ЧК v -, ; J?, Address: 1 "..-AS WE LEARN TO GO 'ЗЯЙUkrainian Weekly 51-83 Grand Street FORWARD TOGETHER JMy' City, N.J. 07303 AT HOME, LET US New York's Telephone: v'BArelay 7-4125 ALSO SEEK TO GO : Tel.: HEnderaon 4-0237 FORWARD TOGETHER УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОАЕННИК WITH ALL MANKIND..." іиЙЙпІаа National Ass'n U K R A І N І A Г TeX Ї HEnderaon 5-3740 Richard M. Nbcon і fry. "' " і -^ - Uifc– - иаіявххуш Ч. 10 SECTION TWO SvOBODA, THE tmRAtNlAN–WEEKLY, SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 1971 ЦЕНТІВ 20 GENTS No. 10 VOL. LXXVHI 0 Fund-Raising UNA Skyscrapers Area Fenced Off, Digging Begins Si mas Kudirka Case: Ї4 Campaign oi ШІССА President Assures UCCA ; fttSfr: YORK, N.Y The nor labor in this endeavor. WASHINGTON, D. c. - organizations that sent let– ofltce ot the Ukrainian Con– The Executive Board of the President Richard Nixon, in ters of protest to the Preei– gresti Committee of America UCCA extends its heart-felt a letter to Dr. Lev E. Dob– dent. report that'the fund-raising gratitude to all those respon– riansky, assured the Execu– The full text of President campaign for the Ukrainian sible for this successful tlve Board of the Ukrainian Nixon's letter to Dobriansky, Naftoraa Fund in 1970 brought achievement, and especially ; Congress Committee of Ame– dated December 21, is as fdb a ; total! of S95;070.55, which to those who work for the lows: iaHhe1" highest amount collect– UCCA in 40 States of the rica that he has taken steps to make certain that an irtci– eiSt fri'tne past 16 years. Also Union and to those who con- Dear Dr. Dobrbfisk^.' a record "із the sum of $37, tribute to the Ukrainian Fund. dent like that involving for– cible extradition of the Litn– 627.35' tfhich was collected First place in this cam– This Із just a note, to aa^ Іп;,Ш month of December, paign belongs to the Ukrain– uanian sailor Simas Kudirka і "will not happen again." knowledge the telegram взпі 1970 ' alone: ian community of Philadel– by the Executive Board of the The'U^CA further states phia, which collected a total President Nixon acknowl– Ukrainian Congress Commit– that' 2tf communities contri– of 311,564.00, followed by edged the telegram sent by tee of America regarding the butetf^ijWO or more, and 30 the Ukrainian community of the UCCA shortly after the attempted defection of Simife communities from S300.00 to Greater New York, with 310, The smell of fresh lumber and paint exuded lart-week around fenoe along Montgomery Street, with the UNA billboard late November incident off Kudirka. Like the members the area where the UNA skyscraper is being erected. The - . ц,,„„ -, „J1? Sl,OMtXid each. 011.00 to its credit. , . , . ,. .„^„^іT– W-ZZZZl --J o„n–^,.^ attache d to it. TheІп4л4л interior o4f Wto а9лаe area is being graduallA y Martha's vineyard in Massa– of your Board, 1 was shocked earner plot surrounded by Montgomery, Greene and Railroad „ !! Credff for this successful A list of all other commu– chusetts. Simas Kudirka, who" when 1 learned how the de^– campalgh goes above all to nities, which participated in Streets in Jersey City, N.J.. haa been fenced off in preparu– filled by trucks and epulpment of J.L. Musoarelle Company, had jumped aboard the Aras– fection had been handled, and tion for the start of construction. Photo above shows the the building contractor. UCCA Branch presidents and the campaign, as well as their rican cutter valiant and ask– І can assure you that 1 hare fШЙГ cotlectdrs in these com– UCCA leaders, will be pub– ed for^political asylum, was taken steps to make certain munities–, who spared no time lished in the press shortly. forcibly taken away from the that such an incident will not ship by the Soviets. The inci– happen again. І am determia– OUR MISS AT PRESS BALL CONTEST Ukrainian Mathematician ed that America will live up ^ЄШгпик? Sports Club dent aroused indignation and JERSEY C1TY. N.J. - to its proud tradition of guar^ To Chair Society's Parley a series of protests across the Joann Christine Pello, a sta– Has New UNA Branch anteeing the safety of refd– ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. He has taken part in тапд' country. tuesque. brown-eyed, 21-year- DETROIT, Mich. - The field, volleyball, tennis, aki– gees. Prof, volodymyr Bohtm– scientific conferences and in– As a result of inveaUga– old blonde who is a secretary ing. chess, -bowling. Among With my beet wishes to yop Chudyniw, noted Ukrainian ternational congresses of m^' Ukrebfeflff Sports Club "Cher– tion, two high-ranking officers in UNA's recording depart– other outstanding athletes, it and to the members of j the American mathematician, will thematicians, including thoss nyte;"ofue of the most active of the U.S. Coast