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d'Andorra L’ÚS DE LES TECNOLOGIES elelENGLISHTema PeriòdicPeriòdic del EDITION dia NewsT H U 2xx 0 URBAN DEVELOPMENT stops Saetde works on the road leading to the river of Massat The comú argues that no license has been requested and is decoupled from the tensions for the platform

SERGI PÉREZ EL PERIÒDIC ESCALDES- @PeriodicAND he Comú of Canillo has stopped the works that Sa- etde was doing on a public T road that leads to the river of Massat and which at the same ti- me served as access to the Pla de les Pedres, where the company plans to do works to extend the chairlift once they have permission of the Ministry of the Environment. In addition to communicating to the company led by Joan Viladomat that they had to abandon the works, the corporation also placed some stones in the midd- le of the road so that it could not be accessed. Sources of the corporation ex- plained that the company that ma- nages the slopes of Pas de la Casa – would have built «a path in some lands of Canillo without ap-

The comú informed Saetde that they had to stop the works and also has decided to cut off the road access Canillo warns that an urban infraction has been committed and therefore the person responsible may be sanctioned View of the facade of the Comú of Canillo. 33 plying for a permit to the comú». Specifically, the works would extend ces of the comú said that they have part of the already existing public keys acted in accordance with a sentence path. Thus, some sources have detai- from the High Court that states that led that to do any earth moving re- WORKS the land belongs to Canillo and not quires a license and since in this ca- 1 Following the investment agreement signed between the ment, Saetde had begun the preparatory works and would to Encamp, therefore, they believe se there wasn’t one, the works were Comú of Encamp and Saetde, the company plans to ex- have made land movements on a path that leads to the river that they have the authority to stop stopped. In addition, the same sour- tend the chairlift of the Pla de les Pedres. Although they are of Massat and that would be in Canillo territory. According to the works. The same sources also sta- waiting to receive the permit from the Ministry of the Environ- the sources, the works would have be expanded the road. ces reminded that by the type of in- ted that the Saetde workers who ha- tervention that was being done, it REACTION ve to access the Pla de les Pedres to do was also necessary to present a study 2 Once it was detected that Saetde had done the works way, it sent a communication to the management com- the corresponding works did not ha- of environmental impact both to the and that it had not requested the corresponding license pany of the slopes of Pas de la Casa – Grau Roig to stop ve to go through there, as there are ot- affected comú and the Government, established by Law, the Comú of Canillo reacted by ac- the works and also cut off the path to access the river so her alternative routes in Encamp ter- a step that would not have been do- ting in accordance with the available legal tools. In this that the machines are unable to pass. ritory and this way, no permit would ne either. LIMITS have been necessary. Against this background, the co- 3 The lands through which the road where Saetde ma- of Canillo’s corporation made it clear that according to a mú led by Josep Mandicó sent a com- de the earth moving is part of an area that historically has sentence from the High Court, the land belongs to Ca- PLA DE LES PEDRES With regard to munication to Saetde in which they been in dispute between Canillo and Encamp for the es- nillo, and therefore, Saetde should have requested the the works that Saetde/ plans to car- were told that they had to stop the tablishment of territorial boundaries. However, sources corresponding license to do the works. ry out in the Pla de les Pedres, where works and, in addition, they cut off TENSIONS it wants to extend the chairlift in the the path so that it could not be acces- 4 The Comú of Canillo has completely decoupled this si- ritorial boundaries. Thus, it became clear that they acted framework of the investment agree- sed. tuation from the tensions that have been present betwe- for a strictly legal issue, since it considered that the regu- ment reached with the Comú of En- en Ensisa and Saetde for the construction of the lations had not been followed and therefore the guideli- camp, they are at waiting for the En- DISCIPLINARY ACTION The corporation platform, as well as the conflict between comuns for ter- nes provided in the law have been followed. vironmental Ministry to give them has also opened a sanctioning/ proce- the corresponding authorization. In eding to Saetde, to which they consi- did not specified. deu and the process of dissolution the works is one of the spaces that tra- the last council session of the comú, der they can attribute an urban in- In this sense, Canillo wanted to of Grandvalira. In fact, sources clo- ditionally has presented a conflict it was explained that all the permits fraction that entails a sanction to the decouple this action from the tensi- se to comú say that it is a strictly le- between the parishes of Canillo and are already processed and the com- person in charge of the works. A fine, ons that may currently exist for the gal issue. Encamp for the establishment of ter- pany has faith that during this week however, that the consulted sources construction of the platform in Sol- The area where Saetde has done ritorial boundaries. However, sour- they will be given authorization. H 2 THURSDAY, 20 SEPTEMBER 2018 el Periòdic News


