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()* VRGR $"#(!#1')VCEBRS WWT!Pa!RT%&!$"#1$# ! "#$% 1( 3 3 $3$4 !" # 7" !4 %+!4 54 5%5 " $ 4 $ %O"N O$ $! # 9: $ ;"$ " $ + $ %$ + # $ $ % 6$ 5 7 8 6 ) +) ,-. /. 0 "1 * ) !"# $#% $&"'('()*+, Minister assured that the CAA + %+!4 will not “discriminate” between harging the Opposition Hindus and Muslims and cause romising a bright future for Cwith instigating anti-CAA no damage to minorities. Pyouths working in Uttar protests and spreading “false- Taking a jibe at the Pradesh, Chief Minister Yogi hood”, Prime Minister Congress on its “save Adityanath said that over 35 Narendra Modi on Thursday Constitution” pitch, he recalled lakh jobs would be thrown open warned that agitations against unconstitutional measures dur- in the state after projects taken up laws passed by Parliament and ing Emergency, placing of under DefExpo 2020 and State Assemblies may lead to National Advisory Council Investors’ Summit took a final “anarchy”. He justified action above Prime Minister and shape. against PDP and NC leaders in PMO and recently violating “Uttar Pradesh is a land of Jammu & Kashmir suggesting Supreme Court’s advise against opportunities and provides that his Government cannot be violent agitations. immense possibilities and ways with those supporting “open Modi also accused the of investment. At the same time, secession” and lampooned Congress of discreetly insti- this state will provide jobs to edu- Congress campaign of “save gating anti-CAA agitation. cated and skilled workers. In Constitution”. “Khoob parda hai, chilman se 2018, we organised Investors’ In a speech laced with lage baithe hain, saaf chhupte Summit in which Prime Minister ! " # ! humour, “shayari” and verbal bhi nahin, samne aate bhi Narendra Modi had announced $ wallops at the Opposition lead- nahin” (Closeted to screen but construction of defence manu- ers, Modi quoted the first would not come out in open), facturing corridor.
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