Buderim War Memorial Community Association

November 2016

Remembrance Day Commemorative Service at Foote Sanctuary

CDRE Sam Bateman AM giving the address, while the Buderim Mountain State School Choir listens attentively

It was a typically beautiful Sunshine Coast day at 11am on Friday 11 November when approximately 150 adults and school children gathered at the Foote Sanctuary for the very moving Remembrance Day Commemorative Service. They were welcomed by Neil Eiby OAM, Chairman of the ANZAC and Remembrance Day Committee, who then introduced the guest speaker - CDRE Sam Bateman AM.

The Buderim Mt State School Choir and String Ensemble gave several musical presentations, and later recited the poem “We Shall Keep the Faith”….Oh! You who sleep in Flanders Lest we Forget fields…..

Bugler Tess Graham After the wreath laying ceremony Geoffrey Hole, Chairman of the Foote Sanctuary Association, paid tribute to SGT Eric Joseph Foote MM, for whom the Sanctuary is an officially dedicated War Memorial.

LTCOL David Woodrow AM read the Ode, then the Last Post was played by bugler Tess Graham, followed by a minute’s silence.

To conclude the service the BMSS Choir and String Ensemble led the singing of the National Anthem, followed by a musical recital and choir presentation; and then tea, coffee and biscuits Jan and Laurel distributed were served. rosemary and poppies Janet and Glenn served tea and coffee

BWMCA Newsletter November 2016

President’s Report

The BWMCA financial year draws to a close and for the life of me, I don’t know where it went! The Association does of necessity focus on Events, and these have happened in their due order, commencing with the Expo run concurrently with the AGM last year, then Carols by Candlelight, Australia Day, ANZAC Day, the Street Party, and this month the 2016 Remembrance Day commemoration. There have also been the Welcome to Buderim afternoon teas, Markets and Hall matters to keep me occupied.

In March I became aware of a health issue that culminated in major surgery on 1 August. While the long term prognosis is quite favourable the potential effect on the Association has been minimised due to Vice-President Gary Flanigan, and Executive Committee members assuming their extra responsibilities with a minimum of fuss. I must confess to being easily distracted these days, and one could say, forgetful. Ask those who remind me of deadlines!

The year also saw the establishment of the Risk Management & Compliance Committee chaired by Carol Dahler. The first event to be evaluated was the Expo in November last year, and this has been followed by incorporating Risk Management principles in the running of Australia Day and ANZAC Day, and the insurance applications for the Association in general. While many of the concepts are straight common sense and venue/event specific, it has also been applied to the management of our Volunteers and Sub-Committees. On-going work by Carol, Alan McGrath and John McMahon will see a lot more discussion in the Management Committee forum during the coming year.

So now we head straight to the AGM. I do thank all those people who have stepped up during my forced absence, especially Vice-President Gary Flanigan. Reminds me of the obscure quote “May you live in interesting times.” - David Edwards President

Australia Day Parade 2017

The Australia Day Parade Committee is now Stock up on meeting weekly. delicious home made The parade route has been finalised and all of goodies for your the permit applications have been submitted. Christmas entertaining at the We are now recruiting participants,, and planning a media and publicity programme. Friends of Buderim stall All is under control and looking good. Buderim Christmas Fair

- Graham Barnes Saturday 26 November Chairman

BWMCA Newsletter November 2016 - Page 2

BWMCA Newsletter November 2016

Friends of Buderim Community Information Centre (Old Post Office) Friends of Buderim are delighted to report that the inaugural Bush Dance held on 23rd September was an My sincere thanks to all the Volunteers and JP’s for outstanding success. The $3,400 raised on the night their continued support. was also pleasing. This money gets passed through the Thank you also to the Affiliates who have put some appropriate administrations for distribution within the eye-catching displays on in the front window. My community. advice to Affiliates is if you know your important The feedback we have received has been wonderful, dates for next year come in an ask a volunteer to put so much so that all who attended are wanting another your reservation in next year’s diary. The window is evening like it. So to this end Friends will be holding popular. another Bush Dance with a LITTLE BIT OF COUNTRY We are delighted to have on sale a number of books on Saturday 2nd September 2017. Fortunately we by local authors, and the latest is “My Sunshine have been able to book the same band, the very popu- Coast” by Anne Moorhouse. It is an informative read lar Whiskey Mountain Boys. They were a huge hit at complemented by beautiful photographs. I have one the Bush Dance this year. for my UK visitor and I am taking her to the main As I watched the full crowd enjoying themselves it spots pictorially mentioned. That way she’ll have a was a joy to see the age groups - 50s, 60s and 70s hav- wonderful permanent record. ing so much fun - it was obvious to me that such a The ANZAC montage by Cheryl Nonmus has been function could be held every year. Full information moved to a better position, thanks to a helpful local about the 2017 Bush Dance will go out next year and Paul, and can now be enjoyed by all. tickets will be on sale at the Old Post Office in June.

A big THANK YOU to our sponsors : Flight Centre, Manawee, Bliss Beauty, Baker’s Delight, Threads 4556, Walkers Meats, Thai Frenzy, Woolworths and Yandina Feed Shed., all of whose generous donations helped to raise funds on the night. We are also very grateful to Sam Coward from Hot91 Radio who kind- ly donated his services and helped so much to keep everything rolling along.

Many thanks as well to everyone for coming along to the Bush Dance; we look forward to filling the BWM- CA Hall again next year.

