Senate Is Expected Cavalrymen Smash struck railyards at Graz on the main To Toss Work Issue Into line from Vienaa to Yugoslavia and Siegfried Line, at Klagenfurt, just north of the Yugoslav border. Plying Portresses On also bombed the yards at Perrara in Conference Table Break German Hold the Po Valley and Liberators at- By J. A. O’LEARY. By THOBURN WIANT, tacked other rail targets at Padua Assailing the Senate version Associated Press War Correspondent. and Udine. Thunderbolts strafed trains moving in Northern Italy. of the manpower bill as a WITH THE 3d ARMY CAVALRY- The “monstrosity,” Senator Chandler, MEN IN GERMANY, Feb. 24.—One German radio dragged antl- of the western Rus.-iar. propaganda into Its at- Democrat, of Kentucky, said last front’s most daring operations was staged tempt to explain away the tremen- night that it “ought to be sent by cavalry- men who smashed nearly two miles dous air assaults by suggesting that back to committee” for study. into the Siegfried Line in two and British and American commands The Kentuckian that explained a half hours, starting the breakup had undertaken the "scorched earth” some committee members who voted of German resistance in the bulge campaign with massed air fleets in to report out the bill reserved the northeast of Vianden. order to destroy everything possible right to of it on the before it fell Into the hands of the oppose parts The Germans were so confused by Red Army and could be exploited floor. The measure will be brought the bold thrusts yesterday that they by the Soviets. up for debate in the Senate to- wandered around out of communica- morrow'. tion with each other. Before the Declaring that "the committee day was over, more than 1,000-pris- GOP Women to Hear Mundt ought to make up its mind before oners were taken. Representative Mundt, Republi- The the Senate passes the bill,” Senator cavalrymen sparred adroitly can. of South Dakota will speak at with the Germans three days after a Chandler told reporters that he dinner meeting of the Montgom- i taking a four-mile square chunk of Women’s Club plans to find out how much support ery County Wednes- the eastern bank of the Our River day night at the Woman's Club of a motion to recommit would receive. | opposite Vianden—the last part of Bethesda. will follow. other Dancing However, reliable sources j Luxembourg liberated. During nearly doubted that the chamber would every war, armies have passed I send the measure back to com- through this picturesque old world mittee. town. Seems lip to Conferees. Sparring Tactics Used. Indications were that the Senate Lt. Cols. Samuel Goodwin of! will pass the measure before the end Washington, D. C., and Walter Day of this week, however, and let con- of' Mount Pleasant, Tenn., used ferees make the final decision as be- sparring tactics to throw the Ger- mans off balance. The worked tween the House work-or-jail bill plan ! so well that cavalrymen broke into and the Senate substitute, w’hich AMERICANS SWEEP ACROSS ROER—American troops in a new offensive sweeping across the 10 German towns during the first War Roer River have captured Baal, Boslar and Niederzier, among 30 towns and villages. They also j merely strengthens existing 10 hours. hold Juelich and have cleared half of Dueren. Broken line is battlefront. Manpower Commission controls. approximate Two principal spearheads through < —AP The House bill empowered draft Wirephoto. the Line were directed — Siegfried by j boards to order men 18 to 45 to Maj. Walter McKenzie of Monte- in or * j stay go to essential jobs, sub- Russia Western Front zuma, Ga„ and Capt. Shealy McCoy j ject to a penalty up to $10,000 or Allied Action of Athens, Ga five (Continued From First Spreads (Continued From First years in prison. Page.) Page.)_ Instead of using horses, the pop- The Senate bill seeks to channel ular conception of the cavalrymen's: being thrown back to "the outer Roer, and heavy equipment, anti- men and women regardless of age mode of travel, some used armored : town ring." On Italian Front tank guns, troops and supplies into jobs where they are needed by j vehicles and tanks. Others, acting Berlin said the Russians were By the Associated Press. poured across in a steady stream. placing labor ceilings on industry,! | as infantrymen, walked. using “several army corps" and that The German chance to smash the but with penalties only on employ- ROME, Feb. 24— Allied activity Maj. McKenzie's band took off Visit America’s these had been ordered to take the was