hasing power; while the figures less than 500 permits and this ye- of internationally renowned pro- ar’s forecasts is much lower. Minis- National passive residences fessionals have been reduced on- ter Espot recalled that «the current ly slightly and those from the Prin- Government has opted and really cipality for scientific, cultural or supported this type of residence» are plummeting since 2016 sports reasons have continued to and insisted that «we are particu- rise. larly interested in attracting these

ÀLEX LARA residents to our country because Cultural and sports MODIFICATION OF THE LAW In 2012 many of them have a high purcha- there were only 1,513 passive/ resi- sing power and others are people permits are the only dents and in six years the number with special ablities and are ex- ones that remain stable grew and doubled reaching 3,130 perts in their respective field be it as already mentioned. Last Friday, in the scientific, cultural or sports according to the Minister of Soci- sector». «They are the best exam- EL PERIÒDIC al Affairs, Justice and Interior, Xa- ple of diversification and econo- ESCALDES-ENGORDANY vier Espot, coinciding with the in- mic openness in the country» said @PeriodicAND auguration ceremony of the new the head of Social Affairs, Justice assive residences, that is, offices of the Immigration Servi- and Interior. those permits granted ce he said that «growth has been H solely to live in the Prin- very important, although before Pcipality without having 2012, only a 30,000 euro INAF de- to work there, amount to 3,130 posit had to be made and with the key figures (from September 14 of 2018), a fi- amendment of the law now an in- gure that does not stop growing vestment of up to 400,000 euros year after year, but that did not do is required, 50,000 of which must 3.130 is the current it at the same rate as long ago. As be given to a control department.» number of passive residents in reflected in the data provided by The modification, as reflected in the Principality. the Government, 2016 was the ti- the legislative text, was motivated me when the Immigration Service by «the need to condition the ac- granted more authorizations: 604 cess to the residence without lu- 1.513 is the number for residents without lucrative ac- crative activity to a true and deter- of passive residents before the tivities; 28 for professionals with mined vocation of permanent con- amendment of the law, in 2012. international projects; and 28 mo- nection with the country, which re for people installed in the Prin- would undoubtedly be guarante- Chalets in the Vilars area in Escaldes-Engordany. are the professionals cipality for scientific, cultural or ed through this investment requi- 67 33 with international projects that sports interests. rement ». In fact, every year, betwe- currently live in Andorra. Since then, the number of per- when it went from 660 passive resi- from January until September, on- en 2012 and 2015, the Immigrati- mits granted to reside under one dences to 483; and practically half ly 240 permits have been granted. on Service granted more than 200 of these three statuses has been the year before the current one, The most significant fall is ahown residences without lucrative acti- 96 are the number of peo- decreasing exponentially: appro- since– although there are still th- in residents without lucrative ac- vity. In 2016 it exceptionally exce- ple who live here for scientific, ximately 25% from 2016 to 2017, ree months before its completion– tivity and those with more purc- eded 600. Last year they granted cultural or sports purposes.

