ЧК v -, ; J?, Address: 1 "..-AS WE LEARN TO GO 'ЗЯЙUkrainian Weekly 51-83 Grand Street FORWARD TOGETHER JMy' City, N.J. 07303 AT HOME, LET US New York's Telephone: v'BArelay 7-4125 ALSO SEEK TO GO : Tel.: HEnderaon 4-0237 FORWARD TOGETHER УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОАЕННИК WITH ALL MANKIND..." іиЙЙпІаа National Ass'n U K R A І N І A Г TeX Ї HEnderaon 5-3740 Richard M. Nbcon і fry. "' " і -^ - Uifc– - иаіявххуш Ч. 10 SECTION TWO SvOBODA, THE tmRAtNlAN–WEEKLY, SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 1971 ЦЕНТІВ 20 GENTS No. 10 VOL. LXXVHI

0 Fund-Raising UNA Skyscrapers Area Fenced Off, Digging Begins Si mas Kudirka Case: Ї4 Campaign oi ШІССА President Assures UCCA ; fttSfr: YORK, N.Y The nor labor in this endeavor. WASHINGTON, D. c. - organizations that sent let– ofltce ot the Ukrainian Con– The Executive Board of the President Richard Nixon, in ters of protest to the Preei– gresti Committee of America UCCA extends its heart-felt a letter to Dr. Lev E. Dob– dent. report that'the fund-raising gratitude to all those respon– riansky, assured the Execu– The full text of President campaign for the Ukrainian sible for this successful tlve Board of the Ukrainian Nixon's letter to Dobriansky, Naftoraa Fund in 1970 brought achievement, and especially ; Congress Committee of Ame– dated December 21, is as fdb a ; total! of S95;070.55, which to those who work for the lows: iaHhe1" highest amount collect– UCCA in 40 States of the rica that he has taken steps to make certain that an irtci– eiSt fri'tne past 16 years. Also Union and to those who con- Dear Dr. Dobrbfisk^.' a record "із the sum of $37, tribute to the Ukrainian Fund. dent like that involving for– cible extradition of the Litn– 627.35' tfhich was collected First place in this cam– This Із just a note, to aa^ Іп;,Ш month of December, paign belongs to the Ukrain– uanian sailor Simas Kudirka і "will not happen again." knowledge the telegram взпі 1970 ' alone: ian community of Philadel– by the Executive Board of the The'U^CA further states phia, which collected a total President Nixon acknowl– Ukrainian Congress Commit– that' 2tf communities contri– of 311,564.00, followed by edged the telegram sent by tee of America regarding the butetf^ijWO or more, and 30 the Ukrainian community of the UCCA shortly after the attempted defection of Simife communities from S300.00 to Greater New York, with 310, The smell of fresh lumber and paint exuded lart-week around fenoe along Montgomery Street, with the UNA billboard late November incident off Kudirka. Like the members the area where the UNA skyscraper is being erected. The - . . . ц,,„„ -, „J1? Sl,OMtXid each. 011.00 to its credit. , . . , . ,. .„^„^іT– W-ZZZZl --J o„n–^,.^ attache d to it. TheІп4л4л interior o4f Wto а9лаe area is being graduallA y Martha's vineyard in Massa– of your Board, 1 was shocked earner plot surrounded by Montgomery, Greene and Railroad „ !! Credff for this successful A list of all other commu– chusetts. Simas Kudirka, who" when 1 learned how the de^– campalgh goes above all to nities, which participated in Streets in Jersey City, N.J.. haa been fenced off in preparu– filled by trucks and epulpment of J.L. Musoarelle Company, had jumped aboard the Aras– fection had been handled, and tion for the start of construction. Photo above shows the the building contractor. UCCA Branch presidents and the campaign, as well as their rican cutter valiant and ask– І can assure you that 1 hare fШЙГ cotlectdrs in these com– UCCA leaders, will be pub– ed for^political asylum, was taken steps to make certain munities–, who spared no time lished in the press shortly. forcibly taken away from the that such an incident will not ship by the Soviets. The inci– happen again. І am determia– OUR MISS AT PRESS BALL CONTEST Ukrainian Mathematician ed that America will live up ^ЄШгпик? Sports Club dent aroused indignation and JERSEY C1TY. N.J. - to its proud tradition of guar^ To Chair Society's Parley a series of protests across the Joann Christine Pello, a sta– Has New UNA Branch anteeing the safety of refd– ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. He has taken part in тапд' country. tuesque. brown-eyed, 21-year- DETROIT, Mich. - The field, volleyball, tennis, aki– gees. Prof, volodymyr Bohtm– scientific conferences and in– As a result of inveaUga– old blonde who is a secretary ing. chess, -bowling. Among With my beet wishes to yop Chudyniw, noted Ukrainian ternational congresses of m^' Ukrebfeflff Sports Club "Cher– tion, two high-ranking officers in UNA's recording depart– other outstanding athletes, it and to the members of j the American mathematician, will thematicians, including thoss nyte;"ofue of the most active of the U.S. Coast Guard; as ment here, will represent The has produced three-time Uk– Executive Board, first present a paper and then held in Denmark, Swede^', arid popular on the Ukrainian well as the cutter's captain, Ukrainian Weekly in the j dhair of the sessions at the : rainian national tennis cham– Sincerely. ' England and. most recently, scenet has joined the Ukrain– were suspended. "Miss Ukrainian Press" con- pions, George Korol and Leo Richard Nixon American Mathematical So– France. ian,– National Association fa– Worobkewych. The UCCA was one of manv test to be held in Pbitadel– ciety's annual convention here At the latter congress, held mflvtoy' establishing a branch The new branch, founded phia January 30th in conjuc– Thursday through Sunday, in Nice last September, PrdX of ііаУ^гГ here shortly before through the efforts of UNA Michael Wlocho Editor of tion with the first Ukrainian January 21-24. Bohun-Chudyniw chaired one the ao^f of the .old year. regional organizer and Su– vynnyky. Zvenyhorod^UNJlY press ball there. of the seminare. 'U 1 "Cbernyk' thus becomes the preme Advisor Eugene Repe– By Myron B. Kuropas The ball is being sponsored Program Announced fifth Ukrainian sports club ta, elected Roman Maziar as jointly by the Association of HROMADA TO HOLD 3 CHICAGO, HI. - in 1959. detail. Attractively bound,'the to "hare' established a UNA its first president and Michael Ukrainian Journalists in Ame– The convention's program FiaENDSlUP PARTY- Michael Wloch, a recent im– book has fold-out maps, some branch'.Q'f its own. The others Shumylo аз secretary, it will rica and the World Federation was announced here last wee t migrant to the United States, 50 illustrations, and over 200 NEW YORK - ГЬе New- ,' are :v the' Ukrainian Sports be known as "Chernyk" of Ukrainian Women's Or– by Prof. L. Gillman, secretary became enamored with an photoe, most of which were York City Ukrainian Student Qhth of"'New York, the Lions Branch 110. The center of the ganizations. of the American Mathemnti– j idea — the publication of a published for the first time. Hromada announced here thjs Ukrahiian American Sports branch's activity will be Miss Pello, a resident of cal Society. ! book about vynnyky, - his in terms of scholarship and week'that lt-wiU hold its aeT– Ass be f'a t і о n, the "Lviv" "Chernyk's" own clubhouse Jersey City, N.J., is a third- Prof. Bohun-C h u d у n і v, hometown in Ukraine. interest, the volume compares ond^ friendship - party on Jaa– Spotf^-jBltth of Cleveland, and in Detroit. generation Ukrainian, born in who is highly regarded in thj The idea for such an under- favorably with the best Uk– uary 23rd. the ^CKornomorska Sitch" The club's members, includ– America who speaks the lan– American scientific eircle-j. taking was not hew. Many raihtaaa in the free ; world Joann C. Pello The friendship parties were Sports Association,, of New– u^^jenx-yqjiniu;jeople inters guage p( her ancestors aa. will deliver his paper at the Ukrainian , hjunlgranta^ had have produced. Historical afc started last year ^to репеті. cstedTfrrsports, rtm be found ;fluently as English. She is v convention's opening session dreamed of publishing books tides, most of which Were Hromada members to beoome H^adecr by Yaroelaw Slyw– frequently at its center here, 'graduate of SS. Peter and if there is an extra gleam Thursday. He will chair one about their places of origin. authored by Mr. Wloch) con- better acquainted' "with" eac^ kfc ^MSh?myk" has a fine re– congregating for social func– Paul Ukrainian Catholic in her eyes these days, it is of the sessions during the sec– What better way to preserve tain information about the other and to lnformaRy dis– dQrdfaf sports activity in such tions as well as meetings and school here and of St Domia– a partial reflection from the ond day of meetings. the truth and to pass it on to economy and culture of the cuss the group's activities arl j fields''as soccer, track and other activities. ic's Academy. She has two diamond on j her left ring- The Ukrainian mathemat.– plans. The party'lavgrat^a^ the next generateion, especial– region as well as' ethnogr t– years of Jersey City State finger vfrhere it was placed by clan, who has taught at sev– members. ,' -' ' tfflm iy when official "histories" phic and biographic material College behind her now. ' r Svotioda-s Misses at published in Soviet Ukraine and even a list of those, local Aloxander 1. .Pigol, a young eral American universities, The second friendship' pais Active since childhood in Ukrainian from Woodbridge. ty will be held at NYU Loeo are such blantant fabrica– heroes who perished in lTk–' the Ukrainian community, has authored some 40 scien– Press Balls in U.S. Canada Conn., who is ^currently serv– Student Center etaftlrig ЛІ v:'?;– tions. Few immigrants, how– mine's War of Liberation. Joann is a member of Plast's tific articles in the field of ever, were able to realize their All of Mr. Wloch's ,contri– ing in the U.S. Marine Corps, 8:00 p.m. There will be rer "Cho r t о p ol й k h y" kurin. mathematics since his arrivnl freshmenta and a– -ahort flift dreams.. butlons to the volume are well She and Alex became engaged Among her hobbies, ehe lists in the U.S. some twenty уеагз on last year's HrOmadi ,tttp documented and are based on painting as the most pleasant during the last Christmas ago. to Ukraine. Others Also Austrian, Polish, Ukrainian diversion. She also reads л holidays. references and archival mat– і , ''- great deal in both English "1 am pleased to represent This is not to say that erials. in addition, the book and Ukrahiian. the Weekly, at thie first Uk– Ukrainians in Miami books about Ukrainian cities contains a piece by Yaroslav A young lady with a pleas- rainnlan press ball," said and towns have not been pub– Pasternak, the world-famous ant and congenial personality, Stage Coneert of Musfc, Daneing lished in the free world. They Ukrainian archeologist, bio– Joann, who has been a read– МІАШ, Fla. -Some 300 ator and Mrs. Paul Yuztfk J Joann is as charming in her have. A classic example s graphiee of famous Ukrain– persona! relations as she is er of the paper since her persons, including many who and their daughter vera of "Lviv.'' published by the ians from the region, meni– efficient in her work. school days. came down here to escape Canada, Maria Derkacz of ОІ- Shevchenko Scientific Society oirs, and original literary ef– the winter's icy grip up tawa, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph in commemoration of the forte by wett-known, authors north, were treated to a con- Lesawyer and the UNA Preai– 700th anniversary of the who lived or were born, in the Aliens Must Reg ister in January cert of Ukrainian music and dent's mother, Mrs. Anna Lia– founding of this famous Ш- area of vynnyky, Zvenyho– dancing, staged by Miami's sawyet, who were all epend– rainian city. And that's the rod, and Univ. The Ukrainian WASHINGTON, D. C - "the only exceptions are: Central Committee of Ukrain– lng a short vacatbn in sunny point Such projects are usn– American community can be During the month of January non-citizens in diplomatic sta– ian American Organizations Florida. ally undertaken by largo, justifiably proud of this well- 1971, more than four million tuB, and foreign repres^nta– on Sunday, December 27, at Messrs. Lesawyer and Yu– academically-oriented organi– balanced and attractively ren– non-citizens living in the Unit– tives of international organi– the local Ukrainian American zyk^ as well as their families, zations of which the United zations, not by individuals. dered work. ed States will report their Club. attended