List of Participants
High-Level Meeting of the Global Judicial Integrity Network (25-26 February 2020) Doha, Qatar List of Participants Countries Afghanistan Said Yousuf Halem, Chief Justice, Supreme Court Mohammad Wazir Rasoli, Chief Judge, Badighis Appellate Court Fahimullah Nizai, Chief Judge, Orozgan Appellate Court Ajmal Andewal, Assistant to the Chief Justice, Supreme Court Albania Ardian Dvorani, Acting President, Supreme Court Vitore Tusha, Acting President, Constitutional Court Alma Çomo, Head of Public and International Relations, Constitutional Court Angola Inocência Pinto, Deputy Attorney General Adalberto Luacuti, State Attorney Azerbaijan Aliisa Dadashov, Head of International Relations Department, Supreme Court Benin Ousmane Batoko, Président de la Cour Suprême, Président de l’Association des Hautes Juridictions de Cassation des Pays ayant en partage l’usage du Français Assiba Josephine Regina Benoîte Anagonou Loko, Magistrat, Conseiller à la Chambre Administrative, Secrétaire Générale de la Cour Suprême Antoine Gouhouede, Magistrat, Conseiller à la Chambre Judiciaire de la Cour Suprême Bhutan Tashi Chhozom, Justice, Supreme Court Pem Dechen, Judge, Civil Bench, Thumphu District Court Bosnia and Herzegovina Milan Tegeltija, President, High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council Gordana Tadic, Chief Prosecutor Sabina Karahasanovic, Cabinet of the Presidency, High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council Aleksandra Golijanin, Senior Advisor, Office of the Chief Prosecutor, Prosecutor's Office Botswana Isaac Lesetedi, Judge, Court of Appeal Brazil Antonio
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