gone. ers who hire anyone in violation of | intended to tie down a maximum bridgehead several miles north of Vianden city quickly. Russian artillery bar- j War Manpower Commission rules I number of German divisions spread Canadians Attach Again. through a maze of concrete and rages had been stepped up, and steel Exclusive and on certain farm workers. The along the front in Italy Associated Press Correspondent Siegfried Line pillboxes. They j Only Berlin acknowledged that German went so fast that employer penalty is $10,000 nr tne today, accompanied by a continued Wes Gallagher said from the front many Germans; nests inside Breslau had been in but the farm-determent w'iped aerial offensive from Italian bases there was ho indication of a Ger- in the boxes did not know what was Hotel year jail, * IT’S GOOD TO BE Jack Training out by the Russians. HOME—Sergt. Ruehlman, 19, B-17 Learn how YOU can a amendment that if against the enemy's southern Euro- man stand, and the 9th "might well happening. Others were so surprised L ■ provides an who was the enjoy the thrill of S I* H A A I The Nazi believed to that were unable to gunner repatriated Wednesday aboard exchange u x u agricultural worker is found un- garrison pean communications. punch through the so-far feeble they do any-1 colorful 1 rious V V II U II I hotel life. You can number 100.000 men United to Rhine in thing. As a German liner Gripsholm, shown as he arrived at Union Station last acceptable to the Army and then fought savagely States infantrymen and German defenses the consequence qualify quickly through Lewis Training. leaves he to hold Breslau and delay the Rus- Brazilian troops consolidated their hours or days." resistance was light. night. His sister, Mildred, 20 (left), and his mother, Mrs. Earn while you learn! Prepare now for farming, would be iiable a WELL-PAID POSITION and Post-War sian advances on Berlin and Dres- Frances 3330 street met him in New York. to a $10,000 fine or five years im- newly-won heights around Monte Marshal Montgomery's Canadian Germans Bewildered. Thornton, Ames N.E., Career in this essential business. den. Belvedere. 30 miles southwest of Ruehlman lost his and his when his Day and Classes prisonment. on the north end of the Other Sergt. leg right eye plane EYening Marshal K. K. Rokossovsky's 2nd Bologna. American cavalrymen under Capt. Home Course Some Penalties. raiding parties front lashed out in new attacks. was shot down over Germany during July.—Star Staff Photo. Study Oppose on McCoy went through the Siegfried Call, write or phone for FREE ROOK. White Russian Army attacking punched into German fortified Reconnaissance forces al- As the Senate prepared to start prodded area Vianden. The Ger- Open Mon., Wed., Fri. to 8 P.M. Tees.* a 70-mile front gained up to 7 south of opposite reserves from Thurs. to 4 for Mt. the | holdings Bologna. Farther most to the road center of Calcar bringing up the south P.M. Ask Shaw. manpower debate, some Sena- from their mans again were completely bewil- miles previous positions, i to the right, artillery fire blasted without resistance. (Brussels radio in an effort to meet the American Lewis Hotel School tors were to move to Training making plans : 10 localities in the Polish dered. Capt. James Burke, formerly capturing the enemy from some positions. said the Canadians had entered U-Boaf Pens Blasted, 9th Army offensive. 2301 Pa. Are. N.W, ME. 4692. Eat. 23 strike out both the employer and of Norwich Mass., led two Corridor and in Pomerania on the Key points in the network of rail- College. the farm labor Calcar.) lank The 9th Air Force listed 'losses court penalties. west. roads in companies around the right Northern Italy essential for of seven medium or bombers If the $10,000 fine or one year; On the center of that front, Scot- end, leading to even greater Ger- light Push on Danzig. an enemy withdrawal behind the Oil Plants Struck in and three bombers. WANTED imprisonment penalty is eliminated.! tish infantry’ fought to within a man confusion. Among the first fighter town Alps were left smoldering by more the bill still would contain economic Flanking the Vistula River mile of Weeze, a railhead 3 miles through the dragon's teeth was Lt. Rail targets not hit in the previous than 60 hours of day and night penalties on the employer, under!; of Gniew one Soviet group seized south of -the captured West Wall Edwin Kenny of Atlanta, Ga. two-day '‘buckshot blitz” which par- NEWSPAPERS bombing by American and British 12th which any wages he paid to a Dzierzazno. 