November 18, 2015

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ –

May grace and peace be yours in abundance (I Peter 1:2a).

Synod Communications Beginning in 2016, in order to provide regular communication and to reduce financial costs, the Synod office will no longer be preparing and distributing regular quarterly mailings to all congregations and rostered leaders. Instead, we will be preparing weekly e-letters and sharing these via the Synod e-list, called “Wednesday’s Word.” These may be reproduced in your Sunday bulletins and newsletters. The material will also be available on the Synod website. Those currently on the Synod’s e-list will receive a request in December to subscribe to the weekly e-letter, in compliance of ’s anti-spam laws. All are welcome to subscribe and to forward the link to Council members and other interested individuals.

Celebrations and Canada Lutheran insert Editor I give thanks to Colleen McGinnis who has faithfully served as the editor of our Synod’s Celebrations and Canada Lutheran insert for several years. Colleen is taking a break to continue developing and expanding Caelin Artworks in and Bay Gallery 12, Village at . I am pleased to announce that Wendy Christensen-Grosfield has been named interim editor. Wendy may be reached at: [email protected]

The following are brief comments related to our Synod Mission Priorities:

Spirit-led Leadership

Synod Convention 2016 Mark your calendar for the Synod of and the Territories Convention to be held in Camrose – U of A Augustana Campus – June 16-18, 2016. “Liberated by God’s Grace.” We have contracted with Wendy Christensen-Grosfield, , to serve as Convention Manager.

Synod Council September Meeting Highlights from the September 18 meeting of Synod Council can be found on the synod website:

Forming Missional Shaped Ministries The Assistant to the Bishop for Mission, The Rev. Dr. Julianne Barlow, continues to focus time and energy on the second iteration of the missional formation in the Southern Conference of our Synod. The first iteration continues with clergy cohorts and congregational guiding teams continuing to gather in and in .

Synod Campus Ministry Thank you for your support of Campus Ministry throughout our Synod though the Drive for Five efforts. As of October 31 $9,283.53 has been collected from congregations and to be distributed equally among the five ministries.

4th Annual Synod Retired Rostered Leaders and Spouses Gathering A 4th Annual bbq for retired rostered leaders and spouses will be held at Camp Kuriakos, Sylvan Lake, April 19, 2016. I look forward to a wonderful day of conversation, food, and worship.

Hope-filled Discipleship

Lay Leadership Training Conversation has begun across the four Western Synods to explore shared lay ministry training offered collaboratively and in partnership with Lutheran Theological Seminary Saskatoon. Training will likely include on- line learning enabling the training to occur via one’s own computer. Watch for further information and learning opportunities.

2015 Conference Conventions We gathered this fall in three conference conventions under the theme: Living Well with the Land: touch the earth lightly (ELW 739). Presenters at the northern conference were: Revs. Kathy Calkins (Peace, Innisfail) and Anne Salmon (Grace, Lutheran and St. Catherine’s Anglican, Edson). Rev. Dr. Cam Harder (Lutheran Theological Seminary Saskatoon) presented at the West and East Central and Southern and South West Conferences. Thank you to host congregations: Northern at Our Saviour’s, Edmonton, West and East Central at St. Peter’s, Millet and South West and Southern at Lutheran Church of the Cross, Calgary.

Innovative Tradition

Creative Initiatives Each Synod has received funds ($200K for use through June 2018) through the National Church Extension and Capital Fund (CECF) to support or create learning opportunities as people join in the work God is already doing in our neighbourhoods and communities. Information is available on the Synod website under the Missional Formation tab or you may contact The Rev. Dr. Julianne Barlow for further information and an application form.

Participating in Hope - Church Council Conversations A significant part of Synod Council’s agenda time on September 18 was focussed on reviewing the material heard and gathered at the April/May 2015 Participating in Hope gatherings across the Synod (Synod Council and Executive members and Deans facilitated geographically close church councils gatherings for the purpose of: listening to their stories of mission - of God at work, fostering the faith and ministry of the congregational leaders, thanking them for their past partnership in ministry, and inviting them to participate in God’s hope- filled future, in partnership with the Synod and each other). Listening and discerning together led to the identifying of common themes heard and a desire to meet again. These common themes and an invitation to gather for Participating in Hope 2.0 in February 2016 were sent via a letter to each rostered leader and congregational chair.

All Program Committee Gathering – Ministry Teams For the second year all Synod Program Committees/Ministry Teams met at Good Shepherd, Red Deer, September 19. Together we worshipped, reflected on Scripture, prayed, listened, and collaborated with other ministry teams active in the Synod. We will gather together again Saturday, May 7, 2016.

During our time together video footage was taken focussing on our Synod’s four mission priorities in preparation for sharing four video pieces at next year’s Synod Convention; which will be given as a a gift to each congregation via a DVD for use in your local ministry context.

Collaborative Partnerships

En Misión Con El Salvador: In Mission with El Salvador Arrangements are being finalized to welcome Christian Chavarría, a young Lutheran El Salvadoran artist, to our Synod. Anticipating that a VISA will be granted Christian will be journeying throughout our Synod for three weeks in January. He will be presented at the Campus Ministry’s Young Adult retreat, participating in the Annual Study Conference, presenting at our campus ministries and at several congregations. Further information and details will be shared via the synod e-list. Your prayers at this time that a VISA would be granted are much appreciated. You can find more information about Christian and his personal story of horror and violence in El Salvador, ‘Afflicted with Hope,’ here: armando-chavarria-ayala.

Promoting and Renewing Right Relations I have endorsed the formation of a Ministry Team (A.I.R.R. – Abiding in Right Relations) made up of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Peoples (rostered and non-rostered) and ecumenical partners, to encourage education, advocacy, and service so that all of the synod’s members and congregations can be involved in the process of building right relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Peoples. A learning event is planned for Airdrie, Friday evening November 20-Saturday, November 21, which will include participants from The Montana Synod (ELCA), The Episcopal Diocese of Montana, The Anglican Diocese of Calgary and The Synod of Alberta and the Territories. A designated tab has been added to our Synod webpage which will include resources, events and links to materials (look under the Ministries tab for ‘A.I.R.R.’).

CARE: Congregational Action and REsponse for Mental Health - Synod-wide Mental Health Initiative The Congregational Action and Response for Mental Health (CARe) Ministry Team is dedicated to raising awareness about the need for good mental health in congregations. Mental health issues affect many persons and the church has a role to play in responding to persons with mental illness and their supporters. One in five people in the Canadian population (including our congregations) will experience a mental health challenge in any one year. One in three will have experience with a mental health challenge over their lifetime. The Synod CARe Ministry Team wants congregations to be aware of the prevalence of challenges to good mental health. CARe also wants to equip them to respond to those developing mental illness, and those in crisis.

The CARe Ministry Team will offer up to 3, $100 scholarships per Lutheran congregation in the ABT Synod so that each of our congregations can send an individual or team (lay or rostered) to train with Mental Health First Aid Canada.

See the designated tab on our Synod webpage for further information (look under the Ministries tab for “C.A.R.e.”).

Synod Finances Thank you for your continued partnership, generosity, support and prayers for our joint ministry and for the conversations which took place at congregational AGMs. Benevolence giving up to the end of October is slightly above last year’s giving.

Congregations and Persons in Transition:

Southern Conference  Redeemer, Hanna: Colin Millang continues to serve in a Licensed pastoral capacity while interning and continuing his studies through Lutheran Theological Seminary, Saskatoon.

South West Conference  St. John’s, Calgary: Rev. Dr. Kayko Driedger Hesslein, interim.  First, Calgary: Rev. Kevin Powell continues a two year intentional interim ministry.  All Saints, Calgary: The Call Process continues.  Advent, Calgary: The Call Process continues.

West Central Conference  Grace, Wetaskiwin: Rev. Rene Faille (Anglican), interim. Rev. Fred Schneider (St. Paul Lutheran, Yorkton, SK) has received and accepted the call.  St. Paul’s, : Rev. Kathleen Schmitke, interim.  Intern Jailyn Corbin continues her two-year placement at Peace, Leduc.  St. Peter’s, Millet: Rev. Rolf Nosterud, interim.

East Central Conference  Messiah, Camrose: Diaconal Minister, Bev Swanson, full-time interim. A Primary Candidate has been named.  /Edberg Parish and Bashaw congregations: Rev. Julianna Wehrfritz-Hanson has received and accepted the call.  Bawlf Parish: Rev. John Strecker-Baseler has received and accepted the call.

Northern Conference  Jasper, Jasper: Currently seeking heritage status. Will continue with summer supply and worship provision as available.  Good Shepherd, Stony Plain: Rev. George Friedrich, interim. Rev. Beryl St. Germaine (Redeemer Lutheran, Porcupine Plain and Crooked River Lutheran, Crooked River, SK) has received and accepted the call.  Intern Lindsey Skakum continues her two-year placement at Holy Spirit, Edmonton.  Intern Sarah Mowat continues her two-year placement at Grace Lutheran and St. Catherine’s Anglican, Edson.  Trinity, Whitehorse: Retired Anglican Bishop Terry Buckle is serving as part-time interim through December preaching and presiding at the Eucharist. The Call process continues.  Lakeland Lutheran, Cold Lake: AnnE Zimmerman has been Licensed to serve in a pastoral capacity, interim.  St. Peter’s Ecumenical, Slave Lake: The Call process continues.  Lord of Life, Edmonton: Rev. David Melax has received and accepted the call.  Trinity, Edmonton: The Call process continues for an associate pastor. A Primary Candidate has been named.

Bishop Self-Care and Spiritual Renewal As per Synod Council policy, Bishop Self-Care and Spiritual Renewal, I continue to take a one-day personal retreat each month and twice a year take a two-day personal retreat. Each retreat period also provides the opportunity to see a Spiritual Director. I am thankful for this care and support from the Synod. I continue to meet on a regular basis with a committee of two retired rostered and two lay leaders.

Sisters and Brothers in Christ, blessings as you serve and as you journey this season.

“The God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13).

In Christ Jesus – Shalom, +Larry

Spirit -Led Leadership - Hope-Filled Discipleship - Innovative Tradition - Collaborative Partnerships

Missional Formation: Nov 23, 2015

Some might argue that the church has gone through some pretty dramatic changes. I would agree: dramatic. In other words, all show. The significant change required is resisted to the death. The church would rather die than give you change. We are experts in tweaking. Rearranging the furniture on a sinking ship. Renovating. Redesigning. Remodeling. We’ve become makeup artists. Experts in the facade. The true transformation that beckons us is symbol- ized by our symbol, the cross. It means death to our “fantasmic” future. Death to our vision. Death to our agendas. Death to power and authority. Death to control. Death to success. Real church happened on the cross. Genuine community. Thief: “Jesus, I hurt.” Jesus: “You’re with me. And I’m with you.” by David Hayward, Feb 16, 2013,

Gatherings for Iteration #1 Gatherings for Iteration #2 Next

Rostered Leaders’ Cohorts Rostered Leaders’ cohort Creative North: Dec 18, Feb 16. Southern Cohort: Nov 25, Jan 15 Calgary: Dec 7, tbd and Feb 11. Initiatives Grant Congregation Guiding Teams Congregation Guiding Teams North: January Step 2: Jan 16 deadline is Calgary: tbd Step 3: Apr 9 Jan 31, 2016

“Culture change doesn’t come from the ideational notions of pastors or even the proposals of books (including my own.) It emerges from ordinary people in local contexts and congregations.

A critical leadership question for this journey is not primarily about the right ideas (kingdom or otherwise) but how one invites the people of a local congregation onto this journey of culture change. This is the subterranean work. In my experience it’s the hard, difficult work of leadership that’s done on the way and on the ground but remains sadly absent.” Alan Roxburgh: Review of "Subterranean" by Dan White Jr. TMN email, Nov 19, 2015.

For more Information or if you have questions please contact Julianne Barlow, Assistant for Mission: 587-439-1937, [email protected]

NOVEMBER 2015 NOTES & NEWS BISHOP’S MESSAGE INSIDE THIS ISSUE: December 2015 Message for Congregations, Lay & Rostered Leaders B I S H O P ’ S 1 MESSAGE Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ – signed – no, not really resigned but actually quite confident – that whether he lives or NOTES FROM 2 I thank my God every time I remember EL SALVADOR you… (Philippians 1:3). dies, Christ will be glorified.

And so while his conclusion is traditional, it is STAFF ITINERARY 4 This year I am inviting you to reflect on portions of Paul’s letter, to all the saints in also both personal and imperative. Greet SYNOD STAFF 5 every saint – that is, each and every individu- C H R I S T M A S Christ Jesus who are in Philippi (1:1b), as GREETINGS you gather for church council, adult study, al member – in the Philippian congregation for me, he writes. And know that these greet- SYNOD EVENTS 6 youth group, coffee group and are engaged in learning, discernment and re- ings come not only from me but from friends 2016 SYNOD 6 and associates with me and, indeed, from CONVENTION flection together. INFORMATION Relying heavily on the writings of Fred other Christians even here in this Roman out- post where I am imprisoned. MENTAL HEALTH Craddock and of David Lose, each article 7 Paul may not only be conveying a wealth of A W A R E N E S S will include a brief reflection on a Scripture greetings, reminding the Philippians of the INITIATIVE: passage, questions for reflection and dis- C.A.RE. many fellow believers with whom they are cussion, and a prayer. SYNOD STUDY 8 bound, but also emphasizing that he is not CONFERENCE I encourage you, as we begin, to read alone. He has other associates and friends Paul’s letter in its entirety in one sitting; 2 0 1 6 C L A Y 9 caring for him and, more than that, who will GATHERING remembering as you read that this is a carry on should he return to the Lord in letter – of Paul – to a church. S Y N O D 9 death. COMMUNICATIONS - Greet every saint in Christ Jesus. The ELECTRONIC Paul is not alone any more than the Philippi- NEWSLETTER friends who are with me greet you. All the ans are alone, and together they will see the saints greet you, especially those of the NEW TO THE ABT 10 mission of God to love and reconcile the S Y N O D emperor’s household. The grace of the world advanced. For while Paul’s witness Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. S Y N O D 11 may burn brighter than most, yet it is only ANOUNCEMNTS Philippians 4:21-23 AND PRAYER one of a myriad of witnesses that together And then it’s over. Paul’s letter ends with REQUESTS light the way forward into the world of the traditional two-fold pattern common to God’s love and peace. ancient correspondence: greetings to all With that confidence, Paul ends with a from all, and a benediction. word of benediction that naturally echoes Except it’s not really over. how he began his letter, blessing his friends At this point Paul doesn’t know what his with God’s grace, grace that leads to a con- fate will be. He longs to see the Philippi- tented and confident peace whatever the ans again but has no assurance of that. future may hold. He hopes to continue his work but is re- Page 2 NOTES & NEWS

Not a bad way to end, when you think of it. es that together light the way forward into the world of God’s Or, for that matter, to begin. love and peace.