The ANZAC montage has been moved to a more prominent position in the OPO

For Christmas we will have 6 different tea towel designs on sale - some of the old favourite ones and 2 new designs. Our newest design is of the Buderim Banksia. Buderim derived its name from the Hairpin Banksia which grew extensively in this area and which the Gubbi Gubbi people called badderam. My thanks to Alex Sweet, the artist, for her beautiful work, and her continued support of the BWMCA.

The Old Post Office Information Centre will be closed for the Christmas break from Sunday 18 December Ros O’Brien and Norman Thursby getting into the swing of things at the Bush Dance! and re-opening Monday 16 January 2017. - Marjorie White Organising Committee Best wishes for the Christmas holiday season. May you enjoy it with family and friends safely. - Jenni Campbell

BWMCA Newsletter November 2016 - Page 3


Welcome to Buderim Afternoon Teas Buderim Community Carols 2016 The indefatigable Welcome Committee has taken on a new responsibility. In December we will launch the ‘Cuppa and Chat’ for new members. This activity is outlined below and we hope it will become as estab- lished and successful as the present Welcome to new residents.

The last four of our Welcomes have been well- attended and, as always, very happy occasions, Our "pollies" have joined us whenever they could and we were delighted that our new Federal Member, Ted O'Brien, was able to come along in July - we hope to see him again from time to time. State Member Steve Dickson and Division 7 Councillor Ted Hungerford continue to come to most of the Welcomes – they say it’s because they really enjoy the delicious home- cooked goodies supplied by the Welcome committee and helpers.

The last Welcome for 2016 will be in November and then it will be time for the hard-working Welcome committee to take a well-earned rest until next year. I would like to say a personal thank-you to all of them and also to our helpers, Prue and Pauline, for their tire- less efforts – they make the Welcome to Buderim Afternoon Teas happy and smooth running events and ensure that new residents feel Buderim is a very Saturday 10th December 2016 special place. 6.30 to 8.30pm in the Buderim Village Park - Lynn Moss

The event will move to the Buderim War Memorial Hall if it rains, and the public will be advised via the media and our Facebook page in sufficient time for people to be aware of the change of venue.

We thank the Sunshine Coast Council for the Community Grant to assist with the funding, and the Buderim Bendigo Bank who is our major sponsor again this year. Thank you to Chairman John Burgess and the bank team for their continued support.

Thanks also to Carvosso &Winship Solicitors, Cuppa and Chat Reflected Image PRoductions, JPG Print, Buderim

Chronicle, Sunshine Coast Daily and 104.9 FM and Dear…... Buderim Rotary who will be providing support on We are very pleased that you have become a member the ground to ensure a safe, “family fun” and well of the BWMCA family and would like to invite you to come along managed event. to a new members' getting-to-know-you cuppa and chat. We have invited BYTES (Buderim Youth Theatre We thought this would be a nice way for you to meet other new of Excellence), Buderim Male Choir, and Soprano members and also for us to answer any questions you may have Natalie Peluso to lead the event, and Fr Jeremy about the Association, how it works and what it does. from St Mark’s will give a short talk on the true meaning of Christmas. And Santa, the jolly old You get a mug of tea or coffee and a chance to talk to each gent has agreed to make an appearance. other and us - it's very informal. There will be a sausage sizzle and snow cone stall Hope you can join us at 3pm on Saturday …….. for the hungry, and glow sticks and electronic at the Old Post Office. candles for sale. Please bring your own fold up chairs or picnic rugs, and your voices. Ho ho ho! Look forward to hearing from you, Entry to Buderim Community Carols is by gold

David Edwards coin donation. - Andrew Butterworth President

BWMCA Newsletter November 2016 - Page 4

BWMCA Newsletter November 2016

Buderim War Memorial Hall

Bookings are very strong for the rest of the year. We have another new tenant on a Thursday morn- ing now and they have settled in well. We have a fitness instructor thinking about running early morning classes.

We are thinking about a plan to light the ANZAC mural at night times. How good would that look!

We are no further with our re-flooring project.

The grass had a good workout on the weekend of the Buderim Garden Festival and stood up well.

- John McMahon The ANZAC mural will look great when it is lit up at night

Eric Joseph Foote Sanctuary It was a significant 100th anniversary for Buderim and the His exploits as a top horseman and farmer and his eagerness Foote Sanctuary particularly as on 3 September 1916 Sgt Eric to travel off to the Great War were recalled. We also heard Joseph Foote was Killed in Action at Mouquet Farm on the the citation written by his CO that led to him being hon- Somme River in France. oured posthumously with the Military Medal. We heard in

The Sanctuary exists as a living and thriving officially dedicat- these words praise for a young man, just 25 and already a ed War Memorial to Eric because his relatives gave the 8 hec- Sergeant, who led by example and refused, even though tares of land, which makes it up to the people of Buderim and wounded, to take a step backward from what he saw as his duty to his comrades and country. the Sunshine Coast to look after it in his memory, and to the memory of the many thousands of Australians who also lost His niece, Lyn Richardson, and her daughter Margaret Mar- their lives in that, and later conflicts to this day. shall live on another part of the original Foote property that

So it was appropriate that the Foote Sanctuary Association covered an extensive area on the eastern escarpment of held a quiet acknowledgement of the loss of Eric on Saturday Buderim. They are both active members of the Foote Sanc- 3 September this year. At the request of the Foote family we tuary Association. The pair were able to draw together simply recounted Eric’s background as a young man who more than a dozen members of the family to attend the acknowledgement. It was a quietly moving occasion. grew up in our village and roamed the very land that makes up our precious memorial. - Geoffrey Hole

Sgt Eric Joseph Foote

Mrs Lyn Richardson - Foote family members and friends at the memorial service commemorating 100 years since Eric Foote Eric Foote’s niece was killed in the Great War (photo John Saint-Smith)

BWMCA Newsletter November 2016 - Page 5


Buderim Historical Society

On October 8 Buderim Historical Society celebrated 50 years since the gifting of Pioneer Cottage to the Buderim communi- ty by Sybil Vise.

