Absolut vs. Subjektif- Ideal-Universal? ._!9 r24. Gagasan Filosofs Neuton dan Kant Perihal Ruang dan Waktu Thotu Kitkr& ss..u Hui., !;17-

Introddkei Umurn

Modem:waktu dipisalion dari nurg. Persmlantak sekedar "telois" tapimenyanglqrt gagasanperllalanan apa itrutsltu danrualg dari paraflsrtr besar. Kini: Netrtondarl Kant - > bagainanaEEr€l(a mernberikanwodd-view lalg mqnbenttrklolttlr kontempor€r. a. tP aP

-3 ;3 I t- r- t-" (1642-V26/27)- > lekatdengan sains L3 " LqracNe{ton - Tiga alasanmengapa iajuga filsuf 1' Sainspada%manitu = philcophianaturalis' 2. CaIabanbedlsafit eQerimertaL

3. MemunorlkanpeNoalanbar bagi filsafit tt I ll


N4tonib yjEr fsr€d r tr.? prebr.D for ptilolophJr a pnu@ 611 @in€d d tbr tudrd ofpbnNlby trrb. d M hrdEdEB.nd k dn 6hl tada. qidic aida {. tu and sF ot th. klBlp4. w @ g r.bim ot 6. dpiridl M]d h:w be! pd .f phtmpbv dE pbro bd Ari{.tle In p€n t@,F ol6e dinftg. of qE6o.t sLed.i@ 6'y beG Bpaialh mportot il r[. ri* ot modm lhilooDfiy dnia rbe wied andei€hteddi€s,$d!;, Mg pii€dE 6m 8am andDes6rt6 thdU8b HllRf d (dr. f'bnMphEl @idddiGled vitunyalof tbd pbno6ophasb $r sD IrJEs\' D€sadF .'#;m. cnq $. ffi ctjft of rhp iDfonaim w reiF rltr gh@gg eryitut i04liry it i&trennor.staui$ md m rh. ofCdo,l 6@dEl het€dsc Fr ""y j D666 md t!ftdiz tbb aHnt 6?r ryiel n4uil ba b b€ abpt 'JFlp'@r.d bt ddpbi.ul '1.mitr€' e .irsdir,l#ad bv L.ctF and Hum O! rbr 6F of ( rhrsm mb8 d of Nftrm,s ,+.ladd€d rd .lfEisl @nduddr The iDir i pmbl?n dis sir* po6sdftr phi.o@b6 @ to ere cr€r id ead sr of lor$rLdge ir ffiq.lieln|g.,{s 6F6!doi{ rcor6! ei6eb€r imingly ei.la! dnios 6r lrc of rbt seb@nlhdlr,6rprdo bolmttFidd.d4'''.,..6of€qlaininshoq $.!ltud€dse isI'sL B06 6D.rrs ofiiis Eoblsn te bd ru b ur



1 lrnrnanuelXanL (r724-r8o4) -> filst' besr

(oE oitenand dadit we n ld upo! rrm, rL. sbry n4la[ lnlE m I uddE ru.d llvwidinrE ,I do nd sekorbnjele etrtqof thme ir imedjabb vin tu oeious.s orh, t ,ni.$ r shd itu rhe[nid* nmibde ?i nqdfn,swn6ilb'l.b6bdl* rin6 of rheii F;ddic hdioD, rh€i! b4ioniq md orrituiD rle 3dnd b.3iN widr nryiNisible ser4my p€Mn ri9, Dd

Pr€conceptio!: - Cartedlan"rcs e{ensa" * Fd Descaftesthere are two kincls of motiors: mobon "in the lulgar seose"is "the actiotrby lvticl a body passesfiom one place to another,"motion "in tle philosophical sense" is tle body's 'hansfeEncefrom the vicinity of the bodiescontiguous to it to the others," I I I AbsoluteTitne and I I trI 'LboAbsolute : oTime that without reference to aq'thing I extemalfl owsuniformly. .All thinss are Dlacedin time with referenceto I order of sirccession;and in spac€ itr oraler of Dositiotr.- iotefvalsof I "Timcnowsequailyaodthatequal time are objectivelyde6ned. space: I "Absolute immoiable. "Spac€:homogeDous and I 'lI '-i_j ENewton'sabsolute time :l Absollre, true,and matiemalicaldme, ot ilsell, and from nswn nature,tlows eqoably eithout €lalion lo dylhing €xl€tnal,dd l bv anoth€rname is @lledduratlon: €lalive, appar€nl,and @mhon time.is sone sensibloand extemal {wh€thef acculale _i or unequablo)measu@ ol duialionby the neas ol nolion, ,il whichis commonlvlsed insteadol lrue lime; suchas an ,a

Absolutesimultaneity is possible! l'. t_ !; t_ t_ i: i': i; !. t_ !; t_ F Notes

'. Shiftfiom metaph,sicstoph)sics.

* Ernplricaldefinitions of motioD,spacgandtime comeftom llela1ls of emplical .

- Ncwtonmetrcopot ruang-waktu dali m€taftsika dan menjrdikan keduanya absolut: terkurntiftkasi secaranutlak dan detrgatrcara ilulah hidupbisa diorg3nistsi. ll :J Kant'sTheory of Knowledge Tnnscend€ntallddrli.n acnli.rl Id..li!m)



Now what are spaceand time? Are they actual edtities [wirHiche wesen]? Are they only deteminations or also relationsof things, but still such as would belongto them eveoiftiey were not intuited? Or are tley suchtlat they belong oEly to the folm of intuition, and thercforc to the subjectlveconstrtution of our mind, without which theseprcdicates could not be ascribedto any things at all? (A23lB37-8).