Read and Reflect: Philippians 4:21-23 Pray together: Gracious God, let your grace enfold us in con- fidence and peace, that we may face the future knowing that Discuss and Reflect: What in this reading leads you to say, “I wonder about…”, wherever we may go, and whatever may befall us, you are or, “I noticed…” there out ahead, beckoning us forward. In Jesus’ name.

Comment on the following: Amen.

Paul may not only be conveying a wealth of greetings, re- In Christ Jesus – minding the Philippians of the many fellow believers with Shalom, whom they are bound, but also emphasizing that he is not +Larry alone. The Rev. Dr. Larry Kochendorfer, Bishop Synod of Alberta and the Territories Comment on the following: …while Paul’s witness may burn Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada brighter than most, yet it is only one of a myriad of witness- NOTES FROM EL SALVADOR In El Salvador we are dered by youth cycling past when leaving nostalgic or historical purposes, this is a frequently called up- their small church after worship one Satur- mission which seeks and strives for on to be witnesses. We are witnesses of day morning. Their family had to flee the truth and justice to prevail over amnesia the witnesses; we give witness to the country as refugees for some years, but and facile amnesty. It is also a pastoral witnesses. "Witness" is the English have now returned home, continuing the and therapeutic mission, as those with translation of the Greek "martyr". We are pastoral ministry of their parents with that whom we re-unite are often still suffer- not all called to be martyrs, in the dra- same community, "Pan de Vida", Bread of ing the multiple traumas of war, as well matic, life-giving sense. But we are Life. Wuilver, who has served for years as as a myriad of pre- and post-war tri- called to be witnesses of the martyrs, to a pastor, will soon graduate with a degree als. One emotional young woman, now give witness to the martyrs. in theology. His daughter, just graduating a mother of 2 teenagers, tearfully un- On 7 November, this meant joining from high school, may follow this same loaded her griefs upon us, recalling her calling. childhood at Fe y Esperanza orphanage as being the only happy years of her As pastor of "Fe y Esperanza" Lutheran life. orphanage from 1988-1994, I now accom- pany the newly-founded "Fe y Esperanza In mid-August, we gathered a busload of Historical Memory Association". Together eager survivors from around San Salva- with a group of women who were graduat- dor for a full-day pilgrimage to the site ing from high school just as I was joining of a riverside massacre in 1982, El Cal- this awesome family, we seek out scat- abozo. There we joined a large crowd in tered former residents of Fe y Esperanza, front of a monument which had recently gather and publish their testimonies and been erected in honour of, and naming life-stories, organize and host a couple each of, the 200+ peasants who had Wuilver Carrillo as he led his small house family reunions each year, and commemo- been slaughtered at that site. My gaze -church community in an intimate com- rate the massacres which drove them was drawn irresistably into the faces, memoration of his parents' martyrdom 9 from their rural homes during the armed into the eyes, of those who surrounded years earlier. Francisco and Jesús Carril- conflict of the early- to mid-eighties. More me, as I longed to hear their life-stories, lo, a Lutheran pastoral couple, were mur- than just keeping alive the memories, for every detail of their tragic yet invaluable Page 3 NOTES & NEWS lives. http:// bolic dance / theatre / music presenta- heads before them. These countries should tion by a distant rural youth troupe was not accuse other countries of terrorists massacre-at-el-calabozo.html especially moving. All 14 musical ensem- home because they are first on the list of In mid-November we commemorated, for bles included a newly-composed song in terrorists in the world, having governments the 26th time, the martyrdom of 6 Jesuit honour of Mons. Romero. that make terrorism in the world. Why don't priests and their 2 female assistants, on Christian do they just govern their country and let the the campus of the University of Central Chavarria other in peace? It is so, so sad what is hap- America. I was well-accompanied for Ayala, who pening in our world!" those 10 hours by 2 friends who have will be visit- Christian, besides witnessing the martyrdom known displacement due to war and vio- ing the ABT of family members during the war, was also lence. This is a larger, more public series Synod in a witness at the funeral of a classmate, of events, from art galleries, to artistic January, both students in my "Christian Formation" "carpets" on the street, to a theatrical per- connects the class at the Lutheran high school. Juan formance, to a procession, to a celebrato- horrors of Carlos is a martyr, murdered for his role in ry Mass, to a music festival (which, alas, war-time El Salvador with current global "witnessing", in gathering the testimonies of didn't last until dawn, as in previous tragedies, in a post-Paris posting to his war-victims for his mother and her organiza- years, but only until 12:30 a.m.). Facebook page, commenting on a graphic tion "Co-Madres", for publication in the UN video showing the effects of western Truth Commission report in 1993, following We commemorate and celebrate the mar- bombing on children in the Middle East: the Peace Accords of 1992. Threatened tyrdom of San Romero de América with with death after appearing in a news photo even greater frequency. His martyrdom "I know the horror of the bombs killing my taken at the funeral, Christian had to go into on 24 March draws many global pilgrims friends, killing my family. When I see this exile in Sweden for several years. for immersion in a wide range of com- is like to live again my past during the civil memoration activities. Now that Romero war in El Salvador. The governments Martyrs. Massacres. Witnesses. was officially beatified by the Vatican on many years later are still so, so , so stu- Martyrs and massacres. 23 May, another momentous celebration, pid. The worst of all this is that the people Martyrs and witnesses. there is no impediment to celebrating his who suffer more are the innocents. The birthday publicly on 15 August. And cele- ambition of the rich countries to control Massacres and witnesses. brate we did, with a music and dance fes- the world is inhuman. The leaders of May God have mercy on God's people. And tival in a central park, Parque Cus- those countries do not care of their peo- may we respond to God's calling to be wit- catlán. The crowd was not huge, but the ple, all that matters is to show to the nesses . . . martyrs. energy was irresistible. A dramatic, sym- world their power and that all hang our Brian AN INVITATION… Rev. Brian Rude, DD Start your days in Advent with a prayer! To Thank you to everyone for the ongoing receive daily Advent prayers (drawn from support of “En Misión con El Salvador: In various sources) via e-mail, send an e-mail Mission with El Salvador” with the word “subscribe” in the subject line to [email protected] If you wish to further support this minis- try, please send your cheques, made pay- IMPORTANT NOTE: If you received Lenten daily prayers in 2015, you are automatical- ly subscribed. Do not subscribe again, or you’ll receive duplicate prayers! able to the Alberta Synod, and designated “In Mission with El Salvador”. NOTES & NEWS Page 4


NOV 21 - Dec. 6 Vacation LAK

28 - Dec. 6 Vacation JEB Dec. 8 Retired Rostered Leaders Advent gathering LAK

Dec. 10 Synod staff Advent celebration LAK/JEB/DMW/TD

Dec. 10 Bishop’s Care (Skype) meeting LAK

Dec. 10-11 Synod Staff quarterly planning meeting LAK/JEB/DMW/TD

Dec. 24 - Jan 4 Synod office closed for Christmas break

JAN Jan 6 - 11 Bishops Teaching Academy, Tucson, Arizona LAK

Jan 6 Northern Guiding Team meeting - Edmonton JEB

Jan 15 Brooks Cohort meeting JEB

Jan 16 The Missional Network - Step 2 meeting, Brooks JEB

Jan 15-17 Young Adults Retreat, Camp Kuriakos LAK

Jan 24 Deans meeting - Canmore LAK/JEB

Jan 25-28 Study Conference - Canmore LAK/JEB

Jan 28 CTEL meeting LAK

Jan 29 - 31 Lutheran Theological Seminary Board meeting, Saskatoon LAK

FEB Feb 5-6 Synod Staff Training event; Mental Health First Aid Course LAK/JEB/DMW Feb 10 Ash Wednesday

Feb 11 Brooks Cohort meeting JEB

Feb 15 Family Day - synod office closed

Feb 16-17 Missions Consultation meeting LAK/JEB Feb 17-18 CECF meeting LAK/JEB

Feb 17 Lutheran/Roman Catholic Lenten Dialogue #1 LAK

Feb 24 Lutheran/Roman Catholic Lenten Dialogue #2 LAK

MAR Mar 2 Lutheran/Roman Catholic Lenten Dialogue #3 LAK

Mar 3-5 National Church Council meeting, Winnipeg LAK

Mar 9 Lutheran/Roman Catholic Lenten Dialogue #4 LAK

Mar 9 Brooks Cohort meeting JEB

Mar 10-12 Synod Council meeting, Red Deer LAK/JEB

Mar 15-17 Faith, Order and Doctrine meeting, Calgary LAK NOTES & NEWS Page 5

Mar 25 Good Friday - Synod office closed Mar 28 Easter Monday - Synod office closed

Mar 31-Apr 1 CTEL Western Examining Board meeting, Leduc LAK

APR Apr 4-6 House of Bishops/Conference of Bishops meeting, Toronto LAK

Apr 9 The Missional Network - Step 3, Brooks JEB Apr 13-15 Joint Anglican Lutheran Committee meeting, Niagara Falls LAK

Apr 19 Retired Rostered Leaders BBQ, Camp Kuriakos LAK/JEB

MAY May 1-3 Lutheran Theological Seminary Board meeting LAK May 7 All Ministry Team meeting, Red Deer LAK/JEB

May 13 St. Matthew’s, 125th Anniversary LAK

May 18-20 Faith, Order and Doctrine meeting, Winnipeg LAK

May 23 Victoria Day - Synod office closed

JUNE June 16-18 Synod Convention, Augustana, Camrose LAK/JEB/DMW

Wendy Christensen

of Canada Lutheran, Celebrations Christmas blessings to you -Grosfield, ABT Editor from all the Synod staff: Bishop Don Sjoberg +Bishop Larry KochendorferAssistant Darla Wildfang, (Ret.), Synod Rev. Dr. Julianne Barlow, Consultant for Mission ‘En Mision con El Rev. Gary Nickel,Executive Assistant Rev. Dr. Brian Rude, Salvador: In Mission with El Salvador’ Diaconal Minister FaithSynod Nostbakken, Archivist Bookkeeper Trudy Davis, Ecumenical Officer, North Rev. Daranne Harris, Good news from heaven Ecumenical Officer, South the angels bring, Glad tidings to the earth they sing; To us this day a child is given, To crown us with the joy of heaven.

- Martin Luther NOTES & NEWS Page 6


The years 2015-17 have been identified by The Lutheran and opportunities for conversation around the subthemes World Federation (LWF) as a time to commemorate the of “Creation-Not for Sale”, “Salvation-Not for Sale”, and 500th anniversary of the Reformation. “Human Beings-Not for Sale”, led by National Bishop Susan Johnson, the Rev. Dr. Gordon Jensen, and the Rt. Rev. Mark The Synod of Alberta and the Territories will echo and sup- MacDonald, National Indigenous Anglican Bishop. Be pre- port the LWF theme of pared to be inspired, to listen, to contribute to the conversa- Liberated by God's tion, and to be liberated by God’s grace.

Grace Other highlights include uplifting worship led by Convention Chaplain Daranne Harris, a Hymn Fest, a celebratory ban- and the three subthemes (Creation - quet honouring those with ordination anniversaries, video Not for Sale, Salvation - Not for Sale, presentations and a “take-home” DVD and discussion guide and Human Beings - Not for Sale) at on the missions and ministries of our Synod, the election of our Convention and as we participate Synod delegates to the 2017 National Convention in Winni- in this international and ecumenical peg, as well as plenty of opportunities for food and fellow- commemoration. The commemora- ship. tion gives us the opportunity to remember and reflect on Watch for the official Convention Call and detailed infor- the Reformation and what it means for us now, living as mation on delegates, registration, registration fees, accom- Lutheran people within the whole body of Christ. modation options and the Convention program, which will Convention highlights include three keynote presentations be distributed to all congregations by December 15, 2015.

