Lazar Milivojevic

Goethe University Frankfurt House of Finance, Office 4.57, Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 3, 60629 Frankfurt am Main, Germany E-mail: [email protected] Phone: : +49 (0)69 798 34500

Research Applied Macroeconomics - Macroeconometrics, Macroeconomic Modelling, Interest Monetary and Fiscal Policy, Structural Reforms

Education GSEFM (Goethe University) Frankfurt, Germany since 2015 PhD in Economics and Econometrics

University of , 2016 M.Sc. in Quantitative Analysis - Econometrics (with distinction) Thesis: ”The Application of the Structural VAR in Macroeconomic Analysis”

University of Belgrade, Serbia 2013 B.Sc. in Economics (with distinction) Orientation: Statistics and Quantitative Finance Thesis: ”Rational Speculative Bubbles - Econometric Approach”

Work European Stability Mechanism (ESM), Luxembourg Experience 2020 PhD Trainee Economic and Market Analysis Division Development of monitoring tools for the EA and its member states

Institute for Monetary and Financial Stability, Goethe University since 2017 Chair of Monetary Economics (Prof. Volker Wieland) Research Assistant: Macroeconomic Model Data Base (MMB) Teaching Assistant: Monetary and Fiscal Policy - Theory and Practice (Ph.D.) Macro-Financial Modelling (Ph.D.) and Business Cycle Theory and Policy (B.Sc)

World Bank Group, Washington D.C., USA 2018 Summer Research Intern Chief Economist’s Office for the South Asia Region (SARCE) South Asia Economic Focus , Fall 2018 ”Fiscal Policy and Economic Activity in South Asia”, Policy Research Working Paper; no. WPS 8792, with Robert C.M. Beyer

European Business School (EBS) Wiesbaden, Germany 2016-2017 Teaching Assistant: Mathematical Economics (B.Sc) and Economics of the Market (B.Sc) Work University of Belgrade (Faculty of Economics), Serbia Experience 2013-2015 Teaching Assistant: Econometrics (B.Sc) and Introduction to Econometrics (B.Sc)

Languages Serbian (native), English (fluent), German (beginner) and Skills Stata, R, LATEX, Eviews, Matlab, Dynare, Microsoft Office, Haver Analytics

Conferences 2020 Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance (eMAF), presentation: ”R Star Track: Dynamics of the World Interest Rates”, Remote Conference 2019 3rd Research Conference of the CEPR Network on Macroeconomic Modelling and Model Comparison (MMCN), presentation: MMB 3.0, Goethe University 2019 5th International Conference on South Asian Economic Development, presentation: ”Fiscal Policy and Economic Activity in South Asia”, New Delhi, India 2018 2nd Research Conference of the CEPR Network on Macroeconomic Modelling and Model Comparison (MMCN), poster session: MMB 2.2, Stanford University, USA 2017 1st Research Conference of the CEPR Network on Macroeconomic Modelling and Model Comparison (MMCN), poster session: MMB 2.1, Goethe University

Trainings 2019 Dynare Summer School, Ecole´ Normale Sup´erieurein Paris, France and Seminars 2017 EABCN Training School ”Practical DSGE models” by Fabio Canova, Germany 2015 IES Summer School of Economics in Belgrade, Serbia 2014 Economic Forum of Young Leaders in Nowy Sacz and Krynica, Poland 2014 Preparing Global Leaders Summit (PGLS) in , Russia 2013 Department of Advanced Undergraduate Studies (Belgrade Open School), Serbia 2012 European Forum Alpbach (EFA) in Alpbach, 2012 IES Summer School of Economics in Belgrade, Serbia

Publications Beyer, R.C.M. and Milivojevic, L., 2020. Fiscal policy and economic activity in South Asia. Review of Development Economics, forthcoming.

September 2020