Foot Prints Page 1

The Quarterly Newsletter of IndyRunners and IndyWalkers Foot Prints April 2005, Volume 10, Number 2 What’s Inside: PASTA PARTY!! Mini- Pasta Party 1 By Aaron Moody President’s Page 3 I’ve read some tall tales on how pasta came to America. A few Senior Fitness 4 credit Marco Polo, having brought “strings of dough” from China in the 13th century. Others have studied ancient Greek mythology to reveal IndyRunners Guide to Weekly Runs 5 there were broad noodles roasted over hot rocks, possibly the first form Groundhog 7 Race Round-up 6 of lasagna? But I know where pasta came from. It’s easy. Midst all the hours and hours it would take my Mexican grandmother to make Sam Costa Race Round-up 6 tamales, enchiladas and all kinds of mouth-watering Hispanic sueños from scratch, she invented it. Race Profile—Out Run The Sun 8 Early in the morning she would begin to roll some batter looking mixture and form the long thin pieces that would lie outside in Groundhog 7 / Sam Costa Top 5 11 the California sun all morning. When early afternoon came she’d gently Results lower them into the big iron pot and begin to boil them for hours. The Club’s Weekly Runs 12 blend of tomato and beef sauce would be primed as well, simmering on Membership Application 13 the stove distributing the scent which my grandfather still calls “mujer Hermosa” or “beautiful woman”. What a high it was to have her hand Event Calendar 14-15 me the wooden spoon she would stir the sauce with for a premature taste! Of all the kids I got to be the taster! What time was it and when are we going to eat! After 300 races, 1300 workouts and at least 30,000 miles of running - I’m not confused before a race about what I’m going to eat. I’m going to sit and have some nostalgia of “mujer Hermosa”. It might be from the box and thrown together at home, or at the Rathskeller and maybe not prepared all day but I know the recipe and aromas passed from house to house, crossed 2000 miles and came from the small kitchen on Duvall Street in San Jose, California. Join the Indy Runners at the Rathskeller on May 3rd for the annual pasta dinner to celebrate our training and the work everyone has put in towards the Mini. Dinner begins at 6pm and the cost is $15. Sign up is at the runs every Tuesday or e-mail Aaron Moody at [email protected] for more information. Page 2 Foot Prints Your Indy Runners and Indy Walkers Board Members

President Mike Niederpruem 637-9200 x123 [email protected]

Vice President Todd Oliver [email protected]

Treasurer Brian Cake 876-7253 [email protected]

Secretary Alexandra Yeung 457-3276 [email protected]

Accountant Gary Hall 578-7663

Accountant Gary Hall 578-7663

Historian Joanne Keaton 849-0396

Indy Walkers Marcia Gascho 842-1164 [email protected]

Legal Bob Weddle 876-0782

Medical Coordinator St. Vincent Sports Medicine

Membership Jeremy Zieseniss 858-0425 [email protected]

Mini Training Program Kent Miller 255-2716 [email protected]

Editor Mike Niederpruem 637-9200 x123 [email protected]

Newsletter/e-Newsletter Alexandra Yeung 457-3276 [email protected]

Race Director [email protected]

Race Director Terry Townsend 259-0708 [email protected]

Social Coordinator Aaron Moody [email protected]

Volunteer Coordinator [email protected]

Web Master Jeremy Zieseniss 858-0425 [email protected] Looking for timely running and/or walking information?

Go to the Indy Runners website at Foot Prints Page 3


Foresight is 20/20

Hi, Everyone! Dinner. Please visit the Indy Runners home It is my pleasure to introduce myself to page ( too, as we will all of you as the new President of Indy also place a link to the survey link there. Runners. Although I was the Vice-President The above link will also be included in a last year, seeing the club from the “top” of future Indy Runners Splits e-News update. the peak is a lot different that seeing it The survey will be available through May th half-way up the mountain, as they say. The 15 . club has a great deal to be thankful for, Specifically, over the next few especially for a small yet dedicated group of months, the board will use the survey data volunteers. It is my hope that a to determine the next best collective vision can be crafted steps for the club in the fol- based on the input of as many lowing core areas: members and former Indy • Communications Runners volunteer leaders as • Social Activities possible. Even though hindsight is “20/20,” no one can change • Running Events the past. Fortunately, we can • Volunteer Programs positively impact the future • Membership Benefits direction of the club… all it takes is a little strategic • Community Service and planning to give us “20/20” Philanthropy foresight. Ultimately, these core values By the time you receive should place relevance and this newsletter, an electronic resonance to our club slogan, survey will be available for all active Indy “a place for every pace.” Runners members to give us specific feedback Best of luck to those participating in and suggestions on what you would like to see the Mini. I will see you all at the Indy the club do (or not do) in the future. We will Runners tent after you finish… please have a few exceptional prizes to award to stop by and say Hello. randomly selected survey participants, so don’t hesitate to participate fully. To participate, Finally, a special thanks to all those simply visit the following website (please type individuals who have come before me to it exactly as it appears below): create such a special club… We will also be distributing survey cards at Respectfully in service, the remaining runs, as well as at the Pasta Mike Niederpruem Page 4 Foot Prints THE WALKER’S PAGE