Synod EVENTS Week of Prayer for Christian Unity The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is an an- Mark your calendars for the following events this winter and spring in nual ecumenical celebration traditionally held the Synod. from January 18 to 25,

2016. November: Nov. 30: Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols, Edmonton. 7:30 p.m at the Winspear. Coming together during this week, we join people around the world to pray December: Dec 4: Highwood Lutheran, Calgary - Christmas Hymn for Christian unity – in Concert, 7:30 pm Dec. 8: Retired Rostered Leaders Advent Gathering (Edmonton) worship, reflection, study, and fellowship. This year, we join to pray with the Christians of Latvia; January: Jan 15-17: Young Adults Retreat, Camp to reflect on the mighty acts of God in our lives, and Kuriakos, AB with El Salvadoran artist, Christian Ayala to find ways in which we can witness to these acts by working together for the unity of Christ’s Church. To Jan 25-28: Bishop’s Annual Study Conference, learn more, or to download resources for use in your Canmore, AB congregation, including helpful tips on how to organ- February : From Conflict to Communion, weekly Lenten Lutheran/ ize an ecumenical Week of Prayer celebration in your Roman Catholic Conversations, Edmonton (more information to come area, go to via the Synod electronic news list.) faith/week-of-prayer-for-christian-unity/


CHANGES IN THE ABT S YNOD STAFF: THE CANADA LUTHERAN/ CELEBRATIONS EDITOR We give thanks to Colleen McGinnis who has faithfully served as the editor of our Synod’s Celebrations and Canada Lutheran insert for several years. Colleen is taking a break to continue developing and expanding Caelin Artworks in Wetaskiwin and Bay Gallery 12, Village at Pigeon Lake. We are pleased to announce that Wendy Christensen-Grosfield has been named interim editor. Wendy may be reached at: [email protected]

CONGREGATIONAL send an individual or team (lay or ros- es are offered in many communities in ACTION AND R E- tered) to train with Mental Health First our province and the territories. Go S P O N S E Aid Canada. This course originated in their website FOR MENTAL Australia, and is also taught in the ( to find HEALTH(CARE) United States. In Canada, Mental the course nearest you. You may MIN I S T R Y T E A M Health First Aid is a program of the choose whether to take a Basic The CARE Ministry Team is dedicated Mental Health Commission of Canada. course; one specifically for northern to raising awareness about the need communities; or for those who work Congregations can decide how to se- for good mental health in congrega- with youth. Click the instructor’s lect such persons they wish to send tions. Mental health issues affect name for information about course for training. Mental illness is often many persons and the church has a date, time and place, and then con- "hidden" and stigmatized. All congre- role to play in responding to persons tact the instructor directly to ask the gations should consider this oppor- with mental illness and price of the course. Your congregation tunity to learn the facts and how to their supporters. may be able to provide funding be- break down the stigma. Our faith com- One in five people in yond the scholarship if it is necessary. munity can be a strong means of sup- the Canadian popula- We encourage you to register quickly port. tion (including our con- as these courses fill up fast. gregations) will experi- Over two full days, participants will ence a mental health learn about a variety of mental illness Send your paid receipt from the challenge in any one conditions and will be taught how to course to the synod office at 10014 – year. One in three will approach and support someone devel- 81 Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB T6E have experience with a oping an illness or having a cri- 1W8, Attention: CARE MHFA to receive mental health chal- sis. Participants will be able to pro- reimbursement of $100 per person to lenge over their lifetime. The Synod vide initial help and guide a distressed a maximum of 3 persons per congre- CARE Ministry Team wants congrega- person to appropriate professional gation. Please indicate your congrega- tions to be aware of the prevalence of and community support. Mental tion when you send the receipt. challenges to good mental Health First Aid Canada recognizes Blessings as you seek to make your con- health. CARE also wants to equip that people with mental illness are gregation more aware, and prepared to them to respond to those developing able to recover a sense of meaning take action to support those with mental mental illness, and those in crisis. and purpose in life. Those with men- health challenges. The CARE tab on the tal illness are able to live in a way that synod website ( The CARE Ministry Team will offer up is satisfying, hopeful, and contributing also has many relevant resources to to three, $100 scholarships per Lu- to the common good. build on your mental health knowledge theran congregation in the ABT Synod Mental Health First Aid Canada cours- during the year. so that each of our congregations can NOTES & NEWS Page 8

2016 STUDY Wednesday evening offerings will be designated to the

Synod CONFERENCE building of Lord of Glory Lutheran Lac La Biche. Registration is online at All lay and rostered leaders are welcome to attend the leadership/study-conference/ Annual Study Conference in Canmore. More information can be found in the information pack- NOTE DATE CHANGE: The age included with this mailing. 2016 Study Conference is tak- Join with Lutherans across Canada and ing place from Monday, January take the Reformation Challenge as we 25 through Thursday January commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation and demonstrate our 28th. This is one week earlier excitement for the theme Liberated by than usual, and is due to the God's Grace.

2016 Women’s Alpine Skiing The Reformation Challenge calls us to:  Sponsor 500 refugees to Canada World Cup being held in  Provide 500 scholarships for ELCJHL schools Canmore in February. Please  Plant 500,000 trees  Give $500,000 to the LWF Endowment Fund mark you calendars accordingly. Let us know your commitment to the ELCIC Reformation Challenge. Tell us what you, your congregation, your fami- Guest speaker is The Rev. Dr. Anna Madsen, from OMG - ly, and your community pledge to do! Go to : Center for Theological Conversation. Anna is a "freelance www.elcic.cda//reformationchallenge.defualt.cfm and click on the registration button. theologian" in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, where she is under call from the South Dakota Synod of the Evangeli- The Interfaith Chaplains at the University of Alberta, cal Lutheran Church of America. The University of Alberta Mixed Chorus & The University of Al- berta and The King’s University Departments of Music After graduating from Trinity Lutheran Seminary, she present served a small South Dakota parish for three years be- fore earning a Ph.D. in systematic theology in Regens- FESTIVAL OF NINE LESSONS & CAROLS burg, Germany. She created OMG: Center for Theologi- FOR ADVENT & CHRISTMAS cal Conversation as a result of a family tragedy. Here, At The Winspear Centre - Monday, November 30, 7:30 p.m. individuals and groups, laity and clergy, come with all Featuring the U of A Mixed Chorus & Faculty of Education kinds of questions, for conversation, and study. She also Handbell Ringers, Robert de Frece, Director; and speaks, blogs and writes. ( Marnie Giesbrecht & Joachim Segger, Organists.

Guest Bishop is the Rev. Elaine Sauer, from the MNO All Seats: $15 (plus service chg.) Tickets can be bought at the Winspear Box Office: Synod.

(780) 428-1414. Thursday morning speaker is Sharon Smith of Sanctuary A Benefit for Student Mental Health Mental Health Ministries in Vancouver sharing about “The Lived Experience of Mental Health Recovery and the Gifts of a Christian Community”.


During the CLAY Gathering, youth and water issues in Canadian Indigenous home team leaders will encounter communities. scripture in meaningful ways, experi- The ELCIC Program Committee for ence ancient and modern ways of wor- Youth Ministry (PCYM) and ship, learn together in special interest the Youth Initiative forums, enjoy fantastic social events, of the Primate’s World Relief and De- explore Charlottetown, make connec- velopment Fund (PWRDF) are working tions with youth from all over Canada, as partners on this project. celebrating their life together. The theme of CLAY 2016 ties in with The Synod Youth Ministry Team is the Lutheran World Federation’s jour- planning a Pre-Gathering trip through ney towards the 500th anniversary of Nova Scotia for all teams going to the the Protestant Reformation in gathering. For more information, CANADIAN LUTHE R- 2017. Throughout the Gathering, par- please contact Tammy Kirkwood (St. AN ANGLICAN ticipants be exploring this theme in Paul’s (Ellerslie), Edmonton) at 780- YOUTH GATHERING three parts: 988-5446 or [email protected] a) Salvation not for sale is an incredible gather- ( C L A Y ) b) Human beings not for sale To download instructions on how to ing of Anglican and Lutheran youth c) Creation not for sale. register (and to learn everything you from across Canada. The Gathering need to know before you register) go As a part of the Gathering, youth also takes place every two years at differ- to: partake in a multi-year project. The ent locations across Canada. The theme for the 2012-16 National Youth Gathering in 2016 will take place uploads/2015/10/CLAY-2016- Project is “Right to Water”. Together, in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Is- Registration-Booklet.pdf youth and their leaders will focus on land, from August 17-21.


Beginning in 2016, in order to provide regular communica- tion and to reduce financial costs, the Synod office will no longer be preparing and distributing regular quarterly mail- ings to all congregations and rostered leaders. Instead, we will be preparing weekly e-letters and sharing these via the Synod e-list, called “Wednesday’s Word.” These may be reproduced in your Sunday bulletins and newsletters. The material will also be available on the Synod website. Those currently on the Synod’s e-list will receive a request in December to subscribe to the weekly e-letter, in compliance of Canada’s anti-spam laws. All are welcome to subscribe and to forward the link to Council members and other interested individuals. NOTES & NEWS Page 10

ELCIC APPEAL ISSUED T O where most needed to provide basic aid such as clothing, personal hygiene supplies and food vouchers to people ASSIST WITH SYRIAN most in need of support. Funds will also assist with help- REFUGEE RELIEF ing refugee children returning to school by supporting school and classroom rehabilitation and school supplies. Photo provided by CLWR Youth and young adults affected by trauma will be sup-

The Evangelical Lutheran ported through psychosocial support programs. Church in Canada (ELCIC) and Canadian Luther- Donations made between September 12, 2015 and De- an World Relief (CLWR) have cember 31, 2015 will be matched dollar-for-dollar by the issued an appeal to support Canadian government through their Syria Emergency Re- Syrian refugees suffering and lief Fund.

displaced by brutal violence in You may make a donation in one of the following ways: their country.

"We are asking all ELCIC mem- 1. Donate bers to keep Syrian refugees in product/685132A/syrianrefugeerelief.php their prayers," says ELCIC National Bishop Susan C. John- 2. Make a designated offering (Syrian Refugee Relief) son. "We pray for their safety and access to shelter and donation through any ELCIC congregation. basic necessities. I urge our members to assist with fi- nancial contributions to the appeal and help support our 3. Call CLWR at 1.800.661.2597 to donate by credit sisters and brothers." card.

CLWR, through the support of on-the-ground partners 4. Send a cheque made payable to CLWR and mailed such as The Lutheran World Federation, is working with to CLWR, 600-177 Lombard Avenue, Winnipeg, MB Syrian refugees who have settled in communities in Jor- R3B 0W5. Please indicate that you wish to contrib- dan and Iraq. Funds received for this appeal will go ute to Syrian Refugee Relief.


We are pleased to announce that Rev. Fred Schneider to come to a concert of vocal music based on favourite has accepted the call to Grace Lutheran, Wetaskiwin. hymns put on by the musicians at Highwood Lutheran Pastor Fred, wife Joyce and family will be moving from Church (419 Northmount Drive) on Yorkton, Saskatchewan, and will be beginning serving at Friday, December 4 at 7:30 PM. As well as having the Grace in January. opportunity to sing several well-known hymns, you will hear In addition, we are pleased to share that Rev. Beryl St. Liesel Fedkenhauer (soprano), Rick Vander Woude (on High- wood's historic pipe organ and Germain has accepted the call to Lutheran Church of piano), and friends perform a the Good Shepherd, Stony Plain and will start as their variety of hymn-based concert pastor on January 1st. Beryl also comes from Saskatche- repertoire. wan where she served in Porcupine Plains for the last 17 Admission is a non-perishable years. food item or monetary dona- Please take a moment to welcome them when you see tion for the Calgary Food Bank. them at events and gatherings around the Synod. Watch for posters announcing their installations to come in the new year. NOTES & NEWS Page 11

ANNOUNCEMENTS/ Synod PRAYER REQUESTS took place on Friday, September 11 at Ascension Luther- an, Edmonton. Harold is survived by his son, Keith; step- BIRTHS: children: Colleen Swenson, Richard (Janet) Swenson; two Rev. Laird (Hope, Edmonton) and wife Sharlene Borst are grandchildren: Teresa Swenson and Kristine Porter. He pleased to announce the birth of twin was predeceased by his wife, Elsie in 2006.

grandsons, Dominic Michael Roy and Asher Darren Roy to their daughter, With sadness we share the passing of Rev. Ron Wesley Sarah and son-in-law, Steven. Despite (retired, Edmonton) early on Sunday, September 13 at the being premature, both boys are doing great, are breath- Norwood Care Centre, Edmonton. He is survived by his ing on their own and gaining weight. They expect to go wife, Mary and their children, Stephen and Sarah. home around the end of November. On Monday, September 21, Lorraine Mohr (retired, Cam-

PRAYER REQUESTS rose) passed away. Predeceased by her husband, Rev. Diaconal Minister (Saron, Clive) Virginia Randolph Mohr, in 2006, Lorraine served many years Burke and husband Ed (grandson to throughout the Synod with her husband. She is survived by Rev. Phil and Deaconess Julie Hink) son Jonathan (Robyn Simpson Mohr), Daughter Colleen request prayers for their son, Emmitt (2 (Doug Jahns), and son Bishop Greg (LaRee) Mohr, as well years old) who was recently diagnosed as 6 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. A service of with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. celebration was held at Messiah, Camrose on October 10th.

OUR CONDOLENCES With sadness, and yet much to be thankful for, Pastor On Saturday, October 25 in Camrose, Rev. Dr. George Even- Allen Severson (Retired, Camrose) reports the passing son (retired, Camrose) passed away at the age of 104. He of his wife, Mary, on Thursday, September 3 . A Celebra- had a large impact on numerous people of many ages tion of her life was held Sept 10th at Messiah Lutheran throughout the ELCIC as a pastor and a teacher. He is sur- Church in Camrose. vived by three children, Leonard (Jacqueline), Thomas, and Lois (Terry); as well as 7 grandchildren and 11 great- On Sunday, September 6, Pastor Harold Gniewotta grandchildren. (retired, Edmonton) passed away at the University of Rest eternal grant them, O Lord, and let Alberta Hospital after a brief illness. A Funeral Service perpetual light shine upon them.

SYNOD OF ALBERTA AND THE TERRITORIES 1 0 0 1 4 - 8 1 A V E , N W E DMONTON, AB T6E 1W8 Phone: 780-439-2636 Toll free: 1-866-430-2636 Fax: 780-433-6623 E-mail: Bishop Larry Kochendorfer: [email protected] Rev. Dr. Julianne Barlow, Assistant for Mission: [email protected] Trudy Davis, Bookkeeper: [email protected] Darla Wildfang, Exec. Assistant: [email protected] The Sixteenth Biennial Convention Synod of Alberta and the Territories Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

Thursday, June 16 - Saturday, June 18, 2016 University of Alberta - Augustana Campus

Camrose, Alberta

Guest Presenters: The Rev. Dr. Gordon Jensen: Salvation Not For Sale National Bishop Susan Johnson: Humanity Not For Sale

The Rt. Rev. Mark McDonald (National Indigenous Anglican Bishop): Creation Not For Sale

The Synod of Alberta and the Territories echoes and supports the Lutheran World Federation theme of Liberated by God's Grace and the three subthemes (Creation - Not for Sale, Salvation - Not for Sale, and Human Beings - Not for Sale) as we participate in this international and ecumenical commemoration. The commemoration gives us the opportunity to remember and reflect on the Reformation and what it means for us now, living as Lutheran people within the whole body of Christ. The Sixteenth Biennial Convention of the Synod of Alberta and the Territories Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada June 16 – 18, 2016 University of Alberta, Augustana Campus Camrose, Alberta

The Sixteenth Biennial Convention will be held June 16 – 18, 2016 at University of Alberta – Augustana Campus, Camrose (4901 – 46 Avenue).

The years 2015-17 have been identified by The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) as a time to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. The Synod of Alberta and the Territories will echo and support the LWF and ELCIC theme of Liberated by God's Grace and the three subthemes (Creation - Not for Sale, Salvation - Not for Sale, and Human Beings - Not for Sale) at our Convention as we participate in this international and ecumenical commemoration, remembering and reflecting on the Reformation and what it means for us now, living as Lutheran people within the whole body of Christ.