4 miles east of Gniew stropgpoint of Goch. of alyzed the transportation network work-j warplanes. Capt, Robert Williams of East Day Raiding er in violation of employment ceil- and 33 miles south of Danzig. In Patton’s Forces Advance. Palls By the Associated Press. in Western Germany also came Several sharp German counterat- Church, Va., a graduate of ings would be^disallowed for income this area the Russians were within under the cascade of 60* loTibi. | tacks hurled Lt. Gen. George S. Patton's 3d the Virginia Military Institute, said LONDON, Feb. 24.—Great fleets high explosives tax and also deducted 8 miles of the border of ter- against newly-won as the Britain-based 8th Air Force purposes from Danzig Army in the last 24 hours captured the cavalrymen ran into one Ger- of Allied planes kept the war’s American positions at Mt. Della struck Government contract and were toward — with 1,600 and the payments. ritory attacking Torraccia 1.400 prisoners as many as the man company command post, cap- most devastating air offensive roar- planes BOOKS-MAGAZINES have been beaten off, RAF followed For several days some Senators the 10-way road and rail junction 9th and 1st Armies 16 amazed the 12th during the afternoon Allied headquarters announced. United States turing men, including one ing through straight day have been in doubt whether work- of on the with upwards of 700. Starogard Berlin-Danzig Field Marshal together—as it gained 4 miles and high ranking officer. Maj. John today with heavy blows on German ers Albert Kesselring, lOCMbi. outside of agriculture were ex- trunk railway. Yow of iifbmarine and oil Air Force losses were an- 85* more in a drive Valdosta. declared all yards refineries, Eighth in a desperate bid to win back engulfed 23 towns Ga„ from the $10,000 fine or five- At the and the empt by-passed encircled which w’as to out a 32- the were manned. and Nazi warnings late tonight in- nounced as four bombers and 11 Delivered Yard former German position south of about wipe pillboxes to Our year imprisonment penalty. Tire Vistula River town of Grudziadz, 23 mile stretch of the West Wall in dicated Mosquito bombers were at- fighters. Enemy air opposition was Bologna, marched some of his men formal report of the Senate Mili- miles south of Gniew, the Russians Lt. Col. Samuel McClure Good- Berlin scanty and flak light at for six days and then loaded Germany's Eifel Mountains. tacking again. except J. R. SELIS tary Affairs Committee, made were them Bremen and 5!£ pub- reported by Berlin to have into win, mentioned in today's dispatches Allied tactical air forces on the Hamburg, wnere lic trucks for the final dash to the All escape by highway out of the 1125 First St. N.W. Dl 9594 last night by Chairman Thomas. forced the remnants of the German of into continent flew 3,315 sorties during ground fire was intense to moderate. front. mile that is left major cavalry operations It unable to deliver, please phone ut of to i 2 by 3 salient—all From Democrat, >Utah, sought end garrison into the "southern fringe" the Siegfried Line, is the son of the day in close support of ground Italy the 15th Air Force On the Adriatic front of once West Wall this uncertainty by of the town. powerful posi- and de- stating flatly! Thus Grudziadz ap- the situation Col. and Mrs. Samuel R. Goodwin, operations reported having that these “will was reported quiet. tions east of Luxembourg—was cut penalties apply only pearea to be on the verge of falling. 1675 Preston road, Alexandria. He stroyed or damaged 169 locomotives, in cases of violations off by the capture of Nuerburg in a by employers To the west other Soviet forces was graduated in 1940 from the 1.259 freight cars, and more than of surprise assault. regulations authorized by Sec- seized a number of localities between Ruhland Has United States Military Academy 1.000 motor vehicles. HOUSE tion 4 of the bill.” That is the ’Prospect' 1.000 bewildered or DIAMONDS the severed Berlin-Danzig railway Already prison- and is 28 years old. Born in New Ninth Air Force Marauders section, the ers had been flushed from the authorizing Manpoweri and highway southwest of Russian- York, he was graduated with honors bombed Clatten and Zultich, 26 and Our Reputation for 50 Years Is Your Guarantee Commission to fix For the number of, held Chojnice. These included Clinic Post at $5,600 salient and a front dispatch said from New Mexico Military Institute: 22 miles southwest of Cologne, and workers any concern undetermined numbers of other west of DUs- may employ, Gross Jenznik, 7 miles southwest of Health Officer George C. Ruhland at Roswell, N. Mex., and was ap- Rheindahlen, 18 miles and to prohibit or regulate the hir- 4 Germans were milling around, grop- seldorf. All three were at Chojnice and only miles from said yesterday that the “prospect” pointed to West Point in 1936. He, points Gem Diamonds solicitation or re- a out. tanks ing. rehiring, Schlochau; Mossin. 