the church services But Michael Wloch is no Today, Mr. Wloch, in the States is a member, such as in the morning at the Ukrain– home address to the govem– The featured guest artist lfalyna Kozak Hanusla Lantuch ordinary individual. He was twilight years of his life, lives the United Nations." lan Catholic Church, and ment. during the concert's colorful determined to realize his alone in Chicago. He has it is also repuired that par– called on the pastor, Rev. J. program was Miss Alicia JERSEY CTTY. N.J. - Ha– Temple University majoring dream and to this end he was made an outstanding contri– Under a provision of the ents or guardians of alien Rychkun. in languages. She was a So– Andreadis, noted Ukrainian lypaЛКоЙак, of Philadelphia, willing to contribute Si.000 bution to Ukraine's freedom 1952 immigration and Na– children under 14 and legal Senator Yuzyk and family, yuzivka employee last sum– mezzo-soprano from New and Йяпизіа Lantuch, of To– of his own hard-earned money crusade but his efforts, alas, tionality Act, all aliens ad– guardians of aliens in cuBto– and the Lesawyers also visit– mer and is currently chair- York. ront'o, will represent the Uk– and to devote over ten years have gone largely unnoticed mitted for permanent resi– dial care should fill out ad- ed the Ukrainian Orthod(SJ man of the recently formed Welcoming the local U!t– rainiao daily Svoboda in the of painstaking work. During in our community. dence who have not as yet dress reports for such per– Church and met with the BW UNA youth coordinating com– rainians and the out-ofrtown this period, he was able to A modest man, Mr. Wloch been naturalized and aliens sons. Rev. Mitrate Demetrius jfc СОпЧе^Й" for "Miss Ukrainian mittee in Philadelphia. guests at the opening of the collect some additional mo– is not troubled by this. He iv in the United States tempor– Any alien who is ill may Sawka, pastor, and Mrs. Sa^ Press^ to be staged in con– concert was Stephen Kowal– A graduate of Philadel– ni?s and to include neighbor– content in the knowledge that arily. must fill out an ad- send a friend or relative to ka. Subsequently, a luncheon juncttdft– with the gala pre.ss chuk, the committee's presi– phia's High School for Girls, ing towns in his original pro– his work has been completed dress card at the local United obtain the Address Report was given by the parish aijj balls' in"the two cities. Both dent. Miss Kozak is a talented dan– ject. in 1970. he had com– al last, and that it is a magni– States post office or at the Card (Form 1-53) for him. both Senator Yuzyk and MS events1 will be held Saturday, Miss Andreadis was in fine Lesawyer extended greetingj cer. She was a member of the nleted his book, a momiment– ficent addition to the historio– nearest office of the immigra– After it has been filled out form rendering several oper– on behalf of Soyuz. January 30. Soyuzivka dancing ensemble al 527-page treatise entitled graphy of Ukraine. Still he tion and Naturalization Serv– by the non-citizen, the report r atic arias and Ukrainian com– and is now dancing with the "vynnyky-Zvenyhorod-Un і v should be recognized. A ca d ive and return the card (not card must be sent back to Senator Yuzj'k and UN^S poeitions. Each of her num– fW in U.S. Philadelphia SUMA group. A and villages in the vicinity." from yon, the reader, is a mail it) to the clerk from the issuing clerk. President Lesawyer also тИ bers was greeted warmly by member of the Ukrainian Stu– Few publications can com– start. Mr. Wloch lives at 333 whom received. Aliens who are not in the with Mr. Wasyl PodubynskS 1 the audience. WKU ? the Toronto affair is lent Hromada, Miss Kozak pare witth Mr. Wloch's work N. Centra! Avenue, Chicago. Raymond F. Fairell. Com– U.S. during January must re- secretary of Branch 328 W Miami. Later in the week. МРИ by now' an accepted social also teaches first grade at in terms of workmanship and Пііпоія. missioner of immigration and port their address within 10 The program, arranged by event of the year, the Phila– the Ukrainian" Saturday Naturalization noted that days after return. Mrs. Tatiana Romanyshyn, in. and Mrs. Lesawyer visite^ de!phia1 ball is the first of its school. eluded the following group? Mrs. Podubynsky who wee kind' ever held in the U.S. it At Temple she belongs to Candidate Awarded Doctorate and individual performers: recovering from a recent ibv is: bem'gf sponsored jointly bv the judo club and has recent– KALYNYCH HEADS СПТ СОММПТЕЕ the "Lastivka" ensemble, An– ness. the 'Awbciatton of Ukrainian ly won third place in the east- For Dissertation in Ukrainian !RVINGTON, N.J. - Lubo– other neighborhood improve– drij Demus and his singinr Journalists m America and em women's intercollegiate NEW YORK. N.Y. - A tion of higher learning is sa'd myr Kalynyeh, the Ukrainia.i ments and the properly in- family, the bandura duet of О KLK OUT1NC. the'World Federation of Uk– -ompetition. dissertation written in the to be a precedent setting firjt. architect who last year was tended and planned appear– Warchenko and Y. Romany– AT SOYUZIVKA ralnhor'– Women's Organiza Ukrainian language earned a The committee included the reappointed to irvuigton's ance throughout any street or shyn, the "Chornomortsi" NEW YORK, N.Y. - The ЙопА The site is the audito– J,OYes Acting Ukrainian candidate his doc– following professors: LBzew– planning board, has Ьзеп neighborhood. choir, dnuoer irene Balaban annual winter outing and s^ rfurrf' of St. Josaphat's U^– toral degree at New Yo-k sky, B. Unbegann, Z. Yuriev. named chairman of a special Mr. Kalynyeh, an active humorous monologues by M oral get-together of the Cap–, rai'nfgif Catholic School in Miss Lantuch is a 16-year- University here last Decem– M. FYischak. all of NYU. J. committee to review the city's member of the Ukrainian Kurman and R. Balaban. pathian Ski Club will be ЬеіІ Philadelphia. old high school student m ber. Fizer of Rutgers University, site plans and structures. community, is a graduate of Shortly before the inter- today and tomorrow at So– ; 'W^teie the contest in To– Toronto. Active in the Uk– Semen Pohorilyj defended and G. Kostiuk of the Ukrain– The announcement of Mr. the Min n e s о t a University mission, Mrs. ROmanyshyn in vuzivka, according to Jaroa,v rohto W limited to one entry rainian Orthodox Youth or– successfully his Ukrainian- ian Academy of Arts and Kalynych's appointment to School of Architecture. A troduced Mr. M. Reyes, na– lav Rubel, KLK's president eScrt" frtim each Ukrainian ganization of St. Andrew':; language dissertation on "Un– Sciences in the U.S. Profs. head the committee was made member of numerous Ukrain– tionally known broadcaster A ski outing to the nearby ptibttearfion, the Philadelpha parish ;n Toronto, she also published vynnychenko" be- Unbegaun, Ytiriev and Fizer last December by William P. ian and American professio:i– and commentator. Two Cuba" Mount Cathalia is planned everit Ur unlimited as far as studies ballet with Miss Anna fore an examining committee acted as official "opponents'' Huber, chairman of the ir– al societies, he has recently girls, members of Miami'? for Saturday morning. Skat^ рагиврЙЙоП in the contest is Zavarychin. She plays piano consisting of four NYU pro– of Dr. Pohorilyj's theses ad– vington planning board. designed a spacious auditor– large Cuban colony, perform- ing and tobogganing is also; concerned. By now. some 20 and studies drama. A gradu– fessors and two outside schol– vanced in the dissertation. in accordance with the ium at the SUMA camp site in ed several native sonfs to the oart of the two-day program. youngs lfldies have entered the ate of the Ukrainian school, ars. The oral was held on After a thorough examim– city's zoning ordinance, the Ellenville. N.Y. accompaniment of guitars. 4 dinner-dance will be hell contest, according to the com– ihe works frequently with Wednesday, December 16th. tion of the various asoects of committee "determines thtit One of his hobies is singing, During the intermmio" Saturday ni?ht. тікіЙеЧ l^-'"– children in staging and direct– The accentance of-'a- do'?– the wort, fhe candidate's dis– the proposed site plans ani which he puts to good use is Mr. Kowa'chuk introchic–""' As in nrevious vears, gwsfca– :.M6fcf.a6eak. a 19-year-old ing shows. She hopes for a toral dissertation in UJcraiOJ tortettioar' ЯЖ approved and І structures compare favorably j a member of the "Ambassa– some of the .dtstm^uishad andl. their families are weU tfcmsttib, Л a sophomore at career in acting. ^^^ ian by an American iastitu– he was awarded his doctorate, і with community standards, l dors" male quartet. guests present, including Seu–,. come, vnn SvOBODA, THE UKRATNTAN WEEKLY. SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, lfttt– No. 10

Sometimes, Silence Speaks Better LETTERS TO THE ED1TOR СВОБОДА^УОВОРА Than Words MANOR COLLEGE: A UKRAINIAN SCHOOL More to Cook Book "^TODNDSD 1893 By Nestor M. Bsepecki IN NEED OF UKRAINIAN STUDENTS Than Meets the^Eue BY LEONID POLTAVA AND ОЕОІШЕ B. KBAWCIW Ukrainian newspaper published dally except Sundays, Mondays І find news items often ter– this point about how Kapitsa EDrTOR'S NOTE: The fol– Ь closing, 1 would Jike to it holidays (Saturday A Monday issues combined) by the Ukrain– ribly irritating. Either they has abrogated his responsi Has anyone heard of a Ui^– under the tutelage of the un– lowing is the exchange of add that the technique used lan National Ass'n, ІЯС at Sl-SS Qrand St., Jersey City, N.J. 07303 rainian girls' college here ід tiring Sisters of St. Basil the are so frustratingly brief bilities to the Ukrainian peo views on Ukraine between in editing this publication hhe United States? Yes.' it ex– Great Second Class Postage paid at the Poet Office of Jersey City, N.J. that they tell absolutely noth– pie, or to the human race, to: Dr. M. Kozak and Mr. Richard follows the trend which treats Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage provided for by lsts, operates and graduates its primary goal was en– ing, or they are just long freedom. Some of them may L. Williams of Life-Time this area according to the ou^– Section 1130 of Act of October 8,1)17 - authorized July 31. 19ia young women professionals in visioned to be the education enough to elicit an emotional jump into the name-calling Books. dated thinking of the pvomo– various fields. of young Ukrainian girls in Subscription Rates for the UKRA1N1AN WEEKLY S4.00 per year reaction (often anger) with– game, and then spend hours ters of Russian imperialism, U.N-A– Members ^–ii:„„-„„„–„„„„ S2.50 per year the spirit of their rite and Dear Mr. Edey: out giving enough meat for trying to decide which of the , Manor Junior College, a it is rather disturbing jJiat School for girls is conducted tradition. But the students of Your very impressive look– THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY. Editor: ZENON SNYLYK your mind to mull over, to gamut of epithets they've in these days, whenjthjt-lib– Ukrainian ancestry who en- ing book titled "Russian permit you to arrive at some dreamed up is most appii– by the Sisters of St. Basil the eration struggle against all P.O. Box 346, Jersey City, NJ.D730S rolled were too few. A signifi– Cooking" 1 have read with a sort of rational position on cable. And that's not the Great, it is located some fif– kinds of imperiaJisms ha^ en–. cant change had to be made great deal of interest. І am the matter at hand, either point at all. teen miles outside the city of gulfed the most remote areas EDITORIALS Philadelphia. Quiet andseclud– in the by-Haws' to guarantee certain this publication will condemnation or approbation. We don't know Kapitsa's of this globe, in America vari– ed, it would seem that if there the existence and the further be widely distributed and will motives. Perhaps even lie ous means are being used to were a school of higher learn– development of the college. find many readers. The book Letter of Fourteen doesn't quite know. Perhaps confuse the issues in order to An Auspicious Accomplishment The administration opened was compiled in such a way he really believes that Miss ing in the U.S. where there Elsewhere in this issue of The Ukrainian Weekly college to all girls without that those reading it will not cover up the existence of Rus– І read an item She other Davis is fighting for the are no narcotics