Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} New Babel by Laura Lem New Babel by Laura Lem. Terra, un imprecisato futuro qualche secolo dopo la nostra epoca, nella quale Internet ha acquisito vita e consapevolezza di sé, divenendo un’entità senziente, il Dace. Sono state chiuse le colonne d’Ercole per prosciugare il mare, allo scopo di aumentare lo spazio vitale della razza umana, e una immensa torre di Babele è stata creata nel bacino Mediterraneo, dove ormai vivono piu’ di duecento milioni di persone. Il sovraffollamento globale è un problema complesso e virtualmente irrisolvibile. In un punto qualsiasi di un qualsiasi livello della megalopoli, si muove Irene ‘Lem’ Nakamura, giovane biologa frustrata e compressa in un lavoro senza prospettive. La sua ricerca di un posto al sole, nell’atmosfera soffocante di New Babel, perderà le caratteristiche di semplice ‘ricerca di un lavoro migliore’, diventando lotta spietata per la sopravvivenza, una sopravvivenza che potrebbe non riguardare soltanto lei come individuo, ma l’intera specie cui appartiene… C’è chi ritiene che sia in corso una selezione in cui non c’è più spazio per i sapiens. La specie sembra aver raggiunto la fine della sua linea evolutiva, e una nuova umanità inizia lentamente a prenderne il posto. Probabilmente è davvero così, e la concretezza dell’ipotesi non rende più semplice la forzata coabitazione di ben quattro specie senzienti su una Terra sempre più stretta, sempre più contesa. In fondo, se paragonato al Dace, ai Drod e ai dualis, nati dall’ibridazione tra sapiens e Drod, dotati di facoltà ESP e della preziosa capacità di sconnettersi dalla Rete a piacimento, cosa può fare un semplice essere umano? Biography. Lauralee Bell is an American actress who is known for her appearances in the TV , Youth and the Restless. During her career, she has done several TV series and also participated in the TV panel game show. She honored with several awards as well. As of now, she has over 72.5K followers on her Instagram, 65.4K followers on her Twitter, and 11.4K followers on her Facebook accounts. Let's know more about her through this article. What is Lauralee Bell famous for? An American soap opera actress. Being a daughter of famous soap opera creators William J. Bell and . Who are Lauralee Bell's parents? Recalling her early life, Lauralee was born in , Illinois, the U.S. as Lauralee Kristen Bell in the year 1968. Her parents are William J. Chime and Lee Phillip Bell. Her father is a TV producer, screenwriter and her mother was a talk show host and soap opera creator. Also, she has two siblings named and William J. Bell Jr. Similarly, she is of American nationality and belongs to White ethnicity. Further, Her birth sign is Capricorn. For education, She attended the Latin School of Chicago and later graduated from there. When did Lauralee Bell begin her acting career? Moving towards her career, Lauralee had a keen interest in acting since her childhood and started her acting career in 1983 through the TV soap opera, The Young and the Restless. She appeared in the series until 2006. Later, she appeared in the TV series, Diagnosis: Murder in 1995. After that, she appeared another TV series called Walker, Texas Ranger as a Kim Rivers in 1998. The same year, she appeared a TV panel game show, Match Game. After a year, she appeared the American crime drama series, Pacific Blue in the role of Christine in 1999. Then, she appeared as Alissa Valone in an episode of CSI: Miami with Leila Arcieri and Ayla Kell in 2006. In 2007, She reprised her role as on The Bold and the Beautiful. In 2010, She returned in the Young and the Restless the same character and she appeared the show to date. Some of her other notable works include the television series are Carpool Guy (2005), Past Sins (2006), and Mistress Hunter (2018), among others. Her most recent roles came in Nightmare Tenant as Dr. Carol Allen in 2018. Further, She co-owned a boutique, On Sunset, which closed in 2009. What are the achievements of Lauralee Bell? Throughout her career, Lauralee has honored several awards which are listed below: Soap Opera Award Nominee - Outstanding Younger Lead Actress (1997) Soap Opera Award Winner - Outstanding Supporting Actress (1999) TEEN Magazine - Favorite Soap Opera Actress (1989) Daytime Emmy Award Winner - Outstanding Special Class Short Format Daytime (for producing the web series mI promise) (2013) Who is Lauralee Bell's husband? Reflecting on her personal life, Lauralee got married to Scott Martin on 04th October 1997. Together, the couple welcomed two children. They are Christian James Martin and Samantha Lee. Presently, the couple lives blissfully with their family and seem to be happy a lot. Previously, she had a romantic relationship with Michael Damian in 1992. The lovebirds dated until 1995. How much is Lauralee Bell's worth? Being an actress by profession, Lauralee has a decent amount of money and fame through her profession in the field of the entertainment Industry. based on some online sites, her estimated net worth said to be $200 million at present. In 2015, She purchased a house in Los