Celebrations included a re-enactment of the gifting of the cottage, in which her niece Jenny Dittman, in the picture at left, in period costume, played the role of her aunt.

The original plaque was unveiled by the Mayor and Mrs Jamieson, and prolific local historian, Bill Lavarack, launched his latest book “Buderim’s Benefactor” on the life of Ms Vise.

A colouring-in competition sponsored by Buderim Bendigo Bank for local school children had been run for several months. Their efforts made a colourful display on the side wall of the Cottage. Cheryl Nonmus was the judge and John Burgess handed out the winning cheques.

At the end of events a delicious birthday cake was cut up and handed round to all the guests.

BHS wishes to thank the community for their excellent support, and the many vol- unteers who gave their time and energy to help make the event so successful.

Mayor Jamieson and BHS Patron Mrs Lorelle Jamieson, unveiling the plaque

Buderim Qld CWA Buderim Local Ambulance

Buderim CWA is off to a fresh start with a new We are still running CPR Awareness training for committee. any groups that are interested in increasing their

This year we have chosen a new “country of study”, yet to CPR skills. This is vital life-saving knowledge that be announced. Last year we studied Greenland and learnt will assist you should the needs ever arise. You lots. How fast time is moving. We are already planning never know when you might require these skills to Christmas. While our numbers are small we have a very help save someone’s life. busy team, however this year we did not cater for the Garden Festival, instead had a well-earned break, ready Our CPR group provided a display and showed for involvement in the Lion’s Christmas Fair on Saturday these skills in action in September at the Sippy November 26. Downs Shopping Centre, with local paramedics and CPR Trainee paramedics assisting, and we Our members are involved and busy in their activity of thank all who were involved, for their time to pro- choice. At the end of October we attended the State Con- mote this life saving training opportunity. ference held in Gladstone, at which a new State President was elected. If anyone is interested in organising a group to We meet on the 3rd Friday of the month upstairs in the attend a CPR Awareness Training program please Buderim Hall. We enjoy visiting speakers most meetings contact President Don Culley on 5445 1871 and have yummy morning tea, and we welcome new - Kirsty Mitchell members. Secretary - Carmen-Mary Bennett 54 771832

BWMCA Newsletter November 2016 - Page 6


Sunshine Statesmen Barbershop Chorus

The highlight of the last quarter for us was the National added joy to the lives of so many of our community during Convention at Newcastle at the end of September. 2016, and ready to start again in 2017 after a few weeks rest. We worked hard to polish our songs which were sung in Our first activities for 2017 will be over the Australia Day competition with all other Choruses in the country. Whilst weekend. we are not among the top group, the experience gained and Membership of the Chorus is always open to men who are valuable feedback from the United States judging panel have interested in visiting us at rehearsals, any Wed evening, from created great enthusiasm to improve our performances. 7.30 pm at the Uniting Church Hall Gloucester Rd Buderim. We are already looking forward to the National and Pan Just drop in, you will find a friendly welcome. Or if you wish Pacific event to be held next year in Sydney. to speak to someone before hand, call Membership officer We are, of course always keen to sing for local groups and Graham Nicholson 54948241 for a chat. events, and we have two more ‘Singouts’ before December. Looking ahead in February, over 4 weeks, we will be holding Our Program manager Bill Leivesley (phone 0411144086) is our annual induction program to encourage interested men on always available to speak to anyone interested in enquiring the Sunshine Coast to come along to try out their voices and about potential singing opportunities here on the Coast. find out how they might fit in to a Barbershop Chorus. You Christmas is closing in on us and we will be very busy sing- will be surprised how quickly a group of willing voices can be ing over six days at the Homemakers Centre and Maroo- melded together to sound great. chydore Plaza shopping centres. It certainly is a joy for us to A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all, from the enter into the spirit of Christmas, especially to entertain the Sunshine Statesmen Barbershop Chorus. children with Rudolph and Jingle Bells etc. Tiring being on our feet for so long, but we can go home and nod off with a - Merv Elliott, wonderful sense of self worth, knowing that our singing has Secretary.

Sunshine Coast Grammar School

More than 60 students and staff from Sunshine Coast Grammar School took part in a state of the art car wash marathon last Saturday at Buderim War Memorial Hall. In a muscly effort, 200 cars were soaked, scrubbed and polished by the Grammar Helping Hands community in 4 hours to raise funds for Sunshine Coast Riding for the Disabled based at Verrierdale.

Grammar Helping Hands, an initiative of the Sunshine Coast Grammar School, is a volunteer program where students give of their time to help people and organisations who are in need within the Sunshine Coast community.