Guard; as ment here, will represent The has produced three-time Uk– Executive Board, first present a paper and then held in Denmark, Swede^', arid popular on the Ukrainian well as the cutter's captain, Ukrainian Weekly in the j dhair of the sessions at the : rainian national tennis cham– Sincerely. ' England and. most recently, scenet has joined the Ukrain– were suspended. "Miss Ukrainian Press" con- pions, George Korol and Leo Richard Nixon American Mathematical So– France. ian,– National Association fa– Worobkewych. The UCCA was one of manv test to be held in Pbitadel– ciety's annual convention here At the latter congress, held mflvtoy' establishing a branch The new branch, founded phia January 30th in conjuc– Thursday through Sunday, in Nice last September, PrdX of ііаУ^гГ here shortly before through the efforts of UNA Michael Wlocho Editor of tion with the first Ukrainian January 21-24. Bohun-Chudyniw chaired one the ao^f of the .old year. regional organizer and Su– vynnyky. Zvenyhorod^UNJlY press ball there. of the seminare. 'U 1 "Cbernyk' thus becomes the preme Advisor Eugene Repe– By Myron B. Kuropas The ball is being sponsored Program Announced fifth Ukrainian sports club ta, elected Roman Maziar as jointly by the Association of HROMADA TO HOLD 3 CHICAGO, HI. - in 1959. detail. Attractively bound,'the to "hare' established a UNA its first president and Michael Ukrainian Journalists in Ame– The convention's program FiaENDSlUP PARTY- Michael Wloch, a recent im– book has fold-out maps, some branch'.Q'f its own. The others Shumylo аз secretary, it will rica and the World Federation was announced here last wee t migrant to the United States, 50 illustrations, and over 200 NEW YORK - ГЬе New- ,' are :v the' Ukrainian Sports be known as "Chernyk" of Ukrainian Women's Or– by Prof. L. Gillman, secretary became enamored with an photoe, most of which were York City Ukrainian Student Qhth of"'New York, the Lions Branch 110. The center of the ganizations. of the American Mathemnti– j idea — the publication of a published for the first time. Hromada announced here thjs Ukrahiian American Sports branch's activity will be Miss Pello, a resident of cal Society. ! book about vynnyky, - his in terms of scholarship and week'that lt-wiU hold its aeT– Ass be f'a t і о n, the "Lviv" "Chernyk's" own clubhouse Jersey City, N.J., is a third- Prof. Bohun-C h u d у n і v, hometown in Ukraine. interest, the volume compares ond^ friendship - party on Jaa– Spotf^-jBltth of Cleveland, and in Detroit. generation Ukrainian, born in who is highly regarded in thj The idea for such an under- favorably with the best Uk– uary 23rd. the ^CKornomorska Sitch" The club's members, includ– America who speaks the lan– American scientific eircle-j. taking was not hew. Many raihtaaa in the free ; world Joann C. Pello The friendship parties were Sports Association,, of New– u^^jenx-yqjiniu;jeople inters guage p( her ancestors aa. will deliver his paper at the Ukrainian , hjunlgranta^ had have produced. Historical afc started last year ^to репеті. cstedTfrrsports, rtm be found ;fluently as English. She is v convention's opening session dreamed of publishing books tides, most of which Were Hromada members to beoome H^adecr by Yaroelaw Slyw– frequently at its center here, 'graduate of SS. Peter and if there is an extra gleam Thursday. He will chair one about their places of origin. authored by Mr. Wloch) con- better acquainted' "with" eac^ kfc ^MSh?myk" has a fine re– congregating for social func– Paul Ukrainian Catholic in her eyes these days, it is of the sessions during the sec– What better way to preserve tain information about the other and to lnformaRy dis– dQrdfaf sports activity in such tions as well as meetings and school here and of St Domia– a partial reflection from the ond day of meetings. the truth and to pass it on to economy and culture of the cuss the group's activities arl j fields''as soccer, track and other activities. ic's Academy. She has two diamond on j her left ring- The Ukrainian mathemat.– plans. The party'lavgrat^a^ the next generateion, especial– region as well as' ethnogr t– years of Jersey City State finger vfrhere it was placed by clan, who has taught at sev– members. ,' -' ' tfflm iy when official "histories" phic and biographic material College behind her now. ' r Svotioda-s Misses at published in Soviet Ukraine and even a list of those, local Aloxander 1. .Pigol, a young eral American universities, The second friendship' pais Active since childhood in Ukrainian from Woodbridge. ty will be held at NYU Loeo are such blantant fabrica– heroes who perished in lTk–' the Ukrainian community, has authored some 40 scien– Press Balls in U.S.
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