problems and regard to ethnic background, only learn about cooking re– eian imperialism which op- there appears a brief report of the Ukrainian Congres.s day. and it managed to get ms "good of humanity" and that no senseless demonstrations, race or religion. And the Sie– cipes, but also will be able presses many nations, from Committee of America regarding the results of the Uk - angry, it concerned a letter she really is trying to make then it would be here at Man– ters insisted that a Ukrainian to form certain opinions about the Baltic to the Black, and sent by fourteen top Soviet progress in the face of ter– or — as the college is called rainian National Fund campaign in 1970. The sum of by its students. spirit be maintained at the the geographic and political Caspian Seas, is there. any scientists to President Ri– rible odds. college. Sister Emelia echoed wonder that many peopjp, ез- $95,000.00. collected in the last year is gratifying, to The clean-lined, modern structure of that particular chard Nixon, regarding the But 1 would like to ask a the attitude of the adminis– pecially young people,iare, los– say the least, because it is a record amount collected buildings of Manor are laid area. For this reason, 1 would fate of Angela Davis, the question. Why did not Kapit tration when she told the ing faith in our press, accus– in the past 16 years, in December, 1970 alone, the cam– out in a large, uncommonly like to take the liberty of ex- black militant and a Commu– ea choose a slightly different "Svoboda" representative: ing it of bias, double standars beautiful area. pressing a few critical re- paign brought a total of 337,000.00. - nist' accused of supplying route, which would have mer– "We all worry about the fu– and promotion of false or weapons to other black mili– The main building, Mother marks about the manner in Of course, if we take into consideration that there ited applause in any circ!r ture of our children. What which this book was edited. misleading informations- tants, weapons subsepuent!y where enlightened free men of Perpetual Help Hall, hous– will happen if we don't pre– One wonders if - they - are are over 2 million Americans of Ukrainian descent in used in the Great California The folder and the two gather, and cost Kapitsa rela– es the chapel, administration serve our rite, our own not right more often "than the United States, this sum is by no means a large one. Shoot-em-up. books attached to it are titled tively little? And that route offices, laboratories, the audi– Church? it is very important we are willing to admit, t torium-gymnasium, class and "Russian Cooking.'' if the But, on the other hand, our people cannot be classified The letter asked the Presl– would have bsen this. to us that Ukrainians stay Sincerely yours, lecture rooms, and the stu– title indicates that cooking із as extremely affluent, and the UCCA fund is not tho dent for safeguards for Miss together, that they retain dents dining hall and lounge. Russian then why does the Michael J. Kozak; -M.D. only target for which collections are being solicited, Davis, it read, in part. "We Brilliant Mind their customs, language and Another building, the Basi– folder and one book so lavish– feel it our duty to safeguard culture. All this ів not only in the past year our Communities were asked to con- leiad, holds administration oi'– ly depict hand-decorated Uk– tribute to such worthy causes as the Ukrainian Studies the right of the individual to Objectively speaking, Ka allowed here but strongly en– rainian easter eggs — an an– pitsa is one of the top mind: 'ices, conference and meeting couraged.'' REPLY Chair at Harvard University, the "Church in Need." for fight for progress, therefore, -ooms and the Thomas More cient art' developed by tho in Soviet nuclear physics, і Despite the measures taken we appeal to you as president Library. The facilities of the Ukrainian people? The Rus– the relief of our suffering brethren in Yugoslavia, and scientist of world stature. Al and the concern shown, the sians have their own art and Dear Mr. Kozak: of the United States to... 16.000-volume library include 4 many other national and local needs, for which hundreds the same time he is not the future of the college is not safeguard the life of Angela a reserve book room, reading it was in rather poor taste only brilliant mind they po.n– as bright as it seems. The Your letter of'December of thousands of dollars were collected. Davis and give her an oppor– rooms, carrels, stack areas, to usurp Ukrainian cultural sees. And this puts him in ,– dorms of Manor, for instance. 6th to Mr. Maitland Edey.,has tunity of continuing her scien– "Діє rare book room and mic– heritage to decorate this pub– What seems to be worthy of special praise in very fortuitous position. Bc– could easily handle 90 girls in been referred to me^-as the tific work.'' romedia. The Josephat Hall lication with such a title. this case is the warm and enthusiastic response of cause. although the. Soviet- separate living quarters. i'm afraid that my word dormitory has everything The book also includes re– Editor of the Foods of,–the would have asked him to sig3 There are only 45 girls in re– World series because not only UCCA fund collectors in several communities, who heed– usage differs radically from necessary for personal com– cipes from non-Russian na– the document, he is too impor– r sidence. The college could ad– Ukrainians, but also Baits and ed the appeal of the UCCA Executive Board and prompt - that employed by the Krem– ort, relaxation and home stu– tions such as Ukrainians, tant to hurt had he refused mit between 300 and 320 stu– Baits and the Caucasians. By some readers from the.,Cau– ly went into action lin. Progress is apparently dies. dents for its two-year course placing under the title "Rus– casue. have questioned „ our synonymous with anarch;.-, At the same time there з re "The Ukrainian Room'' is The successful termination of the UCCA fund-rais– of studies. sian" the culinary art of coverage in "Russian . Cook– ! and scientific work includes enough other Soviet scientists the most enchanting attrac– ing campaign in 1970 also indicates the existence of of world stature, who, by sign– ; Under the supervision of a these people, who inhabit the ing." І am eager tO;jS;nfjwer being an accomplice to mur– tion of Josaphat's Hall. Th s staff concerned with the territories which entnograph:– УОи. J.;„ a great reservoir of goodwill and faith in the right– ing the document, could ma!:e ^ptivating room, with tables der, so long as the victim is cause of safeguarding the Uk– І am sorry, of course, th3t eousness of the Ukrainian cause. Also, it points out it equally impressive. Thus and cabinets carved in the cally do not belong to Rus– either a capitalist, a fascist, rainian heritage and with the Soviets would still have Hutaul style, with its Ukrain– sia, one confuses an impor– you disapprove of our. mclu– that each campaign, including one for the UCCA, neecai or a pig. keeping Ukrainian youth un– a document that satisfied ian ceramics and beautiful tant issue of nationalities of sion of Ukrainian subject solid preparation and organization, which was the case der the guiding wing of the;r The foregoing are three of them as to the weight they icons, has shelves of Ukrain– this area by forming an im– matter in a book titled, "RuS– in the UCCA fund campaign in 1970. today's most common emo– felt it carried, and Kapii-i ian books as well as works own Church,) the college has pression that these people are sian Cooking." Howeyer, it uonally evocative vacuities, so would have registered in other languages about Uk– just about 20 Ukrainian girls. some kind of Russians and would have been a greater lovingly employed by modern 1 through his silence, a firm raine. it was not very pleasant to their territory is Russia. Es– loss to our readers if ,цге had A Farce: Ї7.Л'. on Colonialism revolutionaries of the path - j protest at the missive's con- hear Mr. Michael Kiczula. the tonians. Lithuanians. Lat– left the material out, of, the it is also worthwhile to finance officer, reveal that vians and the peoples of the book entirely, since there has tic. The judge murdered in і tents. His signature missin" mention the superb science Early this week the United States and Great Bri– : wou,d have Manor Junior College oper– California was a victim of ;. been q"ietly noted Caucasus are not even racial– never been any possibility tain had withdrawn officially from the U.N. Committee laboratories and the language ates in the red. it is true that class struggle which Miss Dn– І and remarked upon, ly related to Russians. that we would ever do д book laboratory, where modern this is the case with most col– Ukrainians, on the other on Ukrainian cooking alone. on Colonialism, because it has been transformed, they vis is engaged in, an attempt t ?quipment helps the students leges in the U.S. today, but hand, are best characterized said, into a world arena for Communist agitation against to free those around her, Precarious Position І should add that much of to master Ukrainian, English. $500,000 docs seem a steep by the statement printed ш - so-called "White imperialism." Regrettably, most rep– through her "progressive" і French or Spanish. the disagreement between us figure for such a small inst:– your book. On page 121, :n seems to be a matter" of resentatives from the Asian and African nations have і r iu і AZ,,.„ „„„' 1 And Kapitsa would have Youth concerts, sponsored tution as Manor. The college the chapter "Ukraine - nomenclature. The extension swallowed this Soviet canard hook... line. - and sinker worktern , from the hideous sy3-; . ' itl ., ,. by the Ukrainian Club of had previously received but u– u u„ n, KtlZvi. undergoncomfort, ean littld scoree if d anay blodisw– Breadbasket and S,vgar,BowU'' of the word "Russia" to ,ці-4. which has the North! -J2i J J Manor, are staged occasiona!– ,... without any regard to the "white imperialism" widely American continent by the І one significant subsidy - the following is written: elude all of the Union of So– for truth (or at least wh'it ly and traditional Ukrainian practiced by Moscow upon the captive nations of Eu– throat. we see as truth, and what from the federal government "Like the Russians, the Uk– viet Socialist Republicsг-л like My reaction to that whole religious and national holi– -– for S250,000. But it was rainians are Slavs with a lan– the restriction of the word rope and Asia. men have seen as truth for days are observed in the main line of unreasoning is quite thousands of years, that th2 used, as required, for pur- guage, a literature, a culture "America" to the United But, here, too, Western diplomats in the United unprintable. auditorium, it is not surpr;s– poses of construction. And. cuisine very distinctly and States of America — is a mat– only complete man is a fres ing. therefore, that students Nations who, it seems, only now are beginning to see man). although expanded facilities proudly their own." This re– ter of usage that we have the light, missed many an opportunity to use properly Familiar Name of non-Ukrainian ancestry - do allow for a greater range velation is the best contradic– learned to live with. Our own But perhaps Kapitsa didn't South American, indian. Ja– the power and prerogatives of the said Committee. wish to register that protest. of possibilities, they do not tion to the manner in whicii standard source, for example, But what was equally in– 4 panese. Phillipino - are quite solve the school's financial this book was edited. Webster's Geographical'Dic– A year ago, the Committee issued a declaration on "the Or. just as easily, perhaps h" familiar with such terras as teresting to the letter's con- didn't think of a way. Or per– problems. Also on the same page, is tionary, indicates in its entry right to state independence of the colonial countries tent was one of the signa'.