Angeles, California at the cost of $10 million with her husband. The home consists of 5 bedrooms, 5.5 bathrooms, and measures 4,589 square feet. She also paid $5.8 million for a Bell Air estate in 1999. How tall is Lauralee Bell? Observing her body physics, Lauralee stands a height of 5 feet 6 inches and weighs around 60 Kg. Similarly, she has a pair of blue eyes and blonde hair color. Further, her body measures around 36-26-35 inches and her bra size is 34B. What is Babel? Babel is a toolchain that is mainly used to convert ECMAScript 2015+ code into a backwards compatible version of JavaScript in current and older browsers or environments. Here are the main things Babel can do for you: Transform syntax Polyfill features that are missing in your target environment (through a third-party polyfill such as core-js) Source code transformations (codemods) And more! (check out these videos for inspiration) For an awesome tutorial on compilers, check out the-super-tiny-compiler, which also explains how Babel itself works on a high level. ES2015 and beyond. Babel has support for the latest version of JavaScript through syntax transformers. These plugins allow you to use new syntax, right now without waiting for browser support. Check out our usage guide to get started. Babel can convert JSX syntax! Check out our React preset to get started. Use it together with the babel-sublime package to bring syntax highlighting to a whole new level. You can install this preset with. and add @babel/preset-react to your Babel configuration. Type Annotations (Flow and TypeScript) Babel can strip out type annotations! Check out either our Flow preset or TypeScript preset to get started. Keep in mind that Babel doesn't do type checking ; you'll still have to install and use Flow or TypeScript to check types. You can install the flow preset with. or the typescript preset with. Babel is built out of plugins. Compose your own transformation pipeline using existing plugins or write your own. Easily use a set of plugins by using or creating a preset. Learn more → Create a plugin on the fly with or use generator-babel-plugin to generate a plugin template. Source map support so you can debug your compiled code with ease. Babel tries to stay true to the ECMAScript standard, as much as reasonably possible. It may also have specific options to be more spec compliant as a tradeoff to performance. Babel tries using the least amount of code possible with no dependence on a bulky runtime. This may be difficult to do in cases, and there are "assumptions" options that tradeoff spec compliancy for readability, file size, and speed. New Babel by Laura Lem. Michelle Obama Shows Her Allegiance to Satan. 2nd Thessalonians 2:7 , "For the mystery of iniquity doth already work. " 2nd Thessalonians 2:5-10, �Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.� Notice in the photo to the left that Michelle Obama is flashing a Satanic hand sign. This gesture is the Satanic salute, a sign of recognition between and allegiance of members of Satanism or other unholy groups. The sign is symbolic of a ram or goat, which is the occultist's mockery of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. I personally believe that the �Mystery of Iniquity� spoken of in the Scriptures refers to the New World Order, i.e., the beast system of the coming Antichrist. It is clear from the second chapter of Thessalonians that the context of the passage is the coming Antichrist. Even going back as far as the Tower of Babel in the Old Testament, we see men trying to unite against God, and so it is today. I also believe that the �Synagogue of Satan� mentioned by Jesus in Revelation 2:9 refers to the Illuminati, i.e., a demonically-inspired occult group of men and women sworn and committed to bringing to fruition a New World Order�a Global, Godless, Totalitarian, Communist Police State, whose ultimate leader will be the Man of Sin himself! Countless high-ranking politicians from around the world have been photod making this Satanic hand sign publicly, showing their unwavering allegiance for the New World Order and Satan himself, including George and Laura Bush, Dick Cheney, Barack and Michelle Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin, Dan Quayle, Vladimir Putin, Yassar Arafat, Ahmadinajad, and countless others. We are living in the Last Days and the Rapture is imminent my friend. President-elect Barack Hussein Obama and Michelle Obama. Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin in 2008. President Bill Clinton. President George W. Bush. President George and Laura Bush. George and Laura Bush's daughter. King Abdullah and Vladimir Putin of Russia. France President Sarcozy. Vice President Dick Cheney. Maria (Kennedy) Shriver at her marriage to Arnold Schwarzenegger. Tom Ridge, former Homeland Security Director. Senator John Edwards. Yasser Arafat. Vice President Dan Quayle. Anton LaVey, leader and founder of the Church of Satan. Above: Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan and author of The Satanic Bible , displaying the "Horned Hand" (also called the "satanic salute" and Il Cornuto) with his left hand, on the back cover of The Satanic Bible. A Satanic Ritual. Above: (Satanists making the "Satanic salute" to an altar displaying the Goat of Mendes or Baphomet, to acknowledge their allegiance to Satan, during a Satanic ritual.) Album cover of the demonic heavy-metal Rock band DIO . Notice the minister's collar on the preacher being tormented by the demon who is flashing the Satanic hand-sign. "And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast. " � Revelation 13:4. Oh, listen my friend, you need the righteousness of Jesus Christ! This sin-cursed world hates Jesus Christ with a passion and curses His very name. I didn't write this article to be unkind, but you need to know what's going on in the world and choose sides. Are you on the Lord's side or the Devil's? How many more signs of Satan do you need to see to realize that Satan is in control of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4). Consider that the publishing company for the United Nations was founded in 1922 as The Lucifer Trust , today known as The Lucis Trust . Consider the occult connection between most of America's mainstream religions. Consider the occult symbols saturating Washington D.C. Consider empty seat # 666 in the European Union. Truth is certainly stranger than fiction. Barack Obama is Not a Christian in Any Biblical Sense. Lest anyone should think Barack Obama is a born-again Christian, here is solid proof that he is NOT a Christian in any Biblical sense. Please send the following videos to everyone you know to warn them about Mr. Obama, because he is a wolf in sheep's clothing . . . Why Obama is Not a Christian: Reason #1 Why Obama is Not a Christian: Reason #2 Why Obama is Not a Christian: Reason #3 Why Obama is Not a Christian: Reason #4 Why Obama is Not a Christian: Reason #5 Why Obama is Not a Christian: Reason #6 Why Obama is Not a Christian: Reason #7. America's Pastors are Increasingly Turning Apostate, Selling Out to the New World Order. It is a sad day in America when our most influential preachers are selling out to the New World order. I recently heard a fundamental Baptist preacher say (after Obama was elected to the U.S. presidency), that he didn't care if Obama were the Antichrist, and that he thought Obama is a Christian, and that he was very happy that Obama has been elected into the Presidency, and said many wonderful things about Barack Obama. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. What is your problem? Obama is a Communist, who is the sworn enemy of Christianity, freedom and the rights of unborn children. Obama is also committed to expanding homosexual laws concerning same-sex marriage and gay adoption of children. A large part of his $3,600,000,000,000 budget (our debt as Americans) is going toward the Global Warming Scam. When will America's preachers wake up? There is legislation in the works called the �Employment Non Discrimination Act� (ENDA) that is going to force Christian businesses to hire homosexuals and create a non-offensive work environment for them. �On his website,, the new President laid out his plans to support, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered Americans. It includes doing away with the 'Don't ask, don't tell policy', allowing homosexuals to serve openly in the military, expanding Hate Crimes legislation, repealing the Defense of Marriage Act, opposing a Constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriages, passing the Employment Non Discrimination Act, and expanding adoption rights for gays and lesbians. And in addition, he's promised to appoint federal and Supreme Court judges who are compassionate towards gays and lesbians. What that really means is that he's going to appoint judges who will rewrite the Constitution, if necessary, to make it say exactly what they want it to say. So connect the dots.� SOURCE: Employment Non Discrimination Act. Any pastor who speaks well of Barack Obama is not right with God. I'm sure there were many German pastors during the holocaust, who taught their congregations to support Hitler because he was a professed Christian, and told their congregations not to be critical of their nation's leader, but rather, merely pray for him. Although I agree that we should pray for our nation's leaders as the Bible commands; we are also commanded by God to RISE UP AGAINST THE EVILDOERS in Psalm 94:16. Only a woefully ignorant or apostate minister would praise Barack Obama. Upgrade to Babel 7. Refer users to this document when upgrading to Babel 7. Check here for API/integration changes. Because not every breaking change will affect every project, we've sorted the sections by the likelihood of a change breaking tests when upgrading. Support for Node.js 0.10, 0.12, 4 and 5 has been dropped #5025, #5041, #7755, #5186. We highly encourage you to use a newer version of Node.js (LTS v8) since the previous versions are not maintained. See nodejs/LTS for more information. This just means Babel itself won't run on older versions of Node. It can still output code that runs on old Node versions. Config Lookup Changes. Babel has had issues