11 miles south- he has in mind for the ing for way Enemy commands the 6th Cavalry which the Germans were reported cruitment of position of Recon-1 The The Mast workers. i at the rate of five Finest Gems n Unique Setting west of Chojnice; Steinborn, 4 miles psychiatrist in a proposed mental were destroyed naissance Squadron of the 6th Cav-j Ferguson Still Uncertain. northeast of outflanked Preussich- health clinic would be "Interested” a day for the last five days in airy Group, attached to the 3d Senator and 3 the salient Ferguson, Republican, of Friedland. Stretzin, miles in the post when the salary is re- struggle. Army. Michigan was still unconvinced last north of Preussich Friendland. classified at $5,600. On the south end of the 50-mile Col. Goodwin is stationed here | night that employes are free from Stretzin is 16 miles southwest of front, the 94th Infantry captured with the War The Commissioners have agreed Department general j the application of the penalty clause. Ockfen, on the east bank of the staff. He has had 35 of Chojnice. to the higher salary, in place of the years regu- j © The uncertainty grows out of the Saar River 9 miles south of the lar service. ,C4*4T Two Miles Gained. $4,600 originally planned for the Army | fact that the Military’ Committee! fortress of Trier. Serrig, in a sec- In East Prussia the Russians position, but the matter must be Make the news better: took a general section from ond 4 good Buy penalty submitted to the Civil bridgehead miles south, also ©i gained up to 2 miles on a 27-mile Service Com- more War Bonds. the Second War Powers Act and ap- was cleared. The latter bridgehead front against bitter German resist- mission. J plied it to the manpower bill. now was 1)3 miles deep and 2 miles 1 ance. Among the seized were The 1945 Senator Ferguson said the scope places budget provides $24,000 w’ide. *** 3 miles north of for of the penalty depends on how far Ecker, captured clinics under a mental health the War Zinden and 16 miles southwest of program, but inability to obtain Manpower Commission IC <-RACE" 4 At this point the has made it Prince nMAG hinks it can go in issuing orders. Koenigsberg. psychiatrists impos- Georges Group We in were 7 miles south of to specialize ESTATE He pointed out that the bill pro- Russians only sible start the service. The clinic c***Ts on the Frisches Haff, will To Discuss Memorial — vides for issuing certificates of avail- Brandenburg, include work with alcoholics as DIAMONDS Always be- ability to workers and added: Baltic coastal lagoon. well as with juveniles and those now Residents of the Prince Georges in low market values. "If they can say you must have a They also took Schwiligarben, 4 mental hospitals who need only County 20th voting district will hold clinical care. ^ certificate and that it is illegal to miles southeast of Braunsberg. the a mass meeting at 8:15 p.m. Tues- We pay highest prices for take a job without it, then the pen- last important stronghold left in day in the Lanham School to discuss diamonds and old gold and alty would apply.” the small pocket. plans for a "memorial to the living” give liberal trade-in on your Senator Revercomb. I Dismissal of Guderian to be constructed in the area. Republican. Simultaneously Russian troops re- of West who contended as I diamond. Virginia, German attacks on Samland The memorial, it was said, prob- did Senator Chandler that small pulsed Peninsula west of Koenigsberg. A Confirmed, Moscow ably will be in the form of a rec- businessmen could be put out of Says reation center. Paris radio report that Koenigs- By the Associated Press. business by this system of man- berg's garrison had evacuated the The power control, revealed that still Moscow radio said last night icapital through a corridor running another substitute for House that “well-informed sources inside the along the southern side of the penin- work-or-jail measure probably will Germany” had confirmed reports sula to the escape port of Pillau, Fret! If You Can’t Go to be offered before the bill He that Col. Gen. Heinz Guderian had Don’t passes. 