– "Sv і a c h e n e." "v"elykden." it was disheartening to the following statement: on the USSR that the full haps his position is far more "Rizdvo." "Hahilky," and and territories," but none of them deemed it important ures. All signatories were So– precarious than it seems, hear one of the Ukrainian "Despite repeated occupation name is given "often popu– to turn it against Russian communist imperialism and vi"t members of either the many others. As a matter of students say in such well of their land by Mongols. larly, Russia." We ourselves, more delicatelv balanced than fact, a Japanese girl who re– Colonialism, it is true, however, that the U.S. delega– U.S. Academy of Sciences, or we have been led to believe mastered Ukrainian: "We Poles. Lithuanians, Turks and in our Life World. Library the American Academy of rently graduated from the have our Ukrainian Club. We Germans — the Ukrainians have treated all of the Soviet tion to UNESCO protested the program in honor of So let's wait and sec what college learned the Ukrainian Arts and Sciences. he does next time. have our beautiful Ukrainian have kept their independence Union in a book called "jlus– Lenin on the centenary of his birth in 1970, but on the And one name was disturb– language, songs and music. room. But our club has few sia" without objection from Your move. Pyotr. of spirit and their national whole, Soviet-supported Asian and African delegates ingly familar to most Uk– She had mastered the lan– members that know the Uk– traditions.'' Now the question our readers or reviewers, it is in the U.N. had a field day in assailing Western col– rainians. The name of Pyotr piage so well that she now rainlan language. We hope- arises: Why Russia — op– surely true, as you , clearly L. Kapitsa. Ukrainian phys'– writes the Sisters from dis– fully await more: we want :,o pressor with the longest re- feel, that these slippages and onialism, without moving a finger against Soviet tant Japan in Ukrainian. overlaps of geog r a ph.Ге al cist. who returned to the So– BAVE У on BROUGHT stage Ukrainian plays, if you cord was omitted from the Russian oppression and persecution of the captive na– names are unfortunate.,'but viets after the war. І am YOUR PR1END OR After World War П. the could only see how much the list of Ukraine's occupiers? the names are as real ss the tions. frankly surprised that the RELATIVE TO THE Order of St. Basil the Greit students — most of whom are This obviously covers up places they refer to aipid hei– -Therefore, the move of the United States and Great Soviets had the gall to send UKRAINIAN NATIONAL focused its attention on high– not even of Ukrainian descent the fact that Ukraine is oc– this missive. І am perhaps ASSOCIATION't IF NOT. er education. Thus, through — like Ukrainian songs, dan– cupied by Russia and that ther we nor any other pub– Britain in resigning from the U.N. Committee on Colo– lisher use them in a ';urhfmsi– 1PSS surprised that Kapitsa's DO SO AS SOON AS measures initiated in 1917. ces and customs!'' Ukrainians are subjected to nialism should be regarded as an awakening to what cal or arbitrary way.'Let me signature appeared on it. POSSIBLE' Manor, the first Ukrainian How can these problems be cruel Russification as well аз n join with you in tne hope Moscow and its subservient puppets are doing in the There ar many people who junior college, was establish– solved? How can the finan– economic, political and reli– that all of us can user lan– U.N. will doubtlessly moralize at ed and accredited by 1959 (Continned on p. 3) gious oppression. guage with more precision some day. peripheries must be Satisfied bush's church only aggravates Open up your eyes. number of decades and which Christmas or Easter in a Uk– Sincerely, .', was known far beyond the only with the leftovers. the situation. Marusya is answering, A CHRONICLE OF RESISTANCE rainian village has been muti– Richard L. Williams borders of Ukraine (the col- However, the administri– Even nations whose fate Don't bother me, 1 am dead. lated and destroyed, it is even By VALENTYN MOROZ lection of the artist Sahay– tive concept of centralization was more fortunate than ours hard to remember what (The following article was published in English by the dachna in Kosiv). To steal does not coincide with the do not have such pure springs This is an example of "folk Christmas is like. "Smoloskyp" Publishers of Baltimore-Paris. The English there was even easier than concept of culture, is it pos– and mighty bastions for resis– poetry.'' Lately there has translation was prepared by Zirka Hayuk. Mr. Moroz. a from Dovbush's church. To eible, from the artistic point tance as Kosmach. Those that been an attempt to "create ' lecturer in history at the ivano-Frankjvske Pedagogical insti– The creator of History — the people steal from this half-blind of view, to call Kosmach or. do exist are carefully guard– new traditions. This brought tute in the Ukrainian SSR, was recently tried and sentenced are playing domino until sunrise. woman would be possible for 1 for, that matter, Yavoriv or ed because they are not only about word abbrevations and to nine years of hard labor. He was accused by Soviet au– anyone. But not everyone was j Opishne. provincial? These invaluable but also very edu– combinations which became thorities of "anti-Soviet propaganda and agitation," charges Now they want to fill the vacuum with such banalittefe!' able to raise a hand to do so.. are in fact the cultural cen– cational. You can travel wide– more ridiculous as time went which the prosecution was unable to prove at the recent Thus Paradzhanov holds j ters of Ukraine, the fountain– ly in contemporary Ukraine on: "the building of happ:– trial.–Ed.). Shchedryk, shchedryk. shchedrivonky, t - the record. And how many j heads without which Ukrain– and find that the oldest ar– ness." "the holiday of work– (6) the cows have calved, younger brothers has he! Ya– j ian art would suffocate. This, chitectural monuments are ers' spring".,. The art plunderer has al– them." But this is not exactly they have calved on the farm ' - syl Babyuk complained th?.t і in fact, is the deepest part of "tea houses" going back to The "creation" of traditions ways been around. But durihg how it is. The poacher only and the calves have been born. in Kosmach it's almost im– j Ukraine. This is where the 1948, which are plastered on is just as ridiculous as the the period of our mass cul– endears himself to such pc i– possible to find a real "Op– ) artist from Kiev or Lviv can all four sides with grey cem– promotion of "cultural revolu– ture he became a frequent oc– ple as ivan Honchar who We will take care of these calves, ryshky" pistol. Everything j experience what Ukraine real- ent a classical example of tion." They are incompatible curence. Even a special term zealously tries to save valu– to the farmer they're his wealth, has been scattered and no one J ly is. National self-realization Stalin's renaissance! and conflicting phenomena was created for him: "collec– able cultural ralies from bei:i.; to the kolhosp they bring new revenue, has asked: "Will Kosmach re– j without such centers is simply De-Christianization, collee– Culture represents a century– to the people they bring meat and butter toe;.:- і tor-poacher." it is important forgotten and destroyed. The ; main Kosmach, if everything impossible, if one has to find tivization. industrialization, old maturation which is im -; to mention Paradzhanov be– poacher does not like to r?U is stolen from it? Will it not a holy place for a Ukrainian, mass migration from villages possible to speed up. Any cause he is a classical exam- trouble himself by coljectting ("Shchedrivky.'' Kiev. 1068). disappear as an artistic; then it will be in Kosmach into cities — all this counsti– kind of revolutionary inter-t pie of a collector poacher. Fie only bits and pieces. He lovee phenomenon? Will this unusn–' and not in Jerusalem, tuted unmitigated destruction ferance is destructive. You was known to steal everv– to thrive mostly on what his al flower grow if the air) Stealing from holy places of Ukrainian traditional val– cannot create traditions. They This is truly cattle folk– і Hutsul wedding really ia. in wherc... He would borrow an already been collected. P:i– which it breathes is takau 1 has always been punishable, uee, unprecedented in the his– are created by themselves lore. This cow-like image is 1 the contemporary bland, eul– antique object from some radzhanov knew very we;l away?'' it doesn't matter 'f (But up to now, Ukrainians tory of Ukraine. And the cat through the centuries. You seen everywhere. All you ture, the Ukrainian ',!'fjplk– Hutsul "only for a couple that Dovbush's church was the Easter eggs or the em– І have permitted the stealing astrophic results of this have can call everyone to a club- have to do is look at the j lore" is being altered accord– hours" and then would disap– to be turned into a museum. broidery which is produced j of their national relics from yet to become fully apparent, house and announce some grotssque presentations of j ing to every newspaper deci– pear completely. The name The people of Kosmach fell now is taken away from Kos–; their Mecca without any ira– However, even now one can idiotic holiday of pig-tenders. "amateurs" wearing "Ukrain– j sion. The Kherson amateurs Paradzhanov became synony– that the guest from Kiev, mach. But is it necessary to j pri.sals. And in this. ever. - see what an ailing, tired or or milkmaids, instead of East– ian" costumes. You have to j sing the same song as ^the mous with "thief." ("Ah. you with his authority nnd inl! - ganism can produce: er. but it will never become travel a bit in this waste– j C h e r n і h і v singing group, are from Kiev? Why don't ence. would certainly help in . take away Dovbush's eigh'.– one is guilty. The Ukrainian ; a holiday. This creates an– land in order to understand while we passively o'bserve you tell Paradzhanov to re- launching this project pro– een-century iconostasis to of our day, iK'ing made in- Open up blue ocean other kolhosp meeting with the value of such an unspoiled the destruction of ко'впгасп. turn my valuable antique perly. And Paradzanov did j Kiev -. quite valuable and sensitive to his past, cultura!– Open up in half, another booze party to follow, entity as Kosmach. You have a village which has its dis– belt"). Start it "properly": ho stoh ; something Paradzhanov mis– ly devastated, driven to a Hide a maiden with her in order to have a holiday, to see these holidays (wed– tinct face and character^ per– The poacher eyen develops! the main object of the exhibii. 1 sed ? Here one can see a clas– stage of somnambulism, does Paradzhanov also did nol ; sical example of bureaucrat'c not react to destructive blows. Children you have to have an atmos– dings or birthdays) relegated haps the most distinct and a "theory" that valuable ob– into your depth. phere of some spiritual mean– to the level of ordinary drun– the most individual face in all jects disappear and are lost leave with empty hands from j centralization: ever у t h і n g The apathy with which the the already existing museu-n that is really valuable must Ukrainian intelligentsia ae– ing, which takes centuries to ken reveries in order to un– of Ukraine. in various parts of the coun– Marusya, oh Marusya create. The atmosphere ofjderstand what a treasure (To be Continued) try, while "we are saving which had been active for t be located in the center. The J cepted the robbery of Dov– No. 1(1-^. SVOBODA, тав UKRAINIAN WEEKLY, SATURDAY, JANUARY їв, IOTT WWWMI^M-

