download os android pc Rekomendasi OS Android untuk PC & Laptop. Sistem Android sudah mendapatkan banyak pengembangan. Baik itu dari segi kompatibiltasnya, spesifikasinya, maupun fitur yang ditawarkannya. Bahkan kini, Android bisa diakses melalui PC atau laptop, lho. Sebagai contoh, melalui program emulator misalnya. Dengan emulator ini, sistem Android dapat dijalankan dalam bentuk aplikasi PC, dan berada di dalam suatu sistem operasi, seperti Windows. Ya, program emulator memang cukup populer. Tapi sudah tahu belum? Kalau ada juga OS berbasis Android, yang bisa langsung diinstal dan berjalan di PC maupun laptop, serta bukan lagi di dalam aplikasi. Inilah yang akan menjadi topik pembahasan di artikel kita kali ini. Rekomendasi OS Android PC atau Laptop yang Ringan dan Stabil. Kalau emulator Android, mungkin kita sudah banyak tahu, ya? Ada Windroye, Bluestack, Nox, dan yang terbaru seperti Tencent Gaming Buddy, atau yang lainnya. Beda lagi dengan OS Android yang bisa langsung digunakan di PC. Jenis-jenis OS ini, rasanya masih kurang familiar di kalangan pengguna komputer atau laptop. Untuk itu, di sini saya ingin sedikit membahasnya, mengenai daftar rekomendasi OS Android yang bisa dijalankan di PC atau laptop. Berikut ini rekomendasinya: 1. Remix OS. Remix OS adalah sebuah sistem operasi Android yang dikembangkan untuk PC sejak tahun 2016, oleh developer bernama JIDE. Remix OS sudah didesain khusus untuk para pengguna yang ingin memakai Android di komputer, namun dengan tetap mengedepankan kenyamanan. Tidak heran, antarmuka yang terdapat pada OS ini, terlihat mirip seperti Windows 10. Misalnya, pada bagian Start menu, file management , dan lain sebagainya, sehingga akan tetap membuat Anda merasa familiar saat menggunakannya. Pun dari segi kompatibilitasnya. Untuk hardware – hardware komputer terbaru saat ini, OS ini bisa langsung berfungsi, serta belum ditemukan masalah yang berarti. Pada keyboard dan mouse misalnya. Kedua perangkat tersebut sudah dapat berjalan secara otomatis, tanpa harus melakukan pengaturan ini-itu lagi. Catatan: Anda bisa mendapatkan Remix OS dari situs resminya langsung, yakni . Kemudian untuk cara instalasinya, bisa dilakukan melalui boot seperti biasa. Nanti opsi Remix OS bisa langsung dipilih di sana. Ngomong-ngomong, saya mengenal Remix OS ini dari salah satu grup komputer . Di sana sudah banyak lho, pengguna yang mengetesnya untuk bermain game , seperti Mobile Legends atau AOV. Dalam kata lain, OS ini sudah tergolong ringan dan cukup stabil. 2. Android-. Android-X86 adalah salah satu pemain lama, dalam hal sistem operasi Android khusus PC. Bersumber langsung dari OS Android yang di- porting ke sistem dengan arsitektur X86. Maksud porting di sini berarti diubah . Baik itu dalam kode, atau lain sebagainya, yang kemudian disesuaikan agar bisa dijalankan pada komputer. Menurut saya, OS ini sangat cocok untuk dijalankan di komputer atau laptop dengan spek rendah. Karena selain ringan, sistemnya juga masih terus dikembangkan hingga saat ini. Dari segi tampilan, Android-X86 sudah sangat mirip dengan smartphone pada umumnya. Meskipun hal ini tergantung versi mana juga yang Anda pilih. Anda bisa mendapatkan OS ini langsung dari situs resminya, yakni . Nama OS Situs Resmi Android X86 3. Phoenix OS. Phoenix OS merupakan sistem operasi Android yang bisa dijalankan di PC atau laptop, dengan rekomendasi sistem prosesor arsitektur X86. Dari segi tampilan, Phoenix OS seolah menampilkan perpaduan antara MacOS dan Windows 10. Alhasil, tampilannya terkesan sangat elegan dan mudah digunakan, bahkan untuk penggunaan pertama. Awal mula saya mengetahui OS ini, ketika sedang mencari referensi sistem operasi Android yang lancar untuk digunakan bermain PUBG Mobile. Setelah melihat hasil tesnya di YouTube, saya bisa menyimpulkan kalau Phoenix OS ini memiliki performa yang sangat baik dan stabil, karena game -nya sendiri rata-rata bisa berjalan di 60 FPS . Catatan: Anda bisa mendapatkan Phoenix OS melalui situs . Sedangkan untuk cara instalasinya, bisa dilakukan melalui bootable , atau diinstal biasa melalui Windows. Kebetulan, saya pernah menjelaskan tutorialnya (lengkap dengan gambar) di artikel Cara Menginstal Phoenix OS untuk PC/Laptop. 