Senior Fitness

By Marcia Gascho “Researchers at the University of Illinois compared the effects of a walking program over a toning and stretching regime on merica elderly volunteers. The results, published in has a Nature Journal, showed that the walkers rapidlyA aging performed far better in tests of mental population. In a agility than the stretching group. The few short years the reason, concluded Professor Arthur Kramer first baby boomers who headed the study, is that aerobic will be turning 65 exercise such as walking increases blood and retiring. flow and oxygen supply to the brain, which According to the helps it become more alert and efficient. As website for the we get older, blood flow to the brain Department of decreases and brain cells shrink in size. But Health and Human Services Administration on exercise can help halt this process. Indeed, Aging: walking was found to have a direct influence “The older population--persons 65 years on the mental tasks controlled by the frontal or older--numbered 35.9 million in 2003 and prefrontal cortex, the brain parts (the latest year for which data is avail- responsible for planning and memory able). They represented 12.3% of the U.S. among other vital functions.” population, about one in every eight Some researchers think that regular exercise Americans. By 2030, there will be about may reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's 71.5 million older persons, more than disease later in life, possibly because exercise twice their number in 2000. People 65+ enhances the production of certain hormones and represented 12.4% of the population in other protective compounds in the brain. the year 2000 but are expected to grow to Unfortunately, many cities are not designed be 20% of the population by 2030... Stud- for walkers and some are particularly inconvenient ies by the National Institute of Aging in- for older people. Streets have narrow or non- dicate that healthy eating, physical activ- existent sidewalks. New housing areas are not built ity, mental stimulation, not smoking, within easy walking distance of stores, banks, or active social engagement, moderate use of medical facilities. When seniors can no longer drive, alcohol, maintaining a safe environment, their choices for transportation become much more social support, and regular health care are limited. Walking can be dangerous in big cities. important in maintaining health and According to the New York City Transportation independence.” Alternatives website, Walking is a great low-impact exercise for seniors. “As part of its groundbreaking Safe Routes As it is a weight-bearing exercise, it can help build for Seniors program, Transportation stronger bones. It has been found to help prevent Alternatives has called upon the City mental decay and loss of memory. On the Department of Transportation to put the Washington University Physicians website needs of seniors first by giving them both, I found more time and added protected space at the following interesting quote:

Continued on Page 8... Foot Prints Page 5 Beginner’s Guide to the Indy Runners Weekly Club Runs

By Brian Cake typically get a wider range of runners. Let’s dispel some of the excuses for not M any of you know about the Indy attending a club run: Runners Mini Training Program, but did you • “I have no place to get changed.” Nice try. know that Indy Runners also holds weekly club Hinkle Fieldhouse locker rooms are usually runs? These free runs provide an excellent available. If not, then the restrooms are still running opportunity while enjoying the company available. of others. The most popular runs meet on Thursday evenings at Hinkle Fieldhouse (Gate 1) • “I’m not a member of Indy Runners.” That’s at 6:00PM and on Tuesdays (same time and fine. Show up and give the runs a try. If you place) when the Mini Training Program is not in too are hooked after a few runs, then we can session. Both runs occur year-round. Yes, even provide you with a membership form. during the winter! They take place along the • “It’s too hot/cold/cloudy/sunny/foggy...” Central Canal Towpath. We’ll still be there. (Although I am writing about • “There won’t be anyone my the Hinkle runs, there are age.” Runners typically range additional club runs available. in age from the 20s through One meets in the YMCA park- the 50s. However, we’ve also ing lot at Fort Ben on Sun- had high school runners and days at 8:00AM. Another “older” runners join us. meets from spring to fall in the parking log along 75th • “I prefer running by Street next to the Monon myself.” Time seems to fly Trail on Mondays at 6:00PM. much quicker while running in That run is occasionally fol- a group. lowed by free pizza during • “I am only looking for a run- the summer. (See the web- ning partner for long weekend site for the latest club run in- runs.” Come join us for a formation.) Thursday evening run. Many of us also meet The runs work as follows: Simply informally for weekend long runs on the Monon show up and look for others wanting to run your Trail, along the Central Canal Towpath, at Ea- desired distance and pace. We are more than gle Creek Park, etc. happy to help you with this search. Club mem- • “I still have questions.” The friendly point of bers run anywhere from 3 to 10 miles with up to contact for the run listed elsewhere in this 5 miles being the most common distances. newsletter can answer any other questions you Winter paces typically range from sub 7:00 might have. min/mile to 10:30 min/mile. If you prefer to As you can see, there is no good reason run a distance or pace outside of these ranges, not to join us for a club run. We look forward show up anyway. As the weather warms up, we to meeting you! Page 6 Foot Prints


Race Round-up

The 33rd Running of the The 36th Running of the Groundhog 7 Sam Costa By Mark Renholzberger By Terry Townsend

Wow. The Groundhog is 33 years New venue, new course, the youngest young. And what a better way to winner ever, and a 3-time champ! celebrate your birthday than enjoying After months of planning, the 36th Annual a unbelievable warm and pleasant Sam Costa Half Marathon debuted at a new Sunday afternoon with 168 of your location on a new course and produced some best friends – including those wacky record-breaking results. Starting from Cherry Tree folks from Kokomo - in the whole Elementary, after more than 30 years at Clay world? The 2005 edition of the Middle School, the new location proved Groundhog featured a new venue, especially beneficial for both a first timer and a Cherry Tree Elementary School, and a returning winner. Neil Weitzel, at 19 the youngest brand new course designed and COSTA victor in the history of the event, and Lisa precisely measured by the venerable Verona, only the second 3-time woman’s champ, Terry Townsend. topped an impressive field in Indiana’s oldest road race. Our race champions were Paul Under overcast skies, the runners headed Howarth and Erin Kelly. Paul was the out from Cherry Tree into the Hamilton County defending champion and joins Michael countryside. Cresting the only hill on the course Smith and Tim Mylin as “back-to- of any significance at mile one, a small group of back” champions. Quite a “feet”. Erin four formed at the front of the men’s race. Matt was the 2003 ladies champion and Sweetman, Jason Beehler, George DeWitt, and joins Karen McQuilken, Jenny Pfaff, Scott Colford, were all alone in the lead pack by and Cindy Moll as a multi-title winner. mile two. Running past the farmland and quarries Paul and Erin are good runners, great that separate Carmel and Noblesville, these four people and hopefully will return in continued to pull away from the rest of the field. th 2006 for the 34 edition. Racing back toward Carmel along River Road and 146th street, Scott fell back leaving Continued on next page... George, Jason, and Matt in charge. The mile long stretch along 146th is a tough one - slightly uphill, into the west wind, and it proved pivotal on this day. With the front three racing toward the halfway mark, a lurking presence who’d been slowly making up ground, suddenly charged to the front. Neil Weitzel, running with extreme