Convention highlights include three keynote presentations and opportunities for conversation around each of the subthemes facilitated by National Bishop Susan Johnson, The Rev. Dr. Gordon Jensen, and The Rt. Rev. Mark MacDonald, National Indigenous Anglican Bishop. Be prepared to be inspired, to listen, to contribute to the conversation, and to be liberated by God’s grace.

Other highpoints consist of uplifting worship, including a “take-home” Hymn Fest based on the themes and commissioned for the Convention which will be available for you to use in your own context; a celebratory banquet honouring those with ordination anniversaries; video presentations and a “take-home” DVD and discussion guide sharing and highlighting our Synod Mission Priorities, as well as the election of delegates to the 2017 National Convention in Winnipeg, and plenty of opportunities for food and fellowship.

Watch for the official Convention letter from Convention Manager, Wendy Christensen-Grosfield and a detailed information package on delegates, registration, registration fees, and accommodation options, which will be distributed by December 15, 2015.

"The God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit" (Romans 15:13).

In Christ Jesus – Shalom,

The Rev. Dr. Larry Kochendorfer, Bishop Synod of Alberta and the Territories Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

Spirit-Led Leadership – Hope-Filled Discipleship – Innovative Tradition – Collaborative Partnerships

August 17 - 21, 2016 Charlottetown, PEI

ABT Synod Pre-Gathering Trip through Nova Scotia August 13 - 17, 2016 For more information, contact Tammy Kirkwood @ St. Paul's (Ellerslie), Edmonton 780-988-5446 or [email protected]

Synod Study Conference, January 25 – 28, 2016


Creation Not for Sale, Human Beings Not for Sale, Salvation Not for Sale

Coast Canmore Hotel and Conference Centre (formerly the Radisson) 511 Bow Valley Trail, Canmore (403) 678-3625

Keynote Speaker: The Rev. Dr. Anna Madsen Anna Madsen is a "freelance theologian" in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. After graduating from Trinity Lutheran Seminary, she served a small South Dakota parish for three years before earning a Ph.D. in systematic theology in Regensburg, Germany. Immediately prior to her return to begin teaching at Augustana College, an accident killed her husband and severely injured her young son Karl. Daughter Else was eight months old at the time. This event shaped her theology and her life profoundly, not least of all by being a springboard to create OMG: Center for Theological Conversation. Here, individuals and groups, laity and clergy, come for questions, conversation, and study. She also speaks, blogs and writes at

Session 1 – You Can’t Sell What’s Free Perhaps “prolepsis” isn’t a word that one flings out of the pulpit on an average Sunday. It means, quite literally, a “taking-before”. Christians are, in fact, called to take life before death: to live a life of proleptic grace by receiving and offering freedom from death, and freedom for living, in the name of the Risen One. Proleptic living is a tough sell, precisely because it is freely offered, and freely given.

Session 2 – You Can’t Commodify What Isn’t to Sell Land, air, water, time, space, relationships: all in their own way become victims of and vehicles for objectification and marketing opportunities. Into this mix comes a theological perspective that recalibrates the very notion of ownership, and simultaneously transforms it into the perspective and language of stewardship. Come and taste, come and see, come and experience, come and live, come and share in this place that is and is not ours.

Synod Study Conference – 2015 1

Guest Bishop

We are pleased that Bishop Elaine Sauer from the Manitoba/Northern Ontario Synod will be with us for the conference. Formerly a junior high school teacher, Bishop Elaine studied at Lutheran Theological Seminary, Saskatoon, graduating with a Masters of Divinity in 1998. She was originally called to serve the MNO Synod in youth and campus ministry, continued to serve the ELCIC as Assistant to the Bishop for Synodical Relations in 2003, and subsequently was called to serve the MNO as bishop in April 2006. Bishop Elaine is married to Rev. Rick Sauer, mother to Stephen (Erin), David and William (Natalie), and Grandmother to Corbin, Ella and Gabrielle.

Thursday Speaker

Sharon Smith of Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries in Vancouver - “The Lived Experience of Mental Health Recovery and the Gifts of a Christian Community”. Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries is a not-for-profit, charitable organization committed to journeying with churches and parishes to facilitate belonging and inclusion. The Sanctuary Community is a mosaic of people contributing to a purpose we care deeply about: to prepare people of faith to support mental health recovery within their community. (

Fees (Please note: registration fee does NOT cover your accommodations) Fees include Tuesday – breakfast and lunch; Wednesday – breakfast and lunch; Thursday – brunch; speaker’s honorarium and expenses; sound and audio equipment; worship supplies; northern subsidy; hotel assembly room costs and committee expenses. $270 adult participants, including rostered, spouses, lay leaders and retired $ 20 per child’s meal (children under the age of 10 are free) $150 students registered with the Committee for Theological Education & Leadership $100 daily rate (includes lunch and some conference costs)

Accommodations Payment for your accommodations is NOT covered by the conference registration fee. The Conference will again be held at the Coast Canmore Hotel and Conference Centre, and that hotel has offered the following special rates: $84.00/night advance purchase with a three-night minimum stay; this is a non-refundable, no changes/cancellations or refunds rate $102.00/night which includes a cancellation option (cancellation must be made the day before expected arrival)

To make a reservation please call their toll free number: 1800.706.6199 quoting the group code ‘CCM- GFC979’ or group name ‘Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada’. Alternatively, you can make online reservations using this web link

Synod Study Conference – 2015 2


Please register online by going to All registration fees must be received at the Synod Office by January 6. We cannot reimburse any cancellations after January 10.

The conference registration desk opens at 4:00 p.m., Monday afternoon.

An opening night reception will provide opportunity to introduce yourself to all those who are new to the Synod or to this event after the opening worship service, which will be held at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, 1201 – 1 Ave., Canmore. Directions from Coast Canmore Hotel (1.4 km): walk/drive NW on Bow Valley Trail/Hwy. 1A West. Turn right on to 13 St.; turn right on to 1 Ave. Church is on the right.


Your registration fee includes five meals; breakfast and lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday, and brunch on Thursday. Supper is on your own on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. If you have allergies of which we need to be aware, please indicate them on the registration form; the Coast will make every effort to accommodate your needs, however there will be no reduction in the registration fee if you choose to eat elsewhere.

If you are interested in joining others for dinner on Monday after you register, please e-mail Pastor Faith Brace ([email protected]) so she can make a group reservation; plan to meet in the Coast lobby at 5:00 p.m.

Children under the age of ten may join you for breakfast or lunch at no extra cost. There is a charge of $15 per meal for children over the age of ten years, which must be included in your registration payment.


Subsidy is available for those flying from the Yukon or the Northwest Territories; please send an email copy of your flight confirmation to the Synod office ([email protected]). If your flight arrives in Edmonton or Calgary enroute to Canmore, please make your own travel arrangements to Canmore with one of the other participants.


Three funding sources may be considered: - Congregation or employing agency, as per letter of call; - Continuing Education Plan; - Personal


Revs. Craig Wentland and Margaret Propp will be Study Conference Chaplains. Opening worship on Monday evening will be Holden Evening Prayer, held at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church in in Canmore (1205 – 1 Avenue), with a reception to follow. Offering will be collected on Wednesday night during Eucharist, and is designated towards the building of Lord of Glory, Lac La Biche.

Synod Study Conference – 2015 3

Outdoor Opportunities

Local hotels have a great deal of information about local events and activities, so please refer to the pamphlets available in their lobbies. Please remember to bring warm outdoor clothing; swim suits, exercise clothing. There is an extra park fee if you plan to enter Banff National Park.

Afternoon Options

Opportunities for exercise, study, conversation and fun have been scheduled for those who wish to participate. The following options are being offered, some for an additional fee:

Walking tour of Canmore – This will be a leisurely stroll of about 2 km including time for a coffee break. It will take approximately 2 hours. The guide will draw attention to some of the historical buildings that mark the development of the town – Canmore Hotel, CPR Trestle Bridge, St. Michael’s Anglican Church, NW Mounted Police Barracks, Ralph Connor United Church, Mine Shareholder’s Cabin and the Civic Centre.

Hike the Heart Creek Interpretive Trail – This is an easy and interesting 3-km hike with a popular place for rock climbing on the cliffs that surround the stream. After a brief climb, you will arrive at the interpretive trail and the seven log bridges.

Banff Upper Hot Springs – The hot springs is one of Banff’s most famous attractions. It was discovered in 1884 and became the first national park in Canada. The pools are fed by 100% natural mineral waters to a temperature of 37 – 40 degrees C. There is a cost of $7.30 for adults (youth and seniors are $6.30).

Cross Country Skiing – The Nordic Centre offers 65 km of groomed trails all accessible from the Centre and 6.5 km of illuminated trails for night skiing. A beautiful meadow located in the middle of the trail system offers spectacular views of Canmore, Bow Valley and the surrounding Rocky Mountains.

Dog Sled Rides – Snowy Owl Sled Dog Tours have provided this unique experience for tourists for the last 28 years. Their custom sleds carry 2 adults. A two-hour ride is offered at a cost of $159 per person. You must book individually, 3 weeks ahead and must pay at the time of booking, with a credit card. Please arrive 45 minutes ahead of the departure time at 109, 829 - 10th St. Canmore. Contact info: [email protected] or 403-678-4369. Warm clothing is recommended although blankets are provided.

Synod Study Conference – 2015 4

Conversation De-Briefing: Keynote Presentation – Luncheon tables will be identified as ‘reserved’ for those who wish to have a conversation about the morning’s presentation. Conversations: “Participating, Discovering, Experimenting” with Pastor Julianne Barlow

Announcements and Use of Space

Groups choosing to acquire separate meeting space must make reservations directly with the hotel, arranging for payment before leaving. We encourage the use of posters and handouts for sharing announcements.

Sincere Thanks to –

 The Conference Planning Committee: Rev. Faith Brace, Cathy Kochendorfer, Rev. Dr. Tim Wray;  All of the conference presenters!  Our Refreshment Break Sponsors  The Welcome Reception Hosts

Your evaluation forms were carefully considered in developing the plans for this year’s Conference and implemented to the best of our abilities. We hope that the arrangements reflect that input.

This annual gathering provides time to offer your support to ministry colleagues; to give yourself a necessary break in routine; to experience worship from a different perspective and the privilege of considering the insights of the respected keynote presenters.

Synod Study Conference – 2015 5

STUDY CONFERENCE SCHEDULE 2015 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 8:00 am: Breakfast Buffet 8:00 am: Breakfast Buffet 9:00 am: Worship 9:00 am: Worship 9:15 am: Announcements 9:15 am: Opening 9:15 am: Announcements Prayer and Brunch

9:30 am: Key note Speaker 9:30 am: Key note Speaker 9:45 am Speaker:

Morning 10:30 am: Break Sharon Smith “The 10:30 am: Break Lived Experience of 10:50 am: Guest Bishop, Mental Health Recovery Rev. Elaine Sauer 10:50 am: Bishop Larry and the Gifts of a Christian Community” 11:20 pm: Key note 11:20 pm: Key note continued, with Q & A continued, with Q & A 12:30 pm 12:30 pm 11:30 am

Lunch (provided) Lunch (provided) Godspeed and

Noon Departure; check-out

4:00 pm Registration Free Time Free Time 5:00 pm Dinner (see “Options”) (see “Options”) or (Georgetown Inn) “Conversations: Coffee is available Participating, Experimenting, Afternoon Discovering” with Pastor Julianne Barlow 1:30 - 2:30 pm (main hall). 7:30 pm: Welcome 8:00 pm 7:30 pm: Eucharist Holden Evening Healing Service (Rev. Dr. Service (Bishop Elaine Prayer at Shepherd of Anna Madsen will be will be preaching) the Valley Lutheran preaching)

Evening Church

Welcome Reception

Synod Study Conference – 2015 6

Sponsored by The Synod of Alberta and the Territories

Afflicted with Hope

The Story of Christian Armando Chavarria Ayala El Salvadoran Artist

January 13 - February 3, 2016

Christian will be journeying throughout our Synod presenting at the Campus Ministry’s Young Adult retreat, participating in the Annual Study Conference, and sharing at our campus ministries and several congregations.

Watch for information on specific dates and locations via the Synod’s ’Wednesday Word’ weekly e-newsletter.

You can find more information about Christian and his personal story in El Salvador, here:

An Anglican-Lutheran Cycle of Prayer for Canada Advent 1, 2015 to the Reign of Christ, 2016


The Joint Anglican-Lutheran Commission has designed this cycle for use in Canadian Anglican and Lutheran congregations and communities in Sunday liturgies throughout the year.

For each Sunday there are intentions for specific dioceses/synods/groups in both the Anglican Church of Canada and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada.

One of the characteristics of the Christian community throughout the ages has been our commitment to pray for the whole world but especially for our Christian sisters and brothers in churches closely linked to our own. Anglicans and Lutherans in Canada are accustomed to praying for the Anglican Communion and the Lutheran World Federation, so it is appropriate for us to pray for our immediate Anglican and Lutheran neighbours.

Prayer cycles can be overwhelming and ‘crowded’ pieces of liturgies. Care needs to be exercised in setting a context: we are intentionally, as churches in full communion, holding each other in prayer. Some words of explanation may be needed to set this cycle of prayer in context.