4. Openthos. Openthos adalah sistem Android yang dikembangkan untuk PC dengan arsitektur X86. OS ini bersifat open-source , sehingga siapa pun dapat mengembangkannya. Kalau bicara soal tampilannya, Openthos mengingatkan saya dengan sistem operasi . Desainnya memang sangat mirip lho, terutama pada bagian flat UI -nya. Namun di Openthos ini, kita masih bisa mendapati sebuah taskbar yang justru mirip seperti Windows. Seperti yang kita ketahui, keberadaan fungsi taskbar sendiri memang sangat penting dan memudahkan. Terkait performa, Openthos juga sudah cukup ringan, kok. Tertarik menggunakan OS satu ini? Anda bisa menginstalnya langsung melalui bootable seperti biasa. Silakan dicoba. Nama OS Situs Resmi OpenThos (Bisa dari Github) 5. BlissOS. Bliss OS juga merupakan sebuah pengembangan OS Android PC bersifat open-source , yang mana di dalamnya terdapat fitur kustomisasi untuk beragam hal terkait sistem. Dari segi performa, ROM (sistem) Bliss OS sudah dioptimalkan sedemikian rupa, serta tetap mengedepankan pengalaman pengguna tentunya. Untuk tampilannya sendiri, nuansa elegannya sangat bagus menurut saya. Terutama pada pemilihan warnanya. Kalau tertarik mencobanya, Anda bisa langsung mengunjungi situsnya di Nama OS Situs Resmi Bliss OS 6. Prime OS. Jika Anda sedang mencari sebuah sistem operasi Android yang bisa dijalankan di PC, maka Prime OS juga bisa menjadi salah satu pertimbangan. Di OS ini, kita akan mendapatkan beragam fitur menarik, lho. Di antaranya, kita bisa merasakan pengalaman menggunakan Android yang tidak jauh beda dengan desktop, mulai dari tersedianya shortcut Alt + Tab, Alt + F4, fungsi taskbar yang serupa dengan Windows, dan lain sebagainya. Bukan itu saja, OS ini juga sudah dioptimalkan untuk kebutuhan gaming . Jadi, dari performanya pastinya sudah sangat oke. Bahkan untuk game – game populer seperti PUBG, kontrolnya sudah langsung tersedia secara otomatis. Untuk menginstal Prime OS, tersedia dua opsi yang bisa Anda pilih, yaitu: Melalui bootable . Melalui software installer . Anda bisa langsung mendapatkannya di Nama OS Situs Resmi Prime OS 7. Maru OS. Maru OS ini mungkin sebagian besar orang belum tahu, padahal fitur-fiturnya sangat menarik lho . Di antaranya yang berbeda, ialah kita bisa menghubungkan HP ke PC atau laptop yang dipakai, kemudian melakukan sinkronisasi keduanya. Fitur-fiturnya juga bisa dibilang sangat lengkap. Misalnya Anda bisa memakai keyboard dan mouse , bisa menggunakan bluetooth dan lain-lain. Untuk keperluan kerjaan sih, Maru OS ini bisa dicoba. Nama OS Situs Resmi Maru OS Akhir Kata. Daftar OS Android untuk PC di atas, saya tulis secara random urutannya, ya. Bukan berdasarkan mana yang terbaik. Jadi, Anda bisa memilih OS mana saja, yang menurut Anda paling menarik. Ingat, semuanya sudah berupa sistem. Anda harus melakukan instalasi terlebih dahulu, dan di- boot saat komputer baru dinyalakan. Terus terang, informasi soal OS ini masih cukup sulit dicari. Tapi, bukan tidak mungkin jika OS ini semakin populer ke depannya, sehingga mungkin akan ada banyak lagi sistem-sistem baru yang dirilis. Oleh karenanya, mungkin isi artikel ini akan saya update lagi suatu saat nanti. Android OS. The Android OS is an open source primarily used in mobile devices. Written primarily in Java and based on the Linux operating system, it was initially developed by Android Inc. and was eventually purchased by Google in 2005. The Android operating system is symbolized by a green colored Android Robot logo. Techopedia Explains Android OS. The development of the Android OS was a result of the consortium of the initial members of the (OHA) such as Google, HTC, Dell, Intel, Motorola, Qualcomm, Texas Instruments, Samsung, LG, T-Mobile, Nvidia, and Wind River Systems back in November of 2007. The OHA is a business alliance of hardware, software and telecom companies dedicated to advance the cause of open sourcing for mobile phones. Based on the modified version of the Linux kernel version 2.6, the Android code was released by Google under the Apache license which is also a and open source license. The Android OS consists of numerous Java applications and Java core libraries running under the Java-based object oriented application framework and the Virtual Machine (VM). Dalvik is integral for the Android to run in mobile devices as these systems are constrained in terms of processor speed and memory. As for multimedia support, the Android OS can back 2D and 3D graphics, common audio and video formats. It may also support multi-touch input (depending on device) and carries in its browser Google Chrome’s V8 JavaScript runtime. 5 Methods To Run Android Apps And Games On Your Windows PC. Smartphones are slowly becoming an essential part of our daily life. Smartphones offer features and apps that are not commonly available on PC. It is particularly true if you have used an Android phone. Unfortunately, despite their importance in our life, it is difficult to integrate Android apps with your PC. Running Android apps usually requires an Android smartphone or tablet - obviously! - but what if you need to use Android apps or want to play Android games on your PC? Fortunately, with a little legwork, you can run Android apps on a regular old Windows PC. There are a few different ways to go about it, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. In this article, we have come up with 5 best ways to run Android apps and games on Windows-based PC with the help of popular emulators and most popular browser, Google Chrome. So, without further ado, let us begin. 