Continued on next page... Foot Prints Page 7 Sam Costa … Continued from Page 6

Groundhog...Continued from Page 6 confidence and strength, caught the leaders just before mile 6. Taking control of the event, Starting with the ladies, the Neil pulled away from the others leaving only Groundhog 7 Wall of Fame welcomes Matt to continue the chase. By mile 11, Neil Wendy Curry, Kayla McCurdy (at age 13 was all by himself. Finishing in 1:12:51, he !!!), Amanda Holzhausen and Brooke bested Matt by 36 seconds. George DeWitt, at Fihma for their first ever Top 5 finish in age 46 carrying the torch for us “mature” the Groundhog. runners, finished in a scintillating 1:14:11, The men’s race saw two new while Jason Beehler and Stephen Wolcott young faces break into the Top 5. were fourth and fifth, winning their age group categories. (A special footnote for George’s Gareth Wilford and Dustin Rose had a effort – he may not realize it, but his time this great February run and earned induction year is almost 3 minutes faster than when he into the Groundhog 7 Wall of Fame. finished 6th in 1998 as a 39 year old!) Making an incredible seventh Top 5 finish is 1999 champion Scott Colford. In the women’s race, Lisa Verona, returning to the COSTA after a 4-year absence, And congratulations to George Dewitt rd charged to her 3 COSTA victory. After just who made his 2nd appearance in the Top missing winning three times in a row in 2000 5 after last doing so in 1999. (Tamara Whitten beat her by a mere 18 And as a reminder to everyone seconds!), Lisa had suffered through a variety that motto of Indy Runners is “A place of debilitating injuries. Declaring “I’m back!” for every pace” congratulations to Bob at the ceremony, Lisa puts this win together Thompson, Ron Newton, Nisa Hensky, with her back-to-back victories in ’98 and ’99, nd Kara Frick and Melissa Miranda for living becoming only the 2 three-time female win- the spirit of running. ner. She matches the feat of legendary Indiana runner, Diane Bussa, the COSTA And a thanks once again to all the champion in ’78, ’79, and ’81. generous runners, spectators and volunteers who made donations for the And if that wasn’t enough, Lisa’s winning time this year is several minutes food pantry at St. Mark’s United faster than her previous wins or runner-up Methodist Church which is used to finish – a stunning testimony to her health and support various mission projects. You training. It’s absolutely true, you may be guys are great. getting a little older but you are definitely On a personal note -- this is my getting better too! Kudos to you, Lisa, and last Groundhog, at least for awhile. I many congratulations. have served as race director since 1994 That’s not to say Lisa’s win was easy and it’s time to pass the baton. My this year. Pushed the entire way by Gwynn priority in life is being a dad to my two Howland, Lisa finished just 19 seconds ahead daughters, Annie and LuLu. Words fail of the 36 year old from Indianapolis. While me in describing the joy these little girls Gwynn’s effort couldn’t catch Lisa, it would bring into my life. So, to all the volun- have been good enough to win 6 out of the last teers and runners who have made this 7 years! Nicole Shepler followed her runner- little race so much fun – I treasure the up finish in 2004 by cutting nearly a memories and I thank you all. Peace. half-minute off her ’04 time to come in third in . Deborah Glick of Zionsville and Amanda Hosking of West Lafayette were fourth and

(See Page 11 for the Top 5 results.) Continued on Page 9… Page 8 Foot Prints

RACE PROFILE Senior Fitness… Continued from Page 4 Out Run The Sun crosswalks. In 2000, New York City was home to 1.3 million people age 65 years and By Amanda Kamman older. Seniors are 16% of the city’s total population, spread across all five boroughs. In 2001, over 1,600 of the city’s seniors were injured or killed in traffic crashes, amounting utrun the Sun, Inc. was founded in 2004 by Anita Day, Jonna MacDou- to 12% of all of the crashes that year….The O hostile environment of the city’s signalized gall, Jennifer Patton and Marci Reddick. On August 13, 2002, Anita and Jonna lost their crosswalks may be one of the reasons that father, John Busse, to melanoma. Less than 13% of all elderly pedestrians in New York two weeks later, Jenny lost her husband, Gary City are killed crossing in the middle of the Patton to melanoma as well. Gary was only 40 block. Most of the city's crosswalks require years old and left behind not only Jenny, but pedestrians to walk 4 feet per second to get their three-year-old son, Will. across before the light changes, according to the Transportation Alternatives study. Yet Because Anita, Jonna and Jenny most senior citizens walk at an average pace learned a great deal about melanoma while of 3 feet per second. “ their loved ones were afflicted and because they know first-hand the suffering of those who Senior fitness groups seem to be booming are stricken with it, they decided to establish an throughout the country, based on the large number organization to raise money for the treatment of of websites I found on the internet. For example, melanoma and for medical research to the town of Waverly, Iowa, has a year-round Senior eradicate this terrible disease. They also want Walk and Talk club for seniors to walk and socialize. to make sure that people are educated about They meet every weekday morning. The club also the risk factors of melanoma, in the hope that sponsor guest speakers and potluck suppers. Malls people will take the steps to lessen their and school buildings are open in many towns for chances of becoming a victim. There are seniors to take a safe daily walk. Clarian Health currently no cures for melanoma that is not sponsors mall walking groups at various malls in the caught at an early stage. Indianapolis area. The Outrun the Sun Run/Walk for Mela- People are recognizing that lifetime fitness noma is an evening race to emphasize activities, such as walking, can keep them physically that unprotected sun exposure is a leading risk and mentally healthier and give them a better quality factor for melanoma--therefore, this event takes of life as they age. My mother, who is in her late 70’s, place after the sun goes down!! Anita, Jonna, has been exercising for many years. She developed Jenny and Marci hope that many people will her own exercise program that includes stair- choose to participate in the run/walk to help climbing, walking, calisthenics and stretching. She them raise money to raise melanoma can feel her muscles stiffening up if she doesn’t awareness and combat the disease. exercise everyday. I will become a ‘senior citizen’ in the not too distant future. I’ve been walking for 17 years now and hope to continue for the next 50! 5 /5K Walk Run/Walk @ 7pm / Registration @ 5:30pm Location is downtown – route TBD but will end at IUPUI Stadium For more info, go to: Foot Prints Page 9

Running and Cross Training Websites Running Races Indy Runners Weekly club runs, local/statewide races Tuxedo Brothers Running races, triathlons KLA Races, marathon training program Trail Races DINO Series Trail runs and mountain bike races Cross Training CIBA Club rides, weekly ride schedule Urban Adventure Race Adventure race in urban settings