"For us, it is about giving our time and energy to help those who are less fortunate than us", says Mr Princehorn, Community Coordinator for Grammar Helping Hands. "The students get a sense of being able to serve others and it's a great connection they can take when they leave the school".

The Grammar Helping Hands program aims to complete one major project such as this each term along with a number of smaller events and activities, including providing more than 1000 meals to organisations and those in need around the Coast.

Car wash marathon conducted by Grammar at the back of the Hall, to lend a helping hand

BWMCA Newsletter November 2016 - Page 7


Beautiful You Cancer Charity Beautiful You Cancer Charity Race Day On Monday 25th October BEAUTIFUL YOU CANCER CHARITY hosted an Olde English Afternoon Tea. The idea came from two of the English volunteers - Mary Tidey and Christine Rule. The cost was a mere $10 and for that guests were treated to mountains of cakes with an Sunday 4th December 2016 English theme: Eccles cakes, Bakewell at Sunshine Coast Turf Club. tart, and of course scones, jam and cream. Mary, Christine and Op Shop Team leader Tickets will be $110/person which Maxine dressed in Olde English costume includes entry to the race course, and served tea while WWII songs played buffet lunch, drinks package and in the background. The event raised $400 fabulous company. for the charity and brought lots of new If you are interested in supporting custom to the Op Shop at Norval Court, the Beautiful You program with a Maroochydore. great day out and you would like to For those of you who may not have visited purchase tickets or receive further the shop in Norval Court I suggest you Maxine and Christine serving Olde English tea information pop along Kris Cartwright on 0417 702 558 email: pop along and grab a bargain and have a cuppa (tea or coffee) and a cake for $4.95 [email protected] any day of the week. The shop is open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, and Satur- days till 1pm. - Christine Rule

Sunshine Coast Dog Obedience Club.

In last April’s Newsletter we met Rory - an adorable Who me? West Highland terrier who had just completed Puppy School at SCDOC and was starting his first ‘grown-up’ class. We thought it would be good to revisit Rory and find out how he is getting on.

So here is Rory now and you are probably all saying “Ah isn't he cute?”

His owner Margaret Thursby’s reply is “You don't have to live with him!!” One-year old puppies are full of mis- chief… they love balls and chewy toys, but they also love shoes, toilet rolls and all other things they’re not meant to touch.

Despite his mischief, Rory loves his dog obedience clas- ses. He graduated to level 4 which is quite advanced for a Westie! When told to heel he dances along beside Marga- ret like it’s the best thing he has done in his life. But he’s getting good. It just takes a hand to signal him to sit, stand, drop and stay on command….well most of the time anyway. What is really amazing is that if he’s unsure Classes for 2016 close on November 30 and reopen on what he’s meant to be doing he’ll look at the other February 6 2017. for enquiries please call 0404 408 555 or dogs….some of them are beautifully trained...and you’ll visit our website see him thinking “OK I can do that”. www.sunshinecoastdogobedienceclub.org.au The goal for Rory (and Margaret) will be to graduate from level 4 and enrol in agility classes in the new year. Margaret says she would not miss it for the world. After all who needs to sit home and watch TV when there’s fun to be had.

It is always rewarding to find that dogs and owners enjoy training so much that they want to go on to more advanced pursuits. We acknowledge with gratitude the operational support from the Sunshine Coast Council,.

BWMCA Newsletter November 2016 - Page 8


Buderim Foundation

A gathering of Chairs! Gary Hopkins (2006-2009), Paul Clark (2010-2016), and newly appointed Chair Heinz Seeberg

Good News: On Sunday 18 September the Buderim Foundation awarded a total of $65,000 to 12 local community organisations. Four of the recipients - the Foote Sanctuary, Hear & Say, Buderim Male Choir and the BWMCA have received funding before but for the remaining eight organisations, they received their first Buderim Founda- tion grant with great enthusiasm.

Successful recipients were:

Hear & Say - $5,500 for the School Hearing Screening Program Alzheimer's Australia - $6,320 for a Younger Onset Dementia Social Support Group Barbarians University Rugby Club - $5,000 for jerseys for players Buderim Kindy & Preschool Assn. - $4,000 for an automated watering system for their Wintergarden Sunny Kids - $4,800 for the Sunny Kids Mentoring Through Sport Program Youth Insearch Foundation - $10,000 for Hands Up Intervention Program Foote Sanctuary - $950 for the construction of a sign-posted lynch gate on Eckersley Avenue IFYS Inc. - $8,898 for their Beyond Expectations Driving Experience Program Buderim Rebels Hockey Club - $2,993 for Hookin2Hockey Junior equipment The Carer’s Foundation - $9,790 for a Family Carers Rejuvenation Project Buderim Male Choir - $1,200 to purchase new music BWMCA - $5,860 to assist with floor repairs in the Buderim War Memorial Hall

For more information on the Buderim Foundation grants go to buderimfoundation.org.au/grants

Leadership changes: Paul Clark has stepped down as Chair after seven very busy years. We greatly appreciate what he has done for the organisation; we wish him well and hope to see him frequently at future Foundation functions.

Former Deputy Chair, Heinz Seeberg has stepped up, which is excellent as Heinz, who has been a Director on the Board for many years and chaired the Youth Committee, has the background knowledge necessary for the on-going strength of the organisation.

