West Palm Beach Police Department Dear
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FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33432 •OFF'C~ OF THE BUSINESS MJ\.NAGER November 26, 1915 11aj or William Edward" West Palm Beach Police Department 901 DatUI'll Street west Palm Beach, Florida 33402 Dear Kajor Edwards: This 1s in reference to an oral request, ••de by Lt. Ceorge Harper, for traffic cOQtrol uBistanee au Decembcr I, 1975. S"eclfically, the State Unlvoralty Sy.te.dl 1. holding a Aeries of ubite ~etlnp.s 1n different cit1es. The purpose of these meetine;s, entitled "Report to the Peo?lo," 18 to afford the ganeral ')ubite o.n opportunity to ~et and talk with Regents, the Chancellor, and State Univeraity Presidents. The ~eetlng at West Palm Beach 1s at 7:30 p.c., December I, 1975, at tbe .est Pal= Beach Public Library, 100 Clematis Street. It 1, anticipated that several hundred persons will attend this moe tin". We will nreatlv appreciate thd assistance of the West Palm Reach Police Departnent respecting traffic and parking control at the site. Sincerely, Dena!. R. Nlcewander Business Manager DR": lk ee: Adelaide R. Snyder / Director, University Relations The third line from the bottom in the second poragraph - ,as a Florida Legislator, - can "- -", be changed for each category. For example: l - -- as an influential citizen '\) .; as a member of the FAU Foundation ), I ~ \1 as a member of the Boord of the Alumni Association 'Ill,; rJ ~ as a member of the Boord of the FAU Foundation {l;!!/: ~ .\ as a member of the Council of Advisors " '\ 0\ as a concerned citizen '>00\ October 21, 1975 Donald H. Reed, Jr., Esquire 555 S. Federal Highway Boca Raton, Florida 33432 Dear Don~ I am preparing this letter in case we are unable to get together by Wednesday afternoon, as I will be out of town until the foll ing onday. Enclosed are drafts of letters for your consideration as invitations to the "Report to the People" meetings in West Palm Beach and Fort Lauderdale. If they meet wit your approval, or if you give us a substitute letter, we will have them 1n dividl~lly typed to be sent to the area legislators, members of the Council of Advisors, members of the Foundation, Bnd Alumni Association boards, educators, Chambers of Co eree, an other civic club leaders, etc. to be signed by you. You may want us to use your. stationery whic we would be happy to do or we can use University stat onery and sign you a~ chairman of the Council of dvisors. The locations for each of the meetings are noted in the attached raft. I will look forward to heari from you or meet ng uith you on getti g these letters approved and will keep yo fully informed as plans develop. While I do not antici pate any major changes, there may be some procedural changes in the conducting of the meetings after the Chancellor has had some experience with them in Tampa and St. Petersburg in mid November. All good wishes - Sincerely, Adelaide R. Snyder Director ARS/ct Enclosure October 22, 1975 Name Address City Dear The Presidents of the nine state universities of Florida as well 01 members of the Board of Regents and the Chancellor will be in West Palm Beoeh on December I for a public meeting to be held at the West Palm Beach Library, 100 Clematil Street, at 7:30 p.rn. They or. visiting a number of major Florida cities to hold these sessions In order to explain the State University System and to learn from the public some of their prlorltie, for hIgher education In Florida. The Florida Atlantic University Council of Advisor. Is serving a. hOlt for the West Palm Beach meeting, and I am personally inviting and encouraging you, as a Florida legislator, to attend. I am confident thot you will find this a useful forum, and I sincerely hope to see you at the West Palm Beach library. SincerelyI Donald H. Reed, Jr. Chafrman October 22, 1975 Nome Addre" City The Presidents of the nine ,tate unive"ltie, of florida a, well as members of the Board of Regents and the Choncellor will be In Fort LCluderdale on December 2 for G public meeting to be held at the Fort Louderdale National Bank, 501 E. Las Olas Blvd., at 7:30 p.m. They are vlsUing a number of major Flortdo cities to hold the,. Ie"ions in order to explain the Stote University System and to learn from the public some of theIr priorities for higher education In Florida. The Florida Atlantic University Council of AclvllOfs and the Florida International Unlvenity Council of Advisors are lerving as hosh for the Fort Louderdale meetirg, and I om personally inviting ol'ld encouroglng you, as a Florida legislator, to attend. 