In using this cycle of prayer congregations may wish to pray regularly by name:

 for the Primate and National Bishop  for the diocesan and synodical bishops in whose region the congregation is located and  for the dean of the Lutheran conference and for the Anglican archdeacon and/or regional dean in whose region the congregation is located  for the members and work of the Joint Anglican-Lutheran Commission

Cycle of Prayer

29 Nov. 2015 ACC The people of the Anglican Church of Canada ELCIC The people of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

6 Dec. 2015 ACC The Primate, The Most Rev. Fred Hiltz and staff of the Primate’s Office of the Anglican Church of Canada ELCIC The National Bishop, The Rev. Susan Johnson and national staff of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

13 Dec. 2015 ACC The General Secretary, The Ven. Michael Thompson, and national staff of the Anglican Church of Canada ELCIC The Director, Trina Gallop, and staff of Communications and Stewardship of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada and The Director, Gloria McNabb, and staff of Finance and Administration

20 Dec. 2015 ACC The Director, The Rev. Eileen Scully and staff of Faith, Worship, and Ministry ELCIC The Assistant to the National Bishop for Justice and Leadership, The Rev. Paul Gehrs

An Anglican – Lutheran Prayer Cycle 2015 - 2016

27 Dec. 2015 ACC The Director Megan Kilty, and staff of Communications and Information Resources and the Director, Hannah Goschy, and staff of Financial Management ELCIC The Assistant to the National Bishop, The Rev. André Lavergne, Ecumenical and Interfaith and the Assistant to the National Bishop, The Rev. Lyle McKenzie, Worship

3 Jan. 2016 ACC The National Anglican Indigenous Bishop, The Right Rev. Mark MacDonald, and the Anglican Council of Indigenous People ELCIC The Bishop, The Rev. Michael Pryse, people, and rostered ministers of the Eastern Synod

10 Jan. 2016 ACC The Director, Andrea Mann, and staff for Global Relations and the Director, Henriette Thompson, and staff for Public Witness for Social and Ecological Justice ELCIC The Assistants to the Bishop and the staff of the Eastern Synod

17 Jan. 2016 ACC The Executive Director, Adele Finney, and staff of the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund ELCIC The Executive Director, Robert Granke, and staff of Canadian Lutheran World Relief

24 Jan. 2016 ACC The archbishop, The Most Rev. Percy Coffin, people, and clergy of the Ecclesiastical Province of Canada ELCIC The dean, council, and congregations of the Atlantic and Montreal Areas of the Eastern Synod

31 Jan. 2016 ACC The Provincial Synod of the Ecclesiastical Province of Canada, ELCIC The dean, council, and congregations of the Ottawa, Ottawa Valley and Seaway Areas of the Eastern Synod

7 Feb. 2016 ACC The bishop, The Rt. Rev. David Torraville, people, and clergy of the Diocese of Central Newfoundland ELCIC The dean, council, and congregations of the Two Rivers, Grand River and Nith Valley Areas of the Eastern Synod

14 Feb. 2016 ACC The bishop, The Rt. Rev. Geoff Peddle, people, and clergy of the Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador ELCIC The dean, council, and congregations of the Central Toronto Area and Greater Toronto Areas East and West of the Eastern Synod

21 Feb. 2016 ACC The bishop, The Rt. Rev. , clergy, and people of the Diocese of Fredericton ELCIC The dean, council, and congregations of the Niagara and Thames Areas of the Eastern Synod

28 Feb. 2016 ACC The bishop, The Rt. Rev Mary Irwin-Gibson, people, and clergy of the Diocese of Montreal ELCIC The dean, council, and congregations of the Georgian, Huronia and Bay Areas of the Eastern Synod

2 An Anglican – Lutheran Prayer Cycle 2015 - 2016

7 Mar. 2016 ACC The bishop, The Rt. Rev. , people, and clergy of the Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island ELCIC The dean, council, and congregations of the Northern Area of the Eastern Synod

14 Mar. 2016 ACC The bishop, The Rt. Rev. Dennis Drainville, people, and clergy of the Diocese of Quebec ELCIC The bishop, The Rev. Elaine Sauer, people, and rostered ministers of the Manitoba- Northwestern Ontario Synod

21 Mar. 2016 ACC The bishop, The Most Rev. Percy Coffin, clergy, and people of the Diocese of Western Newfoundland ELCIC The Assistant to the Bishop and the staff of the Manitoba – Northwestern Ontario Synod

28 Mar. 2016 ACC The theological colleges and training programs within the Ecclesiastical Province of Canada. ELCIC The dean, council, and congregations of the Cambrian Conference of the Manitoba- Northwestern Ontario Synod

6 Apr. 2016 ACC The archbishop, The Most Rev. Colin Johnson, people and clergy of the Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario ELCIC The dean, council, and congregations of the Agassiz Conference of the Manitoba- Northwestern Ontario Synod

13 Apr. 2016 ACC The Provincial Synod of the Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario ELCIC The dean, council, and congregations of the Brokenhead Conference of the Manitoba- Northwestern Ontario Synod

20 Apr. 2016 ACC The bishop, The Rt. Rev. Stephen Andrews, clergy, and people of the Diocese of Algoma ELCIC The dean, council, and congregations of the Metro Conference of the Manitoba- Northwestern Ontario Synod

27 Apr. 2016 ACC The bishops, The Rt. Revs. Robert Bennett and, clergy, and people of the Diocese of Huron ELCIC The dean, council, and congregations of the Interlake Conference of the Manitoba- Northwestern Ontario Synod

3 May 2016 ACC The assisting bishop, the Rt. Rev. Thomas A. Corston, Retired, the clergy and people of the Missionary Area of Moosonee ELCIC The dean, council, and congregations of the Westman Conference of the Manitoba- Northwestern Ontario Synod

10 May 2016 ACC The bishop, The Rt. Rev. Michael Bird, clergy, and people of the Diocese of Niagara ELCIC The dean, council, and congregations of the Aurora Conference of the Manitoba- Northwestern Ontario Synod

3 An Anglican – Lutheran Prayer Cycle 2015 - 2016

17 May 2016 ACC The bishop, The Rt. Rev. Michael Oulton, clergy, and people of the Diocese of Ontario ELCIC The bishop, The Rev. Sid Haugen, people, and rostered ministers of the Saskatchewan Synod

24 May 2016 ACC The bishop, The Rt. Rev. John Chapman, clergy, and people of the Diocese of Ottawa ELCIC The staff of the Saskatchewan Synod

1 Jun. 2016 ACC The bishops, The Most Rev. Colin Johnson, The Rt. Revs. Linda Nicholls, Philip Poole, Patrick Yu and Peter Fenty, clergy, and people of the Diocese of Toronto ELCIC The dean, council, and congregations of the Yorkton Conference of the Saskatchewan Synod

8 Jun. 2016 ACC The theological colleges and training programs within the Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario. ELCIC The dean, council, and congregations of the Weyburn Conference of the Saskatchewan Synod

15Jun. 2016 ACC The archbishop, The Most Rev. Gregory Kerr-Wilson, clergy, and people of the Ecclesiastical Province of Rupert’s Land ELCIC The dean, council, and congregations of the Regina Conference of the Saskatchewan Synod

22 Jun. 2016 ACC The Provincial Synod of the Ecclesiastical Province of Rupert’s Land ELCIC The dean, council, and congregations of the Saskatoon Conference of the Saskatchewan Synod

29 Jun. 2016 ACC The Bishops, The Rt. Revs. David Parsons and Darren McCartney, clergy, and people of the Diocese of the Arctic ELCIC The dean, council, and congregations of the Prince Albert Conference of the Saskatchewan Synod

5 Jul. 2016 ACC The bishop, The Rt. Rev. Fraser Lawton clergy, and people of the Diocese of Athabasca ELCIC The dean, council, and congregations of the Swift Current Conference of the Saskatchewan Synod

12 Jul. 2016 ACC The bishop, The Rt. Rev. William Cliff, clergy, and people of the Diocese of Brandon ELCIC The Bishop, The Rev. Dr. Larry Kochendorfer, People and Rostered Ministers of the Synod of Alberta and the Territories

19 Jul. 2016 ACC The bishop, The Most Rev. Greg Kerr Wilson, clergy, and people of the Diocese of Calgary ELCIC The assistant to the bishop for Mission, The Rev. Dr. Julianne Barlow; and the staff of the Synod of Alberta and the Territories,

26 Jul. 2016 ACC The bishop, The Rt. Rev. Jane Alexander, clergy, and people of the Diocese of Edmonton ELCIC The dean, council, and congregations of the East Central Conference of the Synod of Alberta and the Territories

4 An Anglican – Lutheran Prayer Cycle 2015 - 2016

3 Aug. 2016 ACC The bishop, The Rev. Lydia Mamekwa, clergy, and people of the Spiritual Ministry of Mishamikoweesh ELCIC The dean, council, and congregations of the Southern Conference of the Synod of Alberta and the Territories

10 Aug. 2016 ACC The bishop, The Rt. Rev. Robert Hardwick, clergy, and people of the Diocese of Qu’Appelle ELCIC The dean, council, and congregations of the Northern Conference of the Synod of Alberta and the Territories

17 Aug. 2016 ACC The bishop, The Rt. Rev. Don Phillips, clergy, and people of the Diocese of Rupert’s Land ELCIC The dean, council, and congregations of the West Central Conference of the Synod of Alberta and the Territories

24 Aug. 2016 ACC The bishop, The Rt. Rev Michael Hawkins, clergy, and people of the Diocese of Saskatchewan ELCIC The dean, council, and congregations of the South West Conference of the Synod of Alberta and the Territories

31 Aug. 2016 ACC The bishop, The Rt. Rev. David Irvine clergy, and people of the Diocese of Saskatoon ELCIC The bishop, The Rev. Dr. Greg Mohr, people, and rostered ministers of the British Columbia Synod

7 Sept. 2016 ACC The theological colleges and training programs within the Ecclesiastical Province of Rupert’s Land ELCIC The staff of the British Columbia Synod

14 Sept. 2016 ACC The archbishop, The Most Rev. John Privett, people, and clergy of the Ecclesiastical Province of British Columbia and Yukon ELCIC The dean, council, and congregations of the Peace River Conference of the British Columbia Synod

21 Sept. 2016 ACC The Provincial Synod of the Ecclesiastical Province of British Columbia and Yukon ELCIC The dean, council, and congregations of the Southern Interior Conference of the British Columbia Synod

28 Sept. 2016 ACC The bishop, The Rt. Rev. Barbara Anderson, people, and clergy of the Anglican Parishes of the Central Interior ELCIC The dean, council, and congregations of the Lower Fraser Valley Conference of the British Columbia Synod

4 Oct. 2016 ACC The bishop, The Rt. Rev. Logan McMenamie clergy, and people of the Diocese of British Columbia ELCIC The dean, council, and congregations of the Greater Vancouver Conference of the British Columbia Synod

5 An Anglican – Lutheran Prayer Cycle 2015 - 2016

11 Oct. 2016 ACC The bishop, The Rt. Rev. William Anderson, clergy, and people of the Diocese of Caledonia ELCIC The dean, council, and congregations of the Northwest Conference of the British Columbia Synod

18 Oct. 2016 ACC The bishop, The Most Rev. John Privett, clergy, and people of the Diocese of Kootenay ELCIC The dean, council, and congregations of the Vancouver Island Conference of the British Columbia Synod

25 Oct. 2016 ACC The bishop, The Rt. Rev. Melissa Skelton, clergy, and people of the Diocese of New Westminster ELCIC The dean, council, and congregations of the Atlantic Conference of the Eastern Synod

2 Nov. 2016 ACC The bishop, The Rt. Rev. Larry Roberston, clergy, and people of the Diocese of Yukon ELCIC The president, faculty, students, and staff of Lutheran Theological Seminary, Saskatoon

9 Nov. 2016 ACC The Principal, faculty, students, and staff of the Vancouver School of Theology ELCIC The Principal, faculty, students, and staff of Waterloo Lutheran Seminary

16 Nov. 2016 ACC The members of the Council of General Synod ELCIC The members of the National Church Council

23 Nov. 2016 ACC The Secretary General and staff of the Anglican Communion Office ELCIC The General Secretary and staff of the Lutheran World Federation





of the


2015 - 2016

Prepared by the Worship and the Arts Committee Synod of Alberta and the Territories


It is in our public prayer together as the people of God that we are most united as the body of Christ. Here in worship and prayer, we raise voices and hearts to God, asking our Creator to hear our prayers and supplications, to hear the corporate longings and yearnings of God’s people. This is the heart of our response to God’s Word proclaimed and preached, our way of responding to God’s presence among us and promises to us. Again this year, the Worship & Arts Committee offers a weekly diary of prayers and intercessions for congregations and ministries of the Church. We include several suggestions for public intercession for each Sunday of the Church Year, beginning with the First Sunday in Advent, 2014, and extending until Christ the King Sunday, 2015. This Diary is a comprehensive attempt to include within the public prayer of our congregations, the following:

Offices and ministries of the ELCIC and its auxiliaries Offices and Bishops of the Synods Deans and conferences of the ABT Synod Congregations of the ABT Synod Missions and special ministries within Canada Conventions and assemblies of the Church and Synods Partner churches of the ELCIC within Canada Schools and educational institutions of the Church Ecumenical agencies Diaconal ministers within the Synod Those preparing for rostered ministry Our Companion Synod, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia


If your congregation customarily uses INTERCESSIONS, either prepared by the pastor or by the people, you may include these suggestions within your intercessions. If your congregation customarily uses a PASTORAL PRAYER, the pastor may incorporate these prayer suggestions in her or his Pastoral Prayer. Corporate prayer is one of the principal tasks of the Church at worship. Prayer changes people; and people, inspired by the Holy Spirit, change things. We hope that your use of this diary of prayers will strengthen our ministry of prayer together across our Synod, and strengthen our witness to the unity of the Church through our society. We have tried to be comprehensive in our inclusion of ministries of the church beyond the individual congregation. If you discover oversights or omissions, we would be pleased to hear of these, and are eager to include them in future public prayer diaries. - Synod Worship and the Arts Committee


NOVEMBER 29, 2015: First Sunday of Advent for Bishop Susan Johnson, National Bishop of the ELCIC, and for the National Church staff for retired bishops, pastors, diaconal ministers and other retired church leaders for Lutheran Church of the Master, Airdrie and St. John’s Lutheran, Alberta Beach for our Companion Synod, The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia, it’s leaders and people for Executive Director, Bob Granke, and the staff of Canadian Lutheran World Relief for the Most Rev. Fred Hiltz, Primate of the Anglican Church in Canada for the Right Rev. Mark MacDonald, National Indigenous Bishop of the Anglican Church in Canada

DECEMBER 06, 2015: Second Sunday of Advent for Rev. Dr. Larry Kochendorfer, Bishop of our synod, and for the synod staff, rostered members and people of our synod for the pastor and/or diaconal minister of your congregation for Amisk Park Lutheran, Amisk, and St. Joseph Lutheran, for the bishop, pastors, and people of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of El Salvador for the students, faculty, and staff of the University of Alberta – Augustana Campus, Camrose for The Right Rev. David Parsons, Anglican Bishop of the Arctic, and for the staff, priests, and people of the Anglican Diocese of the Arctic for all candidates for Rostered Ministry

