Laadan Theresa M Mcgarry, East Tennessee State University
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East Tennessee State University From the SelectedWorks of Theresa M McGarry 2009 Laadan Theresa M McGarry, East Tennessee State University Available at: theresa_mcgarry/8/ L or the intentions behind an utterance LA´ ADAN or contradicting a speaker’s expressed Laadan is a language that was perception. For example, Laadan sen- designed to express women’s percep- tences begin with one of six words that tions. Its grammar and basic vocabu- indicate the speech act undertaken, lary were constructed by linguist and such as statement, question, or prom- science fiction writer Suzette Haden ise; each of these six words can be fur- Elgin in 1982, as part of the preparation ther modified with one of eight suffixes for writing the Native Tongue trilogy to indicate the mood or purpose of the (Native Tongue, 1984; The Judas Rose, speech act, such as, in love, in pain, or 1987; Earthsong, 1993) in which the lan- for teaching, or left unmodified to indi- guage is an important element. The vo- cate the speaker’s neutrality toward cabulary of Laadan has been and the utterance. A notable feature of the continues to be expanded by coopera- lexicon is the highly specific nature of tion among Elgin and other interested many words referring to emotions. For people. example, the word anger in English cor- In Native Tongue and The Judas Rose, responds to five words in Laadan, the Elgin explores the idea that a language choice of word specifying whether the created by and for women can change anger has a reason, projects blame, societal structures. In the society of and/or is futile. twenty-third century Earth and its colo- A basic grammar and lexicon of the nies, in which women are legally language has been available in print minors and are severely repressed, form since 1988. While Elgin and others women linguists secretly create Laadan have pointed out that Laadan has and attempt to spread the language to engendered less interest than other all the women of the Earth in the hope constructed languages such as Klingon, that the new language will bring about reader response has been sufficient to a new social order. motivate electronic interaction for- In creating the language, Elgin mats, including a Web tutorial, a Live- addressed the position that English and Journal discussion forum, and a Web other languages embody male domi- dictionary that is still being updated. nance in society and are not well suited to expressing what women want to say, which may lead to women being per- Further Readings ceived as unskillful speakers, specifi- Elgin, Suzette Haden. A First Dictionary and cally as unable to be direct and Grammar of Laadan . 2nd ed. Madison, WI: concise. The grammar and lexicon of Society for the Furtherance and Study of Laadan attempt to remedy this situa- Fantasy and Science Fiction, 1988. tion and also to make it more difficult ———. “Laadan, the Constructed Language in to dominate conversation by such Native Tongue” [online]. 1999. Http://www. means as denying the implications of ................191 Women in Science Fiction and Fantasy Volume 2: Entries ———. Suzette Haden Elgin Talks about “Native as the Shin’a’in horses and the Hawk- Tongue” and the Problem of Woman’s Lan- brothers’ bondbirds. A number of Lack- guage [video]. Produced and directed by ey’s protagonists are female, including George Elgin. Magic Granny Line, 1986. fourteen-year-old Rune, who runs away “Laadan Working Group.” Feminist SF from home to become a Bard (and is Wiki [online], rejected despite her talent because she index.php?title=L%C3%A1adan_Working_ is female); Kerowyn, who becomes a Group. mercenary captain in By the Sword THERESA MCGARRY (1991); the Queen of Valdemar; and a priestess who becomes head of a LACKEY,MERCEDES (1950– ) powerful religious institution. Mercedes Lackey is an American fan- Most of Lackey’s stories are coming- tasy writer and one of the earliest writ- of-age tales. Besides a group of interre- ers of young adult literature to feature lated series set in Velgarth, the setting a homosexual protagonist. Vanyel for twenty-seven novels that take place Ashkevron is the protagonist of the Last in and around Valdemar, she has writ- Herald-Mage series (Magic’s Pawn, 1989; ten an urban fantasy series featuring Magic’s Promise, 1990; Magic’s Price, Diana Tregarde, a spiritual/psychic in- 1990). While Vanyel’s father disap- vestigator (Burning Water, 1989; Children proves, the culture of Valdemar and a of the Night, 1990; Jinx High, 1991). She number of Lackey’s other cultures also has created the Bardic series (The accept same-sex relationships. Vanyel Lark and the Wren, 1992; The Robin and is first seen as a legend; Talia, the pro- the Kestrel, 1993) about a group of musi- tagonist of the Queen’s Own series, is cians. More recent novels, such as Fire- reading the story of Vanyel’s heroic last bird (1996) and The Black Swan (1999), stand when she is chosen by her Com- retell fairy tales or other alternate- panion. Companions, white horses who world fantasies; the Dragon Jouster se- embody spirits, are a magical sentient ries includes Joust (2003), Alta (2004), species who choose their Heralds. and Sanctuary (2005). Born in Chicago, Lackey received a Lackey has collaborated with a num- B.S. in biology from Purdue University ber of writers, including Cherryh, in Indiana. She worked as an artist’s Andre Norton, Ellen Guon, Josepha model, then in data processing and Sherman, Marion Zimmer Bradley, computer programming. Lackey began and Anne McCaffrey. She publishes in writing for science fiction and fantasy Jim Baen’s SERRAted Edge series, fan magazines and became active as a urban-fantasy novels featuring chil- filk writer and singer at science fiction dren and adolescents who run away conventions (cons). She met C. J. Cher- from home (other writers in the series ryh at a con, and Cherryh encouraged are Holly Lisle and Mark Shepherd). At her to begin writing professionally. the end of each novel is a page with Lackey and her husband, Larry toll-free numbers to agencies that can Dixon, are licensed rehabilitators who help missing or abused children. work with injured birds. Her novels include various magical and sentient, Further Readings nonhuman races, and several of her The World of Mercedes Lackey [online]. protagonists come from cultures where Http:// close relationships with companion “Mercedes Lackey.” Authors and Artists for and working animals are valued, such Young Adults, vol. 13. Detroit: Gale, 1994. ................192.