November 18, 2015 Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ – May grace and peace be yours in abundance (I Peter 1:2a). Synod Communications Beginning in 2016, in order to provide regular communication and to reduce financial costs, the Synod office will no longer be preparing and distributing regular quarterly mailings to all congregations and rostered leaders. Instead, we will be preparing weekly e-letters and sharing these via the Synod e-list, called “Wednesday’s Word.” These may be reproduced in your Sunday bulletins and newsletters. The material will also be available on the Synod website. Those currently on the Synod’s e-list will receive a request in December to subscribe to the weekly e-letter, in compliance of Canada’s anti-spam laws. All are welcome to subscribe and to forward the link to Council members and other interested individuals. Celebrations and Canada Lutheran insert Editor I give thanks to Colleen McGinnis who has faithfully served as the editor of our Synod’s Celebrations and Canada Lutheran insert for several years. Colleen is taking a break to continue developing and expanding Caelin Artworks in Wetaskiwin and Bay Gallery 12, Village at Pigeon Lake. I am pleased to announce that Wendy Christensen-Grosfield has been named interim editor. Wendy may be reached at:
[email protected] The following are brief comments related to our Synod Mission Priorities: Spirit-led Leadership Synod Convention 2016 Mark your calendar for the Synod of Alberta and the Territories Convention to be held in Camrose – U of A Augustana Campus – June 16-18, 2016.