CD applications changed, Greek Isles come alive Town entering but uses haven’t, feds say with taste of baklava tourism district ... page 8 page 13 ... page 21 Cloudy tonight; Manchester, Conn. some sun Thursday Wednesday, April 11, 1984 — See page 2 iJJanrl|^0trr Mrrali Single copy: 254 Soviet leader gains third i * sw: ShWI key position •a? t;' Iff* ? * MOSCOW (U P I) — Communist ern diplomats as the second most Party chief Konstantin Chernenko powerful man in the ruling Polit- was named president of the Soviet buro. said: "the representation of Union today, giving him all three the supreme state interests by the key posts in the Soviet hierarchy, general secretary of the CPSU the official Tass news agency said. Central Committee in the intema- The title was conferred on him at tional arena convincingly reflects a session of the Supreme Soviet — the fact that the Soviet Union's the rubber-stamp parliament — foreign policy is indivisible from ^ * 4 just two months after Chernenko the policy of the Communist succeeded Yuri Andropov as Com- Party." munist Party chairman. Although the president's job is Herakt photo by Hudson Chernenko, 72, had already largely ceremonial, it gives Cher- consolidated his power by becom- nenko a government status — as It only took them 20 minutes ing chairman of the Defense opposed to party status — in his Council, making him commander- dealings with other governments, Fifetighters from the Town of Manchester Fire fire department spokesman said. The fire, which in-chief of the Soviet armed forces. Chernenko was named party Department battle a blaze that broke out Tuesday occurred in the early afternoon, was extinguished in 20 Chernenko’s name was submit- leader Feb. 13 following the death minutes and no one was injured, he said. ted to the joint session of the of Andropov. He now holds the afternoon in a storage building at 316 Hartford Road. Supreme Soviet by Politburo same titles as Andropov and his Rolls of tar paper and tar were stored in the building, a member Mikhail Gorbachev. predecessor, Leonid Brezhnev. "The simultaneous fulfilment by "I am fully aware of the the General Secretary of the CPSU immense responsibility that the Central Committee also of the fulfilment of these duties entails at Multi-Circuits changes workers’ hours functions of the president of the the present m oment." Chernenko presidium of the Supreme Soviet of said in his acceptance speech, Bv Kathv Garmus hours. He said the change is meant the U.S.S.R. is of tremendous He said Soviet foreign policy that manufactures commercial would improve her standard of Herald Reporter to increase the efficiency of the packaging and lire-proteciion significance to the execution of the "demands constant activity, firm- living, saying that it was hard to manufacturing operations and will equipment as well as circuit see how a person's standard of Soviet Union's foreign policy," ness, consistency in the search for Multi-Circuits Inc., the provide employees with better, boards. living could be improved when he Gorbachev said. ways to achieve sensible accords. Manchester-based manufacturer pay. Gutin said it was too early to or she could only get three hours of By assuming the title of presid- It is directed at overcoming of printed circuit boards, has Some employees said Tuesday gauge employee reaction to the sleep. ency, Chernenko becomes head of international tension, ensuring se- announced it will consolidate its they knew little of the change in changes. He said that based on “ A lot of people have trouble state as well as Communist Party curity, our state interests in the workday for employees from three shift times beyond what was stated previous experience, employees with the tim e," one woman said. leader and will be on equal world arena and upholding peace eight-hour shifts into two 10-hour in the memo. can be expected to stay longer People who need to take the bus to shifts. diplom atic footing with other throughout the world." The policy will become effective under the new system. work may have difficulty adapt­ world leaders. On Tuesday. Tass announced the The change, which will mainly April 23. Stevenson said in the Several employees interviewed ing. she said. Gorbachev, seen by many West- end of the Communist Party's affect the approximately 300 em­ memo. Under the arrangement, outside the company's Harrison But she added that other em ­ ployees were looking forward to two-day Central Committee ses- ployees in the company's manu­ the first shift will begin at either Street plant Tuesday said they had the overtime pay. She said she was • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sion but disclosed no personnel facturing departments, will "re­ 6:30 a.m. or 7 a.m., depending on only received Stevenson's memo quire a 50 hour work week in these the department, and last until 5 and were not told a great deal not aware of any ultimatum being departments and overtime will be given employees to work the new " ‘’" " f o n t think there wm be any p.m. or 5:30 p.m. The second shift about the changes. Inside TOday paid for all hours worked in excess will start at 5 p.m. or 5:30 p.m. and "They're just not saying too hours or quit. m ajor changes." a Western diplo- of 40," company General Manager last until 3:30 a.m. or 4 a.m., the much." said one woman. Gutin said that management 24 pages, 4 sections ggjj “ Unlike Andropov, Cher- William H. Stevenson said in a memo said. Although company officials have would try to work out any problems Advice ......................................... 