion section, permission for an parking space where it is most the Chinese Communists. The additional measures being con- increase can be given. There is Man needed. "The Village" shoppini no city ordinance setting a fixed center. sidered. include tightening the existing United Nations boycott salary for local office holders. Has Been Cooperative against shipments of strategic Requested In October Mongrel Which Bit Farms The School Board has cooper- materials to Red China and North Municipal Judge C. Joseph E I R b'd b T t ated with the city on many o~ Korea. Belanger requested an increase mp oye a I y ~s s casions during the last few years • * ... of $100 a month. last October At Herman Kiefer in the matter of helping out with DR. WILsON COMPTON has 30. The council made it a flat the parking problem. Particularly resigned as director of the State $1,000 a. year .. Municipal judges A rabid mongrel dog that' during the pre-Christmas shop. administrator, the agency which henceforth will receive a salary was picked up by the Farms ping geason has it been helpful runs the "Voice of America" pro- of $4,000 a year. police Friday night near the by opening up the old tennis gram. Operations of the "Voice" The Grosse Pointe Rotary Club received its contract Monday noon at its meeting in the War MeJ;l10rial Center, The legality of the candidacy Grosse Pointe Me m 0 ria 1 courts on the Maire School prop- are under fire in Congress, but . h L't 1 L 'G P . t F 1 d' th . g s n HOWARD GNAU wh of Fred J. Potvin, 55i8 Bedford, Chur'ch,' dl'ed later' tllat nl'ght erty for public parking. officials indicated this did 'not to sponsor a team In tel t e eague s rosse om e arms oop urmg e comm sea 0 . , 0 prompt Compton's resignation. heads up the Farms organization, iOl'mally presents the. contract to C.YRIL PAYE, Ro~ary pre.sident. H:alf-hidde~ \BVhIOis seeking t? .ul}lse~tdJUd~e in the Harvey Memorial Vet- d T~dedscthh?OI.offichials ~ave now t • _ _ behind Mr. Pave is EARL HOLZBAUGH, last year's preSIdent of the Pomte branch of the mternatlOnal serVIce orgam- e angel' as mUnlClpa JU ge, IS erinary Hospital, 0 f f i cia 1 eCI e IS IS suc an Importan A TANK-INFANTRY training zation. On the right is the REV. ANDREW RAUTH, minister of the' Grosse Pointe Woods Presb)(terian Church. The wunl.dllel.raminVSetsatmigmataion'n., by City Clerk pound for the city. matter to thed ~helf~tr~ o~ll~he Oll d d Th . Tests made at 'Herman Kl'efer many concerne, at 1 IS WI tng eenter, near. the Red Korean Little League M'i11 0if er real organized b ase.ab I1 to t h e sma 11er )'oungs ters. Sponsors are s t1 nee e. ose In- Residency Questioned to cooperate on a full-time basis. capital of Py~ngyang, ,~as ha~-I terested are requested to call Herbert Bumpus atTU, 5-1122. The city charter stipulates that Hospitdal in Dhetroit\on saturb~ay It will lease both 'the tennis mered~ke In pulvenzlng ra~s ~--~--.~--~-----~~--~---~-~~-----~~-~---~~----~--~-~--~ prove that t e d9g had ra le~ courts and the former library bv Allied fighter-bombers. Saber N 0 If ~ I P k 'p NOd. ' F It Fda person must be a resident of Alfred Green Bitten branch property to the city, and jets• ~Iew as a screenIng. force, I • t e.W r lnan'ce au oun forethe cityrunningfor at forleastlocaltwo yearsoffice. be-It Alfred Green, an employe iri they can be added to the im. but did not encounter any early ew leers. aro ass the Farms highway department, proved off-street parking areas clashes "'I'th.. Red MI"Gs. Eighth SIt d B I .'R t R' t b W .th R 'at·,S is believed that. Potvin hasI noth was b'Itten by the dog F rt'd ay which are so badly needed. ::~m;~;fJun:e~orcp~~~~~;rt:~:~:~ e .ec,e 'y n. e~ponse 0 eql1~~ _y,_._ ",",.l.e pr ~;et~rr::. the cIty for that engt aftedrnoHonhin frtontt dOft2k6~MOpran The lease calls for the payment .., . D A.. A P k D k roa. e as s ar e a 109 as- of $1.00 per year by the City for were repu15e~ ft;te: short fights'IG. P. Rotary Auto ealers' SSOclatlon ' t ar oc a ~~~~i~a~:~U~~~~~n:i~~~r~~u:= :~: ~;e:~~:~tsfor the preven- the two pieces of property. Friday, February 20 "_______ in the city charter is unconstitu- The Farms police caution all Lonr TulJSle CONDITIONS which added mil- Dr. Robert K. Q'Ne'lll Suc- Attorney Instructed to Draft Law Prohibiting Sale of New Construction Companv, and tional, ac;cording to official pal'enlc; and dog owners whose The City has been wrestlin( . f d II t th t f h sourceti children or pets might have had with the off-street parking probt 1 d America'~Ions 0 0airbasears 0buildinge cos pro-0 cee. d s C yrl'I Paye A5 Or Use Cars Wit in C.ity limits '. C"',ty Must Sh"'reg" BI"'me, . ---- , contact with the rabid animal. to 1em for some years. As th e ar~ gram in North Africa, were blast- President of Service on Sundays Says ¥anager Lane Ray MacArthurs keep a sharp lookout for any developed, the stituation became ed by investigators of the Senate Club ------.- signs of the disease. more acute. According to the last Preparedness Sub com m ittee. Members of a retail auto dealers' organization from the It will cost the Park an ad- Buy Woods Home Owner Unknown survey, made in 1950, the nlini .. Thev cited "a sordid pattern of Metropolitan area of Detroit, appealed to the Park council The mongrel, brown and des- mum requirement for the area racketeering, coercion, payroll Grosse Pointe Rotarians Monday, February 23, for an ordinance prohibiting the sale ditional $3,365 to complete the cribed as a small Spitz type of was space to park 650 cars. padding and other types of vices," held their annual elections at of new or used cars on Sunda~rs within the Park city limits. waterfront park dock, because The city of Grosse Pointe dog, had no collar or license and A new survey is now being at a New Jersey loading terminal the regular weekly meeting in A delegat'l'on of several sales-~ k th . t J t Woods has acquired a new pro- his ownership has not been learn- made by the traffic engineering - wor on e proJec wa", no perty owner.-taxpayer I'n the f' f G d d D b l'k 'II'tar.v supplies an d throug h- th W .1\11 . let h d d b 0 St tt . , d' th ed. The poll'ce sal'd the ani'mal lrm 0 un erson an 0 e I for ml e ar emona en er men. ea '2 y mer 0, pres- MIchIgan are In accor With e t 'fi t" C't M f' d" R out the New York harbor area.
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