ANA / M. J. TOURISM AND COMMERCE Historic Center: this summer appraisal is «disappointing» Association wants to create cognize the impact of visitors who come to events such as the Cique du a strategic plan that will Soleil, although they say that «this revitalize commerce sector does not always translate to sales or activity within the neighborhood.» EL PERIÒDIC The other great project was La Vuel- ta, which hasn’t made a great impact CAPRABO ILLA CARLEMANY The Association of Traders of the His- as expected, according to the associ- Last year’s ‘Nit de Copes’. CAPRABO ILLA CARLEMANY, THE FIRST SUPERMARKET toric Center of Andorra la Vella held ation. 33 IN THE COUNTRY WITH SELF-SERVICE TILLS its annual meeting on Monday to carry out the commercial balance EXPIRED MODEL Traders and restau- highlights initiatives such as Jambo Escaldes-Engordany Caprabo purchases at the supermarket for and the assessment of this summer. rant workers have/ for some time, ad- or ‘Nit de copes’. supermarket in Carlemany,q managed those who use this service, a joint The result, as it was issued in a mitted that the Andorran shopping by the CCA group, has a new service initiative between Caprabo and statement yesterday morning, was model is losing it’s spark and for a LA VUELTA Brought the same amount to facilitate the daily purchase of its the shopping center, pioneer in the «quite disappointing.» Marketers in year it they have been working on of economic/ benefits and losses. In customers. Self-checkout machines Andorran supermarket sector. The the area believe that bad weather af- a strategic plan that revitalizes tra- spite of the drop in hotel occupation provide a mechanism for customers establishment distributes these bags fected the volume of business. Du- de and offers new attractions to visi- compared to 2017, the restaurants to process their own purchases from of high-resistance paper (up to 15 ring the month of July, it reduced by tors. Conxita Marsol, leads the plan and cafes in the area that followed a retailer. The customer performs kg of weight), which seeks to reduce up to 30% compared to the same pe- with the complicity of the Cham- the cycling tour increased their cli- the job of the cashier themselves, the impact generated by plastic riod last year. Regarding the month ber of Commerce and Andorra Tou- entele. «People queued for a table, it by scanning and applying payment bags and be more environmentally of August, they say, it was also weak rism, as it will include strategies at never happened to us before», explai- for the items. An alternative to the friendly. Caprabo illa Carlemany traditional cashier-staffed checkout with more than 1,800 square meters, but «not as significant». Those who an urban level, as well as manage- ned a waiter. from , while With this project, they also introduce continues to add new services to seem more satisfied with the sum- ment and commercial promotion. another worker claimed to have ser- the delivery of paper bags for offer a better shopping experience. mer season are hoteliers who do re- On a positive note, the association ved dinner to «an entire team». H

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MARICEL BLANCH Two year prison request for mistreating young daughter