16 nenko is likely to want as much memo that was distributed to “ This change will help provide a said no layoffs would result, she that individuals might have with Area towns......................................... 19 stability as possible and it is also a employees on Monday. better standard of living for all said rumors were circulating the new hours. affected employees and consoli­ among plant employees that there In his memo, Stevenson said that rlifc T iiM .......................................OT.ol f” '" m ajor change. ’ ’ Though the policy stated in the date our operation to two shifts for would be some. within the next two weeks third Comics 18 I " a speech to the Central memo appears to require em­ more effective control,” the memo One man said the announcement shift supervisors would discuss Entertainment....................................16 Committee reported by Tass Tues- ployees to work extra hours, Irving said. came as no big surprise to with each employee their prefer­ .........................................7 day, Chernenko set the tone for Gutin, vice president of Tyco Obituorics............................................ B employees. ence for first or second shift work. Opinion...............................................0 m ajor issues expected at the Laboratories Inc., which recently The plant currently operates on "It's been rather smooth," he He said “ a more formalized outline Peopletaik .......................................... 2 Supreme Soviet meeting. acquired Multi-Circuits, said the three eight-hour shifts. The change said. of the new policy" and its effect on Sports..........., ......................... 9-12 ije concentrated on domestic overtime would be optional and will have no effect on several benefits, would be distributed to Weaiher°''.l!!.!!!!.!.!!!!!!2 affairs, particularly ideology and that no employee would be re­ departments, the memo added. He said that employees hud been employees before April 23. proposals to overhaul the educa- quired to work a 50-hour week. The The change in hours of operation given no indication of what would Multi-Circuits, which employees SAMPLES TODAY tion system. Chernenko announced apparent discrepancy could not be will "closely parallel those of happen if they were unable to work approximately 700 people in Man­ The Manchester Herald today con- calarv increases for teachers nf m explained, as Multi-Circuits offi­ North American Printed Circuits the new hours. chester, is the town's second tinues Its sompllng program to bring ®aiary increases lor leacners oi JU cials in Manchester refused com­ in Stafford Springs," it said. Both Another woman said employees largest private employer. It was copies of the newspaper to non- percent to 35 percent and said they ment on the new policy. Multi-Circuits and North Am eri­ were told that they would have to purchased by Tyco Laboratories, subscribers In Manchester. must model children to reject Gutin said no layoffs are antici­ can Printed Circuits are owned by either work the new hours or leave. based in Exeter. N H .. in March for ••••••••••••«••••••••• views alien to Soviet society. pated as a result of the change in Tyco, a diversified corporation She disagreed that the change about $13 million. Mondale delegate Reagan policy rebuked Top U.S. educator tally is over 1,000 is coming to tiling Senators vote against mining By Laurence McQuillan , United Press International The top school official in the nation will appear By Robert Shepard mendation of his national security viding weapons and ammunition to -M ay 10 at Illing Junior High School, which has United Press International adviser, Robert McFarlane, and the guerrillas in El Salvador," he PHILADELPHIA — Walter Mondale, confidently been selected to host a regional conference on the Pentagon despite misgivings added. calling his Pennsylvania win the “ keystone" of his education, Manchester school officials an­ WASHINGTON - President by Secretary of State George drive for the White House, now has amassed more nounced today. Reagan suffered an embarrassing Shultz. The administration has said all than half the delegates needed for the Democrati'c SchoolJSuperintendent James P. Kennedy said rebuke in the Senate as Republi­ The Post, quoting administra­ along it is aiding the anti- presidential nomination. it will be "a pleasure and an honor” to have U.S.
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