previously with handling node_modules , symlinks, and monorepos. We've made some changes to account for this: Babel will stop lookup at the package.json boundary instead of looking up the chain. For monorepos we have added a new babel.config.js file that centralizes our config across all the packages (alternatively you could make a config per package). In 7.1, we've introduced a rootMode option for further lookup if necessary. The "env" preset has been out for more than a year now, and completely replaces some of the presets we've had and suggested earlier. babel-preset-es2015 babel-preset-es2016 babel-preset-es2017 babel-preset-latest A combination of the above ^ These presets should be substituted with the "env" preset. We are removing the stage presets in favor of explicit proposal usage. Can check the stage-0 README for more migration steps. To do this automatically you can run npx babel-upgrade (PR added here). Based on similar thinking, we have removed the polyfill proposals from @babel/polyfill . Right now @babel/polyfill is mostly just an alias of core-js v2. Source. Before it used to just be 2 imports: If you want to use proposals, you will need to import these independently. You should import them directly from the core-js package or another package on npm. Below is a list of Stage < 3 proposal polyfills in core-js v2. Most plugins/top level packages now have a peerDependency on @babel/core . babylon is now @babel/parser. You can still use the shorthand version of a package name (remove the preset- or plugin- ) in the config, but I'm choosing to use the whole package name for clarity (maybe we should just remove that, given it doesn't save that much typing anyway). The most important change is finally switching all packages to scoped packages (the folder names in the monorepo are not changed but the name in its package.json is). This means there will be no more issues with accidental/intentional name squatting, a clear separation from community plugins, and a simpler naming convention. Your dependencies will need to be modified like so: babel-cli -> @babel/cli . For us, we basically started by replacing babel- with @babel/ . Use in the config. You can still use the shorthand way of specifying a preset or plugin. However because of the switch to scoped packages, you still have to specify the @babel/ just like if you had your own preset to add to the config. This means any plugin that isn't in a yearly release (ES2015, ES2016, etc) should be renamed to -proposal . This is so we can better signify that a proposal isn't officially in JavaScript. @babel/plugin-transform-function-bind is now @babel/plugin-proposal-function-bind (Stage 0) @babel/plugin-transform-class-properties is now @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties (Stage 3) This also means that when a proposal moves to Stage 4, we should rename the package. Some of the plugins had -es3- or -es2015- in the names, but these were unnecessary. @babel/plugin-transform-es2015-classes became @babel/plugin-transform-classes . "use strict" and this in CommonJS. Babel 6's transformations for ES6 modules ran indiscriminately on whatever files it was told to process, never taking into account if the file actually had ES6 imports/exports in them. This had the effect of rewriting file-scoped references to this to be undefined and inserting "use strict" at the top of all CommonJS modules that were processed by Babel. This behavior has been restricted in Babel 7 so that for the transform-es2015-modules-commonjs transform, the file is only changed if it has ES6 imports or exports in the file. (Editor's note: This may change again if we land, so we'll want to revisit this before publishing). If you were relying on Babel to inject "use strict" into all of your CommonJS modules automatically, you'll want to explicitly use the transform- strict-mode plugin in your Babel config. Separation of the React and Flow presets. babel-preset-react has always included the flow plugin. This has caused a lot of issues with users that accidentally use flow syntax unintentionally due to a typo, or adding it in without typechecking with flow itself, resulting in errors. This issue was compounded when we decided to support TypeScript. If you wanted to use the React and TypeScript presets, we would have to figure out a way to turn on/off the syntax, automatically, via file type or the directive. In the end, it was easier to separate the presets entirely. Presets enable Babel to parse types provided by Flow / TypeScript (and other dialects / languages), then strip them out when compiling down to JavaScript. Babel's config options are stricter than in Babel 6. Where a comma-separated list for presets, e.g. "presets": 'es2015, es2016' technically worked before, it will now fail and needs to be changed to an array #5463. Note this does not apply to the CLI, where --presets es2015,es2016 will certainly still work. All plugins/presets should now export a function rather than an object for consistency (via babel/babel#6494). This will help us with caching. Resolving string-based config values. In Babel 6, values