23 miles to the west, was not con- indicated this substitute w’ould seek been dismissed as chief of staff and firmed by either Moscow or Berlin. Pimlico or Bowie . . Play 10 reach persons who are not work- commander of German forces on 903 F St. N.W. RE. 9823 Tank Thrust Repulsed. the eastern front. ing at all, without “penalizing the Selection of great majority of willing workers.” The only other activity reported The German-language broadcast, The Horse Race Game in Magic Defends Substitute Bill. j by Moscow was Hungarian-an- quoting Geneva reports, said Gu- Slovakia the north bank derian had Just touch o to the star and watch horse Senator Revercomb predicted that nexed along been mentioned as one lighted cigoret your of the Danube east of Komarom, of the men “accused in new some of the workers forced out of the DIAMONDS go! Everybody con play! In packages for 10c, 50c and $1. 84 miles from Vienna. In that area trial of their present jobs by lowering the conspirators planned by the hhe Russians repulsed strong Nazi in search a labor ceilings on their employers again clique” of scape- German tank and attacks, for would not find employment because infantry goat defeats in the east. the bulletin said. The Moscow broadcast was they are not fitted for w’ar plants.” | re- In its formal report last night: A total of 116 German tanks were \ corded by the Federal Communiea- the Senate committee defended its i destroyed during the day, the bul- ! tions Commission. TOY AND NOVELTY CO., INC substitute bill on the ground that letin added. Guderian. announced by the Ger- NA. 1586 1215 E St. N.W. it will make use of WMC ma- Dispatches from Moscow said mans as their eastern front com- mander chinery already in operation to re- Marshal Ivan S. Konev's 1st last October, was reported cruit men and women, regardless Ukraine Army troops were across by the Paris radio January 30 to have been of age. the Neisse River between besieged fired and to have left Describing thf House bill as “not Guben and Forst, 51 and 57 miles Germany. adequate to accomplish the purposes from Berlin. desired,” the committee declared The struggle along the river ex- that in time of war the obligation tended over a 60-mile front from to work, “voluntarily or otherwise, the Guben area south to the ap- in essential war jobs does not rest proaches to Goerlitz, Silesia’s sec- exclusively on men 18 to 15." ond city 48 miles east of Dresden, The report concedes that if the Saxony capital. ONE ANNOUNCEMENT i - carrying out of the purposes of the Little activity, aside from ar- bill so requires, “employment ceil- tillery duels and reconnaissance, I ings of zero may be necessary for was reported on the Oder River REASON designated age, sex or occupational front due east of Berlin, but yes- The New and Greater f lasses of workers, or for designated terday’s capture of Poznan in r.ctivities or places of employment.” Western Poland opened what had WHY j If the Senate does not reach a been a supply bottleneck for Mar- "nal vote on the issue shal Gregory K. Zhukov’s 1st manpower t y Wednesday, it will have to be laid White Russian Army. The Ger- ! Georgetown Furniture Co. side Thursday to make way for mans expect a grand scale assault j in this sector Just Received! Officers9 etion on the nomination of former shortly. never comes Army Vice President Wallace to be Secre- Tomorrow 26 tary of Commerce. In that event, Opening Monday, February debate on the bill manpower THE at a new location: Browning-King would be resumed as soon as Mr. rosy picture of happy living, which Wallace’s is voted on. I Battle Jackets_39.50 appointment many of us expect to capture on Elastique investment—War Security Savings some vague Tomorrow, would be ours Ronds. Secure the four freedoms— Twill Trench if we Cavalry Topcoats_45.00 buy one today. Today, had spent Yesterday get- 1245-1247 Wisconsin Ave. ting ready for it. | Completely showerproof, removable wool lining i E. J. SPIKER, Mgr. it isn't too j Fine Beaver Short Coats_59.50 | Fortunately, late, yet. ; I A Complete Line of Distinctive Furniture Limited quantities in the group. i rumi Build a practical foundation for your \ dreams a Account at D. J. K. Military Shop—Second Floor TO FIND THE TROUBLE I by starting Savings 4 r ’ TO *■»*** National NOW. ••• I CCC PACT Liberty Branch Store: 3219 N St. j i, ■•/$£$!•*, .v * LLOtf U UO I TOUR WATCH N.W.| L. A. VANDEGRIFT, Mgr.

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