CD applications changed, Greek Isles come alive Town entering but uses haven’t, feds say with taste of baklava tourism district ... page 8 page 13 ... page 21

Cloudy tonight; Manchester, Conn. some sun Thursday Wednesday, April 11, 1984 — See page 2 iJJanrl|^0trr Mrrali Single copy: 254 Soviet leader gains third i * sw:

ShWI key position •a? t;'

Iff* ? * MOSCOW (U P I) — Communist ern diplomats as the second most Party chief Konstantin Chernenko powerful man in the ruling Polit- was named president of the Soviet buro. said: "the representation of Union today, giving him all three the supreme state interests by the key posts in the Soviet hierarchy, general secretary of the CPSU the official Tass news agency said. Central Committee in the intema- The title was conferred on him at tional arena convincingly reflects a session of the Supreme Soviet — the fact that the Soviet Union's the rubber-stamp parliament — foreign policy is indivisible from ^ * 4 just two months after Chernenko the policy of the Communist succeeded Yuri Andropov as Com- Party." munist Party chairman. Although the president's job is Herakt photo by Hudson Chernenko, 72, had already largely ceremonial, it gives Cher- consolidated his power by becom- nenko a government status — as It only took them 20 minutes ing chairman of the Defense opposed to party status — in his Council, making him commander- dealings with other governments, Fifetighters from the Town of Manchester Fire fire department spokesman said. The fire, which in-chief of the Soviet armed forces. Chernenko was named party Department battle a blaze that broke Tuesday occurred in the early afternoon, was extinguished in 20 Chernenko’s name was submit- leader Feb. 13 following the death minutes and no one was injured, he said. ted to the joint session of the of Andropov. He now holds the afternoon in a storage building at 316 Hartford Road. Supreme Soviet by Politburo same titles as Andropov and his Rolls of tar paper and tar were stored in the building, a member Mikhail Gorbachev. predecessor, Leonid Brezhnev. "The simultaneous fulfilment by "I am fully aware of the the General Secretary of the CPSU immense responsibility that the Central Committee also of the fulfilment of these duties entails at Multi-Circuits changes workers’ hours functions of the president of the the present m oment." Chernenko presidium of the Supreme Soviet of said in his acceptance speech, Bv Kathv Garmus hours. He said the change is meant the U.S.S.R. is of tremendous He said Soviet foreign policy that manufactures commercial would improve her standard of Herald Reporter to increase the efficiency of the packaging and lire-proteciion significance to the execution of the "demands constant activity, firm- living, saying that it was hard to manufacturing operations and will equipment as well as circuit see how a person's standard of Soviet Union's foreign policy," ness, consistency in the search for Multi-Circuits Inc., the provide employees with better, boards. living could be improved when he Gorbachev said. ways to achieve sensible accords. Manchester-based manufacturer pay. Gutin said it was too early to or she could only get three hours of By assuming the title of presid- It is directed at overcoming of printed circuit boards, has Some employees said Tuesday gauge employee reaction to the sleep. ency, Chernenko becomes head of international tension, ensuring se- announced it will consolidate its they knew little of the change in changes. He said that based on “ A lot of people have trouble state as well as Communist Party curity, our state interests in the workday for employees from three shift times beyond what was stated previous experience, employees with the tim e," one woman said. leader and will be on equal world arena and upholding peace eight-hour shifts into two 10-hour in the memo. can be expected to stay longer People who need to take the bus to shifts. diplom atic footing with other throughout the world." The policy will become effective under the new system. work may have difficulty adapt­ world leaders. On Tuesday. Tass announced the The change, which will mainly April 23. Stevenson said in the Several employees interviewed ing. she said. Gorbachev, seen by many West- end of the Communist Party's affect the approximately 300 em­ memo. Under the arrangement, outside the company's Harrison But she added that other em ­ ployees were looking forward to two-day Central Committee ses- ployees in the company's manu­ the first shift will begin at either Street plant Tuesday said they had the overtime pay. She said she was • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sion but disclosed no personnel facturing departments, will "re­ 6:30 a.m. or 7 a.m., depending on only received Stevenson's memo quire a 50 hour work week in these the department, and last until 5 and were not told a great deal not aware of any ultimatum being departments and overtime will be given employees to work the new " ‘’" " f o n t think there wm be any p.m. or 5:30 p.m. The second shift about the changes. Inside TOday paid for all hours worked in excess will start at 5 p.m. or 5:30 p.m. and "They're just not saying too hours or quit. m ajor changes." a Western diplo- of 40," company General last until 3:30 a.m. or 4 a.m., the much." said one woman. Gutin said that management 24 pages, 4 sections ggjj “ Unlike Andropov, Cher- William H. Stevenson said in a memo said. Although company officials have would try to work out any problems Advice ...... 16 nenko is likely to want as much memo that was distributed to “ This change will help provide a said no layoffs would result, she that individuals might have with Area towns...... 19 stability as possible and it is also a employees on Monday. better standard of living for all said rumors were circulating the new hours. affected employees and consoli­ among plant employees that there In his memo, Stevenson said that rlifc T iiM ...... OT.ol f” '" m ajor change. ’ ’ Though the policy stated in the date our operation to two shifts for would be some. within the next two weeks third Comics 18 I " a speech to the Central memo appears to require em­ more effective control,” the memo One man said the announcement shift supervisors would discuss Entertainment...... 16 Committee reported by Tass Tues- ployees to work extra hours, Irving said. came as no big surprise to with each employee their prefer­ ...... 7 day, Chernenko set the tone for Gutin, vice president of Tyco Obituorics...... B employees. ence for first or second shift work. Opinion...... 0 m ajor issues expected at the Laboratories Inc., which recently The plant currently operates on "It's been rather smooth," he He said “ a more formalized outline Peopletaik ...... 2 Supreme Soviet meeting. acquired Multi-Circuits, said the three eight-hour shifts. The change said. of the new policy" and its effect on Sports...... , ...... 9-12 ije concentrated on domestic overtime would be optional and will have no effect on several benefits, would be distributed to Weaiher°''.l!!.!!!!.!.!!!!!!2 affairs, particularly ideology and that no employee would be re­ departments, the memo added. He said that employees hud been employees before April 23. proposals to overhaul the educa- quired to work a 50-hour week. The The change in hours of operation given no indication of what would Multi-Circuits, which employees SAMPLES TODAY tion system. Chernenko announced apparent discrepancy could not be will "closely parallel those of happen if they were unable to work approximately 700 people in Man­ The Manchester Herald today con- calarv increases for teachers nf m explained, as Multi-Circuits offi­ North American Printed Circuits the new hours. chester, is the town's second tinues Its sompllng program to bring ®aiary increases lor leacners oi JU cials in Manchester refused com­ in Stafford Springs," it said. Both Another woman said employees largest private employer. It was copies of the newspaper to non- percent to 35 percent and said they ment on the new policy. Multi-Circuits and North Am eri­ were told that they would have to purchased by Tyco Laboratories, subscribers In Manchester. must model children to reject Gutin said no layoffs are antici­ can Printed Circuits are owned by either work the new hours or leave. based in Exeter. N H .. in March for ••••••••••••«••••••••• views alien to Soviet society. pated as a result of the change in Tyco, a diversified corporation She disagreed that the change about $13 million. Mondale delegate Reagan policy rebuked Top U.S. educator tally is over 1,000 is coming to tiling Senators vote against mining By Laurence McQuillan , United Press International The top school official in the nation will appear By Robert Shepard mendation of his national security viding weapons and ammunition to -M ay 10 at Illing Junior High School, which has United Press International adviser, Robert McFarlane, and the guerrillas in El Salvador," he PHILADELPHIA — Walter Mondale, confidently been selected to host a regional conference on the Pentagon despite misgivings added. calling his Pennsylvania win the “ keystone" of his education, Manchester school officials an­ WASHINGTON - President by Secretary of State George drive for the White House, now has amassed more nounced today. Reagan suffered an embarrassing Shultz. The administration has said all than half the delegates needed for the Democrati'c SchoolJSuperintendent James P. Kennedy said rebuke in the Senate as Republi­ The Post, quoting administra­ along it is aiding the anti- presidential nomination. it will be "a pleasure and an honor” to have U.S. cans and Democrats joined in an tion officials, said the mining was Sandinista rebels to interdict arms headed for El Salvador. "This is a big w in," the former vice president said Secretary of Education Terrel Bell at Illing. overwhelming vote to declare the one part of a plan of harassment to Tuesday night, savoring his victory. He said it gives which last year was named one of the best schools United States should not be in­ cripple the Nicaraguan economy. Kennedy's amendment declared him "a chance, just a chance” to secure the party’s in the country. volved in the mining of Nicaraguan Although the overwhelming voie no funds should be used “ for the purpose of planning, directing, nomination before the national convention in San Educators from seven states will gather at ports. by the Senate was on a non-binding executing, or supporting the min­ Francisco. Illing for an all-day conference, “ Quest for The 84-12 vote Tuesday came amendment offered by Sen. Ed­ With 56 percent of national convention delegates Excellence in Secondary Education.” just hours after the administration ward Kennedy, D-Mass., Kennedy ing" of Nicaraguan ports. now chosen and Gary Hart far behind, the outcome in The 300 people attending will have a chance to sought to quiet the controversy by said he will soon offer a binding Kennedy agreed to withdraw a Pennsylvania raises questions about whether the look in on classes, Kennedy said. Representatives issuing a tough statement that said measure. second part to the amendment, senator's meteoric star may be falling. It was his from each of the 25 schools nationwide that were “shrill and often confusing de­ He predicted it, too, will be saying the United States should fourth straight decisive loss in a m ajor industrial selected, along with Illing, to receive awards for b a te" had clouded Reagan's approved. "It will be very difficult accept jurisdiction of the world state — adding Pennsylvania to Michigan. Illinois and educational excellence will be among the sizeable policies. for them to alter or change the court concerning disputes with New York in Mondale’s column. crowd. But the efforts did little to votes," he said. Nicaragua, after it became clear Jesse Jackson again showed his clout among blacks Others who will attend Ihe invitation-only event mollify many senators peeved Kennedy said approval of his the Republicans were divided and by capturing the vote in Philadelphia, despite include school b o a ^ membert^, college represen­ about not being informed about the amendment shows the Senate seeking a quick end to what had formidable opposition from its black Mayor Wilson tatives, state education department members mining operation. feels, “ Enough is enough in terms become an embarrassing situation for the White House. Goode. and school district personnel, according to Congressional sources said late o f military escalation in With 96 percent of the vote reported. Mondale had Kennedy. Gerald Tirozzi, commissioner of Tuesday the freighter that di­ Nicaragua.” Shortly before the vote, the 695,457 or 47 percent. Hart had 518,314 or 35 percent education in Connecticut, and Robert Brunelle, rected the mining from a post off of Reagan said he was not worried White House issued a statement and Jackson had 249,635 or' 17 percent. who holds the same post in New Hampshire, will Nicaragua's shores, but in interna­ by the vote, but he criticized the defending Reagan’s Central Amer­ The latest count by United Press International — be on hand. tional waters, had left the area in Senate for acting in an atmoshpere ica policy and saying a "shrill an i which will increase as more votes for delegates is All will eat lunch in the school cafeteria, if they the past 48 hours. of "hysteria." often confusing debate” has obs­ completed in Pennsylvania — shows that Mondale wish, getting the standard school lunch fare. Defense sources said the ship, At a state dinner for the cured the president’s aims in the region. now has the backing of at least 1,069 of the 2,207 The event will be sponsored by the U.S. which provided support for rebels president of the Dominican Repub­ national convention delegates already chosen. Department of Education, and conducted by the who actually planted the mines in lic, just hours after the Senate The document took issue with Another 1,726 are still to be selected. Northeast Regional Education Exchange. Illing two key harbors from speedboats, vote, Reagan said with a smile, "If members of Congress who com­ Hart has 568 delegates and Jackson 151. Another 333 principal Richard Llndgren said he's fairly sure left after supervising at least one it's not binding, I can live with it. plained of inadequate notification are uncommitted. Bell will attend,..^ there, even though the more operation. “ I think there's a great hysteria of CIA operations off the Nicara­ Mondale, brimming with self-confidence, told conference date has already been changed two The Washington Post reported raised about this whole thing. guan coast and a decision to reject times to accomodate his schedule. today the mining operation was We’re not going to war. The world court review of U.S. actions Please turn to page 8 approved by Reagan on the recom­ government of Nicaragua is pro­ in the region. t - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. April U. 19»4 M ANCHKSrKK HKKALU, Wc-diiesauv. April II. laiM — a Manslaughter Instead ol murder Astronauts complete satellite repair faster than expected M anchester instruments toward the sun was dule, installed a cover over the repair work 3‘A hours after the first Indian in space were ianding service men on Earth to replace CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla. the most important task of the X-ray sensor. spacewalk started. in the Soviet Union after visiting street lights. Replacement of the main elec­ Lorbier prosecutor may press for l^ss (UPI) — A pair oi spacewalking tn Brief Terry Hart, the hero of Tues­ spacewalk. Van Hoften removed handymen replaced two faulty The spacewalkers, using helmet the orbiting Salyut 7 space station. tronics box for the satellite’s day’s capture of Solar Max, two bolts, slid Ihe module out and parts in Solar Max during a headlights for night work, also To make the repairs. Chal­ coronagraph, an instrument de­ operated the arm from inside installed a new one to the side of the to areas he thought showed that the historic and surprisingly smooth installed a cover over an X-ray lenger’s astronauts — wearing signed to study the sun’s outer School to become cabaret By Sarah Passetl threats against his life and chased his whether Lorbier is mentally ill. safety lines at all times — took Challenger’s cabin while Crippen 4-year-old sun observatory. Herald Reporter van down Walnut Street in Manchester A former state medical examiner numerous cracks in Phommahaxay's satellite repair job today to renew sensor to prevent electrified gas atmosphere, was the last and On the nights of May 11 and 12. East Catholic turns standing in a special plat­ and co-pilot Dick Scobee moni­ "O K , the module’s on," Nelson moments before Lorbier beat him to also testified Tuesday that X-rays skull ail radiated from one spot, where its ability to study the sun and give from leaking in and ruining its toughest operation of the day. High School will be transformed into nearly a form on the end of the shuttle’s tored the operation. said at S: 24 a.m. EST. HARTFORD — The prosecutor try­ death with a baseball bat at the taken shortly after Phommahaxay's one blow had landed. it a bonus look at Halley’s comet. reports on great solar radiation "It’s on," Nelson reported jubi­ dozen “ nightclubs" — an Irish pub, a casino, and Replacement of the control Then the exuberant space- intersection of Walnut and Cedar death .showed that Phommahaxay had “ Based on these lindings, 1 would Challenger's space mechanics. outbursts called solar flares. SO-foot robot arm. using it much lantly at 7:31 a.m. ing Laotian refugee Loma Lorbier for module required to precisely point walkers, running ahead of sche­ “ Middle Eastern Room" complete with belly streets. have to say there was one blow of George Nelson and James van If testing through the night like the cherry pickers that hoist dancer. murder in Hartford Superior Court has been struck only once hard enough to indicated this week he may abandon But Grayson's testimony also lent crack the skull. sufficient magnitude to cause frac­ Hoften, turned the shuttle’s large confirms that Solar Max is back in “ Cabaret East” is only temporary — as the efforts to get a murder conviction and support to defense arguments for Charles H. Chambers’s statements ture," Chambers testified. open cargo bay into an orbital working order, it will be dropped East Catholic Parents Club’s smash fund-raiser acquitting Lorbier on the grounds of workshop, demonstrating a new off in a higher orbit Thursday with HamStan equipment helped with repairs of the year. press instead for a lesser, first-degree Tuesday arc a switch from his original Chambers admitted that X-rays manslaughter conviction. self-defense. Grayson said I.«rbier had testimony two weeks ago and conflicts capability for America’s space the five shuttle astronauts return­ A U.S.O. show with a 1940s band, an Italian would not show lighter blows to Deputy Assistant State's Attorney been afraid Phommahaxay was about with that of several witnesses. Some program. ing to a Florida landing Friday. sealing. room, a “ four-star” deli, a Barbershop Quartet Phommahaxay s head. He conceded When the $2.1 million "E xtrave­ The engineers went back to work Lawrence Daly Tuesday presented to kill him. witnesses said Lorbier clubbed Phom- Working faster than expected, Solar Max could be brought back if WINDSOR LOCKS (UPI) - Few The other suit couldn’t be fully room, a coffee house, and a comedy room will be that it is “ conceivable" but “ unlikely” hicular Mobility Units" were to get and “ in a matter of weeks” had testimony from psychiatrist Donald S. Grayson examined Lorbier after mahaxay three to five times, continu­ they us^ a "million dollar it still doesn’t work. anticipated the attempt by crew pressurized because a subcontrac­ among the many attractions. that the main fracture shown on the their trial in space walks by straightened out the problems, he Grayson, who said Lorbier was not Borden testified that Lorbier was not a ing his attack even after Phommah­ wrench" to install a bulky new Some extraordinary television members of the ispace shuttle tor left out two plastic locking Also included: a "silent auction" where bids X-rays came from two or more blows to two mission sp^ialists during the said. legally insane but had apparently violent man but had been afraid axay had fallen to the pavement. control module on the side of Solar displayed much of the repair job. Challenger to repair the Solar Max devices the size of rice grains when •are placed in secret, and an “ athletic celebrities” exactly the same spot. He said another fifth shuttle flight in November A tiny magnetic sensor malfunc­ killed Linh Phommahaxay out of fear, Phommahaxay was about to kill him. Chambers had originally testified Max and scissors and a power showing closeup views of the satellite today more eagerly than assembling an oxygen regulator. room where sports heroes (Gordie Howe is a blow as hard as the first would 1982, both failed. tioned in a motor that powered a in a state of “extreme emotional Borden told the jury be believed that the autopsy suffered at least two screwdriver to open up the satel­ satellite’s wiring and more distant engineers and executives of United The assembler and inspector possibility) will be on hand. probably have collapsed the skull. views of the astronauts working “ There are several hundred here pump and fan in the life support disturbance” in July 1982. Connecticut Lorbier's family came to loathe blows. lite’s innards and replace an Technologies’ Hamilton Standard responsible were removed from “ The idea was brought to our attention last year around the 2>A-ton satellite, with who are directly involved in the system of one suit. It was contami­ law defines manslaughter as killing violence after his father was assassi­ At stake is the jury's decision about Prosecutor Daly said Tuesday he electronics box that was on the Division. NASA work and Hamilton Stand­ by a professional fund-raiser we’ve hired,” says work and they were very disap­ nated with a “ miniscule, micros­ someone while under the influence of nated while running for political office whether Lorbier's attack was more expects to finish his rebuttal following blink. shiny insulation debris floating Hamilton Standard, based in ard issued a 50-page instruction Dana Pineo of Bolton, who, along with Rosemary around like Christmas tree Windsor Locks is the prime con­ pointed. They’ve put their hearts copic" amount of moisture engi­ “extreme emotional disturbance." in Luos in 1939. He said he thought vicious than a mere act of self-defense. brief questioning of two witnesses "Take a bow. Pinky, take a book on assembling the devices, Moynihan of East Hartford is organizing the and souls into it for many years," neers believe came from the Lorbier's fear ol Phommahaxay Chambers changed his opinion after scheduled to testily today. It was bow.” shuttle commander Robert ornaments. tractor for the suits the shuttle requiring assemblers to sign their project. Daly Monday had tried to question The $50 million overhaul came as astronauts wear while outside the said Mark Sullivan, Hamilton’s astronaut’s breath, said Sulliavn. defense psychiatrist Walter A. Borden stemmed partly from his own father's reviewing X-rays he had not seen possible the the case would go to the Crippen told "P in k y" Nelson after names after completing each step. For $6, visitors may stroll from room to room two Russian cosmonauts and the director of communications. Engineers tightened the sensor’s about Borden’s report to defense death. before he testified early in the trial. As jury as early as this afternoon, he completed the electronics box craft’s cabin. and take in all the shows. Many ethnic foods, as attorneys, in which Daly claimed “ If his story is true, he was either the jury and Judge Corrigan studied following attorneys' final arguments well as alcoholic beverages, will be available at acting in self-defense or extreme the X-rays Tuesday, Chambers pointed and Corrigan's instructions. extra cost. Borden had also written that Lorbier acted under “ extreme emotional dis­ emotional disturbance," Grayson said, During the second night of the fundraiser, a 1984 tress." Judge Thomas H. Corrigan apparently seconding Borden's opin­ Mercedes will be raffled. Weather barred the questioning of Borden but ion. “ 1 believe he responded out of fear For tickets or more information, call thie school Peopletalk allowed Grayson to state his findings to — fear of physical harm or death, " at 649-5336. Tickets will be available at the door. the jury. But Grayson warned that a psychia­ Today’s forecasts Daly’s last-minute change of tactics trist is no better at judging a state of • Our 1st Aimiversary Notes from the academy Board approves settlement came near the end of two weeks ol fear or act of self-defense than the Connecticut, Massachusetts and testimony. Lorbier has testified that average person who sits on a jury. He starts Thurs. April 19tli. Jack Nicholson was in for some kidding from Rhode Island: Cloudy with a An $8,190 settlement was approved by the Phommahaxay hud made several said he had expertise only to determine Mary Tyler Moore, who presented him with his chance of showers east. Highs in Board of Directors Tuesday night in a case Oscar for best supporting actor Monday night. 50s west and 40s east. Tonight involving Vito Perrone, a former police officer • What do you think we’re After the ceremony Nicholson was saying that he mostly cloudy, lows in 30s. Thurs­ who suffered a heart attack while he was a really didn’t have that much in common with the day mostly sunny, highs in 50s member of the police force. Tow n credit still good; hard-drinking, woman-chasing ex-astronaut he except 40s coastal. Perrone suffered the attack July.7,1971, only 10 going to do about it? played in “ Terms of Endearment." Maine and New Hampshire: days after the state’s heart and hypertension law “ That’s not what I hear," Miss Moore said. Mostly cloudy with a chance of became effective. The law presumes that if a Nicholson later admitted that, well, maybe, there firefighter or a policeman develops heart disease water bonds to be sold brief showers or flurries. Highs in was a little in common. upper 30s north and mountains to , or hypertension the ailment is work-connected. Miss Moore denied that she had been offered Perrone had been on the force since 1967. low 50s south. Gradual clearing Manchester has re­ savings would range from of the work from tempor­ Shirley MacLaine’s role by “ Terms’" director west and'ilorthern sections. Lows / Perrone filed a claim soon after the attack but James L. Brooks, one of the creators of "The did not pursue it. He resigned in 1980 for reasons tained its AA credit ratihg $65,000 to $97,000 a year ary notes which will have in 30s. Thursday sunny south and after a review by two for water bonding and been paid back out of Mary Tyler Moore Show." variable cloudiness elsewhere. not connected with health, according to Malcolm “ Jim gave me the script to read. We discussed Barlow, asssistant town attorney. In 1983 he again rating agencies and will from $27,225 to $40,850 a revenues. Highs in 40s and 50s. go into the bond market year for general fund The $6.6 million to be it in general terms, but I never felt I was right for Vermont: Cloudy today with a pursued his rights under the heart and the role. I felt I didn’t have the maturity to play hypertension law. April 18 with that rating. borrowing. issued next year is ap­ chance of flurries or showers. Director William Diana proximately the cost of Shirley’s part," said Miss Moore, 47. Miss X Barlow’s report places Perrone's degree of The Board of Directors Highs in 40s. Partly cloudy and asked Weiss if (he 9.25 Ihe water treatment plant MacLaine, who won the best actress Oscar, is 49. disability at 12.5 percent, based on reports of Tuesday night authorized chilly tonight. Lows 25 to 35. Sunny Mostly cloudy today percent limit was too which is not yel Perrone’s physician and another physician General Manager Robert Sharing lottery Jackpot and warm er Thursday. Highs 45 to high. completed. Today: Mostly cloudy with highs near 50. Wind north 10 to 15 mph. retained by the town to examine him. B. Weiss to sell $6,335,000 55. Weigs said the current Oza Millette, 71, and his wife, Viola, are all Tonight: Partly cloudy with lows in the 30s. Wind north around 10 General Manager Robert B. Weiss said the in water improvement Long Island Sound: A small craft rate is about 8.7 percent smiles as they claim their share of the latest mph. Thursday: A mixture of clouds and sun. Highs in the upper 50s. settlement at $8,190 is probably the lowest in the bonds on that date, pro­ More from the Oscars advisory remains in effect. Winds on bonds, but the fluctua­ jackpot in the Massachusetts Megabucks lottery. Today’s weather picture was drawn by Erika Turner, 9, of 136 state under the heart and hypertension act. vided the interest rate will be north to northeast at 15 to 25 tion is considerable. From the sea of sparkle and flash at the The Millettes, who were on vacation in Florida Grandview St., a fourth-grade student at Highland Park School. does not exceed 9.25 knots today. Northwest to north at Normally the directors Academy Awards ceremony, Christie Brinkley when they heard they were winners, are taking percent. 