^?s: 9^ФФФФФ^^0ФФФФФФФ^Ффіффффф^Ф^^0ф^ффф^ффф^^ф^ ^UYMUtrAtf: UKRAINIAN CHRISTMAS: A FEAST OF PEACE AND PLENTY UYL-NA Corner Hundreds of Ukrainian fa– milies, who adhere to the JuT SPQEPS SCENE By WILLIAM M. DANKO Han calendar, celebrated Christmas on January 7th. By Oleh Zwadiuk UYt-NA^ Like all Ukrainian religious holidays, Christmas is filled with age-oid traditions which 1 І ЇОУООФФООООООФ'ФФЯОФФООФОФООФФФФО^ФФЮФ'ФффФїлФ^фффуіуо^ффОь І The Ukrainian Youth League of North America execu– comprise the much cherished ? tive board njet recently at the Jermyn Motor inn in Scran- зри-itual heritage of the Uk– Гои WUi Sot Stem ton, Pa. Reports were given by new president Dan Bobeczkc of Cleveldfcfli O., plus all other board members present, plus rainian people. Anymore. Please!' a report in absentia. in communities through- The youthful Austrian ski instructor looked skeptically out the North American con– President Bobeczko listed the new internal committees, at the two new arrivals and then said, to neither in paru– tinent. the January 7th ob– cular, "you will not stem anymore, please." The next що- and also received the resignation of Sports Director Ec неі-vance of Christmas re– Shewchuk of Syracuse, N.Y. Mr. Walter Bodnar of Newark ment he was half-way down the hUl with the rest of tlie ceived a great deal of publici– class trying frantically to keep up. N.J., also submitted his resignation as "Trendette" editor, ty in American news media. stating he had fulfilled his mission, with his editorial staff, To me and my friend George this morning had been Newspapers, radio, and tele- of special importance, in a moment of abandon the previous of putting" the UYL-NA montnly back on its feet and had vision carried interesting vig– rebuilt the ^subscription and address lists, and wanted tc day, we had asked to be transferred from a lower ski class nettes on the colorful Ukrain– to this one —, generally referred to on the mountain as the give the-new. president the freedom of selecting an editor ian celebration of Christmas. of his choice. Mr. Bobeczko accepted both resignations Ьчі "hdt-Bhots" — and were now faced with the real possibility of being relegated should we fad to keep pace. Oh, the shame requested Mr. Bodnar to continue publishing the "Trendette' UNA Scholarship Student until the next board meeting. of it all. At the start of the ski-week George and 1 had-been A discussion on the 1971 sports rally and convention sitei The St Catherines, Ont, placed in a class — instructed by a girl which seemed ensued anft– it was left open til the next meeting. Mr. Bod– daily Standard — just to a bit slow and not quite up to our abijity. We yearned to nar gave a report submitted from travel agent Frank Labiak' mention one — carried an be part of the top class which we saw only briefly as it of Jacksofi"Heights, N.Y., on the advantages of a 2-week ятріу illustrated article on whizzed by occasionally, leaving behind clouds of snow. Mykola Kobyleckyj tosses a spoonful of kutia to the celling as the family prepares for convention-vacation in London, England, with side trips tc the various customs and tra– "That," we said, "is where we belong!" And that was the traditional Ukrainian Christmas Eve supper in St Catherines, Ont. According to the Paris, Copenhagen, Brussels, Rome, Berlin, etc. The sites ditions of Ukrainian Christ- when we reached the decision to ask tor the transfer. And old Ukrainian custom, if the lptia sticks to the ceiling, the year will be a prosperous commitee was authorized to weigh all offers and choices mas. The article was penned now we were racing down the mountain with complete aban– one for the family. Looking on are, left to right, Mrs. Kobyleckyj, Michael. 8, Marusla, 13, and put forth their recommendations to the board. yy Miss Lesia Knatykiw, a don for life, limb or any kind of style, if. only we could make and Anne, 17. (Photo bv Lesia Hnatykiw) "reshman at the University of the grade, we thought. The 42^0-Syracuse sports rally committee submitted a Ottawa who is studying jour– have done for hundreds of Nature didn't cooperate either. Several inches of new preliminary "financial report, and requested a complete audit nalism on a UNA scholarship. years. snow had covered the mountain overnight and, skiing on of their report by the UYL-NA executive board audit com Miss Hnatykiw also provided "But last evening was for One pi Country's Best powder snow for an Easterner is no easy task, it was -the mittee. Тфе' 1969 Pittsburgh convention financial report wil he paper with photos of Uk– eating. And it began with the CHICAGO, teachers directed by state first time 1 hated snow. George, 1 felt, had similar feelings. be given -ЩІ the next board meeting by past-president Ra;v '-ainian families preparing for in. - vickie traditional 12-dish repast The Miller-Melnyk of East Ley- chairmen. Before the day was half finished, 1 was gratetul for the Karbiwnyk'of Philadelphia, and vice-president Pat Kochirk:i 'he Christmas Eve supper. of Pittsburgh. entire meal was set on a reli– den high school has been cited The nation's schools parti– powder that had cushioned a number of unexpected colli– Miss Hnatykiw reported gioue tone with the various as one of the outstanding cipating nominated almost eions with the mountain, however. The UYL-NA sales manager. Rita Ann Struzinski Oi hat "the Ukrainian Catholic dishes symbolic of Christ and high school students of Eng– 8.000 juniors for the NCTE І recall, with some difficulty, that 1 hit the ground Philadelphia?will compile a list of all UYLeague saleabK Church of SS. Cyril and Meth– his disciples. lish in the country. citation. Of that number, only very close to the tree line about two minutes after we items and will submit a flyer to the "Trendette" and pub– odius and the Ukrainian "Contrary to the universal The National Council of 872 finalists were chosen. started the initial run. І don't think 1 have ever )elt as licity director for advertising same. Financial secretary ^reek-Orthodox Church of St. custom of exchanging gifts Teachers of English has nam– They represent over 600 helpless as 1 did then, unable to get up because of tangled Oxana Lenyk-Bobeczko will send out a flyer to all club: George were packed on Jan– Christmas Day, members of ed her a 1970 national winner schools from 50 states, the skis and deep snow that afforded little solid surface for to join UYL-NA, and will send a list of paid-up UYL-NA mry 6th for midnight serv– Ukrainian families have pre– in its annual achievement pistrict of Columbia, and bracing. The class meanwhile, including George, disappeared ices and on Christmas day for member clubs to tho "Trendette" editor for listing in future viously received their gifts on awards competition. American preparatory schools around the bend. "That is it,'' 1 thought. 'he traditional liturnry'–'' ' issues. the feast of St Nicholas, De– Last Spring a committee of abroad. І saw myself finally getting down that mountain, being "Later today." the story Under old business, past outstanding bills were dis cember 19th." English teachers from the in announcing the winners, approached by the instructor and. with a subdued but full– ?oes on, "the children will Miss Hnatykiw's article я1- high school nominated vickie Robert F. Hogan, Executive oi-meaning voice, being told that 1 was not yet ready to cussed and after some debate, the business was tabled, an; mrol from house to house, so explained many other Uk– to represent East Leyden Secretary of the National be a member of the hot-shots. "You will try next season, the meeting was adjourned. just a.s Ukrainians and others rainian customs observed at High School in the competi– Council of Teachers of Eng– please," 1 heard him say. The UYL-NA Foundation meeting was held after tlv. following the Eastern rite Christmastime. Uon. With that possibility in mind, 1 got myself up and UYL-NA'-meeting, and a lengthy discussion was held on the lish, said that the Counci: The school was allotted one recommends these students, went down that hill to where the class was waiting. Seeing future operations of the Foundation, including the .selection Manor College... entry from the junior class a quizzical look on the instructor's face, 1 pointed assuredly of new officers. The next board meeting will see the new now seniors, for college schol– (Concluded from p^ 2) for every 500 students in the arships in 1971, should they to my boots and said "bindings let go," as if that was the officers elected for 1971. total school enrollment, ac– see be increased and more Uk dox, Jewish and Moslem stu– peed such assistance. The most natural thing to have happened. He shook his head and ainian students attracted? cording to Miss Ruth Stickle, my pride was saved. The UYL-NA and its cultural arm, the UYL-NA Founda– dehts. The costs for one year names of these students arc Perhaps this would not be as the English department chair– Before the day was over. І had picked myself up sev– tion, will, Jqoto their next executive board meeting at tht of study is 52,400, including sent to every college and uni– hard as it seems if the Uk– room and board. Thus, the hmn. ггаї times and saw George disappear in a cloud of snow as Townehouse .Motor inn on ML Hope Avenue (Route 151 versity admissions officer anc in Rochester, N.Y. on Saturday. January 23, 1971 at 1 p.m. :-ainian community would pay two-year program costs After nomination each stu– he came down. Being much taller, George has a greater dis– Tiore attention to the school. roughly S5.000. if the student dent submitted samples of his English department chairman tance to cover on the way down and at the same time he All boa.nd members are requested to travel togethei Phere is no need for a fund- commutes to the college, the best writing, including an au– tn the country, in previous creates the impression that a mere mortal could not sur– from their^. respective areas and attend, as many important raising drive. tuition including library anJ tobiographical sketcn; com– years 99 percent of the v^ive a similar thud. matters, including the 1971 sports rally and convention it would only be necessary laboratory as well as other pleted two standardized ex– awards winners entered the On several occasions 1 also" saw the best skier in the will be discussed. '.hat Ukrainian parents be– fees, amounts to 51.200 c aminations on general Eng– college of their choice. Ap– class, a boy of about 19, take solid falls which made most Anyone wishing to receive a full-year's subscription tc :omc aware that a Ukrainian year. knowledge and skills and proximately 80 per cent oi of us feel fairly good. For some reason, however, he would the mbnthiy ''Trendette-' can do so by sending a check oi allege exists and that they Manor Junior College, fur– t literary awareness; and those applying for scholar- always fall near the instructor and often take him down money-order, .for..52„to.-Editor Walter Bodnar, 414 South -at–. least consider the possi– thermore. has 512,000 antmfty wrote a one–hour impromptu ships received them. л-ith him. ' . - 10th Street, Newark, N.J. 07103. We alsa welcome any anc bility of sending their daught– available in scholarship funds essay. These materials were vickie. an active student, is Near the end of the class, on our last run, we stopped all news fCem"s. 'Г8 there. Everybody stands for outstanding students who evaluated and scored by sta'e a member of UNA Branch not far from our previous class. The girl ski instructor to benefit from greater en– need financial aid. Scholar- judging teams of highly quali– asked our Austrian, "how are they doing?'' Before he-nn– 221. -ollment of Ukrainian girls at ships may also be obtained fied college and high school swered, which seemed a long time. І stopped breathing, Ukrainian, Briefs: Manor. The girls can obtain from other sources. but then 1 heard George say in a loud and cloar;yoice: "v.c both professional training and Likes Film Review graduated." The final 8 teams to make up the NFL "Super-Bowl' There are two main pro- і worthwhile upbringing in grams of study at Manor. The Dear Sir: і same time displaying a good it was over. We made it. We were the hot-shots of football sweepstakes had a sprinkling of Ukrainians on then he Ukrainian spirit which ifi tAs a reader 1 must express ' deal of sensitivity towards rosters. The , my personal choice as tht Liberal Arts program offers the mountain. What the instructor answered. І found out ndispensible to the preserva– Associate in Arts degrees my appreciation to you for j the feelings of the pioneering later, was that we were OK, except for some "binding eventual tluper Bowl winner (so mortgage the house and 'ion of our heritage. publishing Danile Shenko's : filmmakers and the Ukrainian bet on Baltimore), have tight-end (6:3"-225, with concentrations in chem– trouble." And more students would istry, education, early child- feview of the Canukr-produc– j community as a whole. She and George Andrie (6:6"-260). The Baltimon ed film "1 Shall Never Fo And that is how it came about that on that Wednesday help solve the financial prob– hood education, English, lan– '" "' " "' " gave us a constructive essay Colts have -backfield coach Dick Bielski. whose maternal and managed to avoid the morning, a week before Christmas, on top of mountain lems of Manor Junior Col– guages, library assistant and get." (The Ukrainian Weekly grandparents were active ш Ukrainian fraternal circles in Jan. 2, 1971). pitfall of malice. in vermont. І felt like a schoolboy once again. І couldn't lege. social science. wait for the two of us to get down the mountain,and meet Baltimore^ecmie years ago and who was honored as "out- The well trained and ex– For a number of reasons This was the first time th;'.t The Secretarial Science pro- our wives. І knew we would atmt like a couple of peacocks. standing Ukrainian college athlete" by UYL-NA in 1955 perienced sisters of the col– reviewing this particular film J have come across Dani!e gram offers Associate in Sci– When asked hov it "was up there. І knew we would say, Running back Sam Havrilak wrote us that he is "Russian lege make every effort to was no easy task, but Danile j Shenko's by-line, but 1 do pnee degrees in the general , "not bad. Not bad at all."