End of Year snapshot: Since establishment in 2004 the Foundation has: • Attracted donations and bequests of over $1.3million • Distributed $277,000 in grants to community organisations • Provided $120,000 in Family Support Program vouchers to families in need

BWMCA Newsletter November 2016 - Page 9


Sunshine Coast Choral Society Come and celebrate the festive season at our Christmas Concert, “A Christmas Journey”, on Sunday 11 December 2016, at St Mark’s Anglican Church Buderim, at 2pm.

The concert will consist of a program of both traditional and modern Christmas music including some very popular works by John Rutter.

Our soloist for this concert will be Thomas Keenan, an award-winning Ipswich-based vocalist, choral conductor and arts administrator. Thomas is currently Musical Director of the Ipswich Orpheus Chorale. He has also performed a number of leading roles in musical theatre and with the Queensland Pops Orchestra. Thomas is an accomplished competition singer and has won the Champion of Champions trophy at the Queensland Eisteddfod nine times, as well as numerous other awards.

The Choral Society is privileged to have Thomas as our soloist for this concert. Music lovers, this will be an occasion not to be missed. Tickets at the door, adults $18, concession $15.

The choir rehearses on Wednesday nights from 6.45 to 9.30pm at the Soloist Thomas Keenen will be singing at the Christmas Concert Lakeshore Christian Church North Buderim. For information 5444 3899, email [email protected] or visit www.suncoastchoral.org.au New members are very welcome. - Bernice Anderson - Bernice Anderson

Buderim Craft Cottage There has been a huge amount of interest from the community shown by attendances and sales at our recent exhi- bitions....the Potters (in conjunction with the Garden Show), the Mixed Media group, and the Calligraphers who were able to exhibit their blue ribbon prize entries from the recent Exhibition in Brisbane. Our final exhibition for the year has just concluded with our Silversmiths display and sale of breathtaking jewellery along with paintings from our Life Drawers. However if you were not able to attend, splendid work from each Cottage group will be for sale at the forthcom- ing Christmas Fair. Our hours are Friday 25 November from 1pm – 5pm, and on Saturday in conjunction with the Lions and Library (see separate article) from 8am till 3pm.

For those who are keen to learn new skills keep an eye open for details of our forthcoming Winter School, mid 2017. The details are already on our web site wwwbuderimcraftcottage.com.au and enrolment details will also be available there as well. Places are limited and even if you can’t secure your first choice, the range and expertise of the tutors will amaze you and possibly open up new horizons.

Our President and I attended the 50th Birthday of the Pioneer Cottage where we discovered we share some similar heritage. We share a founding member, Zelma Dyson, also the Cottage made the outstanding rag rugs for the museum. It is not surprising then to read that the Craft Cottage is turning 50 next year, and we are planning late April/early May a special exhibition to celebrate this event. It is titled “50 Years of Creativity” and will feature square (12 x 12”) canvasses arranged with military precision but with a burst of creativity represented on each one.

The members of the Buderim Craft Cottage wish all those associat- ed with the BWMCA a wonderful (and restful !) Christmas after what we all could describe as a busy but productive year. - Janeta Grady Community Liaison Officer

BWMCA Newsletter November 2016 - Page 10


Buderim Garden Club

The Buderim Garden Club’s annual Garden Festival Just recently 56 Club members enjoyed a sunny bus trip was held over the weekend of 15-16 October, attracting to 2 nurseries (Theo’s and Go Green), and the spectacu- visitors from as far away as northern NSW and lar Rosevale Nursery at Samsonvale. Here we had time Bundaberg. to explore the quaint town of Samson Valley and its many gift shops. Approximately 1400 people visited the Festival over the two days with many commenting enthusiastically on the This year Buderim Garden Club has celebrated 70 years quality and diversity of flowers and plants in the Show, of gardening and friendship. We have given away mon- as well as the quality of the plant market, the painting ey, we’ve given members and organisations Buderim display in the Hall foyer, and the local Scout Group's Banksia plants in an effort to restore this native plant refreshments. endemic to our area, and recently celebrated with a

The Hall was colourful with over 470 entries across 67 most successful anniversary lunch attended by 133 members. different classes including 18 entries from local primary school children. To top all of this we have produced an excellent publi-

Champion trophies were presented to the winning cation of a 70th anniversary calendar for 2017, with exhibitors by the Festival’s co-sponsors - Manawee photos that have been entered by club members this Garden Centre and Buderim Bendigo Community Bank, year in our monthly Photo Competition. It is available with Ken Evans being awarded Best Buderim Garden at the OPO Community Information Centre for $10 and makes an interesting Christmas present. Club Member in the Show. (see photo)

Six open gardens on and around Buderim attracted Currently we are preparing for the AGM, and then our around 750 visitors. Again there were many comments Christmas party in December. With over 240 members received from visitors praising the owners for their the Club continues to grow and flourish. Please visit our beautiful gardens. website www.buderimgardenclub.com for upcoming events and more pictures from the Festival. - Bev Schouten

FIRST PRIZE Novelty arrangement

Best Garden Club member Ken Evans receiving the trophy

Buderim Garden Club

70th Anniversary Calendar, now on sale for $10

FIRST PRIZE Cut flowers

BWMCA Newsletter November 2016 - Page 11


Buderim - Palmwoods Heritage Tramway

BPHT members recently spent a day tracing the old tram- way route all the way from Buderim to Palmwoods to see the various remnants which still exist but which are mainly on private property. The party was led by Neil McGarvie who has spent a year investigating the route.