10 to 20 knots tonight and northeast hold a special meeting stuck out for her subtle approach. Instead of home $3,006,253. They live in Quinebaug, Conn. The bonds are part of at 10 to 20 knots Thursday. after bids are received for opting for bugle beads or glitter, the model- ■■ Weight-loss program set the $20 million authorized Visibility will be generally 5 miles bonds and approve the actress amour of pop singer Billy Joel went the by the voters for improve­ on the “ORIGINAL” or more. Weather — partly cloudy The Manchester Health Department will rate at which they will be simple route in a black crepe tank top gown ments to the water distri­ today, and fair tonight and Thurs­ present a weight reduction program Friday from sold. Tuesday's authori­ crafted by New York’s Perry Ellis. bution system and for a day. Average wave heights — 1 to 3 10 to 11:30 a.m. and April 17 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at zation makes that MEMBERS ONLY JACKETS! “ Footloose’s” Kevin Bacon also turned to Ellis Leaders of the pack new water treatment feet today and around 1 foot tonight the Community Y, 78 N. Main St. unnecessary. for fashion advice, coming away in basic black plant. In the wake of their scorching U.S. tour, Duran and Thursday. The clinic outlines a program of behavior revved by a white linen shirt and blue and black Weiss told the directors The town has already- Duran emerged as Uie 1983 all-around critic’s modification coupled with a healthy calorie- MEMBERS ONLY. striped cummerbund and bow tie. Tuesday that the double-A sold $5 million in bonds for pick in a yearly poll conducted by Britain’s music controlled diet to provide weight loss and rating by Moody’s and by water work. After it sells journal. Melody Maker. This week’s cover story, Extended outlook permanent changes in eating patterns resulting ‘When you put it on... something happens. Standard and Poor’s will the $6.3 million April 18, it emblazoned with “ Winners Fly the British Flag in a healthier and slimmer lifestyle. Over Am erica” headlines, reports the band was Extended outlook for New Eng­ mean savings to the town will have $6.6 million to Both morning and evening classes will be held Go ahead! See how confident you'll Don’t tell him to bc^ak a leg voted No. 1 in three categories — Best Band, Best land Friday through Sunday: over what it would have to sell in about a year. Ot polyester/cotton chintz in an Connecticut, Massachusetts and once a week for eight weeks. The fee is $35. feel, how great you'll look in that world Emmy-Award winning actor Ed Asner delivers Live Act and Best Album (“ Seven and the Ragged spend for borrowing if it It will not have to sell $2 all-winner lineup of light to bright to Rhode Island: Sunny days and fair For registration and further information, a truly empathetic performance when he stars as Tiger” ). had dropped to an A million of the $20 million famous strap-collar, racing jacket. deep colors. nights Friday through Sunday. contact Joanne Cannon at 647-3173. Norman Cousins in the CBS-TV production of Duran Duran’s stiff competition in the running rating. authorized because it will High in the mid 50s to lower 60s "Anatomy of an Illness,” which airs May IS. were The Police, U2 and Big Country. He said the estimated have financed that portion except only 40s at the shore. While filming a scene in which Cousins (the Overnight lows mostly in the 30s. huminitarian who was stricken by a crippling PLACING AN AD In clas­ Vermont: Increasing clouds disease of the spine), is racing a friend and sified is a very easy, again Friday. Chance of rain suddenly doubles over with pain, Asner came simple process. Just dial Saturday and Sunday. Highs in the 543-2711. We’ll help you down on the wrong foot and sprained his ankle. So Prince goes Hollywood 50s. Lows in the 30s. word your ad for maxi­ DOUBIE when you see Asner’s face writhing in anguish on ■Yf 260 NO. MAIN ST. Maine: Fair weather Friday. Satellite Wew mum response. the screen, some is Hollywood, but lots is from the On Prince Andrew's voyage to the Sta{es next MANCHESTER. CT Increasing cloudiness Saturday. real thing. week, not only will he be raising funds for the THE VAIUE NORTHWAY Chance of snow or rain north and Commerce Department satellite photo taken at 2:30 a.m. EST shows British Olympic teams, but Queen Elizabeth’s chance of rain south Sunday. Highs thunderstorms over the tower Mississippi Valley. Low and middle Court of Probote ''WP j plaza son will be seeing some sights. OF YOUR in the 40s to low 50s and lows in the District ot Manchester MGM reports that the dashing prince will be clouds produce scattered light showers and flurries over New NOTICE OF HEARING visiting its Hollywood studios on Tuesday to view mid 20s to low 30s. England. An extensive area of layered clouds blankets the northern ESTATE OF Pressing issues for Cohn New Hampshire: Fair weather half of the country west of the Mississippi. Patchy high clouds are NORMAN S. ABRAHAMS, MANUFACTURER'S the set of the film “ 2010," currently in production. late of Lonemeodow, Mo., Friday. Increasing cloudiness Sat­ visible over the desert Southwest. :;t|Lndyi Author and attorney Roy M. Cohn takes a swipe Tour guide will be actor Roy Scheider, a star of owning property. In sold urday. Chance of snow or rain District, deceased. COUPONS at the press and its “ left-wing censorship” of the the movie that continues the saga of "2001 Space Pursuant to on order ot Hon. Odyseey” . north and chance of rain south news in the May issue of Penthouse. A direct 29.77 30.00 William E. FitzGerald, I DCDDI C Dl C Sunday. Highs in the 40s to low 50s Judge, doted April 9, 1984 o Details in Store PEOPLE PLEASERS target of the media’s “ ultraliberal biases," he So far the only big-wigs allowed on the “ 2010" SEATTLE reports, is President Reagan. set, says MGM, were California Gov. George and lows in the mid 20s to low 30s. V hearing will be held on on ap­ If you havon'l rocolvad your y i V plication praying for the "The Grenada episode was but one example of Deukmejian and Alexander Haig. The film is 30.00 / BOSTON granting of letters ot admin­ valuo pakod aalM elreular, . , ...... the hatchet job the media has perpetrated against scheduled for a Christmas season release. istration as In said applica­ ono up at i i m sioiw . Sile Itiss Avaltbh Tliurs., 4/12; Fri., 4/13; Sit., 4/14 Air quality tion on file more tullv ap­ President Reagan,” Cohn writes in his “ Whey pears, at the Court of Pro­ The Press Hates Reagan" article. “ Their dislike The state Department of Envir­ bate on April 23,1984 at 11 :(W for him is almost paranoid. He is everything they A.M. ^ Freshly Made USDA Grade A ^ onmental Protection reported . , '1® f can’t stand — a conservative who believes in God good air quality across Conecticut SAN FRANCISCO DENVER Dianne E. Yusinas, and country." Tuesday. The DEP forecast good Ass't. Clerk • Los Angeles reunion 029-04 WHOLE air quality statewide for today GROUND "B ig Trouble” , which begins filming at the end except in Bridgeport and Water- LOS ANGELES 6. ★ -4r W ★ * 4 ■*"*■ ★ ■*-A ★ ♦ BEEF CHICKEN BREASTS of April in Los Angeles, reunites two stellar bury, where moderate conditions 3 Ibf or HierB Now you know actors, Paul Dooley and Alan Arkin. The Andrew were expected. I ASTROLOGY % Bergman comedy marks the first time they have The lungfish populate tropical regions of South : IJEADING^ ^ worked together since the early ’60s as part of •MIAMI America, Australia and Africa. One African Chicago’s “ Second City” improvisationaltroupe. High and low > IT BIS. lOU <*■ $119^ 1 H T species can live through the total dehydration of “ Big Trouble” traces insurance broker Arkin's LEGEND- 1$ ADVIi;^ ON A U PROBIEMS ? 9 1 U T its environment by burying itself in mud and The highest temperature reported ■ lb. perils of trying to finance his triplets’ education at !^RAIN ♦ FOmAPPOmUttNT CALL surrounding itself with a mucous cocoon that Yale. Dooley portrays a businessman who adds to Tuesday by the National Weather ■50 ______1 8 ^ Service, excluding Alaska and 'j t dries to form a protective case. Arkin’s woes. >0 [ j SHOWERS^ FLOW Hawaii, was 99 degrees at I? OPf N DAILY 6A1I«19AM ^ UPI WEATHER FOTOCAST '/t FROM OUR DEU — lARD OlAKES McAllen, Texas. The low Wednes­ G $rlc$ with ( id ^ day morning was 19 degrees at FRESHLY SLICED S 1 Yellowstone, Wyo. National forecast % WHITE AIMERICAN CHEESE ^ | . f t \ n Almanac 1 i ■ For period ending 7 a.m. E S T Thursday. Tonight will find rain and OTICE Weather radio showers in the Pacific Northwest as well as across the northern Plains t'Tobate Court is open and upper Mississippi Valley. Elsewhere, fair to partly cloudy akies d S s m for conferences with the FARM FRESH Today is Wednesday, April 11, The National Weather Service should prevail. Minimum temperatures include: (approximate judge froiii 6:30 P.M. to the 102nd day of 1984 with 264 to broadcasts continuous, 24-hour maximum readings in parenthesis) Atlanta 48(70), Boston 40(67) weather information on 162.475 8 P.M . on Thursday SUGAR SWEET^ S I follow. .. r ■ |00 Chicago 45(81), Cleveland 32(59), Dallas 54(77). Denver 29161) nights. Appointments The moon is moving toward its mHz in Hartford, 162.55 mHz in Duluth 35(43), Houston 64(86), Jacksonville 51(77). Kansas CIW New London and 162.40 mHz in suggested. Night CORN 5 ears ^ 1 full phase. Meriden. 42(62), Little Rock 55(74), Los Angeles 55(69). Miami 69IM ) telephone number: 647- The morning stars are Venus, Minneapolis 43(50), Now Orleans 61(62), New York 42(57) Phemix Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. 3227. 57(88), San Francisco 48(64). Seattle 41(56). St Louis 46166) William E.’ FiUGerald a n M The evening star is Mercury. Washington 44(65). JUMOOSOE Those bom on this date are under .hidgp of Probate the sign of Aries. They include CALIFORNIA H K American statesman and orator Lottery Edward Everett in 1794, film ICEBERG LETTUCE i} < animator Norman McLaren in Manchester Herald ■■ N EED YO U R 1914, and actor Joel Grey in 1932. Richard M. Diamond, Publisher On this date in history: Connecticut daily ipOOL FIXED? UMIT 1 PER CUSTOMER In 1947, Jackie Robinson became Tuesday: 105 the first black in major league USf>S 327-500 VOL. cm. No. 164 Filters . ■- ■ J’.-’ ’• Play Four: 3648 baseball, playing for the Brooklyn Liners SSWEn LIFE CHILLED. Dodgers against the New York .Publlthad dolly •xewt Sunday eorritr rotss or* $1 JO ond cortoln bolltlldan by tlw Mon- wptkiy. $^12 tor on* month, $19 JS W alls Yankees in an exhibition game. other numbers drawn Tuesday chMterchMtor PubllihinePubllihli . Co.^M Bralnord - ■ , Vi» 't Plocs, MonchMttr, Conn. 04040. In 1951, General Douglas MacAr- in New England: nwnthiondl61y40fbrontvMr. Moll !• Qenetal repairs. iORANGE.^ Sscondc'Socond d o u pbttoet paid at Man- rotos oro ovollablo on roquost. ^ u r was relieved of his command New Hampshire daily: 6932. chsstar. Conn. POSTMASTER: in Korea by President Harry S. Rhode Island daily: 3375. “ 4-47 Stnd oddrou chonots to th« Mon- To pioco o clostlfiod or display Truman. diM ttr Htrald, P.O. Box 991, Jackpot” numbers: 33-14-38-18. Manchiit«r, Conn. 04040. S 2 m ••’.Is toport o nosra In 1968, President Lyndon John­ Maine daily: 015. 'foauAtim m u son ordered 24,500 miUtary reser­ Vermont daily: 153. To lubtcflbo, or to roport o to 9 p.m. Mondm throu^ Rrldoy. vists called up, half of them for dtllvory probitm, coll 447-9944. Inti. 44A (2 iRil«$ 688t Today Ih history Massachusetts daily: 1092. Offico hours or* 9:30 o.m. to 9:30 Tho MoMhostor HoroM Is o duty in Vietnam. i.m. Monday throueh Friday and 7 of Bolton Uko) wHh coBpoR after $10.00 parthaso. In 1970, the Apollo-13 spacecraft Jackie Robinson becomes the first black In on fe'.» 10 o.m. Soturdoy. Dolivtry VbIM ten TiMrsSay, teril 12,1904; Friday, Bprll 13, 1984 was launched from Cape Canav­ April 11, 1B47, playing first base for the Brooklyn Dodgers In an should bt mod* by 9 p.m. Mondoy A thought for the day: General of throueh FrMoy and by 7:30 o.m. .■ BBd Satoiday, April 14,1984 eral on the third U.S. moon-landing exhibition game against the New Yorkk Yankaea. He’a teaching for the Army Douglas MacArthur Saturday. Tlu r. & Fri. 11-7 pm mission. the bnall too late to get . said: "I shall return." 5et. 12-5 pm 1 ______ANDY'S Soil. 12-5 teS M 01 OH S eO 01 SB fl l H H Oe ^0 BB Hi Hi H HI H H 4 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, April U, 1984 MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, April 11, 1984 - 5 Man said to have betrayed agents to KGB is heid on $500,000 bond

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (DPI) - A Aronica said the American Defense attorney William Cum­ prosecutor says former Army double-agents were not killed, but mings asked Tuesday that Smith counter-intelligence specialist Ri­ their operations inside the Soviet be release on his own recognizance chard Craig Smith has "neutral­ intelligence agency were rendered and said he had cooperated with ized” six American double-agents ineffective by the information authorities. who had infiltrated the KGB by Smith gave Soviet spy Victor Aronica disagreed. He said giving their names to a Soviet spy, Okunev in Tokyo between No­ Smith told federal officials about "He has knowledge of between 20 vember 1982 and February 1983. his contacts with the Soviets only to 30 double-agent operations, Soviet Embassy officials in because he hoped to become a including the six he gave up, and is Tokyo have denied the allegations. double agent himself. capable of doing fuinherdamage to For revealing the names of the "The government believes he the United States," prosecutor agents. Smith was paid $11.000, but has not fully disclosed all the Joseph Aronica told a judge was promised another $130,000 for information he provided to the REGAL'S VESTED Tuesday. further information, according to a Soviet Union, ” said Aronica. The judge set bond at $500,000 federal grand jury indictment Smith ran into financial difficul­ and scheduled Smith’s arraign­ handed down Monday. ties after he left INSCOM and ment Friday on five counts ol Smith, 40, of Belleview, Wash., declared bankruptcy in 1982, the espionage and conspiracy. worked for the Army Intelligence year he initiated contact with the Aronica said Smith’s disclosures Security Command (INSCOM) Soviets, according to court endangered national defense be­ from 1973 to 1980 and authorities records, cause "some of our own KBG said he directed numerous Aronica said federal officers SUITS agents have been identified, and counter-intelligence operations began to investigate Smith last neutralized." aimed at infiltrating the KGB. December. • STRIPES I • SOLIDS I } ; Prosecutors admit their witness • 36 to 46 Reg. • 38 to 46 Longs // i \ vs. DeLorean misted grand Jury • 38 to 44 Shoiis

LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Go­ key evidence in the case. for prospective panelists, who vernment prosecutors told poten­ The testimony of Hoffman, a were earlier screened for exposure tial jurors in the John De Lorean paid informant . who was the to pre-trial publicity. REGAL'S 100% POLYESTER drug case that their key witness is government's go-between in an Prosecutors contended De Lo­ an admitted liar who misled a alleged $24 million cocaine deal rean was a witling participant in grand jury and erased recordings that resulted in De Lorean’s the narcotics deal. Defense lawy­ made during a probe of the former arrest, will "have to be taken at ers maintained the former auto­ automaker. arms length," Perry conceded. He maker was framed. They also Professionally Staffed In an apparent attempt to lessen insisted, however, that independ­ claimed some of the erased tapes the impact of expected defense ent evidence will corroborate his Perry referred to would tend to s r < attacks on James T. Hoffman, testimony. exonerate De ^ rean. EAR PIERaNG Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert The final phase of jury selection From the pool of 60 prospective Perry told potential jurors Tues­ in De Lorean's trial opened Tues­ jurors, attorneys will select a CLiNiC day about the checkered past of the day, with opposing lawyers laying 12-member panel and four alter­ Navy paid informant, who will provide out much of their respective cases nates. Tan Two Days Only! • Solids hr K Salvador army said to kill civilians Reg. *85 •F ri., Aprii 13, 6 PM to 9 PM • Tex. Polyester •Sat., Aprii 14,11 Am to 4 PM

•3 6 to 46 Reg.. 38 to 46 Longs. 36 to 44 Shorts r \ a a Men’s Dress Shirts By United Press International namite at the Salvadoran Em­ "We hope that by daybreak we • Sizes 28 to 42 •Choice of goldtone, silvertone, simulated Boys’ Oxford Shirts Full Figure Blouses bassy and at three other locations will totally control the position,” pearl or diamond studs. 70% cotton, 30% poly in an assortment /% Oxford button-down, spread collars, Also Big Tops. Solids & prints in SOCKO v ) ^ 7 ^ 7 of spring colors. 8-18. Reg. 7 .9 9 ...... W . I' I tone-on-tone. 14V2-17. Reg. 10.99 .. spring colors! 36-44. Reg. 13.99 ...... f # Costa Rican-based Nicaraguan in Tegucigalpa in a wave of attacks the spokesman said. •Painless, medically approved method 7.76 rebels attacked government soldi­ that killed a guard, police said. The reported fighting could not by licensed nurse. •Men's Designer-Style Neckwear, Reg. 4.99 .3.66 ers with artillery and rifle fire in a Police did not give details on the be confirmed. Belted Chino Pants •Takes less than 30 seconds. Full Figure Denim Skirt bid to take control of the only three other bombings or the killing The rebels, commanded by Straight leg, pleated front, 65-35 Snap-front style in 10-ounce denim. ! ! sizable town in sparsely populated of the guard. former Sandinista guerrilla leader •Price includes surgical grade stainless steel poly/cotton. 8-18. Reg. 13.99...... Waist-Watcher® Slacks _ _ 10.88 Sizes 32 to 38. Our Reg. 14.99...... I I %\J\J southeastern Nicaragua, a guer­ Some 400 counter- Eden Pastora known as "Com­ stud earrings with'24K gold overlay. Klopman Mills 'Gabadreme' with | O rilla spokesman said. revolutionaries of the Costa Rican- mander Zero,” control territory stretch waistband. 32-42. Reg. 17.99. • Under 18 years old must have written consent Petites’ Tops In El Salvador, the military ba.sed Democratic Revolutionary along the southern border. •M en's Dress or Casual Belts, Reg. 4.99 1I£ G A £ S Marc Robbins’" * • A A .3.88 Girls’ Skirt Sets denied' charges by Salvadoran Alliance, also known as ARDE, President Reagan's Central "Your Quality Men's Shop" •N o ear piercing for children under age 3 American policy was dealt a quality line ' l l Q O /R Knits or wovens in dressy or active leftist guerrillas Tuesday that fired artillery and rifles on 300 DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER VERNON styles. Great colors! 7-14. Reg. 18.99 U.S.-trained troops killed 23 civili­ soldiers of Nicaragua’s leftist stinging setback with the Reg. 15.99 81 17.99 I I e V / W & l ^ e f \J 14.66 903 MAIN ST. TRI-CITY PLAZA Li’l Gals’ Easter Dresses ans in a counter-insurgency sweep government in San Juan del Norte, Republican-dominated Senate’s STUD Ruffles, lace, bows, pleats and all the 84-12 vote against U.S. involve­ Open Doily 9 :30-3:30 Thurs 'til 9:00 Open Wed., Thurs & Fri. 'til 9:00 north of San Salvador. ISO miles southeast ol Managua, EARRINGS Matching Petites’ Skirts m r \ r \ trimmings, jacket styles too!. . . sure ^m m m ^ Girls’ Fringed Capes Leftist guerrillas in Honduras, according to a spokesman for the ment in the mining of Nicaraguan Tops & skirts of 100% cotton interlock'! /\ to delight any little girl! 4-6X ! / I | | Fashioned of easy-care, 100% acrylic. meanwhile, hurled sticks of dy­ rebel group. ports. 8.88 INCLUDED in sizes S.M.L. Reg. 19.99...... I ^ T a W W Our Reg. 22.99...... I Sizes 4-14. (not shown) Reg. 8.99 .... 6.88 Beirut fight DISCOVER lEANS PLUS LOW. LOW PRICES' continues Organic BEIRUT. Lebanon (UPI) — The only road linking the Christian and Potting Moslem halves of Beirut LOOKING GOOD reopened today and a new truce checked nightlong Soii reg. 89c WITH factional fighting and cit­ ywide shelling that killed 4 lb big Expertly Blended. at five and wounded reedy to use 36 others, Beirut radio JEANS PLUS I I . . ivec. r.-‘ ''I. • r V ♦ , reported. ^ MONTICEllO. : ’ ’ ? i ; < An early morning bar­ C J a n n o n . Unen-Look rage of mortar and sniper Fortiel-Filied ‘Whieperiight’ All Faahion Soll-Reieaae fire forced the closure of 6 Where’S your the Museum crossing on Thurs. FrI. Sal ‘Prairie Song* No-iron Sheets Bed Pillowe Sheet Blanket TierCurtaina Tablecloth the "green line” dividing ■ woodenOnly nlcket- 52x70* the city but the crossing worth *21 t'Owflee.6.M ...... , * t « f V 2 i w « 7 5S8 20% OFF OurRag. 11.99 .. 7.44 _ _ was reopened later. I IQiUeDMOIU:~l B iavender morning cdoiles on « blue Ourftag. 6.49 E«. OurRog.7.99 Ourlleg.l*ffe(Mt A selection of fashion solid colors. country iiUti{4»rtitt,£«sy

m f r r e b a t e 1 "^ S v iN G S L SAVE OVER $23

G.E. DripCoffeemsker HOUUNEX ‘State of tho Art’ Vkteo Game System L. to R. Norma, Joanne, Danny, Karri, June, Timmy, Amy, Karan with Ciook/Timer Food Proeeeeor Hat keypad/iump button comrdlers I OeMor Reg. p rice...... 39.97 vBIQ9« pMMo rflB# .«»'••• i> ptuoarcfna^eipepl^andgameplay. I OlMor Sale Price ...... 93.96 C iM cr Sale P r ic e ...... 4 4 .79 indudas Donkey cartridge. (V2400 I O u r R e g . 1 1 9 .7 0 M#r.IMMnWMxwe ...... 7.Q0* Mtr.lMMnMsfaeie ...... 7 .0 0 * \ O ne of the big reasons so m any mamages don’t work today is that W EEJeans Plus Tee Shirt with Purchase (min.M5““) APTCR , COUECO Video Game Cartridges couples can’t find much support for ...... ,.!2 !6 c0 0 . R aaA n .... 37.70 MakM 2>10cup*> Model 9DCM14 (atm im A m k, end mcml stMii a married lifestyle. But there is a p lu s LEE® Tote Bags — *2““ with Purchase —?S..7.32^701 27.76.o39.76 place that offers strong support for store slock onty; sorry, no reinchecko. w ^ t o d a y marriages: the place where most of ______them„Cgi began—the church. Our p lu s Low, Low Prices on ALL LEE® Jeans IS no piece church places a major emphasis on is n o f' strengthening marriages—not only because relationships in marriage have of cake. become a critical social problem today, but bccause our Lord and •MEN’S <16«o 9W0MEN’S .BOYS «I9«> Savior Jesus Qirist holds a hrgh view of marital relationships. He give’s Pri-Wuhid Dinlm “Fiihlm'' ‘Firttao" OtntaDmla w i w 14 us the compssion to stand by each other through times of stmggle—and the Sbn 3 !• IS PT8-WMM OMim •28 love and faith we need to grow through life together. If you’d like to meet •37 O.E.Ught’nEiey 6UREKA‘Mini Mite’ a group of people w ho support marriage—some married, some not—plan on Hsu Roller Controller with vtsrting our church. W e’re Southern Baptists—part of the largest Protestant S ie im loDry Iro ‘ n . •GIRL’S rn. MB'" m ...CkwINwi NWid V eb SUTH&r» Video Oame Cwtrldge denomination in America—and w hat a lot of us have found together has “FmNIm'’ OmiIb •STUDENT’S *15"> Prt-Wniad Dailn d w FVeiHoNing eoMidliaN (d 360* SIzn 7 to 14 m P ie . 1M 7 . . , 13S8 *1. 24.70 nrsefdongMne a speed conird uwmy found 'IlieSiauthi^Bapitets. Hal 28 vents Oft edeykaetof R M h iig e iM onVlhd««lP».-.nowyoufsalhorne!#2492 OurRag. 99.70 htfidy fabric gd(N. «FjM9 , ♦CNa9iioOowaniforCoi9ooVMkNi,ourRs9.5.M ...Ea. 4 .7 0 G row ii^ through life together. 297 EAST CENTER ST. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 240 HILLSTOWN RD. MANCHESTER, CT MANCHESTER. CT. 649-7509 MANCHESTER VERNON 6 4 6 - 6 4 5 9 1145 Tolland Turnpike -A PRIL 89 THRU MAY6thAT 11:00 AM AND 7:00 PM TrI-CIty Shopping Center

STORE HOURS; DAILY 10 AM TO 9:30 PM • SATURDAY 9 AM TO 9:30 PM • SUNDAY 11 AM TO 5 PM • PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednu.sduv. April 11. 1984 — 7. b - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday, April U. 1984 OPINION Richard M. Diamond, Publisher ^ SHOP EARLY FOR EGGS-TRA Will it be Bill O’Neill or Chris Dodd ? Jack : EASTER VALUES SPECIAL Anderson 2. ak The lirst order of business for Republican and POLITICALL'Y, it is a window to the world when any dA. Washington <• EASTER SAVINGS Democratic delegations to the national conventions this delegation has a candidate for high office in its midst. the year — once they are chosen — will be to decide on a f \ That was at the heart of the break between Weicker and Merry-Qo-Round S — j chairman in each case. ' * 1 Capitol his party in 1976, when he was running for a second That should be easy for the Republicans. U.S. Sen. ti - term in the Senate. He wanted, and should have had, the I YES, I WANT TO WIN AN Lowell Weicker of Greenwich, the ranking pooh-bah of Comments visibility. That year, Fred Biebel led the delegation in iManchester j EASTER BUNNY! his capacity as state chairman. Weicker, his nose way the GOP, is the likely choice to lead the 35 delegates Bob Conrgd going to Dallas from Connecticut. out of joint, stayed home. ■ a. This will be his first convention, incidentally, since Syndicated Columnist Weicker was still on the outs with his party in 1980, so Legal ,o o I Name ______1972. Weicker sat them out in 1976 and 1980 in what he he skipped the convention again. Now he is pretty much Parkade called "exile" back home. He spent his time in charge of the GOP, thanks to his Bloodless Coup of I Address ______campaigning, for himself in 1976 and for other ’82. m oney | Msrehants Association Biebel, formerly of Stratford, is a deputy chairman of Republicans in 1980. Should the governor be chairman of the delegation, we • City ------For Democrats this year, the chairmanship baton ask? Well, says Dodd, he probably should beat least co- the Republican National Committee. The latest bulletin W. Middle Turnpike/Broad Street may have to come with two handles. chairman. With whom? You get one guess. on him, thanks to a Washington newspaper, is that he is m isspent I [ Tel. M.H. Some say Gov. Bill O’Neill, as titular head of the taking karate lessons, and has a mustache. party, should chair the 60-member delegation to San WASHINGTON — President Z THE LARGEST SHOPPING CENTER EAST OF THE RIVER ' | DiE»»*n8 April 201h. Register Al Participating stores. { OF THE THREE in the chairmanship picture, none is F'rancisco. Others argue that because of how the IF THIS DEVELOPING QUESTION sounds familiar, Reagan’s efforts to kill the L e g a L ^ running this year. So the key role at the national presidential primary went here, U.S. Sen, Chris Dodd of it is because of a similar dilemma faced by Democrats Services Corp., which he thinks is conventions will serve other purposes. It will Fast Haddam should have the honor. four years ago. The late Gov. Ella Grasso had backed gigantic liberal boondoggle, were underscore Weicker’s grip on the GOP. And, depending President Jimmy Carter, who lost this state’s primary blocked by Congress. But docu­ on whether Dodd or O’Neill chairs or shares the San O’N E ILL WAS FOR Walter Mondale, who lost badly. to U.S. Sen. Ted Kennedy. ments I've examined support Francisco assignment, it will speak volumes about the Dodd was for Gary Hart, who won by such a margin Republican charges of misman­ direction of the party down the road. that his backers will have almost two-thirds of the seats That made the Kennedy supporters boss of the agement in programs intended to~<« Dodd is a special case. Despite his pro-forma denials, in this state's delegation. delegation, they thought. And they wanted then- help poor people with their legal SUPER COUPON he is still a long shot for the national ticket and must (Some wags say O’Neill completed a "hat trick" of Congressman Toby Moffett of Litchfield (now of problems. ComniaMPBrloiinance remain available. He is helping himself to all the •NO CHOLESTEROL bum choices with Mondale, having gone down with the Branford) as chairman. But a couple of Kennedy One example involves the Na­ Give Your Loved Ones exposure he can get, as in his routine with Hart. •NO SUGAR fresh GROUND Washington Redskins in the Super Bowl and with delegates — now-Secretary of the State Julia Taslijian tional Clients Council and its Less known, but equally important to his future, he is Hartford boxer Marlon "Moochie" Starling in a super- of Windsor and Bloomfield Town Chairman Ben former executive director, Ber­ scoring points with his party nationally. Last week, PEANUT A Treat For Easter From hyped fight.) Millstein — said the governor should lead the troops. nard Veney. He resigned last Dodd and U.S. Sen. Lloyd Bentsen of Texas were hosts 1 LB. So it will be a Hart delegation. Under the old doctrine Their votes for Ella helped install her in the job. month when confronted with audi­ B U H E R at a quiet, unpublicized meeting in Hartford with more ■|iiiNG"rFRlfNrsMAT"l that to the victors go the spoils, Hart’s majority should tors’ findings that he had been Chairmanship of a delegation to any party’s national than 40 heavy financial hitters who gave $500 apiece to name the chairman. O’Neill defenders say, by rights, living high off the hog at public PERM REG PRICE »50<" he should be the leader. Or, they say, how Would it look convention is a big deal to politicians, and it should be. the Senate Democratic Campaign Committee. SEIKO LADIES The chairman is the contact person for the podium and expense. !H> (K DIANA’S BAKERY Against that background. Republican delegates still _____ ;______89 to have the governor of the state sitting back in the The audit, which covered the 2nd PERM AT Vz PRICE or MEH'S WATCHES crowd? the rival camps, if there are any. The chairman speaks have a snap in electing a chairman but the Democrats first nine months of 1983, included (includes cut) •Electric, Quartz lor the delegation and, most importantly, controls the have a tough decision that really has nothing to do with several instances of Veney’s ex- • offer good Mon-FrI (by appi) •5 to 8 Function Digital ^ Dodd says he hasn’t “ even thought’about it yet." microphone. who is nominated for president. SUPER VITAMIN SAIE! pensive taste in hotel . April 23rd— May 4lh •Gold or Silver 0 9 9 An editorial accommodations: Z SAVE up to 50% OFF (Special honored same day only) •Day/Data # Z •1 Year Guarantee______Reg. $135 to $175 • $177.90 for a stay with his wife % PRICE OR MORE ■■a at an inn a few blocks from his * ON 4 FAVORITES Washington office. ^ • A $180-a-day suite at the j U.S. and Soviets: IS SHOPPING A T DIANA'S BAKEPY! Burbank Airport Hilton during a > SpfcItKUng In CAKES for AS OecmHonn California training seminar. Z Wa Are Featuring: • $171.60 for lodging at the Z Easter Cakes • Easter Egg Breads • Whipped Cream Cakes no improvements Jackson (Wyo.) American Snow Z ■MANCSUWaaaeaaea*aee«««aea*e < 4 .9 9 reg. $10.00 ! HSctrut- Chernenko, in an interview icy. It is a principled policy last August is still outstanding. • Veney received $500 in consultant Z SeVIlSM I Vltmiim Wnerob with Pravda, said "Alas, the and is not subject to transient 20% O F F ! FOR MEN& aomMended Of Ooefuru v a r m lOOffea fees from the council that same I ' Easter u»_»K tooia, •HIGH QUALITY to PLUS 30 FREE situation in the world is not vacillations. ” month, and National Clients Coun- * •SAVE ON ALL YOUR FAVORITES VITAMIN/MNERAL » 6 m \* iniproving. It remains very A fter the U.S. started de­ cil picked up a $738 plane ticket bill ~ .^Sugar )gcora»ei\'^r WOMEN SUPPLEMENT dangerous. ploying new cruise and for Veney's son, who was not a ; 2 j— COUPON — ■p-COUfON---- j----COUPON “ Cooldes {Easter council employee. ; • ■'And this is explained by Pershing II missiles in West­ Ron f i uziii.ii the U.S. administration's ern Europe late last year, the My associate Tony Capaccio • » SAVE 70< I SAVE SOt | SAVE $S.OO *1.99 IMIXDRAL $ 3 4 1 A cn n oM iu n j- t i t i . um>i continued gamble on military Soviets walked out of talks in tried without success to contact I (BRING IN THE ONrll.f.