1. BlueStacks. The BlueStacks App Player is free to use. The program will allow you to run Android apps on your Windows machine. It boasts a custom- designed interface that makes it easy to toggle emulation settings and launch apps. It also uses its own "Layercake" technology that uses hardware accelerators to improve the performance of Android games in Windows. However, as it is not a full Android emulator, you will not get the full Android experience. In order to use BlueStacks you will have to sign-in with a Google account; if you do not have already have one you will need to sign up for one as you would on any Android device. Installing Bluestacks could not be easier. Because it is entirely self-contained, you can install it just like any other Windows program. Here is how to install Bluestacks to your computer's hard drive: Download the installer from the official Bluestacks website. Launch the installer, and choose the storage location for app and data files. Unfortunately, you cannot change the Bluestacks directory - it will install on your boot drive by default. Once Bluestacks finishes installing, launch it. Enter your Google account credentials - you will log into the Store, where you will find all of your installed and purchased apps. Once that is done, click on the search button on the My Apps Page to search for the game you wish to download. You will get a prompt to select the store, so you can download Android apps. Once you select the store of your choice, you will be directed to the downloads page of the game. Install the app It will now be there on your my apps page. Click on it to run it. Your app/game will now start. 2. GenyMotion. While a lesser-known Android emulator, GenyMotion is very popular in the Android Dev Community, for the performance it offers. This does not mean you need to be an Android developer to take advantage of GenyMotion, it does not take too long to set it up. Head over to the GenyMotion website ( and sign up for an Account. Now download the app install it. Now launch GenyMotion and Sign In Using your GenyMotion Account. Click on "+ Add" to add an Android Device. Download a version of your choice. Once successfully downloaded and deployed, you will find it on your virtual devices list. Select it and click on the Play button. Wait for your device to boot. Once the device is running, use windows explorer to browse to the location which has your Android app. Drag and drop the .apk file on to the GenyMotion window. You will see a 'file transfer in progress' prompt. Once the game has been transferred, it will automatically run. And now you can play your favorite game in the comfort of your PC. 3. . One popular way to get Android apps running on a PC is to go through the Android emulator released by Google as part of the official Android Studio. The emulator can be used to create virtual devices running any version of Android you want with different resolutions and hardware configurations. The first downside of this process is the somewhat complicated setup process. You will need to grab the installer from Google's site and run through the setup process to download the platforms you want - probably whatever the most recent version of Android happens to be at the time (7.1 at the time of publishing). Google has some pre-configured emulation options available in the menu for Nexus/Pixel devices, but you can set the parameters manually, too. Once you have booted your virtual device, you will need to get apps installed, but the emulator is the bone stock open source version of Android - no Google apps included. Since there is no Play Store, you need to do some file management. Take the APK you want to install (be it Google's app package or something else) and drop the file into the tools folder in your SDK directory. Then use the command prompt while your AVD is running to enter (in that directory) adb install filename.apk . The app should be added to the app list of your virtual device. The big upside here is that the emulator is unmodified Android right from the source. The way apps render in the emulator will be the same as they render on devices, and almost everything should run. It is great for testing app builds before loading them onto test devices. The biggest problem is that the emulator is sluggish enough that you will not want to make a habit of running apps in it. Games are really out of the question as well. 4. Android-X86. Android-x86 is an open source project that seeks to port the newest version Android to Windows hardware. Unlike Remix OS, which ships with an interface that mimics modern PC operating systems, Android-x86 is stock Android - the same version of