Sam Costa … Continued from Page 7 Ed Deiwert from Greensburg ran a 1:23:05 to fifth overall respec- capture the 50 – 54 title. Patrick Bourdillon tively. returned to the winner’s circle for the second year The Masters in a row in the 55 – 59 crowd by cutting 5 Division was close and minutes off his time to run 1:28:11! Not only that, competitive. Jenny but he “out-leaned” Bill Deal at the tape by two Isenbarger of Zionsville seconds. The 60 – 64 age group had an incredible returned to win this 16 entries and it would have taken better than a division again as she did 1:36:16 to beat Ralph Zarse of Reynolds. Joe in 2003. Her 1:35:08 barely held off Jean Lampert Liechty at 1:41:36 and Rena Brown at 2:10:47 and Linda Cullison, both of whom were less than a repeated as the 65 – 69 champs with Rena taking minute behind. The men’s side was even closer! an incredible 7 minutes off her time from 2004! Pat Puckett of Noblesville ran a 1:21:49 to nip And what would the COSTA be without Marge both Don Baker and Ron Seats by less than 30 sec- Ferris winning the 70 – 74 title and Billy Sedam onds. Pat repeated his victory from 2003 in taking home the 75 and up crown. the COSTA’s closest men’s masters’ finish on All of these runners make me feel proud record. Don and Ron were only three seconds apart and give me hope! It’s an honor to be in the at the finish. company of such tremendous athletes. I look There were also many incredible age group forward every year to being part of an event with times run this year. I encourage you to go to the IR such a storied history in the annals of road racing in Indiana. I sincerely hope you do too. Come website for a complete listing. But some were so th extraordinary that they must be mentioned here. back and see us next year for the 37 edition of Pam Ledtke cut two seconds off last year’s tremen- the Sam Costa Half Marathon!!! dous effort to win the 40 – 44 age group in 1:38:10. (See page 11 for Top 5 results for this race…)

Indy Runners and its members belong to the RRCA & USATF. Page 10 Foot Prints Race Calendar… Continued from Page 15 Editorial Track & Soccer Stadium, IUPUI, Jim Jarnecke (317) 274-3363 Two great races, the 33 year-old Groundhog 7 Sat 18th Indy Dad's Day 5K Race Against Prostate Cancer, 5 Km Run/Walk, and 36 year-old Sam Costa 1/2 marathon. Each Kids: .7 Km Run, 8:00 am, IU Medical Center, Indpls, IN, Runners Forum (317) with a long and rich history… what other 844-1558 th running club in Indiana can boast such Sat 18 Munster Rotary Run-a-Round 10K, 10 Km Run, 5 Km Run/Walk, 7:45 am, Munster H.S., 8808 Columbia Ave, Munster IN, Lee Millies (219) 924-8400 tradition? To all the volunteers for both Sat 18th St. Francis Xavier Bob Bridges Memorial 5K, 5 Km Run, 1 Mile Fun races, the two exceptional race organizers Run/Walk, 7:00 pm, St. Francis Xavier Church, Medina, OH, Karen Soles (330) know that you are the key to hosting a success- 722-8787 ful race. Like the old adage, it couldn’t be done Sun 19th 4th Annual NCN Lions Duathlon/Biathlon & 5K, 5Km R/13M B/5Km without you… But please think about it for a R, 5Km R/13 M B/5 Km Run, 8:00 am, Osborne Park, Willoughby OH, Rick Cad- moment, it’s absolutely true. So once again, well (440) 933-8075 st thanks to each and everyone of you. Tue 21 South Side Tuesday Night Track Meet Series, 1600m, 100m, 800m, Family Fun Run Relay, 200m, 3200m & 2x2x800m, 6.30 p.m., Center Grove Mid- It’s always a satisfying sight to see a runner or dle School Track IN, Howard Harrell (317) 422-9688 walker come through the finish line, rosy Thu 23rd IUPUI All-Comer's Meet, 800m, 200m, 1500m, 100m, 3000m, 400m, cheeks, big smile on their faces. Another one , 6:15 p.m., IU Michael A. Carroll Track & Soccer Stadium, IUPUI, Jim Jarnecke (317) 274-3363 in the bag! So many people involved: runners, Sat 25th Indianapolis Triathlon #1 New Series!, 500 yd Swim/10 mile families and friends as cheerleaders, Bike/3 mile Run, 8:00 am, Eagle Creek Park, Indianapolis, Tuxedo Bros (317) 733- volunteers, it gave me a thought : what if each 3300 th of us can bring a non-running or non-walking Sat 25 Fishers Freedom Festival 5K, 5 Km Run/Walk, 8.00 am, NW side of Holland Park, Fishers IN (317) 595-3195 friend to one event this summer? Maybe we Sat 25th Twin Sisters Trail Run, 6 Mile Run, 4 , 9:00 am, Westwood can, one small step at a time, change the course Park, New Castle, IN, Christine Casteel (765) 987-8414 of someone else’s life. With the overwhelming Sat 25th USAT MidEast Sprint Championship Optimist Triathlon, 1/4 Mile news that surround us daily regarding obesity, Swim/13.5 Mile Bike/3 Mile Run, 8:00 am, Winona Lake Park, Warsaw, IN, Phil poor nutrition and the problems associated Eherenman (574) 267-3992 with such lifestyles, we, for whatever reason, Sat 25th Race for Grace, 5 Km Run/Walk, 8:00 am, Calvary Presbyterian Church, include running and walking into our lifestyles. Logansport, IN, (574) 753-0505 So for all you speedier ones, register for and Sat 25th 26th Annual Buzzard's Roost , 10 Km Run, 1.2 Mile Fun Run, 6.00 pm , Hamilton Heights Middle School, Arcadia, IN , Evan Achenbach (317) 984-3019 event (or two) with a friend, with the intention th of running (or walking) their slower pace. Sat 25 , Freedom Run 2005, 5 Km Run, 2 Mile Walk, 9:00 am, Linton H.S. Track, Linton IN, Kip Hoffer (812) 847-2606 They will love it—and they may feel they are Sun 26th Paddlefest Duathlon, 2 Mile canoe/kayak, 3 Mile Trail Run, 9:40 am getting the support they need to get started EST, St. Patrick's Park, South Bend, IN, (574) 243-1604 on their own fitter and healthier lifestyle. Is- Sun 26th Park2Park Half Marathon, 13.1 Mile Run, 5 Km Run, 7:00 am , Shef- n’t that what life should be all about? Making a field, OH , Rick Cadwell (440) 933-8075 difference in someone else’s life. Tue 28th South Side Tuesday Night Track Meet Series, 1600m, 100m, 800m, Family Fun Run Relay, 200m, 3200m & 2x2x800m, 6.30 p.m., Center Grove Mid- dle School Track, IN, Howard Harrell (317) 422-9688

