Congressional Record—Senate S8909
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December 17, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S8909 decision, and you are certainly young AdvaMedDx has organized Capitol Hill oratories, which he moved to San Fran- enough to enjoy it! briefings at which leaders in the field cisco in 1976. f of diagnostics have shared insights and Throughout his career, Ray Dolby pi- current developments on topics includ- oneered many of the most significant TRIBUTE TO VINCENT FORLENZA ing women’s health, cancer developments in sound and audio de- Ms. MIKULSKI. Mr. President, Sen- diagnostics, antibiotic resistance, and sign. Early on, he invented noise-reduc- ator HATCH and I join together today to infectious diseases. Just a few weeks tion technology that eliminated the recognize the contributions of Vincent ago, AdvaMedDx and the American As- hiss that had marred earlier forms of A. Forlenza, chairman, CEO and presi- sociation for Cancer Research held a tape recorded sound and in the 1970s in- dent of BD, in establishing and leading daylong symposium on personalized troduced Dolby Stereo, which allowed AdvaMedDx, an important new voice medicine and companion diagnostics, movie studios to record films in multi- for the role of medical diagnostic tests keynoted by the Commissioner of the channel surround sound. The innova- in patient care. Food and Drug Administration and the tion of surround sound played a pivotal BD, the leading global medical tech- Director of the National Institutes of role in allowing theater goers around nology company, has a strong presence Health. the world to enjoy the sound effects in in both Maryland and Utah as do other Mr. HATCH. AdvaMedDx also has es- such groundbreaking movies as ‘‘Close companies in the medical device and tablished itself as a global leader, driv- Encounters of the Third Kind’’ and diagnostics sectors. We understand ing collaboration with allied associa- ‘‘Star Wars’’ and innumerable other firsthand the growing importance of tions in Europe, Canada, Brazil, Japan, popular films produced in the decades diagnostics to power medical discov- and Australia. that followed. Since then, Ray Dolby eries and transform patient care. Ms. MIKULSKI. Mr. Forlenza has and Dolby Laboratories have pioneered Mr. HATCH. The diagnostics sector been a tireless champion for the power a multitude of technologies in noise re- spans thousands of different kinds of duction, audio and video processing, tests, from blood tests for cholesterol of diagnostics to promote wellness, im- live sound, and digital cinema, and won to new genetic tests that identify can- prove patient outcomes and advance multiple Emmys and Academy Awards cer variants and match patients to the public health. The success of most appropriate drugs. Diagnostic AdvaMedDx in a few short years is in for their work. While Ray is often recognized first tests facilitate evidence-based medi- large measure due to this vision that and foremost for his revolutionary cine, improve quality of care, promote he brought to the organization. work in the field of sound, he and his wellness, enable early detection of dis- Mr. HATCH. Congratulations to wife Dagmar are also known as leaders ease and often reduce overall health Vince on his accomplishments during in San Francisco’s philanthropic com- care costs. his tenure as AdvaMedDx chairman, In short, diagnostics play a critical and best wishes to AdvaMedDx for munity. They gave generously to nu- role in the health care system and are many future successes. merous causes and organizations, sup- an essential part of quality patient f porting everything from stem cell re- search to community parks to the per- care. While these tests account for only ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS about 2 percent of health care spend- forming arts. I extend my deepest con- ing, they influence the large majority dolences to Ray’s loving wife Dagmar; of the health care decisions made each REMEMBERING DR. RAY DOLBY his children, Tom and David, and their spouses; and his four grandchildren. Dr. and every day. ∑ Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I ask my Ms. MIKULSKI. The impact of Ray Dolby will be deeply missed, but colleagues to join me in honoring the diagnostics, however, is not always his legacy of generosity and innovation memory of Dr. Ray Dolby, a trail- well understood by patients, policy- will live on in the countless lives he blazing engineer, entrepreneur, and makers and, sometimes, even physi- touched.