Android that runs on smartphones and tablets. Since the native version of Android is not optimized for most PC setups, Android-x86 can be a little unintuitive. Checking notifications, for example, requires that you click and drag the notification bar. And apps take up your PC's entire screen - you cannot view them in resizable windows like you can in Remix OS. However, Android-x86 lets you customize Android to your liking. You can install third-party themes, home screens, and more without having to worry whether or not they will play nicely together - unlike Remix OS. Hardware requirements. You can see this list of supported devices by visiting - Here is how to install Android-x86 to your PC's hard drive. First, make sure your computer's hard drive has at least 2 GB of free space and follow the below steps. Download the latest Android-x86 ISO. If your device is not listed, download the generic file. Download UNetbootin. Open UNetbootin and select the Android-x86 ISO file you downloaded earlier. Select USB drive from the list of options, and click OK. Wait for UNetbootin to copy and install Android-x86 to your flash drive. Reboot your computer. Boot to the Boot Device Selection screen, and select your flash drive. From the UNetbootin menu, select "Install Android-x86 to hard disk". Select the partition - or location - to which you want to install Android-x86. The program will ask if you want to format the disk; if you are unsure, do not. You will be asked if you want to install GRUB. Select "Yes", and "Yes" again. You will be asked if you want to "make system r/w", which enables Android-x86 to read and write data to your hard drive. Select "Yes". Reboot your computer for the second time. 5. Using Google Chrome. During Google I/O 2014, Google announced that it was bringing Android Apps to Chrome OS in an attempt of unifying the two platforms. While this was a good news only for Chromebook owners, until this year, when Google launched Arc Welder. Arc Welder is an app that you can install on your Chrome Browser, and then run Android Apps right on top of Chrome. What Arc welder does is, it unpacks the .apk file which is an Android app and converts it entirely into a chrome extension which can run on Google Chrome. First, install Google Chrome Go to the Chrome Webstore and install Arc Welder Note: The page says that the download size is 11MB but the actual download size is almost 150 MB, so be patient while it downloads Once downloaded, Launch the app You will need to choose a directory where Arc Welder can store your Apps Once that is done click on " +" to add your .apk file Wait for it to load Customize the orientation etc., accordingly Click on Launch App Your Android app will now start. Note: You can only install one app at a time using Arc Welder, so, to test other apps uninstall the installed apps. A few last words. While all of the above 5 methods provide an alternative to a physical Android device, the performance, and experience which real hardware offers will always be better than emulators. Also, Android apps are designed for devices based on touchscreen and PCs use mouse and keyboard for the input so it can sometimes be hard to get the controls right, especially on multi-touch games. 12 Best Android OS for PC 2021. Are you interested in Run Android Os for PC ? Did you know that even when there are several up-gradations like Windows 10 and 10.1, even then there is a growing surge for the android application because they are fun to use and have a very friendly user interface? But also if you do not have a pre-installed Android operating system, even then you will have no problem whatsoever in enjoying the benefits of Android. But to do that, you have to get the Android for PC for once so that you can operate without any hindrance. Will installing Android OS For PC create issues? Before proceeding further, you have to know one thing; Installing Android OS on your PC will create some issues. Below you can find the reason. Basically, the android desktop operating system will not give the exact experience that the original desktop has been giving. So, it must be run via using virtual machines or some emulators using VMware in an extraordinary manner. It will not support certain desktop-centric technologies and some more issues are there. Bliss OS For Android. This was one of the excellent Android OS for PC, which came into being and there was an effort to bring about the android culture in the PC as well. It was launched effectively, and since the day of its launch, there has been no looking back. This Android OS has been tried and tested by the experts, and therefore it has been marked as the best of the lot as far as the Android operating system is concerned. It is a surprising fact that it was launched in the year 2017 and is doing good. Take