I t- t- ::!

- Spaceisnol1nempirical concept$.&idhasbeen !; d€ri!€dfiom outeroe€riences. Foin ordertbatcenan sersatiotrslercferr€d Lo .omeding odside ne I drd ir 'o l- somethingin anoderrcgionof spaceftom tlatin w,tridrI fnd trD6eE),and simnadyin oder tlat I rDaybeable to r€pr€s€ntthcinas outside aDd alongside om anotner,and t- acmrdinelyas Dol onb differentbd asn difier€Diptaas lhe rFprheDhtionof sp3cFma* aircadyurdstie S@ t- ldazurnx3 dievoNtelunsd$ Ram€s slton mm Gnndeliegenl.nrer€fore,the represeDtrtion of spacecrnDot be obtrined ihroughelperierce !; from the relatiorsof orter rpperrlrce; rhis I outer elperienceis iaselfpossible at atl otrb t- throughtbat r.presentatiod(A$/ts38). I- t_ t_ - ..x.!\ebMdtuicffrt adqtarin di.n he'rtelledbtzd tbe 6rG of sstiily. aG $l€b Eom thi5 @j ff &@Dti@ ol tE[sddl:] Ef€dioL lI I Mid EpFd did dalioB or eiDEs t_ ibu€b mm mdesr,rdib& rhi" tr bedd" or y rbFuBha mepl oftbeir ejpr@i efed" {d b | lhcrld onned a *F of oF and the t- mdingsithd.dhqtrqthothh@onvb€ilDe i!theode. of gMrds aDdMseqm. Tls tabDiz rLoElrr of sFe 6 a €.tain tgwisel odei i! lle q)Imuily of$h6t nc€s ddofri@6 t the qaEic s€qlm of tEn s.at€s The EiqlE6 and itdqdd@imrbibes, ho@, sirichtoth ofth;mb be in bmrsnE he &ibed b he adrd, of $s oncppts, btj.h milF thal e,licb i a ortr ftm of (hrrmicat daiG be takeDn)r a siale iftnior $!6!tiIg by ibdf and lre.eding lhe tlilgs tnenrs€lvdThus rpsce lnd line becan. rh. itrtetliAibt€ forn of lle contr..lion of tbjngs (strblirnces r th€ir 3tat.t i' tb en3€lv6 (427t 6/83312), ..;;l't ',1l GagasanKant tentangRnng &n \ffi6t'tr .l 'l 3 The odsenceofa uniqueand absolule space and time in which all the objeds of our oaedeoce cal] be .l odercd rcflectsthe inh€rent form of our cspacityfor sensibleeip€rienc€itself' 't . The oossbflitvard indeedthe certaiDty of the sldic te-rnDoralfi_aner^Drk of Newtoni"npbysics coold be securedooly by recogniziogit to be the form I of oor Grperierce'(appeararces/phenomeM) .l l l I I I Ab6olutesDace is not someadombration or sdsDa of the obiedhn oDlva certaio l|w implanted l in the ;ind by \^dicbit c@rdinaksfor itsdthe [email protected] theI)I€s@e of the objed I l I I I Y I .1 1 Spaceaniltineare ootobje

Bothare d 1/ia.i, a necessaryrEpr€s€lrdion vAi& llraledieall outerere€rience

- Bothar€ pur€ intuitiotr,

What .re th€ Kantlancategorl.s? A builtin, "harGwiGdcapacny ot lh€ humannind by whichil organisesand sttucture rM sensedala the d@pts shich formlhe @nditionsof possibilityol Thecaleqories are a @ncortual trameworkor conceptial 6ch€m€In tdis of whichell obi*ts oI ompiri€l kn@ledg€ae analFedq lilter€d. - Every@@dion ls a tdGtoldrealitu. l) €w s.e daiaa.d ii) lheoii.nziro andslruclunq ol lGl dala bylhe mnd. sens e daE n .nd ol icell, is a neanir€less jumble ererylhms we qpenlne ls rilteed lhouohlhe 6re{o66 - lf ourlnryledoe wee not Ffleed.* @uldnol er*nene ll. it ma\es.ense onry.nerd h* b.s oroanE.d.ndarrudured by KEYOUOTE aoneDls wilhoul'nluilions aE emDty.inlu r ons I I ! I t: F t(MTS /5#*R I g"€gE I



fu-.tu.rtLM. God,spiit Ft@do!! P P TheThree Postulates

P . FREEDOMGoo - lMMoRTALlry € . Thereare iicorporat€dinto coherentand meaningfulethical structu re. ' A postulateis "a theoreticalpropositions which 's not assuch demonstrable butwhich is an inseparabl€€orollaryofanapriori unconditlonally :a validpracticallaw" ' Thepostulat€ be€omes part of the Kandsethical structurebut he makesit clearthat the postulat€splay no theoretical or explanatoryrole. :3

= f t_ Simpulan dan Obscrvasi

I: * Rualgdanwalor- > gagasanuniversal f * Gacasanruanc dall uaku abGohnNewton dikiak olebIGnt l€Jenabfla keduantaab6olut, leduanla r takbisadalani E - BaCiKant tedimaa ser€ntaksubjedii,e, ideal Bukan vS Relaitrkrtr AND ,"ngab6oh.t dansrbjeciw rnemb€nglml(rlh.Ekta - kecisionanitpunctualig-> el(stooal DAN intemal * RDang-wak telois,geondit dftaHuH€nilenti lhe rryih of tr)Iogl€ss