Members were pleased to see that most property owners were keen for this historic aspect of their properties to be preserved. There were numerous cuttings, embankment, culverts and the remains of several old bridges.

Some rather rough and often swampy land was traversed and the members marvelled at the expertise of the track builders who overcame these difficulties over a hundred years ago. In several places property owners have taken advantage of the old track formations and are using them C’ttee: Phil Morrow, Helene Cronin, Noel Williams, Bruce Horton as driveways.

The sad remains of the bridges over Eudlo Creek and its anabranch were a sorry sight buy, in contrast, a large wood- en culvert under the old line at Chevallum was found to be in perfect condition after 100 years of use.

Everyone was delighted to see that so much of the old tram- way is still clearly visible.

At the AGM on 16 September the same committee of Hele- ne Cronin (President), Noel Williams (Vice-President) and Bruce Horton (Treasurer) was elected,. A new addition was the appointment of Phil Morrow as Secretary. Previously the secretarial duties have been carried out by the President. Phil has a keen interest in railway history and is a model train buff. He is a most welcome addition to the group.

President Helene outlined the organisation’s achievements Remains of the tramway bridge over Eudlo Creek over the past year, which included the progress of the task force to establish the KRAUSS display in Buderim, includ- ing a survey to gauge public opinion as to its location, inter- pretive signage, preservation of the historic Telco Stump, participation in the BWMCA Expo, and other heritage events, and the launch of the Buderim Tramway digital film.

Helene also expressed her thanks to the Sunshine Coast Council and its officers, as well as the Buderim community, for their tremendous support over the past year. The meet- ing was very well attended and afterwards members cele- brated the successful year with wine and pizza.

The KRAUSS loco taking on water from Eudlo Creek, about 100 years ago

New BWMCA members in the last 12 months

SINGLE Shane Dawes Noel Ludwig Ronald Morris FAMILY LIFE Carol Adcock Pat Fulcher Kerrie Lynch Sole Paez Lance & Jenny Collett Daniel Calder Jo Allen Judi Healy John Lyon Linda Short David & Tanya Crisp Arthur Kerr Elaine Bienholz Diane Forsyth Carol Marks Margaret Sky Dennis Parmenter/Jean Gill Luke Putzman Mel Luke Jessie Burley Robert Herd Lynn McKewin David Symes Kim & Leslie Rouse Dominique Cisse Lynette Horner Valerie McLean Mary Tidey Monica Stinton Lynn Parker Pam Conroy Robyn Howie Michael Meloncelli Anthony Vincent Michael Thomas Cheryl Ryan Ray Crockett Michael Lean Lyn Morcom Michael Wise Garry & Christine Godfrey

BWMCA Newsletter July 2016 - Page 12


4 Paws Animal Rescue

One of the strong wishes we have for Christmas is that all animals surrendered to us find either a loving permanent home or, if they are our permanent resi- dents, a sponsor to help us with the quite considerable expense of giving a very happy last few years to a loving pet.

Our particular hope this Christmas is to find a home for Blanco. He is absolute- ly gorgeous - a handsome young man with a loving temperament. Blanco is 18 months old and was surrendered as a kitten so has been with us most of that time. Blanco is deaf but this does not slow him down one bit. He is fun-loving, playful and loves a cuddle. It is important that Blanco, like all 4 Paws cats is in a 100% indoor home where he can enjoy exploring, playing and being with his human friends.

If you would like a truly beautiful cat companion please come and see Blanco.

If you are not looking to adopt but still would love to help, we are urgently seeking sponsors for Oscar and Billy. These two adorable Maltese Terriers were surrendered in very poor condition with badly matted coats and dreadful teeth. 11 year old Billy was withdrawn and 13 year old Oscar was nervous and over-anxious to please. The essential immediate major surgery was even more of a trauma but with love and patience they have recovered. Now Billy struts Blanco is looking for a permanent home like a show dog - if a bald one! And Oscar skips with joy when “walkies” are on the agenda. Both are settled together in a loving permanent foster home but they will remain the financial responsibility of 4 Paws to ensure they have on- going vet care. If anyone can afford $30 a month to sponsor one of them, or perhaps $60 a month for both, it will help us to make sure they thoroughly en- joy their retirement years.

Because our expenses for both temporary and permanent residents are so high we must continually make every effort to fund raise. We will have our usual stall at the Buderim Christmas Fair which will feature 4 Paws Christmas cards, or you can buy them through [email protected] We also have “Gift in Lieu” cards to give in place of a gift to someone. More information on our website.

Happy Christmas from all 2 legged and 4 legged 4 Paws people.