ÀLEX LARA The father brusquely once before. She took her directly to the hospital without first having re- shook the three-year-old ceived any response from the father when she asked him what had hap- girl to try to calm her A couple of people wait in the corridors of the mayor’s office. pened. There they carried out several 33 tests and in spite of not finding anyt- EL PERIÒDIC hing serious, they kept her there. The ANDORRA LA VELLA next day, the little girl suffered con- Sentenced to prison for 14 @PeriodicAND vulsions and they transported her by he Prosecutor’s Office asked helicopter to the hospital of Toulou- months for assaulting partner for two years of probation for se, where they detected bruises in the a man accused of abusing his brain. They gathered forensic reports Corts conditions the penalty her a few times on the cheeks and Tdaughter when she was litt- and yesterday the doctor reiterated to four years of no contact knoocked her head against a clo- le more than three months and cau- (declaring as witness), that those in- set causing bruises on her forehe- sed several injuries to the brain. Alt- juries were totally compatible with with the victim (ex girlfriend) ad. During the trial, the prosecu- Justice Headquarters. hough the accused admitted the the shaking movements that the fat- tor told the victim that she could 33 events that occurred, his defense de- her had done to the little girl. EL PERIÒDIC call the Police, but if they arrested manded his acquittal, considering with a three month old baby,» he ac- ESCALDES-ENGORDANY him, once he is released he would that «there was no intention of doing knowledged. Later, he left her in the FAMILY LIFE The baby was in observa- The Court of Corts charged a 38-ye- find her and kill her. Although the any harm to the girl and that the man crib and returned to the dining ro- tion for about15/ days but now she ar-old man of Tunisian nationality victim explained these facts in her was not sufficiently capable of taking om. When he realized that she stop- no longer has any damages since the and residing in the Principality to statement before the court, accor- care of her». ped crying, he went to see if there was event. She continues to live with both fourteen months of probation if ding to the ruling she later renoun- The incident goes back to Novem- any problem and he suddenly thoug- her parents, and, according to the he does not follow or complete the ced the criminal and civil actions. ber 14, 2016, when the mother, of ht that the girl was unconscious, so woman in court, «without any pro- four year restraining order. She However, the Prosecutor’s Office Russian nationality, went to Barcelo- he practiced a chest massage to revive blems». In fact, it was one of the doc- was being victimized and threate- understood that the resignation na early in the morning and the fat- her. Everything went back to normal tors who denounced the man as the ned to death after the couple were was invalid and was motivated by her stayed alone at home with the and the father took the baby back to alleged perpetrator of a crime of ill- arguing. The events took place on Stockholm Syndrome, inherent in baby. As the defendant explained in bed before putting her back to sleep. treatment and another for domestic the night of December 16th, 2012 a situation of gender-based violen- his appearance before the court, the When the mother came back, af- abuse. However, the Prosecutor’s Of- in the home where they both resi- ce. For this reason, they reiterated girl began to cry and did not know ter her trip, everything went horribly fice requested years of probation and ded in Andorra la Vella. They both the responsibility of the accused as how to reassure her.I shook her un- wrong when she took the baby out no civil liability, while the defense, began to argue and it was then the author of a major crime of con- consciously to try to calm her, but I of the crib, she started vomiting blo- the acquittal considered that the facts when the accused took the woman ditional threats, ill-treatment and did not know that you couldn’t do it od and realized that she had done it were not constitutive of any crime. strongly from her wrists, slapped domestic abuse. H H HEAD OF THE LIST INFRASTRUCTURES Paris is satisfied with Foreign Affairs The DA candidate is being located at Radio Andorra building called Penelope MARICEL BLANCH The comú thinks that cultural heritage of the radio station. In psychology, known as the Penelope Complex is the ministries will help Likewise, the cor- where waiting becomes an existential constant modernize the parish poration is confi- dent that with the EL PERIÒDIC transfer of two mi- EL PERIÒDIC Others, not so much. «The execu- ESCALDES-ENGORDANY nistries to the town ANDORRA LA VELLA tive does not have the objective The Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well (the one of Culture Neither Espot, nor Marsol, nor Jo- of designating a candidate or de- as a museum will be located in the Ra- in the old Rosaleda ver, the only certainty is that the bating the candidate’s course, but dio Andorra building as announced hotel and the one of candidate of DA in the next electi- evaluating the start of the political in a statement by the Head of Gover- Foreign Affairs in ons for the head of Government is course. An ad hoc commission was nment, Toni Martí. This has been very Radio Andorra) the called Penelope. It’s not a person, created to try to find a candidate well received in the Comú of Encamp. village will be revi- but a complex thats causing citi- for consensus and, to a certain ex- The cònsol menor of the parish, Est- talized. «Everythi- zens to continually wait for somet- tent, the executive was inhibited her Paris, said that «from the comú we ng is welcome and hing. Recently, Councilor Ladislau from this decision although it will had always asked for a use in the buil- View of the Ràdio Andorra building in Encamp. everything helps, it Baró and Minister Xavier Espot did have to be validated» Espot reca- ding, we did not want it to be closed 33 will surely give mo- not anticipate any improvement lled. However, he acknowledged as before. So if the Ministry of Foreign primary objective is that the building re life to the parish.» He said that the in the diagnosis: «I dare to say that that «once the election date is of- Affairswill be relocated here, it’s go- was not closed. If it’s given a use and a government conducted a study to de- there will be no news» stated the ficial, [...] this will will speed things od news.» When asked why the cor- function, it’s already enough for us.» termine the costs if RTVA would sett- councilor. They asked Espot when up, but it should not be a matter of poration had repeatedly stated that le in Encamp and it was estimated at the new candidate will be known, 48 hours. Perhaps [the commissi- the building was the headquarters of MUSEUM Also, besides the ministry, about 6 million, which would inclu- he replied: «It will not be today, I am on] considers two or three candi- RTVA, she admitted that although it there will/ also be a museum dedica- de the new material and the adapta- not sure when it will be known». So- dates and must consult them, it’s a would have been her preference, «the ted to Radio Andorra to conserve the tion works. me people are clear on the issue. two-way process.» H H 4 THURSDAY, 20 SEPTEMBER 2018 el Periòdic News