^^^^^^^ Orthodox from Monessen. Pa. make the girls of Manor be– Shenko came through admir– hope we'll еге more of her executive, legal and medical ably. She produced a knowl– pieces in the future, The Cincinnati Bengals had defensive Steve Cho– ome well educated citizens fields as well as in business edgeable and balanced piejo R.L. Chomink lJCCA Washington Sews myszak ('(T:5^-265), a lad from Johnson City, N.Y. who Ііаь of this country and worth- administration. Such gradu– Of film criticism while at the '^^^^ New York City Ф The Moscow periodical international Affairs was just a tremendous appetite for food and for opposing quarter- while members of the Ukrain– ates have every opportunity received in Washington and contains an article blastig Cap– backs. The'– Miami Dolphins had John Stofa ian community. The college to find well paying jobs, since Readers voice views tive Nations Week and the UCCA President in particular. (6:3"-215) and fullback Larry Csonka (6:3"-235) The Sai. has a distinguished staff: the their general education and 7 (Following are letters of our readers written to other pub– Francisco 49 ers had tight-end Ted Kwalick (6:3"-230), while courses are taught by sisters their high level of culture The article on "US Anti-Communism," written by A. Borisov the Minnesota vikings had cornerback Ed Sharockman (6:0" with the highest academic gives them an edge over gra– lications on matters of concern to Ukrainians). in the November 1970 issue, presents a lengthy, scathing qualifications, and by invited attack against the Week and sharply criticizes Dr. Dobrian– 200) and offensive tackle Ron Yary (6:6"-260). duates of the more limited, MOSCOW'S PROBLEMS scholars and professionals. strictly professional schools. Tell it All зку and also his book on "The vulnerable Russians." The au– The Grey Cup winners, symbolic of the championship But again, the extent to Editor, Paterson News: Mr. Harry Schwartz thor of this vindictive scrawl literally falls over himself, at– of the Canadian Football League, were the Montreal Alouet– "We urge that Ukrainian tempting to.prove that the Soviet Union is invulnerable in which the Ukrainian spirit Reading The Newe on Dec. New York Times tcs, who had All-League wide receiver Terry Evanshen. can prevail at the school de– parents find time to visit this New York, N.Y. the national spirit.' writes Borisov. He in part continue^ 20 1 thought to myself: Two Ukrainian coaches recently made the sports headlines. pends largely on the parents institution, and. eventually, to Dear Mr. Schwartz: "This preacher of fascist ideology, repeating the hackneyed They were John Mazur, who made the 1949-50-51 "All Uk– of the Ukrainian community, make Manor the place of "What wonderful coverage of We are most happy to write propaganda theses of Goebbels' ministry, openly advocates a rainian" college grid teams compiled by my late father, for miracles cannot be ex– higher learning for their the Jews' trial in Russia. 1 to you and to congratulate preventive war against tho USSR.. The American ultras^ while quarterbacking Notre Dame U., and Jim valek. whe pected with 20 Ukrainian daughters," said one of the marveled at the littlest de- you on your fine article that wasted По time in latching on to Pobrisnskv's book." Sisters. made the"405Z-3-4 "All-Ukrainian" college grid teams whik girls. tails and the gigantic head- was published on December 9 Following the news of the forced repartriation of playing encTfor illinois U. Mazur. from Simpson, Pa. (Near Girls who have completed The invitation is not only lines. 2K. 1970 entitled. "Moscow's the Lithuanian sailor, Simas Kudirka. on November 23, the Wilkes Вагф), was hired as an interim coach at mid-season their high school education extended by the administra– Problems.'' it is our long-time UCCA President urged numerous Congressmen to express for the Boston Patriots of the AFC, and was re-hired for with good grades and an out- tion but also by the Ukrain– But sir, why don't they tell wish, as you so well illustrat– their indignation over this incredible incident and pressed a one yeajr.period at the end of the recent regular playing standing record of behavior ian studente who are always it all, as it really is? Russia ed, that Ukraine achieves at „both the White House and the Republican National Com– season. Кщ Цат will draft first (probably Jim Plunkett o! are the very ones sought by happy to -greet Ukrainian has so many satellites which "genuine independence'' and mittee for constructive action in the matter. The case is Stanford ,U.J, and may trade for Ted Kwalick of San Fran– the administration. They may visitors, young and old, on are all unwilling to be under not "colonial statue." being probed, and the discloures are being being followed cisco plus^janother end or lineman. Уаіек made news when 1 the premises of their Alma be of any religious perstttP their control. Why don't they it is our observation that closely before the next step beyond initial protest is taken. he was summarily fired at mid-season and his football squad tion: the college has Ortho– Mater. tell the people of the free '.he plight of Ukraine and its 0 On November 25, Congressman Edward J. Derwinski went on a,. sAt-down strike, en-masse, thereby forcing the manifest desires for free– of illinois introduced into the Congressional Record an ap– world all about those millions illinois U. trustees to keep season's end, at which point he dom and independence have propriately timed article on "The Genocide Convention.", was re–fired.' Why be on the outside? Join the of Ukrainians, unjustly put been kept hidden too long Written by the UCCA President and published in the autumn The 36th annual compilation of the "Ukrainian All on trial, then sentenced to from the American public by issue of The Ukrainian Quarterly, copies of the Record have American ^ Team" is being prepared right MT k r ainian National Assrn amideath , simply because they the mass media. Recently, for been brought to the attention of Senators considering the now. if any'readers know of any Ukrainian or part-Ukram– wanted freedom for their own ?xample. a great Ukrainiaa ratification of the treaty. ian college football players, please send any information to: read -The lkrainian Weekly" country? Hundreds of mil- writer valentyn Moroz. was 9 The forthcoming now book by Dr. Dobriansky on Л1 Dankoj^Q Cator Avenue. Jersey City. N.J. 07305. lions of people are ruthlessly arrested and sentenced to "U.S.A. and the Soviet Myth" is receiving advance publicity.. nine years of hard labor. The December 1 issue of the National Review mentions it being persecuted by the Com– Seemingly nothing was heard and "how to think about current Russian imperialism." The tministic Russian empire. about this matter. Presently. importfint Publishers Weekly of November 30 also describes TRAVEL TO UKRAINE MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR Why don't we ever hear we are hoping that through it in part as providing a "realistic analysis of the population Full Program of Departures to: about all this? is it because your example these valiant of the USSR with particular attention to Ukraine." WANTED this struggle for freedom has deeds will be exposed so that Ф Scores of responses have been received to the UCCA WESTERN EUROPE AND UKRAJNE been going on for so long for the freeworld becomes respon– President's congratulatory messages to victors in the recent Those wishing to" visit FAMll-lES or be an iNDiviDUAL that it's old news? is it all sive to said acts of injustice, election. Congressman Buchanan of Alabama, for example. TOUR1ST, must apply at least six months before departure SOYUZIVKA being taken for granted? І it is indicative thai your out- writes "Thank you, too, for your continued work on behalf ffir reservations, confirmation and visa. Ukrainian National Association Estate ion't think so. Any high standing artir'– lid well to of the captive nations. You may rest assured that 1 shall Kerhonkson, New York зсіїооі student, such as my– IMMIGRATION SPECIALIST 9 arouse a genuine interest, continue to do all that 1 can on their behalf, as well." Sen– iWust have building repair and maintenance c.x– j?lf. can see this. Who are We prepare all necessary documents for the USA and with the ho^ that such mat– ator Hugh Scott says "You may be sure of my best efforts perience. they afraid of? USSR authoritiew to bring your relatives for PERMANENT ters will continue to be ex– in the futre." Senator Henry M. Jackson states, "it was RES1DENCE or a viSlT to the USA. " Permanent position with attractive salary and it just isn't fair. poeed. terribly kind and thoughtful of you to send such a wonder– other benefits including pension. Chris Hryca For further information — write or call Beet of wishes. ful message." Governor Williams of Arizona writes, "As "we Apply: Paterson, N.J. Petro Dlachenko have in the past, we will work together in the future." CAPITOL TRAVEL UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, INC. Governor Rockefeller of New York says'T assure you that (Miss Hryca is a 15-year- Cn– chairman 830 South Broad St. Trpnton, NJ. 08611 81-83 Grand Street Jersey City, N.J. 07303 І shall continue to cooperate with you with regard to Cap– old student and a member of Ukrainian Student Political (609) 599-ЯЯЯ2 or 599-4533 j (201) 435-8740 (212) 227-5337 tive Nations Week " And there are dozens of others. Ш suiiAt; Science Ass'n SvOBODA, TUB TTKRATN1AN WEEKLY, SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 197Ї ;iNo. Ш. УКРАЇНСЬКЕ ІСТОРИЧНЕ ТОВАРИСТВО miMtiuiuiutMttv^Mmwmuuuuuutmut.Miiv.LULUuiutMttu^tt^u(iiMut^t^ ажгиспге Хігічгііііїічмічгігічімігііігчгчіг1гггігтлггтіа^і,тіЧггггтт Любомнр Винар )лександер До.мбровськнй З ДІЯЛЬНОСТИ УГГ УКРАЇНСЬКЕ ІСТОРИЧНЕ ТОВАРИСТВО І РОЗВИТОК „УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ІСТОРИЧНИЙ ЖУРНАЛ" УКРАЇНСЬКОЇ ІСТОРІОГРАФІЇ І ^.УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ІСТОРИК" ВІДДІЛИ УІТ рідної.історії може н Новому Році стати переяплатнином біжучої історичної бібліо- університетах. Це помилко^ вдасться цю ділянку ожн- (Пооівняння й висновки; Кожна установа проходить У. L або скластя добровіль- Українське Історичне То- на, протязі свого існування вариство постало в березні графії, яка буде появлятися ве твердження, яке не ви- вити. Сучасна українська^ icro– лення з історігчним шляхом ний даток. Для улегшення періодично. Крім того за- тримус жадної критики у Під кінець кілька слів рнчна наука має два зовсім українського народу переко- окремі етапи розвитку. Ук- цієї справи на іншому місці 1965 року з основним зав- раїнське Історичне Товарнст. данням об'єднати розпоро- пляновано цілу низку моно- світлі статистичних даних. про українську історіогра- різні обличчя. Поневолена нує в правоті і неперемож- ДОЛучусМО ОКреМИЙ ЛНСТОК- графічних історичних дослі- В Канаді і Америці навчає фію на Рідних Землях, і к- ла. Рідних Землях, вона с Ності великої справи кому- во з успіхом пройшло свій шені сили українських icro– перший організаційний етап, замовлення на „Українськс- рнків І ДОСЛІДНИКІВ ДОПОМІЖ- джень в українській і анг- на університетах понад дві- раінська історична наука й іаснльно втиснена в вуль- нізму... На сторінках вндан- го Історика". -- історики в Україні мусять лірні рямці марксизму-лені' яя буде розкрито роль Ві. що позначився зростам інди- аих історичних наук та при- лійських мовах. До речі сті українських професорів, відуального членства Това- чинитися до пожвавлення в справах англомовних ви- багато з них мас за собою придержуватися в своїх до- нізму, надмірно соціологізо. Леніна... як ОСНОВОПОЛОЖНИ- Членство.