*«.M Veney. Investigators for Sen. . ~ anxoBAi force, on the attainment of Geneva aimed at limiting 7.1!SrB R A N I J S l, I a ™“"“ f m c 4^. CQUPON) 0 3 A OF FRESH HOT AIR Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, have also , X j WNMT j OTS Command military superiority, on the such missiles. The West's been unable to question him. Not ; ; imposition of its order of action came after Moscow even the NCC's own investigators ; ' 1»-|SS49<*. Mon 10-6 Perloimannr things on other peoples." refused to reduce signifi­ have gotten through to him. ' ■- ' eaeniAMiIE Ww Ij eenRiuiw •• The Soviet leader said his cantly its SS-20 missiles Another case is less clear-cut,'^ Readers' views Tues-Fri 10-9 324 RROAO ST. assessment was ‘confirmed aimed at Western Europe. Open forum / but it gives substance to GOP-~^ DIANA'S BAKERY charges that the Legal S e rv ic e s ^ "We Save You Money!” MANCNRSTfR FARNADE once again ” by Reagan’s “ The moment the United Send letters to: The Manchester Herald, Herald Square, Manchester„CT 06040 Corp. tried to shovel as mneh * ^ : Parkade Pies & Cakes For All Occasions Sat 9-5 (NiAR C.V.S.) speech at the Georgetown States and the other NATO (No Other money as possible to favoreCZ!^ University Center for Stra­ Manchester Parkade Specials Apply) countries ... take measures to grantees. 643-8339 HEALTH 8 NUTRITION CENTER 643-1407 uM J-OTM p 404 Weit MMAe Tghe., MMcliMtei tegic and International restore the situation that 404 West Middle Tpke., Manchester Studies. existed before the deploy­ DURING A FIVE-MONTH PE-”^ In that speech, Reagan ment of the new American We can afford to spend more RIOD in 1981, grant money to the > repeated a familiar refrain: missiles in Western Europe National Legal Aid & Defender ’ : To the Editor: elsewhere, but we want to see the "When we took office in 1981, was started, the Soviet Union library budget, evidently without Association, jumped from $72,900 regard to the frightful inflation of best schools possible — and better the Soviet Union had been will not be found wanting. to $2.2 million. Seventeen months ^ deO ciou^ It’s budget time again — time to costs of all printed material, is a roads and better libraries and a later, Clinton Lyons, the Legal ;; engaged for ’20 years in the Such is the real road to SWARCA/SKI I ^ resume complaining about how the disgrace. And I suspect, but cannot top-notch staff of police and Services official chiefly responsi- ; most massive military buil­ Silver Crystal L>rrj.^inOyiJ negotiating.” town manager and the Board of affirm, that we are a long way firemen. ble for initiating the new grants, > dup in history. Clearly their Reagan, in his Friday Directors frivolously throw away from properly maintaining some They’re pretty good now, and became the association's execu- > goal was not to catch us but to speech, said little about how our tax money, for reasons var­ of our physical facilities. dfffztent some programs, such as those for tive director. His deputy, Hutett ) surpass us." to restart the Geneva arms iously attributed to idiocy, incom­ "Bucky” Askew, also became a I petency, gross venality, or other Good schools, good roads, and the elderly and recreation, are The belated U.S. defense talks. On Sunday, Richard consultant with National Legal Aid lamentable traits, according to the good libraries do much for prop­ excellent —. a tribute to superior buildup under his administra­ Perle, an assistant secretary erty values. They are attractive to tpwn management. But I don’t & Defender. I taste and orientation of the There is no evidence to suggest Your Choice Active! tion. after an era of neglect, of defense, said in Paris that complainants. professional and business people care to see Manchester compared who might be considering moving with West Haven and Southington, that Lyons orchestrated the grants ; > 5.00 Adventurous! ’has fundamentally altered “We are ready to resume The figures cited by the town in return for a job. But there is ■ the future for millions of negotiations when they are.” manager, as reported in the here — or debating staying here. and unfavorably at that. I ’ve seen 9heSioissCb1on|! 2 9 9 9 Arpeggios' causal We should be spending more on those towns! We are much better evidence that he has tried for ^ moccasin. Soft unlined human beings, ” said Reagan. Perle too, however, offered Herald on April 2, are most these things, not scrimping. now, but we can be still better. several months to make it difficult : leather in all the new ’We’ve made good pro­ nothing new to attract the revealing and, to me, distressing. for the Legal Services Corp. to : They show that (Town General REG. PR ICE *38 shades. Light, gress in restoring the morale Soviets back to Geneva. My wife and I have lived in We get a bigger bang for our tax reviewthegrants.GenePotack,an I G ift^o o d s comfortable, funi Manager) Bob Weiss and (School of our men and women in Manchester for well over a quarter buck in Manchester than for agency auditing official, wrote to "...W e will not make pre­ Superintendedn) Jim Kennedy are uniform, restocking spare emptive concessions merely of a century. Although our houses almost any other dollar we spend. Lyons last January and recapped Z doing their jobs well — getting the here have been just about average We can afford to do more. I'm for their first conversation. ; for fa s te r parts and ammunition, re­ to bring them back to the most out of what funds they are for the town, both in market value doing more, and paying for it. It “ You indicated that the NLADA ' placing obsolescent equip­ allowed. bargaining table,” said Pe­ and' assessed value, we have, will hurt a bit, but it will be worth is not a typical grantee, and ' ment and facilities, improv­ rle. "Such a policy would be Manchester is in the bottom 18 throughout those years, been un­ it. therefore you would not agree to : percent of Connecticut towns in the ing basic training and most unlikely to serve our dertaxed in terms of services any monitoring uiAil the terms and I; readiness and pushing for­ interests or those of our amount per capita we spend for received. Our children are long James S. LeSnre conditions were negotiated,” Po- I; town services: yet we are very ward with long-overdue wea­ allies.” grown, and our grandchildren are Manchester tack wrote. "We’re talking about a ^ close to the top 40 percent in per pons programs.” Unless a lot more is going lot of money. You took issue with The Gi’ft of Spring. capita income. When it comes to my statement that 'we' gave your *• At the same time, Reagan on at the quiet diplomatic spending tax dollars, we are last organization a lot of money be- • held out an olive branch to the level than is reflected in these among towns of comparable popu­ Arabs are the obstacle cause you and other former LSC : Thompson Chocolates Soviets, saying “ living in this exchanges, the outlook into lation; 13th among 17 towns with employees were the persons-re- : And Molded Israel has served as America's nuclear age makes it impera­ the foreseeable future is for similar grand lists per capita, and To the Editor: sponsible for awarding these : EASTER CANDY Capture a breath of Spring year 'round first line of defense against Soviet tive that we talk with each continued tension and little last again among neighboring grants.” * with authentic Swarovski* 32% full lead towns. expansionism in the Middle East. CHOCOLATES CANDIES other. If the new Soviet I take issue with the Manchester # sizes 36-46 Austrian crystol. progress in solving the life- Our managers have a right to Herald's editorial of Tuesday, Israel as an ally of the United PETITS FOURS TORTES LYONS REPLIED HUFFILY • ' leadership truly is devoted to and-death issues dividing the brag, but we should be ashamed of States has paid with the blood of its PARTY TRAYS April 3. on several counts. Tradi­ that NLADA “ was awarded a * with this ad building a safer and more world's two superpowers. ourselves. When education is ex­ tionally, Jerusalem has rarely citizens for the aid it has received. grant as an independent cootrac- ’ AND OUR BEAUTIFUL humane world rather than cluded from the figures, we been an open city. After the As the only Democracy in the area, tor to carry out specific proJecU.” : expanding armed conquests, actually rise a notch, which means formation of the State of Israel, Israel is the fulcrum upon which SPECIALLY MADE FOR YOU IN SHADES OF WHITE. GREY. In fact, it was Lyons, while still at Z education has, proportionately, U.S. Middle East policy is it will find a sympathetic Jews were not permitted into the Legal Services, who changed the NAVY. PINK. PURPLE. RED. TAN Letters policy even less to spend than do other balanced. partner in the West.” Arab part of Jerusalem. Under terms of one of the grants In * GIFT BASKETS town departments. I have long Arab intransigence has been the Chernenko, however, said The Manchester Herald Jordanian rule, the Jewish holy NLADA to soften the ageneyt ; FREE 3 o i. CHEESE BALI FBEE welcomes letters to the known that our present school places were off-limits to Jews who greatest obstacle to a solution of oversight. ’Even if sometimes peacel- editor. administration was among the the Palestinian question. The Arab wnh Pm c Imso of 9.BS or Moro wished to pray there. Most of the Potack then wrote suggesting oving rhetoric is heard from Letters should be brief and best, but they must be even better synagogues in the Jordanian sec­ world has yet to recognize Israel's Offer 4-24^S4 that Lyons review the Z ami m s M - amis "Flew Yem Tmoi im Washington, it is impossible, to the point. They should be than I had thought. Incidentally, tion of Jerusalem were destroyed right to exist and until it does, attached to the grant miHwg for i however hard one tries, to typed or neatly hand-written, the figures offer sad commentary by the Arabs. Israel has the sovereign duty to INTEMATIONAL CHEESES • GOURMET FOOBS MANCHESTER PARKADE ( J ^ o u f c a ^ and, for ease in editing, compliance with Legal Services : on those who claim the education It was only after Jerusalem defend itself. Not to recognise that discern behind it any signs of should be double-spaced. rales, noting with apparent sar­ FKSH COFFEE BEMiS • SMBNKNES budget is inflated (and even the is tike putting one's bead in the 649-6382 readiness whatsoever to back The Herald reserves the became the capitol of Israel that it casm: “ 1 presumed you were • Herald so implied recently). became a city free to all religious sand and wondering why it Is dark. HANCHESTER PARKAPE H O U R S : H N.-W ED. SAT. - up these words with practical right to edit letters in the aware of these conditions, since ' 0 10 5-.30 Meanwhile, our roads ate widely elements to worship as their T H U R S . ^ k S U N . needs.” interests of brevity, clarity you andotherLSCemployees were : 10-9 12-5 M ANCHESTER PARKADE • 648-0012 also and taste. recognized, in town and out. as a consciences and faith dictated. 649-5147 MANCHESTER PARKADE • 649-8796 The Soviet leader, perhaps 4S Quaker Road the persons reoponsihle for aw a n b ^ mess. What is done annually to our The economic and military aid to ing these grants.” r 8 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday, April U, 1B84 MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. April 11, 1984 - 9 Obituaries Educators get Grant applications changed, Thomaa H. Freabum pep talk on TV SPORTS Thomas H. Freeburn, of West Hartford, died but uses haven’t, feds say Tuesday at Hartford Hospital. He was the husband of quirements in it. Mrs. Steckler and Helen (Sullivan) Freeburn. The day of televisions and video cassette By Alex Girelll bility that the uses to which it puts He was born in Manchester and had lived in the recorders in the classroom has come, no matter Herald Reporter the grants meet the criteria, Director Stephen Cassano bedb Hartford area most of his life. what those people who turned off the tube in Hernandez said. said they understand the require; HUD'S citizen participation re­ ments are basically the same. » MHS takes a lesson Besides his wife he leaves two sisters, Mrs. Elmer Farmington have to say, according to Sarah Federal procedures for seeking Elsesser. Community Development Block quirement now is aimed merely at As in past discussions about thC (Dorothy). Johnson and Mrs. John (Shirley) Brown, possibility of rejoining the pr» both of Manchester. In fact, video cassettes may soon replace the Grants have vastly changed since being sure the local government The funeral will be Thursday at 10:15 a.m. from the Manchester school system's film librai^, she Manchester dropped out of the lets people know how it is using the gram. Director Cassano, a DennO' said. The cassettes are cheaper, she said, and program but the basic uses for the grant money, Mrs. Steckler said. crat, and Director Peter DiRosC Farley-Sullivan Funeral Home, 96 Webster St., Republican minority leader, both Hartford, with a mass of Christian burial at 11 a.m. in some existing films can be converted into grants have not, members of the She said Manchester's $2.6 mil­ from Penney High the Church of St. Brigid, Elmwood. Friends may call "many" cassettes so more than one school could .Board of Directors were told by lion share of grants over the past. indicated they favor it. - at the funeral home today from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 have one. federal officials Tuesday night. few years has been divided be­ DiRosa asked the HUD official one batter despite the high wind IV Ms. Elsesser oversees on-screen media in the The officials, from the Hartford tween Hartford, East Hartford and Bv Rich Cahill said. p.m. to comment on his interpretation of Herald Sports Writer The Knights, the defending CCIL and cold weather at the Manches­ town's elementary schools, and gave the school office of the Department of Hous­ West Hartford. the current grant situation, btil ter field. The Indians’ only run board a pep-talk Monday on just how educational ing and Urban Development, said “West Hartford ?" Director and state Class LL champions, had o m they (ell short of going on record aS came in the sixth, as Petersen hit R J.W. ObremskI television can be. there is no longer an "up-front” Kenneth Tedford asked Penney High gave ManchestejT a no such trouble. Repass overpo­ Hose (Jordan Wells) Obremski, 72, of Ellington, confirming his view. DiRosa said lesson Tuesday in how to take wered them in the first two , his second triple and scored on a But watching programs beamed over public review of the town's program in incredulously. that, while he was in Washington, sacrifice fly by Jim Fogarty. died Tuesday at Rockville General Hospital. She was television stations isn't the only way students can the application. Reviews are made Manchester has until September advantage of opportunities when striking out three and allowing the wife of the late Joseph Obremski ahd the mother of the message he got from the they are presented. only one base runner to reach on a “What hurt us was wildness learn from TV, she said. by HUD after the fact. to decide whether it wtants to Reagan administration was thM today and the fact that we didn't Sharon Cardin of Manchester. ' . Having them make their own videotapes is The uses to which the grants can re-enter the current program. The Knights got only five hits off walk. In the third, Penney got its the CD grants are the only game in Indian Chris Repass and first opportunity to score and took get the hits when we needed She also leaves a son, Joseph Obremski of Vernon: another way of learning, she said. Already, she be put are direct aid to low- and Although Manchester has fallen town and communities had bettef three other daughters, Nance Wells and Phyllis said, each elementary school in town has its own moderate-income people, slum below 50,000 population, it is Chris Helin, but they made the lull advantage of it. them," Armstrong said. Tedeschi, both of Ellington, and Patricia Krok of solve their problems by using the most of the hits, and six walks, and Repass, who had been a question The Indians had the same video recorder and color TV and blight clearance, and urgent "grandfathered" until 1985 in the grants. Bristol; a brother, James Jordan of Miudlebury; With the flick of a knob on a big television community needs. entitlement for cities of over scored a 6-1 win over Manchester mark for Race because of his lack troubles Saturday, as they lost three sisters, Mary Lasher of Middlebury, Margaret placed in the room, she showed the board Lynne Steckler, program man­ 50,000. At another point, Hernandez did in a Central Connecticut Interscho­ of control last season, reverted to their season opener to East Ca­ McDermott of Naugatuck, and Ellen Nelson of examples of ways the recorder can be used. ager for Community Planning and General Manager Robert Weiss say that sharing of federal re­ lastic League game played at the his old form in the third. He walked tholic, 7-3. The Indians’ next game Woodbury; nine grandchildren; and several nieces On the screeen, a third-grade girl grinned for Development, gave examples 'of asked if Manchester would be venues with towns according to tte Indians’ field. two batters and a third reached is tomorrow afternoon at Enfield. and nephews. the camera as she recited a poem. Another tape work being done under the grants: permitted to participate under the towns’ assessments of their neetj^ The Indians, on the other hand, when shortstop Dave Mazzotta Armstrong said his team will The funeral will be Friday at a time to be showed an older boy, in period costume, rehabilitation loans for single- and small cities program. He said he is part of Reagan’s “new left seven runners on base. Repre­ was unsuccessful in an attempt to improve. "I don’t know if they’re announced. Calling hours are Thursday from 7 to 9 pretending to be Samuel Colt: another a reading multiple-family housing, commer­ understood there are fewer re­ federalism." sentative of Manchester's diffi­ throw out the lead runner at third that far away from being a good p.m. at the Burke-Fortin Funeral Home, 76 Prospect group "performing." A fourth showed sixth- cial rehablilitation, public im­ culty in scoring runs in the young base. Then, Penney shortstop Jeff team," he said. St., Rockville. Memorial contributions may be made graders rehearsing for a Christmas play — so provements such as street light­ season was the fourth . Brennan got the Knights first hit, a to Rockville General Hospital. Indian co-captain Chris Petersen booming triple to center field Pennay (t) — AAaher 2b 4-1-0-0, Wisz they could catch any mistakes before opening ing, park and playground 3b O-O-O-O, Williams dh 3-1-0-0. Brennon night. improvement, making facilities • MHS gets Carnegie grant led off with a triple, but his which cleared the bases. ss 4-1-1-3, Petrello cl 2-1-141, Belval p The narrator (Ms. Elsesser herself) challenged available to the handicapped, teammates were unable to get him The Knights scored again in the 3-0-1-0,. Ogren c 4-0-1-1, d'Entremonde fourth, as Repass sandwiched h 1b 3-O-t-O, DeRoehn 3-2-04), Rodegher teachers to be "brave enough" to turn the video services to the elderly, and mental The Carnegie Foundation has teers may also be tapped. home. 2-0-1-1. Totals 28-6-5-5. Project Genesis camera on them.selvcs, to a.s.sess their own health clinics. awarded Manchester High School Meanwhile, teachers will meet "The offense is just not coming in between two singles. performance. Or they could film a typical day in The town must still have a a $3,000 grant to add muscle to its in small, cross-discipline groups through," said Steve Armstrong, In the fifth, two errors by Mazzotta Manchester n> — Traev 2b 4-0-1-0, the classroom for parent to sec, she said. Housing Asssistance Plan, but the curriculum review, school officials called “Speak-ups! ’’ — to debate Manchester’s assistant coach. led to another run. The Knights got Rova If 3-0-0-0, Chetelot cf 34>-04), gets good grades “Why not make this year the year you decide to town itself decides what the goals said this morning. the high school curriculum. t Armstrong was running the club in their final score in the seventh, as Petersen 3b-ss 3-1-2-0, Fogarty lb catcher Steve Ogren hit a double 2-0-1 -1, McCarthy c 3-0-0-0, Solomonson add spice to your teaching?" she asked. are. said William Hernandez, Gwen Brooks, vice principal at According to School Superini the absence of Don Race, who was rf 30-1-0, Repass p l4)4>-0, Helin p Hartford office manager for HUD. the high school, said the money will ill. after Helin had issued a walk. 2-0-1-0, Mazzotta ss 1-0-0-0, Gradv ph in annuai review tendent James P. Kennedy, DC "We had a couple of opportuni- Penney starter Art Belval didn’t t4)-14>, Dougon 3b 04I4>4>, Marshall ph The CD grants themselves, be used to "free up teachers" Brooks was “the prime mover’' 1-0-0-0. Totals 27-1-7-t. however, can not be used for during class and replace them with . ties, but we couldn’t get the key hit need nearly that much help. He Penney 003 111 0 6 responsible for the national award went all the way and walked only Manchester 000 001 0 1 housing, and almost no other guest lecturers. Her application was one of 200 when we needed it." Armstrong By Sarah E. Hall Mondale delegate federal grant money is available Herald Reparter Most of the hired replacements winners selected from a pool of m for housing. Hernandez said. "won't be substitute teachers, as 1,600. Scholastic roundup As a result HUD no longer sets a such." she said. Instead, she hopes '*!• The Manchester Area Conference of Churches' tally is over 1,000 The grant also means MHS may Project Genesis got good grades in its annual review percentage goal for low- and to recruit people like lawyers or moderate-cost housing, he said. biologists, to enhance classes apply fora "Phase II” award of up by the Mental Health Council Tuesday, with members Continued from page 1 to $50,000 next year. listing as their only concern the program's high The town assumes full responsi­ rather than just man them. Volun­ Masse puts out the fire caseload and insufficient staff. supporters the win means "we've added the keystone In the first six months of 1983, the program served 82 to beating Ronald Reagan." mentally ill people fresh from institutions — two more "All this is helping me gain momentum toward the than the state Department of Mental Health had nomination and I believe toward the election," he expected it to serve for the entire year. declared. as East defeats Aquinas L M t "And we're carrying more clients in the past three While insisting there wilT'bc "several tough fights UPl photo months than we've ever carried," said Genesis A_____ L_ SIEFFER T’S * c n UvS-tAvniotUvS-tAvnios Senior Bill Masse cut short a down the road," Mondale called it “a very big step ------m U b o n dpqfH St. Thomas Aguinot (8) — Palumbo and took advantage ol 10 free Director Elaine Stancliffe. In just the month of ct 4-1-1-0, Murtha dh 2-t4)-1, Barllewskl New York Islanders' Ken Morrow is over the New York Rangers in the forward. " CLCCTAONIC rally with three innings of excel­ passes by starter and loser Lola March, the caseload at the small, three-person office He said in a television interview, “Now I've got a mtCNUliCII* lent relief pitching Tuesday after­ 3b 3-1-0-0, Folcik p 2-14)4), Totfano p hugged by teammate Brent Sutter after deciding game of their Patrick Division numbered 46. O ltH W A tKtn 1-04)4), ArgazzI If 3-1-1-2, Sweeney c Telletier. East jumped to a quick chance, just a chance, to win the nomination"- before Eitctronic Touch Control! noon, as East Catholic defeated St. 4-1-14), Mozzotta tb 2-14)-0, Claffey rf 4-0 lead in the first inning when Mgrrow scored the winning goal in semifinal series. Nonetheless, a possible cutback in services to make with vliuAi tnd audibit 3- 0-14), Russo ss 2-)-0-1. Totals 26-8-4-4. the party's July convention — an optimistic rMponia. Tamparatura Thomas Aquinas, 10-8, in a Hart­ Martha Barter got the first of her overtime to give the Islanders a 3-2 win limited dollars stretch over the growing list of clients assessment missing since his February upset in New Senior Syitam. 7 i ^ o r - ford County Conference game at East Catholic (10) — Darby 2b 2-1-2-2, wasn't even mentioned Tuesday. Instead, Ms. manca monitoring pro- MIruckI ss 4-1-1-0, Masse cl-o 3-2-1-1, three walks, Simmons singled, Liz Hampshire. grami. lOjraar full warranty Eagle field. Rov 3b4-1-0-0, Feshler rf 3-1-1-2, Hutt tb Palmer walked, and Sarah Rodri­ Stancliffe spoke of expanding. on ParmaTufn tub and door Hart, who returned to his home state of Colorado lor linar (ash fordatalli). East .scored seven times in the 4- 1-2-t, VIbberts If 24)-04), HaVhurstguez ph added an RBI single. Two Her “big dream for this year" is a social club that the outcome, offered his supporters the kind of pep fourth inning and led, 9-0, entering 1-04)4), Bvamc4-2-2-1, Powers p0-14)4), would serve as many as 300 mentally ill people. She WAS $568 Stanford p-cf 1-04)-0. Totals 2S-10-9-7. more walks, two wild pitches, a NHL roundup talk a coach might deliver. NOW $498 the fifth. But, Eagle starter Jim Key: AB-R-H-RBI. stolen base, and some St. Thomas hopes to rent a house for the project, putting the club “We are heading into the second half, " he told his Powers and relief Larry St. Thomos Aaulnas 000 080 0 8 errors led to three more runs and on the first floor. Project Genesis and Project Model QSO2200D SAVE $69 East Catholic 011 710 0 10 followers. "This campaign is going west and going Stanford were unable to retire any the Eagles never looked back. Re-Entry, another MACC program for ex-prisoners, DISPENSES CRUSHED ICE south — we're heading into our territory, folks.” OR CUSE8 THROUGH THE Saints. Masse can in from center would be on the second floor. . “The primary responsibility of the party is to send DOOR field with six runs in and Aquinas Cheney routed MHS girls rip Penney It's just in the talking stage now, she said, and the 22 cu (1 ,7 cu (I froe^ar Ronald Reagan back to his ranch." he said. Controlled climates help keep runners on second and third. The food Iresh up to (5 days Two for Three Cheney Tech pitchers EAST HARTFORD-The Man­ Morrow’s O T goal idea has not been presented to MACC's board of Jackson, a civil rights activist, accomplished oneof high-humidity par's Meal two runners scored on a single, but issued 13 walks and the Beavers chester High School softball team directors. his major objectives — gaining a strong enough cortditioner ^ a le d snack Masse then retired the side and "But when we move, we're going to have to move pack Adjustable tempered committed five errors Tuesday as opened in strong fashion Tuesday showing to solidify his standing as the prime glass shelves gave up no runs in the sixth and very quickly because the money's coming down in a they were routed 12-3 by RHAM in by whipping Penney High School bargaining agent for black concerns at the WAS $1099 seventh innings. He finished with here, 9-1. month or two," Ms. Stancliffe predicted. She said convention. five in three innings. a Charter Oak Conference game. Genesis will need about $40,000 to start the club. The NOW $999 “It was a long afternoon," said Shelly Carrier scattered nine keeps Isles alive Jackson told jubilant supporters crammed into a SAVE $100 hits, walking only one and striking money may come from a $200,000 block grant for hotel ballroom in Philadelphia that, "We've won a Despite Powers’ inability to Cheney coach Bill Baccaro, men­ psycho-social services soon to become available tioning the mistakes by his club. out a batter, to earn the victory. great victory," Model TBF22RC retire a batter in the fifth inning, The junior hurler lost her By United Press International overtime because we've done .so in playotfs was when Bowling through the Department of Mental Health. Despite Hart's protests to the contrary, his latest U.t.tAVIHOS East coach Jim Penders praised “It’s very difficult to be competi­ The department completely funds Genesis, whose 9 U BOND tive when that happens. I expect in the seventh as Penney pushed much of it before. The older guys Green's 1970 NCAA title drive was loss forces him to rethink his strategy — proving he is DUAL WAVE'* his performance. “I was very In Ken Morrow's four-year NHL pass it on to the younger guys. " budget this year is set at $33,065 (up from $27,674 last MICROWAVE SYSTEM... our pitchers to have better control, across an unearned run after two stopped by Brooks' University of not a fading phenomenon in the 1984 campaign. designed (or good, even pleased with Powers,” Penders and I hope it was an off day.” were out. career, the New York Islanders' "(Pat) Flatley screened me,” Minnesota team, which went on to year). "I'm still a six-week phenomenon," Hart said in an cooking results Spacious said. He said the sophomore Ms. Stancliffe told the council, which acts as an 1 4 cu (t oven cavity The Sachems had only eight hits, The Indians scored their first run deienseman has developed a ' Hanlon said ol the winning goal. "I win the national championship. interview Tuesday with a United Press International Cooks by time or tem­ left-hander, who was pitching his knack for overtime goals. didn't really see the shot. It went advisory arm of the state department, that she'd like a perature. has Automatic but they turned Cheney’s mistakes in the third inning when left fielder Bowling Green's goaltender then, reportci'. Cooking Control S-year first varsity game, ran into trouble That habit kept alive the Island­ under me." Mike Liut. is now with the St. Louis further budget increase so her own hours could be limited warranty— carry-in into two runs in the first inning and Kris Noone doubled home Dawn "What worked for us in 15 states 1 think will work in service (parts and labor) because he was forced to wait out increased from 20 to 40 per week. (Her present yearly six more in the second and never Martin. In the fifth, Kris Craft ers’ quest for a record-tying fifth The play was started behind the Blues who are still alive in the another 15 or 20 and we're headed into our territory. " (Ask tor details) his teammates’ long rally in the singled, was sacrificed to second, straight Stanley Cup Tuesday net when Brent Sutter fought off Norris Division playoffs. salary is $8,000.) he declared. fourth inning. “It was just a caseof looked back. "The other thing we really desperately need are WAS $549 The Beavers were led by senior and scored on Cathy Warwick’s night, as Morrow's goal at 8:56 of two Rangers and sent the puck Morrow went on to be a stalwart Model JE T ? ’)0 too much sitting around,' ’ Penders more secretary's hours,” she said. Currently, the NOW |499 catcher Paul Pelletier, who had a double to center to make it 2-0. overtime gave the Islanders a 3-2 around the boards to Morrow. It with the U.S. Olympic team al Genesis secretary works four hours per week, and the