Club Merchandise send an email to [email protected]

New Indy Runners Singlets Indy Runners/Walkers (Men's & Ladies sizes) Sweatshirts $16.00 $28.00

Foot Prints Page 11

2005 Groundhog 7-mile Top Five Finishers

MEN WOMEN 35:35 1) Paul Howarth 43:26 1) Erin Kelly 37:35 2) Garth Wilford 48:14 2) Wendy Curry 38:16 3) Dustin Rose 48:51 3) Kayla McCurdy 38:34 4) Scott Colford 49:35 4) Amanda Holzhausen 38:47 5) George DeWitt 50:52 5) Brooke Fihma

2005 Sam Costa 1/2 Marathon Top Five Finishers

MEN WOMEN 1:12:51 1) Neil Weitzel 1:25:31 1) Lisa Verona 1:13:27 2) Matt Sweetman 1:25:50 2) Gwynn Howland 1:14:11 3) George DeWitt 1:27:51 3) Nicole Shepler 1:15:53 4) Jason Beehler 1:29:55 4) Deborah Glick 1:17:02 5) Stephen Wolcott 1:32:20 5) Amanda Hosking

Full results for both races can be found at

A Place For Every Pace Indy Runners is a non-profit association that promotes personal fitness and health through running and walking activities including training programs, races, track workouts, fun runs and walks, and other social events. Membership is open to everyone, regardless of ability or age. Page 12 Foot Prints

Just a few weeks until the Mini Marathon! Have fun to everyone participating and volunteer- ing at the big run! We hope the weather holds up… Come by the IndyRunners post-Mini Tent for some food, drinks and great story-sharing. We’ll be there ‘till late!

CLUB RUNS Club runs are for everyone. There is a pace for the beginner, the flyer, and everyone in between.

Day/Time Pace Starting Place Contact Miles

Monday Will resume meeting in the spring Janelle Renschler 299-1095

Tuesday / Thursday All Hinkle Fieldhouse- Brian Cake 1-8+ miles 6:00 pm Butler University 876-7253

Sunday 7:00 am All Fort Ben John Laker Open: 6 or more miles

Environmentally Foot Prints aware? Advertising Rates Do you want to reduce the paper used for this newsletter? If you are interested in receiving this The newsletter currently reaches newsletter electronically mailed to you rather than approximately 950 households. If your snail-mailed, please send an e-mail to the editor at: business could benefit from this [email protected]. Include a short exposure, please contact the Editor at message, along with your mailing address so that [email protected]. we can remove it from the newsletter mailing list.

Business Card $25.00/issue Submissions… 1/3 Page $35.00/issue 1/2 $70.00/issue If you like to write, tell jokes, draw funny characters, or just 3/4 Page $110.00/issue Full Page want to see your name in print, submit any work or even just $140.00/issue ideas to: [email protected]. Thanks for your input! Foot Prints Page 13

INDY RUNNERS MEMBERSHIP 1075 Broad Ripple Ave., Suite 144 Indianapolis, IN 46220 Page 14 Foot Prints