DECEMBER 13, 2015: Third Sunday of Advent

for Bishop Greg Mohr, Bishop of the Synod of British Columbia, and for the synod staff, and rostered members, and people of the Synod of British Columbia for our Lutheran Campus Ministries in Canada, and for ______, chaplain of ______University/College for Scandia Lutheran, Armena and Zion Lutheran, Athabasca for the bishops, pastors and people of the Lutheran Church of Cameroon, Africa for the pastors, pilots and staff of the Lutheran Association of Missionaries and Pilots for The Right Rev. Jane Alexander, Anglican Bishop of Edmonton, and for the staff, priests and people of the diocese for Bishop Munib Younan, pastors and people of the Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land


DECEMBER 20, 2015: Fourth Sunday of Advent for Bishop Sidney Haugen, Bishop of the Saskatchewan Synod, and for the synod staff, rostered members and people of the Saskatchewan Synod for Spiritual Directors in the Synod of Alberta and the Territories for St. Michael (Mystery Lake), Barrhead and Zion Lutheran, Bashaw for the primate, bishops, priests, and people of the Church of Sweden for the students, faculty, and staff of Lutheran Theological Seminary, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan for The Right Rev. Fraser Lawton, Anglican bishop of Athabasca, and the staff, priests, and people of the Anglican Diocese of Athabasca

DECEMBER 25, 2015: Nativity of Our Lord, Christmas Day for Bishop Elaine Sauer, Bishop of the Synod of Manitoba/ Northwestern Ontario, and for the synod staff, rostered members and people of the Synod of Manitoba/Northwestern Ontario for all church volunteers in our congregations for St. Peters Lutheran, Bashaw and Skudesness Lutheran, Bawlf for the bishops, priests, and people of the Church of Norway for the ministry of On Eagle’s Wings for The Right Rev. Greg Kerr-Wilson, Anglican bishop of Calgary, and the staff, priests, and people of the Anglican Diocese of Calgary

DECEMBER 27, 2015: First Sunday of Christmas for Bishop Michael Pryse, Bishop of the Eastern Synod, and for the Eastern Synod staff, and for rostered members and people of the Eastern Synod for all Conference council members and your congregation’s council members for parish nurses and all who serve in the area of healing for Bawlf Lutheran, Bawlf and Grace Lutheran, Bentley for the bishops, pastors and people of the Lutheran Church of Guyana, South America for the students, faculty, and staff of Waterloo Lutheran Seminary, Waterloo, Ontario for The Right Rev Larry Robertson, Anglican Bishop of the Yukon, and for the staff, and the priests and people of the Anglican Diocese of the Yukon


JANUARY 03, 2016: Second Sunday of Christmas for the National Church Council and national committee members for Rev. Trish Schmermund, Dean of the Northern Conference and the rostered leaders and people of the Northern Conference for the pastors and chaplains of health care institutions, correctional institutions, and other special ministries for Spirit of Grace Lutheran, Brooks and St Paul Lutheran, Burstall for rostered members and people of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America for Kairos and all who work for Canadian ecumenical justice initiatives for the bishops, priests, and people of the Roman Catholic Church in Canada

JANUARY 10, 2016: Baptism of Our Lord for Bishop Susan Johnson, National Bishop of the ELCIC, and for the National Church staff for Rev. Eleanor Ness, Dean of the East Central Conference and the rostered leaders and people of the East Central Conference for all spouses and families of ordained and diaconal ministers for Advent Lutheran, Calgary and All Saints Lutheran, Calgary for the bishops, priests and people of the Church of Iceland for all in our church who work for ecumenical cooperation, seeking the unity of the church for the pastors and people of the Reformed Church of Canada

JANUARY 17, 2016: Second Sunday after Epiphany for Rev. Dr. Larry Kochendorfer, Bishop of our synod, and for the synod staff, rostered members and people of our synod for Rev. Kathy Calkins, Dean of the West Central Conference and the rostered leaders and people of the West Central Conference for the Synod’s ‘En Mision con El Salvador/In Mission with El Salvador’ ministry and its staff, Rev. Dr. Brian Rude for Lutheran Church of Our Saviour, Calgary and Lutheran Church of the Cross, Calgary for the pastors and people of the Lutheran Church in Namibia for the students, faculty, and staff of the Canadian Lutheran Bible Institute, Camrose for the officers and people of the Salvation Army of Canada


JANUARY 24, 2016: Third Sunday after Epiphany for Bishop Greg Mohr, Bishop of the Synod of British Columbia, and for the synod staff, and rostered for Rev. Reg Berg, Dean of the Southern Conference and the rostered leaders and people of the Southern Conference for all parish workers and youth workers in our synod for all who gather for the Annual Synod Study Conference in Canmore for Emmanuel Lutheran Community, Calgary and First Lutheran, Calgary for the bishops, pastors, and people of the Lutheran Churches of Germany for the chaplains and staff of the Bethany Group Care Facilities and of the Good Samaritan Society for the pastors and people of the Mennonite Churches of Canada,

JANUARY 31, 2016: Fourth Sunday after Epiphany for Bishop Sidney Haugen, Bishop of the Saskatchewan Synod, and for the synod staff, rostered members and people of the Saskatchewan Synod for Rev. Kristian Wold, Dean of the Southwestern Conference and the rostered leaders and people of the Southwestern Conference for national and synodical archivists and those who keep available the work of church history and leaders of the past for Highwood Lutheran, Calgary and Hope Lutheran, Calgary for the pastors and people of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Augsburg Confession in Hungary for the students, faculty, and staff of Luther College, Regina, Saskatchewan for the pastors and people of the Pentecostal Churches in Canada

FEBRUARY 07, 2016: Transfiguration of Our Lord for Bishop Elaine Sauer, Bishop of the Synod of Manitoba/ Northwestern Ontario, and for the synod staff, rostered members and people of the Synod of Manitoba/Northwestern Ontario for all Conference council members and your congregation’s council members for Hosanna Chinese Lutheran, Calgary and Prince of Faith Lutheran, Calgary for the pastors and people of the Lutheran Church of Hong Kong for all who work in agencies that minister to the poor and homeless in your community, for the ministers and people of the United Church of Canada, for Bishop Munib Younan, pastors and people of the Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land


FEBRUARY 14, 2016: First Sunday in Lent for Bishop Michael Pryse, Bishop of the Eastern Synod, and for the Eastern Synod staff, and for rostered members and people of the Eastern Synod for our Lutheran Campus Ministries in Canada and especially for Rev. Craig Wentland, Chaplain at University of Alberta, Augustana Campus for those who serve as interim ministers, and for parishes who await pastoral leadership for Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran, Calgary and St. John Lutheran, Calgary for the rostered members and people of the Lutheran Church of Estonia for the Lutheran World Federation, its President, General Secretary and staff for the ministers and people of the Baptist Churches in Canada,

FEBRUARY 21, 2016: Second Sunday in Lent for the National Church Council and national committee members for our Lutheran Campus Ministries in Canada and especially for Chaplain Lisa Waites, chaplain at Ecumenical Campus Ministry, for Trinity Lutheran, Calgary and Abundant Life Lutheran, Calgary for the pastors and people of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Chile for the Canadian Council of Churches, its President, and its General Secretary for the moderator, ministers, and people of the Presbyterian Church of Canada

FEBRUARY 28, 2016: Third Sunday in Lent for Bishop Susan Johnson, National Bishop of the ELCIC, and for the National Church staff for our Lutheran Campus Ministries in Canada and especially for Rev. Margaret Propp, Chaplain of Lutheran Campus Ministry, University of Calgary for those preparing for diaconal or ordained ministry for Bethel Lutheran, Camrose and Messiah Lutheran, Camrose for the pastors and people of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Japan for the World Council of Churches, its President, General Secretary and staff for the President, pastors and people of the Lutheran Church-Canada,


MARCH 07, 2016: Fourth Sunday in Lent for Rev. Dr. Larry Kochendorfer, Bishop of our synod, and for the synod staff, rostered members and people of our synod for our Lutheran Campus Ministries in Canada and especially for Rev. Richard Reimer, Chaplain of Lutheran Campus Ministry, University of Alberta for all who are serving as interns for Solor Lutheran, Chinook and Saron Lutheran, Clive for the pastors and people of the Lutheran Churches of South Africa for the Most Rev. Fred Hiltz, Primate of the Anglican Church in Canada for the Right Rev. Mark MacDonald, National Indigenous Bishop of the Anglican Church in Canada

MARCH 14, 2016: Fifth Sunday in Lent for Bishop Greg Mohr, Bishop of the Synod of British Columbia, and for the synod staff, and rostered members, and people of the Synod of British Columbia for our Lutheran Campus Ministries in Canada and especially for Rev. Cannon Erin Philips, Chaplain for the University of and Lethbridge Community College for Lakeland Lutheran, Cold Lake and Emmanuel Lutheran, Czar for the pastors and people of the Lutheran Church of Australia for Lutheran ethnic ministries and their pastors, leaders and people for The Right Rev. David Parsons, Anglican Bishop of the Arctic, and for the staff, priests, and people of the Anglican Diocese of the Arctic for all students and candidates for Rostered Ministry, especially ______

MARCH 21, 2016: Passion Sunday for Bishop Sidney Haugen, Bishop of the Saskatchewan Synod, and for the synod staff, rostered members and people of the Saskatchewan Synod for our Lutheran Campus Ministries in Canada and especially for Rev. Jason Anderson, Chaplain for the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology for the members of our synod council and synod committees for all congregations struggling with pastoral vacancy, as they anticipate and await rostered ministry for Edberg Lutheran, Edberg and Ascension Lutheran, Edmonton for the students, faculty, and staff of Lutheran Collegiate Bible Institute, Outlook, Saskatchewan for The Right Rev. Jane Alexander, Anglican Bishop of Edmonton, and for the staff, priests and people of the Anglican Diocese of Edmonton


MARCH 27, 2016: Resurrection of Our Lord for Bishop Elaine Sauer, Bishop of the Synod of Manitoba/ Northwestern Ontario, and for the synod staff, rostered members and people of the Synod of Manitoba/Northwestern Ontario for retired bishops, pastors, diaconal ministers and other retired church leaders for Edmonton New Life Chinese Lutheran, Edmonton and Holy Spirit Lutheran, Edmonton for the pastors and people of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Argentina for the members of the Lutheran Deaconess Community for The Right Rev. Fraser Lawton, Anglican bishop of Athabasca, and the staff, priests, and people of the Anglican Diocese of Athabasca

APRIL 03, 2016: Second Sunday in Easter for Bishop Michael Pryse, Bishop of the Eastern Synod, and for the Eastern Synod staff, and for rostered members and people of the Eastern Synod for the pastor and/or diaconal minister of your congregation for Hope Lutheran, Edmonton and Hosanna, Edmonton for the pastors and people of the Lutheran Church in Tanzania for all those who have lost their lives in violent conflict, and for peace throughout the world for The Right Rev. Greg Kerr-Wilson, Anglican bishop of Calgary, and the staff, priests, and people of the Anglican Diocese of Calgary

APRIL 10, 2016: Third Sunday in Easter for the National Church Council and national committee members for Lord of Life Lutheran, Edmonton and Mount Zion Lutheran, Edmonton for the pastors and people of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Brazil for the World Mission Prayer League and all those serving in this organization for all who are serving as interns for The Right Rev Larry Robertson, Anglican Bishop of the Yukon, and for the staff, and the priests and people of the Anglican Diocese of the Yukon


APRIL 17, 2016: Fourth Sunday in Easter for Bishop Susan Johnson, National Bishop of the ELCIC, and for the National Church staff for Spiritual Directors; Diaconal Minister Faith Nostbakken and Rev. Ron Flamand for Our Savior Lutheran, Edmonton and St. John Lutheran, Edmonton for the bishops, priests, and people of the Church of Finland for the Calgary and Edmonton District Council of Churches, and all those who faithfully serve on these councils for the bishops, priests and people in the Roman Catholic Church of Canada

APRIL 24, 2016: Fifth Sunday in Easter for Rev. Dr. Larry Kochendorfer, Bishop of our synod, and for the synod staff, rostered members and people of our synod for Rev. Kristian Wold, Dean of the Southwestern Conference and the rostered leaders and people of the Southwestern Conference for all church volunteers in our congregations for St. Paul Lutheran (Millwoods), Edmonton and St. Paul’s Lutheran (Ellerslie), Edmonton for our Companion Synod, The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia, it’s leaders and people for the students, faculty, and staff of the University of Alberta – Augustana Campus, Camrose for the bishops, priests, and people of the Orthodox Churches of Canada,

MAY 01, 2016: Sixth Sunday in Easter for Bishop Greg Mohr, Bishop of the Synod of British Columbia, and for the synod staff, and rostered members, and people of the Synod of British Columbia for parish nurses and all who serve in the area of healing for Trinity Lutheran, Edmonton and Grace Lutheran, Edson for the bishop, pastors, and people of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of El Salvador for the pastors, pilots and staff of the Lutheran Association of Missionaries and Pilots for the pastors and people of the Reformed Church of Canada for Bishop Munib Younan, pastors and people of the Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land


MAY 08, 2016: Seventh Sunday in Easter for Bishop Sidney Haugen, Bishop of the Saskatchewan Synod, and for the synod staff, rostered members and people of the Saskatchewan Synod for the pastors and chaplains of health care institutions, correctional institutions, and other special ministries for Ibbestad Lutheran, Enchant and Hope Lutheran, Forestburg for the bishops, pastors and people of the Lutheran Church of Cameroon, Africa for the students, faculty, and staff of Lutheran Theological Seminary, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan for the officers and people of the Salvation Army of Canada

MAY 15, 2016: Day of Pentecost for Bishop Elaine Sauer, Bishop of the Synod of Manitoba/ Northwestern Ontario, and for the synod staff, rostered members and people of the Synod of Manitoba/Northwestern Ontario for all spouses and families of ordained and diaconal ministers for Christ the King Lutheran, Ft. McMurray and Trinity Lutheran, for the primate, bishops, priests, and people of the Church of Sweden for the ministry of On Eagle’s Wings for the pastors and people of the Mennonite Churches of Canada,