What’s the rooftop shed for? SAVE $50 said. single, two doubles, a triple and an Then the Black Knights' armor win over the New York Rangers in was Morrow's 10th career pluyofi Lake Placid, and then went director said does a lot of office typing herself. U.B. SAVINOB RBI. Bob Elliott got really rusted in the sixth inning Uniondale, N.Y., and a ticket to the goal since joining the Islanders straight to the Islanders on March SAN FRANCISCO (UPl) - Mayor Dianne w U BOND The three Bast pitchers issued as Manchester took advantage of Patrick Division finals. immediately after the 1980 Olym­ 1 and helped in the first of the four Only one Genesis employee, service worker Linda DELUXE SPACEMAKER* six walks but held Aquinas to only drove in Cheney’s other run. Thompson, who was hired in November, works full Feinstein wants to know why a new shed has popped MICROWAVE OVEN The loss was Cheney’s second in three hits, three walks, and an The Islanders will meet the pic victory. straight Stanley Cups. up on the roof of the Soviet Counsulate — similar to one Replaces eatiiing range hood four hits. The Eagles had nine hits Washington Capitals at the Nassau "The Rangers played as if time. Last year, she and Ms. Stancliffe clocked a total Buill-in exhaust fan and as many days. The Beavers will error to score five more times. "Kenny's good enough so I that was removed from the same rooftop in 1982. cooktop light 10 power levels off Aquinas pitchers Stan Folcik Lynn Shaw doubled, Carrier Coliseum in the first two games of possessed." said Islanders Coach couldn't screw him up, " said 735 hours counseling 173 people. Automatic C()oking Control and Rich Taffano. Second base- play at Cromwell on Friday. The Data on the people they served from January to The consulate has been accused in the past of (eaiurmg Auto Cook, Auto Sachems are now 3-0. walked, and Lisa Pierce dropped a the divisional finals Thursday and A1 Arbour. "They played a marve­ Rangers Coach Herb Brooks ol operating a major listening post, focusing on the high Roast, and Auto Defrost BIGSAMNGS man Chris Darby ted East with two Friday nights. lous series. We found a way to win. Morrow. "He's a good hockey June of 1983 shows that all of their 36 new or doubles, a sacrifice fly and two bunt single to load the bases. Both re-admitted clients were white. Most were Manches­ technology Silicon Valley about 35 miles to the south. WAS $649 □ on selected models RHAM 262 000 2 12 LUcy Vernali and Craft drew Morrow, who was wooed by but we almost found a way to lose. " player." NOW $569 RBI. Right fielder Brian Feshler Cheney Tech 200 010 0 3 walks to force in two runs. Jan Brooks for the gold-medal winning In defeating the Rangers in the In the last divisional semifinal. ter residents under 35 years old, 22 were female, and drove in two runs with a triple in Joseph 8i Nee; Warren, Nese (1), 14 were male. SAVE $80 Kohut doubled to left center for two 1980 Olympic team because of his fifth game of their semifinal Minnesota tapped Chicago 4-1. U.S. SAVINGS BONDS the fourth inning. Steve Byam and Warren (3) and Elliott (7) 8. Pelletier. defensive skills, picked up a loose series, the Islanders overcame a In response to concerns which the mental health Kevin Hutt each had two hits. W P— Joseph; LP — Nese (0-1). more, ana the final run scored on a . council voiced last year. Genesis staff reported more STOP SMOKING ] □ direct from BE when you buy models dropped pop-up. puck along the boards to the left tentative effort and a lying goal in North Stars 4, Black Hawks I careful record-keeping, a new temporary housing *50 t«V IN «S shown The victory, in East’s first HCC EC gills win The Inidians completed the side of Rangers goaltender Glen the final minute of regulation by At Bloomington. Minn., Dennis program called "New Start" for both the mentally ill game of the season, improved the scoring with two more runs in the Hanlon and. without hesitating, the Rangers' Don Maloney. Maruk scored twice, including a P-7* SELP-CLEANINO OVEN Karen Kaufhold pitched seven ripped a blistering wrist shut under "When they scored in the final 20 short-handed goal in the first and ex-prisoners who are homeless, closer contact IN 5 DAYS RANGE WITH DIGITAL CLOCK ovn *500ki SAVINGS CERTIFICATESf Eagles’ record to 2-1. The loss for seventh. With two out, Judy Dalone 3-in>1 power saver CHrod* unit strong innings and had two hits and walked and Leanne Spears and Hanlon's glove into the short side. seconds we were shocked," Mor­ period, to pace the Stars. The with mental hospitals, and the installation of a lets you select heal pattern to (it (From 81-8130 individual savings) on the Saints came in their season telephone answering machine. 4". 6 ”. 8" ut6nsiis Rotary infinite- opener. Stacy Simmons added three sin­ Kohut singled to load the bases It was the third overtime goal of his row said. “But Al told us to forget it North Stars, who lost to Chicago in This year's objectives include recruiting and control dials aeieci precise heat some of America’s favotlts products. gles to pace the East Catholic High again. Dalone and Spears came career. and we regained our composure in the playoffs the last two years, will training volunteers to serve as "friendly compan­ WAS $749 Savings Certificates direct from HE East’s next game is at home School softball team to a 9-1 rout home on Carrie Adams’ single into "I don't know why I score so the final five minutes before play host to St. Louis Thursday ions" to both New Start and Genesis clients. NOW $669 with purchase of selected models. Saturday morning at 11 o’clock over St. Thomas Aquinas Tuesday. center field. many overtime goals,” Morrow overtime started." night in the besl-of-seven division “Investigation of ways to help clients develop more SAVE $80 against Xavier. East Catholic slammed 11 hits (Please turn to page 11) said. “Idoknow weexpeettowinin The last time a Morrow team lost finals. socialization skills" — presumably, starting a social NO PAYMENTS, NO HNANCE club — is listed as another. ModeiJBSOOGD CHABGES BEFOBE AUGUST ’84* •fw quolHIod oppHcmli mtklM • mMmum $300 purehsso Fryar ohsigo Knondno dan througH Oonsvsi Moo* Celts hand Bucks * ^ £ [* ? * ^p o fo llo o wMoh colli for s flnonos otisrgo Gaior- Fire Calls •Money Back Guarantee etor?*** RR Annuot Pofcontsgo Roto of 1B%. OoloMs ewtiisbieol agrees fiecirte a costly defeat •No Withdrawal water eeeueeees and vtdee predweN M anchester Tuesday, 5:32 p.m. — •Free Consultation '100 structure fire, 60 Nutmeg (.BAVINOB with Pats By AAlchael Elsen added 19. Monday, 10:57 a.m. — Drive (Town). TWO SPECIAL BONUS OFFERS! UPl Sports Writer "It was a ragged game and we smoke in basement, 43 TUB PAIN USA'84 FOXBORO, Mass. (UPl) — Less were the best of the rags." said Edward St. (Eighth Tuesday, 6:44 p.m. — STOP SMOKING CENTER WARM-UP JACKET MILWAUKEE - All the incen­ Celtics Coach K.C. Jones. "This motorcycle accident. than one week after they obtained District). for only wun uzm the No. 1 pick in the NFL draft, the tive the Milwaukee Bucks had to game does a lot for our confidence, Monday, 12:10 p.m. — Princeton and Tanner MANCHESTER 649-7867 because we won while resting Model DDEB2000 New England Patriots reportedly win the close NBA Central Division malfunction, box 68 streets (Eighth District, 8 4 0 9 5 6 4 4 9 8 Model WWA83S0B have reached an agreement with title race wasn't enough when some of our key people for long (Town). Paramedics). Oirwi from Oarwral Ilectrtc ivfian matched against Celtic pride. stretches.” U-B. SAVINOB U.B. BAVINOB you vtiH our itore. Nebraska All-America wide re­ Monday, 2:29 p.m. — CALL TODAY 9 U BONO The Bucks held a single-digit '50 The official jacket of the USA Ama­ Ov»^^DOcamneam lUO UUI inlng. ( w |nd|. ceiver Irving Fryar on a four-year The Boston Celtics have already furnace fire, 104 Haynes DELUXE 2-m-t LARGE CAPACITY DRYER teur Baaeball Team. Comaa In whila lead through much of the game and ALITOMATIC WASHER .Hluil u,Hng.| on lom . o< /kiMflca. contract. clinched the NBA's best regular- 6 cycles— aulomalic regular, per­ lalin tor adulla and bright rad aatin tMont. prodMIl. Swing. CwW ICM . St. (Town). Large basket for famiiy-siied manent presa and kniit: regular for youlhf season record, but Tuesday night enjoyed an 86-79 advantage with loads, Mini-Bashel'* tub for diract from QE with purchaaa of Monday, 3:28 p.m. — dewrmkie. damp dry and optional •alaciad QE moduli. The Patriots dealt a pair of lower deiicates 6 cycles, includtng extra care 4 drying saieclions— they defeated Milwaukee 96-95, 8:13 left after a jumper by Junior brush fire, 331 Bush Hill permsnsni press high, medium, low arvd first-round choices to Cincinnati Bridgeman. who led the Bucks no-heat/tkilf gSIk' dropping the Bucks into a first- Road (Town). WAS $499 last Wednesday for the first pick in place tie with Detroit. The Pistons with 18 points. But Bird and Parish Monday, 4:20 p.m. — 25% OFF urmopw the May 1 draft and New England NOW $44S WAS $399 beat Indiana 100-98 Tuesday. rallied Boston and Quinn grass fire. Park Street NOW $369 has been interested in alleviating Both the Bucks and Pistons have Buckner's jumper with 4:18 left SAVE $S0 ,iSS ' the double-coverage faced by top (Town). SAVE $40 1 three games remaining. If they tied the score 90-90. Tuesday, 9:38 a.m. — Spring & Sum m er Dresses IVALUE , receiver Stanley Morgan. The finish the season tied, Detroit will Parish and Paul Pressey traded medical call, 66-P Impe­ verbal agreement on a lucrative become the champion because it baskets to tie the score again rial Drive (Paramedics). contract with Fryar reportedly won the season series between the before each team turned the bail Tuesday, 1:39 p.m. — April 12, 13, 14 came Tuesday following two days teams 3-2. over. On the Celtics' next posse­ grass fire, 41 Teresa Road of negotiations in New York “We now have to depend on other sion, Dennis Johnson hit a baseline (Town). fifrtlwKj between Fryar’s representatives people beating Detroit, which is jumper witfi two seconds remain­ Tuesday, 2; 17 p.m. — •Local Delivery and Patriots general manager Pat the worst possible position for us to' ing on the shot clock to give Boston structure fire, 316 Hart­ •Removal of old SUPER Sullivan. be in," said Sidney Moncrief, who a 94-92 lead. After a turnover by ford Road (Town). TWEED’S SPECIALTY SHOP Fryar, S-foot-ll'A and 195 hit just three of 15 shots and scored Mike Dunleavy, Kevin McHale Tuesday, 3:54 p.m. — appliance APPLIANCES • VIDEO » AUDIO • TELEVISION pounds, who had also been wooed seven points. "We had opportuni­ tipped in Bird's missed shot with medical call, ‘lO Trotter 637 MAIN STREET 445 Hartford Rd.. Manchester 1:25 left to put the Celtics ahead by •Service Keeny St. Exit Off 1-84 L O N G TERM by the New Jersey Generals of the ties to win the game tonight, but St. (Paramedics). U.S. Football League, played UPi Dhoto our offense didn' t pick up in the last four. Tuesday, 4; SO p.m. — MANCHESTER, CONN. •Installation MON IHURS TIL 9 fRI Til 8 6 4 7 - 9 9 9 7 u m s wingback in Nebraska’s devastat­ Milwaukee Bucks Bob Lanier tries to Parish Tuesday night in Milwaukee. The two minutes." grass fire, 147 Chambers Hours: M-S 9:30-5:00 Phone 643-6196 Itxeipt bullt-Int) Tui WED SAT TIL 5 6 4 7 - 9 9 9 R f k i m a m ing offense and caught 40 passes Boston, which won its eighth The present Republic of Italy St. (Eighth District). AVAIAME for 780 yards and eight touchdowns keep his balance as he goes for loose Celtics won, 96-95. straight game, was led by Robert was established by national plebis­ ' as a senior. ball in front of Boston Celtics' Robert Parish's 22 points. Larry Bird cite on June 2, 1946. MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. April ll, itflH - it 10 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday, April U. 19M Mariners sink Sox NBA roundup for fourth in row Iceman gets hot doubled to score Bonnell to make it SEATTLE (D P I) — The season was acquired from the and Mariners Owner 2-0 is young, but the Seattle Mariners In the fourth inning, Bonnell - George Argyos loosened his purse and paces Spurs have a new look and are winning drove in Spike Owen with a looping strings to re-sign free agent some ballgames. single to center. Henderson, mak­ The Mariners, behind the two- Henderson. ing his first start of the season, By United Press Internotional had 30 points as Seattle finished its which played without Julius Erv- "W e came out of run homer by Steve Henderson and homered in the seventh inning, With the possibility becoming regular- season series with Kansas ing, Maurice Cheeks and Franklin with a new attitude. We feel like we two RBI by Barry Bonnell. won scoring Bonnell ahead of him to more real that they might have to City with a 4-1 record. Seattle Edwards. their fourth straight game, defeat­ have a new look. Everybody's spend a long summer, the San improved its road record to just Trail Blazers 100, Suns 88 hungry and everybody's playing make it 5-0. ing the Boston Red Sox 5-1 Tuesday Boston's lone run came in the Antonio Spurs pulled out their ice. 10-31 with its third win in Kansas At Phoenix, Ariz., Walter Davis night. hard. " Bonnell said, eighth inning, when Jerry Remy George "Iceman" Gervin City this season. and Maurice Lucas each had six " I think the changes have alj Seattle has a 5-1 mark on the scored on a bases-loadeid double- caught fire early on, hitting for 28 Elsewhere, Detroit edged Indi­ points in the closing 4>A minutes as worked out. It's been great for the the Suns clinched a playoff berth season, the best start in the eight play grounder by . first-half points en route to 39 for ana 100-98, New Jersey outlasted pitchers, because we're scoring years of ihe franchise. Mike Stanton struck out two and the game, pacing the Spurs to a Philadelphia 106-102, Boston (or the seventh straight year. more runs this year." Beattie said. "It's early yet, but winning is induced Rick M iller to ground into 121-111 victory over the Houston nudged Milwaukee 96-95, Portland Davis finished with 21 points. "W e're definitely more aggressive fun." said pitcher Jim Beattie. The a to end the game and Rockets Tuesday night in San defeated Phoenix 100- 88, Utah Jazz 135, Nuggets 120 ollensively, ahd the pitchers love crunched Denver 135- 120, Dallas At Las Vegas, Nev., Rickey Mariners' right-hander scattered earn his first .save. Antonio, Texas. five hits and struck out four in it. " "When we did hit the ball well, it The Spurs are 35-44 and battling squeaked by San Diego 116-114, and Green's career-high 45 points led Seattle jumped on starter Bob the Jazz to a shootout victory. seven innnigs to even his record at was at somebody. W e're not hitting for the eighth and final playoff Golden State slipped by Los Ojeda. 0-1, in the first inning, Angeles 117-115. Green and Adrian Dantley scored 1- 1. the ball like we w ill," said Boston berth in the Western Conference. scoring two runs. Jack Perconie 14 points each in the first quarter to Last season, the Mariners had Manager Ralph Houk. The Red Sox The Kansas City Kings, who fell Pistons 100, Pacers 98 doubled and scored on Bonnell's carry the Jazz to a 38-30 lead and the worst record in baseball, were hitting just .219 as a team 125-113 to the Seattle SuperSonics, At Pontiac, Mich., Bill Laimbeer first RBI single. Gorman Thomas, Green scored five points in the 60-102, and in the off- season set going into Tuesday's contest. are 36-44 and Golden State is 36-43. hit a 15-foot jumper at the buzzer to about to change their look. Bonnell another off- ’ season acquisition. Gervin missed his first shot of lift the Pistons. The victory was final minute of the first half to give the game and then connected on his Detroit's ninth in the last 11 games. the Jazz a 66-63 lead at halftime. next 10 attempts. He was the only Indiana^as protecting a 90-85 Mavericks 116, Clippers 1|4 Spurs player in double figures at fou i^- quarter lead when Kelly At San Diego, Mark Aguirre the half and his performance had TriiSuclm finished off an 11-4 scored a game-high 34 points to Mets have some fun Detroit sp q r ^ ith five points to put leave the Mavericks just one staked San Antonio to a 72-50 advantage. thq Pistons^ead 96-94. victory away from clinching the home-court advantage in the first A U "W e just ran into Ice when he ets 106, 76ers 102 UP I photo was hot." said Rockets Coach Bill At East Rutherford. N.J., Albert round of the playoffs. Fitch. " I thought we really busted King and Otis Birdsong each Warriors 117, Lakers 115 Indians' coach Ed Napoleon falls to the ing a pick-off call. Manager Pat Corrales with win over Braves our tail , when we got down by 20. scored 19 points to lead the Nets to At Oakland, Calif., Purvis Short ground with Tony Bernazard while argues with Brernigan as homeplate I'm really proud of this team. In their fourth straight win and even scored 43 points and center Joe struggling to keep Bernazard away from Larry McCoy joins the ATLAN TA (L'PI) - The New can do, and that's winning.' he We still had a real good feeling on the second half they acted like they the season series between the Barry Carroll added 19 points and the ballclub, and that's very teams at three games each. The 10 rebounds to lead Golden State to first base umpire Nick Bremigan threw discussion. York Mets have laughed them­ said. were in first place in the division. " selves to the top of the National The Mets scored their go- ahead important." At Kansas City, Mo., Gus Willi­ clubs are likely to meet again in an its fourth straight triumph and Bernazard out of the game for protest- League East. run in the eighth. With the score But lor the Braves, the new ams scored a season-high 37 points opening-round playoff series next keep the Warriors' playoff hopes "W e're not real tight and we're tied 2-2 and one out. Ron Garden- season has been a struggle, said and Tom Chambers and Jack week. Moses Malone scored a alive. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. who just going out there having fun," hire singled to right, stole second Claudell Washington. Sikma combined (or 53 more to season-high 38 points and pulled missed a shot in the final seconds, AL roundup scored 28 points (or Los Angeles. said Darryl Strawberry alter and went to third on a single to "Our hitting has been struggling carry the SuperSonics. Chambers down 16 rebounds for Philadelphia, Tuesday's night's 4-2 victory over center by Jose Oquendo. .so far. (Dale) Murphy's been UPl photo the , the Mets' fifth Keith Hernandez then singled to having his problems right now in Scholastic roundup .straight win. left to knock out .starter Craig the middle of the order. It's a little Nets' Michael Ray Richardson hooks a lavaroni in New Jersey's home victory Tigers win sixth straight Strawberry gives the credit for McMurtry. 1-1. scoring Garden- cool now, " W'ashington said. rebound away from Sixers' Marc Tuesday night. the Mets' 5-1 start, one game ahead hire and moving Oquendo to third. "W e'd kind of like to gel off to a of Philadelphia in the, to George Foster delivered a sacri­ good start this year. The sooner we manager Dave Johnson. fice I ly to left, scoring Oquendo and Gigliotti pitches no-hitter come around the better," he said. as Evans biasts homer "H e's the type of manager that making reliever Craig Swan. 1-0, lets the ballclub be loose." said the winner. New York took a 1-0 lead in the Maruk scores two goals (Continued from page 9). inning. Mark Berkowitz singled to five inning no-hitter. Strawberry, who hit a solo home second, when Strawberry drilled eight runs. Jesse Orosco went the final two open the game and swiped the first By Mike Tully While Sox 7, Indians 3 his third deep over the The winners rapped 15 hits and run against the Braves. "H e innings to notch his second save. Kohut and Pierce each had two UPl Sports Writer Stewart was acquired by Texas At Chicago. Dave Stegman right-field fence. New York in­ of his (our stolen bases. A bunt took advantage of seven errors, drove in four runs, including a makes you believe in what you can "There's a good feeling on the hits to lead the hitters. Carrier also single by Bobby Harris and an from Los Angeles and is now 0-2 in creased its lead to 2-0 in the fifth eight passed balls and a balk to do. ballclub. and that's the main had some strong defense behind as Stars eliminate Hawks In spring (raining. Detroit Man­ three-run double in the seventh infield error on Palmer's grounder two AL starts. "That's what we re doing right when Brooks laced a 1-and-l pitch rout the Bulldogs. Gigliotti fanned ager mentioned inning, and Scott Fletcher belted a thing." Johnson said. "E ven after her, according to Coach Mary into the left-field seats. brought in the first run. Singles by 11 batters and only a dropped third In other games, the New York now. We're believing in what we we looked real bad the first day. Faignant, which was a big (actor in BLOOMINGTON. Minn. (liP I) — Denni.s Maruk "We gave up a short-handed goal. We made a that Darrell Evans was the first two-run homer to lead the White Sean Fowler and Ronny Williams strike by the catcher allowed major Iree agent signed by the Yankees topped Minnesota 4-1, Sox. Neal Heaton, 1-1, sulferedthe the win. The 1-0 Indians will play watched the first game in Minne.sota's playofl series mistake. W'c paid lor that mistake," said Chicago scored Harris and Palmer, and Bolton a base runner. Tigers. Baltimore downed KansasCity 6-3. loss, Cy Young Award-winner Thursday at Charter Oak Field at Coventry got its final run of the with Chicago from the press box. The Black Hawks Coach Orval Tessier. "But you couldn't have gotten a now wish the North Stars' center had stayed there lor drop more from this group. We couldn't have done "I'll let you know at the end of the the I'hicago While Sox beat Cleve­ LaMarr Hoyt. 2- 0, earned the 3:30 against Enfield High School. inning. The Patriots scored once in Ken Hipsky was the starter and the fifth. more. We show ed when we're healthy w e re as good as season what I think about Iree land 7-3. Milwaukee pounded Cali- victory. Manchester oot 01S 2-9 the fourth and three more times in loser for Bolton. Raposa used three Penney 000 000 1-1 Maruk scored two goals Tue.sday night — including anybody." agents," joked Anderson. lornia 10-1. Seattle defeated Boston Brewers 10, Angels I the fifth to complete the rout. other pitchers before calling the a short-handed tally in the first period — to lift 'The North Stars grabbed a ‘2- 0 lead on George Well, the skipper may wish to S- I. and Toronto blanked Oakland At Anaheim, Calif.. Robin Yount game after five innings. Cromwell 3 0. Minne.sota to a 4-1 victory in the deciding game of the Ferguson's goal at 11:52 of the tirst period before deliver his opinion a little earlier. ripped a two-run homer and Mike Coventry is 1-0 in the Charter had a 6-0 lead after the first three best-of-five series. The w in moved the North Stars into Chicago countered on Bob Murray's iMiwer-play tally Evans hit a three-run homer in the In the National League, it was: Caldwell twirled a six-hitter to lead Oak Conference. The team hosts innings before scoring the rest of Coventry takes opener early in the second. first inning and Dun Petry pilehed Philadelphia 3. Houston 1; Cincin­ Milwaukee to its lirst win. The Bacon Academy today. their runs in the fourth and fifth. the best-of-seven NHL Norris Division finals against St. Ixiuis. Dino Ciccarclli increased Minnesota's advantage to a lour-hitter Tuesday to help the nati 8. Montreal 6; the New York Brewers had dropped five straight, MIDDLETOWN-Coventry wal­ Chuck Terrio belted three doubles Mets 4. Atlanta 2: San Diego 7. St. C o v e n t r y 400 130 0 8 " I like to be aggres.sive. Thai's my game. When I 3-1 oft a perfect goalmouth pass Irom Tom McCarthy unbeaten Tigers run their winning including four one-run decisions, loped Vinal Tech 8-0 in its season V in a l T e c h 000 000 0 0 for five RBI while Jim Goulet and Louis 3: and Sun Francisco 4. force the play, my defensive game is better. " Maruk at 14:59 of the second period and Manik added an streak to six games with a 5-1 but put this one away early, opener here Tuesday behind the Tony Caso added two hits apiece. victory over the . Pittsburgh 3. scoring four runs in the third and strong pitching of Peter Palmer said. "1 had problems with that earlier in the year. " open-net score with 24 seconds rem;iining in Ihe game. A crowd of .'ll.'2:18 turned out for Orioles 6. Royals 3 three in the fourth. and Jeff Gorke. Cromwell is now 2-1 while Bolton In fa d . coach Bill Mahoney benched Maruk for The North Stars outshot the Black Haw ks 41-21 and Detroit's lirst home game ami saw At Baltimore. Cal Ripken drove Blue Jays 3, A ’s 0 Bulldogs destroyed is 0-1 in Charter Oak Conference much of the season and in the playofl opener because Mahone^' erdited Bannei manwith keeping the game Evans belt a 1-and-U pitch into the in lour runs with two homers, At Oakland, Calif., a solo home Palm er allowed only three hits, play. The Bulldogs are scheduled of his defensive lapses. Maruk wound up collecting close. upper deck in right alter Texas helping the Orioles snap a four- run by Jesse Barfield and a struck out 11 and walked just one in to host East Hampton Thursday at just 17 goals and 43 assists — than half his output "1 thought the Chicago and Bannerman his five innings of work. Coach Bob CROM W ELL-Bolton has had to starter Dave Stewart had walked game losing streak. Gary Ro- two-run shot by Ernie Whitt were suffer through two postponements, 3:15 p.m. if the field is in good two seasons ago when he had 1,36 points for the played very well. With 41 shots on Ihe net. you would Plaster decided to give him the the first two batters. enicke singled across two runs in all the runs Toronto needed. Luis but the Bulldogs wished Tuesday's condition, Raposa said. Washington Capitals. think ol six or seven goals. 1 think that's a tribute to rest ( " I may need him today") and "I knew he'd be trying to throw the lirst inning olf Leal pitched the first 6 2-3 innings game could have been a literal But w ith the North Stars' Keith Acton in the penally Bannerman, " Mahoney said. let Gorke pitch the last two innings. me a .strike." Evans said. Paul Splittorff. 0-2, before Ripken for the Blue Jays, giving up only washout. Cromwell blasted Dick Bolton 000 00 0-0-7 box. Maruk took a pass at center ice from Brian Evans, hitting .278, now has two lofted a two-out, three-run homer Cromwell 024 1110 27-15-0 Bellows, raced past defenseman Keith Brown and three hits. Roy Lee Jackson earned The Patriots wasted little time in Raposa's young team, 27-0, here in the second inning lor a .5-0 lead. Gigliotti 8i Webster; Hipsky, GotesO), three-run homers and driven in his first save. getting to the Vinal Tech starter, and the victors' John Gigliotti Somboana(4), Russell(S) 8. Russell, fired a wristshol by goaltender Murray Bannerman to Marks(S). WP-GIgllottI: LP-HIpsky. open the scoring at 2:50 ol the period. NL roundup knocking him out in the first added further insult by hurling a GM MODERN AUTO AUTO REPAIRS Confidence not lacking in Augusta RADIATOR INTRODUCES Schmidt gets last laugh Bv M artin Lader "I’m playing better have done well on a Spaniard — who this week before, you know you are the 90-minute e WE SERVICE ALL UPl Sports Writer than my recent record particular course doesn't said he was having trou­ playing well. drive-ln end ot Mr Goodrvrmnch GENERAL MOTOR By Joe llluzzi Ryan's Express in the eighth zek's bunt — the Phillies' third indicates," Watson said mean you'll do that well ble adapting to life in "The pressure is off me driveawey solutioni UPl Sports Writer inning by blasting a three-run bunt single of the game. AUGUSTA, Ga. - If Tuesday after tempera­ the next time. But I have America — said he was now. and I think it will be a FOR: CARS AND TRUCKS homer to lead the Phillies to a 3-1 That brought up Schmidt, who pleased with his game and UPl photo everyone in the august tures in the low 40's done well here.” little easier. No win is Auto raiHator leaks, When Nolan Ryan and Mike victory over the in had been booed the entire game by was looking forward to the • ALL MECHANICAL REPAIRS field at the Masters caused him to curtail his Since his first profes­ easy, but after you do win. hose leaks, Schmidt lace each other, it's like a Philadelphia. the 37,236 fans at Veterans Sta­ Braves' Glenn Hubbard not only is Wally Backman as Backman completes Championship is to be sional appearance at Au­ Masters. you feel more comforta­ practice round to nine overiieating, • COMPLETE COLLISION REPAIRS championship tight. Power Ryan was coasting along with a dium. He worked the count to called out at second but also gets a foot a douible play Tuesday in Atlanta. believed, there is going to holes. gusta National in 1975, Crenshaw, frustrated ble when you get into agaiiisl power. four-hitter and struck out II 2-and-2 before cracking his second in the head from Mets' be a monstrous logjam "I'm playing well and, Watson has tied for se­ time and again at his position to win again. " thennostats, RE8UILT AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS On Tuesday, it looked like Ryan through the first seven innings. But home run of the season into the tied (or first place come yes, I feel like I’ve come cond twice and had three inability to win a major anti-freeze changes, K AUTO PAINTING was going to score a KO, striking he walked Juan Samuel on four left-field seats. Sunday night. out of the. slump alto­ other finishes in thb top 10 championship, tied for cleaning and flushing pitches to start the eighth and "There's no at-bat like an at- bat After leaving the White CHARGE WITH MASTER CHARGE Schmidt out and getting him to pop Confidence is as vital a gether. I ’m swinging the in addition to his victories second with Tom Kite last We have found that up twice. But Schmidt derailed couldn't come up with Len Matus- against Nolan Ryan." said weapon as any golf club golf club the best I have all in 1977 and 1981. year and thinks his 13th House in 1921, President • 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE Schmidt, last year's N L home run Yanks get lots of relief William Howard Taft most of our customers appearance in the Mas­ when it comes to a major, year. I only wish 1 could Ballesteros, for the first problems can be solved, king. " I just don't know how to ters "will be my lucky served eight years as U.S. and not even the unsea­ cut my right arm off — it’s time a card-carrying within this time frame. describe it. He's a battler, a sonably cold weather and number.. chief ju.stice. been getting in my way member of the PGA Tour, The problem part is gamer. I got one hit that beat him rain has dampened the " I 'v e been in contention too much." has played in only five removed, promptly today but there's nothing like enthusiasm of the 88 men Since winning the PGA events this year. He too many times not to CARTER hitting against him." and take home opener win repaired on our, p f i p n o v e t , 1 preparing for Thursday's Match Play Champion­ missed two cuts and failed consider myself a Finding a cash buyer for premises and rein­ opening round. ship at Tucson, Ariz., to place in the top 10 in his threat," he said. "I'v e put Other than Reynolds' homer, By Fred McAAane Twins. and some shoddy defense to notch the items you'd like to seii stalled. This goes for people early in the year, Watson other two tournaments a lot of pressure on myself Denny did not allow a runner to UPl Sports Writer Rijo was summoned by manager his second save. is easy. Just let our such as two-time cham­ missed three cuts in a row before tying for third his for not winning a major Replacements are, reach second base. He struck out Yogi Berra when Niekro, who Righetti relieved in the eighth readers know what you pions Tom Watson and and hasn't placed better last time out in the Tour- tournament. available from our dis­ four and walked none. NEW YORK - The New York allowed only three hits over the after Rijo walked the leadoff have tor sale with an ad in Severiano Ballesteros, than eighth. He took last nament Players Bean snapped out of a tributor size inventory. In other games, Cincinnati de­ Yankees may have found the old first six innings, tired in the batter and got out of a bases- Ciassitied. 