∑ pioneer in the field of sound who passed cians. In 2010, Mr. Forlenza played an f instrumental role in bringing together away on September 12, 2013. He was 80 years old. REMEMBERING ELIZABETH a group of leading diagnostics manu- DENEBEIM facturers to form a new trade associa- Born in Portland, OR and raised in ∑ tion, AdvaMedDx, whose core mission the San Francisco Bay area, Ray Dolby Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I ask my is to create an understanding of the was a dedicated tinkerer from a young colleagues to join me in honoring the role diagnostics play in the health care age, always curious about how things memory of Elizabeth ‘‘Libby’’ system and help foster patient access worked. As a high school student, he Denebeim, a pillar of the San Fran- to innovative, safe, and effective tests. worked after school for the electronics cisco community, who passed away on Soon after the founding of the company Ampex Corporation, playing a November 15, 2013. She was 83 years old. AdvaMedDx, Mr. Forlenza assumed the key role in developing Quadruplex, the Libby was born and raised in the role of chairman of the board of direc- world’s first commercially successful Midwest and graduated from the Uni- tors, a position he has held for the last video tape recorder, which revolution- versity of Missouri, where she met the 3 years. ized the world of television broad- love of her life, Robert Denebeim. After Mr. HATCH. During Mr. Forlenza’s casting. getting married, Libby went on to ob- tenure as chairman, AdvaMedDx dou- After graduating from Stanford Uni- tain a master’s degree in education and bled the size of its membership and es- versity with a bachelor’s degree in taught elementary school in Tampa, tablished itself as a credible voice on electrical engineering, Ray began a FL, while Robert completed his service health care policy in Washington and doctoral program in physics at Cam- in the U.S. Air Force. around the world. Under Mr. Forlenza’s bridge University in England, receiving In 1956, the couple moved to the San leadership, the diagnostic industry has his doctorate in 1961. The next year, his Francisco Bay Area. Libby had always worked with a range of stakeholders to life changed: He met the love of his been dedicated to public service, and in pursue initiatives that aim to reform life, Dagmar, who was also at Cam- San Francisco she became a leader in and modernize the diagnostics regu- bridge studying as a summer student, the community. She worked on behalf latory and payment environment in and the two married in 1966 and had of so many agencies and organizations order to keep pace with innovation and two beautiful sons, Tom and David. dedicated to improving education, the changing health care landscape. In search of adventure, Ray spent 2 mental health, the arts, and family AdvaMedDx works not only with Mem- years traversing India as a technical services, including the San Francisco bers of Congress and key public health adviser for the United Nations, work- Board of Education; the San Francisco agencies but also with organizations ing with the Indian Government to es- Mental Health Association; the May- ranging from patient advocacy groups tablish a new national laboratory fo- or’s Advisory Council on Families, to cancer research societies to the cusing on the development of scientific Children and Youth; the Mayor’s World Health Organization. and industrial instruments. Buoyed by Criminal Justice Council; San Fran- Ms. MIKULSKI. As part of its con- his research in India, Dolby returned to cisco Head Start; and Jewish Family tribution to the policy dialogue, England in 1965 and founded Dolby Lab- and Children’s Services. VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:25 Dec 18, 2013 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17DE6.053 S17DEPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S8910 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 17, 2013 Libby was also a fierce advocate for Aspects of International Child Abduction by December 12, 2013; to the Committee on En- the LGBT community. She fought to countries with which the United States en- ergy and Natural Resources. end the definition of homosexuality as joys reciprocal obligations, to establish pro- EC–3890. A communication from the Assist- ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- a ‘‘mental illness’’ and remove it from cedures for the prompt return of children ab- ducted to other countries, and for other pur- ment of State, transmitting, pursuant to the National Psychiatric Association’s poses; to the Committee on Foreign Rela- law, a report relative to groups designated Manual of Mental Disorders. She cam- tions. by the Secretary of State as Foreign Ter- paigned against California Proposition rorist Organizations (OSS 2013–1888); to the f 6, the Briggs Initiative, which sought Committee on Foreign Relations. to ban gays and lesbians from working MEASURES READ THE FIRST TIME EC–3891. A communication from the Direc- in California’s public schools, and also tor of the Regulatory Management Division, The following bills were read the first Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- served on the San Francisco Health De- time: ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- partment’s Committee on Services for S. 1845. A bill to provide for the extension titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Air People with AIDS, the Mayor’s HIV of certain unemployment benefits, and for Quality Implementation Plans; Delaware; Task Force, and the NAMES Project.