LOK SABRA DEBATES (English Version)
Thlrlrenlh Series, Vol. I, No.5 Tuesday. Orlober 2ft. 1999 Kartlka 4. 11'21 (Saka) LOK SABRA DEBATES (English Version) First Session (Thirteenth Lok Sabha) (Vol. I co"t.;"s Nos. J to 8) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Price : Rs. 5/1 (}(I EDITORIAL BOARD G.C. Malhotra Secretary-General Lok Sabha Dr. A.K. Pandey Additional Secretary Hamam Singh Joint Secretary P.C. Bhatt Chlet Editor A.P. Chakravarti Senior Editor V.K. Chhabra Editor ..., I ,..:'f'I.t (Original English Proceedings Included In English Version and Original Hindi Proceedings Included In Hindi Version will be treated as Authoritative and ncit the translation thereof. • CONTENTS {ThIrteenth Be,... 1.tlI. I. Fbt s-Ion. ',.,'921 (Saka)} No.5, Tueedey, October 21, 1111t1Kartlkll 4, 1111 (1IIkII, SUBJECT MEMBERS SWORN PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMITTEE Tenth and Eleventh Reports ... COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC UNDERTAKINGS Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Reports INCOME-TAX (AMENDMENT) BILL 2 STATEMENT RE: INCOME-TAX (AMENDMENT) ORDINANCE ... 2 CONTINGENCY FUND OF INDIA (AMENDMENT) BILL ... 3 STATEMENT RE: CONTINGENCY FUND OF INDIA (AMENDMENT) ORDINANCE 3 CONSTITUTION (EIGHTY-FOURTH) (AMENDMENT) BILL (Amendment of Article 334) 4 REPRESENTATION OF THE PEOPLE (AMENDMENT) BILL 162 STATEMENT RE: REPRESENTATION OF THE PEOPLE (AMENDMENT) ORDINANCE 162 RE: CHARGE-SHEET FILED IN BOFORS CASE ... 8-30 MATTERS UNDER RULE 377 (i) Need to include Santali language in Ol-Chik' script in the Eighth Schedule, to the Constitution Shri Salkhan Murmu 30 (ii) Need to resume transportation of coal through crush cosl transport at Kargali Washery of Central Coalfield Limited. Bihar Shri Ravindra Kumar Pandey ... 31 (iii) Need to take steps for early creation of Mumbai Railway Development Corporation Shri Kirit Somalya ..
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