643-2711. 1229 M AIN S T. both of whom are fighting week off to work at home Championship. two- year slump by win­ Relax in our waiting feated Montreal 8-6, the New York military formula for making them­ seventh when the Twins put loaded jam by getting Kent Hrbek AUTO REPAIR slumps, Ben Crenshaw, in Kansas City, and he's "I'm not worried about ning last week, and he room, while our MANCHESTER Mets topped Atlanta 4-2, San Diego selves battle ready this season — runners on first and second with to ground into a double play. still without a major pleased with the results. it," said the defending arrived here with re­ c u ^ a i knowledgeable special­ beat St. Louis 7-3, and San plenty of "R and R ." one out. The Dominican right­ TEL. 646-6464 Then, in the ninth after the Twins championship to his "Augusta always champion. "When I came newed confidence. ists get you moving Francisco edge)) Pittsburgh 4-3. In the military R and R stands hander threw only two pitches and scored a run on a walk and a pair of name, and Andy Bean, brings out the best in me,” here last year I hadn't " I f I can make the IPrk* Sabi** •• ChMig*) again. In the , it was; for rest and relaxation and is got out of the jam by inducing Gary errors, Righetti again pitched out winless in two years be­ he said. "This is my type won either. I never seem necessary adjustments GMCMIAUTY the 4, Minne­ always recommended as an anti­ Gaetti to hit into an around-the- of a bases- loaded jam by getting 649-9682 fore capturing last week's ol course. But I never to play well in Florida.” from Iqsl week to this, I 102.’ SERVICE RARTS sota 1; Baltimore6,KansasCity3; dote for battle fatigue. horn double play. Tim Laudner to line into a game­ Min. Amt. Rgquirtil Greater Greensboro have thought golf was that Prior to his arrival in can do all right," he said. MODERNRAnATOR WORKS the Chibago White Sox 7, Cleveland The New York Yankees have "I wasn't nervous. I never get ending double play. 373 Main 8t, Mmch, CT Open. easy. Just because you Augusta, the 27-year-old "When you win the week 649-8841 <3PiaZAH40TOBS PARTS DiVISlOM 3; Detroit 5, Texas 1; Milwaukee their own version of R and R, Rijo nervous in situations like that," " I got a little too relaxed and 10, California 1; Seattle 5, Boston and Righetti, and it could be the Rijo said, "but I couldn't grip the wasn't bearing down like I 1; and Toronto 3, Oakland 0. perfect combination for making ball real good today. If I can hold should, " Righetti admitted. Spring Discount Specials Reds 8, Expos 6 them pennant contenders in the the ball like I usually do, I wouldn't "When I got the extra two runs I Sports in Brief IWo Great Ways 1b Go Goodyear At Cincinnati, in a game thatsaw tough American League East. have had to come out of the gam e.'' was too itchy to get out there. I'll Look for the Look for the Montreal's Pete Rose pull within Jose Rijo, at 18 the youngest As it turned out, howevei*, Rijo learn." McEnroe beats Borg At lo w Everyday Prices 3 (P’s) 3 (P’s) one hit of the 4,000 mark, Nick player in the majors, bailed Phil had trouble with his control and "W e knew Righetti from starting Niekro, at 45 the major leagues' walked the first batter he faced in but not as a reliever. I thought he B&J Esasky hit a grand slam and VANCOUVER, British Columbia — American tripled in another run to lift the oldest player, out of a seventh­ the eighth. Berra immediately pitched pretty well, but with a John McEnroe used his dominating service and a Viva II Arriva R ^ s . inning jam and Dave Righetti went to Righetti, who has taken couple of more breaks we could strong serve-and-volley game to defeat Sweden’s pitched out of trouble in the eighth over for Rich Gossage as the short 'lave won the g a m e ," said Twins Bjorn Borg in four sets in a $75,000 exhibition > 4 6 0 0 Auto Repair Inc. and ninth innings Tuesday to Padres 7, Cardinals 3 man this year, and the left- hander Manager Billy Gardner. “ 1 guess it tennis match Tuesday. * ^ preserve a home- opening 4-1 showed that he is made of the right 33 PI55/80RI3 Blick«kl does mean we have character and At San Diego, Champ Summers McEnroe, 25, the No. 1- ranked player in the Hit PHICC .Woindenteow rrtc . pinch hit the first grand slam of his triumph over the Minnesota stuff by surviving his own wildness want to win badly. world, defeated Borg 6-3,6-4,3-6,6-1 before 12,000 For U.S. Cars P185/75R13 M l .95 For Imports 11-year career in the fifth inning to fans to win $50,000. Borg, 27, who retired from the P185/7SR14 145.95 warnm roily the Padres. Summers' drive tour in 1981 after capturing five straight P195/7SR14 M9.M Ittl P«Cf ' iCOIIPini COUiMOM 6 lOPY WOWKSi P205/7SR15 tS2.9S P1S5/B0RI3 BtacKwall 14400 into the right-field seats came off Wimbledon titles (from 1976-80), earned $25,000. P215/76R15 154.95 188.80 Blackwall tso.00 starter Bob Forsch, 0-1, with the Yale Junior varsity pounds M CC P225/75Rt5 151.95 MMO PI7S/80R13 New Location to Padres trailing 3-1. The Padres dick Mohammed wins decision P235/75R15 $60.1$ 171.00 P175/70R13 'BlackwAll isveo not leave a runner on base. NEW HAVEN~The Manchester against starter and loser Alan contributed three RBI’s. Mark And oM lift No trHle ne. Serve You Better Community College baseball team ATLANTIC CITY. N.J. — Prince Mamah Oania A Ruel Poraign Towing Drake. Moychuk and Dave Romejko Olaaa Naplaeamant AeeMani Oamagi Giants 4, Cardinals 3 ran into a hitting machine in the Manchester had a short-livedd Mohammed continued his climb in the light Radlatora Rapairtd Domaalto PalnOng pulled off a double steal in the first Loaner Cara At San Francisco, Jack Clark hit form of the Yale University junior 1-0 lead in the first inning, but a heavyweight rankings Tuesday night, scoring a InauraiMa Oamafa inning for Manchester’s early Frgg Esilmatgd on Rgpair Work a two-run, eighth-inning homer to varsity squad here Tuesday as the Cougar error and a home run by lead. 10-round unanimous decision over Jerry Martin G O O O fi'C A R lift the Giants. Clark's home run, Cougars lost, 18-7. John Saady put the Elis ahead to of Philadelphia. Manchester’s record falls to 4-5 Mohammed, originally from Ghana and now 345 Main St. (RT 83) Next to Brown’s Amoco his first of the season, came off Yale scored 11 runs in the third stay for good. Every starterexcept while Yale improved to 5-1. The fighting out of Hollywood, Calif., raised his record BROWN'S TIRE SHOP SPRUCE ST. MOBIL 14 Yurt M m Tracy Larry McWilliams, 0-1. Mike inning to put the Cougars away. the pitchers scored for Yale, and Building In Resr UPl photo Cougars play at Holyoke Commun­ to 28-1-1 with 13 knockouts by keeping Martin at 333 Main St. 220 Spruce St. In Sm Ihwi Pro* Krukow, with ninth-inning relief The first fifteen men reached base all but one had a hit and RBL- ity College today. help from Greg Minton, picked up bay with a steady diet of right jabs. The southpaw Manchester Expos' Pete Rose keeps his eye on the ball as it drops into in the decisive inning, and Man­ For Manchester, Ed Tenero Manchaatar Manchester ____ his first victory, allowing seven SyjC ^ too 221 I 7-00 sent Martin, now 25-7 with 17 knockouts, to the a«|.Fri. chester committed three errors of collected two hits, including a 2011 230 M 1l.1&.i SAM-SOOPa 643-7604 center field for the 3,998 hit of his career in the second hits. Tony Pena homered for the canvas in the eighth round with a right jab. left its six errors to prolong the agony. double. Bobby Gagnon, who played n 646-3444 A49-3487 H OUmt Hn. by AggL Bring This Ad And Ont A Wscennt Inning Tuesday in Cincinnati. Pirates. Msvtrw) g Motthtws. hook combination. In all, Yale pounded out IS hits an outstanding defensive game. WP-Aquatonla, LP-Drak». MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday. April U, 1984 - I t 18 — MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, April 11, 1984 Scoreboard FOCUS/ Food Padres 7, Cardinals 3 Orioles 6, Royals 3 Mavericks 116, Clippers 114 Suns 100, Blazers 88

DALLAS (116) POR TLAND (88) ST. LOUIS SAN DIEM KANSAS CITY BALTIMORE Carr 7-14 7-10 21, Nott 313 26 12. Bowling Baseball abrhM obrhbl Aguirre 1.4-22 6-6 34, Nlmphlus 3-61-27, obrhbl dbrliBI Thompson 6J 6 3 4 19, Poxson 317 6 6 18, L . Smith It 4 0 1 1 Wiggins 20 4 0 0.0 Conepen ss 3 0 0 0 Shelby cf 4 0.1 0 P. Cummings 8-17 2-2 IS, Dovis 7-10 7-10 Orta ph 1 0 0 0 Ford rt 4 2 1 0 22, Blackmon 4-14 14, Harper 0-1 04) Volentine 39 1-2 9, Lever 0-2 OO 0, ...... McGee cf 4 0 10 Gwvnn it 4 0 0 0 6 6 Norris 1-21-2 3, Cooper 06 0 6 (), Drexler Herr 2b 4 1 2 0 Nettles » 4 0 0 0 Bloncln ss 0 0 0 0 Ripken ss 3 3 2 4 0, Garnett 2-3 04) 4, Vincenf 7-11 3-4 17. B. Davis If 4 0 0 0 M urray 1b 3 0 Totals 2 0 45-84 25-30 116. 2-5 ^ 6. Totals 3361 22-32 88. Tee-TotalBrs National League standings Hendrck rf 4 0 0 0 Garvey lb 4 0 0 0 P H O iN IX (MO) Green 1b 4 0 0 0 Kennedy e 2 ? * 0 White 2b 4 0 1 0 Roenick If 4 0 1 2 SAN DIEGO (114) McRoe dh 3 1 1 0 SIngletn dh 4 0 0Walton 0 7-904) 14, T . Cummings 7-14 2-2 Lucas 37 7-10 13, Nance 312 2-2 14, Olane Cornog 484, Liz Bralnard 478, Vn SIvk 3b 3 0 1 1 M artinei tf 3 1 T 2 Edwords 7-15 46 IS. Davis 7-14 6 6 21, Sandy Kershaw 176-188-5)4,' Sharon East LohtI p 0 0 0 0 M cRynl cf | 2 2 0 Balboni 1b 3 0 0 0 Cruz 3b 4 0 0 0 16, Donaldson 4-5 5-5 13, Nixon 12-18 04) w L P e t. GB Motley rf 4 0 1 0 Dauer 2b 3 1 1 0 25, Pierce 5-11 5-5 15, Kelser 3-10 2-2 8, Macy 310 06 9, Foster 26 46 9, Adams Spencer 455, Susie Haves 195, Carol Rucker p 0 0 0 0 T e n ^ t n ss3 1 2 0 06 0 6 0, Westphal 33 36 5, PIttmon 2-2 Strange 189, Carol Rlccordo 188-485, New York 5 1 .833 — Landrm ph 1 0 0 0 Hawkins P ] 9 ? ? Slaught c 4 0 2 1 Dempsey c 4 0 1 0 Hodges 36 04) 7, McDowell 2-5 2-2 6, .667 Pryor 3b 2 1 0 0 McKinney 5-8 00 10, White 01 04) 0. 1-2 5, Sanders 2-5 2-2 6, Scott 31 06 0. Karen Stetson 221-489, Terry Cultlng Phlladelphio 4 2 1 Parter c 3 110 Smmrs ph 1114 Totals 3377 3168 100. 3 .500 2 Sanchz ph 1 0 0 0 Totals 48-87 16-16 114. 186-473, Shirley Eldridge 188-183-506, P ittsburg 3 O. Smth ss 4 1 2 1 Draveky o 1 0 0 0 Portland 16 27 2619— 88 Barbara Seifert 204-518, Fran MIsserl St. Louis 3 3 .500 2 Forsch p 10 0 0 Shertdn cf 3 1 2 2 Dallas 29 28 32 27— 116' .500 2 Totals 32 3 7 3 Totals 33 6 9 6 Son Diego 29 26 26 33— 114 Phoenix 31 20 16 33-100 193-515, Karen Luck 178-468, Janice Chlcogo 3 3 Howe 3b 2 0 0 0 Three-point goals— Davis, Macy, Fos­ Santini 187-473, Elvina Balch 190-475, Montreal 3 4 .429 2Va Rucker p 10 0 0 Kansas City 002100 080— 3 Three-point goals — Davis, Nixon, West Bolfimore 230 01000X— 6 Hodges. Total fouls— Dallas 15, San Diego ter, Moryjane Deane 186-466, Rita Kelsey Totals 34 3 8 3 Totals 102 I 4 Totol fouls— Portland 27, Phoenix 24. Son Diego 1 .833 — ■ 8 0 2 M e iO B -3 Game-winning RBI — Roenicked). 25. Rebounds— Dallas 34 (P . C u m ­ 182-486, T e rry Prlskwoldo 175-467, Pat 3 St. Louis Rebounds— Portland 44 (C o rr 13), Pho­ Thibodeau 194-483, Lou Toutoln 183497, Cincinnati 4 3 .571 V /7 Son Diego____ 001042 fOx—' 7 E— Pryor, Blancolano. DP— mings Atlanta 3. Kansas 14), ta n Diego 35 (Kelser 9). Assisis— enix 42 (Nance 12). Assists— Portland 18 Lee'B e en 193506, Tru d I To y lo r 450, 2 4 .333 Game-winning RBI— Summers^. (Volentine 7), Phoenix 21 (Davis 5). Stephanie Anderson 454, Nancy Rolas Los Angeles 2 4 .333 3 E— Hendricks, Wiggins. DP— St. City 1, Baltimore 2. LOB— Kansas City 5, Dallos 25 (Blackman 10), tan Diego 26 (N ix o n 8 ). Technical fouls— Dallas Technical foul— Pittman. A— 9,768. 468, Martle Barlllo 470,Bertho Toutain tan Francisco 2 4 .333 3 Louis • ™ Baltim ore 6 . 2B— Sheridan. HR— 191-180-507, Jessie W illiam s 203541, Houston 1 5 .167 4 2. LO B — St. Louis 6, San Diego 0. 2B— Bal­ bench, ACCENT Marianne Hyland 196-496, Linda Ma- T u o d a v 's Results Porter, O. Smith, L. Smith, McReynolds. timore, Ripken 2 (3), Konsas City, T . Cummings, Nixon. A — 4,262. Nets 106, Sixers 102 Philadelphia 3, Houston 1 Sheridan (1). selll 4SS, Gall; Hortzoo 4M, MarvAnn HR— Summers (1), Martinez (2). S— P H IL A D E L P H IA (102) Zawillnski 192-518, Brenda Grunberg Cincinnati 8, Montreal 6 . Forsch. IP H R ER BB SO New York 4, Atlanta 2 Kansas City Jazz 135, Nuggets 120 lavaroni 46 06 8, Sam Williams 2-7 06 183467, Deono Richard 178-482, Shirley IP H RER BE s o 4, Malone 1322 37 38, Matthews 32 2-2 2, Blue 481. San Diego 7, St. Louis 3 St. Louis Splittorff (L 0-2) 2 San Francisco 4, Pittsburgh 3 7 1 2 Soberhogen 5 Toney 310 12-14 24, C. Richardson 3636 Forsch (L 0-1) 5 2*3 8 7 DENVER (120) 9, Jones 36 2-3 12, C. Johnson 16 16 3, Wednesday's Games Lahti 1 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Wills 1 Boltlmare English 13-23 1-1 27, Vondeweghe 12-23 Threat) 1-3 0 6 2. Totals 3863 2334102. Montreal (Smith 141) at Cincinnati Rucker 1 0 0 0 0 1 10-13 35, Issel 7-15 56 19, Willloms 16 041 (Berenvl 31), 12:35 p.m. M cG rgr (W 1-1 5 1-3 NEW JERSEY (106) tan Diego 2, Dunn 16 4-4 6, Evans 1-7 (TO 3, O'Koren 7-113114, B. Williams 310 34 Pittsburgh (Tu d o r 14)) at San Francis­ Hawkins (W 1611 5 6 3 3 1 4 S.OavIs 3 2-3 Scholastic co (Laskey 31), 3:05 p.m. 0 0 0 T — 2:20. A— 18,000. Schayes 2-7 6-7 10, Hanzilk 2-4 2-2 6, 13, Dawkins 37 1-1 7, Birdsong 315 76 Drovecky (SI) 4 2 0 Anderson 38, 00 6, Carter 37 O O 6, 19, M. Richardson 317 36 13, King 313 New York (Terrell 14)) at Atlanta T — 1:53. A— 15,115. (Daylev 31 ), 5:40 p.m. Roberts O ) 04) 0. Totals 45-109 28-33 120. 1-1 19, Gmlnski 26 56 9, Cook 39 06 10, Houston (Scott 0-1) at Philadelphia U TA H (135) Ransev 32 06 0, R. Johnson 1-3 36 2. (Hudson 14)), 7:35 p.m. Dantlev 11-25 11-13 33, Bailey 6-8 00 12, Totals 4391 2325 106. Manchester junior varsity Eaton 0-1 OO 0, Green 16-25 13-17 45, St. Louis (Andujar 14)) at Son Diego Mariners5.RedSox1 Nets 4. Braves 3 Philodelphia 32 23 21 26— 102 Mike Custer and Brian Belcher eoch (Lollor 30), 10:05 p.m. Griffith 11-17 26 28, Drew 02 OO 0, New Jersey 27 23 27 29— 106 had a single and a double to pace the Chicago (Sanderson30) at LosAngeles Eaves 16 4-4 6, Anderson 26 1-2 5, Fouled out— Dowkins. Total Manchester High School iunlor varsity BOSTON SEATTLE Wilkins 1-3 0 0 2, Kelley 1-2 26 4. Totals fouls— (Honeycutt 3 0 ), 10:35 p.m. NEW YORK ATLANTA 49-91 3346 135. team to o 10-8 win over Penney High Thursday's Gome Obrhbl Obrhbl Philadelphia 24, New Jersey 32. Re­ 4 1 3 0 Percent 2b 4 1 2 0 Obrhbl obrhbl Denver 30 33 30 27— 120 School Tuesday at Morlarty Field. Allonta at San Diego, night Remy 2b Backmn 2b 3 0 0 0 Wshngtn rf 3 1 1 1 bounds— Phlladelphio 36 (Molone Rich Ringrose pitched five strong Evans rf 2 0 0 0 Mllborn 3b 3 0 1 0 Utah 38 28 39 30— 135 16), Grdnhr 2b 2 1 1 0 Romirz ss 3 0 1 0 Threepoint goals— Evans, (Griffith 4. innings to get the win for Manchester, Boggs 3b 3 0 1 O' Bonnell 1b 3 2 2 2 Oquend ss 4 1 1 0 P erry It 2 0 0 0 New Jersey 34 (B. Williams 12). Assists which upped its record to 2-0 . Rice If 3 0 1 0 GThom s If 4 0 1 1 Hrnndz 1b 4 0 1 1 Wotson ph 1 0 0 0 Tatal fauls— Denver 29, Ulah 24. — Philodelphia 21 (Tone y 10), New Jersey American League standings Easier dh 2 0 0 0 Ramos 1b 1 0 0 0 Rebounds— Denver 56 (English, Is­ 27 (M. Richardson 14). Technicals— 4 0 0 0 SHndrs dh 3 1 2 2 Foster If 3 0 0 1 (Sarber p 0 0 0 0 sel, Armas ct Strwbrr rf 4 1 2 1 M urphy cf 4 0 0 0 lavaroni. Birdsong. A— 17644. Gedman c 4 0 0 0 DHndrs rf 3 0 1 0 Dunn and Schayes 9), Ulah— 51 (Griffith East Wilson cf 4 0 10 Horner 3b 4 1 1 0 GREECE 4 0 10 Stapletn )b 4 0 1 0 Kearney c Brooks 3b 3 1 1 1 Chmbis 1b 4 0 1 0 12). Assists— Denver 27 (English6 ), Utah W L Pcf. GD Gutierrz ss 3 0 0 0 Bradley ct 3 0 0 0 33 (Green 10). A— 7J57. Pistons 100, Pacers 9B Golf Detroit 6 0 1.000 — Hodges c 3 0 1 0 Hubbrd 2b 3 0 1 1 Miller ph 1 0 0 0 Owen ss 3)10 Darling p 1 0 0 0 Benedict c 3 0 0 0 From the shores of the Mediterranean comes one of the world’s great cuisines: Cleveland 3 2 .400 2'/3 Totals 30 1 6 0 Totals 31 S 11 5 INDIANA (98) Toronto 4 3 .571 2'/2 Boston 000 000 010— 1 Swan p 0 0 0 0 M cM rtrv p 2 0 0 0 Creek cookery. This richly varied cuisine is an Intriguing blend of mellow flavors and 4 .429 3»/2 Heep ph 1 0 0 0 M oore p 0 0 0 0 Kellogg 311 1-2 11, Johnson 16 46 6, Boston 3 canttie 200 IIW 2lb( S Warriors 117,Lakers 115 Sllpanovich 4-8 34 1), Carter 14-201-230, New York 3 4 .429 3V2 Orosco p 0 0 0 0 Royster If 1 0 0 0 Game-winning RBI — Bannell (2). SIchtIng 3)3 06 16, Thomas 37 36 6, textures. Presented here are two contemporary menus featuring foods typ i(^ of Tailwood Baltimore 1 4 .200 4V2 E— Armas. DP— Seattle 2. LOB— Totals 32 4 a 4 Totab 30 2 5 2 Milwaukee 1 5 .167 5 New York 010010 020— 4 LOS ANGELES (1)5) Williams 310 31 12, Waiters 32 30 0, this ancient region that bring the essence of traditional Creek cooking to you. Low Gross-Ken Com&rford 60. Low Bostan 000011000— 2 Rambis 36 34 9, Worthy 4-5 3-4 11, Lowe 06 06 0, McKenno 36 32 6 . Totals West 8,'Seattle 11.2B— Perconte, GThomos. 3B Attonto Net-John Yelishefsky 83-10-73. 2 Mon Gome-winning RBI — Hernandez Abdul-Jabbar 11-186-8 28, Johnson 7-149- 44-80 917 98. Best Boll-Roger Lentocho and Lou Seattle 5 1 .833 — Remy. HR— S. Henderson (1). SB— The distinctive style of these Creek menus is attributed to the three foods they Oakland 5 2 .714 V2 (2). 11 23, McGhee 1015 46 24, Cooper 2-4 46 D E TR O IT (100) Gonzales 60, Sam Sapienza ond Walt S. , Kupchak 2-7 2-2 , Spriggs 1-2 26 4, Tripucka 312 7-11 17, Benson 7-12 30 Kansas City 3 3 .500 2 Henderson (1), Kearney (2), Bradley (1). DP— New York 1. LOB— New York 6, 8 6 highlight: Fresh California artichokes, reaching their peak in the spring; delicately Kokoszka 61, Leo Bravakis and Mark Atlanta 4. HR— Strawberry (3), Brooks Nater 1-2 0-1 2. Totals 41-71 33-44 115. 14, Lolmbeer 1319 2-2 22, Long 39 1-211. Dennis 61, Chic Gagnon and John Minnesota 3 3 .500 2 S— Mllbourne. Chlcogo 2 3 .400 2V2 IP H R E R B B S O 0 ), Washington (2). SB— Gardenhire (1). (H)LDEN STATE (117) Thomas 3-15 56 11, Johnson 312 56 15, flavored leg of lamb, a staple of the Creek menu; and nutty, colorful green pistachios Worren 62, Ralph King and Jim S— Darling. SF— Foster. Short 17-29 6-11 43, Smith 2-3 02 4, Levlngston 32 06 0, Hollins 31 3 0 0, Aufman 65, John Boylan and Dan Texas 2 4 .333 3 Boston Californio 2 5 .286 3V2 IP H RERBBSO Carroll 6-18 76 19, Collins 36 OO 3, Tyler 35 06 6, Cureton 1-2 06 2, Tolbert from California, which impart a natural Mediterranean flavor accent. Gothers 65. Dick Brewer and Chic Oleda (L 0-1) 61-3 10 5 5 4 4 New York 1 1 0 6 2. Totals 4390 2327 1OT. Tuesday’s Results Brown 1 2-3 1 0 0 2 1 Conner 3-7 OO 6; Floyd 6-11 4-5 16, Seaback 65, Dennis Sheehan and Rich Darling 6 4 2 2 3 3 Johnson 9-17 36 19, Bralz 1-3 OO 2, THUS Indiana 25 212816— 98 Bucheri 66. Gross-George Bednarz and Detroit 5, Texas 1 Seattle Set the stage for a traditional Creek party with Athenian Rosemary Lamb. Tender New York 4, Minnesota 1 Swon (W 1-0) 1 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 OO 2. Totals 47-95 2032 1)7. Detroit 25 24 24 27— 100 Ed Stone 70, Ron Basiieand Joe Poulin Beattie (W 1-1) 7 5 1 1 4 4 Threepoint goal— Carter. Total fouls— Baltimore 6, Kansas City 3 VandeBerg 2-3 0 0 0 2 0 Orosco (S 2) 210001 Los Angeles 32 24 35 24— 1)5 and juicy leg of lamb is basted with seasonings and slowly roasted for this entree. 70, Mike Davis and Dan Home 74. Atlanta Golden State 27 36 27 27— 117 In d ia n a 23, D e tro it 18. Rebounds— 2 Man Best 15: Net-Ray St. Louisand Chicago 7, Cleveland 3 Stanton (SI) 1 1-3 1 0 0 0 2 Milwaukee 10, Californio 1 McMrtrv (LI-1 7 1 3 7 4 4 2 1 Three-point gools— Short 3. Total Indiana Fresh, tender artichokes rubbed with tfingy lemon juice are enhanced with olive oil Vin Jazwinski 46, Gene Botteron and Beattie pitched to 2 batters in 8th. fouls— 37 (Johnson9), Detroit48 (Lolm beer22). Henry Steullet 47, Bob Quagtio and Seattle 5, Boston 1 HBP— by Oleda (D.Henderson.Owen). Moore 2-3 1 0 0 0 0 and aromatic herbs In Artichoke Saut4. To finish, serve a marvelously rich pastry— Toronto 3, Oakland 0 Garber 1 0 0 0 1 1 Los Angeles 25, Golden State 29. Fouled Assists— Indiana 28 (SIchtIng 8), Detroit Craig Philips 48, Paul Saari and Dave T — 2:45. A— 7,657. T — 2:13. A— 6,660. out— None. Rebounds— Los Angeles 24 (Thom as 16). A— 15655. , Stork 50, Norm Pelletier and Dan Wednesday’sGames Pistachio Baklava — a traditional sweet from the classic world. /2 Mowdsley 92, Bob Lewis 89-21-68, Wes IP H R ER BB SO Gantnr 2B 5 0 2 0 Lynn rf 3 0 0 0 Phoenix 15,850. Boston 21 29 21 2566 but ^not in fat. Roast in a slow oven (325°F.) until meat rub again with lemon. CiA artichokes and stems into very thin oven; while still hot, carefully spoon cool Honey Syrup over baklava. AAokes aboiri 40 pieces. W oltyno 93-24-69, Nelson Eddy 97-27-70, Cleveland 38 42 .475 15'/3 Milwoukee 26 23 27 19-95 Sundbrg c 3 1 1 1 Grich 2B 2 0 0 0 Golden State 36 43 .456 17 Don Paquette 93-20-73, Gene Botteron Heaton (L 1-1) 6 1-3 11 5 5 2 3 Moore rf 5)10 Boone c 3 0 0 0 Three-point goal-Dunleavy. Total therrtiometer registers 140°F., allowing 25 to 30 minutes lengthwise slices; saute in 2 tablespoons oil 1 minute. Add water; Honey Syrup: Combine 1-1/4 cups water, 3/4 cup honey, 1/2 teaspoon each grated lime or 101-27-74, Joe Walinski 95-21-74, Fran San Diego 29 51 .363 24>/z Splllner 1-301110 Mannng cf 5 I 1 0 Schoflld ss 3 0 0 0 x-clinched playoff berth fouls- per pound. Remove from oven and let stand 10 minutes. cook, covered, over medium heat about 5 minutes. Remove cover Lucas 97-21-76. Jetfcoot 0 1110 0 Totols 40 10 12 9 Totals 3) 1 6 1 North Stars4, Biack Hawks 1 Boston 21, Milwaukee 24. Rebounds- lemon peel and orange peel, 4 whole cloves and 1/2 stick (about 2 in.) cinnamon. Bring to Aponte 1 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Milwaukee 004 300 120— 10 Boston 43 (Parish 9), Milwaukee 40 Remove fell from lamb leg. Combine 1/2 teaspoon rose­ and cook until water has evaporated and artichokes ore tender. Tuesday's Resulb boil; simmer 20 minutes. Add 1 tablespoon each lime or lemon juice and orange juice; simmer Chicago Calllomia ooo lOO 000— 1 Chicago 01 0— 1 (Lister 12). Assists-Boston 25 (Johnson Hoyt (W 2-0) 7 5 3 3 1 5 Game-winning RBI—

Sam Turkington shares recipes from Easter egg hunt set Thanks to those who made show success the clams, and cooked no more than five minutes or COVENTRY — The Coventry Jaycees will sponsor Editor's note; this column is prepared by the staff of on the ’International Friendship Force. Mayor guidance of Rose Chiaputti, will be able to continue By Barbara Richmond the flavor will be lost. They are good served on toast or the annual Easter egg hunt Saturday at 11 a.m. at the Manchester Senior Center. It appears in the Weinberg has been involved with the Friendship the class beginning this Monday at 1;30 p.m., until Herald Reporter -I with tartar sauce. Coventt> High School. Herald on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Force for many years and brings with her many May 25. " I like to cook fish so you can taste its freshneM. I memorable experiences. Don't forget, the deadline date for filing your .Y.Vs Sam Turkington, 28, of 78 Hemlock St. spends a lot of .•(V r don't worry too much about fancy garnishes," he By Joe Diminico Now, concerning trips, the senior center will be income tax return is April 16. If in need of assistance, time at sea — it's his job — so naturally, his favorite added. His oyster stew recipe he has made up to serve Activities Specialist having a trip to the Hartford Civic Center on May 23 you can stop by the center and get assistance from our food is seafood. He not only likes to eat it — he also is two people. Of course it can be doubled or tripled to Plan election of officers for an 8 p.m. performance of the Julie Andrews show. TCE volunteers every day, except Thursdays, from 1 quite expert at cooking a variety of recipes using serve more. Gamma Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa will meet Greetings. The Uth annual senior citizen Variety The price of the trip will be $17., which includes to 3; 30 p.m. seafood. Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at First Federal Savings, West Show is now history. Judging from the reaction of the transportation and admission. Registration will be on Lastly, don't forget there will be no lunches next Turkington is a deck hand for Mobil Oil Corporation Middle Turnpike. Officers will be elected. audiences and comments from individuals, it , April 19 at 9; 30 a.m. here at the center. week due to school vacation. on one of its tug boats that haul oil barges up and down Super Oyster Stew Slides of Iceland, taken on a recent trip, will be certainly was one of our best performances ever. There are still openings for the trip to Radio City the New England coast. 1 quart fresh oyster meat shown by Carol Lenihan. Members are reminded that Thanks go to Bob Vater, our director, for all his hard Music Hall for the performance of Liberace slated for FRIDAY SETBACK SCORES: Floyd Post. 112; In all of his recipes, Turkington stresses the ■A pound butter there will be a book exchange. work in helping make the show a success. Thanks also April 17. The price of the affair is $32., which includes Doris Jacobs, 99; Dom Anastasia, 98; Bob Schubert, importance of not overcooking fresh seafood. ZVi cups milk Hostesses for the meeting will be Maris Iverson, go to Assistant Director Richard Dana and Emcee transportation and admission. For more information, 94; Mina Reuther, 93; Bill Brown, 92: RuthHowell,92; "Seafood^ have always been my favorite things to 1 pint half and half Penelope Nason and Irma Vincens. Bob Ford of W INF. you may contact Creative Tours at 243-2839. Ernest Grasso, 91; Sue Howath, 88; Grace Donnelly, cook because they're so availabie in my jo b ," be said. Pinch of paprika for garnish Special thanks to the cast, particularly the seniors 88. Although he has been cooking since age 18------he 1 box oyster crackers ^ for their outstanding performances. It is individuals MEN GOLFERS are reminded thdt the 1984 golf enjoyed a iot of seafood before that because his father In frying pan. over low heat, melt the butter and add such as these that not only helped make the show a season will begin on April 23 at Manchester MONDAY PINOCHLE SCORES; Marie Heben- was also an excellent cook. oysters. Stir constantly for 20 minutes or less until Town schedules clinics success but the Senior Center as well. Lastly, a big Community College. Starting times for the above streit, 806; Ernest Grasso, 799; Bob Schubert, 797; "M y late father. Samuel J. Turkington — gills (creases) fold in a ribbon-like manner. W t The town's Geriatric clinic will be taking blood thanks to all the individuals who purchased tickets dates will be posted in the sports section of both local Ann Fisher, 794; Fritz Wilkinson, 785; Joe Garibaldi, everybody called him Jack — loved to cook. He was a simmer. In separate pot, add 2*A cups of milk and me pressures for senior citizens, Thursday fromn 9 to 10 and supported the show. .newspapers on April 16. 776; Bea Mader, 769; Bill Stone, 767; Edith O'Brien, school teacher but he loved the sea and he loved to pint of half and half. SUr and heat this base until hot to a.m. at Mayfair Gardens. Big news for the week is that consumer advocate There are still openings for the Accident Prevention 767; Marge Reed, 755; Olive Houghtaling. 751; Elaine cook seafood," young Turkington said. taste. Add oysters and buttery broth and stir over low The clinic will be in the Community Room, 211-215 Mike Boguslawski of WTNH Channel 8 News, will be Course for Mature Drivers slated for April 23 and 24. Toros, 735; Helena Gavella, 734; Carl Popple, 733; heat for two minutes and serve. Garnish with paprika N. Main St. our guest speaker here at the center beginning at 12; 45 The fee for the course is $10. Individuals must be at Sam Schors, 732. BOB KIRSCHBAUM, the chef on his tug boat, is not and oyster crackers. On April 16 from 12; 15 to 1; 15 there will be a speaker p.m. on Thursday, April 12. least 62 years of age and residents of Manchester. The your run-of-the-mill cook. He's a master chef and had on "Blood Pressure and Exercise, at the Senior I am sure many of you know Mike who emphatically course is state approved. Individuals completing the worked for many famous restaurants before taking to Citizen Center, 549 E. Middle Turnpike, in the nurse's states "I'm in your com er." Mike has quite an course will receive a 5 percent reduction in their the sea. He finds his present job much more Baked Stuffed Clams office. extensive background in Consumer Affairs which insurance premiums as- mandated by State Law. If HOME rewarding. 5 quarts fresh quahog clams includes working for the State of Connecticut interested, please stop by the front office or fill out a Turkington said they eat very well — and no Consumer Protection Agency. Individuals with short registration form. DELIVERY wonder. The chef is allowed $400 a week to feed the six Vt pound butter Call j y - 1 sleeve Ritz crackers Bake sale at church consumer complaints are reminded to have them in Don't forget, the Hypertension Program, sponsored deck hands. writing so that they can be presented to Mike after the by the Health Department, is having its second 2 cloves garlic, minced St. John's Polish National Catholic Church, 23 "The recipe I have for clam sauce was reluctantly presentation. presentation this Monday entitled, "Medical Use and • 4 7 - 0 9 4 7 Salt Golway St., will sponsor a bake sale Saturday from 9 given to me by this chef," Turkington said. Misuse." The guest speaker is Henry Seltzer, a retired Pepper a.m. to 2 p.m., at the church. 