am, Huron High School Stadium, Huron, OH, Sat 23rd, Taltree Ten, 10 Mile Run, 8:30 am, April Sheila Ehrhardt (419) 433-5700 Aberdeen Manor, 216 Ballantrae, Valparaiso, IN, Todd Henderlong (219) 464-9621 Sat 2nd Best Buddies Dash for Friendship, 5 Sun 10th Spirit of St. Louis Marathon, Mara- Km Run/Fitness Walk, 9.00 pm, Military Park, thon, 13.1 Mile Run, Marathon Relay, 7:00 Sun 24th, Splash, Flash & Dash Sprint Tri- Indianapolis, IN, Ken Long (317) 884-4001 am, Soldier's Memorial, St Louis, MO (314) athlon, 400m Swim/10 Mile Bike/3.1 Mile nd 727-0800 Run, 9:00 am, Carmel H.S., Carmel, IN Sat 2 , IRS Duathlon #2 - Morgan-Monroe Sun 10th, 10thAnnual Bedford School’s Sat 30th, Z Run, 4 Mile Run/Fitness Walk, State Forest, 5 Km Run/17.5 Mile Bike/2 Mile Foundation Run (Pancake Breakfast), 5 8.00 am, Zionsville IN, Ken Long (317) 884- Run, Morgan-Monroe State Forest, Martins- Mile Run, 2 Mile Run/Walk, 9.00 am, Bed- 4001 ville, IN, Dan Daly (317) 831-6729 ford, OH, Bud McNellie (440) 247-3129 nd Sat 30th , St. Philip Neri 5K, 5 Km Sat 2 , IPFW Mastodon Stomp, 5 Km Sun 10th, Ohio Road Runners Marathon, Run/Walk, 9:00 am, St. Pius X parish, 71st St. Run/Walk, 1 Mile Kids stomp, 9.00 am, IPFW 1/2 Marathon and 1/2 Marathon Relay, 26.2 & Keystone, Indpls, IN, Sharon McGoff (317) Hilliard Gates Sports Center, Fort Wayne, IN, Mile Run, 13.1 Mile Run, 2 person Relay, 8.30 Judy Tillapaugh (260) 481-6647 251-9396 nd am, Holiday Inn, Xenia, OH, (937) 640- Sat 2 , Ringing in Spring 5K Run/Walk, 5 2RUN Sat 30th , 5th Dimension Walk/Run, 5 Km Km Run/Walk, 9.00 am, Family YMCA, Val- Sat 16th, Race for the Cure, 5 Km Run/Walk, Run/Walk, 8:30 am, Hancock Wellness, paraiso, IN, Mike Jones (219) 462-4185 nd 9.00 am, Military Park, Indianapolis, IN, Tux- Greenfield, IN, Jodi O’Neill (317) 468-4388 Sat 2 , Club Kokomo Ultimate 10, 10 Mile edo Bros (317) 733-3300 Sat 30th, Spring Fling 5K, 5 Km Run/Walk, Run, 5 Mile Run/Walk, 9.00 a.m., Tierney Sat 16th, DINO (Do INdiana Off-Road) 9.00 am, Purdue Calumet Campus , Warehouse, Logansport, IN, Trail Run Series, 5 Km Trail Run, 15 Km Hammond, IN., John Bobalik (219) 989-2175 Sat 2nd, Columbus Distance Classic, 13.1 Trail Run, 9:00 am, Washington Township th Mile Run, 5 Km Run/Walk, Kids Races, 8.30 Park, Avon, IN, Brian Holzhausen (317) 336- Sat 30 , Samaritan Skedaddle, 5 Km a.m., Columbus, OH, David Babner 7553 Run/Walk, 9.00 am, Downtown Michigan th th rd th Sat 16 , 6 Annual YMCA Duathlon, , 8:30 City, IN Jim White (219) 873-0010 Sun 3 , 7 Annual IU Habitat for Humanity a.m., Tippecanoe County Amphitheater, La- Sat 30th, Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield 5K, 5 Km Run/Walk, Noon, Lower Cascades fayette, IN, TJ Hanna (765) 474-3448 Park, Bloomington, IN, Sarah Smith (812) 857- Derby Festival Marathon, 13.1 Mile Run, 8879 Sat 16th, Run for Molly Dattilo (missing 26.2 Mile Run, 7.30 am, Louisville, KY, 1- rd since July 2004), 5 M Run, 5 Km Run/Walk, 800-928-3378 Sun 3 , Shamrock Shuffle, 8 Km Run, 5 Km 8:00 am E.S.T., Downtown Madison, IN, Dat- Sat 30th, Papa John's Flying Pig 10K / Fly- Fitness Walk, 1 Km Kids Shuffle, 10.00 am, tilo Family Grant Park, IL, Shamrock Staff 1-877- ing P 5K / Kahn's Flying Piglet Kids' Fun 904-5407 Sun 17th St. Francis Hospital Bricks to Run, 10 Km Run, 5 Km Run, 7:00 am, Cin- Sun 3rd, 28thHeart Mini Marathon benefits Bricks, 10 Mile Run/Walk, 7:30 am, Franklin cinnati, OH, (513) 721-PIGS ext. 7447 American Heart Association, 15 Km Mini, 5 Central High School, Indianapolis, IN, Ken Km HeartRun/Heart Walk, 2 Km Kids Run/ Long (317) 884-4001 May Walk, 9.00 am,5th Street, Cincinnati, OH, th Sun 17 Germany to France Marathon (old Sun 1st 7th Annual Flying Pig Marathon (513) 474-1399 Patoka Lake Marathon), 26.2 Mile Run, 8.00 and Relay / 1st Flying Pig Half Marathon, Sat 9th, Pacers Run and Walk, 5 Mile Run, 5 am, Dome Arches in West Baden, IN, Alan 26.2 Mile Run, 26.2 Mile Relay, 6.30 am, Km Walk/Fitness Walk 9.00 am, Conseco Barnett (812) 936-2405 Cincinnati, OH , (513) 721-PIGS ext. 7447 Fieldhouse, Indpls, IN, Tuxedo Bros (317) Sun 17th 5thAnnual NCN Buzzard Duath- Sun 1st Dara Hosta Olmsted Spirit 5K, 5 733-3300 lon, Duathlon: 3M Run/15M Bike/3M Run, Km Run/Walk, 9:00 am, Olmsted Falls Com- Biathlon: 3M Run/15M Bike/3 M Run, 9:00 munity Center, Olmsted Falls, OH, Fonda Sat 9th , Will Power Run & Walk, 10 Km am, Hinckley Metropark, Hinckley, OH, Rick Hosta (440) 235-5631 Run, 5 Km Walk, Warren Central High School, Cadwell (440) 933-8075 Indianapolis, IN, Ken Long (317) 884-4001 Sat 7th, OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini Sun 17th , 17thAnnual Hathaway Brown 5K Marathon / Finish Line 500 Festival 5K, Sat 9th , Spring into Shape 5K, 5 Km 5 Km Run/Walk, 9:00 am, Hathaway Brown 13.1 Mile Run/Walk, 5 Km Run/Walk, 7.30 Run/Walk, 8:30 a.m., Eagle Creek Park, Indi- School, Shaker Heights, OH, Denise Keary am, Indpls, 500 Festival (317) 237-3400 Tux- anapolis, IN (216) 932-4214 ext.7160 edo Bros (317) 733-3300 th Sat 9 , Plainfield Spring Fling, 15 Km th th Mon 18 109 Boston Marathon, 26.2 Mile Sat 7th, Zionsville Anti-Mini Marathon, 3.2, Run/Walk, 5 Km Run/Walk, 8:15 am, Plain- Run, 12:00 pm, Hopkinton, MA 6.4, 9.6, 12.8 or 13.1 miles, 8.00 am, Nancy field Recreational and Aquatics Center, Plain- rd Sat 23 , Mini-Marathon Training Series Burton Memorial Park, Zionsville IN, Budd field, IN, Runners Forum, (317) 844-1558 15K, 15 Km Run/Walk, 8:30 am, Indiana State Glassberg (317) 873-0100 th Sat 9 , YMCA Spring Running Festival 5K Museum, Indpls 500 Festival (317) 927-3378 th rd Sat 14 , IRS Duathlon #3 - Eagle Creek & 10K, 10 Km Run, 5 Km Run/Walk, Monroe Sat 23 Spotlight on Nursing, 15 Km Run, 5 Park Finale', 5 Km Run/15 Mile Bike/2 Mile Co. YMCA, Bloomington, IN, John Schwent- Km Run/Walk, 8.00 am, RN Specialties, Inc. Run, Eagle Creek Park, Indpls, IN, Dan Daly ker (812) 332-5555 (6060 North College Ave), Indpls, IN, Ken (317) 831-6729 th Long (317) 884-4001 Sat 9 , Swamp Stomp, 5 Mile Run, 1 Mile rd Sat 23 , People's Pathway All proceeds go Sat 14th , Tri-Kappa Trot, 10 Km Run, 5 Run/Walk, 9:45 am, Hawthorn Park, Terre toward the maintenance of the Pathways trail, Km Run/Walk, 8.00 am, Forest Park, Nobles- Haute, IN, Mike Morris (765) 232-3698 10 Km Run, 5 Km Walk, 9.00 am, East side of ville IN, Noblesville Parks Department (317) Sat 9th, 7th Annual Lighthouse Half Mara- Greencastle, IN, Lee Stewart (765) 653-9646 776-6350 thon, 13.1 Mile Run, 5 Km Run/Walk, 8:30 Sat 14th, CKRR 5K Trail Run/ Walk, 5 Km Foot Prints Page 15

