James Edwin Pedlar Tyndale University College & Seminary 3377 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, ON M2M 3S4, Canada
[email protected] | 416-226-6620 x2215 Education Ph.D., University of St. Michael’s College, Toronto School of Theology, 2013. Dissertation: “A Theology of Ecclesial Charisms, with Special Reference to the Paulist Fathers and The Salvation Army.” Director: Ephraim Radner. M.Div. (Hons.), Wycliffe College / University of Toronto, 2005. B.A. (Hons.), First Class, Queen’s University, 2002. Major in Sociology. Academic Employment Donald N. and Kathleen G. Bastian Chair of Wesley Studies and Associate Professor of Theology, 2018-present. Assistant Professor of Wesley Studies and Theology, Tyndale Seminary, 2013-2018. Instructor, Systematic Theology, Tyndale Seminary, 2012. Instructor, Department of Religion, Booth University College, 2012. Teaching Assistant, Tyndale Seminary and Wycliffe College, 2009-2011. Academic Publications Books and Book Chapters Division, Diversity and Unity: A Theology of Ecclesial Charisms. New York: Peter Lang, 2015. “‘O Boundless Salvation’: Save Souls, Grow Saints, and Serve Suffering Humanity – The Army’s Holistic Vision.” In Saved, Sanctified, and Serving - Perspectives on Salvation Army Theology and Practice, ed. Denis Metrustery, 29-41. Paternoster Theological Monographs. Milton Keynes, UK: Paternoster, 2016. James Edwin Pedlar 2 Journal Articles “Schism and the Spirt in Hugh Bourne’s Theology.” Wesley and Methodist Studies 10/2 (June 2018): 177-196. “Separate but Non-Sectarian: The Salvation Army’s Place in the History of Wesleyan Ecclesial Division.” Word & Deed: A Journal of Salvationist Theology and Ministry 20/1 (November 2017): 25-40. “Universal Atonement or Ongoing Incarnation? Comparing the Missional Theologies of William Booth and Isaac Hecker.” Wesleyan Theological Journal 50/1 (Spring 2015): 134-152.