BASKETBALL LIGA ENDESA 3 «Good Basketball», Martin’s promise for the new season

EFE / FERNANDO VILLAR ACB’s general assembly debates on a new competition system

EL PERIÒDIC ESCALDES-ENGORDANY @PeriodicAND Gorka Aixàs Endesa’s headquarters in Ma- PRESIDENT OF MORABANC ANDORRA drid hosted, for the seventh con- «We will continue secutive time, the presentation of the ACB. The president of the en- working on the tity, Antonio Martín, has promi- sed that the fans will enjoy of «go- subject throughout od basketball». «We want to awa- the season, we have ken the fans», he remarked. The gala was attended by a to see if we are able player from each team, in the ca- to adapt to a new se of MoraBanc, it was Moussa Di- agne. «I’ve had a great time, the system» presentation has been excellent, it was an honour to represent a club the subject throughout the sea- Family photo with the president of the ACB, Antonio Martín, in Madrid. and a country like Andorra», said son», he informed. 33 Diagne. In the presentation, a tri- According to what the newspa- bute to Juan Carlos Navarro, Álex when we can». «I feel very comfor- raBanc Andorra team valued, «it per As published a few days ago, Mumbru and Sitapha Sabane also table in Unicaja», he emphasized. The new format would was the first day and the first me- the idea would be to have the twel- took place. limit the teams in ACB, eting to question whether the cur- ve best teams compete for the play- Who also starred in the gala was NEW LEAGUE FORMAT The general as- rent model is the right one or not offs and that the first four would the former tricolour player, Jaime sembly of the ACB/ was celebrated would extend the play- and above all what possibilities be exempt of playing in the first Fernández, who explained that after the presentation of the new offs and would only have are given to us by the competition round. In addition, there would be «the goal is not to set limits, start season studied the possibility of a to change and adapt to a new for- a reduction of the teams compe- competing from the first game, new format for the competition. one direct relegation mat», he explained. ting and only one direct relegati- compete with each other and win As Gorka Aixàs, president of Mo- «We will continue working on on. H

SKI ALPINE briefs 3 Mimi Gutiérrez prevails at Cerro M. L-E. Castor’s slalom and wins the race


Altés, Casas and Font want to be in the top 10

MOTORSPORT The Andorran Motorbike Federation presented the team that will represent3 the country in the Trial des Nations held in Sokolov, in the Czech Republic. The delegation will be formed by Quim Altés, Xavi Casas and Miquel Font, as well as two technicians, Jordi Nicolau and Miquel Àngel García. Alba Villegas will attend as Team Manager.Josep Puntí, sports direc- tor of FMA said that «we have good bikers and we have the ability to compe- te among the best in the world».For his part, Altés, 18, said that «it’s a dream come true» and «I hope to give my best.» Font emphasized the idea of impro- ving the 11th position of the last edition». The Andorran skier Mireia Gutiérrez training in Ushuaia this weekend. 33 The Andorran wins in the races of this competition where the ra Direz, who was third, at 2.79 of Buenos Aires Special Olympics 2018 Andorran certified the victory with the winner. South American Cup with FIS points included, making the On the other hand, Àlex Rius and delegation will be 3x3 Games Presentation FIS points included best time in both descents. In the Àxel Esteve participated in the ma- BASKETBALL The Andorran Olympic NEW EDITION Yesterday, the Sant Jor- first one, she made a time of 48.63, le slalom of this competition where Committee3 presented the delegati- di Hall of the3 Palau of Catalonia in EL PERIÒDIC and in the second, she scored a ti- they placed 15th and 18th, respec- on that will participate in the Olym- Barcelona welcomed the presenta- USHUAIA me of 51.20, to add a total of 1.39.83 tively. Rius set a time of 1.45.08, at pic Youth Games held in Buenos Ai- tion of the Games, in an event atten- The Andorran skier Mireia Mimi Gu- and, in addition, she managed to 4.18 from the winner, Frenchman res from 6 to the 18 of October. The ded by the President of Catalonia, tiérrez obtained a very important lower her FIS points. If the third list Jean Baptiste Grande, who stop the only athletes going is the 3x3 basket- Quim Torra, mayor of Andorra la Ve- victory this Monday after winning of the 2019 Gutiérrez FIS had 16.47, time at 1.40.90. Esteve scored a time ball team: Albert Pons, Nil Peña, Von lla, Conxita Marsol and the mayor of the slalom of the Copa de Sudamé- Tuesday Mimi scored 7.08 FIS points. of 1.46.33, at 5.43 from the French. Marc Lacaste and Eric Hurtado, whi- la Seu d’Urgell, Albert Batalla. «Bet- rica. In this line, s he beat French Do- Xavi Salvadores and Xavi Cornella le the women will be formed by Car- ter is who tries it» (Millor és qui ho in- Monday it began at Cerro Castor, riane Escane, who was second, 1.67 could not finish the second descent la Solana, Lies Bosma, Júlia Marquez tenta) is the motto. Andorra will mo- Ushuaia, Argentina, the technical from the Andorran, and French Cla- of the race. and Sílvia Bardahí. bilize 450 volunteers. H