Oscar and Billy need sponsorship

Sunshine Coast Animal Rescue - SCARS

2016 is SCARS 37th year and we are proud that we continue to be a non-euthanasia refuge for unwanted dogs and cats on the Coast. Having adopted over 700 cats and dogs this year we are well on our way to our yearly average of re-homing 1000 pets. However this has cost over $200,000 on vet care alone apart from food and other expenses. committed over $80,000 to these programs but we do need funding to help keep these programs available to the public. We currently have over 80 cats and dogs at SCARS waiting If you know of a business or person who would like to con- for homes. If you are thinking of getting a pet please come tribute, please contact: out and meet them. The feeling when you rescue a dog or cat [email protected] is priceless - the joy on their faces when you take them out of their pen says it all, especially our ‘long-termers’. One of the SCARS volunteer stories is that of Noel and Mar- garet Spurway. 15 years ago these Buderim locals were A big thank you to all who supported our Annual Garage responsible for getting food collection bins placed at Sale, and the SCARS & 4Paws Dog Walk Awareness. The Buderim Woolworths, and they have been collecting the garage sale was our biggest fundraiser again this year, with donations from there ever since! All our volunteers are over $38,000 raised! There was a record turnout for the Walk special, both those who work in the community and those too with over 100 doggies walking for our rescue animals. who work in the refuge. Without them SCARS would really The SCARS funded ‘Desex in the City’ campaigns for cats struggle to continue its rescue work. and dogs have been a great success assisting those in need to For Christmas fun on November 27 we have Santa Paws desex over 150 dogs and 200 cats. This helps SCARS to work Day 9am - 1pm. There will be food, drinks, raffles and all with the SC Council, promoting responsible pet ownership the dogs and cats photographed with Santa treats. Come and hopefully decreasing the number of unwanted kittens and along to 28 Sippy Creek Rd, Tanawha. Meanwhile Happy puppies ending up in the local pound. To date SCARS has Christmas!

BWMCA Newsletter November 2016 - Page 13

Directory of Affiliated Groups

BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL SOCIAL SERVICE CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS ORGANISATIONS Beautiful You Cancer Charity Christine Rule 0420 817025 Buderim Foundation John Kleinschmidt 5453 7465 Bloomhill Cancer Support Michael Hurley 5445 5794 4556 Chamber of Commerce May Carson 5477 0944 Buderim East Probus Club Des Smallwood 5493 6158 Buderim Lioness Club Bev Bellett 5477 0986 Buderim Scout Group Nicola Long 0448 811599 COMMUNITY GROUPS Lions Club of Buderim Brian McBride 5443 4503 National Seniors-Buderim Noel Ludwick 5445 2254 4 Paws Animal Rescue Lynn Moss 5445 5312 Probus Club of Buderim Inc Mike Edwards 5445 5959 Beulah Community Heather Johnston 5453 4102 Probus Club of Buderim Mt. Peter Monroe 5477 6554 Buddies Refugee Support Zanette Perinoni 0400 085787 QCWA—Buderim Branch Carmen-Mary Bennett 5477 1832 Buderim Central NH Watch Don Culley 5445 1871 Rotary Club of Buderim Paul Tanner 0418 885016 Buderim Library Assn Jan Leake Jones 5445 1414 SCARs Penny Brischke 5494 5275 Buderim Men’s Shed Rick Beasley 0429 627101 TocH Australia, Nth Region Raymond Geise 5445 1395 Buderim Safe Don Culley 5445 1871 Buderim Sails Heather Johnston 5453 4102 SPORT & RECREATION Buderim VIEW Club Sylvia Barret 5441 6049 Coastal Caring Clowns George Farmer 0404 972997 Buderim Billiards and Foote Sanctuary Geoffrey Hole 5445 4865 Snooker Club Jeff Pickering 0439 669717 Fusion (Alcoringa) Jessie O’Neill 5476 5033 Buderim Bowls Club Barry Ashby 5445 1104 Sunshine FM 104.9 Greg McCosker 5450 1049 Buderim Contract Bridge Joan Keeley 5456 1934 SCARs Lynn Moss 5445 5312 Buderim Cricket Club Kathy Poole 5445 1995 Buderim Firebirds Netball Sue Geraghty 0404 430289 Buderim Indoor Bowls Club Headland-Buderim Croquet Peg Quebec-Palmer 5456 1014 CULTRAL & INTEREST GROUPS Headland Golf Club Ben Dobson 5444 5800

Rhee Tae Kwon-Do Phillip Bird 0414 536729 ADFAS Alison Bennett 5326 1856 SC Dog Obedience Club Lynn Moss 5445 5312 BATS Theatre Company Susan Pritchard 0417 60339 SC Square Dance Centre June McCarthy 5478 3445 Buderim Craft Cottage Sheila Tweedy 5445 1567 Taoist Tai Chi of Aust. Noelene Rudd 0417 635807 Buderim Garden Club Bev Gourlay 5444 875 Buderim Historical Society Prue Cawley 5445 1341 Buderim Male Choir Rod Strachan 5456 4473 EDUCATION Buderim-Palmwoods Heritage Tramway Helene Cronin 5476 9509 Buderim Kindergarten and Friends of Maroochy Bush- Pre-School Association Wendy Veale 5445 1952 land Botanical Gardens Bob Ducrou 5456 2743 Buderim Mt State School Graduate Women Qld SC Elaine Wise 5476 9509 Parents & Citizens Wendy Cackett 5477 2737 Hot Ginger Chorus Anne Dempster 0412 581394 Immanuel Lutheran College Fiona Christie 5477 3448 Light of Wellness Natalie Grant 0408 578957 Little Village Early Learning Leonie McLeod 0417 761142 SC Oriana Choir Ruth Rix 0431 542343 Matthew Flinders Anglican SC Choral Society Bernice Anderson 5444 3899 College Sergio Lorado 5477 3263 SC Concert Band Ken Chadwick 5450 6680 SC Grammar School David Andersson 5445 4444 SC Eisteddfod Inc. Daniel Calder 0417 688697 Sunshine Statesmen Barbershop Chorus David Edwards 5445 5759 RELIGION - CHURCHES

SC Symphony Orchestra Phillipa Hancock 0410 405858 SC Theatre Alliance John McMahon 5445 2515 Lifepointe Baptist Church Phillip Monos 5443 1582 Suncoast Chess Club Jeff Dyer 0424 606831 St Mark’s Anglican Church Anne Meares 5476 6183 Uniting Church - Buderim Joyce Simpson 5445 2753 EMERGENCY SERVICES

Buderim Local Ambulance Committee Don Culley 5445 1871


Phone: 5445 0944


Mon-Fri 9.30am to 3.30pm Sat 10.00am to 12.30pm

JPs available 10am to 1pm Monday to Thursday

BWMCA Newsletter November 2016 - Page 14


Buderim Library Association Inc.