MAY 22, 2016: The Holy Trinity for Bishop Michael Pryse, Bishop of the Eastern Synod, and for the Eastern Synod staff, and for rostered members and people of the Eastern Synod for the Synod’s ‘En Mision con El Salvador/In Mission with El Salvador’ ministry and its staff, Rev. Dr. Brian Rude for Redeemer Lutheran, Hanna and Our Saviour Lutheran, Hay Lakes for the bishops, priests, and people of the Church of Norway for the students, faculty, and staff of Waterloo Lutheran Seminary, Waterloo, Ontario for the pastors and people of the Pentecostal Churches in Canada


MAY 29, 2016: Second Sunday after Pentecost – Lectionary 9

for the National Church Council and national committee members for all parish workers and youth workers in our synod for Bethlehem Lutheran, Hilda and Grace Lutheran, Hinton for the bishops, pastors and people of the Lutheran Church of Guyana, South America for Kairos and all who work for Canadian ecumenical justice initiatives for the ministers and people of the United Church of Canada,

JUNE 05, 2016: Third Sunday after Pentecost – Lectionary 10 for Bishop Susan Johnson, National Bishop of the ELCIC, and for the National Church staff for preparations for Vacation Bible School ministry for Zion Lutheran, Holden and Bethany Lutheran, Hughenden for rostered members and people of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America for all in our church who work for ecumenical cooperation, seeking the unity of the church for the ministers and people of the Baptist Churches in Canada,

JUNE 12, 2016: Fourth Sunday after Pentecost – Lectionary 11 for Rev. Dr. Larry Kochendorfer, Bishop of our synod, and for the synod staff, rostered members and people of our synod for preparations for the 16th Biennial Synod Convention, and the delegates who travel to attend in Camrose for Peace Lutheran, Innisfail and Jasper Lutheran, Jasper for the bishops, priests and people of the Church of Iceland for the students, faculty, and staff of the Canadian Lutheran Bible Institute, Camrose for the moderator, ministers, and people of the Presbyterian Church of Canada


JUNE 19, 2016: Fifth Sunday after Pentecost – Lectionary 12 for Bishop Greg Mohr, Bishop of the Synod of British Columbia, and for the synod staff, and rostered members, and people of the Synod of British Columbia for the conclusion of the 16th Biennial Synod Convention, and the delegates who travel home from Camrose for Rainy Hills Lutheran, Jenner and Calvary Lutheran, for the pastors and people of the Lutheran Church in Namibia for the chaplains and staff of the Bethany Group Care Facilities and of the Good Samaritan Society for the President, pastors and people of the Lutheran Church-Canada,

JUNE 26, 2016: Sixth Sunday after Pentecost – Lectionary 13 for Bishop Sidney Haugen, Bishop of the Saskatchewan Synod, and for the synod staff, rostered members and people of the Saskatchewan Synod for our nation and our elected leaders for the Outdoor Ministry of our synod, and for ______Lutheran Camp for Lord of Glory Lutheran, Lac La Biche and Grace Lutheran, Leduc for the bishops, pastors, and people of the Lutheran Churches of Germany for the students, faculty, and staff of Luther College, Regina, Saskatchewan for the Most Rev. Fred Hiltz, Primate of the Anglican Church in Canada for the Right Rev. Mark MacDonald, National Indigenous Bishop of the Anglican Church in Canada

JULY 03, 2016: Seventh Sunday after Pentecost – Lectionary 14 for Bishop Elaine Sauer, Bishop of the Synod of Manitoba/ Northwestern Ontario, and for the synod staff, rostered members and people of the Synod of Manitoba/Northwestern Ontario for all who gather for the National Convention in Edmonton for those who serve as interim ministers, and for parishes who await pastoral leadership for Peace Lutheran, Leduc and Christ Trinity Lutheran, Lethbridge for the pastors and people of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Augsburg Confession in Hungary for all who work in agencies that minister to the poor and homeless in your community, for The Right Rev. David Parsons, Anglican Bishop of the Arctic, and for the staff, priests, and people of the Anglican Diocese of the Arctic for all candidates for Rostered Ministry, especially ______


JULY 10, 2016: Eighth Sunday after Pentecost – Lectionary 15 for Bishop Michael Pryse, Bishop of the Eastern Synod, and for the Eastern Synod staff, and for rostered members and people of the Eastern Synod for all who travel home from the National Convention in Edmonton for Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, Lethbridge and Bethany Lutheran, Lomond for the pastors and people of the Lutheran Church of Hong Kong for the Lutheran World Federation, its President, General Secretary and staff for The Right Rev. Jane Alexander, Anglican Bishop of Edmonton, and for the staff, priests and people of the Anglican Diocese of Edmonton

JULY 17, 2016: Ninth Sunday after Pentecost – Lectionary 16

for Bishop Susan Johnson, National Bishop of the ELCIC, and for the National Church staff for the National Church Council and national committee members for St. Peter Lutheran, Medicine Hat and Unity Lutheran, Medicine Hat for the rostered members and people of the Lutheran Church of Estonia for the Canadian Council of Churches, its President, and its General Secretary for The Right Rev. Fraser Lawton, Anglican bishop of Athabasca, and the staff, priests, and people of the Anglican Diocese of Athabasca

JULY 24, 2016: Tenth Sunday after Pentecost – Lectionary 17 for Rev. Dr. Larry Kochendorfer, Bishop of our synod, and for the synod staff, rostered members and people of our synod for all who are serving as interns for St. Peter’s Lutheran, Millet and Hope Lutheran, Milo for the pastors and people of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Chile for the World Council of Churches, its President, General Secretary and staff for The Right Rev. Greg Kerr-Wilson, Anglican bishop of Calgary, and the staff, priests, and people of the Anglican Diocese of Calgary for Bishop Munib Younan, pastors and people of the Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land


JULY 31, 2016: Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost – Lectionary 18

Bishop Greg Mohr, Bishop of the Synod of British Columbia, and for the synod staff, and rostered members, and people of the Synod of British Columbia for Rev. Trish Schmermund, Dean of the Northern Conference and the rostered leaders and people of the Northern Conference for all involved in Vacation Bible School ministry for Bethesda Lutheran, New Norway and St. John Lutheran, for the pastors and people of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Japan for the members of the Lutheran Deaconess Community for The Right Rev Larry Robertson, Anglican Bishop of the Yukon, and for the staff, and the priests and people of the Anglican Diocese of the Yukon

AUGUST 07, 2016: Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost – Lectionary 19 for Bishop Sidney Haugen, Bishop of the Saskatchewan Synod, and for the synod staff, rostered members and people of the Saskatchewan Synod for Rev. Eleanor Ness, Dean of the East Central Conference and the rostered leaders and people of the East Central Conference for Holy Cross Lutheran, Okotoks and St. Paul’s Lutheran, Olds the pastors and people of the Lutheran Churches of South Africa for Lutheran ethnic ministries and their pastors, leaders and people for the bishops, priests, and people of the Roman Catholic Church in Canada

AUGUST 14, 2016: Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost – Lectionary 20 for Bishop Elaine Sauer, Bishop of the Synod of Manitoba/ Northwestern Ontario, and for the synod staff, rostered members and people of the Synod of Manitoba/Northwestern Ontario for Rev. Kathy Calkins, Dean of the West Central Conference and the rostered leaders and people of the West Central Conference for Central Lutheran, Provost and Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, Red Deer for the youth groups and home team leaders who travel to attend the Canadian Lutheran Anglican Youth Gathering in Charlottetown, PEI for the pastors and people of the Lutheran Church of Australia for the students, faculty, and staff of Lutheran Collegiate Bible Institute, Outlook, Saskatchewan for the pastors and people of the Reformed Church of Canada


AUGUST 21, 2016: Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost – Lectionary 21 for Bishop Michael Pryse, Bishop of the Eastern Synod, and for the Eastern Synod staff, and for rostered members and people of the Eastern Synod for Rev. Reg Berg, Dean of the Southern Conference and the rostered leaders and people of the Southern Conference for the members of our synod council and synod committees for Partners in Christ Ecumenical Ministry, Rocky Mountain House and Faith Lutheran, Rolling Hills for the youth groups and home team leaders who travel home from the Canadian Lutheran Anglican Youth Gathering in Charlottetown, PEI for the pastors and people of the Mekane Jesus Lutheran Church of Ethiopia for all those who have lost their lives in violent conflict, and for peace throughout the world for the officers and people of the Salvation Army of Canada

AUGUST 28, 2016: Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost – Lectionary 22 for the National Church Council and national committee members for Rev. Kristian Wold, Dean of the Southwestern Conference and the rostered leaders and people of the Southwestern Conference for all congregations struggling with pastoral vacancy, as they anticipate and await full-time ministry for St. Paul Lutheran, Rolly View and Bethel Lutheran, Ryley for the pastors and people of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Argentina for the World Mission Prayer League and all those serving in this organization for the pastors and people of the Mennonite Churches of Canada

SEPTEMBER 04, 2016: Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost – Lectionary 23 for Bishop Susan Johnson, National Bishop of the ELCIC, and for the National Church staff for our Lutheran Campus Ministries in Canada and especially for Rev. Craig Wentland, Chaplain at University of Alberta, Augustana Campus for all Conference council members and your congregation’s council members for retired bishops, pastors, diaconal ministers and other retired church leaders for Bethania Lutheran, Sedgewick and Trinity Lutheran, Sedgewick for the pastors and people of the Lutheran Church in Tanzania for the Calgary and Edmonton District Council of Churches, and all those who faithfully serve on these councils for the pastors and people of the Pentecostal Churches in Canada


SEPTEMBER 11, 2016: Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost – Lectionary 24 for Rev. Dr. Larry Kochendorfer, Bishop of our synod, and for the synod staff, rostered members and people of our synod for the pastor and/or diaconal minister of your congregation for our Lutheran Campus Ministries in Canada and especially for Chaplain Lisa Waites, chaplain at Ecumenical Campus Ministry, Medicine Hat for Glory Lutheran, Sherwood Park and Mount Olivet Lutheran, Sherwood Park for the pastors and people of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Brazil for Executive Director, Bob Granke, and the staff of Canadian Lutheran World Relief for the ministers and people of the United Church of Canada

SEPTEMBER 18, 2016: Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost – Lectionary 25 for Bishop Greg Mohr, Bishop of the Synod of British Columbia, and for the synod staff, and rostered members, and people of the Synod of British Columbia for our Lutheran Campus Ministries in Canada and especially for Rev. Margaret Propp, Chaplain of Lutheran Campus Ministry, University of Calgary for Faith Lutheran, Slave Lake and St. John Lutheran of Golden Spike, Spruce Grove for the bishops, priests, and people of the Church of Finland for the students, faculty, and staff of the University of Alberta – Augustana Campus, Camrose for the ministers and people of the Baptist Churches in Canada,

SEPTEMBER 25, 2016: Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost - Lectionary 26 for Bishop Sidney Haugen, Bishop of the Saskatchewan Synod, and for the synod staff, rostered members and people of the Saskatchewan Synod for Spiritual Directors, especially Diaconal Minister Faith Nostbakken and Rev. Ron Flamand for our Lutheran Campus Ministries in Canada and especially for Rev. Richard Reimer, Chaplain of Lutheran Campus Ministry, University of Alberta for St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Spruce Grove and Nazareth Lutheran, Standard for our Companion Synod, The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia, it’s leaders and people for the congregations of the Northern Conference as they meet for their fall convention for the moderator, ministers, and people of the Presbyterian Church of Canada


OCTOBER 02, 2016: Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost – Lectionary 27 for our Lutheran Campus Ministries in Canada and especially for Rev. Cannon Erin Philips, Chaplain for the University of Lethbridge and Lethbridge Community College for all church volunteers in our congregations for Christ Church Anglican-Lutheran, Stavely and Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, Stony Plain for the bishop, pastors, and people of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of El Salvador for the students, faculty, and staff of Lutheran Theological Seminary, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan for the President, pastors and people of the Lutheran Church-Canada,

OCTOBER 09, 2016: Thanksgiving/ Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost – Lectionary 28 for Bishop Michael Pryse, Bishop of the Eastern Synod, and for the Eastern Synod staff, and for rostered members and people of the Eastern Synod for our Lutheran Campus Ministries in Canada and especially for Rev. Jason Anderson, Chaplain for the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology for parish nurses and all who serve in the area of healing for Emmaus (), Sturgeon County and Faith Lutheran, Sundre for the bishops, pastors and people of the Lutheran Church of Cameroon, Africa for the congregations of the East Central and West Central Conferences as they meet for their fall convention for the ministry of On Eagle’s Wings for the Most Rev. Fred Hiltz, Primate of the Anglican Church in Canada for the Right Rev. Mark MacDonald, National Indigenous Bishop of the Anglican Church in Canada

OCTOBER 16, 2016: Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost – Lectionary 29 for the National Church Council and national committee members for the pastors and chaplains of health care institutions, correctional institutions, and other special ministries for St. Matthew Lutheran, Thorsby and Bethany Lutheran, Tilley for our Companion Synod, The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia, it’s leaders and people for the congregations of the Southern and South West Conferences as they meet for their fall convention for the students, faculty, and staff of Waterloo Lutheran Seminary, Waterloo, Ontario for The Right Rev. David Parsons, Anglican Bishop of the Arctic, and for the staff, priests, and people of the Anglican Diocese of the Arctic for all candidates for Rostered Ministry


OCTOBER 23, 2016: Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost – Lectionary 30 for Bishop Susan Johnson, National Bishop of the ELCIC, and for the National Church staff for all spouses and families of ordained and diaconal ministers for Trinity Lutheran, Warburg and Trinity Lutheran, Westlock for the primate, bishops, priests, and people of the Church of Sweden for Kairos and all who work for Canadian ecumenical justice initiatives for The Right Rev. Jane Alexander, Anglican Bishop of Edmonton, and for the staff, priests and people of the Anglican Diocese of Edmonton

OCTOBER 30, 2016: Reformation Sunday/Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost – Lectionary 31 for Rev. Dr. Larry Kochendorfer, Bishop of our synod, and for the synod staff, rostered members and people of our synod for the Synod’s ‘En Mision con El Salvador/In Mission with El Salvador’ ministry and its staff, Rev. Dr. Brian Rude for Grace Lutheran, Wetaskiwin and Vang Lutheran, Wetaskiwin for the bishops, priests, and people of the Church of Norway for all in our church who work for ecumenical cooperation, seeking the unity of the church for The Right Rev. Fraser Lawton, Anglican bishop of Athabasca, and the staff, priests, and people of the Anglican Diocese of Athabasca