УІТ.1 слідженнях партійної лінії і зана при нігілістичному ста- ка теорії і практики соціялі- риства. Беручи до уваги да- історичних дослідів лоза Ук- дань маємо договорення з поважний науковий доробок, льші завдання УІТ, виріше- тому багато їхніх праць мас зленні до історичної правди стичного будівництва, за- Нзсьогодні Ур? у об'єднує раїною. Треба сказати, що американськими вндавннцт. деякі займають важливі ад- но також оформити окремі новопостале Товариство ма- вами — так, що розповсю- міністративні позиції в на- політично - пропагандивний і-а запряжена до воза мос- сновннка і керівника кому- 185 членів. В основі є дві характер. Деякі історичні ховського імперіалізму й ністнчної партії першої в відділи - клітини УГГ в міс- категорії членства: звичайні ло вже певну базу — „Ук- дження тих видань по кана- уковнх організаціях і уні- цевостях, де пepeб^'взють на- раїнського Історика", який дійськнх, американських і верситетах. Вистачить тіль- періоди української історії щовінізму, що криється за- світі держави робітників і члени - до цієї категорії на- ними не досліджуються. Тут ласковано під плащиком ко- Селян. Автори на великому ші члени, які мають можли- лежать науковці'які актнв- появлявся з грудня 1963 ро- і європейських університет- ки заглянути до солідного вість зорганізувати окремі ку. Крім того ініціатори УГГ ських і інших бібліотеках є біографічного довідника і в першу чергу треба згадати мунізму. Віддзеркаленням фактичному матеріялі пока- но працюють і до^,іджукугь взяли до уваги аматорів ук- запевнене. На окрему згад- побачимо цілу низку укра- українське середньовіччя, лезавидного стану jrTtpalH– жуть, як під керівництвом ВІДДІЛІ!. історію У країни,, а також до- раїнської історії, які до того ку заслуговує також пляну- їнськнх вчених, які дають яке є у великій мірі доме- а.кої історичної науки в у- ленінської партії трудящі У- Перший відділ УГГ постав поміжні історкчйі яаукн. вання публікації „Словника свій вклад у славістику. В ною дослідів російських іс- ловах нідсовсгської дійсно- країнн здійснили свою запо- в Денвері, 10 жовтня 1970 р. Другу категорію становлять часу організаційно не були лн являється публікований Управа УГГ в Денвері скла- пов'язані з жадною устано- української історії". Як ба- Европі маємо також Укра- ториків. Проте, не зважаю- вітну мрію про створення члени - прихильники; які є чимо, за цих коротких п'ять їнськнй Вільний Універси- чи на політичні утиски і щомісяця в Києві „УкраІн- суверенної (?!!! - О.Д.) дається з таких осіб: голова любителями української іс- вою, але активно цікавилися Л.КИЙ Історичний Журнал" Української Радянської дер- — проф. Богдан Винар, заст. історією України. Сьогодні з років УІТ зуміло твердо ста- тет і Український Католиць. шантажі час до часу в Ук- торії. Річка членська вклад-. раіні появляються цінні пра- - орган Інституту Історії жави". голови д-р Євген Петрівсь- ка виносить 12 ^ол, і вклю- перспективи п'ятилітньої ді- ти на ,зидавннчо-науковий" кий Університет, які вида- Академії Наук УРСР, Інсти. кий, секретар - скарбник — яльностн можна зробити пе- ґрунт. ють поважні наукові вндан- ці, звичайно з відповідною Далі Скаба аргументує час перед плату ,',Уі^аїясьДО7 даниною сучасному режнмо- гут Історії Партії ЦК КПУ- інж. Л. Биковський. Вільні вні підсумки праці УГГ, а ня. Отже є в нас значні сили доцільність такого видання: го Історика" і „Бюлетеню Не занедбано також спів- ві. На нашу думку праці на- чраїни — Філіялу Інституту — „Створення фуядамен- члени Управи: паш Марія УГГ". Докладніші інформації також намітити в загальних праці з американськими на- — але немає потрібної спів- Марксизму - Ленінізму при Галун Блох, мгр. Р. Кузь- праці і координації науко- ших істориків поза межами тальної праці з історії Ук- можна одержати від Секре- рисах плян нашої праці в уковими установами. В пер- України мають значний ЦК КПРС. Отже подана на мич. Відділ УГГ в Денвері 1970-их роках. аоі діяльности. раїнської РСР матиме вели- таря УІТ. Просимо, писати на шу чергу скріплено співпра- вплив на курс сучасної со- лершій сторінці виказка ке політичне значення, бо... буде господарем першої кон- адресу Редакції „Українсь- Ми уважаємо великим ус- цю із славістичною асоціяці- Для ілюстрації наведемо встської української історіо- УІЖ представляє його нау- різко загострюється ідеоло- ференції УГГ на форумі річ- кого Історика". піхом УІТ під організацій- сю (АААСС) так, що в бе- кілька прикладів. Багато графії і викликують відпо- хово-ідеолОгічне обличчя. гічна боротьба, дедалі біль- ного з'їзду АААСС. Крім то- ним оглядом приєднання до резні 1971 року відбудеться українців нарікає, що в аме- відннй (рермент і реакцію. Як усі пропагандивні пуб- ше буржуазні та буржуазно, го постали інщіятивні групи Пожертва Спілки співпраці представників різ- на форумі річного з'їзду рнканських університетах Через невідрадне становище аікаціь так і УГЖ є призна- націоналістичні автори уда- в таких місцевостях — Монт. Українських Журналістів них генерацій українських АААСС конференція УІТ, а назагал прийнята російська української історичної нау- чений переді'сім до відзва- ються до фальсифікації істо- реаль (д-р Марко Антоцо- в Канаді' істориків і дослідників ДОПО- також виставка історичних схема історії Східньої Евро- ки в Україні, перед украш- чування різних роковин, ,,со. рії українського народу". внч), Оттава (проф. В. Ки- МІЖНИХ ІСТОРИЧНИХ ДНСЦИП- видань, присвячених Украї- пи. За вшіняткамн декіль- ськими істориками у віль- діялістичних досягнень" і сілевський), Торонто (мгр. В. З приємністю і щирою ло- ні, а в 1972 році в Тексасі Обговорюючи розміщення дякою відчуваємо щедрий лін. На тому місце не буде- кох універснтетін, це твер- ному світі стоїть подвійний Іpocлaвv^ювaння совстських історичного матеріалу, він Верига), Огайо (проф. Л. ми згадувати про різні nepe– УІТ вже мас обіцяну окрему дження відповідає правді. обов'язок — творити НОВІ ідолів крикливими статтями Винар). -щток СУЖ-у в Канаді в су- відкриту сесію присвячену без заїкання каже: „Цент- мі 750 дол. на видання Ук- шкоди в ранніх роках існу- Назагал американська нау- вартості, а заразом слідку- типу партагітки. ральне місце в 1-ому томі по- В міжчасі оформилося ок- ванни УГГ. які були зумов- історії України. Тепер роб- кова опінія була під впли- ватн і виправляти та допив Рік 1970 - був роком Ле- раїнської Історичної Бібліо- ляться старання нав'язати сяде історія Київської Русі, реме Представництво УГГ в вом праць російських історн- нювати праці совстських іс- ніна. Тому тематика статтей графії. Ця дотація допоможе Ьіені головно помилковою, а співпрацю з Американським яка є спільною колискою Австралії в наступному скла. значно приспішнти кінцеве часом тенденційною інтер. ків і тому американські істо- горнків. у УІЖ в тому році була май- трьох братніх народів: ро- ді: інж. Пилип Грій - голо- Історичним Товариством й рики ігнорували або у бага- Бнх-отовленкя цьоро потріб- претацісю цілей і напрям- іншими науковими устано- Те саме відноситься до же тотально присвячена Ле- еійського, українського та ва, д-р Лев Зозуля — секре- ного дослідннкаІі fij^ro друк. ні:х праці Товариства серед гьох випадках негативно на- праць європейських і амерн- чінові: значення Леніна в 5ілоруського". Як бачимо з тар й інж. О. Теодоровнч — вами. Участь українських світлювалн український іс- СУ Ж в Канаді може стати певних кіл українських на- вчених в наукових конфе- канськнх дослідників, які політиці, суспільстві, ЄКОНО- того, „російський братній скарбник. прнкл?дом розудивня цраці уковців. Сьогодні з присмні- торичннй процес. Цього ста- прийняли російську схемі' мії, науці, філософії, мнсте- нарід" є тут на першому міс- ренціях з доповідями прп- ну не вдасться змінити доки УГГ. Тому ще раз щігро дя- стю можна зазначити, що ті свяченнмн історичній тема- історії. Українські історики цтві і т.д. і т.д. Автори по- ці, коли Йде про право до кусмо. Віримо, шр шші увта- люди, які в початках нашої на полицях університетських повинні звернути також ува- одітокнх статтей переліци. Київської Руси. Скаба про- Потрібна допомога україн- гиці України — це справа бібліотек не появляться ського громадянства новн підуть шлхфщ СУЖ-У діяльності зайняли неґатив- першорядної ваги — тому гу на вивчення закордонних гов^алися в пеанах на понус, щоб історія України фундаментальні історичні і допоможуть ням.',ареалізу- не або невтральне становн- УГГ надає цін справі особли- джерел до історії України.' честь Леніна. Бракувало „дожовтневої доби", тобто До Управи УГГ приходять вати цілу низку задумія. ще до новопосталого товари- вої уваги. праці з історії України, зо- Наше перебування в різних тільки, шоб якийсь „наш" згд камінної епохи до рево- інколи листи із запитом про Для інформації подаємо; едо ства -- згодом стали його крема в англійській мові. І європейських державах і А- Гнучкошиєнко дослідив, скі- люції в Росії мала п'ять то- можливості допомоги в на- віщання ретроспертив н о г о членами. УІТ від самого по- Тепер кілька думок відно- гут не йдеться лише про мернці дає нагоду безпосе' іьки разів Ленін пчихнув і мів, а історія підсовстської шій праці.Тепер бажаємо ко. ?но дальшого розвитку ук- бібліографічного^ - довідника чатку співпрацювало з ук- „причинки"' або передрукн редньо вивчати архівні ма- іке капітальне значення ма- України за 50 років існуван- ротко обговорити це важливе хоштуватиме біля 2 500 - раїнськимн науковими уста- раїнської історіографії поза лотрібннх старших видань. геріялн. ю це на, скажімо . .. розвн. ня також п'ять томів. От і питання. Українська грома- межами України. На нашу З 000 дол. новамн, уважаючи, що пев- Ідеться про фундаментальні Друге важливе завдання гок революційної думки тру- :праведлнвнй та пропорцій- да й українські установи в на координація наукової думку, дальший розвиток студії, які були б приступні іящих України. Червона Мо- -гай розподіл історичного ма- ЗСА і Канаді можуть і по- буде, зумовлений гармоній- це впорядкування терміно- Видання останньої праці праці причиниться до кра- американським викладачам логії, що відноситься ДО ІС- ;ква витискає з „квітучої ра- геріялу! Стаття Скаби на- вннні допомогти в праці УІТ. щого стану українознавчих аою L конкретною співпра- і студентам". Звичайно деякі дянської Україші" кров і ос- глядно ілюструє напрямні Тут треба в першу чергу п:д- проф. Ярослава Пастеркака цею між украінсьхими нау- горІЇ Східньої Европи. XaO– наук у вільному світі. американські' вчені мають гична і неправильна термін гаині соки, а в рекомпенса- поневоленої" історичної нау- креслити потребу збільшен- До друку підготовляотЦя Проте головну увагу звер- ковимн установами й oce– до деякої міри опановану у- гу за те підсуває її вели- ки В" сучасній Україні. Так ня передплатників „Україн- редками при американських, нологія у працях америкаН- остання праця бл.-П. проф. нено на наукову видавничу країнську мову і можуть кс- ^ьких і європейських історя- :одушно ідо^юпоклонннй виглядає в дуже загальному ського Історнка" — це одна д-ра Ярослава Ше^ернанае я. діяльність. В першу чергу кацадійськнх і європейських ристуватися українськими :ульт „Владіміра Гіліча". насвітленні поневолена на з найважливіших справ. Рі- університетах, в яких є пев- ків щодо України безпосе- г. „Ранні слов'яни -в lOTOJwri– треба відмітити появу нашо- науковими працями. Але це редньо впливає на фальши Іа підставі тематики стат- Рідних Землях історична на- чна передплата винос ить 41LX та археологічних дісл^Д- на програма українознав- вийнятий, а нам ідеться про ей і дописів у УІЖ можна ука й репрезентуючий її всього 10 дол. річно і ми ві- го одинокого історичного чнх дослідів і студій. Сьо- зе висвітлення українського жениях", яку перчйалят^ділі журналу поза межами Укра- загал, про загальну амери- історичного процесу В їхніх і дійти до висновку, що іс- „Український Історичний рігмо, що є багато любителів УГГ пані М. riacrepaa^ia^– годні' жадний науковий oce– 4 їни — „Українського Істо- канську наукову опінію що- працях. Вже давніше ми су " :орія України почалася що- Журнал", який стоїть всеці- історії, які можуть передпла. ясграфія Покійного лвяяоть- редок, активна одиниця, яка до української історії. І тут іно ... від „Жовтневої Рево- ло на службі чужих, крайнє тнти наш журнал і тим са- рика". На 1610 сторінках плянус і бажає причинитися герували думку, що цією ся цінним досгіщжібння^,іетг виникає основне питання справою повинен зайнятися тюції". Все, що було перед ворожих Україні і її історич- мнм причинитися до його ногенезн слов'янських ,aapQ– нашого журналу до кінця до розвитку українознавчих ній правді сил. 1970 року, появилася ціла (пріоритету англомовних Гарвардський комітет украї- им, — це, мовляв, буржуаз- росту. дів у світлі археологічній наук, не може прийняти за- праць з українською істо- іо-націоналістнчні „пред- низка цінних історичних до- саду „сам собі велосипед" і нознавчих студій і інші на- Щоб протидіяти тим на- Друга можливість допомо- розкопів і наукової лір^ра- сліджень, архівних докумен- ричною тематикою. На на- укові установи. Цієї справи іазсудки". Звичайно, до тієї сильно форсованим черво- гн — це меценатство „Укра- турИ. 