3hf "When he serves his clam sauce with fresh linguini, DON’T FORGET, that on April 26. Mayor Barbara pharmacist. it makes for a much better day on the boat," Horseradish to taste ^ n o.. Along with homemade foods, some Easter crafts Steam the quahogs and remove from shell. ™ t Weinberg will be here at the center for a presentation Individuals who attend the exercise class under the Turkington added. will also be on sale. through food grinder. Melt butter and mix with it the There's also a trick he has for cooking fresh S.'S,'-. chopped clams, garlic, crushed crackers, salt and mackerel — which he said tends to be oily. This he learned from a cook on a French fishing boat in • O ' pepper and horseradish. Refill the cleaned clam It’s a CAOP walk Canada. " I f you split the mackerel down the back, Herald photo by Richmond shells with the mixture and broil until lightly browned More than 100 persons have already signed up to instead of down the belly, the oil will come off the meat on top. This will make about 2'A to 3 dozen clams. walk for CROP, the Clommunity Hunger Appeal of a lot better," he explained. Sam Turkington spoons out a bowl of seafood meal, baked stuffed clams are Garnish with fresh lemon. Church World Service, according to recruitment The fish should be cleaned and the backbone and tail nearby. his favorite oyster stew. To add to the chairman Denise Volkert. should be removed. He serves this with a sauce of Kirschbaum’s Clam Sauce The walk is set for Sunday at 1; 30 p.m. butter and lemon. For four fish, you should use a better. The other kinds just don't work right," he moisture from the clams will make it stick. Coat the Among those taking part will be Doris Leventhal, sn■is1(l9trvl2mKllto2.B! END-»th-12th R«$2.S9 LB.) Cod Steaks —■ * “ ** LsrgsErwl / 0 9 The Art of the Month winners of the March meeting FRESH CUT Cookbook review FROZEN’ 100% ALL BEEF Sirloin Tip Roasts lb L Oven Ready Rib Roasts 71b 18tb Ribs lb. ^ were: Irene Roy, with her oil painting on display at BEEF BRISKET-UNTnMWEO-WHOLE 6*12 LBS •dAO BEEFRIB-FORWERLYOELMOtoCO-BONELESS 499 or Scrod Fillet Mary Cheney Library; William March's oil painting Fresh Boneless Brisket lb P’ Rib Eye Steaks ___ FRESH CUT at First Federal Savings; Peggy Vaughn's oil Colonial Meat Bologna Lenten Si':il'oo(l Shop Haddock Fillet painting at Marvins Paint and Art Supply Store; and IHtSHflSHAVAIlAHll WIDNfSDAY SATUHOAV INSII* MHVe'l HSMOfCA FMSHCUT EXTRA MN.0 Book reveals ways to eat lightly and elegantly, too * COD OR SCROD RLLETS 2.79 LB. * FLOUNDER FILLET 3.99 LB. Flounder Fillet Penny Sloan's alkyds painting a t' E.A. Johnson Cokmial Franks Paints. FRESH CAUGHT By Barbara Richmond add oil and allow to heat at medium high (325 degrees) FLAVOR SEAL-SMOKEO-BEEF Fresh 199 Fresh Norwegian Salmon Herald Reporter Fresh Broccoli Salad for 2 minutes. Add mushrooms, onion and garlic; Hillshire God Steaks in m X Haddock Fillet LAROE-31 TO 35 COUNT SIZE-SHELL ON stir-fry 3 minutes. Add spinach and lemon juice FROZEN-6PACK ^ a €k FROZEN /to . rtoOQ 1V« pound bunch fresh broccoli Church supper planned Fancy Shrimp mixture; stir-fry an additional 3 minutes or until Polska Kielbasa Sau Sea Shrimp (Cocktail 3 2 Who isn't diet-conscious or nutrition-conscious 4 green onions, sliced Matbw StulTed Clams 'ii>T P ’ spinach is wilted. Yields 4 servings at about 62 C OVENTRY — First Congregational Church of these days? But who doesn't like delicious and 3 hard-cooked eggs, chopped riu- l ):iir\ J calories per serving. Coventry will have a roast beef supper Saturday from I hc I rct'/i'r j attractive food? You'll find recipes and menus to 2 medium carrots, grated 5 to 6:30 p.m. in the church vestry on Main Street. satisfy all of these needs in the new cookbook, 'A cup reduced-calorie mayonnaise The public is invited. The charge is $4 for adults; Minute Maid California FAR8» Blue Bouuel "Cooking Light," put out by Southern Living Vi cup grated Parmesan cheese Peppery Pea Soup $3.50 for senior citizens; and $1.25 for children. Magazine. 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard Orange Juice Iceberg lA'ttuce lVIarj»ariue The book sells for $14.95. It's published by Oxmoor 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 quart water REDUCED ACID tO OZ REGULAR OR WITH PULP LARGE-2A SIZE HEADS House Inc., book division of Southern Living and is ■A teaspoon salad seasoning 4 chicken-flavor houillon cubes Mrs. Weiss to speak Red or Black Grapes I available at book stores. 2 (16-ounce) packages frozen peas and carrots PLUIMP « JUICY Vt teaspoon pepper "Nutrition — Hot Fiction vs. Cold Facts" will be the This cookbook not only contains hundreds of JA cup minced onion topic of a talk to be given by Gloria Weiss, April 19 at recipes, but menu plans and suggestions. It also has Vt teaspoon celery seeds Trim ott large leaves of broccoli. Remove tough 7; 30 p.m. at the Educational Community, 645 Birch calorie and nutrition charts and general dieting and ■A teaspoon pepper 5 9 ends of lower stalks and wash broccoli thoroughly; Mountain Road. 5 9 exercise tips. Green onion strips chop coarsely. Add onions, eggs and carrots to Mrs. Weiss, a registered dietitian, will include WHITE OR YELLOW Spices and herbs are used to iiven up the recipes, in Thin carrot strips broccoli and toss. Combine remaining ingredients in a RED RIPE SALAD SIZE FIRM-WESTERN GROWN lieu of using high calorie and high-sodium ingredients. Bring water to a boil; add bouillon cubes, stirring to information about food additives in her presentation. 22toi 1 19 Dorman’s American p small bowl; pour over broccoli mixture and toss The program is open to the public. For more Turnovers Family Pack Tomatc pkg 1 Jumbo Anjou Pears ,bS9' dissolve. Add next 4 ingredients; cover, reduce heat HEATANOSERVE — -«oo Besides many attractive color photos, the book also gently. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Yields 12 FRESH CRISP IMPORTEO-CRISP JUKY S in g l^ X. information call 646-0711. SIMLL OR LARGE CURD contains a lot of interesting line art. There are servings at about 75 calories per two-thirds cup. and simmer for 8 to 10 minutes. Pour soup mixture La Pizzeria Deluxe Pizza ' iT Fscarole or Chicory ,b49' Granny Smith Apples ,b79' HOOO-ALL FLAVORS -g -i a SUGAR SWEET Axelrod Cottage Cheese cont. 99^ appealing menus for breakfasts, brunches, lunches, Keeps well in refrigerator for 3 or 4 days. into container of an electric blender and process until FLORtOA-emSP-TENDER and dinners to save the cook from trying to make smooth. Serve immediately. Garnish with green Niiform Ice Milk "cT P ’ Pascal Cx’lery ,..6 9 ' Red Ripe Watermelon ,b39' IM S PURE meals tempting as well as light. onion and carrot strips. Yields 7 cups at about 78 A U VARCTtES . ^ r b r SWEET-MN.Q-HOT CANTALOUPE-HONEYOEW-WATERMELON PIECES Minute Maid Orange Juice r ’ AARP to meet HOOD rfWSjv Pancakes are included in the cooking light calores per cup. L^der^s Bagelettes ’iT 79 Variety Peppers ,b99' Extra Fancy Melon Trays ,b79' The Manchester Green AARP 2399 will meet BLUEBERRVJIAtSMORAPFLESCINNAMON U S NO 1 -2 • MmiMUM-HcMTOSH OR Nufoim Gittage Cheese coni 99^ category, provided they aren't topped with high- Stir-fry spinach and mushrooms FLORIDA "B " SIZE ' ’ Thursday at 1:30 p.m. at the Community Baptist Aunt Jemima Waffles 7 9 ' QUARTERS-SALTED OR UNSALTED-1 -LB PRO calorie syrups. Red Salad Potatoes Red Delicious Apples 3 i . l ” 1 pound fresh spinach Ovdn-Fried Sesame Chicken Church, East Center Street. A representative from COO ALMOOINC,tWEaSH MEATBALLS OR SEAFOOD NEWBURO. Land O ’Lakes Country Blend P For those cooking just for two, there are several 1 tablespoon lemon juice Armour Dinner Claries River East Homemakers-Home Health Aid Service I r (irc’iii lV ia‘ (iniciT\ Speciiils menus designed for them also. The book tells how one CMPWICH King French Onion Dip 1 1 teaspoon sugar 3 tablespoons sesame seeds and Meals-on-Wheels will speak. i/>09 can add wine to make interesting dishes because the ■A teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour Ice Cream Cookie FOR BETTER HEALTH alcohol evaporates during cooking. The book says to Dash of ground nutmeg Vi teaspoon pepper WELCH'S 2 % avoid cooking wines if you're watching your sodium Vegetable cooking spray 4 chicken breast halves, skinned Grape Juice Bar REGULAR OR CRMRLE CUT IVlueller’s Crisco intake since they usually contains salt. 2 teaspoons peanut or vegetable oil 2 tablespoons soy sauce Lowfat Milk *;ilir P A&P FreiiA Fries bog i t For those who use microwave ovens, there are 1 cup sliced fresh mushrooms 2 tablespoons reduced-calorie margarine, melted 2 tablespoons skim milk Menus Spaj^hetti Oil several special recipes to use. Recipes for soups, 1 onion, chopped Combine sesame seeds, flour and pepper, dip THIN SPAGHETTI ELBOWS OR VERMICELLI n FOR SALADS OR COOKING I tablespoon honey <1JI6J It J it3 salads, vegetable dishes, desserts, fish and meat and 1 clove garlic, minced chicken pieces into soy sauce; dredge in sesame s e ^ Lime slices, optional poultry, homemade jam s and relishes and sauces — Remove stems from spinach. Wash leaves mixture. Arrange chicken, bone side down, in a large Peel and section orange; remove membranes and Senior citizen Camr)bell’s WE GLADLY REDEEM all can be on your diet and you can stiil "cook light." shallow baking dish; drizzle margarine over chicken. r thoroughly in lukewanp water; set aside. Combine seeds. Cut each section in half crosswise. Combine 749 The following lunches will be served at Mayfair X J 48-07 ALLU.S.D.A. This cookbook will not disappoint you. Following is lemon juice, sugar, salt and nutmeg and mix and set Bake at 400 degrees for 40 to 45 minues or until chicken fruit and lemon juice; toss. Combine cottage cheese, Ve<^»etar)le Soup Gardens and Westhill Gardens the week of April 16 hii FOOD STAMPS just a sampling of some of the recipes; aside. Coat a wok or large skillet with cooking spray; is tender. Yields 4 servings at about 221 calories per milk and honey in container of an electric blender; OR VEGETARIAN VEGETABLE 1 2 *1 serving. through 20, to Manchester residents who are 60 or r process at medium speed until smooth. To serve, WE WATCH OUR older: ^1 SEM SWEET spoon fruit into individual serving dishes; divide Monday: Apple juice, veal cacciatore, steamed m WhotoKumM P ’ s & Q ’s cottage cheese mixture evenly over fruit. Garnish OtomSlyto QuIche-llke dish works wonders ifKMR i Nestle Chocolate 179 Niblets: Com 17-01. Fruit with Honey Cream rice, zucchini squash, chilled pears. y lO '.-o / with lime slices, if desired. Yields 6 servings at about lovpid FruncbSlyli RMdyCul i| J l o It J l o ItJ It J It J 1 large orange Tuesday: Meatloaf with brown gravy, mashed Morsels G )m : 2 „ ^ 89 ' Bv Alleen Claire I'A teaspoon Worcester­ . 79 calories per serving. Ofwn Boons IBot. Ham-Cheddar shell. Mix together soup, potato casserole, broccoli cuts, chocolate pudding, READY TO EAT CEREAL _ ALL VARIETIES NEA Food Editor shire sauce 1 cup unpeeled, chopped apple SOFTENS HANDS Worcestershire sauce, wheat bread. mEXTRA AB80RMANT-24CT.PRa ^ 6 9 Pie 2 eggs 1 cup nnpeelcd, chopped pear Kellogg’s 40% 139 Kellogg’s This easy-to-make dish eggs, ihilk and season­ Wednesday: Vegetable juice cocktail, roast leg of Pampers Disposable Diapers 3 10VY-OX. Palmolive 1 graham cracker ready Vt cup milk 1 tablespoon lemon juice 12-oz. is a variation of the ings; pour into shell. Bake lamb, gravy, mint jelly, peas with pearl onions, whole BranFMes Pop Tarts pkg. 89* bll. pie crust 1 teaspoon dried parsley Vt cup low-fat cottage cheese I li .dill \ lU'.uiU \i(K RED OR WHITE -g j n OCERPARK Dish Detergent 6 9 * quiche. at 400 degrees for 35 to 40 baby carrots, dinner roll, Boston cream dessert cup. (A cup ham bits flakes .md (icmi.d McKtundisi Welch’s Grape Juice ‘S?* r ’ SINGLE PLY-240DCT. A ham-cheddar pie is a minutes. This kitchen- Thursday: Homestyle soup, macaroni and cheese, Spring Water 1 can Cheddar cheese Dash cayenne BUY ONE GET ONE FREE won's tfWKz' EARLY CALMORMA good way to make use of tested recipe makes one tossed salad with dressing, wheat bread, stewed A & P White soup Place ham bits in pie Ciamato Juke '^ 9 9 ^ Stiifii^ Olives leftovers. 9-inch pie. A division of Enhance Shampoo^ 179 Carpet Factory Outlets prunes. ALL VARIETIES MOUNTAIN GROWN Bath Tissue S z r EVERY Friday: Good Friday, no lunches served. &G)nditioner PERSONAL SIZE 139 Folger’s Ivory DAY! B ^ ot Aspirin 1” Spaghetti !^uce ’m?' X Flaked Coffee 'S Meals on Wheels MON. OR WATER-SOLID WHITE . « a a VUSIC Soap » . 7 9 * Not Just Special White Rain Hair Spray 'S ' 1” WE'VE GOT IT Sale Days. The following meals will be served to Meals on Bumble Bee Tuna l'’’ Sweet Gherkins Pickles Reserve Your Ring... VLASIC ^ t o FRANCO AMEfBCAN PassouT Specials Wheels clients the week of April 16 through 20. No MaxithLis Panty Shields ^ 2"* Sweet Mix Pickles ’5^* F ’ meals will be served on Good Friday. The hot noon SHEER TO WAIST-FA8HKM COLORS .g g g Beef Gravy REGULAR OR BUTTER /toCQ GRAPE JAM OR FOR YOU AT THE BARDON meal is listed first and the cold evening meal, second: No Nonsense Panty Hose jg l I20Z. LOOSE CANS Crisco Sh^emng cn 2 Welch’s Grape Jelly Ncluida / 1 4 9 Monday: Beef stew with biscuit, green beans or Hearing Aids For Mother’s Day Miller High Life Beer REGULAR OR AUTOMATIC Israeli Mal/os "■T w o n 647-1437 broccoli or cauliflower, tossed salad, apple sauce; 12-OZ. LOOSE BOTTLES . Pepsi Cola or Pepsi Free o» hi 1 IVIaxwell House Coffee C^Id turkey sandwich, fresh orange, milk. "BEAN "CUSTOMGROUND ' /to^O ALL FLAVORS i t S«rvkat, Inc. Ltk aO u b B ^ |- nu M ;ll/os ADULT FITNESS ‘Tuesday: Beef Roulards, squash, rice pilaf, tossed Eight O ’clock Coffee 2 " Jell-O Gelatin 4«4 EASf CENTER STRER salad, cake; Ham sandwich, banana, milk. NABISCO to 70 SUNSHNE-UNSALTEO OR SALTED Aerobic Body Workout—Body Design ( ii lllli' I isli lUNCHESTER, a . $ 7 9 9 5 Wednesday: Turkey diOan, whipped potato, beets, Chips Ahoy Cookies tni 1 Krispy Crackers Jazz Dance—Fitness for Teachers NOBALTORKRBNUV toAO CLUB SODA. TOM COLLMS. SELTZER OR T O . M 7.R082 tossed salad, pudding; Bologna and cheese sandwich, State Line Potato Chips i», 1 Canada Dry Ginger Ako! Sniip Niils Hatha Yoga-Prenatai Exercise—Tennis fruit cocktail, milk. 1st 4 Stones FREE Hiursday: Pot roast of beef, baked potato, Mexican com,, tossed salad, pudding; Egg salad sandwich, •Free Audomelrle Ksarlng Teste. ImporlMl French Brie » 2” Bar-B-Qued Chickens ValtaHa Imported Danish Ham . 2 " ADULT SKILLS •Home or Otilee Appointmtets. peaches, milk. Cabot's Vermont Cheddar . 2 ” Baked Macaroni & Cheese Carando Hard Salami . 2” Basket weaving-Cake Decorating •Repairs on All M«m of A m . Friday: Good Friday, no meals served. Nibbkrs Herb&Garic Cheese Spread . 2 ” llalan Style Meatbalk Dog Obedience-Intro to Computers •Batt<^lee (MaH-Oiil Servlcee). •Custom EarmoMe. Schools on vacation Sardano Pecorimt Romano Oieese. 3 ” Tuna Noodle Casserole •10% Senior Cttisen Discount fuep illt CAWPIT WE RESERVE THE RIQMT TO LIMIT BALES ANO TO '’ ORRECT TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS CarandoNOT AVAILABLE Genoa TO Salami WHOLESALE OR RETAIL .2OCALBIB. * * H W a iF F e C T W rA P M bTHTHMJAPIIILIbTN. I W I I SPECIAL EVENTS A WORKSHOPS All Manchester, Bolton, Andover, Coventry and Oer Frsfswisweh Went to iM p Tad wHIi Hebron spools will be closed for the Easter vacation Fresh Neptune Salad . 3 ” aU ^O R T GROUPS A INTEREST GROUPS Year Nserinp PreUsM, 3B8 nnOAO STR UT, MANCHRSTtR TM M alntL the week of April 16 through 20. K X CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES Open Mon. thru Fri. 9;30 to 5«Sal. 9;30 to 1;00 2 door* from Manehetler AAA MB>919B Caldor Shopping Plaza Burr Corners, Manchester Mu aiMni SUN. 12-B a SAT. IM^NEEKSAVS I M 2S Mwan yard, mlnlmuinlnMIWIon and r«N.|loor.riMmMcli/Uak«/ I CiABses begin the week of April 23 CUP mauiaatra. Rama. • graaano)mcludad. Mn. financing uao.aa HOURS: MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 8:00 A.M. TO 12:00 P.M.; llhb Ad i • fU Tmit iMahU A thought for the day: writer Washington Irving s ^ , “ A sharp tongue is the only edged tool that grows SATURDAY 8:00 A. M. TO 10:00 P.M.; SUNDAY 9:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. ligsnrr with constant use." MANCHb:STKK IlKHALU, Wetlm-sduv, April li. 1>IH4 17 16 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, April 11, 1984 New England Recipes Advice > • -'■1 Daughter who was abused Irish chef says there’s more to it than boiled cabbage By United Press International better than hers.” Sweeney says the key to lorms a loose mixture, not tight. Knead on a floured Irish stew board for 2-3 minutes, but be careful not to overwork. eliminating the grease is to cook everything V/t pounds of lamb meat, diced St. Patrick’s Day is over, and the Irish, and those, sepaTately instead of in one big pot. Everything tastes Grease a round 8- inch cake tin and put bread in pan. Pul a cross on the top, cook at 375 degrees for 45 to 60 Boiling onions fears her father’s revenge who want to be, have finished their Guinness Stout and better and is healthier too. Carrots boiled dinners. But there’s more to Irish cooking than minutes. DEAR ABBY: I am $n Potatoes ,cd3bage and potatoes. DEAR ABBY: I am a inmate in a federal prison, Beef stock Phil “ Mother” Sweeney, dwner and chef at The 21-year-old. mother of presently serving two life Oregano Black Rose, a popular Irish eatery in Boston, says Irish soda bread three. My father started sentences for bank Colcannon Basil home cooks can whip up some real Irish dishes in their to abuse me sexually robbery and murder, (two 5 cups sifted unbleached flour Salt, pepper, garlic salt and flour onfn kitchens, and offer variety and great taste. 1 head of cabbage when I was 8, and he kept unrelated crimes). 2 teaspoons baking soda Put lamb in an oven roaster. Sprinkle with oregano D e a r A b b y Sweeney has been cooking Irish recipes for more 2 or 3 potatoes on until I was 14.1 finally I am an artist, I write 2 teaspoons baking powder basil, salt, pepper and garlie salt . Cover with foil and than lo years and got most from his mother, which is 2 small leeks couldn't take it anymore, poetry and prose, and I’m 6-7 teaspoons sugar cook for 20 minutes at 350 degrees. Take oul of oven, Abigail Van Buren hdw he got his nickname. 1 cup cream or milk so I went to the police and also an ”A " student in 4-5 teaspoons butter the meal will not be fully cooked, and skim ofl any fat His recipe for Irish stew is different from others and my father was sent to college correspondence pinch of salt from meat juice. Take a little flour and mix it with the he says, “ I sort of developed it myself. My mother Vi cup of raisins optional prison for five years. Cook cabbage and leeks in separate pots and drain. juice to make it thick. Add cooked vegetables to the courses. u6ed to make a real greasy stew and one day I told her Now that he’s out, he I ha ve no fam ily to write 2-3 cups of buttermilk lamb, also'add beef stock mixed with water to make a it was too greasy and she said, 'Well, if you think you Cook the potatoes separately and then mash. Add wants to see me. He wrote to. Could you please tell leeks and milk to mashed potatoes, and then add stock and add it to the roasting pan. Cover the entire can make it better, you do it.’ So I did.” Mix all the ingredients together and add raisins if a letter saying that every­ me how to get pen pals? mixture with tin foil and cook for one hour. DEAR ABBY: Four ?‘Even now," he says, “ she admits mine tastes desired. Start adding milk to dry ingredients until it chopped cabbage. thing that happened was DEAR SCARED: Un­ weeks after our fifth child NO. 23536 my fault, but now he’s fortunately, the district was born, my husband changed. I wrote back and attorney is correct. You had a vasectomy. Intel­ DEAR NO. 23536: Your Supermarket Shopper told him that everything may feel threatened, but lectually I know it was the prison chaplain can give Births that happened was not my unless your father actu­ right thing to do, but I you the names of organi­ fault, it was his fault ally threatens you, there found myself crying in the zations that provide that Connors, Richard Mora, Jennifer Anne, Hartford. Her paternal maternal grandparents Sehupack Schilberg ol .'18 because an 8-year-old girl is nothing you can do. doctor’s waiting room service. Ask him. doesn't know enough You may be overreact­ Coupon counters Andrew, son of Mark and daughter of Richard B. grandparents are Mr. and are Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Patriot Lane, was born while my husband was and Elizabeth A. Vaiciulis Mrs. William W. R. Gerlach of 1531 N. March 28 at Manchester about life to throw herself ing. If your father really (If you put off writing Barbara Scofield Connors having his vasectomy. Mora of 200 Forge Road, Livengood of 43 Oliver River Road, Coventry. Memorial Hospital. His at a man — especially her wanted to get revenge, he your thank-you notes be­ of 631 N. Main St., was Coventry, was born Road. She has two H i s paternal maternal grandparents own father. I also told him wouldn’t have written to The doctor carefully cause you don’t know how born March 18 at March 15 at Manchester brothers. William IV, 4, grandparents are Mr, and are Anne and Edward he was not welcome here say that he wanted to see explained to me that my to phrase them, get Ab- find records set Manchester Memorial Memorial Hospital. Her and Curtis, 2. ^ Mrs. Lawrence T. Sehupack of Wiliimanlie. and I never wanted to see you; he would have vi­ husband might expe­ by’s booklet, "How to Hospital. His maternal maternal grandparents Levesque, Kevin David, Levesque of 3757 South H i s paternal him again. sited by now. rience some possible emo­ Write Letters foi* All Oc­ grandparents are Robert By Martin Sioane magazine, "The National Write to me in care of this are Frank and Anne son of David Kevin and St., Coventry, He has a grandparents are Abby, he knows where 1 If you can possibly tional reactions to this casions." Send $2 and a and Arline Scofield of United Feature Supermarket Shopper." newspaper. Vaiciulis of 527 Lesa Duclos Levesque of sister, Amberlee Marie, Benjamin and Joyce live and I'm afraid he will afford a telephone, get,ohe kind of surgery. But, long, stamped (37 cents), Meriden. His paternal Syndicate Woodbridge St. Her 16 Proctor Road, was born 18 months. Schilberg ol Willimanlic. come after me for re­ so that you can call for Abby, is it usual for a wife self-addressed envelope grandparents are Joseph paternal grandparents Mach 20 at Manchester Schilberg, Bryan Lee, He has a brother. David venge. I have no phone, help in case of an emer­ to cry in the doctor’s to Abby, Letter Booklet, and Mary Connors of 275 The results are in, and are John and Nellie Mora Memorial Hospital. His son of Bernard and Beth Brent, 2'/2. and if he ever came here gency. If you live alone waiting room while her P O. Box 38923, Holly­ Clip ‘n’ file refunds Lake St. Herald photo by Pinto A.C. Nielsen Co., the of 330 Hackmatack St. She and broke into my house. with your children, con­ husband is having a wood, Calif. 90038.) Russo, David Martin, people who do most of the Beverages (F ile No. 8) has a brother, Brian Scott. I'd be helpless. He’s a sider getting a boarder. A vasectomy? son of Gil and Carolyn Maglianese members convene mean and violent man. dog would also offer pro­ coupon counting, have Anson Russo of 210 Henry 4. Mansfield’s I went to the district tection. You might want to EMOTIONALLY announced that 1983 was Clip out this file and keep it with similar St., was born March 14 at Eaton, Andrew to the Manchester area years ago expect Members of Manchester’s Maglianese attorney and told him my take a course in seif- YOURS ONE OF THE oood habits another record-breaking cash-off coupons — beverage refund offers with Manchester Memorial Hamilton, son of Charles HOIIDAY HIIL Society met recently to discuss plans for to attend. Discussing plans are (from story, and he said there defense. thrifty people hove deve­ year for both coupon beverage coupons, for example. Start collecting Hospital. His maternal Hastings and Lisa loped is daily reading of distribution and redemp­ the needed proofs of purchase while looking for Recreation Center, Inc. the group’s 50th reunion May 20 at the left) Anthony Agostinelli, Romalo Pa­ was nothing he could do If there’s a women’s DEAR YOURS: Not as grandparents are Norval Zimmer Eaton II. of unless my father made group in your area, or a usual as it is for a wife to the ads In classified. tion. Coupon distribution the required forms at the supermarket, in Anson of Ronkonkoma, Hebron, was born March Mansfield Center VFW Hall in Glastonbury. Some 23 gan!, past president, and Balilia Pagani, That’s where they find the first move. family crisis-intervention cry in the doctor’s waiting skyrocketed an amazing newspapers and magazines, and when trading N.Y. and June Lockhart of 15 a t Manchester Eastern Connecticut’s value buys. members of the Italian village who came president. What should I do? group, appeal to it for room fearing she's preg­ L8.6 percent to 142.9 bil­ with friends. Offers may not be available in all Kissimmee, Fla. His Memorial Hospital. His Largest Private SCARED STIFF help. nant (again.) lion, up from 119.5 billion areas of the country. Allow 10 weeks to receive paternal grandmother is maternal grandparents in 1982. each refund. Rosa Russo of New York are Mr. and Mrs. Edward What were all these The following refund offers are worth $46,70, City. He has a brother, Zimmer of Fairfield. His coupons worth to super­ This week’s refund offers have a total value of Jason Paul, 4. paternal grandparents College Notes market shoppers? A lot of $54.45. are Mr. and Mrs. CAMP What’s relationship between Pinto, Steven Charles, money! Nielsen estimates This offer Joes not require a refund form: son of Barry and Jeanne Hamilton Eaton of Storrs. An established camp program for children ages3'/i-13on 20 beauti­ On honor roll that we coupon clippers CRYSTAL LIGHT DRINK MIX, General Foods LaRose Pinto of H e has a brother, ful acres with a full range of activities, including all sports, swim­ Named fo Who’s Who received a total of $1.69 Corp., Box 3787, Kankakee, IL 60902. Receive a Ellington, was born Nathaniel Charles. 2. ming instruction, crafts, creative dramatics and pioneering. Michael R. Woodhouse, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bob Bridgeman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert billion at the checkout free 1-quart Crystal Light Drink Mix, a 20-page March 15 at Manchester Leonowicz, S te v e n vasectomy and impotence? counter in return for our “ Crystal Light Guide to Total Fitness.” plus a 30 James, son of Robert COMPUTER TRAINING C. Woodhouse of Manchester, has been named to the Bridgeman of Manchester, a sophomore at Northeast­ Memorial Hospital. His high honor roll for the winter term at Cardigan ern Christian Junior College, has been named to coupons. cents-off coupon. No proof-of-purchase is neces­ maternal grandparents James and Dorothy Jean In Basic, LOGO, Qnphica, Music and Sound generation. P o r. coupon clippers sary, just send a post card with your request and Stratton Leonowicz of 91B Mountain School in New Hampshire. "Who's Who among Students in American Junior vosa, and I’m really wor­ a r e Raymond and Call 423-1375 for brochure. DEAR DR. LAMB: I’d around the nation, the your name, address and ZIP code clearly printed. Sycamore Lane, was born Colleges. " ried. I’ve been vomiting Veronica LaRose of Glens We have two school buses serving Manchester, Vernon and So. Windsor. like your opinion on arti­ Nielsen announcement This offer expires June 30,1984. There is a limit of March 17 at Manchester An honor student, he serves as president of the food now for the past year. Falls and Huntington, Tw o residents honored cles that say a vasectomy ' brought additional good one per family. Memorial Hospital. His Student Government Association and was recently I eat everything in sight, N.Y. His paternal may be linked to impo­ news. The average value These offers require refund forms; maternal grandparents Two local students have received ; honors for the selected by fellow students as Bachelor of NCJC. He is then vomit. It’s really grandparents are Charles tence. I ’m 56 and have Your Health of a coupon distributed in BRIM Coupon Refund Offer, General Foods are Mr. and Mrs. William fall term at Skidmore College. They are; Todd J. a 1979 graduate of Manchester High School. awful. I’ve tried other and Anne Pinto of 72 White some difficulty with erec­ ' 1983 was 27 cents. But, Corp. Receive three 50-cent coupons good on LeRoy Stratton of 40 Niles I get a lot of satisfaction in Korbusieski, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond ways to lose weight, but St. He has a brother, Korbusieski of 182 Timrod Road and David A. tions. I had a vasectomy more interestingly, the Brim Ground Decaffeinated Coffee. Send the Drive, His paternal Lawrence Lamb, M.O. they don’t work. I want to Barry, 3. Stepper, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin R. Stepper of 69 Named to Tufts list in 1957 and had no prob­ qverage value of a coupon required refund form and two proofs of purchase grandparents are Mr. and' be skinny, but not Jones, Daniel Scott, son saving Atlas customers on Richmond Drive. lems until a few years ' redeemed at the checkout (a 2-inch square cut from the plastic lid of any Mrs’. John Leonowicz of 45 Melissa G. Donaqhue of 21 Scarborough Road and scrawny. And I don’t want ol Dale T. and Katheen Korbusieski is in (he of 1985 and Stepper in the ago. counter was 30.5 cents, Brim Ground Decaffeinated Coffee), Expires High St. Lisa S. Gussak of 97 Wyndeing Hill Road, both to lose vitamins. Once last Olivera Jones of Hebron, fuel consumption and on class of 1987. Stepper received highest honors. Last year I was put on which shows that May 31. 