passed to Babel directly (not from a config file), were resolved relative to the files being compiled, which led to lots of confusion. In Babel 7, values are resolved consistently either relative to the config file that loaded them, or relative to the working directory. For presets and plugins values, this change means that the CLI will behave nicely in cases such as. Assuming your node_modules folder is in . , in Babel 6 this would fail because the preset could not be found. This change also affects only and ignore which will be expanded on next. Path-based only and ignore patterns. In Babel 6, only and ignore were treated as a general matching string, rather than a filepath glob. This meant that for instance *.foo.js would match ./**/*.foo.js , which was confusing and surprising to most users. In Babel 7, these are now treated as path-based glob patterns which can either be relative or absolute paths. This means that if you were using these patterns, you'll probably need to at least add a **/ prefix to them now to ensure that your patterns match deeply into directories. only and ignore patterns do still also work for directories, so you could also use only: './tests' to only compile files in your tests directory, with no need to use **/*.js to match all nested files. Babel's CLI commands. The --copy-files argument for the babel command, which tells Babel to copy all files in a directory that Babel doesn't know how to handle, will also now copy files that failed an only / ignore check, where before it would silently skip all ignored files. The babel-node command in Babel 6 was part of the babel-cli package. In Babel 7, this command has been split out into its own @babel/node package, so if you are using that command, you'll want to add this new dependency. We have separated out Babel's helpers from it's "polyfilling" behavior in runtime. More details in the PR. @babel/runtime now only contains the helpers, and if you need core-js you can use @babel/runtime-corejs2 and the option provided in the transform. For both you still need the @babel/plugin-transform-runtime. Helpers + polyfilling from core-js. So if you need core-js support with transform-runtime , you would now pass the corejs option and use the @babel/runtime-corejs2 dependency instead of @babel/runtime . A trailing comma cannot come after a RestElement in objects #290. Since Object Spread defines new properties and Object.assign just sets them, Babel has changed the default behavior to be more spec compliant. The default behavior is changed to what was previously "spec" by default. Split @babel/plugin-transform-export-extensions into the two renamed proposals. This is a long time coming but this was finally changed. Template Literals Revision updated #5523. It causes Babel 6 to throw Bad character escape sequence (5:6) . This has been fixed in Babel 7 and generates something like the following: Default to previous "spec" mode for regular template literals. In anticipation of the new decorators proposal implementation, we've decided to make it the new default behavior. This means that to continue using the current decorators syntax/behavior, you must set the legacy option as true . NOTE: If you are using @babel/preset-stage-0 or @babel/preset-stage-1 , which include this plugin, you must pass them the decoratorsLegacy option. Newer proposals in flux will error by default and will require everyone to opt into a specific proposal while things are still < Stage 2. This is explained more in this post. babel-plugin-transform-class-constructor-call has been removed #5119. TC39 decided to drop this proposal. You can move your logic into the constructor or into a static method. We merged babel-plugin-transform-async-to-module-method into the regular async plugin by just making it an option. This package currently gives you an error message to install babel-cli instead in v6. I think we can do something interesting with this name though. The deprecated usage of babel-core/register has been removed in Babel 7; instead use the standalone package @babel/register . Install @babel/register as a new dependency: Upgrading with Mocha: @babel/register will also now only compile files in the current working directly (was done to fix issues with symlinking). @babel/register options are now replaced instead of merged. If you want formatting for compiled output you can use recast/prettier/escodegen/fork babel-generator. This option was only available through babel-generator explicitly until v6.18.0 when we exposed parserOpts and generatorOpts . Because there was a bug in that release, no one should've used this option in Babel itself. Dropping the flowUsesCommas option #5123. Currently there are 2 supported syntaxes ( , and ; ) in Flow Object Types. This change just makes babel-generator output , instead of ; . babel-browser was already removed in 6.0. If you need to use Babel in the browser or a non-Node environment, use @babel/standalone. Babel will return filename as an absolute path #8044. loose mode will now automatically exclude the typeof-symbol transform (a lot of projects using loose mode were doing this).