Ministry of Finance WORKING PAPER No. 4 ÁGOTA SCHARLE COMPETITIVENESS AND THE LABOUR MARKET This paper was produced as part of the research project entitled ‘Economic competitiveness: recent trends and options for state intervention’ October 2003 This paper reflects the views of the author and does not represent the policies of the Ministry of Finance Author: Ágota Scharle Ministry of Finance
[email protected] Series Editors: Orsolya Lelkes and Ágota Scharle Ministry of Finance Strategic Analysis Division The Strategic Analysis Division aims to support evidence-based policy-making in priority areas of financial policy. Its three main roles are to undertake long-term research projects, to make existing empirical evidence available to policy makers and to promote the application of advanced research methods in policy making. The Working Papers series serves to disseminate the results of research carried out or commissioned by the Ministry of Finance. Working Papers in the series can be downloaded from the web site of the Ministry of Finance: Series editors may be contacted at
[email protected] 2 Summary If competitiveness is defined as growth potential, the competitiveness of the contribution of human resources to economic competitiveness labour market is determined by the size and skills of the labour force and the flexibility of the labour market. This paper aims to review available statistics and research and identify the major constraints on competitiveness and provide a starting point for subsequent research (see recommendations at the end). In Hungary, 60% of the working age population are in low activity rate employment or looking for work.