10m confident thot you will find this a useful forum, and I sincerely hope to see you at the Fort Lauderdale National Bank. Sincerely, Donald H. Reed, Jr. Chairman Council of Advhors Date Name Address City ./ Dear The Presidents of the nine state universities of Florida as well as members of the Boord of Regents and the Choncellor wi II be in West Palm . Beach on December 1 for a public meeting to be held at the ,""i1olltUw-llk 1~1L.p,1,-,wv.<, GulJel)';=l4S1 S. Oli.o A"OA"e, at 7:30 p.m. They are visiting a number ... ~-.cl:f.ofmajor Florida cities to hold these sessions in order to explain-the State )University System and to leorn from the public some of their priorities for higher education in Florida. The Florida Atlantic University Council of Advisors is serving as host for the West Palm Beach meeting, and I am personally inviting and encouraging you, as a Florida Legislator, to attend. J am confident that . you will find this a useful forumJand I sincerely hope to see you at the .....' '......-c;;.~""""\.;.. I NortgA (;liiIlle"l eft OUIA~bi'",*- lJ..., ? I ~ r. l tl j ~ Sincerely, .' , Donald H. Reed, Jr. !• I ChaIrman / Council of Advisors I ( Dote Name Address City /// Dear / / The Presidents of the nine state universities of Florida as well as members of the Board of Regents and the Chancellor will be in ort Lauderdale on December 2 for a public meeting to be held a the Fort Lauderdale National Bonk, 501 E. Los Olos Blvd., at 7:30,fJ.m. They are visiting a number of major Florida cities to hold these;~essions in order to explain the State University System and to learp from the publ ic some of their priorities for higher educotion in Florida' The Florida Atlantic University Council of AcLisors and the Florida International University Council of AdviSOf's are serving as hosts for the Fort Lauderdale meeting, and I amlersonally inviting and encouraging you, as a Florida Legislator, 0 attend. I am confident that you will find this a useful foru ,and I sincerely hope to ~' see you at ono '. iXL .. t::e:c. I Donald H. Reed, Jr. Chairman CounciI of Adv isors DHR:ru WEST PALM BEACH INVITATION LIST Palm Beach Junior College District Board of Trustees Dr. Robert L. Smith, Chairman 431 N. Rosemary Ave. West Palm Beach, FL 33401 . Ch Dr. Philip O. Lichtblau~rman 2201 S. Flagler West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Mrs. Susann Anstead 55567 Chase Court West Palm Beach, FL 33406 Mrs. Frances R. Hand P. O. Box 572 Belle Glade, FL 33430 Mr. George A. Michael Gulfstream Seafoods, Inc. 5300 Georgia Ave. West Palm Beach, FL 33405 Dr. Harold C. Manor, President Palm Beach Junior College 4200 Congress Avenue Lake Worth, FL 33460 ~~ Dr. Edward M. Eissey, Vfl rresident North Campus Palm Beach Junior College 4200 Congress Avenue Lake Worth, FL 33460 Mr. Cecil B. Kelley Sr., Presid~nt Palm Beach Post-~~dl 2751 S. Dixie Highway West Palm Beach, FL 33405 Mr. Raymond J. Mariotti, Editor Palm Beach Post 2751 S. Dixie Highway West Palm Beach, FL 33405 2 Mr. Thomas A. Kelly, Mr. John R. Cornett, Publisher Managing Editor Boca Raton News Palm Beach Post 34 S.E. 2nd St. 2751 S. Dixie Highway Boca Raton, FL 33432 West Palm Beach, FL 33405 Mr. Tom Schumaker, Editor Mr. Robert J. Nangle, Boca Raton News Associate Editor 34 S.E. 2nd St. Palm Beach Post Boca Raton, FL 33432 2751 S. Dixie Highway West Palm Beach, FL 33405 Mr. Max Veale, Managing Editor Boca Raton News Mr. C. E. Neuba~ Editor 34 S.E. 2nd St. Palm Beach Times Boca Raton, FL 33432 2751 S. Dixie Highway West Palm Beach, FL 33405 Mr. Art Rich, Publisher Monday Paper Mr. Earl S. Dapp, 126 N.E. 2nd St. Managing Editor Boca Raton, FL 33432 Palm Beach Times 2751 S. Dixie Highway Mrs. June Michel, Editor West Palm Beach, FL 33405 Banner News P. O. Box 911 Mr. Doug Clifton, Boca Raton, FL 33432 Bureau Chief Miami Herald (Palm Beach Bureau) Mr. Dean Jones, Editor P. O. Box 1072 Belle Glade Herald West Palm Beach, FL 33401 425 S. Main St. Belle Glade, FL 33430 Ms. Martha Musgrove, Editor Palm Beach Daily News Mr. David Rhodes, Editor 265 Royal Poinciana Way Lake Worth Herald Palm Beach, FL 33480 130 South "HII Street Lake Worth, FL 33460 Ms. Susan Hixon, Managing Editor Ms. G. Moore Lapham, Palm Beach Daily News Editor and Publisher 265 Royal Poinciana Way Gold Coasting Republican Palm Beach, FL 33480 291 S. Federal HWy. Delray Beach, FL 33444 Mr. Robert W. Sherman, President Mr. Sheldon Lerner, Editor Palm Beach Newspapers, Inc. Palm Beach Journal 265 Royal Poinciana Way P. O. Box 2068 Palm Beach, FL 33480 Boca Raton, FL 33433 Mr.