a look at the complete guide on How to Install Bliss os on PC . With the latest update of Bliss OS, its developers have added ARM64 emulation and Magisk support which can be quite handy for advanced users. And for all others, the base offered by this Android OS is quite great since you get to enjoy all of the latest Android features. Remix Android OS For PC. This is another Android OS for PC that has been created by the JIDE. JIDE company created this OS at the beginning of the year 2016, and it was specifically built so that the PC holders could have a fantastic experience while working with the applications though it lags behind a bit because it has only the Intel-based Computer. It has been used by many, and even if this is continued as for now, amendments are being made to make it one of the best, and it has a lot of reputation in the dimension of Android OS. Even though Remix OS has not gotten any major updates, it keeps getting smaller ones. For example, its latest update added support for Never Sleep along with various bug fixes and performance optimizations for a better overall experience. OPENTHOS. This is another one of the operating systems for PC which helps you in having a taste of the android in PC. This gives a full-fledged functionality, but it needs specific requirements to run and can only be operated on a 64-bit computer. It is incredibly amazing and has excellent navigation as well as the user interface. It is easy to install and is one of the most popular Android operating systems as well. Unfortunately, Openthos’ website is no more functional which can be quite an issue if you want all the latest updates. Instead, you have to get them from their GitHub repository which is not the most user-friendly way of getting updates. Android X86 OS for PC. The existence of this OS started in the Android , but then, later on, it graduated to being an operating system on its own rather than being dependent. It has been designed to run on the kind of devices that have the AMD and Intel x86 processors. It is very similar to the original version of the Android, which is the reason why it can be downloaded and installed with ease. A one-click download option, which comes, gets fixed in a jiffy. Since Android x86 is already highly stable, it does not need any bug fixes. Thankfully, you still get frequent updates to ensure that you are running the latest Android or custom ROM version which happens to be the CM14.1 for the latest release of Android x86. Phoenix OS. This is another one of the best Android OS For PC, which was brought into existence with the help of a Chinese company, and one it started working it was competing at breakneck speed with the Remix OS. Like all the other OS, it has been able to provide some cool and unusual android applications, and the user interface is pretty easy as well which makes it such a simplified system. Unlike other Android OS options out there, Phoenix OS has not been updated for quite some time as it is still running Android 7.1 with Phoenix OS X86 v3.6.1 which means you get limited features. Chrome OS. This is one top-rated Android for PC it is built only for the Chromebooks, and it is very lucid. It has been specifically designed keeping in mind the non-tech-savvy people. So that it gives high performance in a hassle-free manner. Even though you might not be able to get it directly, Neverware is a company that has been able to bring forward the project and install the operating system named Cloud Ready. The base of this OS is Chromium. But there is no difference between the Chrome OS by Google and the Company. If you want to enjoy the latest features offered by Chrome OS, then you will have to download Chrome OS 88 Beta which is still in development. In its latest release, Google has offered extension manifest, ad blocking optimization, better privacy, and performance improvements. Prime OS Android For PC. It is one of the most fantastic android operating systems for both laptops as well as PCs. This Android OS FOR PC has an incredible look that is sleek and stylish at the same time. The most impressive factor about it is that it is accompanied by the DecaPro. DecaPro is one of the best mapping tools that you could ever come across. It helps you in controlling your mouse and keyboard in the best possible manner. Check out the latest guide here on How to Install Prime OS For Android . Those of you who want the latest version of Android OS for PC should look elsewhere. This is due to the reason that PrimeOS has not been updated since March of 2019. Lineage OS. This is another android OS for PC. And it has been able to gather a lot of fans in a short period. It was primarily created during the session of Marshmallow android version 6 and is also running on the version 15.1 as of now. It has