1984. was born March 18 at Livengood, Carlene students at Tufts University, have been named to the year I practically starved Inderal — 20 milligrams shoppers are far more M AXIM , General Foods Corp. Receive two Manchester Memorial Michele, daughter of dean's list. myself for two months, four times a day — for likely to redeem higher 50-cent coupons good for Maxim 100 Percent Hospital. His maternal William W. and Linda their fuel bills Goodwin on dean’s list blockage of a small artery subjects, to support the cines can cause impo­ but didn’t lose any weight. value coupons. Freeze D r i^ Coffee. Send the required refund grandparents are Bob and Rancourt Livengood III of conclusion that a vasec­ tence. Vour^ dose isn’t I’m only 14 and I'd like Dennis Goodwin of 70 Geraldine Drive, Coventry, Listed at Drew University in the heart. The Nielsen report re- form and the inner seals from two 8-ounce jars of Jane Olivera of 60 Lenox Colchester, was born tomy can or does cause large, but you should to know how this is hurting was named to the dean’s list of the University of Could the impotence be ' veals that the percentage Maxim IOC Percent Freeze Dried Coffee. Expires S t . H is paternal March 16 at Manchester My first task, as an Atlas representative, Amy Huggans, of West Middle Turnpike and Mark impotence. discuss it with your doc­ my body. Do you think I Hartford for the first semester of this academic year. from the medicine or from ' of coupons redeemed Aug. 31, 1986. grandparents arc Lloyd Memorial Hospital. Her Kennedy of Stonehouse Road, Coventry, have been It was interesting be­ tor. He might want to try shouid get professional is offering total service to all of our cus­ the vasectomy? ; edged upwards in 1983 to MAXWELL HOUSE Percolator Offer. Receive and Alvena Jones of South maternal grandparents named to the dean's list for the fall semester at Drew cause about one-third of you on a d iffe r e n t help from a psychiatrist tomers. Our energy efficiency test, I haven’t discussed my ' 3.9 percent of the total a free 30-cup West Bend percolator and collection Windsor. He has a sister, are Mr. and Mrs. Renald On dean’s list University. the smail group of impo­ medicipe. or will I outgrow it? impotence with my doctor distributed. This figure is box for proofs of purchase. Send the required Tammy Lee, 7. Rancourt of East which is offered to everyone at no Kennedy is a junior and Miss Huggans is a There are many factors William Szarek of 6 Evergreen Road has been or a urologist. My wife is tent men studied had had up from 3.7 percent in refund form and ISO proofs of purchase from cans cost or obligation, is just one way I freshman. named to the dean’s list at Norwich University's 32. I’m eagerly awaiting vasectomies as many as that can cause impotence. DEAR READER: Your 1982. In 1983, a total of 5.56 or bags of Maxwell House Coffee. The proof of •I It deserves a careful PIBU can do a better job. Atlas believes in Military College of Vermont for the fall semester. your response. 20 years earlier. In a obsession with thinness is billion coupons were re­ purchase is the Universal Product Code symbol medical evaluation as out­ a long-term relationship with home- He is a member of the class of 1985. Miss Levy on dean’s list group of clinical patients disturbing. You’re des­ deemed, compared to 4.48 and the GF logo from any Maxwell House bag or FREE!! DEAR READER: The without impotence, only lined in the Health Letter cribing what has become ' billion in 1982. 2-inch square from a plastic lid of any size can of owners. That's been proven over the Marla B. Levy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joel Levy traditional thinking is that 10 percent had had 18-6, Help for Impotence, known as bulimia. Is there an end in sight? Maxwell House Coffee. Send the required refund BLOOD 88 years of service that Atlas has Named editor-in-chief of Manchester, has been named to the dean’s list for a vasectomy has no influ-' vasectomies. which I ’m sending you. Whether you vomit the th is is a question that form and a 3-by-5 card with the words delivered. If you have any questions, the fall semester at Simmons College. ence on a man’s ability to But the 30 impotent men Others who want this food you’ve eaten or don’t James P. Merisotis, son of Mr, and Mrs. Peter E. worries many couponers. “ Percolator Collection Box" printed on it, plus PRESSURE call me at Atlas Oil, I'm Bryan Gill and Ms. Levy, a junior with a double major in were sick. Four were issue can send 75 cents Merisotis of 156 Broad St., has been named have an erection or to eat it in the first place, it Relax. All indications are your name and address, to Maxwell House management and public relations, is secretary for the alcoholics. Another 16 had with a long, stamped, I'll do my best to help. editor-in-chief of the Bates Student for the 1984-85 enjoy sex. You may be has about the same effect. that coupon distribution Collection Box, P.O. Box 2412, 3 Stuart Dr., administrative management society and a represen­ high blood pressure and self-addressed envelope CLINIC school year. He will head a staff of more than 40 paid interested to know ’ that But the vomiters often Will continue to increase, Kankakee, IL 60902 for a free collection box. It is tative of the management committee. She is also a were on medication. You for it to me, in care of the employees of this weekly student newspaper. years ago a vasectomy don’t get as thin as the s p ec ia lly with the com­ suggested that these proofs of purchase be Taken by a atlas bantlq member of the communications committee and was sometimes per­ can’t draw any conclu­ Manchester Herald, P.O. starvation victims. ing of coupon dispensing collected by a club or organization. Expires Dec. Rcgistcrail Nurse luce oil president of her dorm. She is a graduate of formed to im prove a sions. A study with a Box 1551, Radio City Sta­ Yes, it would be an 31,1984. Receives scholarship computer terminals lo­ LIGOETT PNARMAC vallcu coal Manchester High School man’s sex drive. larger population of men tion, New York, N.Y. important step to get cated in supermarkets. ROSE’S Free Pouring Spout Offer. Receive a AT; atlas ail PARKADE HEALTH SHOPPE Cynthia A. Granato, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. The study you read without many illnesses 10019. professional counseling ' Some industry sources free pouring spout, plus $1 in coupons toward the needs to be done to resolve Jospeh Granato of 11 Delmont St.. has been selected to about is very preliminary from a psychiatrist. You predict that these new purchases of Rose’s Lime Juice. Send the TIME: EVERY THURSDAY 5 PM TO 9 PM 414 Tolland street • East Hartlord • 289 6435 649-4595 recive the Paul L. Jones Allied Health Scholarship and is neither large the issue. DEAR DR. LAMB: I need to understand your rtectronic wonders will required refund form and the front label from any Co-apontortd a% a COMMUNITY SERVICE by student volunteers think I ’m becoming a 555 East Middle Tpke • Manchester • 249-8611 684-5853^ Award in recognition of her distinguished adademic enough, nor dotes it in­ Inderal and many other obsession with excess l^sh coupon distribution size of Rose’s Lime Juice bottle. Expires Dec. 31, IIGGETT-PARKAOE PHARMACY PARKADE HEALTH 6 achievement in the Allied Health degree program at Brenda Johnson of 561 Bush Hill Road was one of 20 volve the right kind of high blood pressure medi­ victim of anorexia ner- thinness. above the 300 billion level 1984. AT THE PARKADE NUTRITION CENTER Manchester Community College and Hartford University of Connecticut Students of the Plant by 1990. Hospital. _ Science Department who volunteered their services • * Here’s a helpful shop­ THE TRIP DUNKIN' DONUTS IT’S WORTH THE TRIP DUNKIN^ She isis !a ^J982 i graduate of East Catholic High School. recently for Connecticut Florists Day in Windsor M ping tip from Esther Gib­ Locks. She created a floral basket. s H o w e m bons, Columbia, S.C.; CM EM Af ' “ Many companies are now asking for register Hortlard 10. 5:X,7:35,9:25.— Romancing MH.LI0NS0F Allisnsum Cissmo— Reop­ Manebeoter the Stone (P G ) 12:25, 2:40, tapes, with the purchase ens Thursday. U A Theaters East— Splash 4:50, 7:20, 9:40. price circled, as part of Public Records (P G ) 7:20, 9:35. — Romanc­ Z prii Cinema City — Baslleus - thene required proofs-of- Quortet 7:15, 9:30. — Expe­ ing the Stone (P G ) 7:X,9:40. Willimanlic rience Preferred._But Not — Hard to Hold (P G ) 7:15, * „ purchase for refund T W O W A Y S Jlllson Sauore Cinema — Warranty deeds Agnes M. Thompson, land Internal Revenue Ser­ Lis Pendens against Essential (P G ) 7:45, 9:45. — 9:X. Greystoke: The Legend ot Z ‘ offers. I make finding the \N0MEN Barney T. Peterman Sr. The Dresser (P G ) 7:30,9:50. Mansfield Tarzan, Lord of the Apes on Middlefield Street vice against property of David and Linda Gower. CInestudIo — To Be Or Not Translux College Twin — * • right tape a lot easier and to Olga I. Szabo, unit 20 (P G ) 7, 9:M. — Splash (P G ) $21,000 (based on convey­ Elsie Arcand, 9 Finger to Be (P G ) 7:30 with The Experience Preferred...But 7:10, 9:M. — YentI (P G ) 7, f ; also guard against cash- Wellsweep Condominium, ance ta x ). Lane, $33,047. Liens released Stuntman (R ) 9:35. Not Essential (R ) 7:15, 9. — 9:M. — Police Academy (R) ? ; ier errors by checking the Colonial — Reopens Fri­ The Big Chill (P G ) 7:15 with $56,900. Yankee Homes Inc. to Internal Revenue Ser­ 7:10,9:M. UP THE Town o f. Manchester day. Easy Rider (P G ) 9:15. Windsor • tape against my pur­ BRING HOME Kathleen M . Donahue to Crossen Builders Inc., 56 vice against property of releases lien against prop­ East Hartford Vernon Plaza — Broadway Oanny chases as soon as I unload T O SA V E Alan and Cathleen Currie, Joyce Lane, $25,000. Benjamin T. ^cruggs, Eastwood Pub A CInoma— CIno 1 A 2 — Tank (PG) 7, Rose (P G ) 7:15. erty of Manchester Mem­ Untolthfully Yours (PG) 9:10. — Unfaithfully Yours — saowtiAr;— * the groceries in my kit- 227 Valley View Road. P.O. Box 119, Buckland orial Hospital, 94 W. Mid­ 7:15. (PG) 7:20,9:X. I chen. Alongside the price $112,500. Quitclaim deeds Station, $2,389. dle Turnpike. Poor Richard’s Pub A CI­ (Most Hartford * of any item for which I Shirley L. Passeri to Valerie Wilbur, 'Bruce Eckart and Finard Inc. noma — Unfalthlully Yours Elm 1 A 2 — Tank (PG) 2, Need repairs around the MOSCOW ON FRANCESCO r ------C O U P O N — — — t

State of Connecticut re­ (P G ) 7:30, 9 :X . 4.x, 7, 9:20. — Unfaithfully home? Call an expert. * 1 believe there may be a 1 Milhol Limited Partner­ Beck and Daniel Guachi- against property of Ro­ leases lien against prop­ Showcaso CInemos — Y a u rs (P G )2 ,4 :X , 7:15,9:15. You'll find the help you THE HUDSON It * ; future refund offer. I ship, unit 56. Millbridge one to Knox Street Asso­ bert Melendy, New Eng­ erty of Christian J. Don- Footloose (P G ) 1 :X , 7:20, Tho Movlos — Splash (P G ) i '< write in the name of the 9:35. — Ice Pirates (P G ) 1:30, 12, 2:20,4:X, 7,9:10. — Hard need In Classified. 643- — SHOWN W:— — Hollow Condominium. ciates, 447 Center St. land Truck-N-Van, 200 nahue, 227 Valley View * product. This system also 4 ECLAIRS i; 7 :X . 9:X. — Terms of En­ to Hold (P G ) 12:10, 2, 3:45, 2711...... $40,000. Leo D. McNamara to Vernon Street. $1,020. Road. dearment (P G ) 1:40, 7, 9:M. * ' helps me keep tabs on the RINAUN. Antonia and Matilde Patsy A, McNamara, land United Bank and Trust Sylvia Gower releases — Against All Odds (R ) 1:15, r • jirices of my favorite Franceso Riiuldi spaghetti sauce Is nude with imported 7:10,9:35. — Racing with the nj)o Cusano to Samuel Pecoflno Romano (Steese and importod Olive Oil. IVm impor- on Strong Street. Company against prop­ 'lien against property of O R E Y S T O K I w t ’rirands." Moon (P G ) 1, 7:15, 9 :X . — ant ingredienla needed tor teal Italian taste And Francesco FOR A N Y 3 Churches, 82-84 Oakland Green Manor Construc­ erty of Stanley E. Ogrod- David and Linda Gower. Greystoke: The Legend ot St., $73,000 (based on Tarzon, Lord ot the Apes - S M O W N A t : — RinakO Is Al Natural. There are live Francesca Rinaldi tion Co. Inc. to estate of nick, 124-126 Spruce St., Hillview Condominium SMART SHOPPER sauces: Martnira. Meat Flavored. Regular. Mushroom and No BAKERY ITEMS. conveyance tax). (P G ) ): X , 7:10, 9:35. — A N D THEIR MUFFINS, BROWNIES. MACAROONS. Karl Schmidt, Christine $3,500. Association Inc. releases Police Academy (R) 1, 7:X, ^entm Siallet^ jM iiim , AWARD Salt Added. Use the 20( coupon and introduce Francesco ^JOO !i Michael and Dianne M. Schmidt, Anita and Park Chestnut Condom­ lien against property of 9:45. — Moscow on the Rinaldi to your husband, your family and your friends. They'll LARGE COOKIES OR ANY COMBINATION. Harnad to Gerard J. Hudson (R) 1:40,7:X,9;45._ POLICE HUSBANDS Gordon Daggett, land on inium Association against David and Linda Gower. - : My Smart Shopper love you lor n. Ciaol Francesco Rinaldt! Puiia, unit 551A, building Up the Creek (R ) 1:15, 7:40, ACADEMYm Vernon Street. property of Gerald Roth­ S^keoAe • ; Award goes to Marilyn LOVEITI 2, N orthw ood Town- NAT:- Gertrude F. McCall to man, 146 B2 Park St., $109. Joyce Karptof Dlteotor I < l«m an of Bellevue, Neb.: houses, $1 and other -Ji Gertrude F. McCall and Park Chestnut Condom­ Something Different...... With Someone A ; L . “ Carnation 70 Calories considerations. Winifred McCall, 341 inium Association against LA FILLE MAL GARDEE • ; Hot Cocoa Mix was a good Linda M. Gower to RACING WITH Spring Street. property of Gerald Roth­ mfuU length humoroua ballet 1 1 buy on sale at 99 cents a ^ O F Michael Makowski and Heritage Savings and man. 152 A2 Park St., $106. Happy Birthday THE M O O N IBS Ib o x. I had three SO-cent ON ANY JAR OF Heidi Kretzmer, unit FRANCEICO MNALn SFAGHETTl SAUCE. LoqfTAh^ciation to Bar­ Arne Worlund and Sub­ & — — SHOWN Ati— \ cocoa mix coupons, so my 304A, Hillview Green Con­ with A Herald Happy Heart ney T. Peterman Sr., unit urban Services against w “ cost was only 49 cents IMKWTANT; T M coupon M not vgM unim dominium, no considera­ BACHS VIOUN CONCERTO ty you. Vm consumsr PiiRSi Ngn and W out bifon 2 0 Wellsweep property of Kevin and : ’ each, a total of $1.47 for Cannot be combined with any other offer. tion paid, no conveyance O nly ^ Ohmen pmaning coupon to your grocir. Condominium. Dulsinca Franklin, 131 St. F00TLO08C , : the three boxes. When I Available at participating Dunkin' Donutu tax coliected. of New York City Bellet Company a * One coupon per customer Cannot be combined with any other I ^ John St.. $4,007. 6.00 - r got home. I promptly sent shops. One coupon per customer. David H. Gower to Lions $ 5 I offer Good al participating Dunkin' Donuts shops | Happy Birthday - S M O W N A t : . 5 • in the three proofs-of- • prtnl). Michaei Makowski and Internal Revenue Ser­ Limit: 8 Eclairs Altachmofllt MANCHESTER S I pur^ase for a $1 refund, ! I Limit: None I Heidi Kretzmer, unit vice against property of Edward Graziani and John f i M y final cost came out to Offer Good: Thru 4/17/84 1 1 Offer Good: Thru 4/17/84 I 304A, Hillview Green Con­ Donald St. Germain, Park David Rivers agaist prop­ High School -H p - AGAINST about 16cents a box,or 1.3 kCoupon«MboiodNmodtor20lpte7iOKMMn.«nnsiBi! ■ f % A | d | t T ^ iisausioiiEiienHy. kikkikui Anita and Gordon Dag­ vice against property of — — SNOWNAt:. ' ______idbyyouwDfn,.,-,M bvyou ^ • conoumw----- ^ M------Dt o______. ol purchailno a I Adulte H.00 T M M & e o a ^ " FfWKoace N n t o d iv a ^ Sauoo. Any olw ippAcMI^ iw MW n usi umei * ! * 7 V ■ • leu via si., usi hmiim I Rene St. Germain, 136 Mary - {' on a cold, windy day! “ DONUTS gett, iand on Westeriy Roloasa of Lis Pondsns Senior CItitene T. )> Esther. Marilyn and M B fraud. toMioas proiiing lullcioni purchaaaa ol M l product M m fai'iKL IBIIHIM 11 •*’» d»e trtp- (U m pmk »n, m lunim Daryl Drive, $13,715. ■ t m l l . . . . to cour coupona prooanM muat bo Mialtoit on raquoit Coif J H'surorlh the trip. — ------, , I Street. Northeast Savings re­ Studenu *2.00 S S i S S i T S * ^ TBiMSOP , i other readers whose aumar muM pay any iMat MMt. Coupon ffMy not bo a a o M or Christine M. Schmidt to Internal Revenue Ser­ leases Lis Pendens MNlBrradby)«D.Can6a8noFoodi. tnc.fOSoniwtooilBMto 643-271 ENDEARMENTli g t smart shopping experien-> mMMU PtoMOM and didirt m U coupom racotood ffliaa cut Peter and Mary Harris, vice against property of against David and Linda CALL 633-6445 647-8462. or ton*6cendtoen. Coupon wWi6iied[roi»tctod pr prohMtod ^ ‘••iiSsfaiSK-oFWYif faggiCTBAYS VOIE k^ Ask tor... • ) ces appear in this cnilumn. bytoKQ60donlytoU.S.A.CMhMiuo1/20olonacani.(Myona William J. Clare, 33 Nor­ Meeds to hnieflt the Capitol Region 606 Vernon St., $90,000. Gower. K 1 •' 'vcceive a free copy of my ^ coupon M M M S f parpwoiaaa c a a m u ra t t M u a i.w i J man Street, $4,114. Jianet rforming Ait^Oeater in l^wnhw^ter- Bertha Dietrichsen to Sylvia Gower releases >..XOUponing and refunding MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. April 11, 1984 - 1» 18 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, April 11. 1984 Petitioning In Coventry Wednesday TV Area Towns In Brief ney, but doesn't know that the Neighbors fight sewage piant site 10:30 P.M. 8 - MOVIE: 'Thla Sava^ bHIs are counlarfait. Penny Single- CD - MOVIE: ‘Woman Timaa 7:00 P.M. Land' A widowsf snd his fsmily Seven' A comic examination of Q 9 -N e w a ton, Arthur Lake, Larry Simms. Free clinic set QD - CBS News leave their Ohio h o n » to estabHsh Fusscas fighting the' modern female Shirley Ma­ 1948. By Tracy L. Geoghegon "With all this gathered in one area, we’re said. ® - NBA Brnkatball: Portland new roots on the hazardous fron­ C OVENTRY — A blood pressure claine. Alan Arkin, Michael GD ® - M-A-S-H at Loa AngalM tier. George C. Scott, Andrew (3® . NBA Basketball: New Rep. J. Peter Fusscas, R- Herald Reporter in a total pit of environmental disaster if "We live on a small pond," he said, "We Came. 1967 York at Boaton < clinic sponsored by Community CD - Tic Tec Dough - Alfred Hitchcock Prirw, Glenn Corbett. 1968. Marlborough, has vowed to continue this continues," said Barbara DeCew, who suffer from the pollution that’s coming G2) ' Track and Field: Colgate CD - A B C New e ( 0 - Ton O'Cloek News ® * MOVIE: 'Last Amarfesri' Health Care Services Inc., will be held fighting for reform measures to the owns Mill Brook Pond. from the lake. We'd like to see it cleared up. W o m e n 's Gam es Coverage of U a - 24 Horae Virgin' Teenage buddies try to C OVENTRY — A group of residents who QD - Best of Saturday Night at Hill’s Pharmacy from 1 to2p.m. on governor's proposed 34 billion this event is presented from New MUSIC STAR ® - Independent Network 12:30 A.M. cure their growing pains. Stave live near the proposed sewage treatment "Anyone along the Willimantic River but there are other ways," he said (39 - Jafferaona April 17. budget; reforms which were recently York, NY, (60 min.) Naws CB - Thicks of tha Night Antin, Lawrence Monoson, Diand plant site are collecting signatures on should be concerned. I suspect Mansfield At least two of the petitioners admit their (32) - SportaCenter Franklin. Rated R. There will be another blood pres­ rejected by the budget-writing Appro­ residents will jump on the bandwagon when cause may be lost now that the federal 4:30 P.M. Left to right: Lee Majors and 11:00 P.M. CB - NIghtllna petitions opposing the location of the IS) Our Mias Brooks sure clinic on May 1 at Coventry priations Committee on a party-line ® - Radio 1990 Today's pro­ Paul Anl Moneylirte (3 ) - SportaCenter capture a member of Butch Casai- (SD - M O V IE: 'Th e U s t Chase* second petition protesting the location of Schwebel, asking him to look into the legal record as opposing the sewers, and the 8 - Benny HIH Show 8 • Entertalnmsnt Tonight dy'a Wild Bunch, Bruce Dam, have provided aid to the poor, All cars are ordered off the roads ® - N ew s CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME BOLTON — The Bolton Women's basis for lifting the court order requiring placement of the sewage treatment plant. ■ Gordon Ughtfoci, Helen Shaver, increase incentives for good teachers the sewage treatment plant, according to when America runs out of oil. Lee - MOVIE: 'Summer 8 - Sporta Tonight 8 - IMS Night with David Club will sponsor an Easter egg hunt Lattsmum Rated PG. 1982. to continue teaching, boost aid to the Terry Thayer, one of the organizers of the sewers. "W e should at least voice our opinion." Majors. Chris Makepeace, Bur* Solstice’ Married for more than ® - TwIHght Zone and bonnet contest for town residents half a century, a couple returrts to elderly, and provide more dollars to drive. Like the Conservation Commission, the Terry Thayer said. "It's probably after the gess Meredith. Rated PG. (6 ) - MecNeil/tehrer Newah- 12:45 A.M. aged 9 and under at Indian Notch the shore where they first met. "You’re dealing with a part of town that's petitioners say the state Department of fa c t... and when the state wants something 5:30P.M. our (3^ - Mazda SportsLook 2:30A.M. towns and cities for road repair. Henry Fonda, Myrna Loy. 1981. Park at 11 a.m. on Saturday. getting very emotional about what the Environmental Protection should prepare it usually gets it." - Play Your Bast Tannla ( B - CBS Newa Nlghtwatch 02) (2S - Baila Conm igo 1:00 A.M. ■ There will be special prizes and a "Unfortunately, all of our Republi­ town's doing to us.” said Frederick Dieter. a more thorough environmental impact 'Basics of the Groundstroke.' JIP - Entertainment Tonight 11:15P.M. , ® - Lavam and Shlrioy visit from the Easter bunny. Rain can budget reform measures were statement'. ® - ESPN'a Horae Racing The seven people who are circulating the 6:00 P.M. 8 - ESPN'C Sportswomen ® - MOVIE: ‘Without date is Saturday, April 21. The petition that calls for a retrial also ® - Family Feud Weekly defeated on a party line vote,” petitions say they feel the town has forced ® CB (ID © ® ® - Newt 8 - Reporter 41 Warning' Towering humanoids Fusscas said. says more practical and less costly - Wild Worid of Animals 8 - MonayHne nearly all of its distasteful facilities into Dolphin released fTl - Three'! Company 11:30 P.M. threaten to turn Earth Into their alternatives to sewers have not been private game preserve. Jack Pal- "Republicans believed that someof their neighborhood. C D - VegaS 3:00 A.M. adequately investigated. M YSTIC (U P l) — In a rare rehabilitation 7:30P.M. QD - Bamey Miller ance, Martin Landau. the priorities in the |4 billion O'Neill The group says, that within a one-mile 09 - Alice - Stareky Hutch (B - MOVIE: 'Fury Of Geraon at briefing Dieter suggested the town could consider effort, Mystic Aquarium officials will let a QD - PM Magazine QD and D - Ratum of tha Saint Harculae' Hercules leads the budget were not adequately and radius of the proposed facility, they are 02) - Fishin' Hole (X ) - Benny HIH Show a localized septic system. Another option 6-foot black and white dolphin named CS) - All In the Family (35 - MOVIE: Touched' Deler- space suit. (60 min.) (Closed Cap­ - Double Trouble Allison GD - Twilight Zone people of Thebes In rebellion to Elliot F. Gerson, a resident of properly addressed, and that is why already contending with the town landfill, tioned] would be to buy land in the Coventry Lake Harvey return to the sea today. 05 - MOVIE: 'Harry Tracy* A mined to make something of him­ feels threatened when Kate trans­ QD - Rockford Files Q ® - Countdown to ‘84 Today's regain their country end punieh Andover and Connecticut's deputy we attempted in the Appropriations two effluent and sludge disposal areas, and U S. marshal is determined to d ) - Legend/George Washing­ self. a mental patient eacapes and fers to her school and takes over the wrongdoers. Brad Harris. area as it comes up for sale. Dieter said. The 230-pound dolphin has lived at the ton 8:30 P.M. GD - Top 40 Video program features weekly prev­ attorney general, has been asked by two gravel banks. capture a member of Butch Cassi­ assumes a new identity. Robert her friends, her yearbook staff iews end profiles of the 1984 Alan Steals. 1962. Committee to transfer state dollars to n p - Carol Bumatt and Friands (39 - Honeymoonera the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Air Force They are urging the town to research the " I understand the cost of sewers will be Aquarium since discovered floundering in dy's Wild Bunch. Bruce Dern, (S3 - Family Feud Hays. Kathleen Boiler, Ned and her school life. Olympics. - Horsaehow Jumping: U.S. those who are most in need. Despite Gordon Lightfoot. Helen Shaver. (S) environmental and aesthetic impact these $200 per household." Dieter said. "There's the surf in December off Provincetown, CD ~ N e w s Beatty. 1983. Rated R. 9:00 P.M. (S) ~ Tren\pe Para un Sonedor (35 - Country Rode Oakridgs Open Jumping Championship ( 0 attend a two-day, tdp-level briefing the committee’s action, we will Rated PG. 1982 Boys Thia benefit concert for the 1:15A.M. an irony here, because a small number of Massachusetts. When found, a group of dD - Independent Network ® - NBA Beeketbell: New Un hombre se ertcuentra entre el from Charlotts, NC on American military facilities. The pursue our proposals on the House facilities and the proposed treatment plant CSD ' The Merv Show Bentonvllle Community Center local citizens supported him in a piece of (S ) - USA Cartoon Express N ow s York at Boston smor de dos mujeres. Antonio (32) - Inside tha PGA Tour purpose of the briefing will be to will have the underground water system, people arc going to benefit at the expenseof D ® ~ Dynasty was taped In Pine Bluff, Ark. 8 - Freeman Reports floor when the budget is debated." (S ) - Dr. Gene Scott (2D * Prime News Grimau, Cristina Alberto. 1:30 A.M. discuss critical national security the Willimantic River, the Mill Brook, the a greater number. The people in the north plastic until aquarium officials were (S) - Auto Racing ’84: ® ( 3 ) ' Facts of Ufa After re­ Fusscas said. (23) O l - M * A »S »H 8 - Leave It to Boavar 3:30A.M. part of Coventry will never benefit," Dieter notified. NASCAR Northwestern Bank ® - Real People Tonight's commending Mrs. Garrett be 10:00 P.M. C S ' Graat Racord Album issues with senior U.S. military Mill Brook Pond, and two cemeteries. 400 from North Wilkesboro, fiS) - Croesfira (S )" Auction program features an ail-woman hired to ester her sorority's party, Collac. 8 - One Step Beyond officials and to gain first-hand knowl­ NC ( S - N . w a sky diving group, a socialite who Biair fires her In a moment of an­ 8 8 - Tonight Show 9D - Indapandartt Natwork Si) - Mundo Latino Jesse Lo- C C ® - Arthur Hi8l.y'. Hot.l 8 - MOVIE: 'The French edge of the capabilities of U.S. sada y Soma Vorhauer son los an- dlD - Dragnet is an auto racer and a deaf lady ger. (R) 8 - Pallcula: 'Un Novio para Peter faces turmoil with the unex­ Nawa Usutanant's Woirtan' A n ac­ conventional forces. fritiones de este programs de who uses a hearing-dog to help Laura' (S ) - Crossfire SD - El Malefick) pected return of his ex-wifa and (3® - Pick tha Proa Sportswri-. tress' on-sersan tragedy is juxta­ Lions join project asuntos publicos nacionales pre- her. (R) (60 min.) Gerson’s itinerary includes a tour SPRING HAS SPRUNG @ ) - M*A*S*H Christine and Mark play Cupid for 8 - Bob Nawhart Show A ters preview games and viewers posed with an off-screan sentando entrevistas. noticias, (@ - Complaat Gilbert and (29 - MOVIE: ‘FIret Deedly Sin' a hotel guest. (R) (60 min.) compete for prizes. romance with her leading man. of Langley Air Force Base, Va., BOLTON — Ronald Miller, chair­ doportes y un segmento desde m - Wheel of Fortune Sullivan 'The Gondoliers.' Two 8 - NIghtllna A detective discovers a pattern In gondoliers are allowed to rule a (Closed Captioned) - Childran Running Out of Meryl Streep. Jeremy Irons. where he will receive a briefing on man of the Connecticut Lions Day NURSEIY STOCK Hollywood (3 ) - Barney Miller a string of ax murders. Frank Sin­ kingdom jointly until it is decided (3D * Independent Network Tima 1981. Rated R. American tactical air power; and a project for the Bolton Lions Club, says dZ) - 3-2-1. Contact - People's Court atra, Faye Dunaway. Rated R. 11:45 P.M. ARKIVING DAILYI which one is the rightful ruler. (2 News (S ) - Daspadida 4:00 A.M. command briefing from Adm. McDo­ plans are complete for their partici­ @ ) - Muy Especial: Julio hrs.) [Closed Captioned] 02) - VIntsgo Football Film: d ^ - Dr. Who (29) - At T h . M ovi.. 6:30 P.M. Igiesias Great Years 1:45 A.M. 8 - Ufa of Riley nald. commander-in-chief of the U.S. pation in the statewide project on ® - Frmman Raport. Atlantic Fleet. The briefing will One Day at a Time 8:00 P.M. 9:30 P.M. 12:00 A.M. (32) - Flahin' Hola 8 - Newenlght Update Thursday, Friday and Saturday. (D ® - George Washington include visits to a nuclear attack p^The finest - CBS News ® - MOVIE: The Little Girl d2) - PKA Full Contact Karate (S ) ® - St. ElaewlMT. A de- CD ( B - Hawaii Flva-0 4:15A.M. Part 3 ' Who Uvea Down the Lane' Un­ (Season Premiere) PKA Full manding man Is unable to express 2:00 A.M. submarine, an aircraft carrier and a Donation boxes will be at several - Sanford and Son CB - Pollca Story 8 - MOVIE: Touched' Deter­ nursery stock GED - PM Magazine invited visitors disappear when Contact Karate presents a 9 - his love for his wife and a hand­ CD - CBS News Nlghtwatch guided missile cruiser. locations in Bolton to accept contribu­ - Mazda SportsLook they threaten the privacy of a some new surgeon joins the staff. (39 - Star Tiak mined to make something of him­ D dS) - Fall G uy Colt gets in­ round Heavyweight bout featur­ CD - MOVIE: 'Mada for Each mysterious young gir). Jodie Fos­ (R) (60 min.) self, a mental patient eseapss and Gerson, who served as a staff tions, which are used for the Lions' - Hogan's Heroes volved in extortion when a lady ing Brad Hefton vs. Cedric 8 - Dr. Gena Scott Othar' A couple realizes that their ter, Martin Sheen, Alexis Smith. assumes a new identity. Robert service activities, particularly with i^The greatest selection] Rodgers. (23) - MOVIE: 'FIrafox' A Viet- constant quarrels show a deep assistant to the Secretary of Defense 129 - Ask CNN bail jumper's boyfriend is black­ 1977 8 8 - Thlcko of tha Night Hays, Kathleen Bailer, Ned mailed into laundering dirty mo­ 3 5 - MOVIE: 'Silver Draam nam war fiying ace is sent to Rus­ need for each other. Renee T a y­ Harold Brown, was asked to the the blind and the handicapped. A 139) - NBC News 8 - Nawsnight Beany. 1983. Rated R. of hanging plants ney. (R) (60 min.) (O) “ Smithsonian Worid 'De­ Racer' A world-class American sia to steal a high-tech jet which lor, Joseph Bologna, Norman briefing as a member of the Council brochure listing many of these - Noticiero Nacional SIN signs for Living.' Tonight's pro­ holds the balance of power In the In or­ SD - NBA Baaketball: New motorcyclist champion is chal­ 8 - MOVIE: 'Used Cars' Shelly. 1971. 4:30A.M. on Foreign Relations in New York activities will be distributed. gram features a look at man's Cold W ar. Clint Eastwood. 