NOVEMBER 06, 2016: All Saints Sunday/Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost – Lectionary 32 for Bishop Greg Mohr, Bishop of the Synod of British Columbia, and for the synod staff, and rostered members, and people of the Synod of British Columbia for the pastors who serve as interim ministers, and for their parishes who await full-time pastoral leadership for Trinity Lutheran, Westlock and St. John’s of Northmark, Woking for the bishops, pastors and people of the Lutheran Church of Guyana, South America for the students, faculty, and staff of the Canadian Lutheran Bible Institute, Camrose for The Right Rev. Greg Kerr-Wilson, Anglican bishop of Calgary, and the staff, priests, and people of the Anglican Diocese of Calgary


NOVEMBER 13, 2016: Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - Lectionary 33 for Bishop Sidney Haugen, Bishop of the Saskatchewan Synod, and for the synod staff, rostered members and people of the Saskatchewan Synod for Holy Family, Whitehorse for rostered members and people of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America for the chaplains and staff of the Bethany Group Care Facilities and of the Good Samaritan Society for The Right Rev Larry Robertson, Anglican Bishop of the Yukon, and for the staff, and the priests and people of the Anglican Diocese of the Yukon

NOVEMBER 20, 2016: Christ the King/Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost – Lectionary 34 for Bishop Elaine Sauer, Bishop of the Synod of Manitoba/Northwestern Ontario, and for the synod staff, rostered members and people of the Synod of Manitoba/Northwestern Ontario for all congregations struggling with pastoral vacancy, as they anticipate and await full-time ministry for Good Shepherd, High River and Holy Cross, Okotoks for the bishops, priests and people of the Church of Iceland for the students, faculty, and staff of Luther College, Regina, Saskatchewan for the bishops, priests, and people of the Orthodox Churches of Canada


REVISED PULPIT SUPPLY LIST - alphabetical by last name (Updated Nov 2015)

AECHTNER, Horst Calgary (403) 851-0449 [email protected] ANDERSEN, Ryan Calgary (403) 457-1286 [email protected] BARTLING, Suzanne Calgary (non-sacramental) (587) 896-7626 [email protected] Effective January 1, 2015 BERG, Rev. Dan Sherwood Park (780) 416-1274 [email protected] PULPIT SUPPLY FEE… BERGQUIST, Rev. Angela Edmonton to Red Deer (780) 361-6043 [email protected] $165.00 (first service) $70.00 (second service) BOLSTAD, Rev. Donald Wetaskiwin (780) 361-2397 [email protected] BRAGG,David Calgary and area (non-sacramental) (403) 901-4167 [email protected] BRUNER, Deac. Signi Camrose (non-sacramental) (780) 672-6484 [email protected]@ $140.00 (second service different language) ERIKSSON, Rev. Vincent Camrose (780) 672-7571 [email protected] MILEAGE.....54 cents/km HANSON, Rev. Richard Lethbridge (403) 381-7838 HINK, Deaconess Julie Edmonton (non-sacramental) (780) 945-6006 Pension contributions may be required HINK, Rev. Phil Edmonton (780) 450-2201 when inviting supply pastors. Please HORNIG, Rev. Mark Sherwood Park (780) 449-4581 [email protected] check with Group Services. JARVIS, Rev. Judy Edmonton (780) 478-8992 JENSEN, Ruth Camrose (non-sacramental) (780) 672-0283 KEDDIE, Rev. Larry Drumheller (Anglican) (403) 823-8955 LEACH, Garnet Calgary (403) 210-0436 [email protected] Anyone wishing to have their name LYALL, Rev. Barry Edmonton (780) 487-1669 added or deleted please contact the MARTIN, Rev. Harold Lethbridge (403) 320-7835 [email protected] Synod Office at (780) 439-2636 MCLEISH, Rev. Rod High River (403) 601-2557 [email protected] ([email protected]) MORIN, Rev. Louis Wetaskiwin (780) 352-7177 [email protected] MUELLER, Rev. David Calgary (403) 241-8816 MUNDEL, Rev. Dittmar Camrose (German) (780) 672-1581 [email protected] NELSON, Rev. Sid Medicine Hat (403) 526-4041 [email protected] NICKEL, Rev. Gary Ft. Saskatchewan (780) 998-3963 [email protected] NOSTBAKKEN, Diaconal Minister Faith Edmonton (non-sacramental) (780) 435-6262 [email protected] PHILLIPS, Rev. Canon Erin Lethbridge (Anglican) (403) 382-0294 [email protected] ROSTE, Rev. Rita Red Deer & north (780) 919-3614 [email protected] SAMUEL, Rev. Prema Camrose, Edmonton 780-906-2738 [email protected] SCHOEPF, Rev. Guenther Edmonton (780) 430-9319 SOVERAN, Rev. Larry Ferintosh (780) 877-2641 [email protected] WEATHERINGTON, Rev. Ron Calgary (city only) (403) 241-8510 WIEBE, Ruby Sexsmith (non-sacramental) (780) 568-2039 WILHELM, Rev. Friedmut Edmonton (780) 464-2612 ZINKEN, Rev. Jane Edmonton (587) 758-7077 [email protected] REVISED PULPIT SUPPLY LIST - alphabetical by location (Updated Nov 2015)

AECHTNER, Horst Calgary (403) 851-0449 [email protected] ANDERSEN, Ryan Calgary (403) 457-1286 [email protected] LEACH, Garnet Calgary (403) 210-0436 [email protected] MUELLER, Rev. David Calgary (403) 241-8816 BARTLING, Suzanne Calgary (non-sacramental) (587) 896-7626 [email protected] WEATHERINGTON, Rev. Ron Calgary (city only) (403) 241-8510 BRAGG,David Calgary and area (non-sacramental)(403) 901-4167 [email protected] ERIKSSON, Rev. Vincent Camrose (780) 672-7571 [email protected] MUNDEL, Rev. Dittmar Camrose (German) (780) 672-1581 [email protected] SAMUEL, Rev. Prema Camrose, Edmonton 780-906-2738 [email protected] BRUNER, Deac. Signi Camrose (non-sacramental) (780) 672-6484 [email protected] JENSEN, Ruth Camrose (non-sacramental) (780) 672-0283 KEDDIE, Rev. Larry Drumheller (Anglican) (403) 823-8955 HINK, Rev. Phil Edmonton (780) 450-2201 LYALL, Rev. Barry Edmonton (780) 487-1669 SCHOEPF, Rev. Guenther Edmonton (780) 430-9319 WILHELM, Rev. Friedmut Edmonton (780) 464-2612 ZINKEN, Rev. Jane Edmonton (587) 758-7077 [email protected] JARVIS, Rev. Judy Edmonton (780) 478-8992 BERGQUIST, Rev. Angela Edmonton to Red Deer (780) 361-6043 [email protected] HINK, Deaconess Julie Edmonton (non-sacramental) (780) 945-6006 NOSTBAKKEN, Diaconal Minister Faith Edmonton (non-sacramental) (780) 435-6262 [email protected] SOVERAN, Rev. Larry Ferintosh (780) 877-2641 [email protected] NICKEL, Rev. Gary Ft. Saskatchewan (780) 998-3963 [email protected] MCLEISH, Rev. Rod High River (403) 601-2557 [email protected] HANSON, Rev. Richard Lethbridge (403) 381-7838 MARTIN, Rev. Harold Lethbridge (403) 320-7835 [email protected] PHILLIPS, Rev. Canon Erin Lethbridge (Anglican) (403) 382-0294 [email protected] NELSON, Rev. Sid Medicine Hat (403) 526-4041 [email protected] ROSTE, Rev. Rita Red Deer & north (780) 919-3614 [email protected] WIEBE, Ruby Sexsmith (non-sacramental) (780) 568-2039 BERG, Rev. Dan Sherwood Park (780) 416-1274 [email protected] HORNIG, Rev. Mark Sherwood Park (780) 449-4581 [email protected] BOLSTAD, Rev. Donald Wetaskiwin (780) 361-2397 [email protected] MORIN, Rev. Louis Wetaskiwin (780) 352-7177 [email protected] Day 1 Rod/Susan Adamson Day 5 Karen Carriere Day 9 David/Sherry-Lynn Glawe Day 13 Emil/Esther Krause Horst/Barbara Aechtner Glen/Joan Carlson Ken/Noreen Grambo James Krause Dennis/Corrine Aicken Rick/Beverly Chappell Barbara Groote Marvin/Susan Krebs Gary/Sharon Aicken Peter/Amy Chau Peter/Sandra Grundler David/Linda Larsen Ryan Andersen/Susie Brownell Jim/Luella Chell Stephen/Joanne Hall Rick/Susan Laurendeau Greg/Sally Anderson Daniel/Lillian Cheung +Sidney/Kathy Haugen Garnet Leach/Martha Rawling-Leach Jason Anderson Ray Christenson Dick/Jan Hanson Day 2 Jim/Angie Appleby Day 6 Yun-Ming/Hsin-Chin Chu Day 10 Douglas/Melita Hanson-Torwalt Day 14 John/Karen Lentz Bonnie Arends Wendy/Ron Coughlan Daranne/Greg Harris Norman/Barb Lentz Julianne/Dave Barlow Dyanna/Richard Couture Shane/Debbie Hein Keith/Janet Loewen Ted Becker Gordon Cranch Doug/Donna Heine Hilde Lorenz/Charles Marczinski Vern/RoseAline Begalke Bent Damkar James/Beth Hendricksen Orlow/Carrielynn Lund Dan/Freda Berg Jeff/Deanna Decelle Phil/Julie Hink Barry/Bina Lyall Reg/Sherry Berg Matt Lyseng/Prema Samuel Day 3 Angela Bergquist Day 7 Monica Denk Day 11 Phil/Laura Holck Day 15 Harold/Ella Martin Don/Inez Bolstad Ingrid/Kosmas Doerschel Corliss Holmes Howard/Joan Mastin Laird/Sharlene Borst Kayko Driedger Hesslein/Josh Hesslein David Holmes Kierra/Richard Maher Ed/Trudy Bowen Bruce/Susan Ehlert Mark/Celia Hornig Melissa May Faith/Lorne Brace David/Barbara Eriksson Susan/Cliff Horton Ron/Dianne Mayan Rob/Sandy Breitwieser Harold Eriksson Laverne/Marilyn Hoveland Paul/Wenona McCormick Scott/Pamela Brown Judy/Anthony Jarvis Rod/Mavis McFarlane Day 4 Signi Bruner Day 8 Vincent/Mary Ellen Eriksson Day 12 Marc/Marnie Jerry Day 16 Rod/Lelsey McLeish Gary/Diane Buckley Rene Faille + Susan Johnson Don McLeod Bill/Marilyn Bulger Ron/Joanne Flamand Gordon/Brenda Jensen David/Agnes Melax Arnie/Natalie Burke George Friedrich/Karen Goldstone Greg/Heather Kern Colin/Donna Millang Virginia/Ed Burke David Friesen Paul/Elaine Knudtson Bob/Marilyn Moland Kathy/Darcy Calkins Martin Garber-Conrad +Larry/Cathy Kochendorfer +Greg/LaRee Mohr Doug Giles/Elise Laberge

Day 17 David/Hildegard Morck Day 22 Sigmar/Gertrude Reichel Day 27 Marty/Doug Tuer Louis/Cathy Morin Richard Reimer/Dana Rayment Barry Vall/Dawn Kilarski Hans-Dittmar/Pat Mundel Gayla June Richards Heidi Wachowiak Sid/Elaine Nelson Ed/Mary Louise Rostad Gary/Cecelia Watts Eleanor Ness Ann Salmon/Carl Rausch Ron/Barb Weatherington Gary/Ava Nickel Telmor/Adelene Sartison Karen/Don Wedman

Day 18 Christine Nojonen Day 23 +Elaine/Rick Sauer Day 28 Julianna/Garth Wehrfritz-Hanson

Erland Nord Jes/Pamela Schienbein Mike/Tanya Wellman

Rolf/Grace Nosterud Trish/Ken Schmermund Craig/Paula Wentland

Faith Nostbakken Kathy Schmitke Lesley Wheeler-Dame

Klaus Ohlhoff/Sappho Balfour Aaron/Juanita Schnell Bill/Mary Ann Wiegert Dale/Judith Olsen Guenther/Rosemarie Schoepf Friedmut/Gundula Wilhelm Don/Beth Olsen Fred/Joyce Schneider Day 19 Margaret/Norman Olson Day 24 Lorraine/Lynn Schrader Day 29 Markus/Andrea Wilhelm Thirty Days of Prayer Phil/Tessa Penrod Hanna/Lothar Schwabe Florence Wind/Barry Riddell Daily prayer for the Scott/Gina Peterson Allen Severson Cindy Werner Rostered Leaders in the Synod of Tom/Karen Peterson Leigh Sinclair Janice/Michael Whitelock Alberta and the Territories Erin Philips Don/Trudy Sjoberg Kristian/Karen Wold and all the Bishops of the ELCIC. David Pettersen/Cheryl Popowich Calvin/Lori Skriver Kim/Kam Wong Jakob/Ulrike Pillibeit Day 20 Wilson/Bonnie Porat Day 25 Larry/Marilylle Soveran Day 30 Mabel Woo Tim/Carollyne Posyluzny Len Stengel Lee/Gretchen Woolery Kevin Powell Beryl St. Germain Tim/Joanne Wray Margaret/Ron Propp John/Charlotte Strecker-Baseler AnnE/Joel Zimmerman +Michael/Lois Pryse Edward Summers Bruce/Jane Zinken Don Rasmussen/Aslaug Holmes Bev/Dale Swanson Widows and widowers David/Sharon Taeger Day 21 Jim/Joyce Rasmussen Day 26 Kirk Tastad/Cherie Jarock Day 31 – all the Rostered Leaders in the Synod of Olivier/Holy Ravelojaona Duffy Taylor Alberta and the Territories, as well as the Bishops of the ELCIC. Darryl/Rita Roste Anna Thede Sarah Rudd/Mark Holitzki Fred/Margarete Tober Brian Rude Jane/Jim Tse Milton Rude Juliette Trudeau/Robert Sheard