The Village Council of

Kings The Royal Heart of Ancient Sherwood

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Kings Clipstone Village Council held on Monday 9th February 2015 at 7.00pm in the Community Room, Holiday Park, Gorsethorpe Lane, Kings Clipstone.

Present: Cllrs Bradley, Govan, Harbottle, Parkhouse and Rowe

Apologies: Cllrs Maguire – work commitments, Smyth – illness and D/Cllr Soar – illness

118/15 Welcome The Chair opened the meeting and welcomed all present.

119/15 Apologies for Absence Apologies were approved and accepted unanimously

120/15 Declarations of Interest in Items on the Agenda Cllr Parkhouse – non-prejudicial interest in item 127/15 (x) Cllr Bradley – item 127/15 (v)

121/15 Approval of minutes of the meeting held on Monday 12th January 2015 Minutes were approved by councillors who had been present at the last meeting and signed by the Chair.

122/15 Questions/statements from members of the public (15 minutes) A resident informed the meeting that the rubbish bins near the Dog and Duck are very full and need attention. Clerk to report.

A resident referred to the minutes from the December meeting item 102/15 Planning Matters. Why was this item in Planning Matters as it was relating to public safety? It had been minuted that the Clerk informed the meeting that any item not previously displayed on the agenda could not have a decision made on it. Why was the item moved to confidential? If it is a matter of public safety, surely it should be discussed in public. What has been done about it?

The resident was informed that the draft confidential minutes were due to be approved after this ordinary meeting. It would be decided whether they were deemed confidential and if appropriate would then be sent to the resident for information. Clerk to seek advice from NALC and send letter to resident

123/15 County Councillors Report We will know after the March County Council meeting whether the resurfacing of Main Road will be included.

C/Cllr Peck has reported various pot holes around the village.

C/Cllr Peck presented a cheque from his divisional fund to Cllr Bradley on behalf of Celebration of Kings Clipstone, The Kings Clipstone Account. The Treasurer, Kate Hunt was not present at the meeting.

124/15 District Councillors Report Dealt with during agenda items

125/15 Village Councillors Report Cllr Parkhouse has removed a branch which was overhanging a sign near the Dog and Duck.

Cllr Harbottle informed the meeting that the next Safer Neighbourhood Group meeting is at Clipstone Village Hall, on 24 February at 6.30pm. Cllr Bradley to attend. The next beat surgery, also at the Village Hall is on 17 February at 6.30pm.

After the recent reports of a prowler, it is important to support each other and was agreed to share mobile phone numbers with neighbours. The possibility of a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme was discussed. Agenda item next meeting

126/15 Planning Matters Cllr Harbottle informed the meeting there was a planning item for the meeting (15/00051/LDC). The Clerk reminded the meeting that items not on the agenda, although could be discussed, could not have any decision made on them as they had not been properly advertised. The paperwork had not been sent to the Clerk. Clerk to contact planning department to request including on mailing list and to request an extension to the comments deadline.

127/15 Agenda Items i. Website The Clerk had printed off some screenshots of the dummy website. The link to the website will be circulated to all councillors for comments. ii. Local Council Administration Book – Charles Arnold Baker Parish Council has purchased the latest edition outright. Kings Clipstone can have use of the book when required. iii. Estimate of Election Costs The District Council have circulated approximate costs for contested seats in this year’s election. Costs for Kings Clipstone range from £498 - £681. Clerk to find out where Kings Clipstone’s polling station will be. iv. Gorsethorpe Lane Hedge Friends of Kings Clipstone will pay the additional costs. Cllr Parkhouse is concerned about timeframes due to commitments. It was agreed for Cllr Parkhouse to ask the nursery to keep hold of the plants until we are ready. v. King John’s Palace Events N&SDC is planning events around the anniversary of the death of King John and the signing of the Magna Carta – most based around Newark. There is funding available. Clerk to chase Phil Beard (N&SDC) for information. It was agreed unanimously for the council to arrange an event at King John’s Palace. (Cllr Bradley abstained having already declared an interest in this item)

vi. Thank You for Sherwood Forest Holiday Park The Council has used the Community Room for meetings for the last 5 years free of charge. After a discussion it was agreed to purchase a tin of chocolates and a tin of biscuits as a thank you. Cllr Rowe to arrange. vii. Feedback from meeting with Karen Tarburton re Neighbourhood Plan Due to ill health the meeting was cancelled. Clerk to rearrange viii. Extension of Grass Cutting Contract to Old Barn Court It was agreed last year to extend the grass cutting contract to include a section of Squires Lane up to Old Barn Court. Clerk to add to contract ix. Renewal of Grass Cutting Contract The Clerk has received emails from local grass cutting contractors who wish to quote for the contract. Clerk to request quotes from three contractors for a decision at the next meeting. x. NCC – Modification Order to Byway No. 18 and Byway No. 24 This order has been sent to the council as a consultee. It is as a result of a request submitted by Ramblers. Clerk to laminate copy documents and place in notice boards. xi. Meeting Dates The proposed meeting dates were approved. Clerk to establish rules concerning holding the Annual Parish Meeting in an election year.

128/15 Accounts for Payment i. Approval of Clerk’s Wages and Overtime ii. Whin Hill Nurseries (Hedge Plants) – £246.00 iii. Glasdon (UK) Limited (Dog Bin) – £244.75 iv. Edwinstowe Parish Council (Photocopying) – £2.25 v. Welbeck Estates (Playing Field Rental) – £75.00 vi. NALC (Annual Subscription) – £74.85 vii. JKE Web Design (Website Deposit) - £87.50

The above cheques were approved, written and signed.

129/15 Date of Next Meeting 9th March 2015 at 7.00pm

Meeting closed at 2005hrs

The confidential minutes from the December meeting were not deemed confidential and were signed as accurate by the Chair.