1982. - Jeffersons York at Boston lenged by a tough competitor at der to get ahead in the used car CD - Joa Franklin Show 8 - Abbott and Costello i^The largest variety of accommodations to life on earth, England's Silverstone. Beau Rated PG. world, Rudy sells rattling wrecks City. - ABC News (39 - MOVIE: The Terroriat' the design of the American skys­ Bridges, David Essex, Christina at fancy prices. Kurt Russell. Jack (3D - MOVIE: '.Bkmdia'a Sacrat’ 8 - Stanley Cup Champion- fruit and ornamental trees - Business Report 1974. craper and the evolution of the Raines. 1983. Rated PG. 08) - Th a t's Hollywood Warden, 1979. Rated R. Blondie discovers a cache of mo­ ahlp: An Inside look Paper drive slated IT'S PROBABLY ALMOST TIMe T EASY, THOSE Jaycees plan hunt The most personalized FOR THE CELEBRATION TO ( WE'RE WALKINS RUSSIANS BRIDGE ASTRO COVENTRY — The Coventry Jay­ BOLTON — On April 28, the senior START. WE’VE GOTTA HURRY \ RIGHT INTO h a v e g u n s class at Bolton High School will service! IN THERE cees announce that the annual Easter egg hunt will be held at the Coventry conduct a paper drive from 10 a.m. to GRAPH High . School grounds on Saturday, 4 p.m. rain or shine, beginning at 11 a.m. The Areata Members of the class will collect Children should come with contain­ the paper from residents of the area One cure for finessitis ers for holding collected eggs. Prizes who call the high school, 643-2768, Most Compiete will be awarded in several age but he can find out whether before April 28 and leave their name group. the player in back of his A- and address. Garden Center K-J has only two cards in Cfour This project is provided as a NORTH 4-1I-B4 the suit. ^ r t h d a y community service each year by the For those who prefer, papers may SHOP AT._ 632 West starts proceedings Coventry Jaycees. Past years have be dropped off at the high school at 72 VAKJ83 for the defense ^ leading seen several hundred children Brandy St., on April 27 before 4 p.m. WHITHAM NURSERY ♦ A7 his partner’s suit, ^ s t takes April 12,1984 . . participate. and on April 28 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. ROUTE 6, BOLTON 643-7802 4862 his ace and continues with Your sphere of personal Influ- : OPEN DAILY A SUNDAY B A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. WEST EAST the 10. ence will be expanded conskf.^ DID YOU AND THE / MISSION ACCOMPLISHED,/ I'M SURE WANTA m a k e a LITTLE , SURE...BUT LET'S \ TR IP L E l? 47 4 A 10 9854 South is looking right at 11 erably this coming year. You GIRLS HAVE A V PET.' I THINK YOU'LL I I WILL.' BET ON THIS ONE,GUZ?i 1TRIPLE IT, JU S T TO I UH, SURE, Y 10 954 YQ6 tricks: five clubs, two will gain prestige in two areas-- PRODUCTIVE NIGHT, \ ENJOY THIS RACE.' SAY 500 SKINS AND MAKE THINGS ^ WHY NOT? ♦ J 10 95432 4Q o MY PEAR? diamonds, two hearts and where you were barely noticed 2 200 PIECES OF INTERESTING! ______49 47543 two spades. There are before. ^ STONEWARET w SOUTH squeeze possibilities in dia­ •» 4KQJ monds and hearts. j 472 There is no hurry. South ARIES (March 21-April 19) j ♦ K86 starts by cashing the ace and There Isn't too much you can't 3 accomplish today if you set • 4AKQJ10 king of diamonds. Then he your mind to it. Your cleve(- “ cashes one of dummy’s Vulnerable: North-South ness plus Lady Luck’s aid will > hearts and runs off his five Dealer: North gel you over the hurdles. Want 3 clubs and remaining spades. to find out to whom you're best > ■ffHE FOLLOWING MORNING,THE CON­ West North East South If he is alert, he will note suited romantically? Send for 3 TESTANTS ENTER THE STADIUM FOR lY 25 3A that Eiast held six spades, your Matchmaker set by mall- I THE OBSTACLE RACE., .THE SECOND Pass 3Y Pass 4 NT four clubs, two hearts and a Ing $2 to Astro-Graph, Box - EVENT IN TH E DECATHLON. R-ll Pass 5Y Pass 6 NT diamond, and is still holding 489, Radio City Station, New 3 Pass Pass Pass on to one heart and one York, NY 10019. It reveals “ Here’s your opportunity to sit back, spade. West started with compatibilities for all signs. ,' 3 & TAURUS (April 20-May 20) - YOU WON'T l-Z-T \ r 6FF YOUR- th e: co& r o f PIP 1 LTAVP Opening lead: 47 seven diamonds, one spade, ------y o y You have a unique ability todtiy 3 me: c u a im m y I2A16IN6 COWS V / H 0 6 MY WILT IN THP one club and four hearts. He relax and enjoy smash hit movies and more 1 to pull persons together for a > has to hold one diamond and o f . M5AN 16 A [?FPUCTI&U& COT A CAFPTY PPPOar common good, one none qf “ H0USj1TIN 6 A5> PFPFNPE.NT6, PXPFN6E: OF FARM? POX oe t h e : must come down to one heart. them could accomplish if they - pFPFNPENTa, m e :a n RUNNlN(b A FAE-M. 60CIC PEAWPe? By Oswald Jacoby were to try It on their own. ’ “ on HBO*— and you don’t have to buy a thing! On April Hence South knows that ,60NOWvou'i-u y PFPUCTlONe./ and James Jacoby OEMINI (May 21-Juna 20) Use w T, P C P A A A Y VY' / . / ^_____ - __ ___'' each opponent holds exactly your foresight and skills today ^ One very interesting one heart. The queen is sure to do that which is best for the TPevervuei 3 14 and 15, HBO will entertain you *FREE in the comfort of ice squeeze is the kind ^ayed in to drop, and the squeeze has entire family and not just lor ^ lieu of a finesse. Declarer eliminated the need to Individual members. Move as a 3 has no way to find out who finesse. unit. II Dangarout 7 Phyaician'a ai- timet LIBRA (Sapl. 23-Ocl. 23) 3 distinctly different programs available to you Ax aociation Events over which you have III- • f ^ 13 Clouds (abbr.) 14 Strenglhen tie or no control tend to work - h c | - f e ■■ 8 Player in to your advantage today, even 15 Mythical 3 THAVCJ 4-!/ water though you might not be aware ” on HBO, Saturday and Sunday, April 14 and 0*M4byNCA me aviator B Evaded 16 Ship racord of what is actually happening. 3 10 Fiber plant SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)Bp i 17 Sachet 12 Sloppy parson 19 Drug agency hopeful regarding the outcome 3 13 Insecti (abbr.) of two Important events today "j 15. See for yourself why...there’s no place like HB0'.‘ 18 Put into 20 Auxiliary If your attitude Is positive, 3 practice MO WOOLDM'T'BUIF'CU'^ 22 Scouting qr- 34 Market again 45 European you’ll make the moves that will i 21 Pulled bring you victory. ; 3 gtnization 35 Living room WBO OFFERS SOPHIE’S 'B U Q O fr 23 Radio capital SAOITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dae. -s weREAWUp'jDOMwn: (abbr.) piece technique 21) Act In close harmony with 3 ■COUP ^HOOKgPOKTHBM?^ 23 Be aentitlve 37 Painful 48 European to 25 Unheeding your thoughts today. The bright - CHOICE. TENDER MERCIES. 38 Sat afloat apple 24 Group of two 27 Coil Ideaa you conceive can pay off 3 38 Threnody 26 Playwright Al- 29 Ditagratable 49 Enemy In larger dividends than you - AMHIE AHD MORE OH tight 41 Torpid may realize. ; - bae 51 Taro paste 28 Born 33 Gland 43 Slang CAPRICORN (Dae. 22-Jan. 19) 3 30 Lend a hand Your sall-assuredneu addA 3 CABLE CHANNELS! 1 2 3 4 B e 7 0 0 10 31 Publiiher radiance to your personality w Graham 11 12 13 today. Thla will cause others to 3 32 Chtmical hover around you, hoping 3 FOR FREE INSTALIATION iuffix 14 IB some of It will rub oft on tham.^ 3 33 Lika banar AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fab. Mi) 3 36 Control 14 la 10 Pay heed to your IntuHioh 3 39 Pariahad 1 ■ today If It provides you talth 3 bring converter to our cable store 40 Luminary 20 22 ways to further your ambitions. 3 42 Colitga ■ ■ Your Inner votes could b«3 MYD^DSAtSHEte HE SAIP HE WnPTE AND 24 27 ANP THE SENATOR athletic group brightar than your logic. - 801 Parker St. Manchester N(Pr<^IN(5TPVOTE ■ 1 PIM IB (Fab. 394lai«h 20)3 ASKEPTHE SENATOR SAID, 44 Those in 21 Your achedula could ba rather 3 Cox Goble FOR SENAnPR HOW HE SHOULD VOTE "FREGJUENTLY," offic* 1 “ 45 Countarfait busy today and cause you to 3 BARCH THIS y e a r . y IN NOVBWBS3... 11 47 Ban _____ 1 make choloaa as to how to b a n ^ All you pay is one month 48 Marijuana (al.) 2) 34 17 ti dslagata your lima. Qhw enjoy- 3 50 Acting moody " ■ able act Mtlet priority. « 52 In tbundanc* 30 41 in advance. 53 Wild horia ■ ‘0 ■ 54 Actrsia 44 47 Buntyn *• - ■ Approximately 740 mil- 55 Rope loop 40 40 M • 1 Uon apeak the Mandarin 12 varaion of Chlneae, while DOWN •1 403 million dltoouno in 646-6400 Dl% 94 Engliah and 277 mtiiion 1 Florida city talk Ruaaian. 'L- . t » - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. April 11. 1984 Connecticut Waterman convicted; says he’s innocent By Vukoni AAagubane town and a trucking firm he controlled sentencing for May 22. “ Corruption cases are always diffC In Bnef United Press International while he was first selectman. Water­ Waterman resigned as agriculture cult and this was not an easy case. T h f Lorbler case MARCH opens Bolton residents want man also headed the town's highway commissioner in December 1983 after office made a commitment to d# MANCHESTER - He says he kept department. he was arrested. He claimed sand was corruption cases and is Roing to heads to jury new group home school budget restored Residents kill rifle range his promise, but a jury has decided that "I'm know I'm innocent, that’s all.” delivered as promised and all the continue doing them.” he said. “ If wR former state Agriculture Commis­ said Waterman, who was released on profits went to Dale Adams, a man he didn’t feel we had a strong case w * PLYM OUTH — Town residents turned out in sioner H. Earl Waterman Jr. short­ his.own recognizance pending sentenc­ had looked after for many years. wouldn't have prosecuted.” .. page 3 ... page 11 page 19 strong numbers to make their wishes known, changed the town of Suffield of $38,000 ing, after the verdict. His attorney. The state alleged Waterman's com­ Kane would not comment on w h s} defeating a non-binding referendum by a 4-1 worth of sand while first selectman. James A. Wade, hud no comment. pany delivered only 3,675 cubic yards of sentence, if any, the state wouM wout margin to build a hotly contested rifle range in the AUer deliberating more than six Waterman, who now faces up to 20 sand, rather than the 10,000 cubic yards recommend to Noren, but said tb i town. hours over two days in Superior Court, years in prison and $20,000 in fines, for which the town contracted and paid. court has the power to order Waterman Although the state has the power to construct the five men and one woman jury stood with his hands clasped behind his State prosecutor Kevin Kane said to make restitution for the theft. the range and a state sportsman's leader says his convicted Waterman, 55. of first- back and showed no emotion when the only the jury knew for sure what the group has a commitment from the governor to degree larceny in a charge stemming jury foreman announced the verdict deciding factor was for reaching the He also refused to speculate if ag build. O'Neill said Tuesday he will abide by the from the 1982 sand purchase. about 2:45 p.m. verdict. "The evidence was presented ongoing grand jury investigation int* wishes of the residents. He was accused of keeping $38,000 Judge Richard C. Noren ordered a and the jury returned made a deci­ possible corruption in the town w Manchester, Conn. In the final vote, 40 percent of the town's 5,428 from the deal he arranged between the pre-sentenre inv»ctio-.Ur.n and set sion " Kane said Suffield would result in any arrests. ; Cloudy tonight: eligible voters Tuesday voted 1736-474 to defeat sunny Friday Thursday, April 12, 1984 the range, which would be built on federally Single copy; 25® owned land near the Hancock Brook Dam. Judge rules use of Intoximeter is legal — See page 2 m thtBtn H p ra lJi tube for storing the breath sample. Z. By Lyda Phillips using results of an Intoximeter 3000 since most people do not understand Architect chosen D'Addabbo said the machine has to United Press International breath test given to his client, Scott the issues involved at the time of a HARTFORD — The Farmington architectural Niland. drunken driving arrest. be certified by Department of Health firm of Russell Gibson vonDohlen has been MERIDEN — Computerized police Because the computerized device Deputy Assistant State's Attorney and checked twice a day for accuraeXT named prime designer of a proposed legislative breath tests may not seen, but they does not preserve breath samples, Frank D'Addabbo, who prosecuted the Further, if police do not advise those office building. wilt be felt in the courts following a Axelrod argued his client's right to case, said Ms. Susco's decision "allows arrested for drunken driving of theS House The bipartisan Legislative Management Com­ judge's decision maintaining their study material evidence against him the Intoximeter to gain some more right to a second test, then the in iti^ Sales take mittee approved the firm Tuesday, along with legality in the courts. had been violated. , credibility. And it could help prosecute test is not admissible as evidence in m Purcell Associates, experienced in site and civil Superior Court Judge Wendy W. The decision cited the right of a more drunken driving cases.” trial, D'Addabbo said. Z engineering and the Park River conduit system. ' Su.sco ruled Tuesday that police use of a suspected drunken driver to a second If the judge had ruled in favor of approves Axelrod said said he will now try to Morganti Co. of Ridgefield was chosen earlier computerized device to test suspected test' either breath, blood or urine. “ The Axelrod’s motion, the state would have take his case to Gov. William O 'Neill; as construction manager for the project. A bill drunken drivers in Connecticut is legal, court cannot find that defendant's right had to modify nearly 120 Intoximeters the legislature, and the ConnecUctS biggest dive authorizing $51 million for the work has been in a decision which officials say will to due process is violated by the failure in use by municipal police departments Bar Association. Z approved by the Legislature and awaits Gov. spur prosecution of the cases. to preserve the breath sample tested." around Connecticut. new taxes William O’Neill's signature. The case came before the court after Ms. Susco wrote. Axelrod said the modification would If the state buys the units to preserve Meriden lawyer Robert M. Axelrod Axelrod said, however, "Offering a involve only the hookup of a $300 unit to the samples, Axelrod said he will hi*' filed a motion to keep prosecutors from second test is i--* " '- i " |jp service." the $2,7000 Intoximeter to hold a plastic satisfied. Z WASHINGTON (U P l) - House in 10 years Ways and Means Committee Judge keeps Hart delegates Chairman Dan Rostenkowski says a $49 billion tax bill approved by HARTFORD — A Superior Court judge has Bv Dennis G. Gulino edging down 0.4 percent in Senate gets bills on workfare, physician complaint the House with the backing of blocked Colorado Sen. Gary Hart's state United Press International February. Democrats, Republicans and the campaign coordinator from removing five names :ratoim Building materials alone were By Susan E. Kinsman "Sometimes healers need to be benefits for 30, 60, or' 90 days. An was recommended by administratoi president, "goes the first mile " from the slate of delegates hoping to represent WASHINGTON - Retail sales, down 2.6 percent, while auto United Press International healed," Mrs. Cohen said. amendment introduced by Rep. Joan in the state's largest cities and b‘ yth ' k toward deficit reduction. Hart at the Democratic National Convention. The department must investigate Kemler, D-West Hartford, and passed Connecticut Conference of Municipalicipal^ which set the pace of the recovery, dealers reported a 7 percent L An injunction Tuesday by Judge Norris O'Neill The House Wednesday voted any complaint, complete its probe 108-35, would give recipients one ties, Mrs. Kem ler said. fell 2.2 percent in March, the decline in sales. Only one major will keep the five names on the ballot when a vote HARTFORD — The Connecticut 318-97 for the bill, with 223 within 18 months and bring charges if reprieve in each suspension period to biggest drop in more than 10 years durables category, furniture for 1st Congr^sional District delegates is taken House has sent the Senate a bill to Democrats and 95 Republicans probable cause is found. return to work. In the Senate, an effort to require and the second straight monthly stores, showed an increase — a 1 Thursday night in South Windsor. expand reporting procedures for com­ voting yes, and 31 Democrats and Records would be open to the public- "We're not doing these people a hospitals to advise parents of newborfi setback, the Commerce Depart­ percent rebound from February's The five were among dslate of 16 people headed plaints against physicians impaired by 66 Republicans voting no. after 18 months, except if no charges service if we don't duplicate in the children with mental or physiciQ ment said today. 3.4 percent decline. by Sen. John Larson, D-East Hartford and Rep. alcohol or drug abuse, mental or President Reagan supports the are issued or the physician agrees to workfare program the way things are disabilities of aid available from oth w The decline was another confir­ Sales of other goods, primarily Teresalee Bertinuson, D-East Windsor. They physical problems. measure, which, though it in­ enter a rehabilitation program. The in the real world," she said. The change agencies was defeated 21-13. - mation of how parts of the at department stores, were down were removed from consideration last weekend House members also revised and creases some taxes by closing record could be opened at the physi­ economy leveled off after a spec­ 0.9 percent in March. Department by L. Douglas Shrader, who took over in sent back to the Senate Tuesday a bill loopholes, does not make sweeping cian's request. tacular January, a month that store sales alone were off 3.3 mid-March as Hart’s state campaign capping participation in municipal tax changes. The bill is essential to The department must adopt regula­ revised statistics show was percent. Groceries reported no coordinator. “workfare” programs for welfare O ’Neill stands firm on tolls the House-passed "pay-as-you-go" tions by Oct. 1 to notify health care stronger than reported previously. change Irom February. recipients. budget for fiscal 1985 that includes facilities when the board suspends, January's buying surge took Clothing store sales were down Current law requires physicians, HARTFORD (UPl) - Gov. William finance the first year of his 10-year, $5,$ a $182 billion deficit-reduction revokes or restricts a physician's total sales 4.1 percent above 1.2 percent. hospitals and medical societies to O'Neill has refused to budge from his billion program to rebuild state roads plan. license. It also must report annually to December, a Christmas season January's strong performance report impaired physicians to the state commitment to remove tolls from the and bridges. > As a measure ol the bipartisan American Cyanamid charged the governor and Legislature's Public aftershock that made up for the reflected the biggest increase Department of Health Services and the Connecticut Turnpike and three He hinted, but did not say be wouM support for the bill. Rep. Henson Health Committee any complaints or discouragingly severe weather at since December 1964's 4.7 percent WALLINGFORD — The American Cyanamid M^ical Examining Board. But few bridges but said Fairfield County veto a financing plan being pushed to Moore. R-La., said it was the first disciplinary action taken. the end of the year. February's jump. It raised the sales average Company has been charged with violating the complaints are made because of lawmakers must support his road and the Senate based on a smaller gasoline tax bill he had voted for in his 10 "N o one disputes the license to sales were down 0.8 percent. for the first quarter 3.4 percent state's hazardous waste laws regarding storage concern about confidentiality, said bridge repair plan. tax, elimination of some tolls and years in Congress. He said the vote practice medicine is a public trust. Bad weather may also have been above the previous quarter's aver­ and disposal of toxic wastes. Rep. Naomi Cohen, D-Bloomfield. raising others from 35 cents to SO cents; for deficit-reduction is "a time for That trust should not be abused at “ They weaken their case when those a factor in the poor performance in age, despite the weak February Chief State's Attorney Austin McGuigan She estimated there are 7,000 li­ “ At the moment there is no give/' statesmen, not politicians ' public expense,” Mrs. Cohen said. lawmakers in the immediately af­ March, the department said. It and March showings, the depart­ Monday said an arrest warrant was served to censed physicians in Connecticut, yet said O'Neill, who reminded iawmakert The Senate worked late into the The House added two amendments fected area want to have the tolls was the biggest decline in cash ment said. compaiiy plant manager Brian Bussey at about between 1976 and 1983 only 28 com­ it could be “ a long summer” if night on a separate $48 billion tax and sent back to the Senate a bill removed and don't support my infras­ register activity since a 2.4 percent If the sales decline continues, 3:55 p.m. on charges stemming .from an plaints were acted on by the two invoked a veto, which requires a bill essential to Republican lead­ capping participation in local workfare tructure program,” O'Neill said Tues­ decline in December 1973. however, it will confirm the fears investigation by members of the statewide agencies. two-thirds vote by the House and ers' deficit-reduction plan, but did programs at two-thirds of employable day after meeting with a bipartisan Sales by retailers were worth of economists that interest rates Heratd photo by Tarquinio prosecution unit for the environment. The bill, a cooperative effort by Senate for an override. ; not conclude action. More debate general assistance recipients. The law group of about 40 lawmakers from $103.4 billion in March, $2.3 billion are now high enough to seriously McGuigan said a representative of the lawmakers, doctors and state agen­ “ The last, thing I want to do is to was set today. now r^ u ires 85 percent participation Fairfield County. less than in February but still 10.2 starve sales. Early start at library company is scheduled to appear April 24 in cies. would expand and clarify the regionalize this state over this issue. S During lengthy discussions, the after five years. O'Neill has proposed a 3-cent hike in percent ahead of a year earlier On the positive side, a return to Meriden Superior Court April. department's responsibilities and behooves them not to act as Republi­ Senate approved an amendment to Recipients who fail or refuse to the 14-cent-a-galIon gasoline tax this after seasonal adjustment, the inventory rebuilding and a very Peeking over “Three Little Pigs" is enough to clear the check-out desk, procedures for investigating reports of cans and Democrats but as lawmak­ the tax bill toallow jobless workers appear for placement can lose their year and higher motor vehicle fees to department said. strong loginning in new factory impaired physicians. ers," he said. five-year-old Jeremy Hastings, who was though. Jeremy, of 103 Carpenter Road, who run out of unemployment Sales of durable goods such as equipment purchases are still benefits to withdraw from their building materials and automo­ pumping sales dollars into the picking out books with his mom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Individual Retirement Accounts biles took an especially steep 4.6 economy, filling the gap left by Wednesday at Manchester’s Whiton Hastings. without paying taxes on the percent plunge in March after retail shortfalls, analysts say. Memorial Library. He wasn't quite tall money. In the House, there was minor dissent over one provision in the tax bill that puts a cap on the Congressional furor over mining continues number of tax exempt industrial THANK YOU development bonds that can be Bv Robert Shepard sent it to the House, where Nations and to the world court," Asked what will happen if acted on the resolution by Rep. issued by states to finance govern­ United Press International approval also is expected despite Byrd said. Congress refuses to approve $21 Michael Barnes. D-Md.. after mental projects like low-income administration objections. "W e want the world court when million aid package for Nicara­ several hours of questioning Dep­ housing, stadiums, airports, and WASHINGTON — Sen. Robert The Senate voted 84-12 Tuesday it suits our purposes," Byrd said, guan rebels. Stone said. "One clear uty Secretary of State Kenneth industrial parks. The cap is equal Byrd, D-W.Va., calling the mining for a similar amendment declar­ adding, “ Now that we've been consequence ... is an increase in Dam, who sought to justify the to the population of the state TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS of Nicaraguan harbors an act of ing the United States should in no caught red-handed, we don't want the war and the damage and the mining on the grounds of self- multiplied by $150. terrorism, said today said if the way be involved in the' mining of the court. destruction in El Salvador, proba­ defense. The bond provisions also occu­ administration insists it is an act of Nicaraguan waters. The amend­ "It's an act of terrorism," Byrd bly (in)Guatemala. and maybe In a related development, the pied the Senate for some time, but self-defense it should be willing to ment by Sen. Edward Kennedy, said. even Honduras." House called for a House-Senate action as delayed on amendments take its case to the world court. D-Mass., was prompted by the Asked if CIA Director William The White House took pains to conference committee on a bill to the provision. It seems obvious that the United disclosure of the CIA-directed Casey should go, Byrd said, "W ell, avoid the Nicaragua issue as providing $21 million for CIA- Rostenkowski, D-Ili., said Wed­ ON OUR lOTH ANNIVERSARY States is at least supervising the mining of Nicaraguan ports. I wouldn't lose any sleep over it." Reagan set out on a two-day trip to backed Nicaraguan rebels as well nesday the revenue that would be as $62 million military aid for El mining if not executing it," Byrd "First, we're told that this Richard Stone, President Rea­ Kansas City and Dallas. raised by the three-year House tax Salvador. said. mining needed to be done because, gan's former special envoy to During lunch with workers at an bill is modest compared to the In an almost unanimous vote well, it's harassment, then it's Central America, said on the CBS truck plant outside Kansas City, "W e don't have any other spiraling deficit, expected to rise Wednesday, the House Foreign defense, for self-defense," Byrd “ Morning N ew s" the mine laying the president was asked for his options. If Congress cuts the funds, by about $700 billion over the same Affairs Committee approved a said on NBC's "T od ay" program. and the administration's refusal to reaction to the Senate vote. “ You the operations will end once the period. non-binding resolution against the “ But in matters of self defense, recognize the world court is "a net don't want to hear," he replied. current $24 million has been “ We know that, in the end, mining of Nicaraguan ports and we have to report to the United minus" for the administration. The Foreign Affairs Committee expended," a CIA official said. reducing the deficit demands The official said it wouid not be sacrifice from all sectors of the surprising if the money ran out economy," he said. next week — as some news reports Rebel predicts U.S. aid will keep flowing have speculated it will. The bill is the pay part of the House Speaker Thomas O'Neill House-passed "pay-as-you-go" condemned the U.S. mining of budget. It would used to finance Bv United Press International that 400 rebels had overtaken San organization, known as the FDN. ships, but rather stop the flow of Nicaraguan ports Wednesday as the 3.5 percent increase in military Juan del Norte in a 24-hour Calero said the rebels would arms” to Salvadoran guerrillas, "terrorism at its worst" and and some social spending called The commander of U.S.-backed artillery and rifle battle. The continue to mine Nicaraguan ports Calero said. Senate Democratic leader Robert for in the House budget for fiscal rebels based in Honduras declared isolated town lies on Nicaragua's despite a non-binding Senate reso­ In Managua, the official news­ Byrd accused the CIA of 1985, which starts Oct. 1. his forces will persist in laying southeastern coast. lution, passed in an 84-12 vote paper of the ruling Sandinista lawlessness. The House bill would close mines in Nicaraguan ports despite Tuesday, condemning the Reagan Front, Barricada, quoted Junta O'Neill, D-Mass., told reporters corporate tax loopholes, increase The commander of the Nicara­ growing opposition in Congress administration's involvement in Coordinator Daniel Ortega as the aid request for Nicaragua the tax on liquor and cigarettes, guan Democratic Force, Adolfo that threatens to cut off American the action. praising the “energetic way in "doesn't have a chance" of being move to curb the use of tax military assistance. Calero Portocarrero, expressed which the American legislators approved. He said previously shelter;, reduce taxes on heavy confidence that U.S. aid will “ Our intention is not to cause A separate group of rebels based have come out against the mining Reagan might get about half the trucks and hike the diesel fuel tax in Costa Rica claimed Wednesday continue to flow to his rebel personal harm to the crews of the of Nicaraguan ports." $62 million for El Salvador. to compensate. Range decision said ‘no precedenf ■ ■jf Bridge n seen in fftt By Lvdo Phillips the governor, .agreed the decision Warkowski said the problem in this iOfliNOTHEIt PROTECT BY, , United Press International to bow to local wishes in the case was the site. 2 1 By Sarah E. HaU begin to itioal!#A would light of the vote "in no way will thrilled," she said. * * ...... 5 Sheptoff, Reuber, Nicola & Co., CPAs " be torn d c^^jp iit thw ‘ reconsL serve as a precedent for local Plymouth Mayor Donna War- Peopietoik !!!!!!!...... 2 Brian Sweeney, Estimator e^ ^dei«d>-'an4^tod|dto00totbe^ determinations on absolutely es­ kowski said, " I ’m very happy the Sports...... '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.vM Porter BTooIl wbtdh ftouf'ioh sential projects in which the state governor allowed this. It's small Television...... is town democracy speaking.” Weather...... 2 derneath the pridgi. Wbrk wlU Heaa! fd o M l^ SestlHfaetog Please torn to page g' is involved in the future.” iwiMwwtoiiiiieii ' ' fatfflTitiiiiiiiiiiiw Jay W. Jackson, legal counsel to Both Ms. Johnson and Ms. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •