בה What in the World Are the ? From Nothing to Something and back again

Atzilus Beriah

Asiyah Rabbi Baruch Epstein Devarim 4:39. And you shall know this day and consider it in your heart, that the Lord He is God in heaven above, and upon the earth below; there is nothing else.

:וְיָ ַד ְע ָת ַהּיֹום וַ ֲה ֵׁשב ֹ ָת ֶאל ְל ָב ֶבָך ִּכי יְה ֹוָה הּוא ָה ֱאֹל ִּהים ַב ָש ַמיִּם ִּמ ַם ַעל וְ ַעל ָהָא ֶרץ ִּמ ָת ַחת ֵׁאין עֹוד .

Devarim 4: 35 You have been shown, in order to know that the Lord He is God; there is nothing else besides Him.

ַא ָתה ָה ְר ֵׁא ָת ָל ַד ַעת ִּכי יְה ֹוָה הּוא ָה ֱאֹל ִּהים ֵׁאין עֹוד ִּמ ְל ַבּדֹו .

Who Knows one? One is Hashem! Two are the Tablets Three are the Fathers

…. And One is Hashem - not merely the obvious that there is only One Hashem IS rather, One Hashem So how can we exist? צמצום I'm here and you’re here; independence without abandonment

Something from NOTHING?!

Tzimtzum reveals through concealing

Calibrated G-dliness vs. overwhelming (we operate the mechanism)

( Shabbos 88) “R. Joshua b. Levi also said: At every word which went forth from the mouth of the Holy One, blessed be He, the of departed”

absent is NOthing – and no thing can “be” in the presence of NOthing Tzimtzum is our friend

• Parent – Child – Gradual independence – not abandonment or helicopter parent • Entrepreneur – Employees - one man show to multi- national without micro managing or losing identity • Teacher – student – “raise up (to stand on their own) many students” (Avos 1:2) – may no longer be “amazed” by the teacher just – א)נכי( Imagine how difficult it is for Hashem! From • !all the creations (who might) scoff – ב)ראשית( Me - to Four grades of awareness of Hashem

ישעיהו פרק מג ז:כ ֹל ַהמִּ ְק ָרא ִּב ְש ִּמי, וְ ִּל ְכבֹו ִּדי ְב ָרא ִּתיו: יְ ַצ ְר ִּתיו, ַאף- ֲע ִּשי ִּתיו .

Isaih 43: 7: “Every one that is 1. called by My name, Atzilus 2. and whom I have created for My glory, Beriah 3. I have formed him, Yetzirah 4. yea, I have made him” Asiya

I am next to (consumed by) Hashem – אצילות o – I am created by Hashem - בריאה o - I am designed/nuanced by Hashem - יצירה o - I am busy doing things - עשיה o Four letters of Hashem’s Name

start of any/everything - י • d beyond our human depth, breadth and length experience - ה • -- d within our human vertical, connection (and) experience - ו • part of Hashem entrusted to us - ה • Stages of Morning Prayer

Tefila – Prayer (better “connection) gets us out of ourselves and bonded with Hashem. Proceeds from the bottom up --- o Morning blessings – acknowledge human ability – עשיה – "world of "activity o Verses of Praise – describe beauty of Hashem’s יצירה – ”creation – world of “artistry o Shema & Amida – attachment with Hashem – בריאה – "world of "being o Tefila is accepted – gift from Hashem/out of our אצילות - ”hands –world of “ proximity Mother/Child

absolute awareness (אצילות) Fetus •

muted )בריאה( Newborn •

apparent independence )יצירה( Child •

independence )עשיה( Adult • ’s Impact Drive for the Mitzvah Awareness level (world) Quality of performer

Genuine, all Atzilus , nothing else encompassing love other than Hashem & reverence

Innovative love Beriah (with “boost” Beinoni, Server from Hashem) (always striving for more), nothing else beside Him Innate love Yetzirah Beinoni, Servant (Satisfied) – impulse of the G-dly .

Instinctual love Asiyah Rasha, absent awareness. Obligation First Commandment – is for Father & Mother to beget a (דעת = בתי & בני of גמטריא son and daughter (the

• Father/Hashem – Uncapped possibility - Atzilus • Mother/ – Nurture - Beriah Proverbs 1:8. Hearken, my son, to the discipline of your father, and do not forsake the instruction of your mother ְש ַמע ְבנִּי מּו ַסר ָא ִּביָך וְַאל ִּתּטש תֹו ַרת ִּא ֶםָך • Son/Moshiach - Empower Yetzirah • Psalms2:2 Kings of a land stand up, and nobles take counsel together against the Lord יִּ ְתיַ ְצבּו | ַמ ְל ֵׁכי ֶא ֶרץ וְרֹו ְזנִּים נֹו ְסדּו יָ ַחד ַעל יְה ֹוָה וְ ַעל ְמ ִּשיחֹו .and against His anointed • 2:7 I will tell of the decree; The Lord said to me, "You are My son; this day have I ֲא ַס ְפ ָרה ֶאל ח ֹק יְה ֹוָה ָא ַמר ֵׁא ַלי ְבנִּי ַא ָתה ֲאנִּי ַהּיֹום יְ ִּל ְד ִּתיָך .begotten you • Daughter/Nation of Israel – Apply - Asiyah

Medrash Rabba commenting on Proverbs 31:29 • "רבות בנות )בנ''י( עשו חיל ואת )משה( עלית על ֺכ ָלנָה • Many daughters have done nobly (the Jewish People), but (Moshe) you surpass them all • The Jews built the Mishkan but only Moshe could assemble it Ten Identifiable Characteristics

Kesser – Crown who I truly am

A. Chochma - Imagination – anything is possible B. Bina - Analysis – winnow out the valuable ideas) C. Daas – Application make it happen

A. – no limits – (thus limited to limitless) B. – precision – justice – square pegs in square holes C. Tiferes – blend – you don’t deserve it – I’ll give it to you anyway!

A. - endurance B. – empower other’s success C. – basic connectivity

Malchus – decisions.

Hayom Yom 29 Adar II

My father (the Rebbe RaSHaB) said at a farbrengen: G-d created the universe and all physical objects Yeish Mei'ayin, something from Nothing. Jews must transform the "something" into "nothing,“ i.e., transform the material into spiritual.

The Avoda of turning the physical into spiritual and making the physical into an instrument for the spiritual, is a personal obligation. Every single person, individually, is required to do this