Cross Deep 44 Steps 0044 00 22 88 11 0066

.5 00 43 5 11 99 1 66 P 1 003 00 177 3 331 42 1 22 P 00 41 44 P 008 1 p 8 199 006 e 6 e D 40 P 00 s 66 114 s P 4 o r P C 39 0022 00 1 2 177 38 222 2 0

1 00 0 37 11 11 22 36 44 11 P 33

P 00 35 1111 22

11 2266 66 1111 St. James Independant School For Boys

34 0044 008 11 8 55 Ham Riverside Lands 22 6 55 . 5 1 0 33 022

0088 1122 p 2 e 266 00 e 22 D


s 11 o 11 1 0 3 A L r P P.H. C 1122 00 0011 11 1188

1199 19.9 00 19.8 19.7 22 19.6 0°1199.'5W'W 19.4 19.3 1122 2244 0022 1166 0044 1 11 00 99 Steps 1155 28 22 00 55 0022

Radnor Gardens 11 99 1199 2233 Mon

0066 0 066 2233 26.4 26.4



. 7 004 4 0077 1 1166 Bowling 22 Ham Riverside Lands LOCKS 22 Green FG 00 0088 NB 1177 P 22 TO 002 11 Pavilion 2 11P 002 El sub sta 2 1122 2 222 11 11 CROSS DEEP Swan Isla P Works nd 27 11 Works 44 00 222 0 22 00 2 0 DEPTHS in METRES Garage 0033 88 P Scale 1:2500 at A2 1133 27a 00 99P 22 St. Fill 22 11 ians 26d 00 44 11 31 Surveyed by the Port of Authority Hydrographic Service Slipway 68 Chillingworth 26c 0 P Creek 011 22 26b FG 0077 The Wharf 1199 May 2015 - July 2015 1133 Almond Tree26a 00 Cottage 25d 2 211 00 DEPTHS LIGHTS ON JETTIES Longbourne 00 77 25c Depths are in metres and are reduced to Chart Datum Light stars without legends represent two fixed lights 1 Creek End 5 . 2 8 2 being 1.72m above Ordnance Datum (Newlyn), which displayed vertically. They are seen as red to port 25b 00 33 26.3 Wisboro 77 is the maintained water level between Teddington and P 11 and green to starboard when proceeding upriver. 26.3 25a 1 77 Riverside 199 Richmond Locks. (The sluices at Richmond foot bridge P 24 2 are lowered at approx. half ebb and raised again at half TOPOGRAPHY Aublyn 11 23 0 flood ). The shore features on this chart are based largely 044 Thames Rosslyn 2211 22 Young on Ordnance Survey digital map data with the P 1 Twittenholme 199 Mariners' SOUNDINGS P permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's 21 P 1 Centre 11 122 All sub-tidal areas are surveyed by MBES giving 100% Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright 2015. All rights Brick House P 20 22 Ham coverage to IHO S44 order 1A reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence number 100022150. Kamador Dock 19 001 HEIGHTS MOORINGS Awaki 00 1 no 11 Heights are in metres. Underlined figures are drying heights Mooring screws are shown in their true position thus 18 P 1 P 122 2211 above Chart Datum; all other heights are above MHWS. and buoys shown as symbols. Waterville P 17 Buoy numbers shown (20) are PLA references. Ellw 00 001 yn P94 1 POSITIONS 16 22 Positions are referred to WGS84. 0011 PLA REFERENCES Swan House The numbers shown on the shore and in parenthesis in the Slipway S T 2233 00 MILEMARKS river adjacent to moorings refer to PLA licences. R 55 A W 0 15 033 P Distances from in Sea Miles and tenths are B E marked on the West side of the channel shown thus . PLA PUBLICATIONS R Tide End