'і-'д.. „самостійно" проводити пев- ематики доходять статті тів і інших матеріалів, що ні акції. Серед нас немає но- шу думку, треба опрацюва- не можна відкладати. Сннте- ною Москвою і її ,.україн- їнського Історика" і інших Цією дорогою ввертаІБй^рся становлять тривалий вклад ги нову джерельну історію гнчні і аналітичні досліди іро впливи „російських про- ськнмн" прислужниками на- публікацій УГГ. Меценацтво до наших установ і меценатів ВОГО ГруШеВСЬКОГО — ГЄНІ- України (це може бути збір- української історії, усіх І. 'реснетів" на українських лрямним історичної науки в загальний розвиток укра- яльного організатора науко- індивідуальне вігаоснть від уможливити нам'ЩВидайвиі їнської історіографії. Саме аа праця), а також історію періодів — є основним зав :ультурннх діячів, мовляв, на Рідних Землях постало 60 доларів, для установ від дання цієї MOHorpaxpir.'lJpp– вої праці, щоб все зосередн- окремих історичних neplo– данням українських істори .старший брат" наводив нас поруч історичних Секцій і наш журнал став форумом ти в одних руках. Але і Гру- Sl00 вгору. Ми маємо різні симо надсилати свої. пожерт- співпраці українських до- дів, зокрема Київської Дер- ків. іа путь прогресу й досяг- КОМІСІЙ УВАН І НТШ Укра- підприємства, б?якн тощо. я- ви із зазначенням „Фонд Я- шевськнй мав здібність при. жавн, Галнцько-Волинської, іень соціялізму. їнське Історичне Товариство, слідників і його поява явля- сднувати до конкретної на- Тут також треба наголо- кі могли б нам допомогти. Пастернака" Прнбут Кф-Л сться одним з найбільших Історію Козаччини і цілу сити потребу розбудови „У На особливу увагу заслу- яке причинилося до пожвав. Якщо ми всі бажаємо, щоб розпродажу цієї, кян^с^н укової праці цілу низку нау- овус стаття відомого кому- лення історичних дослідів здобутків сучасної україН- ковців, які деколи не поді- низку монографічних до- країнського Історика". І наші історики дали із себе планується передати яї'-?to– ської історіографії. Европей- сліджеяь присвячених ХІХ цьому випадку це справа не гістичного „подвижника" на поза межами України. Як максімум праці — тоді мусн- будову пам'ятника на аіо^Йлі ляли його поглядів на cyc– 'краі'нському грунті - Ска- противага до УІЖ, є поклн- ські і американські намові пільно-громадські справи — І XX століттям. З довідкових лише істориків, але цілої ук мо також забезпечити і до- бл. п. Я. Пастернака, наїїгого органи позитивно оцінили матеріялів- треба видати ук- раїнської громади. ш (А. Д. Скаба', Про ство- каний до життя у діяспорі помогтн в розловсюдже н н і н-йвндатнішого археолр)га- але ставали до наукової ення багатотомної історії „Український Історик" — це видання, яке є на рівні співпраці. Крім того Гру- раїнську історичну бібліо- На зовнішньому відтинку видань УІТ. І вкінці остання Пожертвн просимр внсилатн інших подібних чужннець- графію — цей проект вже українські історики новини Української РСР, УІЖ за бе- здкнокий історичний жур- можливість допомогти у фо- на адресу Редакції' „Украіи- шевський не обмежував сво- )езень, 1970, стр. 21-26). нал на чужині, офіціоз Ук- ких історичних журналів. зї науково-організаційної ді- реалізує УГГ. Отже виринає взяти участь в організова рмі окремих збірок або імл- ського Історика": Якщо до уваги взяти факт зовсім конкретне питання, ному науковому житті в їх- 'каба подає проект отпрацю- раїнського Історичного То- рез призначених на видавни. яльности до одного універ- іання десятитомової історії вариства. Нав'язуючи до приєднання американських ситету, одного наукового то- чи хтоиебудь вже розробив ніх країнах поселення. Пуб чий фонд УГГ. The Ukrainian Historian, істориків до співпраці в на- конкретний плян цих фун- лікація наукових у країно 'країни. Він говорить :„Ук- традиції вільної нашої істо- P.O. Box 312, Kent,– ОЦіо вариства - він брав до ува- іаїнський народ, як і інші Думаємо, шо кожднй сві- шому журналі — тоді на- даментальних англомовних знавчих статтей в чужомов рігчної науки, „Український 44240. .іyk ...': і ' ги цілість українського на- іародн СРСР, нагромадив Історик" таки дійсно демас- домий громадянин-любитель глядно бачимо, що нам вда- укового життя і сприяв йо- видань? На жаль до тепер ній періодиці, активна У цього не зроблено. Україн- часть в конференціях і з'їз- іагатющнн досвід боротьби кує рафіновану фальсифіка- лося поширити круг співро- го розвиткові. іротн гноблення і експлуа- цію історії України пред- бітників, а також тематику ське Історичне Товариство дах славістичних та історич- Таку засаду повинні прн- :ації. захисту країни від зов- ставникамн совсто-московсь- дів на сторінках „Українсь- ройською УПА ^іфючно, ^В. журналу. Не можна також не мас належних фондів, ннх товариств — все це на- йняти теперішні організато- іішніх і внутрішніх ворогів, кої історичної науки. В про- кого Історика" є Українська топ спосіб вігзмаріЛ) нехай не згадати, що появляється щоб зреалізувати цей плян, лежно спопулярнзз'с україн- ри українського наукового ірактики соціалістичного і тнлежності до УІЖ, „Укра- Людина у всенаціональному і тут, чи там пЗрефиваяу, ,а цей журнал без задовільної а установи, які краще фі- ську проблематику на між. життя і спільно накреслити сомуністнчного будівництва. їнський Історик" стоїть без- колективі й індивідуальному все ж таки тятяіеть нашої матеріяльної підтримки ук- нансово забезпечені мабуть народному форумі. Ми ува- прецнзннй плян дальшого Іа величезному матеріялі застережно на службі укра- характері, а не інтернаціо- історично - ДЄГІЖІІВННЦЬКОІ раїнського громадянства, без мають інші видавничі пля- жаємо також, що впрова- розвитку українознавчих дк- .сторії України автори по- їнської історичної правди, а нальні революційні маси з традиції. А зі сторінок ,УЗЖ огляду на те, що його вага ни. Отже приходимо знову ж дження предмету українсь- сциплін у вільному світі. іинні переконливо розкрити тіга самим і життєвих націо- „російським пролетаріятом" виходить, що український мас велике значення для на- до висновку, що лише при кої історії в програму нав- Ппи добрій волі, відкиненню :дність марксистсько-ленін- нально-державницькнх інте- у проводі, і не „російські нарід находився від поч^т- шої загальної справи. Крім відповідній співпраці цей чання канадійськнх, амери- зайвих особистих амбіцій. :ької теорії нашої партії з ресів України. Розбазарю- прогресисти", як „старшо- ків своєї історії у летарг4ч- того УІТ започаткувало чо- плян можна зреалізувати. канських і європейських у взаємній співпраці і пошані ніверситетів - це тривалий практикою будівництва ко- вання нашої історично-дер- братські" учителі нашого ному стані напівіснування в тирн серійні видання: ,,lcro– Ми навели тільки один ! між поодинокими установа- мунізму... Глибоке ознайом- жавницької традиції на сто- культурного й політичного умовах буржуазно -калтітар1- ричні монографії", ,,Історнч- приклад англомовних вн- наш здобуток. Отже, як ба- ми і науковцями, ми зможе- рінках „Українського Істо- світу. В понятті ред-колегії стичного визиску, 'а щрііно ні студії", „Мемуаристика" дань, а подібних занедбаних чнмо, є багато можливостей. мо такий плян накреслити. рнка", як це діється на сто- „Українського Історика" й від часу ,,Жовтневої'Реврліо- і „Українські вчені". Всі ці ділянок є більше. Згадати Віримо, що українські icro– На нашу думку за всяку ці- рикн виконають свій обов'я- рінках УІЖ (де першу добу загалу членства Українсько- ціГ' "здійснив' заповітну видання с важливими в хочби історію української ну треба в короткому часі зок перед українською і сві. нашої державносте відда- го Історичного Товариства, мрію про створення чїуверей- дальшому розвитку історнч- іміграції в ЗСА. Без огляду порядку: Марко Антонович, скликати загальну нараду товою наукою та своїм на- еться без заїкнення „брат- історія українського народу ної Української - Радянської них наук. Для членства ви- на значне число наших про- Богдан Вннар, Любомир Ви- наукових установ і науков- родом. Українське Історич- яьому російському народо- починається не від „Жовт- Держави", як це пише Ска- дасться квартально ,,Бюле- сперуючих фінансових уста- нар (голова Ініціативної ців, які мають безпосереднє не Товариство завжди буде ві") — є просто не до поду- невої Революції", як це на ба. ” :: тень УІТ". в якому публіку- нов, які могли б прнчннитіг Групи), Ілля Внтанович, відношення до українознав- стояти на сторожі україн- мання. Тематика праць, ста- практиці виходить зі сторі- Реасумуючи вище сказа' сться матеріали, пов'язані з ся до пожвавлення дослідів Олександер Домбровський, чнх дослідів і Щ справи ської історичної правди. тей і дописів на сторінках нок УІЖ, а з раннє історич- не, бачимо наглядно, що лЯг діяльністю УГГ і його чле- над історією української гро- Василь Дубровсьюін, Мн- грунтовно обговорити. Тут „Українського Історика" є них діб русько-українського ше TJT, в діяспррі, існують нів. Для ширших кіл гро- мадн в ЗСА. в цін ділянці хайло Ждан, Ігор Каменець- не ідеться про „святочні де- українська, висвітлювана з етносу, а історія української певні можливості пращ для мадянства появляється та- с майже застій. Свого часу чий, Роман Климкевнч, Пет- йоаицій інтересів нашої істо- клярації", а про конкретний ІНТЦІЯТОРИ державности включає в себе добра нашої історичної вау- кож сторінка УІТ в щоден- на це сумне явище звертав ро Курінний, Михайло Міл- ричної правди та культурно. плян праці дальшого розвнт- УКРАЇНСЬКОГО Київський, Галнцько-Волин- ки. що їх проводить у життя ннку „Америка" (дотепер увагу заслужений історик лер, о. Ірнней Назарко, ку українознавчих наук. ІСТОРИЧНОГО Т-ВА ськнй період, Козацько-Геть- у великій мірі 'Українське вийшло 5 випусків). Беручи ггроф. Василь Галич - але Олександер Оглоблин, Єв- Звичайно, нас в першу чер- політично-державницьких а- манську Державу і, правда, Історичне Товариство, офіцЬ до уваги незадовільний стан це був голос ,.вопіющого в ген Онацький, Ярослав Па- гу цікавить українська істо- спірацій українського наро- короткий, але динамічний і оз якого — дійсно одинокий української історичної біблі- пустині". Саме тому УТТ Відзначаючи п'ятиліття стернак, Наталія Полонська- ріографія. геройський період Українсь- наш науковий - Історичний ографії, в підготовці до ви- причинилося до оснування існування УІТ, бажаємо при. Василеігко, Мииола 4j-6a- ду, а не з позицій інтересів кої Державности в pp. 1917- журнал ,,Український ic^o– даяня є бібліографічний до- В основі ми не можемо Українського Соціологічно- гадати перших ініціяторів- тий. ворогів України та мряко- 1920, а відтак уже в часі рик" боронить на твоїх СТО- відншс „Історія України", прийняти твердження. Що, го Інституту, головним зав- тверців нашого Товариства. До сьогодні відійшли від бісних утопій комуністичної другої світової війни дальші рінках українську Ійторнчну .який вийде англійською мо- напр., в Америці немас ук- данням якого с дослідження Ініціятивна Група УІТ ос- нас в засвіти такі члени іні- кабалістики і світової рево- державницькі змагання ук- правду. За те належиться вою і буде ретроспективною раїнських істориків, лін- життя українців в різних таточно оформилася з по- ціятивної грутш: проф. Ва- люції ігролетаріяту, як це є раїнського народу при наро- йому моральна; ІУііиггерїяЛь- історичною бібліографією. ґвістів, літературознавців, країнах їхнього поселення, чатком листопада 1964 року силь Дубровськнй, проф. на сторінках УІЖ. джуваяні модерних наших на підтримка, української Також занляновано видання які не могли б вчити в аме- а головно в ЗСА. Можливо, і нараховувала 17 членів. Михайло Міллер і проф. Я- вільної громади. ' .-” ряканських чи канадійсьіодх що спільними силами нам Подаємо їх в поазбучному рослав Пастернак. Головним об'єктом ДОСЛІ- військових формацій з ГЄ' і !1 :^^. Ш

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