SHRA Calls for Review of Planning Hearings thebulletin Representing the views of all who live in the historic Thameside village of Strawberry Hill No. 137 July 2008 Royalty and Romance Sun shines on Strawberry Hill of St James’s Parish Music and Fun Day A charming and very readable history of St James's Church, Popes Grove, and the After a week of were whipped and lib growth of the Parish, has just been written nearly continuous erally applied to the by local resident Tom Devitt. rain, the clouds dis- home-made produce, Tracing the origins of the church from its appeared and the sun together with Chair- founding in 1885 to the present day, the book reveals the close links and encouragement came out for the man Bruce Duff’s which the church received from exiled royalty Strawberry Hill Mu- now-legendary choc- living nearby such as King Manoel of sic and Fun Day on olate sauce. Portugal, Louis Philippe of France and the Sunday 13th July. By 6 o’clock eve- Countess of Paris. SHRA’s strawber- rything had been sold Their gifts to the church can still be seen. ry-themed stall was and the Association A large section of the book details the art and stained glass. The church itself was the result well positioned in the was richer by £674. of a generous donation by a wealthy Catholic food area, next to a Secretary Clare convert. German sausage stall. Phelps organised the You can obtain copies of “The Parish of A large team of volun- helpers and the straw- St James, Twickenham, 1855-2008”, from the teers manned the stall,Joint-chairman Robert Youngs, Committee membersberry treats were all church porch, price £4.50 or £20 for five slicing 40 lbs of straw- Pam Crisp and Teresa Read man the stall while made by residents.
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