Trail Run/Trail Walk, 8.00 am, Peru River Kokomo, IN, John Norris (765) 395-7761 Josh/Tammy Harrell (812) 875-2259 Indiana Walk, Peru, IN Track Club Sat 21st, 10th Annual Galena Triathlon & Sat 14th Notable Run , 5 Mile Run/Walk, 8.30 Duathlon, Triathlon: 660-yard Swim/6.8-mile Sat 4th Helping Hands 5K Run / Walk 5 am, Courtyard by Marriott, W of Columbus, IN, Bike/4.3-mile Run, Duathlon: 2 mile Run/16.8 Km Run/ Walk, 8:00 am, Sharpsville, IN Mary Clark (812) 372-1960 mile Bike/4.3 mile Run, 9.00 am, Apple Can- Sun 5th Indiana Downs Triathlon Series yon Lake, Galena, IL, 877-Go-Galena Sat 14th, Run Through the Jungle, 5 Km #1, ½ Mile Swim /16 Mile Bike / 3 Mile Run/Walk, 10.30 am, 2221 E. Ashboro Rd, Sat 22nd, Ripple Run, 5 Mile Run, 5 Km Run, 8.30 am, Indiana Downs Track, Shel- Center Point, IN, Gary Anderson (812) 244- Walk, 8.00 am, Broadripple, Indianapolis, IN, byville, IN, Tuxedo Bros (317) 733-3300 0487 Tuxedo Bros (317) 733-3300 Sun 5th 11th Annual Catawba Island Club Run For Humanity, 5 Mile Run, 3 Mile Sat 14th, Daviess Community Hospital 5K, 5 Sat 28th, Mission on the Muscatatuck Ad- Run/Walk, 1 Mile Kids Run, 9:00 am, Ca- Km Run/Walk, 9.00 am, Daviess Community venture Race, Navigation/Cycling/Trekking/ tawba Island Club Fitness Center, Port Clin- Hospital, 1314 E. Walnut, Washington, IN, Canoeing/ Ropes / Rock Climbing/ Special ton, OH, Dave Camerino (440) 331-3544 Steve Dayton (812) 254-2760 ext. 222 challenges, 6:00 am - Midnight, Muscatatuck County Park, North Vernon IN, Brian Holz- Sun 5th Deadwood-Mickelson Trail Mara- Sat 14th, Spring Duathlon, Run, Bike, Run, hausen (317) 308-6449 thon, Trail 26.2 Mile, Trail 13.1 Mile, 7:00 8.00 am, Recreation Park, Painesville, OH, am , Deadwood, South Dakota, Jerry Dunn Painesville Recreation (440) 392-5912 Sat 28th, Run For The Berries , 4 Mile (605) 642 2382 Run/Walk, 8.00 am, St. John's Elementary, Sun 15th, Bank One Rookie Run, Youth runs Starlight, IN, (812) 944-9208 Tue 7th South Side Tuesday Night Track (ages 12 & under) , 12.30 p.m., Monument Cir- Meet Series, 1600m, 100m, 800m, Family cle, Indpls, IN, Chad Antcliff (317) 614-6124 Mon 30th, Brooks One Mile Fun Fun Run Relay, 200m, 3200m & 2x2x800m, Run/Panera Bread Elite 5K/ Weekend War- Sun 15th , 4th Annual Sprint Into Spring 5K 6.30 p.m., Center Grove Middle School rior 5K, 1 Mile Kids Run, 5 Km Run, 5 Km Run, 5 Km Run/Walk , 8:30 a.m., Civic Center, Track, IN, Howard Harrell (317) 422-9688 Run/Walk, 8.00 am, Butler University, Indpls, Rocky River, OH, Dave Camerino (440) 331- IN, (317) 251-2862 Sat 11th Kidney Run & Walk, 5 Mile Run, 3544 5 Km Walk/Fitness Walk, 8:00 am, Major Mon 30th, 4th Annual Lakeshore Marathon, Sun 15th , 3rd Annual Grand Prix, 2-Mile Run, Taylor Velodrome, Indpls, IN, Tuxedo Bro's 26.2 miles, 7.30 am, Chicago Museum Cam- 6-Mile Bike, 2-Mile Run, 6-Mile Bike, 2-Mile (317) 733-3300 pus, Chicago, IL (773) 765-9030 Run, 8.00 am , Lorain County Community Col- Sat 11th Hamilton Proper Run & Walk, lege, Elyria, OH, Rick Cadwell (440) 933-8075 Mon 30th, Trail Run Extreme, 10 Km Trail 10 Km Run, 5 Km Race Walk/Family Walk, Run, 9:00 a.m., Imagination Park, Portage, IN, Ken Long (317) 884-4001 Sat 21st, Fast Flash 5K, 5 Km Run/Walk, 8.00 Jeff Emmons (219) 763-7370 am, Franklin Township Middle School, Indian- Sat 11th 6th Annual YMCA Sprint Triath- apolis, IN, Runners Forum (317) 844-1558 Mon 30th, Great Race XXV, 5 Km lon 8:30 a.m., Fairfield Lakes, Lafayette, Run/Walk, ½ Marathon, 10 Km Run/Walk, IN, TJ Hanna (765) 474-3448 Sat 21st Head for the Cure 5K, 5 Km 7:15 am, Pierre Moran Middle School, Goshen Run/Walk, 9:30 am, West Park, Carmel, IN, Sat 11th Doughboy 5K, 5 Km Run/Walk, Middle School, Downtown Elkhart, IN, Mark Michael Sapper (317) 507-4800 Spencer, IN, Curt Carey (812) 829-6476 Wozniak (574) 277-2113 Sat 21st, Terre Haute Triathlon, 800 meter Mon 30th, Memorial Day 5K , 5 Km Sat 11th 10th Annual River City Triathlon, Swim/40 Km Bike/8 Km Run, 8.00 am , Haw- Run/Walk, 9.00 am , VA Medical Center, 500 Yard Swim/14.4 Mile Bike/3.3 Mile thorn Park, Terre Haute, IN , Paul Asay (812) Danville IL, Kennekuk R R (217) 443-2870 Run, 8:00 am, France Park, Logansport, IN, 466-9561 Cass County Family Y (574) 753-5141 Tue 31st, South Side Tuesday Night Track Sat 11th The Race of Tippecanoe spon- Sat 21st Run with the Foxes Three Lakes Trail Meet Series, 1600m, 100m, 800m, Family sored by the YWCA Greater Lafayette & at Morgan-Monroe State Forest), Mini- Fun Run Relay, 200m, 3200m & 2x2x800m, Mental Health Assoc., 5 Km Run, 4 Km Marathon, 10 Mile, 10 Km, 5 Km Race/Walk, 6.30 p.m., Center Grove Middle School Track, Walk, 8.00 am, Jefferson High School, La- 9.00 am, Cherry Lake Shelter, Morgan-Monroe IN, Howard Harrell (317) 422-9688 fayette, IN, YWCA (765) 742-0075 State Forest, Martinsville IN, (765) 249-0204 Sat 11th Angola Half-Marathon, 13.1 Mile Sat 21st, Morgan County Fallen Officers Me- June Run, 5 Km Run, 7:30 am, Courthouse morial Run, 5 Km Run/Walk, 10.00 am, Lib- th Square, Angola, IN, Michael Cole (260) erty Christian Church 2 miles south of Martins- Sat 4 Outrun the Sun 5 Mile Run, 5 Km 624-2851 ville on Highway 37, IN, Kirby Dunigan (765) Walk, 7.00 pm, Downtown, Indianapolis, IN, 342-2733 Tuxedo Bros (317) 733-3300 Sat 11th 8th Annual Tom Madzy-Berea th 5K, 5 K Run, 1 M Walk, 8:30 am, Berea Sat 21st Marine Corps League Armed Forces Sat 4 DINO (Do INdiana Off-Road) Trail HighSchool, Berea, OH, Cindi Terwoord Day 5K, 5 Km Run/Walk, 8.00 am , Kimball Run Series, 5 Km Trail Run, 15 Km Trail (440) 234-8029 Industrial Park, Jasper, IN, Dave Englert (812) Run, 9:00 am, Town Run Trail Park, Indian- apolis IN, Brian Holzhausen (317) 308-6449 th 481-0068 th Sat 11 Lake Mingo Trail Run , 7.1 Sat 4 Blacksnake Duathlon, 2 Mile Run/20 miles, 9.00 am, Kennekuk Cove County Sat 21st, Without a Trace Race, 5 Km Mile Bike/2.5 Mile Run, 8:30 am, Johnson Park, Danville IL, Kennekuk R R (217) 431- Run/Walk, 9.00 am, Campus of Saint Joseph County Park, Franklin, IN, Johnson County 5318 Regional Medical Center, 1915 Lake Ave, Ply- (812) 526-6809 th mouth, IN, Ward Byers (574) 936-0241 th Sat 12 Norris Insurance 5 Mile, 5 Mile Sat 4 Sunburst Marathon , Marathon, Half Run, 5 Km Walk, 8.00 am, Greentown, IN, Sat 21st, 3rd Annual Pacers & Racers 10K, 10 Marathon, 5 Km Run, 10 Km Run, 5 Km Fun John Norris (765) 395-7761 Km Run, 3 Mile Walk, 8.00 am, Joe Hubers Walk, start times from 5.45 am, College Foot- Family Farm & Restaurant, Starlight, IN., (812) ball Hall of Fame, South Bend, IN (574) 647- Thu 16th IUPUI All-Comer's Meet, 800m, 948-7865 3394 200m, 1500m, 100m, 3000m, 400m, Pole th Vault, 6:15 p.m., IU Michael A. Carroll Sat 21st, Norris Insurance 4 Mile, 4 Mile Run, Sat 4 Worthington 5K Run, 5 Km Run/Walk, Brown Co. YMCA, Nashville, IN, 3 Mile Walk, 8.00 am, Jackson Morrow Park, ...Continued on Page 10 Page 16 Foot Prints

Foot Prints Foot Prints is a quarterly publication of Indy Runners and is one of many membership benefits. Foot Prints is mailed to the primary address for Newsletter Editor each membership via third class mail. Address corrections should be Mike Niederpruem mailed to: Newsletter Staff Indy Runners Alexe Yeung 1075 Broad Ripple Avenue, Suite 144 Newsletter Contributors Indianapolis, IN 46220 Brian Cake Opinions expressed are those of the individual authors and not necessarily Marsha Gascho those of RRCA or USATF of which Indy Runners is a member. Amanda Kamman Submitting material to the newsletter is open to all members. Articles, let- ters, or any related information may be submitted by e-mail to: Aaron Moody [email protected]. Mike Niederpruem Photos, original artwork, and advertising are always welcome. Mark Renholzberger The editor does reserve the right to edit or decline submissions due to lack Terry Townsend of space or inappropriate content. The schedule for submittals for the newsletters is: Deadline Issue

June 15, 2005 July 2005

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Foot Prints Presort Standard A Quarterly Publication of Indy Runners and Walkers U. S. Postage 1075 Broad Ripple Avenue, Suite 144 Paid Indianapolis, IN 46220 Muncie, Indiana