Vicki, Beth and Olive sorting and arranging books in preparation for the Christmas Book Sale Our pre-Christmas Book Sale is on Saturday 26 November in conjunction with the Buderim Lions Christmas Fair and Buderim Craft Cottage. Doors open at 8am and close at 3pm. Come and see us upstairs above the Library in the Memorial Hall and get yourselves some bargains for your Christmas and New Year reading. The books are in excellent condition and are priced from $1 to $4, so there’s sure to be something for everyone.

Last month local business Static Electrics finished installing our new fans in the li- brary and in out upstairs workroom. This was made possible by a grant from the Dept of Social Services Volunteer Grants 2015 Program. Under this grant we have been able to update our poor old vacuum cleaner, and will soon have some much-needed new chairs. Thank you to The Hon Christian Porter MP, Minister for Social Services.

Tickets for our Christmas hamper are now on sale and will be drawn on 15 December. Once again our ladies have put together a beautiful hamper. Proceeds from ticket sales go towards putting the latest books on the shelves for our subscribers. We look for- ward to seeing you in the Library soon. Tickets are now on sale for the Buderim Library Christmas hamper

Sunshine Coast Concert Band

We pay tribute to the Sunshine Coast Concert Band Librarians who have had their hands full, sometimes more than once a month, pre- paring music for the many band members. With hundreds of songs in the band’s library these dedicated volunteers - Lois Travers, Val Clarkson and Val Lane - attack the band’s filing cabinet with gusto ensuring that every band member has the music he/she needs. All are volunteers and in the 20 years that the band has been operating over $500,000 has been raised for local charities.

Christmas Cracker Concert

Sunday 4 December at 2pm

Kawana Community Hall, Nanyima St., Buddina

COST $15 includes afternoon tea, Children free. Bring the grandkids

Bookings Phone Val 5443 9547, or tickets at the door

BWMCA Newsletter November 2016 - Page 15



COMMITTEE: TREASURER: PO Box 156, Buderim, Q 4556 Paul Tanner Jenni Campbell Rick Beasley SECRETARIES: ABN 87 504 624 178 Anthony Vincent Jeannette Gerhard , Ph: 54770945 Lloyd Edwards Diane Farroway Email: [email protected] Michael Carrigan Ray Crocket Plus 26 COMMITTEE members Old Post Office Community Information Centre CHAIR:Graham Barnes CHAIR: 9.30am - 3.30pm 0450 579 962 Margaret Thursby Ph: 5477 0944 5476 6921


PRESIDENT SECRETARY: MARKETING & David Edwards...5445 5759 Peter Hall COMMUNICATION COMMITTEE: [email protected] Ron Bichel Ken Chadwick CHAIR: Ken Simper David Edwards 5496 279 VICE-PRESIDENT Geoffrey Hole 0408 421666 Gary Flanigan...5445 1107

David Woodrow COMMITTEE: dgflan1@ optusnet.com.au Graham Smith CHAIR: Neil Eiby Steve Chellingworth 0418 873 145 SECRETARY Lynn Moss 5445 5312 [email protected] COMMUNITY INFORMATION CENTRE (Old Post Office) WELCOME TO BUDERIM TREASURER Afternoon teas DEPUTY CHAIR: Robert Kerr 0409 878 555 Glenda Darville COMMITTEE: [email protected] COMMITTEE: Jenni Campbell Carol Dahler Glenda Darville Pam Wood Jan Leake Jones John Lyon Paula Owen Lorraine Lowth ELECTED MANAGEMENT Stephen Lowth COMMITTEE CHAIR: Jenni Campbell 0406 302 824 Merle Rogers Lisa Shaw Carol Dahler 5494 5136 Marjorie White CHAIR: Lynn Moss Derek Fenwick 5445 8826 WAR MEMORIAL HALL Pam Wood 5445 5312 Glenda Darville 0417 72 691

TREASURER: Office Administration

David Edwards RISK MANAGEMENT May Carson…..54770945 COMMITTEE: & COMPLIANCE Barbara Brice (8.30am - 12.30pm) Helen Wallace Monday - Thursday Mary-Carmen Bennett Email: [email protected] CHAIR: Carol Dahler Carol Dahler CHAIR: 5494 5136 John McMahon 5445 2515 COMMITTEE: Acting Membership & Affiliates Alan McGrath John McMahon Lisa Shaw 0407 479 667

Facebook FINANCE Pauline Bound….5445 2954 COMMITTEE: CAROLS on BUDERIM [email protected] Roy Peterson Kennedy Fox Newsletter Alan McGrath CHAIR: Robert Kerr Andrew Butterworth Liz Abel.....0457 453357 5476 5484 [email protected]

Ken O’Flaherty….5476 9533 CHAIR: David Edwards 5445 5759 [email protected]