R Y 0055 Refer to PLA Publications for further information: P V 00 Steps A ANCHORING 1. PLA River Byelaws L 14 FG E 1 1P 223 H 0077 3 Anchoring is prohibited in the fairway and within 2. General Directions for Navigation illview 1 5 . 9 60 metres of any tunnel under the river, except 3. PLA Tide Tables & Port Information 11 in an emergency. 4. The River Thames Recreational Users Guide P 2 11 222 5. Rowing on the 2152 0088 LADDERS 26.2 00 P 11 Permanent ladders, the exact position or condition of which PLA HYDROGRAPHIC SERVICE WEBSITE 26.2 22 cannot be guaranteed, are shown thus . P 11 0099

2163 P 1122 Mallard Place 12-13 P 2 00 0055 233 55 Tide Details, referred to Ordnance Chart levels at Teddington Datum Datum 1166 P 1 144 Highest Recorded (1978) 0066 5.48 3.76 Highest Astronomic Tide 4.99 3.27 Mean High Water Springs 4.21 2.49 Strawberry 008 8 2 Mean High Water NB 222 3.73 2.01 Hill P 00 1 Mean High Water Neaps 3.24 1.52 Outfall Maintained Level 1.72 ------Landing 1 11 1 Ordnance Datum (Newlyn) ------1.72 Stage 1188 Pelham Hou P 1 se 6

. Slipwa 0 10 y P 00 Ma Touraine P 55

P 9 2222 Waterton House P0 088 00 8 99 P The Whyte House P Slipway 7 Chestnut 2222 26.1 Boat 1 26.1 Hous 122 6 e The Warren 11 11 Ham Riverside Lands 0 5b 077 Clyde House P1 22 5a 188 33 Slipway P Clyde Cottage P 11 77 0055 4 P S S T Portmore Slipway1111 luice R e3 A Hous W g's s2e Kin 's Hou P B King 22 1 PLA Bound E Little 55 111 ary Stone R Slipway R Limit of Authority Juris Y diction

V 1 A 1P1 Mon L Kingfisher Lo 22 00 E dge 22 Slipwa 22 y 33 1199 1122 P Outfall 0066 P 0088 P P 1199 2222

P 1 6 1 . 18 00 1 8 33 0 04P4 P 00 77 22 P 33 P 1199 0066

P 00 51°26'N 88 1188 51°26'N 2266 00

2244 00 66 0022 2255

2211 P Stoney Deep 11 FS P 0 088 P 11 77 11 P 1199 22 P 0099 P Steps P 6186P 00 88 1 P 22 2 122 P P 66 2 22 NB 55 118 00 8 99 Lock T Slipway 118 w P 8 Signal i 1 c 6 k . 2 e 2 288 n h a m 11 P The Moo 22 Ba R rings r ge o L a P oc d Slipway 2222 k Teddington 11 2244 Slipway 33 11 Lock P 66 P House P 11 11 22 2266 P 1 P 177 Teddington P Lock 11 1133 44 P 25.9 P P 11 22 Controlled by the Environment Agency with 99 22 Steps 24 hour keeper operation throughout the year. 25.9 ay Tel: 020-8940-8723 w 1 lip 31 188 S 78 P 117 Lock Length Width Max. Draught 006 7 6 1199 1199 Barge 198m 7.5m 2.6m Fairwater P Launch 54m 7.4m 2.7m House 3157 Tide Skiff 15m 1.7m 1m 00 Gauge L P 113 88 au 00 3 nc 22 h L oc P 22 k y 11 a 11 RNL w I lip S 00 1 31 Station 99 6 36P .3 00 225 11 99 S P 5 77 kiff Lo Regatta ck P House 1144 y 2 1 Boat a 2 111 w The W p Rollers harf li S Boat (PH) 00 221 22 House 66 1 77 1155

Fairmile 22 3 33 Manor Road 344 House 116 Recreation Ground 6 11 1 77 2299 122 Admiral House 0077 25 33 5 22 1188 1199 The Environment Agency is the navigation authority Hydrographic Service for the non-tidal Thames above Teddington Lock. 22 2277 5F5or information see: H.O.Ref. No...113-301-011... Date...11/11/2015. 2277 25.8 25.8

19.9 19.8 19.7 19.6 0°1199.'5W'W 19.4 19.3

Edition Date: October 2015; Edition Version: (2) PLA 301