some cool features like fast installation and a better interface which makes it so popular. Once you install the latest version of Lineage OS 17.1, you will be greeted by an all new user interface along with various other improvements. And the best part about LineageOS is that it supports even some of the oldest devices like Galaxy S II, Moto Z3 Play, 2013, and Galaxy Tab S6 Lite making it highly versatile. Fyde OS. We have already discussed the highly popular Chrome OS up above in this list. It is a great way to enjoy Chromium as well as Android apps within a single operating system. Although, if you want similar functionality but in a different operating system, then you can go with the Fyde Android OS . It is one of the latest Android OS for PC options which has originated from China. While it is primarily made with students in mind, you can even use this OS for office work thanks to the support for applications like MS Office. Even though there is no Google Play Support with this one, you can still sideload any Android app of your choice using its APK file if needed. Unfortunately, if you have a 32-bit computer, then you will not be able to use Fyde OS as of right now. As for 64-bit computer users, they can expect a smooth computing experience in Fyde Android OS whether you are using Chromium or Android apps. Bluestacks. While it might not be the same as other options present above, Bluestacks is still a great way to run Android apps on your computer. Hence, it can be a great option if you are looking for a high-performance Android OS for PC . Bluestacks allows you to run Android applications on your computer as it is an emulator that can simply run a virtual Android device on your computer. Here, you can install any Android app or game of your choice. While you can run most apps using it, Bluestacks got popular for its ability to smoothly run Android games. In fact, it even allows you to remap keys to any game function. This can be done quite easily whether you are using a keyboard or a gaming controller for playing computer games. Those of you who like to switch between games again and again will be glad to know that it can run multiple Android games at the same time. And if you want to make YouTube videos, you will even find a game recording feature in Bluestacks which is missing in many other best Android OS for PC options. Nox Player. Nox Player can be another great option that is quite similar to Bluestacks in terms of functionality. And hence, you can try it out if you also wish to play Android games right on your computer. One of the best things about Nox Player is that it is another highly versatile and compatible option. This is due to the reason that you get the support for both 32 bit and 64 bit systems which allows you to run Nox Player on almost any computer of your choice. Just like the previous Bluestacks emulator, Nox Player also offers a key mapping function to the user. You can use this function irrespective of your input method since it works for both keyboards as well as gaming controllers. Once you have mapped all game keys, you will not have to use your mouse for clicking in the game making it highly viable for all mobile gamers. While there might be many options out there that allow you to map keys, Nox Player even comes with a macro function. With this macro function, you can create various automated functions that simply perform various virtual keypresses after you press just a single key. Genymotion. We have yet another Android emulator or Android OS for PC with Genymotion that is a great alternative to both Bluestacks and Nox Player mentioned previously. It is considered as one of the most powerful and versatile Android OS for PC options out there. With Genymotion, you get high definition resolution support so that you can get the same picture quality as you would expect from your smartphone. While this emulator can be used for gaming, it is more ideal for users who wish to test out applications and their performance on Android. You get a secure virtual environment in Genymotion that can be used to run any application of your choice. And with the help of its various monitors, you can check all of the background performance numbers. And being a testing tool, it allows you to record the screen as well as your webcam at the same time with ease. Now that you know about the 12 best Android OS for PC. It's time that you can look forward to downloading one of these and test them for you and checking them by yourself! Conclusion: From the above-mentioned scenario, you can find the best android OS for windows and choose your most favorite one. If we missed any great Android OS for PC , tell us about them in the comments! You can also click here to check out our latest compass app for android for outdoor adventures.